#anywa y hope you like it!
boyfrillish · 1 year
howdy! for a drabble prompt how about something like, victor/hop where one has to be fiercely protective of the other? (say, a wild pokemon encounter gets out of hand or...)
Victor’s walking toward Challenge Road when it happens. He knows there are plenty of wild Pokémon happy to attack passersby during any weather, yet he’s still caught off-guard when a Bisharp charges at him from behind.
The battle cry rings in his ears and when he turns around, he’s met with sharp blades ready to strike. He can barely shout a command to Sylveon or switch to a different Pokémon. The blow of the attack throws him right into the stairs and he yelps as the edges of the steps dig into his back.
He’s frozen in place as the blade points threateningly at his face.
But that’s when fear melts into a blend of admiration and worry alike.
“Get away from him!” an oh-so-familiar voice yells.
And Victor watches as Hop charges directly into the wild Bisharp, hitting it with his own body to knock it aside, and Dubwool eagerly helping with its Double-Edge.
Hop stands in front of Victor like a shield, Pokéball in hand to switch out. “Go, Cinderace! Hit it with your Pyro Ball!”
With the type advantage on his side, he fends off the wild Bisharp with ease. Though rather than celebrate the win, he rushes to kneel next to Victor.
Grim determination — an expression that’s burned into Victor’s mind ever since their battle at the Champion Cup — makes way for worried frown. “Victor! It didn’t cut you, did it? Let me check you for injuries!”
But the only response Victor can think of is to grab Hop by the collar of his jacket and shout, “You idiot! What were you thinking?!”
“I just saved your butt!” Hop shouts right back. “And you’re probably hurt, so let me tend to you already!”
Victor really wants to argue — because really! What was he thinking? — but his body has to betray him by wincing in pain. “Ugh, fine.”
He slips out of his dojo jacket and loosens the zipper of his binder for ease of breath, at the same time allowing Hop to lift his shirt to examine his back for any obvious signs of injury and patch up the scratches on his arms and legs.
Victor is mad. He really is. But the Butterfree that go wild in his belly again at Hop’s gentle, caring touch make it tough to stay mad. And, okay, maybe Hop going reckless protector mode for him made him fall in love even more than he already was.
Still, though… he’s miffed. Feelings don’t always make sense.
Finally, Hop is satisfied with his work and he fixes Victor’s t-shirt before putting away the first aid kit. Softly, he says, “I did the best I could, but I’m just a Professor’s apprentice, not a Doctor. So you should go back to the Dojo and have someone check you more thoroughly as soon as possible.”
Victor groans. “But I have training to do!”
“Nuh uh, training can wait. Health is more important,” Hop argues. “You’re the Champion of Galar, it’s no good if you end up out of commission because you thought you could tough it out.”
“If health is so important, then why did you charge in like that? You could’ve got hurt!”
“I didn’t think, okay?” Hop says. “I saw that Bisharp attacking you and heard your cry and all I knew was I had to make sure you’re safe. There was no time to think before acting.”
“You keep doing that, Hop. Charging ahead recklessly and rushing off before I have a chance to say something or help you. It can get a bit frustrating, you know?” Victor says. Softly, he adds, “I worry about you and I don't want you to get yourself hurt for my sake. I want you to be safe, too.”
“Sorry about that, Victor,” Hop says. “Sonia reproached me for that too, but I can’t help it sometimes. Especially when something or someone I really care about is in danger.”
“Just, promise you’ll be careful, okay? Or else I’ll charge in and protect you, because I really care about you too.”
A smile blooms on Hop’s face as he squeezes Victor’s hand in affirmation of the promise. “Heh heh, it makes me really happy we always have each other’s back.”
Victor feels like a firework lights up in his heart.
He smiles back. “Me too.”
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avengers--assembly · 19 days
Fevered confessions
Summary: Y/n is sick and goes to Bucky’s room for some comfort
Sicktember prompts used:
1. I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”
Alts 2. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Word count: 1014
Warnings: none
Y/n stumbled down the hallway, leaning heavily against the wall in an attempt to catch her breath. Soft pants echoed around the hall as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying unsuccessfully to stop the pounding in her head.
Her muscles ached pathetically as she took another step forward, swaying slightly when she inched away from the wall. She raised her hand, missing the door by a few inches on her first try. She breathed out through her mouth in frustration, trying to focus her vision back into a single view. She touched the wood this time, knocking on the door. A voice floated towards her, meeting her in an embrace of comfort.
“Y/n?” Her name was gruff on Bucky’s lips, his voice coated in sleep. She tried smiling, opening her eyes again, the bright light digging into her vision as the rays of light shone from beneath his door. “Hi, Buck,” she murmured, aware of the ruffling of his sheets as he stood up. The door swung open to reveal his worried gaze. It swept over her, trying to locate a reason for her being there in the middle of the night.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He was worried. She hated herself in that moment for causing such emotions. He shouldn’t need to think about her. He had enough problems sleeping without her adding to his worries.
"Nothing’s wrong.” She grinned at him, a little lop-sided. Her words came out more slurred than she was hoping, and she could see the slight look of bewilderment on Bucky’s face as he gaped at her. “Are you drunk?”
"Am I drunk?” She repeated, voice edging to a whisper as her throat burned as she swallowed.
"That’s what I asked, isn’t it?” He didn’t seem irritated yet. The grin on her face grew. “’m not drunk... silly Bucky. Did I wake you up? Sorry. I didn’ mean to...” she continued, a frown filling her features now.
"It’s fine, I was awake anywa—” He trailed off, a hand going to touch her forehead. It was cold enough to make her shiver, and she didn’t seem otherwise fazed even as Bucky swore under his breath,
"Shit, you’re burning up.”
She nodded along. “I knowww,” she said in a sing-song tone. He pulled at her arm, mindful of her stumbling, before leading her to his bed. “How long? Y/n.” He tried to keep her focus on him as he watched her glazed eyes flicker over his room.
“Sorry for the mess,” he muttered, steering her until she flopped onto his mattress. She grinned up at the ceiling. “Um, maybe since today?”
"Maybe?” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Definitely,” she hummed back.
“You take any medicine yet? I don’t like how high the fever is. You should have told me you were sick!”
“No medicine... and why?”
“Why? Why did you come to my room tonight? Because you know I would care!”
Y/n glanced at him as he raised his voice. “‘m sorry,” she mumbled, closing her eyes again, snuggling into the covers. She buried her face in his pillow heap. “Smells like you.”
“I mean... they are my pillows?” he replied, scratching his neck nervously. She only made a humming noise in reply. “You can’t come into my room and steal my bed, doll. You need to drink something for that fever. And water. Water is good.”
She waved him off, with a weak lift of her hand. “Stay here,” was his reply before disappearing out of the doorway in search of his mentioned objects.
When he finally returned, she was fast asleep, taking up most of the bed and blankets. He moved closer, shaking her shoulder. “Doll,” he said softly, ignoring her attempt to shoo him away, “you need to drink this.” He showed the pill and glass of water to her in his attempt to make her reasonable. “‘m sleeping.”
“You can sleep afterward.”
She was silent for a moment before she tried sitting up, her hands bracing against his arm as she sat up completely, making a gimme motion with her hands as she glanced at the water. He dropped the pill into her open palm and waited until she put it in her mouth before handing the water to swallow it with. Once she was done, the glass was empty, and on his table, she was again making herself comfortable.
He shifted awkwardly, taking a step backwards. “I’ll just, uh, leave you here, ok? I’ll take the couch.” He switched off the light again, bathing the room in darkness. Her face was cast in shadow as she complained.
"No,” she said, grabbing on the first thing she could get her hands on, a piece of loose fabric on his sweatpants. Bucky paused, even if he could easily move away from her grip. “stay with me. Pretty please?” She whispered.
“I don’t know, doll... are you sure?”
“Get in.”
“You want me to sleep with you? In the same bed?”
“Bucky,” she whined, and he finally caved, climbing under the covers next to her, sticking to his own side, stiff. She wasn’t going to settle for that and rolled closer, burying her face in his chest.
“Doll,” he warned, an arm wrapping around her waist anyway.
“I won’t get you sick, promise,” her voice was slightly muffled as she talked, her overly warm face obvious even through his shirt.
“That’s not something you can promise me... and not what I was worried about.”
“What then?”
“Making you uncomfortable. I’m not a good guy for you, doll. Not like this.”
“Shh. I love you, I could never be uncomfortable.” He froze slightly, swallowing heavily. “You don’t mean that, doll. Take it back. You don’t—” He trailed off. She was already gone, sleeping soundly.
Bucky smiled slowly as her soft breaths brushed against him. Her heartbeat, a comforting touch. Alive. Sleeping. He could enjoy this while it lasted. Her fever-addled brain couldn’t be trusted, but he would hold onto this moment, even if her horrified look in the morning would haunt him.
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when tempations collide
summary: you steal Wednesday’s nail polish as a risky dare from your friends but it leads to something even more unimaginable
You screamed internally until your brain hurt as your friends laughed hysterically at the dare that was just presented to you. No, a big fat no. Stealing one of Wednesday Addams’ belongings in exchange for a dish of truffle fries that you had longed crave but couldn’t afford, on the house?
How could you possibly refuse?
Your thoughts conflicted in your mind. Surely you couldn’t turn down the irresistible, juicy, aromatic offer of truffle fries, but you had to remember that Wednesday wasn’t just your friend – she was your crush. And doing something like this could put you into big trouble with her, but you just couldn’t make up your mind.
You carefully peeked around the corridors of Ophelia Hall, looking out for anyone that could possibly rat you out and get you into trouble – especially since you were skipping class just for a stupid deal. You gently pushed the door open, glancing around to see if Enid or Wednesday was there, but you heaved a sigh of relief when you saw no one.
You slowly crept to Wednesday’s table, in which she had her typewriter on, and carefully rummaged through her things, hoping to find something that meant the least to her and something that she’d probably forget about soon enough. You face beamed in a smile from your protruding sweat when you found her nail polish – not like she would care anywa-
The restroom opened in a blink, and your unremarkable instincts could only run to the door like it was your only escape from your death. As fast as your unprepared legs could carry you, you made a sloppy run to the stairs as you heard light footsteps barely inches away from you.
You were incredibly foolish. What were you thinking, stealing in broad daylight?
One thing led to another, and now you found yourself panting and screaming internally in the forest with the same pair of footsteps trailing behind you, not losing pace. You continued to sprint as fast as you could, but you couldn’t see the tiny stone that jutted out of the ground that ended your fate right here and right now.
You crashed to the ground with a thud as the auburn leaves fluttered below you, but you felt something heavy as you tried to get up.
It was Wednesday, who had also crashed, but did it on top of you. Some specks of dirt dusted her array of freckles as the both of you locked eye contact in confusion.
‘I-It’s my fault- my friends dared me to do this,” You tried to shrug it off as you placed the nail polish on the side, but the ravenette wasn’t just letting you go like this. She pinned your hand to the ground that you wanted to try to pinch your nose with to stop it from bleeding from the level of hotness Wednesday was giving out right now, but it just flowed out so simply.
“Why are you bleeding, y/n?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she brushed the thick drop of blood from your nose; and she looked like she didn’t give a single care in the world about the nail polish anymore.
“When I look at you- I,” Your breath halted shakily as the both of your hands inched closer to comfort. Your insides were churning with adrenaline from her hand that was placed on your face, but Wednesday probably hated to admit it that she was feeling the same way too. 
“What? I didn’t quite hear that well,” Wednesday said as she leaned her ear closer to your face, her hand rubbing your nape gently. “Don’t need to hear anything,” you softly muttered under your breath but the ravenette clearly heard it. Your lips inched closer to her ear before whispering the lamest confession ever and pecking a kiss on her flustered earlobe, and heaving your back off the ground so you could get a better view of her flawless face.
Wednesday cupped her hands around your jaw. Oh god, the tension between the two of you was sending sparks up your spine and you felt like you would combust if you didn’t kiss her right now.
“I know the temptation is killing you,” The ravenette slightly smirked as she pulled you to her lips.
You gave in with no fail, because who were you to refuse?
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djeniryuu · 2 years
Unclosed Ending
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Characters: Bang Chan x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word count: 9,094 words
Warnings: N/A
A/N: Cross-posting this story I wrote years ago on a different platform, just with different characters and revamped the story a little.
“Tell me, what happened to us? Where have I gone wrong? What did I do or didn’t do for you to leave me like this?”
“I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s me.”
“Then, tell me! We can fix this. Please, don’t do this.”
“We’re over.”
They were the perfect couple. Everyone envied their relationship. All of a sudden, their relationship came to an end. Not only everyone around them was surprised about the sudden breakup but she was, too.
What actually happened for a love so beautiful like theirs to come to an end? No one knows… or maybe she was the only one who didn’t know.
“Everyone, I know some of you already know her. You probably even found out before it was even made official that she’s transferring to our department, so give Y/N a warm welcome and help her ease in.”
“Don’t worry, they’re all kind, although some of them can be a little looney,” Jihyo, a friend of Y/N, whispered. She just nodded and smiled kindly at her. She was known to be reserved at first but friendly towards everyone after she got to know them. She was also hardworking and a little cheeky at times.
“Yes!” everyone answered. Y/N shyly made her way towards her friends’ desks, where they were calling her. She had just transferred to the sales and marketing department from the accounting department. She decided to go ahead with the transfer after thinking about it for months, as she did not specifically enjoy being in accounting. She did not want to be one of those people who came to work to just do their jobs. She wanted to be able to enjoy what she does for a living, and being on the sales and marketing team meant she would have more opportunities to expand her network than the three-person accounting department. It had only been a year since she had finished university, and this was her first proper job, too.
Y/N had friends from most of the other departments. She was quite well-known, being a member of the first aid committee, with their faces plastered on every single first aid poster in every floor and department of their building.
Her eyes slowly traced the faces of the not-so-unfamiliar faces she had seen throughout the months she had been working there. She was terrible at remembering names and had terrible facial recognition, so she made a mental note to learn their names later.
