#I had fun writing this and also it helped me destress on Thursday so thank you again for sending the prompt!
boyfrillish · 1 year
howdy! for a drabble prompt how about something like, victor/hop where one has to be fiercely protective of the other? (say, a wild pokemon encounter gets out of hand or...)
Victor’s walking toward Challenge Road when it happens. He knows there are plenty of wild Pokémon happy to attack passersby during any weather, yet he’s still caught off-guard when a Bisharp charges at him from behind.
The battle cry rings in his ears and when he turns around, he’s met with sharp blades ready to strike. He can barely shout a command to Sylveon or switch to a different Pokémon. The blow of the attack throws him right into the stairs and he yelps as the edges of the steps dig into his back.
He’s frozen in place as the blade points threateningly at his face.
But that’s when fear melts into a blend of admiration and worry alike.
“Get away from him!” an oh-so-familiar voice yells.
And Victor watches as Hop charges directly into the wild Bisharp, hitting it with his own body to knock it aside, and Dubwool eagerly helping with its Double-Edge.
Hop stands in front of Victor like a shield, Pokéball in hand to switch out. “Go, Cinderace! Hit it with your Pyro Ball!”
With the type advantage on his side, he fends off the wild Bisharp with ease. Though rather than celebrate the win, he rushes to kneel next to Victor.
Grim determination — an expression that’s burned into Victor’s mind ever since their battle at the Champion Cup — makes way for worried frown. “Victor! It didn’t cut you, did it? Let me check you for injuries!”
But the only response Victor can think of is to grab Hop by the collar of his jacket and shout, “You idiot! What were you thinking?!”
“I just saved your butt!” Hop shouts right back. “And you’re probably hurt, so let me tend to you already!”
Victor really wants to argue — because really! What was he thinking? — but his body has to betray him by wincing in pain. “Ugh, fine.”
He slips out of his dojo jacket and loosens the zipper of his binder for ease of breath, at the same time allowing Hop to lift his shirt to examine his back for any obvious signs of injury and patch up the scratches on his arms and legs.
Victor is mad. He really is. But the Butterfree that go wild in his belly again at Hop’s gentle, caring touch make it tough to stay mad. And, okay, maybe Hop going reckless protector mode for him made him fall in love even more than he already was.
Still, though… he’s miffed. Feelings don’t always make sense.
Finally, Hop is satisfied with his work and he fixes Victor’s t-shirt before putting away the first aid kit. Softly, he says, “I did the best I could, but I’m just a Professor’s apprentice, not a Doctor. So you should go back to the Dojo and have someone check you more thoroughly as soon as possible.”
Victor groans. “But I have training to do!”
“Nuh uh, training can wait. Health is more important,” Hop argues. “You’re the Champion of Galar, it’s no good if you end up out of commission because you thought you could tough it out.”
“If health is so important, then why did you charge in like that? You could’ve got hurt!”
“I didn’t think, okay?” Hop says. “I saw that Bisharp attacking you and heard your cry and all I knew was I had to make sure you’re safe. There was no time to think before acting.”
“You keep doing that, Hop. Charging ahead recklessly and rushing off before I have a chance to say something or help you. It can get a bit frustrating, you know?” Victor says. Softly, he adds, “I worry about you and I don't want you to get yourself hurt for my sake. I want you to be safe, too.”
“Sorry about that, Victor,” Hop says. “Sonia reproached me for that too, but I can’t help it sometimes. Especially when something or someone I really care about is in danger.”
“Just, promise you’ll be careful, okay? Or else I’ll charge in and protect you, because I really care about you too.”
A smile blooms on Hop’s face as he squeezes Victor’s hand in affirmation of the promise. “Heh heh, it makes me really happy we always have each other’s back.”
Victor feels like a firework lights up in his heart.
He smiles back. “Me too.”
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hajimeiwaswife · 2 years
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Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Summary: You’re marrying Izuku Midoriya in September, but he gets an emergency call from All Might’s old agency in the U.S., requesting his services for the entirety of August. A death threat directed at you for being his partner has his hair on edge. However, the always responsible, caring and heroic Shoto Todoroki comes to your rescue, offering to take care of you for the whole month. Who would have thought that 31 days were enough to make you reconsider your engagement with the number 1 hero and fall in love with the Icy Hot man who held your hand during the last breeze of summer?