“That one is Changbin and his best friend Chan, you know them, right? The others are Minho, Hyunjin, Felix – Y/N! Are you listening?”
“Sorry, too many names.” She smiled sheepishly and chuckled. Her gaze turned back towards a certain person, and remembered his name instantly. Chan. She was pretty sure she had seen his face before, but she had never paid attention to him, unlike now.
“So, do you have a crush on anyone?” Jihyo wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N, who hid her smile. It had been barely a month since she had transferred, and she had gotten well acquainted with the people on her floor. She was hesitating on telling Jihyo as she thought it was still too early to feel something towards someone she just got to know a few weeks ago, but oh well.
“Chan,” Y/N whispered and lowered her head. Jihyo and their other friends gasped in shock, and Y/N could only pray that it was out of pure joy and not horror. They were friends with Chan, and they knew that he had never had a girlfriend before. They were worried that Chan might not like Y/N back as none of them had any clue how Chan worked around women who he might be interested in, and they did not want their friend to get hurt.
“Actually, Chan has never had a girlfriend before. He has never asked anyone out, so just don’t get your hopes up.” Mina, another one of her friends, smiled awkwardly at her. Y/N creased her eyebrows slightly and bit her lower lip.
“That’s totally fine. It’s just a crush anyway.” She laughed to ease the tension, and the girls looked at each other worriedly. The newly found fact caught her by surprise, and she wondered why Chan had never been in a relationship. I know he’s shy, but he can’t be that shy, surely?
While they were sitting in the break room, Chan and his friends suddenly walked in, grabbing Y/N’s attention. It was comical as each time Chan would walk into her view, Y/N’s eyes would instantly fall on his figure, as if it were imbedded in her eye muscle memory. Chan was oblivious to the stare he was getting from Y/N, but everyone else was aware. It was as if the people around them were blurred in her vision, and she could not look at anyone else but Chan.
“You like him that much?” Jihyo nudged her playfully, and Y/N smiled in embarrassment as she was woken up from her daze.
Without answering the question, she just watched him from a safe distance and admired him silently. She could not believe how someone could look friendly, handsome, and kind. When she heard people describe other people as ‘someone who looks like they have a kind heart,’ she thought they were foolish. She thought it was not possible for someone to ‘look’ kind until she met Chan. Maybe it was his beautiful smile? Or maybe it was how his eyes would crease into crescents whenever he smiled? Or how soft-spoken he was? She had no one correct answer, but she just knew he was the epitome of a kind-looking person.
Although Chan’s friends had a little bit of a bad reputation, Y/N did not mind them. His friends were known to flirt with different women each time and go out drinking, but she was not the type to judge people easily. She was not perfect and had flaws too. Although generally a nice person, she had her bad habits, just like everyone else. She would show up to work late, call in sick and not go to work, go out partying and drinking until she was inebriated – you name it. After all, she was just human, too.
“Sana!” Mina called the cheerful woman who was approaching them. Sana was one of Chan’s friends, and she was also Changbin's girlfriend. Changbin was like a real brother to Chan, so it was natural for him to get to know her.
“Seriously, guys are crazy.” Sana rolled her eyes and suddenly looked at Y/N who was quiet, as she was in her own head thinking about Chan. “Y/N, how do you like your new department so far? Better than accounting?” She winked playfully at her. Sana’s bright and charming aura never failed to lighten up people’s mood.
Y/N chuckled, looked up, and tapped her chin, as if thinking of the right answer. “Not too bad, I guess.” She laughed, and Sana playfully made a face at her.
“Any cute guys?”
That caused the whole table to look at Y/N. They had just talked about it, yet she found herself blushing at the same question. Y/N did not have the heart to lie or hide things from her.
“If you tell Sana, I swear, she will tell Chan. She has a big mouth,” Jihyo whispered to Y/N. Y/N knew Sana was a gossip, but she wanted to trust her and believe that she would not tell anyone – or, well, at least not Chan.
“I- I have a crush on Chan.”
Sana gasped loudly and covered her mouth. She found Y/N adorable and innocent – that was what she had always told Y/N. Maybe she thought it was cute that an innocent girl was falling for the quiet, kind-hearted guy. She got all giddy and squealed as she started formulating a plan in her head right away.
“Oh my god, are you serious?!” Ecstatic would be an understatement if one saw how Sana was at that time. She was thinking that maybe, finally, Chan would get a girlfriend. The only problem was that someone had to play Cupid.
“D- Do you have Chan’s number?” Y/N nervously asked Jihyo, who just laughed at how embarrassed Y/N was, and the tip of her ears were turning beet red.
“Of course, you cutie. Here, let me type it.” Jihyo took her phone and typed in the number to Y/N’s phone. She was excited and nervous at the thought of messaging Chan. She put her hands on her cheeks and breathed heavily, wishing it would lessen the redness on her face.
A very familiar laugh could be heard across the hallway. Chan had a unique and adorable laugh that one should not and could not miss.
“That is seriously embarrassing. I never thought he would do that. What a–“ Chan stopped talking and a small smile formed on his lips as he saw how Y/N suddenly turned her back away from him.
Changbin noticed how Chan did not finish his story and teased his friend, “There’s your admirer.” It was the worst kept secret that Y/N had a thing for Chan. Every single person in their department knew about her attraction towards the man.
“Shut up.” Chan bit back a smile at the teasing and watched Y/N secretly as they entered the office. His desk was in front of Y/N’s, and Y/N thanked all things holy for that. She would have felt self-conscious if she ever sat in front of Chan. She did not want him to witness how clumsy she was and how she always made a fool out of herself.
Chanmi, their motherly, sweet, yet strict manager, was also aware of Y/N’s affection for Chan. How had she found out? It was simple. The other women from their department told her as easily as telling their friends that this particular friend of theirs had a crush on someone. Being the lovable work mother she was, she decided to play Cupid.
“All of you are loud and keep talking to each other. I should not have let you decide which desk to take or swap with, because now you all barely get any work done. So now I’ll have to assign you your desks like in primary school,” she stated sweetly while the others groaned and some rolled their eyes playfully.
After pairing up a few of them, the others were still standing at the back of the room, waiting for their names to be called.
“Y/N, on the right.” Chanmi pointed at the second to last seat in the middle row. “Chan, next to Y/N.”
Jihyo, Sana, Mina, and Chan’s friends looked at each other knowingly. They wanted to tease the two of them, but they did not want to make Y/N’s reddening face worse. She was inwardly squealing and celebrating. She wanted to scream in joy, but she knew better than to scare Chan away. She slowly, but deeply, took breaths to calm herself down.
Continuing with the rest of their jobs, Y/N found herself stuck with a task she was trying to finish. She brilliantly thought that it might be a good idea to initiate a conversation with Chan. All the shyness and nervousness were gone in an instant. If it involved interacting with Chan, Y/N would do it straightaway. She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, whatever it involved.
If he would not start a conversation with her, she would. If he did not like her back, she would still be okay with it. She had begun to like Chan so much within the last few weeks. He was a likeable person, and she thought it was a little odd that not everyone agreed with her that Chan was the best guy around. Was it because the other women she knew was used to being doted on and waited for the guy to make the first move? Y/N did not believe in that dynamic, and she was willing to risk potentially getting rejected if Chan did not feel the same. Anything for him, at least I know I tried, she thought.
“Uh, Chan, do you know how to do this?” She pointed at her monitor and refused to meet his eyes. She was looking right at the monitor, but she could see his shy smile from her periphery.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not the best person when it comes to Excel shortcuts.”
“It’s okay.” The two of them laughed. It was a simple question, yet the start of something far more beautiful.
“Hi,” Chan greeted her, and Y/N greeted him back with a wide smile.
They had become texting buddies ever since Y/N got his number. To her surprise, he had her number too. Endless text messages had been exchanged daily. They had been exchanging simple text messages and no flirty ones. They would ask what the other was doing, if it was okay to message since they might be busy, and a little gossip about the other employees. Chan liked a little gossip here and there, to Y/N’s surprise.
“Someone’s making progress,” Jihyo cooed, and Y/N pushed her away playfully.
After going home and waiting for a few more hours, Y/N heard her phone beep. It was a message from Chan.
Chan: What are you doing? Busy?
Y/N: Yup. Busy being bored haha. What are you up to?
Chan: You’re really busy indeed. Lol. Playing computer games with Changbin and the guys.
Y/N: Am I disturbing you? You can text me later.
Chan: Nope, not at all. I can multi-task.
Y/N: Okay then…
Chan: Uhm… How about we ask each other questions?
Y/N: Like what?
Chan: Tell me about yourself or maybe… love life?
Y/N: You know me well enough. I’m clumsy and weird… Lol.
Y/N: Love life you say? My ex broke up with me because of family reasons. That, I completely understand. After all, family comes first.
Chan: Actually, I’ve heard about that before since your ex used to be in our department before he quit.
Y/N: Tsk. And you still asked about my non-existent love life. How about you?
Chan: Sorry haha. There was this girl I used to like. She is younger than me and she did not like me back.
Y/N’s eyes widened in disbelief. Who would not like someone as amazing as Chan?! The fact that he had only recently liked someone made her see red with jealousy. She could not help it. Somehow, she still felt as if she would lose him at any moment. Worse, he was not hers to begin with.
Y/N: Oops, sorry about that. So, did you ask her out?
Chan: Nope. You do know that I’m extremely shy. I’m not lying.
Y/N: I know. Sucks liking someone one-sidedly, huh?
Chan: Sure is.
She stuck her tongue out at her phone and thought, you should know how I feel now. A few more messages later, she got the girl’s name and searched for her on Facebook and Instagram. Y/N mentally rolled her eyes at the pictures. Indeed, she was beautiful and looked like she had a lot of admirers. She then thought that maybe Chan was one of those guys the girl counted as admirers and did not take him seriously. Too bad for you. Your loss.
Y/N was smiling in contentment that the girl did not like Chan back because that would mean one less opponent for her. She was not even sure if she had any competitors to begin with. She did not notice that her older sister, Dana, had already come home from work. Dana was watching her little sister with a weird look. “Somebody’s way too happy when she’s just texting someone,” Dana teased.
Y/N got a little bit startled and wore a poker face again. “No, I’m not,” she lied. “Let’s eat.”
Chan: What do you like in a guy?
She felt her cheeks become warm, and she nearly choked on her food. Other people would just play hard to get and not answer the question at first, but it was Chan she was talking to. She could not say no or just simply ignore him. She would take all the chances she got just to get closer to him. Her feelings for him were growing more and more each day, after all.
She gulped nervously and replied to Chan.
Y/N: Idk. Someone whom my family will approve of, someone who can take care of me and someone faithful. I don’t really have high standards hehe.
Chan: I’m surprised that you don’t have high standards. I mean, I thought the reason why you keep rejecting guys is because you have insanely high standards. Lol. But what do you mean by ‘someone your family will approve of?’
She felt shivers run down her spine. She was not dense. She had an inkling why Chan was asking her those questions, but she did not want to get her hopes up.
Y/N: Someone who will take care of me, a respectful guy and family oriented. You know, just the usuals, but kinda hard to find nowadays.
Y/N: How about you, what is your ideal type?
Chan: I think we have the same ideal likes in a person. Someone who will take care of me, love me for me and will accept everything about me. Someone who won’t give up on me.
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why is he talking as if he has a dark background? Shaking the thought away, she decided to reply to him.
Y/N: Don’t worry, if that person really loves you, she will accept everything about you.
It took her a good few minutes before she managed to send her next message. She was hoping that maybe, just maybe, she stood a chance.
Y/N: Do you have anyone you like as of now?
As soon as Y/N sent that, she threw her phone on the bed. She was extremely nervous. What if he did not like me back? What if it was all just an illusion? What if – Her thoughts were cut short as her phone vibrated. She licked her dry lips and looked at her phone for a few good seconds, just staring at the black screen. She did not want to open the message because she was not ready for heartbreak yet. But then again, she would have to face reality anyway.
Chan: I like you.
“What?! Really?! Oh my god, congratulations!” Jihyo squealed in happiness as Y/N told her what happened.
“Oh my god, Jihyo, shut up!” Y/N half-shouted. She was not angry, just plain embarrassed. They were getting unwanted attention from everyone, which included Chan’s group of friends that were laughing at them from afar.
“You two are so cute!” Y/N could swear Jihyo had become deaf. All her complaints and begging fell on deaf ears. Jihyo did not keep quiet. Instead, she just got louder, which Y/N thought Jihyo was doing on purpose.
“A new couple is born. Chan and Y/N–” Before she could finish what she was yelling, Y/N put her hand on Jihyo’s mouth to shut her up. She did not want to look at the table where Chan and his friends were sitting. She was terrified that he had heard everything. What if he thinks I’ve got my hopes up high and that I’m already assuming things when I don’t even stand a chance?
“Ah, I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m going back first,” Y/N said in a rush as she cupped her face with her hands. She was sure that her face was red. She had never been so embarrassed in her whole life. Not listening to them, she brisked walk back to the office.
During lunch breaks, their office would usually be empty, but sometimes it would have as many as half the number of the whole floor. To her luck, there were only three people inside. She smiled at them and talked with them a little. She became close to all of them quickly, and it was safe to say that she clicked with them in no time during the last few weeks.
Planting her cheek first on her desk, she closed her eyes and let her arms hang limply on her side. She breathed heavily and listened to the footsteps. Someone was walking towards her, but she just ignored it, thinking it was just another colleague of hers who decided to stay on the floor.
“Hey,” the voice greeted. If only she had the power to stop time, she would have used it. She would have stopped time and run away from Chan to save her from further embarrassment. He was the last person she wanted to see at that moment.
“Oh, hi,” she answered and opened her eyes while her head was still on the table, only to see him staring back at her with a little smile on his face. She quickly turned her head to the other side, so she was not facing him. She did not want him to look at her face. What if he finds me unattractive?
“You might be hungry since you did not even finish your food. I bought you a few spring rolls. Well, I noticed you always eat this. I hope that’s okay,” he said shyly, and she looked at him in awe.