Warnings: Everyone is 25 more or less, death threats, blood, anxiety attack, 1st person pov.
Wc: +6,2k
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We couldn't go to work on Wednesday because they were still rebuilding our floor at the Agency, so I stayed at home all day catching up on series, books and on writing after so long of not doing so.
Thursday was a long day, having to do the whole working day was one of humanities biggest curses. But I had fun at the club that night, I had to admit; Hina, Mei, Akari and me decided to go out for the 'University Thursday', the day every university student would go out. It brought back memories of my student days and also made me clear my mind up a little.
Shoto knew nothing about my outings, thinking I was just at home. I felt slightly guilty, though at the same time I felt free and he could have his own free time. Now, at 6 p.m. on a Friday night, I was going back to my apartment, a little tipsy and with my make up probably ruined. However, I felt joy, I really needed to go out with my friends, we were just 25 at the end of the day.
The streets were deserted, only a few people were walking around with the same look as me, going home after a very much deserved party night. I could see the entrance to my hall from where I stood, and I started thinking about how strange it was for me to go out partying, never finding it as entertaining as I found it that night. Maybe it was the need to destress myself, or maybe it was the company, but that night and the previous one were what helped me wake up the next mornings to work.
Although, when I reached the hall and opened the door with the keys I had between my knuckles, a hooded figure exited without a greeting or a thanks for keeping the door open for him. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and entering the building. I could only think about taking off the dress, putting my pyjamas on, removing my makeup and sleeping. The time that passed between going up on the elevator and opening the door to my apartment felt like eternity, the prayers of my bed begging to be used were deafening; 'it would have been better to use it in other way with Izuku, though' my subconscious suggested and I couldn't help from clenching my thighs together at the thought of my incredibly hot fiancé fucking me into oblivion.
Yes, the way he would thrust into me using his superhuman strength and speed, One For All at 8%. His tip rubbing that special spot inside of me, my walls hugging his length and welcoming him in my warmth every time he would pull inside. His lips would be kissing my lips, jaw, neck, collarbones; and his hands would touch everything he could as the greedy man he was.
I don't know how I managed to open the door without dropping the keys to the floor, but I did it. I left my high heels at the entrance, walking clumsily around the living room, barefoot. I felt something liquid on the floor, didn't pay attention to it at first, just thinking about getting to the room and changing clothes. However, the more I walked the more liquid there was on the floor, becoming more and more sticky.
I furrowed my brows, mind not really ready to think anything, and switched on the light when I reached the end of the living room. I looked back and the scream I let out had most likely woken up the whole neighbourhood.
The liquid, that thing I had been stepping over, was red and all over the floor, walls and furniture in irregular patterns. So many things were broken that I wondered how I didn't stab my feet with anything. My heart hammered against my ribs in a very unsteady rhythm and I felt dizzy, just that this time, it wasn't because of the alcohol.
Where I got the courage from, I'm still trying to guess, but I went to the kitchen just to find the very same scenery; same happened in the bathrooms, master room and the rest of the rooms of my house. I was speechless and I could feel an anxiety attack arose, my body trembling and my legs giving up, sitting on the liquid filled floor. I didn't want to think it was blood, please, 'don't let it be blood' I repeated once and once again.
What could I do in that situation? Izuku, I needed to get to him, but he wasn't there, he was in the U. S. 'Should I call the police?' no, that wasn't it, either. My mind was racing and at the same time was stuck in time, both the anxiety and alcohol not helping me think of a good solution to the mess that I had dragged myself into without wanting to.
I took out my phone, pondering who I should call, what I should do. Then, I remembered. Shoto's face came into my mind with his words from every single day.
"If you have a problem, call me."
So I did, I pressed his private number with shaking hands and brought the device to my ear, waiting for him to reply. One ring, two, three, four. Time seemed to go slower in the corner of my now red bedroom. Five, six, se—.
"Y/n-san?" Shoto's husky voice could be heard from the other side of the line, a confused undertone in it. He was probably asleep, "Y/n-san, is everything okay?"
"Sho—Shoto," I sobbed, didn't know when I started crying, but my cheeks were wet with the trail the trickle of tears was forming sticking my hair onto them, "Shoto, please, come."
"I'll be right there, Y/n-san. What's the situation? Can you speak? Is anyone there with you?" the shuffling from his side made me think he was getting up from the bed and was going to get dressed to get to me.
"N—no, it's j—ust me." the shuffling continued, meanwhile my knuckles were white of how strongly I was holding my phone, "B—but someone's be—been here, Shoto, I—," I couldn't continue talking, sobbing loudly and echoing in the walls of my shared room with Izuku.
"Okay, okay, don't worry. I'll be there in a few minutes, try to breath." I had never heard Todoroki with that much emotion in his voice, his velvety voice that was trying to calm me down the best he could, "Wait for me, alright?"
I hummed, too overwhelmed to talk. The white noise from his end now showed the jingling of keys and a door being unlocked.
"Y/n-san, I have to hung up, don't worry, I'll be there in no time,"
"NO! No, please! Don't leave me alone!" I cried, terrified, holding onto the device as if it was my lifeline.
"It's just for a few minutes, I promise—"
"Please." I begged, covering my mouth with my hand and sobbing onto it. I was horrified, and drunk, I could smell the alcohol in my breath.
"Okay, then." he didn't talk anymore, but I could hear his heavy breathing and the use of his quirk through the phone.
Ice. His ice was white and cold, unlike the red and warm liquid that was all around my apartment. I needed to think about it. Ice. Ice. Ice. Not red, not liquid, not heat. Ice, cold, white.
I felt like throwing up, could it be because of the situation? Or because I took too many shots? Maybe both? I didn't know, I could just rock myself from side to side waiting for the Pro Hero. Ice. Yes, ice. I needed something cold, my body was burning up and I needed to regulate my temperature.
I went from having fun with my friends to a living hell. My beautiful apartment completely broken and corrupted, Izuku was going to be so sad.
"Y/n-san." Shoto's voice sounded at the other side of the line again, "Open the door, please, I'm outside."
Never had I run as fast as I did, skidding through the corners of my flat because of the 'don't say it', I told myself. My lungs were suffering from not breathing steadily in minutes, my feet hurt from the objects that were on the floor, I was a mess.
When I opened the door, I found a not so stoic Shoto in front of me dressed in his hero costume. The navy blue of his suit contrasted so much with the red that was all over my place, and the ice that remained in his right cheek looked very comfortable, I wanted to touch it and feel something that wasn't agony.
"Y/n-san." Shoto spoke again, his voice hiding the distress he felt when he saw the new decoration of my apartment. "Are you hurt? What happened?"
I could only sob, throwing myself at him and hugging his waist while I cried on his chest. I was tired, drunk and I just wanted to sleep and for my apartment to be like it used to a few hours ago. I felt Todoroki's cold and warm arms surrounding me, hugging me back from my shoulders. Then, I felt him tense up and sniff a little, as if his nose caught on something that could be of value; he separated me from him by the shoulders, keeping his strong hands on them, and looked at me seriously.
"Are you drunk?" he asked, eyes checking me up with the most judgemental gaze I had ever received, "Y/n-san, have you gone out without telling me?"
My condition didn't allow me to think it through and I nodded with half lidded eyes and a pout. His eyes were dead serious, a frown visible in his forehead and his mouth turned into a scowl. I had to admit, I was a little afraid of having infuriated the number three hero.
"We'll talk about your imprudence later. Now, what happened."
His tone wasn't as gentle anymore, he was pissed off and he was on his right to be so. I shrugged my shoulders and he shook me a little to force me to speak.
"I was, I was out with my friends when—,"
"Which friends."