He really thought of me? She fought with all her strength not to attack him with a hug that instant. “You did not have to, but thank you,” she said sincerely. She was really touched by his little action. It was enough to make her feel as if she were on cloud nine.
“Uh, do you want to go home together?” he asked in a soft voice, looking at her hopefully. She was at a loss for words. Am I going to die tomorrow? Why is this happening? When did I get so lucky?!
“But my bus doesn’t go to your house.” Well, their houses were just three streets away – less than a fifteen-minute walk. Actually, he could take Y/N’s bus too, since the next stop to her house was the bus interchange. From the bus interchange, he could walk home, which would take three minutes for him to reach his house.
“I can just take the bus again from your stop or I can just walk home.” She never thought of it and had never felt this blessed that this was happening to her right now. She felt like the happiest suitor in the whole world.
She was not officially asking him out or anything, but that was what it looked like to all of their friends. With Chan, she was willing to express her feelings first if he would not take the initiative to make the first move. She was willing to try things for the first time if it was for him.
But then, he made the first move this time.
“I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to –“
“No! It’s okay.” Her voice suddenly got a pitch higher, which sounded awfully funny, and the two of them laughed at her reaction.
As they recovered from their laughter, the two of them heard a small commotion outside the door. It was no other than her group of silly friends, who were enjoying the scene in front of them.
“Sorry to disturb your date, but lunch break is finished.” The two of them laughed and smiled contentedly.
The whole day had gone by in a blur, or so she thought, as she was really looking forward to the end of the day. After work, Y/N would usually take the bus with some of her friends who did not have a car like her, and Chan usually hung out at the cafe near their office with his friends after work.
This time, they smiled knowingly at each other. He had already told his friends that he would not be going with them. Y/N could see Chan’s friends smiling at them from afar as he made her way towards her. Y/N told her friends, too, that she would take the bus with Chan, and as expected, they were just as excited as she was, or maybe a little bit more.
She did not mind that her friends took the same bus with them, since it was just a trial for her and Chan to see if it would be awkward sitting beside each other on the bus. Her friends respected how silent Chan and Y/N were, and they did not tease them, to her surprise. It was a silent ride with Chan, but the silence was comfortable.
They alighted at the bus interchange and parted ways with her friends. Chan and Y/N waited in line and boarded the bus. Again, the ride was quiet but comfortable. Her thoughts were about the future. She was daydreaming about Chan and her in the future.
“We’re here.” They alighted from the bus and crossed the road. They were not talking while walking, like couples normally would. She was already satisfied with their progress, albeit slow and little.
She was patient when it came to Chan. She was willing to face everything and put everything on the line just for him.
From that day onwards, they went home together. Chan would walk Y/N to her house and then he would either walk home from her house or take the bus to the interchange and walk. It became a daily routine for the two of them. Soon, he started picking her up from home, and they would go to work together. They were like a couple, but they were not officially together.
She told him everything, and he told her his secrets too. She told him about her whereabouts, what was on her mind, and even the problems she was facing at home. He told her how annoying his older sister was, how strict his dad was, and how his mother loved to nag him, but loved him dearly.
Y/N: Can we meet near your house?
Chan: Is everything okay at home?
He learned how to read her thoughts, even if they were just messaging each other. He was like a boyfriend – having that intuition that something was not right with his girlfriend.
Y/N: Mum and dad are fighting again. I just want to get some fresh air. It’s okay if you can’t go out though. I can just stay at the park.
Chan: No, I’ll meet you.
Soon, Y/N was near his house. They decided to sit at the bench close to the park. They were still quite awkward alone, but they were getting used to it. She told him about her problems at home and he just carefully listened. Unlike others, he was not the type who would give advice, but would rather lend a listening ear. He was not confident about giving advice. He always looked down on himself. The guy had serious self-esteem issues, and Y/N did not understand why.
Her rants soon stopped as she poured out her feelings. Then, it was his turn to confess.
“I have to tell you something. Maybe your feelings will change when you find out.” His voice was soft, and he was not looking at her. Y/N was getting worried and was thinking about all the possibilities that could probably be that bad for him to think that she would stop liking him.
“Just tell me.” She could not think of any reasons that would make her stop liking him.
“My dad,” Chan started. “He is actually a big gambler and has a drinking problem. He also runs an illegal moneylending business.” Then silence. “Does this change everything now?”
Y/N just looked at him as he avoided her gaze. Did he actually think that she would stop liking him just because of his background? His father’s background. She could care less about his background. People had always hated or feared illegal moneylenders as they were typically affiliated with gangs. Y/N was a little uncomfortable as she had always imagined them as scary people, but that did not change anything for her. She knew she would get over the uneasiness at some point, and it was just the initial revelation that made her feel a little uncomfortable.
“No. Do you really think my feelings would change?” She looked at him incredulously. “Chan, I don’t care about your background. Your background doesn’t reflect your personality. You’re a sweet and nice guy. There are so many things I like about you, and one little fact about you – a fate you did not choose – would not make me dislike you. Never ever think so low of yourself.” It was as if she were scolding him, however, she just wanted him to know what she was feeling and thinking.
Finally, he looked at her. His eyes reflected awe and admiration. “Thank you.” It was short, yet it meant a lot to her. She knew it meant a lot to him too.
A few more minutes later had passed, and she noticed that it was getting late. “I should get going.” He walked her to the bus stop. He could not send her home as his mother had texted him and told him to wait for her as she forgot to bring her keys when she left the house.
Y/N saw the bus approaching, and she could feel her heart beating erratically. He was standing beside her, and she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She bit her lip so hard that she thought it would bleed. She shifted from her position and faced him. It’s now or never. She hugged him and felt him stiffen for a moment before he hugged her back carefully. She broke from the hug and muttered a ‘goodbye.’ She saw him walk away with a huge smile on his face, and she was smiling like crazy too throughout the whole ride.
“Aaaahhhh!” she screamed with her voice muffled by the pillow when she reached home. She was smiling like crazy and danced around until her sister saw her again.
“I know you’re in love, but keep it down.” Dana laughed at her. She had never seen her sister in that state before. She had never been that excited, even with her past boyfriends.
The next day, they went to work together with huge smiles on their faces. They were questioned and got weird looks from their friends, but they did not care. They let them think whatever they wanted to think.
They never thought she would fall this hard. She never thought a guy who was not chasing her would make her heart flutter so much.
Her hopes got a boost when one day, he hugged her out of the blue. They talked about it beforehand. He asked her if it was okay to hug her, and of course, she said yes.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Y/N said while facing him.
“Actually,” he said and hugged her. The hug lasted longer than usual, and then she heard the one question she thought would never come, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Y/N: Honestly, I thought you would never ask me to be your girlfriend.
Chan: What? Why? Did I give you that impression? I’m sorry…
Y/N: I mean, you know how much I like you. I think the whole building knows about it. I never knew about your feelings. I knew you liked me, but I thought that was it. And why are you even apologizing?
Chan: Because I was planning on asking you out. I just did not know how and when the right time was.
She nodded in agreement with what he said. Chan never had a girlfriend before, and he was so inexperienced in making the first move. It was a huge leap for him, but he unexpectedly made the first move.
Months had passed ever they became an official couple. If they told anyone, they would not believe that their first kiss only took place a few days ago. It took weeks for them to hold each other’s hands. Their love was so pure and innocent.
Y/N remembered it was when they were alone at her house and they both did not know what to do. They both had just finished their extra work on their laptops. In the end, they just decided to watch a movie on the TV. They were watching The Vow. There was a love scene in the middle, and Y/N could swear that that was the most awkward moment ever for the both of them. The scene lasted for a few minutes, and then it was back to the drama. She felt him move a little, then she felt a warm hand on top of hers. It was the first time they held hands. She was smiling so widely that she could not hide it. She was smiling even when the characters in the movie were crying. She did not want to look at him, afraid he might find his girlfriend weird for smiling just because they were holding hands.
When the movie ended, they stood up, causing their hands to let go. He needed to go home, so she walked him out. She was so over the moon when he held her hand again. The walk was short, but her happiness felt like it would last forever. Once they were outside, they hugged each other before he walked off. It had always been like that. They would hug every time they parted ways.
“Babe, are you sure you want to ride that? You won’t get dizzy?” Y/N’s ever so caring boyfriend asked her as he pointed at the roller coaster with numerous loops at the amusement park. The tickets cost just under $90 each, and Y/N did not like the fact that he insisted on paying for everything. He would not let her pay at all, not even a can of soda or a bag of chips. She felt really bad, and they even ended up arguing a little about how Chan did not like her paying at all. He only caved in when she told him how burdened she felt. In the end, he let her pay for two cans of soda and a bag of chips.
They rode all the attractions in the amusement park, and it was indeed the best time of her life. They had so much fun walking, holding hands, and enjoying each other’s company. They went inside a novelty shop, and she saw a red Elmo headband. She wore it for fun and saw her boyfriend laughing at her childish actions. “Babe, wear it and let’s take a picture.”
He was not the type of boyfriend who would get ashamed of how childish his girlfriend was. Instead, he would play along with it. With no hesitation, he took the blue one and put it on top of his head. He put an arm around her waist and smiled at the camera through the mirror. They took a picture before the sales lady could see them and briskly walked out of the shop while laughing to themselves.
It was already almost the closing time of the amusement park, and they stayed to watch the fireworks. Y/N loved fireworks a lot and watching it with the guy she loved the most could not get any better. When they were in line for the train back home, there was a group of guys ahead of them and behind them, too. The line was filled with all guys. The guys were speaking in a language they could not understand. Y/N could feel Chan getting tense and angry. They both saw how the guys smiled at Y/N and how they kept looking at her. If there was one thing, she was uncomfortable with, it was a crowd of guys. Chan knew that, and that was why he got more irritated. Y/N was scared, and she was getting unnecessary attention. No boyfriend would want his girlfriend to get unnecessary attention. Chan had never been the jealous type, simply because he knew all of Y/N’s friends, and they clearly knew their boundaries if they were guys.
His grip tightened around her waist, and that was when she confirmed he was seriously angry, but just keeping it to himself. She faced him to talk to him and calm him down. “Babe…” Y/N called softly.
“Don’t look behind you. Those fucking guys keep on staring.” Chan never swore. He was the epitome of innocence and composure. Not wanting to anger him more, she nodded and faced the front.
Inside the train, they squeezed in at the part where there were the fewest number of guys. They were standing in the middle of the train. In front of them was a guy who kept staring at Y/N. Chan’s grip tightened again, and she sighed knowingly.
“Calm down,” she whispered, but it fell on deaf ears.
“What are you staring at?” he suddenly exploded, and the people nearby gave them curious looks.
“What?” the guy asked, annoyed.
“Babe, don’t. Please calm down.” Y/N was tugging on his shirt. She had never seen him so angry before. He was composed, but if looks could kill, the guy would’ve been dead that moment.
The train ride felt like hours when it was just a mere two-minute ride. She pulled him onto the seats to calm him down, and they just stayed there for a while.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered.
“You don’t have to say sorry.” She kissed him on his cheeks, and he hugged her in return. He sighed heavily, and they stayed like that for a few seconds before Y/N tugged her lips into a smile. He just chuckled at her and bit her fingers lightly.
“Ah!” She gave him a look and pretended to walk away. He chased after her and intertwined his fingers with hers. Every time they held hands, she would still get that feeling as if they were still getting to know each other.
Y/N remembered when she went shopping with Jihyo and Mina. They were looking for sexy clothes for a party when the male clothing section grabbed Y/N’s attention. They smiled at her knowingly and pushed her inside the store. She was not used to it since she had never shopped for her boyfriend before. She would usually give him a small gift, but nothing like clothes or perfume. She was willing to spend her money on Chan. He deserved nothing but the best.
“Excuse me, do you have size M for this?” She pointed at the white shirt with simple geometric designs. Chan only wore black or white shirts – no pockets, no polo shirts, no long sleeves, simple – that was his style.
The salesman gave her the size M shirt she was looking for, and she inspected it. “Buying for your boyfriend?” he asked, and she nodded. It felt weird. She did not know why she felt so shy about it, as if she were a little girl buying candy for her crush. Chan really does make me feel as if I am a little girl again and again.
Their first kiss was when he sent her home. It was just a soft peck on her cheek. It was so sweet and tender that she thought she would melt in a puddle. They weren’t like other couples. They weren’t rushing their relationship simply because they could imagine their lives together ahead of them. They could see themselves growing together.
Their first kiss on the lips were just a sweet peck on the lips. It was then that Y/N  realized that she had never really been in love before. She had never been that happy, that content, and that patient before. With Chan, she found real love.
They were in the office, supposedly doing their work. Everyone else around them minded their own business, heavily engrossed in their tasks.
Y/N felt a sneaky hand hold hers, and she smiled to herself. They weren’t really fond of doing such actions in public, especially at work. They knew their limits too well. She smiled at his sudden action, and their colleagues at the back obviously saw it, as they heard teasing coughs.
“Chan and Y/N, holding hands at work, huh?” Chanmi suddenly spoke, and they quickly let go of each other’s hand. Their colleagues in front of them looked at them and laughed.
“You do realise I have a meeting with her after this?” Y/N playfully hissed at Chan, and he just laughed at her.
Y/N never thought this was how people felt when they were in love. She never thought people would change without realizing it. Luckily for her, she changed for the better, although some parts of her did not change. She still had a short fuse, just like any other girl. She would get annoyed at simple things and would start a fight with Chan. Never had she met a guy as patient as he was. He would not argue or fight back. He would just keep calm and talk it out with her. That’s what she admired the most about him. It was the little things that made her fall in love with him even more.
Y/N had never introduced any of her ex-boyfriends before to her family, because she knew she was still young and that they would not really last, but Chan was a different case. Dana knew about Chan, but she, too, had never met him before. Her parents knew that she had a boyfriend but did not say anything about it. Which parent would not know that their child was in a relationship when they are on their phone all day long?