"Hina, Mei and Aka—Akari." I answered between sobs. He nodded and I continued, "I just came home an—and my apartment looked, looked lik—like this." I sobbed harder, pressing my hands on my face to hide my tears. I felt pathetic, but what else could anyone ask from a drunk?
"Did you notice anything unusual? Someone sneaking around the neighbourhood? A note somewhere?" he continued with the interrogation while messing with his mobile phone, sending an alert to his father's agency, to his own and to the police.
I shook my head, my lips still forming a pout. I tried to think as hard as I could, my brain as numb as my body, recalling the events of the night and of the previous days. Everything had been normal, nothing out of the ordinary except for me going out two nights in a row.
"Let's recall the night step by step." Shoto announced, keeping me steady by my shoulders, "When did you go out?"
"At 22:30 p. m." he nodded, pissed off, but at least I was answering coherently.
He continued asking questions about the people I saw on my way to the club, in the club, my friends, the bartender, the people I saw on my way out and back to my house. "Was there someone near the hall?"
"No... Wait." I opened my eyes widely, looking at him with a daze gaze, "When I opened the door to the hall, a guy came out."
"What did they look like?"
"I did—didn't see their face, they were wearing a dark hoody."
"What colour?"
"Dark grey or black, I think." I sniffed a couple of times, my breathing getting calmer now that I had someone capable around, but still in shock.
"Were they taller than you? Shorter? Bigger? Smaller?"
I squeezed my eyes in an attempt to remember them, "Taller, but they were curved forward. And skinny."
"I see." Shoto sighed and started writing on his phone, taking his hands away from me and causing me to lose balance. "Hey! Be careful." with one of his arms he took my waist and pressed me against him to keep me on my feet. His left side, he had pressed me against his cold left side and suddenly all of my woes disappeared as I indulged on the coldness of his body, needing it after the last five minutes of my life, "The police and my agency are on their way, we'll have to wait for them outside to not touch anything. After they're done, you're packing."
"Packing?" I asked with a tired voice.
"I'll tell you later, we don't know if they can hear us here." Shoto looked around, his bicolour hair falling over his heterochromatic eyes as he observed in detail the living room, "I should have taken you out of this flat since the beginning."
"Hear us? Y���you thing there are mics or something?" I grabbed his suit harder, forming fists.
"I don't know." he sighed, seemingly irritated. "We don't know who's done this, if they are more than one person, their quirks. We're clueless right now and I don't like this situation at all."
Izuku had always told me how brutally honest Todoroki was, the lack of social interaction when he was a kid provoked him to not have a filter. That was one of the moments when he didn't realize that his words could affect more than he thought they could. At the end of the day, he had a drunk girl at 6:15 a. m. completely terrified about the intrusion in her apartment and with her fiancé at hundreds of kilometres away.
My tears became even thicker and my sobs were uncontrollable. I wanted to talk to Izuku, to take everyone's warns more seriously and to apologize. I felt so guilty and ashamed about what was happening, because if I hadn't been irresponsible, I wouldn't have had to call Shoto so late at night (or so early at morning).
"Uh?" Todoroki mumbled, confused at my even more intense crying and looked down at me, "What is it?"
"I'm sorry," I murmured, pressing my face on his chest and sobbing harder, "I'm so sorry."
Poor Shoto was at a lost of words, even as a pro hero, he didn't have the best abilities consoling the people he saved. First, he had to understand what I was apologizing for: was it because I went out without telling him? If that was the case, he accepted the apology, but he was going to reprimand me about it later still.
"I told you to tell me if you wanted to go out." he said with his characteristic tone.
"I know, I'm sorry. This is my fault."
"Were you the one to spill blood all over your flat?" the pro hero arched his brows in surprise, his genuine question had me chuckling for a moment, a mixed of laughter and sobs that confused him even more.
"No, ah, that was not— I meant that, if I didn't g—o out, this wouldn't have happened." I complained.
Shoto sighed and looked at me with a serious expression, "It's true that you should have told me, but I don't think we would be talking right now if you had stayed in the building."
My blood ran cold and I opened my eyes wide, again. Did he mean that they would have killed me? And he said that as if he was writing the shopping list? I didn't get to ask any other question, as the sound of heavy footsteps draw our attention to the opened doors of the elevator and to the stairs.