Her cousins and relatives knew about her boyfriend. They did not say anything about him due to the fact that they hadn't met him. Her whole family, including her relatives, first met Chan on her birthday. He was nervous about it. He was afraid that they might not like him, and he was nervous because it was his first time meeting his girlfriend’s family and relatives, but her family was welcoming. They welcomed Chan and instantly approved of him. They saw how caring and kind Chan was.
It was the same for Y/N when she first met Chan’s family. They watched a movie and had dinner together. The first time she met his extended relatives was right after they played bowling with Y/N’s sister Dana and Dana’s friend. Y/N asked Chan to join them, and he told them that he would bring them to his grandmother’s restaurant. He introduced her to his sweet grandmother and his relatives. He had so many relatives that Y/N grew really nervous about. It was not her first time meeting a boyfriend’s family, but she was nervous when she met Chan’s. Just like him, she was scared that they would not like her. So  this is how he felt before when I introduced him to my family.
Everything was going fine for the both of them. They even talked about their future plans, which countries they would like to visit, and where they would like to settle down. Chan even casually told Y/N that his mother wanted her to move into their house, which surprised her. She did not know that Chan’s mother was that fond of her.
A few more months had passed, and it was the Christmas holiday. They knew a lot of couples that broke up during the holiday just because they did not see each other, and some chose work over their partners. For them, it was not a problem. Chan and Y/N both decided to volunteer at the local animal shelter for the holiday, along with some of their friends.
It was then that Y/N noticed that something was off with Chan. For the past week, he had been answering her coldly. He said he was sick, so, she thought that was what made him cold towards her. She told him that she would visit him, but he told her she did not have to. She shrugged it off, but there was a nagging feeling at the back of her head that something was very wrong.
When he ‘recovered’, she asked him out on a date. Guess what? He rejected it. That was when Y/N grew suspicious. Something was definitely wrong. Chan would never do that. It came to the point where she got so angry and annoyed. She was inside the train at that time when she was messaging him.
Y/N: You know what, let’s cool off. We both need space.
That was the hardest decision she had ever made her entire life.
Chan: No. We should break up.
Her whole world stopped at that moment. Tears blocked her vision. She let them drop and re-read the message, hoping she had read it wrong. To her horror, he really told her that they should break up. She never saw that coming. There was no reason for them to break up. They weren’t even fighting the past few weeks. It was just so ridiculous and sudden.
Y/N: You’re kidding… Tell me this is a joke because this is not funny at all!
Chan: It’s not. Let’s end this.
Y/N: Why?! Give me a reason why! Tell me, what happened to us? Where have I gone wrong? What did I do or did not do for you to leave me like this?
Chan: I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s me.
Y/N: Then, tell me! We can fix this. Please, don’t do this.
Y/N was already crying when she sent that message. The people inside the train were giving her worried and weird looks, but she could not care less. She tried calling him, but he did not pick up. She called Changbin and asked him what happened to Chan, but he just told her he did not know either.
Chan: We’re over.
Y/N: Chan, no! Talk to me!
Soon, she reached the shelter, and luckily, there were too many volunteers at the time. Y/N and her friends had arrived a couple of minutes late for their shift and were told they weren’t needed for that day, and she was okay with it. She needed to breathe and organise herself, so she just went and decided to hang out with her friends. It was late at night, and she became too emotional because of the ambiance. She did not tell her friends what happened and went with the flow. They were laughing, but she was forcing herself.
The moment she reached home, she locked herself in her room and cried like she had never cried before. It was too much for her. He could’ve at least given her a reason. She called him and messaged him countless times, but he never answered. She went to his house and told him to come out, but he just told her he was not at home. She did not believe him. Maybe he just did not want to see her, so she went home. There was no point in waiting for someone who had no intention of seeing her.
The next few days were like that, too. Her friends found out about their sudden breakup. Just like her, they were surprised and confused as to why Chan broke up with her. They kept on consoling her and kept on telling her that everything was going to be okay. They did not understand. What Chan and Y/N had together was something so beautiful, so unforgettable, and something she cherished and treasured the most.
For the hundredth time that day, she messaged him again.
Y/N: I’m begging you, just tell me why you want to break up with me and I will let you go.
Chan: Like I said, it’s me, not you.
Y/N: Don’t you love me anymore?
He did not reply.
Y/N: Just give me any damn believable reason!
Chan: I’m so tired of you, of our relationship. I grew tired of it.
She shook her head in disbelief. She did not buy any of his words because if he was tired of her, he would have broken up with her a long time ago. Moreover, they had not been arguing weeks prior to their breakup. They were perfectly, completely fine. Or at least, that was what she thought.
Y/N: I don’t believe you. You’re lying!
Chan: You cheated on me.
Not even once had Y/N ever cheated, not even in her past relationships. She was a decent woman. That would be the last thing she would do in a relationship. She was a faithful woman, and cheating was not even in her dictionary; that’s why she was confident that he was just making up excuses. Even Chan knew this – he knew Y/N would never cheat on him. At first, he told her that it was a ‘him issue’ and not her, and then he told her that she cheated on him. Something was definitely wrong.
Y/N: You know that I would never do that, but if you really think I did, then show me the proof.
Chan: What for? What’s done is done.
Y/N: Because you don’t have any proof!
Her everyday routine was to wake up and realise that it was not just a nightmare but instead her new reality. Cry, eat a little, take a bath, and go to sleep. She was so desolated. It was as if it was just yesterday when they were talking about their future plans, and then out of the blue, he asked for a breakup. The only reason she could think of was his friends. Although his friends were nice in front of her, Y/N had a feeling that they did not really like her. Maybe his friends forced him to break up with me. Maybe they badmouthed me. Y/N shook her head and smiled bitterly. She was running out of possible excuses why Chan ended their relationship.
He did not message her any more after that. She just accepted the fact that the guy she loved the most broke up with her. She was so devastated and broken that she would wake up every day with her eyes puffy, red, and swollen. She could not eat, not because she did not want to, but because she just did not have the appetite to eat. Luckily, it was the Christmas holiday. She did not have to face anyone.
Dana was more vocal than her parents. Being the great sister she was, she talked to Y/N. She was the reserved type of person and did not really voice out her feelings and thoughts, but when Dana asked her, she just spilled it out.
“I don’t know why. We weren’t even fighting. He said I cheated, but I clearly did not. I asked for proof, he could not give me any! I feel that it’s his friends, since I don’t have any problems with his family.”
Dana seemed to ransack her brain for answers and spoke. “Honestly, I think so, too. Friends usually have a bigger influence than anyone. That’s what happened to me and my boyfriend. His friends tried brainwashing him and would tell him to reply to me later and stuff.”
Y/N looked at the window and let a tear fall. No matter how broken she felt, anger was starting to develop in her heart instead, which was overtaking the pain that was enveloping her whole being.
Her parents pitied her so much that they sent her overseas to visit our relatives. Even that one whole month of being away from Chan did not help her. She would still stalk him on Facebook and Instagram. She would read his posts saying, ‘I miss her,’ ‘I regret it,’ and more posts that just confused her.
Another month had passed. She had lost all her hope that they would be together again. The fact still destroyed the old her – the bubbly, happy-go-lucky, and all-smiles woman. Whenever she thought of it, she would just cry. It just hurt her so much. She could not accept it. She could not believe it. Her relationship was gone in a blink of an eye.
She lost the love of her life – her best friend, her first love, her secret keeper, her listener, and her happiness. She even lost a lot of friends because of her drastic change. She did not go out, and she did not reply to their messages anymore. She just ignored everyone and shut them out. She just kept everything to herself. Throughout the remainder of the year, she struggled to come back up. She crawled her way back to being happy.
Looking back, she could only see happy memories. There were a few bad ones, but the good memories would always overshadow them. She wanted to forget him and remove him from her heart, but it was as if he were etched in her heart and mind.
Y/N had moved on. She was so angry that she managed to forget the pain within just a month. Even she could not believe it, but still, she missed everything about him. Maybe she did not love him the same way anymore, but she still missed him.
“You know, when you’re angry, you really will move on faster than when you’re hurt,” Dana said. It was as if she read her thoughts and feelings. “I experienced that before, too.” She smiled at Y/N, and Y/N forced a small smile. She would just have to relearn how to live her life without him, like she used to before she met him. It would not be easy, but it was the only choice she was left with. After all, Chan had quit his job.
A month had passed by. Here she was, still asking herself:
What happened to us? Why did you leave me?
Another month had passed by. Here she was, arguing with herself:
I just miss him. I don’t love him anymore.
Y/N sighed as the thoughts and memories flooded her mind again.
Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Maybe he has a reason – a reason that I better not know. Maybe fate has something better in store for us.
On the other side of the city, Chan was back again at his new least favourite place. He could hear the soft conversations in the background, but he was not paying attention to it. The medical centre was filled with some of its usual patients, some of whom he recognised and some of whom he did not. He could care less anyway. He stared at the blank wall in front of him, wishing his thoughts would be just as blank, and not filled with memories of him and Y/N. As the needle was injected in his vein, a stray tear escaped his eye.
Did it hurt? No.
Did it hurt? Yes.
He stared at the bag hanging on the IV drip stand and breathed slowly. Days had blurred, and he did not know how much longer his chemotherapy would take and how much more he could take.
I’m sorry, Y/N…
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ravengards-rogue · 8 months
i do not recall whether it was u or lamb that posted this concept a while ago but...
currently going beserk over the thought of the bg3 companions helping u pee while drunk. i want a penis so bad just so one of them can stand behind me and hold it
and taking forever to pee so they have to hold it for a bit too long and then by the end its hard. sorrysorry GOD im literally so sick over this
the nicer and/or 'innocent'-er companions would straight up ignore it but then go to their bunk thinking of nothing but the weight of it in their hand :/
ugh and a bonus for if it was pierced. wyll and gale trying not to literally gasp out loud when they feel the metal
anywa omfg. the weird intimacy of it gets to me
HESDKFHDJDKSD. this was me on main bc lamb does not post piss stuff but y... yeah
i made a whole thing about it but i do think wyll is especially like. helpful about the situation in a way that makes me so weird </3 its the least he can do... you're so drunk you can barely hold yourself up so it's fine if he helps you a bit... the soothing the way they talk through it because you're kind of docile heehjfghjfdhj
i do think wyll is the most helpful and kind about it during and after he's like hm... hope this doesn't awaken anything in me. but in terms of that i think gale is also nice but he is the TEENSIEST bit condescending which. fdkjfjkdsjkfd
i think halsin is prbably the most genuinely formidable but then his hand will push down on your abdomen and you're like ohh yeah he's a freak. i dont think astarion is into it at all though
i think of the ladies its just shadowheart and POSSIBLY karlach. minthara would make fun of you for it but she'd do it if you're together. shadowheart is so mean.... i need her so bad fhkjkjfdg
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
i want the world to go away
written after reading this post by @early20sfailingplenty and feeling it too hard y'know. hope i'm not like, overstepping or anything but hope it maybe makes people feel a little bit better? first time writing sinclairs x reader and first time really writing vincent properly so i accept that this is not top tier and bo is very ooc but that's okay. bold is sign language.
vincent sinclair
It had been a long day of work and all you wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep, but there's no rest for the wicked and you still had school work to get on with. It was all too much, there was too many things swirling around your head that you just didn't have the capacity to deal with right now.
As you walked up the main street in Ambrose, you weighed up your options; go home and finish your uni work which would do nothing but stress you out and make you cry, or go and find Vincent and ignore your problems for a while.
It was a no-brainer really.
Instead of following the road straight up to the Sinclair house, you stopped by the House of Wax instead. The door was unlocked and you went straight inside, going down the stairs to the basement workshop.
Vincent was sat at his desk when you walked in, working intently on a much smaller block of wax. There hadn't been much traffic through Ambrose lately so he didn't have any bigger projects to work on.
"Vinny," you sigh, stopping in the door way.
He looks up at you in surprise, having expected to meet you back at home later. What's wrong? he asks, standing up from his desk and going over to you, arms outstretched.
You almost fell into him, arms wrapping tightly around his waist and burying your face into the soft, wax stained wool of his sweater. "It's just," you sigh again, not wanting to explain everything that was bothering you right now, "it's just been a long day."
Vincent's arms wrap around you in return, rubbing soothingly over your back and over your arms. You can't see him, face so studiously buried in his warm chest, but you feel him nod in understanding above you.
Tentatively he pulls away and gestures towards the unmade bed in the corner of the workshop. You follow him closely, hands hovering over his waist still, not wanting to let him slip through your fingers.
He settled on the bed, rumbled bedsheets kicked to one side, pulling you down into his lap. You fit against him perfectly, curling into him and letting the tension leave you, your shoulders and back and whole body aching with it.
Nudging you, just to get your attention, he signs, Do you want to talk about it, or do you just want to stay here for a while?
Looking up at him you say, "Can I just stay here?"
Of course, we can stay here forever if you want to.
Suddenly, you feel the sting in your eyes and your vision blurs. Heavy tears roll down your cheeks and you press yourself further into Vincent, wanting to disappear into his warmth.
His arms tighten around you and one hand strokes at your hair. He's no stranger to tears, he understands. Knows what it's like to want to escape from everyone and everything, knows about long nights spent curled up and willing the world to leave him alone.
After a while, your sobs ease up and you sniffle contentedly, worn out and exhausted, but safe and sound, surrounded by the roaring of the furnace, in a messy bed with your beloved.
bo sinclair
It was a bad day for you. Noise and pressure and people and expectations. It was all too much and you were ready to just give up as you stumbled in through the front door.
If nothing else, you were just happy to be home.
You could hear Bo, or at least you assumed it would be Bo at this time anyway, clattering around in the kitchen. The sound of the fridge opening and being slammed shut as he got out the OJ and the clink of plates as he made a sandwich. You didn't see any of this, but you knew Bo.
You flopped down on the couch and curled up, knees tucked up tight to your chest, leaning into the soft, worn seat.
"Hey darlin'," Bo is annoyingly chipper as he leaves the kitchen, spotting the top of your head over the back of the couch. When he circles in front of you, seeing how down you look, his tone changes, "Darlin'? What's got intah you today?"
"Sad," you shrug, looking at him sullenly.
"Aw, c'mon, ain't nothing wrong that Bo can't fix," he puts the OJ carton and sandwich down on the side table and sits beside you, pulling you against his side. "Now, you wanna talk about it?"
You shrug again, "It's just everything is... a lot right now. And people are annoying and I have so much to do all the time." You can feel the tears start to well up in your eyes and before you can blink them away, you feel them start to stream down your cheeks.
"Angel," Bo coddles, manoeuvring you into his lap properly and letting you press your face into his chest, the smell of oil and cigarettes and just the remains of his peppermint soap embracing you. He smelt like home and it just made you cry harder. You knew that afterwards he'd probably complain that you cried all over his work clothes and "taken up his time" with your emotions, but he didn't mean it. The fact that he sat there and rocked you, shushing gently by your ear until you got it all out.
Slowly, you settled, your tears stopped and your breathing evened out again. You relaxed against Bo and mumbled, "I'm sorry."
"There ain't nothing to be sorry for, angel," he said, "And you know, if there's ever anyone who really causes you trouble, you just tell me, alright?"
"I'll sort out anything you need, an' that's a promise."
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
Okay this may sound stupid but what about a married y/n whose spouse cheated on them and y/n is talking revenge by having a steamy night with the slashers? Maybe y/n also video tapes it?
No no, this isn't stupid at all!! Sorry this sat in my ask box for so long, I had to think of some ideas for this for. Not really sure if you were asking for like, an au where they're all there to absolutely destroy you, or just 1v1 type stuff. So I give you headcanons <3 Hope this is what you were asking for! If not just lemme know, and if this is you talking from personal experiences I hope you know you deserve better than your ex and you are a queen/king/royalty <3
Warnings: Gender neutral reader, NSFT, ex cheating on S/O, penetration sex, it's fairly vague nothing too detailed. Mentions of murder and exhibitionism
Slashers helping you forget about your cheating ex(NSFT headcanons):
Thomas Hewitt:
He's very upset when you first come to him and tell him what happened. He'd be lying if he said he didn't have feelings for you, but he always assumed that you only saw him as a friend and that you would wind up being with your now-ex all of your life. That would be his luck, anywas. So when you come to him in tears, telling him that they cheated on you, he's ready to hang them on a meat hook and kiss your tears away.
He will hold you until you calm down and are able to form a sentence. He has never been cheated on before, nor has he ever been in a relationship- but he is sure it's tough. So he does his best to comfort you, holding you, letting you bury yourself against him while he sits with you on his bed. He's always been a cuddler, even on innocent days, but now he was holding you like he could save you from the evils of the world. Or in this case, the evils of your ex.
He'd be a bit reluctant when you make a move. Leaning up to kiss him, telling him you want him, but he isn't sure. Until you go to climb off him, thinking that you overstepped your boundaries, but he's pulling you back onto him. Sure, you may just be using him to get back at your ex, but Thomas would be damned if he passed up an opportunity to make love to you.
He's very gentle and loving throughout it all. He's already real big on praise, even in friendly situations where he's just telling you how beautiful or handsome you are, but now that he's got you under him he's worshiping your body like no other. Especially since you were hurt. If this is the only time that he gets you, he wants you both to remember it vividly. And oh boy, you sure do. Even for him being inexperienced, he sure does catch on to what gets you goin' real quick. Plus, he wants you to know how much he really cares about you, and how much better you deserve than that pice of shit ex.
A big no to the recording. This is a very personal and intimate moment for the Hewitt boy. He doesn't really care if you were going to show it to the ex or not. This is between the both of you. Though, if you ask kindly he will leave hickeys on your skin where your ex can see when you go to collect your belongings from him. If he's even alive.
Bubba Sawyer:
He's upset with you when it happens. He's not as agrivated at Thomas is, but more concerned for you. He hates seeing you sad and in distress. So when you come to him crying with your horrible news he's pulling you in for the biggest hug. Leading you to his room so the two of you can have some privacy and he can just hold you and coo to you.
He's not about to let you go anytime soon, either. He's going to take the day off, no matter what Drayton says. He doesn't care about anything but you and your well being. He always has. I mean, you were the nicest person to him, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't glad you and your spouse were split up now. Maybe it would give him a chance at being able to call you his. For her to be your spouse.
More welcoming when you make a move. They've been dreaming of this moment for years, so when you kiss him and tell them you want them, he's trying to hold back the squeals of excitement he wants to hold back. Though, he does ask multiple times if you're gonna leave right after. Asking if he's just being used for convinience. Once convinced he isn't, and that you do truly care about him, he's gently pulling you in for a kiss.
He may be a giant, but he ain't rough- 'least not right now. He's very soft and careful with you. Afraid to go too far incase he hurts you. They let you take the lead after a while. Sitting on his lap while rocking your hips. This doesn't stop his hands from wandering your body, though. Small, incoherent babbles leaving his lips while he praised your body. He swore this was the best day of his life, even if it was the worst day of yours.
He wouldn't let you record it either. This is a very intimate for Bubba, like Thomas. He doesn't really want anyone to see this, and wants to keep it between the two of you. Last thing he needs is one of his family members finding the recording and seeing your naked form. Or even his own.
OG Michael Myers:
Very hostile when he finds out. He may not act out in front of you, but you can tell by the look in his eyes that your ex has no chance in surviving. They may as well have planned their funeral when they decided to break your heart. Michael was having none of that, he already wanted to kill him the moment he intruded in the both of your guys' lives. Stealing you away from Michael, before he even knew he wanted you in a romantic and sexual way.
Comforting is not really his thing, though. Yeah, he hates seeing you upset. It enrages him for many reasons. The main being that it makes him realize how much he actually cares about you, and he absolutely hates it, he's The Shape, not boyfriend material. So when you ask for a hug he's fairly stiff. Though he eases into it after a while. When you ask to be held, he allows it. Only this one time though (or so he thought.) Sitting on the couch so he could pull you into his lap. Both arms wrapped around your waist while you were snug against his chest, your face buried in the crook of his neck while you wept. He didn't really understand why you were so upset, you had him. Why should you be crying over some boring nobody when you were literally friends with and protected by Michael Myers.
When you start making moves he's almost mad at you. He's aware of rebounds and being played. Not that it's ever happened to him, but he isn't dumb. He watches people, and TV. He's aware. So when you rock your hips against his groin he's stilling your hips with a glare behind his mask. Fingers digging deep enough to bruise. It's going to take a bit of convincing, and maybe even a promise that this won't be a one time thing and that you truly do like Michael, and have for a while, before he's actually giving in. He always imagined his first time with you would be under his conditions, and a part of him still wanted to play out that fantasy, but his grip loosened, and your hips were rolling again. All control leaving him as he pulls you off of him to slam you onto the couch.
He's gonna be rough and wind up using you for his own pleasure. Not that he really means to, he just gets very.. Lost in the moment. He's also acting out a bit from your earlier behaviours. Trying to take the reins when he held them tighter than you thought. He'd fuck you hard, and make you realize how much he really wanted you. Though, that didn't stop him from making you cum multiple, and overstimming you before he was finished with you. It really did make you realize how much you missed out on by even dating, let alone marrying your ex.
He wouldn't let you video tape it. This is between the two of you now. Even if your intentions were to show it to your ex, he wouldn't live long enough to see it. Though, he might let you if you guys do this again - which you will be, he's not keeping this a one time thing - if you ask nicely and convince him he could watch it later, he might be okay with it. Though he still doesn't see a point when he could easily just find and fuck you silly himself.
RZ Michael Myers:
He's a lot more open with his violence. He's not telling you his plans, but the look on his face says it all. Your now-ex will never be hurting you again, because his blood will be part of Michaels next artistic degin in the once quiet streets of Haddonfield. He's clenching his fists and absolutely fuming when you tell him what happened. If you ask if he's annoyed by you, he's shaking his head no, and motioning for you to follow you to the room so he can keep you distracted with his music or TV. When he's upset his music and candy tends to help him. Unless it's real bad, then murders the option. Which it is more times than not. Though, he isn't sure if you would be up to killing your ex or not. If you are just say it before the end of tonight, or else you'll simply lose your chance.
He's very reluctant. When you curl into his side while the two of you lie in bed and listen to music he's tensing up. He's hoping that you'd fall asleep so he could sneek away into the night, but he's slowly getting the feeling that you have other ideas. Especially when he feels your hand run up his chest, and soon hears your voice, that's laced with something he can't quite figure out.
When you ask him if you can kiss him, he's honestly at a loss for words. Which, isn't hard to do since he's practically mute, but he doesn't know how to react. He's looking over at you with furrowed brows. Staring at you like you just asked him to kill you; one thing that he would never do. When you start taking back the idea, he still stares a bit, but he rolls over onto his side so he's facing you. Reaching up to lift his mask so his lips are exposed, and you take this as the okay.
It takes a while for him to untense and kiss you back, but it isn't long before he's rolling ontop of you with his own hunger and need. He has been dreaming of this moment since the day you took him under your wing after he escaped the institution. The day that he realized not all people are out to get him. That maybe angels are real. When it gets a bit too heated, he's pulling away. Searching your eyes in hopes that you'll tell him you don't like him, or that you'll reject him. But the want in your eyes is nearly as strong as his. "Please, Michael?" That's enough for him to cave.
He's a bit more tender than OG Michael. He tries to make it about you at first. Kissing your body, truly feeling it. But after a while he loses himself and ends up fucking you silly. His fingers overstimulating your clit until he's finishing himself.
He's against the recording, but he's not against fucking you in front of your ex. Whether it be their corpse or them tied up or bleeding out. He's truly open to suggestions.
Vincent Sinclair:
He didn't really like your spouse from the start. He wasn't really sure what it was, but something about them rubbed him the wrong way. So when you came to him in tears with the horrible news, he wasn't really that surprised. That didn't make him any less empathetic or angry, though.
He'd hold you close and do his best to calm you down. He hated seeing you this upset over someone who hardly mattered. Nuzzling the side of your head while you clung to him. His hands rubbing your arms and back. He didn't need to speak for you to know how much he cared about you. It almost made you regret not trying for Vincent harder. It made you regret getting with your spouse as a way to forget about the love you had for the twin. Which, it worked for a while, but here you were. Back in Vincents arms.
He'd melt when you kiss his cheek. He's very thankful that the mask hid his red face and lovesick smile, but he had to admit. He loved the small amount of attention. The little kiss that had his heart fluttering in his chest. He was certain you could even hear the pounding of his heart. "Can I kiss you?" Those words had his eyes widening. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not. Sure this was one of his hallucinations from his sleep deprivation, but when he felt your hands on his chest. He was sure this was real.
He'd overthink it for a while, but soon allow the kiss. He'd understand that you were upset, and wind up convincing himself that this was for you. To help you feel better. That he had to stop thinking that you were using him. You were to kind for that, and you felt too nice to ignore the feel of your lips on his own after discardng his mask.
He'll push you away at first if you try and go any further than a kiss. He's insecure about himself, and isn't sure if this is the wisest decision. Trying to tell you that this is just you being upset, and that you don't really want him. But after you go on a rather long speech about how you love him and have since the two of you first met, before your spouse. He let his walls crumble a bit. Figuring you meant at least part of what you said.
Very much going to worship you all night. You're his everything, and the fact that he finally gets you, even under these horrid circumstances, he's praising you like you're his God/Goddess. Expect him to make you cum once or twice before he actually fucks you.
If you suggest recording it he's uncertain at first, but soon agrees. The recording he ends up keeping for later uses for himself, and he ends up convincing you to let him screw you in front of your now wax-covered-ex.
Bo Sinclair:
He'd be livid when he found out. He'd threaten your spous the moment you told him what happened. Even if they weren't in the room, he'd let you know he's fucking their shit up later. Whether you like it or not. Though, if you ask nice enough he might let them off with just a black eye and broken nose. He'd kill them later and say they ditched town, though.
He wouldn't be as flirty with you, but he'd definitely be telling you how you deserve better. He'd be complimenting you, and making sure that you understand that you deserve better, and you're honestly too hot for them. Anyone would be lucky to have you, and obviously they're too stupid to realize what they lost.
Neither of you really know how it turned into making out on the couch. Somewhere inbetween him holding you and rubbing your arm, while he told you how absolutely stunning you were, you realized how much you truly loved Bo, but just chose to ignore it the whole time you knew him. When your lips met his he was not complaining one bit. Pulling you onto his lap so he could deepen the kiss. Fists balling at your shirt, he'd waited for this for too damn long.
He'd stare at you with a loss of words when you pull away. If you apologize he's chuckling at you, tilting his head up so his lips are mere inches from yours. "Fuck, you apologizin' for stoppin'? 'Cause I ain't acceptin' it 'til ya kiss me again." And when you do he's pulling you back feverishly. Arms wrapping around you while he shifts to push you into the couch.
He is very cocky as the make-out progresses. He shifts down between your legs with a smirk. Fingers hooking under your waistband since yours and his shirts are already on the floor. "If ya let me, I'll show ya how a real man treats his darlin'." He'd half ask half tell. Raising his brow as he waits for your approval. And once he gets the approval, he's got your pants off and his mouth on your sex in a heart beat. He's gonna make you feel good tonight, or so help him.
If you ask to record it he is so down. He's making a copy for himself and your ex. He's tying them up and making them watch it, over and over, until Bo can't take it and he's pulling you down into the 'torture room' to give your ex a show before disposing of him. He could have 'gotten away' if you didn't suggest this idea.
Lester Sinclair:
Lester is holding you in his arms in a heart beat and whispering soft words in your ear. "Oh, sweet-pea, don't cry. I got ya, ain't nothin' gonna happen to you while m'here. They don't deserve ya cryin' over them. Ya got me here, shhh." He'd mutter, kissing your tears away with a soft smile. Though little do you know he's making a mental note to tell Bo and Vincent after you fall asleep so they can maje sure he suffers.