The police and one of Shoto's sidekicks walked towards us, some of them wearing white suits that covered all of their body. Unconsciously, I grabbed Shoto even tighter, the effects of alcohol going away little by little and starting to realize the real situation.
One of the policemen approached along with Shoto's sidekick, meanwhile the others entered my apartment. I observed them with glassy eyes, they were collecting the red liquid from the floor in small bottles, others were going towards the other rooms, probably searching for something I didn't see.
"Shoto, L/n-san," the policeman said, I knew him, he had already worked with Izuku before, Naomasa Tsukauchi, "I'm glad to see you're alright."
"Hello, detective." Shoto greeted with his arms still surrounding my trembling body, "Sorry for waking you so early."
"No need," he did a gesture with his hands to express he didn't mind and directed his gentle gaze to me, "L/n-san, are you hurt?" I shook my head, which was still pressed against the pro hero's chest, "Good. I would like to ask you a few questions then, if that's okay."
I nodded my head this time, noticing how Shoto's arms distanced themselves from me, but I was still not ready to give up on a familiar touch now that I lacked my fiancé's. Stubbornly, I clung to him, closing my eyes tightly and focusing on the coldness of his right part. "Y/n-san," Shoto murmured, trying to push me away by the shoulders, "the detective Tsukauchi needs you to answer."
"Please, don't leave me." I begged. It looked like I was overreacting, and maybe I was, but someone who apparently wanted me dead had entered my flat and filled it with blood all over the place, I was terrified, "Please, don't leave."
"I'm not leaving, Y/n-san." the poor man was still trying to get me off him unsuccessfully, "I'll be right here, but the detective needs to—"
"It's okay, Shoto. You can stay with her, it doesn't really affect the process." Tsukauchi assured, taking out a small notebook to write down my answers.
They were rutinary questions, very similar to the ones Shoto had asked me before. He also assured us that there was a section of the police in search of the man I had seen earlier. In all that time, Shoto kept me against him and didn't try to push me off again, something I was thankful for.
Half an hour later, they informed us that I could get in to take a few necessary things, enough to at least spend the night out. It didn't seem real, in all the years I had been with Izuku my life had never been on edge, and now, all of a sudden, I had to leave my house for at least a night after being broken into.
I thanked as I could the officers and Shoto's sidekick, who just nodded and went straight to talk with the number three hero. I didn't want to look around again to see al out things destroyed, the place I called home so foreign to the sight it looked like it wasn't even mine. Pictures of Izuku and me on the ground, covered in blood and broken glass, our couch teared apart, the television smashed, the carpets ruined, our bed profaned, most of my clothes were inexistent, so I really didn't know what to pack.
I took a suitcase that, luckily, had survived the assault, and looked around for something I could put in. A few shirts, both Izuku's and mines, a couple of trousers, a dress and a pair of shoes were what survived inside the closet. I went to look for my hygiene products, only to find the toothbrush with its bristles missing, my shampoo and gel spilled in the shower's floor, they had been merciless. The body creams and deodorant were alright, but not my makeup.
Dread, I fold everything I had left and placed it on the suitcase. I observed the nightstands and not a single photo was standing, all of them teared apart. My favourite picture of Izuku had been there not even a few hours before, smiling brightly back at me whenever I looked at it, dressed in his hero costume the day he opened his own agency. My heart clenched; I really would have liked to take that frame with me to wherever I would have to go.
"We'll go tomorrow to buy you new clothes, don't worry." Shoto spoke from my back, startling me and making me turn to him hastily, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay," I whispered, closing the suitcase and putting it on the floor.
"Let me take that for you." the pro hero approached me, grabbing the handle.
My shoulders were down, along with my head. The dress I had been wearing was wrinkled and stained with blood, and my hair was a mess after that long night. I wanted to ask where I was going to go; however, I didn't posses the energy to do so.
"C'mon, you must be tired." was all Shoto said before parting and exiting my bedroom, directing himself to the main door of my apartment with me following close behind.