When you ask if he can hold you so you can fall asleep he agrees almost instantly. He's playing with your hair, rubbing your arms, your back, kissing your forehead, hugging you tight. Anything he can do to keep you feeling safe and loved in his arms.
He slips up and gives you a rather, not-so-well, planned speech about how much he cares about you. You're both staring at each other with rosy cheeks, and shocked expressions. You're shocked he liked you, and he's shocked he said any of that. You're both kissing after a moment, though. The tension between the two of you too strong to ignore any longer.
Then he pulls away, warning he might take it to far. When you tell him you don't care, and that you want him, he's on you like wildfire. He's been fantasizing about you too long to pass up this opportunity. Plus you're upset, so he's only tryin' to make you feel better, right?
He's very loving throughout it all, a lot more than you initially expected. If you ask him to be rougher he will be though. He just wants you to know that he does truly care about you, and that he wants you to feel as good as he does right now.
If you suggest to record it he's also down. Though, like Vincent he is keeping it for himself. He doesn't want anyone besides the two of you to see this video. Plus, he's sure it'll come in handy for himself when you're in town helping his brothers. No more fantasizing about what your pretty little noises sound like. He's definitely gonna be making more with you, though.
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saafhiree · 2 years
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"𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩, 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺. 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳?"
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
𝐓𝐖 : 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : (𝐇/𝐂) 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫, (𝐄/𝐂) 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫, (𝐍/𝐍) 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 *𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡* 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞 *𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡*.
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It was a lonely, pitch black night. A small figure rushed through the empty stony path. Her right hand clasped tightly around the phone which its screen showed a room chat with the last message written as a simple yes. The scenery of a deserted park greeted her eyes. She reached for the lamppost pole, catching her breath and then immediately sat herself on the nearby swing.
The cold breeze blew strongly, making (Y/N) hugged herself slightly. She huffed, regretting why she only had a sheer cardigan on top of her school uniform, barely protected her from the biting wind. The song of the cicadas and the shimmering moon, she shut her eyes as she enjoyed the peace atmosphere that night gave her. Her eyes fluttered open when a faint footsteps entering her ears, approaching her.
"Kei." (Y/N) greeted Tsukishima's figure as she swung her swing.
"What's the matter?" He asked quietly as he sat on another swing beside hers as he watched her straightened her position.
"I'm sorry I choose to call you now of all the time. I know you have to take some time alone. I'm sorry about Akiteru-nii, Kei. Is there something I can do for you?"
Silence. (Y/N) sighed.
"Remember when I told you about that discussion my family had yesterday? Tonight, they finally came into a conclusion." She looked at the moon. "They want to put me in the orphanage once they divorced and go on with their respective life." She chuckled painfully. "Even my brother already has a plan to stay at his friend's family until he can fulfill his own needs." She bit her lips. "I don't know where to go."
Tsukishima watched quietly as (Y/N) restrained sobs that were threatening to come out from her mouth. "What should I do, Kei?"
Tsukishima opened his lips. "Hey, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) slowly lifted her head, only to find a cold honey orbs staring cruelly at her.
"Maybe it's your fault, isn't it?" The words that left his mouth stabbed right into (Y/N)'s heart.
"...What? What did you say?"
"It's your fault, right?" He pursed his lips. "It's your egoistic self that distance you from your family."
How could you say things like that?
"How many months has it been since you talked to them?" But you're the one who know that they didn't want to hear my story.
"When did the last time you pay attention to your brother, console his sadness?" But I told you already he always pushed me away.
"You don't even want to have dinner together with them every single night." Haven't I told you there's always no dinner portion nor a place for me to sit?
"No wonder they want to dispose you." Enough. She bit her lips.
"Don't you think you're being ungrateful all the time?" I don't know. Should I be grateful to live inside that cold, cruel house? She clenched her fist.
"You never tried hard enough. How come you dare to hope they want to keep you close anywa-"
"Shut up!" She yelled. His eyes widen slightly hearing she raised her voice.
"How dare I, you say? Well, it looks like you never pay any attention to what I was saying to you. So what was that? Fake entertainment?" She chuckled painfully. "I've had enough. You know, Kei. Tonight is supposed to be our goodbye. And you choose to end it this way. It's okay. I'm gonna leave now. Good bye, Tsukishima." She smiled bitterly between the tears that pooled in the corner of her eyes. She took a last glance and turned her heels to leave the park as soon as possible.
"(Y/N)." That stopped her track.
"You never cherish the only brother you have at your side. That's why I said your family have the right to push you away," said Tsukishima with tone as cold as the winter breeze. She bit her lips. Why won't you stop already?
"That's all. Good bye, (Y/N). I never thought of you as my friend all this time anyway." And she heard his step slowly fading away.
I know that your heart was shattered into pieces too yesterday. I know Akiteru-nii broke your trust. But why? Does that make you have the rights to say those words right in front of me?
She fell on her kness, losing all the strength she had while letting her tears streaming down her cheeks.
She jolted awake from her dream as she felt a pencil poked her cheek. The loud noises from the chaotic class slowly flooded her hearing once she got a good look of the boy who sat in front of her. Ennoshita Chikara, wearing his bored look. She shifted uncomfortably under his lingering gaze, feeling the slightly annoyed look rested on his face.
"Rise and shine, stupid (Y/N)." He said with a huft. "How long are you going to make me do all these tasks?"
"Uh... sorry, Ennoshita." She chuckled awkwardly, trying to ease the annoyance her partner felt. As she scratched the back of her neck, she added, "Y'know, my works have been occupied most of my attention lately."
"I know, but that's not an excuse to make your partner suffer, right? This is exactly why I told you to pay more attention to your academics." He scolded. "Remember what I said yesterday? You have to try harder."
Try harder, huh? Slowly, the words that always haunted her mind coming to her memory.
You never tried hard enough.
She quickly shook off the grief feeling that slowly creeping inside her heart. She replaced her gloomy expression with a smug one.
"Huh? Why do you say I haven't tried hard enough?"
He scoffed. "Of course. Your lacking in study, it is."
"But actually, I have done it." She rested her chin on her palm. "That'd be having you as my project partner, Chikara-kun." She said as she smiling sweetly to the brunette boy. That gesture making Ennoshita shivered.
"Stop it!" He karate-chopped the girl making her let out a small yelp. "That never fails to give me a goosebump."
"I see. So you've been captivated by me as well. Do those butterflies also fluttering inside your stomach?" She rose her eyebrows multiple times in annoying manner which made a vein popped out of Ennoshita's forehead.
"How about you start to do your part to make me also feel lucky to have you as my partner, (Y/N)-san?" She gulped when Ennoshita looked at her with a sweet smile that only means one thing, he's hella mad.
"Yes, yes, Ennoshita-sama." She muttered while starting to open her book.
"I said, stop with that horrible honorific, stupid (Y/N)!" Once again he karate-chopped the girl's head harder earning a louder yelp from her.
"You wanna go home already, (Y/N)?" Ennoshita asked, watching the girl stuffing her things inside her bag.
"Of course. I don't have any club activities to begin with." She shrugged. She took out a small cake wrapped in a cute box inside a slightly translucent tote bag, handing it to Ennoshita who had a questioned look on his face.
"Do me a favor and give the cake to Shimizu-senpai, will you?" Before the brunette boy could ask any questions, she added, "Asking Tanaka or Yuu would be troublesome. I'm trying to prevent any commotion here."
"That's not it. Why don't you give it yourself?"
"You know, gym is like a nightmare to me." Her gaze travelled to the class window. Her memories of her brother constantly yelled at her to go away whenever she visited his school gym came to her mind.
"I see." Ennoshita muttered quietly. "But our gym is different, don't worry. I'm sure the team will be thrilled to have you watching our practice."
(Y/N) considered Ennoshita's offer carefully. Yeah, Ennoshita's right. There won't be anyone who would yell at me to go away here, in Karasuno. Right?
"Okay." She said, finally agreed.
Ennoshita grinned widely. "Let's go!" He dragged her by her jacket hoodie, making the female yelped. They finally ended up laughing along their walks to the gym.
The ravenette girl turned her head to the gym entrance, where a (H/C) girl waving her arm excitedly, standing beside Ennoshita. Shimizu Kiyoko smiled happily, walking closer to her underclassman.
"You finally decided to come today, (Y/N)-chan?" She asked kindly while extended her arm to accept the tote bag (Y/N) gave to her, letting out a small thank you.
"Yes." She gave Ennoshita a side glance. "This persistent boy won't stop persuading me to go. So I think it's fine to make him happy once in a while." She chuckled when Ennoshita glared at her.
(Y/N) turned her attention to two creatures running into her direction with full speed. She swiftly slide her body to her right which sending them crashed into the newly tied net. Everyone who saw those scenes unfolding right in front of them immediately burst out laughing at the two idiots trapped like fish in the fishing net. Sugawara took out his phone and hummed contently at the pictures he perfectly taken of the silly scene.
(Y/N) tried her best to surpress the laugh until she finally joining the others, laughing at the poor libero and wing spiker trying to free themselves. When their laughs finally subsided, (Y/N) scanned the large gym thoroughly.
She turned to Ennoshita, "Where are the amazing first years you told me last Monday? They do practice, don't they?"
"Ah, them. You'll see them soon, I'm sure." Ennoshita shifted his attention to the gym entrance, catching four figures walking together in his dark brown eyes. "There they are."
(Y/N) followed her seatmate's gaze and saw a ravenette guy who was bickering with an orange haired guy, followed by a greenish haired guy trying to separate the duo which starting to fight. (Y/N) couldn't spot the fourth member. "You said four, right? Where ar-"
The words immediately got cut when she saw a tall blonde guy wearing a white headphone walking behind his three friends silently, eyes fixed on his mp3 player in hand. The realization hit the (E/C) eyed girl as her complexion paled. The world felt like only focused on the blonde guy who slowly lifted his head feeling an intense gaze directed towards him. His expression was unreadable.
It can't be...
After all this years I was trying to forget...
Why now?
Ennoshita realized the dreadful look his dear friend wearing, eyeing her with worry. He had so many questions as to why they locked eyes in such a long time, with each having strange expression. He slowly tapped (Y/N)'s shoulder, calling her name slowly.
However, that didn't succeed to bring the (H/C) female back to her sense. She just stood there, freezed. Ennoshita's focus solely directed to (Y/N) as he failed to realize Tsukishima was now standing only two feet away from them. He silently watched them, backed away when seeing Tsukishima's menacing glare. While (y/n) just stared blankly at his tall figure, the figure she spent years of longing, deepening the wound inside her heart, keeping it fresh.
"Yo, (L/N)-senpai. Long time no see," said Tsukishima casually, which didn't match his sharp glare that directed to the female he hated.
"W-what're you doing here, Tsukishima?" She managed to stammer out a few words, only to find her stuttered.
"I enrolled here, of course." He lightly scoffed. "Didn't expect to see you here at all."
Her lips shaking, her arms hugged her trembling body tightly. "Don't you have something you want to say to me?" Her voice came as a whisper, barely reaching Tsukishima's ears.
Her whisper followed by silence. Even the third and second years just watching them with closed lips.
Tsukishima lightly chuckled, ironically. "What? You think I'm gonna say I'm happy to meet you again?" He clicked his tongue. "You're such a nuisance. No wonder everyone left you alone. Now, you better do it too."
"Fuck off, (Y/N)." He glared at the ground. "I don't even want to meet you again."
It was as if the world came to an abrupt stop. All she could hear was just his last words that echoed irritatingly inside her hear. All those years of hurting, questioning, only to hear the answer straight from the person today.
It hurt so much.
The unrequited love, she had her feelings wrapped around a dangerous, tight leash.
"Ah, I see. Then, I'll be off, guys. Thank you for today." She bowed with her eyes burning from tears.
She chuckled painfully. Try not to mind her breaking heart, she dashed right past the blond male who didn't even spare a glance at her. No longer wanted to feel the tears that threatening to spill, she made her way to the crossing bridge. As everything in her surroundings became numb, her guts told her to run away, go find a hiding place to succumb in despair.
She didn't care about anything, even when the traffic light for pedestrians turned bright red, it escaped her sight. Her steps couldn't be stopped. The sound of a loud honking car filled her ears. A bitter smile plastered on her pretty face, her eyes shutted close. Muscles relaxed as she basking herself in the warm light, waiting as the car collided harshly with her fragile body, sending her flying for a mere seconds before she crashed into the wet street with a loud thud.
The pitter patter of people's hurried steps, the rain that drizzled constantly, the warm liquid that grazed her skin, she no longer could feel anything. Just her and the darkness that slowly consumed her sight. She smiled weakly.
At the end of her life, she finally got her answer.
That the guy she had always loved from the beginning, never even wanted to have her by his side.
So she might as well leave, right?
Little did she knew, when she was fighting for her last breath, when everything became numb, she couldn't hear the sound of rapid footsteps of certain blonde man who chased after her, begging her to open her eyes.
Begging her to stay by his side.
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sheeshcamilo-lover · 3 years
First post here we go! ( I might make some parts out of it )
Camilo x fem! reader
Destined to be
Warnings: None
Contents: Fluff-ish
"Dear mom, dear dad
I hope you are doing well! I am still on my way to finally meet who you told me to meet but I am quite afraid of what waits for me. I am trying to stay enthusiastic though and make the best of what will await me . Please make sure to write back to me and I'll make sure to update you when I've arrived!
With that you folded the letter and sealed it so it would be ready to be sent and packed into your bag to later drop it off at a post station. You sighed "When will I be there ? My feet are starting to ache and it's pretty catchy to just walk into some woods and expect a place close to such a thick forest. " You shook your head " Well I guess it's best to not question it , it's most likely that that won't lead to anything...."
You felt like you were walking and walking since eternity but then you started to see colorful parts of what seemed to be a village peeking through the woods . "Finally" you muttered. You felt like you were blinded by the colors practically beaming into your face and the strong, sudden sun that the woods had been hiding you from with their thick leaves . You decided to walk into the centre of the village and as you looked around , you found what you were looking for. A big house that was sticking out among the village and you were stunned by your surroundings.
You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder and you turned around confused by the approach as you see a young man with a yellow orangeish poncho. He looked at you with a kind smile and said " I hope I didn't startle you! My name is Camilo, Camilo Madrigal but you don't have to be formal around me so please , call me Camilo!"
You returned the smile as you managed to take a look at his appearance. A slender teen with olive skin and pretty brown curls. You looked into his green eyes as he continued to talk "You seem like a newcomer want me to show you around ?" You smiled brightly " I would love to!" You exclaimed. " Oh and I am (Y/n) " you added
As he showed you around the village you adjusted to where you have to go and where everything is though you still sometimes felt lost. As you saw a post station you made sure to carefully put in the letter for your parents and you went back to Camilo. He beamed a smile as he saw you approach him and he carefully took your hands "Hey (Y/n) I would love to show you something! Close your eyes though and don't open them until I say so okay ? Would love to surprise you" He quickly shape shifted into you "Okaaaay look " and as you opened your eyes you were shocked . Another you? Of course you calculated 1+1 and found out what was up. You smiled brightly at him but asked him how he could do that . He explained everything about the gifts and his family and tasks in the village and just as he finished explaining you were able to hear music and singing from not so far away . Camilo automatically smiled knowing what was going on and you looked to him and gave him a confused look . "You'll see in a second " He simply answered and you were already able to comprehend what the female voice was singing .
"I think it's time for a grandkid round up" The voice not so far away sung
As it got closer you managed to hear "Camilo shapeshifts " and looked over to the boy going back to do his tasks as he turned into a woman and casually threw a baby up and transforming into a man , swiftly catching the baby as if it was nothing hard
You walked up to him with an expression that just sparked the excitement in you . "That was smooth not gonna lie " You replied and Camilo just smiled as a minute passed and the baby was sound asleep he laid the baby to his mother and walked with you. "Soooo Camilo I was sent to live with the Madrigals and well since you are one would you mind maybe showing me the way to your house?" You asked kindly
"Yeah I am so far done with all of my tasks for now anyway so if nothing gets added I can even chill with you" As you both went up to the wonderful house you heard the voice of the girl again which Camilo introduced to you as Mirabel, his cousin .
A few children kicked a ball towards Camilo which he playfully kicked around while shapeshifting as Mirabel sung "My primo Camilo won't stop until he makes you smile today " You look to him as you catch him also looking at you and you say "It's sweet of you what you do!" You gave him an honest,sincere, bright smile and on Camilos' face there was a small red tint, a blush spreading which you failed to notice since Camilo immediately continued to walk with you towards the house as he felt his cheeks warm up.
"This is our Casita , Our home , feel welcome here and yeah hope you'll enjoy our company!"
As you two entered the Casita was very lively with people roaming around hanging up decorations and seeming to prepare for something. " Oh my little brother Antonio has his ceremony today and will get his gift , that's why most people here are trying to finish everything before it starts " You felt strong winds blowing and heard a panicked voice saying " The flowers where are the flowers and where is the girl who is supposed to live with us I am starting to worry that she isn't okay " suddenly a girl said " Did someone mention flowers? " And as she made flowers grow, the woman which Camilo said is his mother Pepa calmed down a little . You approached her and smiled " I am the girl which now lives with you ,My name is (Y/N) It's a pleasure to meet you!" Suddenly a big rainbow appeared over Pepa as she went in for a warm hug "Oh (Y/N) It is so nice to meet you I was worried and I am Pepa ! " she smiled.
You smile and hug back . Pepa noticed Camilo having a small blush since he saw how good you are already treating Pepa AND how she is treating you and Pepa already knew that he was is love with (Y/ N). Pepa calmly patted your back and said " You can go up with Camilo, have fun!" She smiled brightly at you and the rainbow above her head definitely would be there whenever she saw you. She let her head rest on Felixs' shoulder " She will be a good bride for him one day" And Felix nodded as he loved what impact you had on Pepa and Camilo .
You and Camilo went upstairs and he held open the door for you like a gentleman which made you blush. He went into his room aswell and you gasped at the sight. His room looked so comfortable! It seemed like a place to retreat and chill , a place that fulfills all your wishes!
(Part 1 of the story)
(I think I will definitely upload a second/more parts)
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
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Confused Anon; “I offer you some Psychopath Henry in these troubled times…if you close your eyes it’s murder au..
tbh I’m really proud of the face???  Like i think i did a great job on making it look crazy and kind of burton-y imo.  anywho, hope you like this!  (I also think the hair looks neat jdflsjaflk i’ll stop now, I’m being too nice to myself)
- Confused Anon”
Ok this is LATE but in my DEFENSE tumblr has not been allowing me to post submissions so im making this its own post to combat this! ANYWAS! It looks awesome!!!!! You really should be proud of it-- the profile looks great and the colour palette is amazing!!! look at that shading!!!! Confused anon you SPOIL ME :D
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello!💙💙i hope im not bothering you but may i get a tsukasa or mitsuba x reader where their s/o loves to draw but never lets them see and one day they steal their s/o sketchbook and dont see any drawings of them and the boys are a lil dissapointed but their s/o has a secret sketcbook that they always keep with them filled with the boys portraits?? it would be rlly cute!!(feel free to ignore tho!)💙💜
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: no worries, you aren’t bothering me at all!! This is a super cute prompt, so thank you so much for requesting! (i love writing mitsuba too,,, just gotta love the sharp-tongued, short-tempered characters <3)
word count: 1,471
Tsukasa Yugi <3
He thinks the fact that you can draw is super cool!! Probably more so than you do, to be completely honest- he’s extremely enthusiastic about it, but that also means he’s extremely annoying about it.
Lots of “let me look, let me look!!” “I wanna seeeeeeee,” “(Y/N), pleaaaaseee, what’re you drawinggggg?”
“Tsukasa, I love you, I love you very much. But, I promise you, if you don’t shut up and let me draw in peace-”
So, of course, if you don’t let him see it, our gremlin of a boy is going to look through it one way or another. Pestering you relentlessly didn’t work, trying to slip it casually into a conversation didn’t work, so! You leave him no option!
One day, when you’re minding your business in class, Tsukasa checks your locker. Maybe, just maybe, you left it in there?
Hmm… empty- next stop!! Bookbag!
His eyes practically lit up, his expression excited, practically screaming “found it!!”
Tsukasa would open the sketchbook, silently wondering what on earth you could have drawn. His only experience in art was… well- with things that weren’t intended for art. It wasn’t ever proper “art” either. Just a lot of smearing. But anyway-
A part of him sort of hoped it would be something with him. Maybe even a little doodle, it didn’t have to be a fully colored, lined, amazing piece. Just little doodles, cos you loved him so much, and he infested your mind like the little parasite he is… y’know….
So, as he flipped through the pages, admiring your style- amazed with every little doodle, every little pencil marking, every little detail- he kept an eye out for anything that could have even vaguely resembled him. Yet, once he reached the end, he was rather certain that there was nothing. Tsukasa felt a bit disappointed, pouting despite the fact that you weren’t there to see it.
“Tell me how I knew you were up to something,” You sighed, looking at the boy seated next to your bookbag, the last pages of your sketchbook flipped open. He ignored the comment, placing your sketchbook to the side, then hugging you. You returned the hug, giving him a confused glance.
“What? It’s nothing incredible, but was it that bad-? I don’t even know everything that’s in that, so-”
“You didn’t draw me :(((“
“You didn’t ask me to???”
Still, you couldn’t help but laugh, well aware of the other sketchbook you had stored in the more secure part of your bookbag. Patting his back, then letting go of the hug, you bent down and grabbed your sketchbook and bag. Replacing the sketchbook he had flipped through, you then reached in and grabbed the other.
Somewhat embarrassed, yet know he already found out about your artistic abilities and would probably be glad to see himself, you handed him the sketchbook. “I’ll have you know, I’m not exactly overjoyed with you right now. But, since you’re a sneak, I’ll let you look at that one.”
Tsukasa opened the sketchbook with renewed energy, excited to see what was inside it. Was it him?! Did he actually infest your mind?!! Was he a good model??
Uncharacteristically, his face was slightly warm as he looked over the first page. It started off with a fully finished drawing of him- a very strong start, if he did say so himself. Not only was it him, it was awesome.
He flipped through the rest of the pages, happiness and excitement practically radiating off of him. You could have sworn you saw his eyes sparkling.
“THAT’S SO COOL, (Y/N)!!” Tsukasa would yell after shutting the sketchbook, throwing his arms around you happily, making sure that the sketchbook didn’t get damaged as he did so. “You did draw me! You drew a lot of me!!”
“Ahah- yeah. You’re… cute, after all. Why wouldn’t I draw my boyfriend?”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
Nosey little dude, but on a more casual level than Tsukasa.
“I’ve shown you my pictures, so you should show me your drawings.”
“That makes sense,”
“So, show me.”
Though amusing, Mitsuba will start to pout after a while. “Tch- it’s not like I wanted to see it anyway. It’s probably lame.”
“Awesome then! That doesn’t make me want to show you any more than I previously did~!”
Insert Mitsuba sticking his tongue out at you-
Still, Mitsuba does understand where you’re coming from. After all, he never shows you pictures he’s taken of you. Therefore! It’s only logical that you wanted to draw his cute face!! He muttered this, crossing his arms, yet pretending that it was no big deal to him. Nope, those little comments and attempted glances were nothing-
“Mmh? You’re cute, yes.”
“That’s not what I- whatever, pervert. It’s clear now. You don’t want to show me, ‘cos there’s raunchy art in there! Pervert! Creepy, you’re so creepy-”
“Then aren’t you a pervy creep for wanting to look in my sketchbook?”
Mitsuba may have not talked to you for the rest of the day- but it’s fiiiine, he’s fiiiiiiine.
Especially since, by the end of the next day, Mitsuba passed your locker, planning on returning to the class from a bathroom break. As he glanced over at your locker, not fully shut because of your bookbag shoved into it, an idea crossed his mind. It wouldn’t take long… a little peak wouldn’t hurt. Just to make sure his s/o wasn’t a pervert, of course! Not out of personal interest!
So, he grabbed your bag, rummaging through it until he found a well-used sketchbook. His interest peaked, as he grabbed it, opening it up and flipping through the pages.
Some of the pieces were similar to pictures he had given to you, but he didn’t spot anything of him. Sure, your art was impressive, and he was rather content finally getting to see it, but-
But where was his cute face?? Not even his name??? No dreamy “(Y/N) Sousuke” written? Nothing.
Well, it’s not like he cared anywa-
“Really, Mitsuba? You needed to use the bathroom?”
“AH-” He yelped, shutting your sketchbook, as if that would make it seem like he wasn’t just flipping through the pages in slight awe. “Shut up, pervert! I went to the bathroom, I just- you were being suspicious.”
“By drawing?”
You laughed lightly, though embarrassed as you took the sketchbook from him, putting it back into your bookbag. To be completely honest, your heart was beating a bit faster, slightly nervous that he found your art ugly. It wasn’t anything in comparison to his pictures, you thought..
And, when you turned around and caught a glimpse of his slightly disappointed face, your heart beat even faster. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” He said, somewhat defensively- well, that much was normal.
“Sorry, it’s probably disappointing- I know my art isn’t the greatest, but it’s definitely improved over time. There are things I need to study, but-”
“Hey, don’t assume I’m upset with your art, dummy. It’s…” He blushed slightly, looking away from you and shoving his hands in his pockets, “it’s really cool. I’m impressed.”
“Then why are you pouting?”
“I’m not pouting.”
You raised your eyebrows, making Mitsuba flush further, opening his mouth as he thought of what to say in response to that expression. “I just- well, you were weird about it, so I figured there was something about me- something weird or suspicious. But, it’s all perfectly normal.”
It took a moment for you to get behind his words- but, after getting behind Mitsuba’s extremely indirect way of saying things, you understood what he meant. He wanted you to draw him. After processing that, you bit your lip, wondering if you should actually show him your other sketchbook… a glimpse at his slight pout, though it was now confusion at your conflicted expression, you turned around, rummaging through your bookbag.
Then, you pulled out another sketchbook, and pushed it against his chest. “Since you’re so insistent. Just go ahead and look through it, I guess.”
It was Mitsuba’s turn to raise his eyebrows, as he took the sketchbook, and opened it up. His face burned, as he flipped through the pages. They were… filled with him. It genuinely made his heart pound, looking at the array of doodles, line art, and fully finished pieces- occasionally, a small heart or smiley face would be doodled alongside them. If he didn’t find your art incredible before, he definitely did now. Of course, he’d never admit it to your face, but his expression was enough for you to understand.
“A-ah… gross- idiot. Of course, I should have known a pervert like you would draw such a cute face. It’s obvious.”