I can't recall the journey between my flat and Shoto's car —who's sidekick had brought—, but I remember the warmth of it. It wasn't warmth as in heat, but the feeling of being safe and cosy, even for a few moments.
"We're going to my apartment, you're staying with me until we solve the case or Midoriya's back, whichever comes first." spoke the pro hero all of a sudden, bringing me back to reality. I squeezed my eyes, feeling guiltier with the new information.
"It's not necessary, I can return to my flat tomorrow," I said with my cheek pressed to the window of the car.
"No, you're staying with me." he repeated more sternly now, "They know where you live and they decided to attack when you weren't there for a reason, but it's clear they want to harm you and it's just a matter of time before they do it physically. I should have brought you from the moment Midoriya left, but I was fool enough to think—"
"I would be responsible and obey?"
"On the one hand, yes. On the other, I was fool enough to think they wouldn't attack your apartment when the threat was sent to that direction. I apologize for that mistake." he said sincerely, he really was brutally honest and seemed to regret his first decision, what left me surprised.
"Don't apologize, there was no way you could have predicted—"
"As a hero, it's my job to predict villains' movements. So I, again, apologize."
I didn't counter back this time, letting him apologize for what he believed had been his mistake. His sense of responsibility lighted something in me, and I opened my mouth to speak again.
"I'm sorry, too."
"You already said that."
"I know, but I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have disobeyed," the effects of the alcohol had completely wiped out and my apology was as sincere as it could be, hoping to reach to him, "you are doing a job you didn't have to take in, but you did, and took responsibility over me to protect me without asking anything in return. I broke yours and Izuku's trust, and I'm deeply sorry for that."
I bowed as well as I could with the seat bell on and held my breath, waiting for a reply from him that never came. Disappointed, I looked up only to find Shoto looking at me with a surprised look and mouth slightly open. We had stopped on a red light, so there was no risk of him staring so intensely at me for a few seconds more than recommended.
I wondered what he was thinking, looking at me as if he never would have expected me to have some civic sense. I did commit a mistake, everyone commits them, it had been my only big one in years; though it had probably left him on the impression that I was an irresponsible and selfish woman.
Our interactions had been briefed until that week, I knew him enough to know he was friends with Izuku since high school and that he was a very serious person; and he knew me enough to know I was his friend's partner. It made me sad to think he took the wrong impression of me for my more than stupid mistake; I deserved it, however.
Thankfully, I had misunderstood him completely, because moments later he left a small smile scape and adorn his face. Tiny, barely perceptible, but it was there and left me breathless; why didn't he smile more often? It was beautiful. "I accept your apology." he said, still with that smile decorating his features, "We're here, by the way."
I broke away from the spell caused by his sudden gesture and looked out the window to find a very modern building. Shoto parked in front of it, giving his keys to what appeared to be the parking attendant, and surrounded the car to get to my door, opening it and inciting me to get out. My suitcase had already been taken and given to the pro hero, who was grabbing it and waiting for me to react so we could enter the building.
It was a very luxurious apartment block, filled with balconies that were bigger than my childhood house, decorated in white and golden. The glass swing doors leaded to a huge and sophisticated hall, with a large red carpet that made the way to the elevators and the central stairs, a desk for the receptionist and a whole wall for the mailboxes. There were a few mirrors all over the place, accompanied of pictures and paintings I could swear were original Van Goghs'.
Izuku was rich, I knew it because we lived in a very spacious and beautiful flat, but this was something else. I couldn't help but look around the same way the men in the cave from Plato's myth did when they discovered the real world of ideas, completely awestruck and delighted, mixed with a bit of uneasiness from the sensation of intruding a place I was not worthy of.
"Don't mind them, they're just old folk with no education." Shoto said in a rather loud voice. I furrowed my brows, confused with his statement, until I took my attention away from the architecture and noticed the glances of disgust I was receiving from an old couple with a dog that were crossing the hall —too early to be awake, I must say—. Their stares were too focused on my clothes, and I realized I hadn't changed them, so I still had blood all over my dress and legs, "What are you looking at? Run! Death's after you!" Shoto said in a very bad mood to the elder couple, who looked at him outraged and marched out faster.
"Shoto!" I whispered shout, horrified, "You're supposed to be a hero! You can't just say those things to the people you have to protect."
"My duty at the moment is protecting you, I'm not working for them at the moment." he mumbled, rushing a little to the elevator.
The lift looked like those of the films where the rich main characters go to a five stars hotel. Was I trembling of fear of what happened or was it because of the excitement of seeing Todoroki's house? I wondered how it could look like: classy, modern, baroque, minimalist.
But what I found when he finally opened the door was the least expected and, at the same time, a pleasure to the sight. The decoration was Japanese traditionalist, so in contrast with the exterior that I could never had imagined someone could adorn their house so different from the concept presented by the facade.
I took my heels off, placing them where Shoto indicated me, and the tatami floor welcomed my sore feet. 'How soft', I thought, following the pro hero around like a lost puppy. He was placing my suitcase on a spare room at the end of the hallway, which was huge. His house was even bigger than Izuku and mine.
"You'll sleep here. If you find the futon uncomfortable, say so, I can always find a mattress."
"It's okay! Really! You're already doing too much." I murmured before observing the sliding doors of the left, that were probably the closet; a very small desk with a chair above ten centimetres from the floor; some other furniture, with exquisite taste; and a window at the end of the room, that was letting in the first rays of sun, "It's beautiful."
"Mm?" Shoto said, looking at me.
"Your house and the room, you have a gift for design and decoration, Todoroki-san."
"Not really, my childhood house was a minka, so I was already used to this style. It wasn't out of inspiration or anything." he shook his head, shrugging his shoulders just after.
"Don't take credit out of you, Todoroki-san."
We stood in silence after that, not really knowing what to say and, in my case, what to do. I needed to call Izuku and let him know what happened, if he didn't know already, that is; and I wanted to take a shower and put something more comfortable on. As if he had read my mind, Shoto turned around to meet me again.
"I have three bathrooms, yours is in this section of the house, next door, actually. There are towels, shampoo, gel and creams. If you need anything else, tell me." he informed me, his tone was a little bit more relaxed in his house, though if I hadn't talked to him for a whole week, I wouldn't had been able to tell.
"Thanks, Todoroki-san."
"Todoroki is just fine."
I took a deep breath and nodded, "Then you can call me just Y/n."
"Okay, L/n." I stayed there with my mouth hanging open and I could swear I saw a glimpse of amusement pass his heterochromatic eyes; then, he proceeded to leave the room.
Getting out of the shock, I shook my head and opened my suitcase, deciding to take one of Izuku's shirt to wear as a pyjama, as I had none. I checked that in my head, to buy pyjamas for the both of us the next morning.
I was so glad when I found a bathtub instead of a shower in the restroom, wanting nothing more than to rest my feet. I left the clean clothes and underwear aside and prepared the water; while it filled, I took out my dress, which I was sure was going to end up in the trash because of the blood.
I observed the shampoo and gel, smelling them and finding Shoto's characteristic aroma on them, it was actually pleasant. But what made me the happiest were the bath salts next to the bottles. So, when I finally entered the warm water, I made a mental note to use them any other day I wouldn't fill the bath with blood, as it seemed I was going to stay at the third pro hero's house for a while.
The dried blood was harsh to remove, but after scrubbing and scrubbing, my skin was clear and clean as it was before. I relaxed on the water for a bit, enjoying the few minutes of peace I had been gifted, and thought about the whole early morning I had lived.
Izuku was going to be so mad when he found out I had been going out on Shoto's back, and he was on his right to be. I really didn't want to break his trust, and less worry him when he was on his own mission with his own problems.
And then, our house was smashed to ashes just less than a moth before our wedding. I still had to revise some of the arrangements, and now I would need to build and design our flat again.
When the water ran cold, I got out of the bathtub and grabbed a white towel, so soft and smooth that caressed my skin delicately. I sighed in content, drying myself at the soft touch of the fabric before dressing on Izuku's shit and a pair of panties. He was so buff that the shirt looked more like a dress on me, hiding my thighs and reaching nearly my knees. It was navy blue with a stamp of All Might in the middle.
I chuckled softly at it and got out of the bathroom, prepared to get to my room and grab my phone to talk with Izuku. However, a deep voice stopped me from doing so.
"L/n, come to the living room." I didn't know where that was, so I just followed his voice and surprisingly reached there without complications, but probably looked exhausted, "It's Midoriya." he just said, shaking the phone in his hand.
I ran towards him, taking it from him and pressing the device against my ear, "Izuku?"
"Y/n! Dear Lord, I was so worried when Todoroki called. Are you okay? He said you said you were, but I needed to hear it from you." the number one hero spluttered, rushing his words out as he always did when he was stressed.
"Yes, I'm okay, but our apartment isn't." I sighed, devastated.
"That's just a material thing, we'll fix it. What's important is that you're safe and sound." he said in a gentle tone, something I needed and my body and mind knew it. He was such a ray of sunshine, "We're lucky you were out of the apartment, I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if..." he didn't get to finish the sentence, hearing a slight sniff coming from his line, and I figured he was shivering.
"Yeah, about that, I'm really sorry, Izuku, I—"
"At least you were with Todoroki, outside you were safer than inside."
I lifted my brows and continued listening to his rattling about his friend before turning around to look at Shoto, who was just drinking a glass of water calmly on the table in the middle of the room. He returned my gaze and nodded, indicating me to follow whatever Izuku was saying.
"... and I'm sure he would have frozen the enemies! That's why they didn't dare to harm you while you were out."
"Yeah, y—yeah, of course. Shoto is great." I went along, with my eyes wide in confusion and shaking my head.
"Well, darling, I would love to keep talking to you, but I'm sure you're tired and want to sleep a little. Relax and be calm, everything's going to be alright." he assured me, sounding sad of saying goodbye. I was, too, but the tiredness and numbness I felt on my body after the events took over me.
"Okay, I love you, talk to you in a few hours." I said, smiling softly when he spoke again.
"I love you too, Y/n, rest well."
The line went off and I stayed there a couple of seconds that felt like ages, trying to connect the dots and understand what just happened. Did he just say Shoto was with me? Where did he hear that?
Shoto stood up from the table when he realized I wasn't reacting and approached me, taking the phone away from my hand. "I told him I was with you and your friends." he simply explained, less stoic than usual, but stoic still.
"Why?" I really wanted to understand, not comprehending why he would lie to my fiancé on an important matter. Don't be fooled, I was grateful.
"He already has enough on his plate for me to tell him you have gone out on my back."
His words were harsh, but his intention wasn't, he was just being honest as he always was. I nodded, happy of obtaining my answer, but I cringed at the realization that my imprudence was what had driven him to lie for me.
"I'm really sorry."
"Yeah, you should be. More than once you've gone out without telling me. L/n, do you realize the situation you're on? You're not only endangering yourself, but your friends, too, by outing with them without any precaution." he spoke calmly, stoic and controlled, but I could tell he was pissed, "From now on, you're only going out with me, for your own good."
I wanted to protest, but he was right, so I only looked at the floor and nodded my head, agreeing with his terms. I was too tired to think of a counter argument.
"You're been taking the death threat as a joke, and I really didn't want anything to happen, but this has served as a precedent to start taking it seriously." he continued, his red and white locks falling over his eyes, some of them sticking to his forehead, that was filled with sweat because of the summer heat.
"I'm sorry." I repeated, and he just sighed, pressing a hand on my shoulder.
"I know," he acknowledged me as if I was a little kid, "now go to sleep, rest is important."
I nodded again, mumbling a 'goodnight', and walking away to the room he settled for me. I did not have problems to sleep, as I had previously thought it would happen; the futon was comfortable and the air conditioner was a blessing to have. 'I should buy something for Shoto tomorrow, too' I thought, drifting off thinking of my fiancé's kindness and Shoto's hospitality, grateful and terrified at the same time. I just hoped the rest of August would go uneventful.
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