“Right, right. Honestly, just give me a penny each time you call me a pervert, I’ll be rich in no time-”
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inactiveanimeblog · 4 years
shikamaru x reader fic
“change” chapter one
tw : smoking, alcohol
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brooo i’m honestly so sorry this took forever but dont worry next chapters won’t take as long at all, i already have them planned out. and just a heads up there will be smut in this story, not this chapter but possibly chapter three.
eh i don’t really like the way this chapter came out but i can promise better in the future ones.
warnings: for now just alcohol, weed, and swearing
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shikamaru and you had been best friends for as long as you both could remember. since you both had grown up together, through your parents being close friends, you and him were inseparable. you spent most of your childhood being around each other. but once you guys hit 16 years old things started to be different.
shikamaru started to drink, smoke, get tattoos, and flunk school. it was a miricale that he even graduated high school thanks to you tutoring him and completing his homework assignments. you on the other hand were a straight A student, a teachers pet, a quiet kid who didn’t party or do anything most teenagers around you were doing. you wanted to, but you were anxious and even a little scared that you werent ‘enough’ to be friends with others who were out having good times and enjoying their teen years. you were timid, you couldn’t be outgoing to save your life, so you watched from the sidelines.
once you graduated high school you traveled to another part of japan for eleven months to find yourself, learn to break out of your shell, and to switch up your style leaning more towards looking sexier and attractive. which meant leaving shikamaru behind to say goodbye for the time being. neither of you really talked when you left, in fact, you guys didn’t talk at all. you had missed him more than anything while he was well, being him. shikamaru messed around with girls, making them feel special, having sex with them, but he never put a label on their ‘relationship’. he would end things when he would get bored and find a new pretty girl to fuck, which left all the other girls broken hearted. you envied any girl he was involved with in a sexual way, you wanted him more than anything but you never told him. hell no. you could never tell him. he would never feel the same as you feel. there was no changing the way shikamaru was. he would never love and you knew that.
you came back to konaha a couple of weeks ago, settling into your new place, a nice little apartment, decorated in a modern manor, as well as starting to make friends in town through social media, slowly starting to go to parties and going out to clubs. you changed your look, dying your hair, getting a new piercing, switching up your style to something different, something new. you felt a lot better about yourself and you wondered if shikamaru would be interested in the way you looked. you weren’t confident, but the attention you’ve been getting from others lately hasn’t gone unnoticed.
hey shikamaru, i came back to konoha a few weeks ago finally! sorry i haven’t told you yet i’ve just been busy moving into my new place and stuff. we should hangout or something, it’s been so long since we seen eachother. you sent him a text, hoping that he would text you back wanting to make plans.
yeah we can link. i’m busy tonight but if you’re free tomorrow you can come by my place around 18:30 and we can catch up. you won’t be able to stay for long though.. maybe an hour at most. just lmk when you’re on the way. it took him a little while but he answered.
okay, that’s fine i have plans a little while afterwards so i won’t be able to stay long anyways. i’ll see you tomorrow and i’ll let you know when i’m on the way.
you were so excited to see him, butterflies already forming in the pit your stomach. you planned out a fit, the way you wanted your hair, and makeup. this was the time you and shikamaru would be able to catch up and maybe even become close friends again.
unfortunately shikamaru wasn’t too excited to see you. you guys haven’t talked in a long time and he saw no point or benefit to your friendship. he’s made a lot of new friends, other friends who are interested in the things he is and he’s been busy fucking new girls all the time. he thought it was such a drag that you wanted to hangout, and truth be told he wasn’t even gonna be busy tomorrow. he just didn’t want to waste his night hanging around you.
the next day you woke up around 11:30 am, starting off with eating a light breakfast, showering, shaving, and skin care. getting ready and facetiming your friend mikasa (hehe aot name but i love her name) to talk about how excited you were for first off going to see shikamaru for a little bit and second off going to a house party later that you guys were invited to.
“i’m so nervous ‘kasa, like what if he doesn’t like the way i look? or what if he thinks i’m weird now?” you sighed, brushing your fingers through your hair, checking yourself out in the mirror.
“it’ll be fine y/n! just try your best not to show your nervous. act like he isn’t intimidating at all. you look hot, nothing to be scared of.” she responded
“hm, you think so? are you sure i should wear this? i don’t wanna look like a try hard..”
“you don’t look like a try hard just mention to him that you’re hitting a party later he’ll get why you’re in a cute ass outfit. now go to his house, it’s already 18:07, don’t keep him waiting. he said he didn’t have much time anyways.”
“alright i’ll see you later tonight then.. wish me luck, i’ll let you know what happens. bye.”
“good luck and bye bitch! don’t have too much fun!” she answered while wiggling her eyebrows and hanging up the phone.
you texted shikamaru that you were on your way, he responded shortly saying to just knock when you got there.
third person point of view
“yo kiba, i have a girl coming over today.. she’s just an old friend. she’s shy so try not to scare her off. don’t smoke out in the living room while she’s here. i don’t need her getting uncomfortable. it’ll be such a drag listening to her get upset about the smoke.”
“say less, but is she hot? if she’s just an old friend let me make a move on her.” kiba answered hopping on the couch next to shikamaru.
“no. she’s not cute and you wouldn’t want her anywa-“ shikamaru was cut off by a light knock on the apartment door.
“can you go invite her in for me?”
“do you ever get off your lazy ass? whatever fine.” kiba said while getting up off the couch and walking towards the door.
kiba opened the door and didn’t say anything, he just stared down at y/n who looked back up at him confused clearly expecting shikamaru to answer. ‘not cute?’ kiba thought. ‘is shikamaru out of his MIND??’ surely this couldn’t be the girl shikamaru was talking about, shikamaru would have to be an idiot to not find her attractive. she was dressed in a sexy yet subtle outfit. she smelt nice and her hair looked so soft, her skin was like porcelain, delicate and smooth.
“uhh i’m sorry, who are you?” kiba asked
“oh- i umm, i’m y/n nice to meet you. i’m here to see shikamaru.. i’m at the right apartment, right?” shikamaru tried to look over at y/n but he couldn’t see much with kiba standing in front of the door. he looked back down at his phone and rolled his eyes.
“well? are you gonna let her in? i just told you i had company coming over two minutes ago. how burnt out are you?”
“oh right um come in, i’m kiba, shikamaru’s roommate by the way. make yourself at home.. shikamaru’s on the couch.” kiba stuttered out scratching the back of his neck and moving out of the way so y/n could entered.
“wow shikamaru your place looks nice. is it just you and your roommate living here?” y/n said.
shikamaru looked up from his phone to see her staring around the room and his first thought was ??? what the fuck ?
“y/n?” shikamaru said. he stared at her as she sat on the other couch, his eyes focused on her appearance.
“yeah?” y/n answered smiling back at him.
“nothing i just— you just look really different since i last seen you last. what have you been up to?” he asked still eyeing her up and down, blushing slightly. he felt a little weird, he wasn’t expecting his nerdy childhood best friend to look so good.
“i’ve been busy honestly, i finally moved into my new place and i’ve been going out with friends, it feels nice to finally be back home although i do miss traveling.” friends.. she has other friends now?
“what about you? what have you been up to?” she said still smiling, she looked beautiful, like she’s grown up.. grown into a women’s body, she’d grown into her face as well, no longer looking so babyish. her outfit was nice, showing some skin leaving little to the imagination. this was nothing like her.
“nothing really, just be doing the same old things.... you made some friends when you came back to konoha?”
“yeah i did, i made a few. you should meet them one day, we usually hit parties on the weekends or we’ll chill at one of our houses, drink and smoke or whatever. you would like them.” she exclaimed nodding her head slowly.
huh? wait she even drinks and smokes now? what happened to her? and what changed her when she left.. why was she so different now?
“you drink and smoke now? wow you really are different.”
“oh please” y/n giggled a bit. “i’m still the same old y/n, i’m no different only been living my life in other ways. i’ve been enjoying it ever since i left eleven months ago, you know? i’m having fun i guess.”
“well.. i honestly never expected the day where you would find drinking and smoking fun since you always used to scold me for it.” he said, rolling his eyes playfully, a grin forming on his lips.
“and by the way do you want something to drink, like a water or anything?”
“you know i was just inexpirienced back then shikamaru” she said placing her elbow on the couch arm rest, resting her cheek on her palm and she still had a cute small smile on her face.
“and i’m good, i’ll probably be leaving not too long from now anyways.”
“you in a rush?” shikamaru questioned, slightly raising one of his brows
“hm, kind of. i’m gonna go pregame at one of my friends houses tonight and get ready for a party.”
kiba walked in and sat next to her, he gave shikamaru a pointed look before butting in their conversation and replying “a party tonight huh? you gonna give us the invite?”
“well i mean if you guys wanna go it’s gonna be at 227 Clock Street, not far from here maybe a 15 minute drive. if they ask who you know just say you know me.” she said looking back at kiba “you shouldn’t have any problems. but also, i believe shikamaru said he was busy tonight. right shikamaru?”
“yeah.. well, i do have plans later. but i could just cancel them now, not really important anyways. i guess we could go out. do you think it’ll be a problem to bring others?”
“nope it shouldn’t be a problem at all. the more the merrier, and you and your friends will be able to meet mine tonight!” she said excitedly.
shikamaru excused himself to use the bathroom as kiba continued to talk to y/n and ask her about herself. it was so very obvious that kiba wanted to take her to his room and bend her over, but y/n being hella naive couldn’t tell.
shikamaru looked in the mirror while washing his hands. his eyebrows were scowled, and his eyes were dazed. never could he imagine something like this would happen where y/n would come out of her shell. where she would party. she was as sweet as ever still, she would always be a kind person. nothing could change that, but she wasn’t as quiet as she used to be. it was nice seeing her talk more, no longer stuttering out every other word.
‘if i bring my friends tonight and the rest meet her there’s no doubt she’ll be around more often. i already know they’re gonna be all over her, i’m just curious if she’s still innocent sex wise. last time i seen her she was definitely still a virgin. maybe i should ask her myself.’
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yogumilk · 3 years
to my youth
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synopsis: kwon soonyoung liked you for a long time and now it's time for him to step up his game and enjoy his youth with you.
pairings: fem!reader x kwon soonyoung (hoshi)
genre: warm fluff
music: hello by JOY
word count: unknown (will edit this soon)
warnings: lowercase, misspelled words, wrong punctuation, sentence construction, and grammar.
author's notes: hi, i am new to the tumblr society and i really have no one to interact to, so i guess i'll be dropping my carrd later on my bio (?!) and let's be friends everyone!! i hope you'd like this first short fluff that i wrote ♡
good thing the weather app on your phone notified you first thing in the morning that it'll be cold today. 7 degrees isn't that bad at all rather than experiencing a series of negative temperatures for over a month.
you quickly tucked yourself into your favorite cream polyester sweater you bought last week at an online store. you weren't really expecting the high quality material of the clothes they sell but at a reasonable price, it was really a gain. as you gently comb your dark hazelnut locks infront of your frameless curved mirror, a knock on your bedroom door startled you.
"some guy from your school is waiting for you here! come out now you sloth" kira, your sister, yelled as she smiled at the guest who was sitting uncomfortably in your living area.
soonyoung was a bit embarassed at what he did today. it wasn't suppose to be like this, he thought to himself. afterall, he only planned to wait for you outside patiently and when he hears your gates slam, that's when he'll act like he just passed by your house and he's on his way to school.
but while soonyoung was waiting for you, kira saw him as she threw last night's garbage nearby. she thought of letting him in once she saw the same uniform you were wearing. as the big sister that she is, kira knew something is up with this guy. there are two options: a.) this guy is definitely into her little sister and b.) they're secretly dating.
"who is it anywa–"
soonyoung trembled. damn, how is she so pretty early in the morning? he thought. of course, soonyoung is once again struck by your ethereal existence that made his fluffy cheeks warm and turn bright red.
kira knew exactly the answer to her question. it was letter b. this punk likes y/n, kids these days.
"s-soonyoung?" you said in a shocked tone, "what brings you here?"
kira smirked while he was about to open his mouth to speak. yet, it seems like there were no words coming out of his tongue. "i saw him waiting outside and when i asked him if he was your friend, he nodded so i brought him in" she butt in.
shit. "i look like a creepy stalker now, what do i do?" he whispered, enough for him to only hear it.
you knew kwon soonyoung as the cheeky guy from your neighborhood. probably because he brought you those picked dandelions from his mother's beloved garden that made her furious and let him eat green peas for a month as his punishment.
he always found a way to get closer to you that he wanted more than just being friends. you also weren't that dense type of person but somehow you also felt that soonyoung is, somehow, into you. there were a couple of times wherein you wanted to ask about it but, it'll only seem awkward so instead, you held yourself back from it.
"well, let's go to school now!" you wore your pastel purple puffer jacket and pulled soonyoung's sleeve on your way out.
"i'm sorry i shouldn't have–"
"you're sorry for nothing mr. 10:10" you jokingly said as you stuck out your tongue with the funniest face you have and ran off the quiet road with a large grin on your face.
to you, it was really sweet of him to wait outside of your house, just for the both of you to walk to school together. but, he could have at least asked you though, you definitely wouldn't say no. honestly, that small thought made you smile that it made you hope for a perfectly warm weather and a series of good luck this whole afternoon. as you skipped happily like a 7 year old child who got her first very good stamp on the back of her hand, soonyoung was there, admiring every inch of you. he loves you, and he knows it. he will never deny that fact afterall, you just made his heart melt again for the nth time.
with the start of the blooming season—spring, soonyoung knew he would love to spend his youth with someone whom he truly cherish. and that's you.
"i like you a lot!" he yelled at the top his lungs. "i like you so much y/n!" his sweet and mellow voice filled the serene neighborhood with butterflies and warmth inside your fragile heart that was beating rapidly and loudly with the words he just uttered out of nowhere.
you stopped walking and turned around to him slowly. huh?
you weren't sure about the exact response to give him, so he smiled gently and ran his way towards you. with glistening eyes, he held your cold hands tightly and bravely said the words, enough for you to feel your own heart beating.
"i like you, y/n"
soonyoung said it again. without any pause. his dark eyes glued to yours.
that's when everything stopped, as if the world paused for a moment. you knew this was the start of something extraordinary in your youth—with him.
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
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study group: a social media au where you work at iroh’s boba tea shop with zuko, try to keep up with your college courses, and stir up an irresponsible amount of chaos with the gaang
prev. / part three / next
((author’s note: this update is a little bit different; instead of just screenshots, i’ve written out a scene for this one! hope you guys like it!!))
“HEYYYY THE PARTY’S FINALLY ARRIVED,” Sokka shouts the second you walk through the door, Zuko trailing behind.
“High schoolers are the worst,” Zuko grumbles under his breath, and you toss your bag to the floor with an exasperated sigh.
“But,” you force a smile, “we’re here now! What’s the plan for the night?”
“Wellll, I figured we’d start out with a good ol’ fashioned game of King’s Cup, if everyone’s down?” Sokka asks the group.
“Oh HELL yeah,” Toph runs off to the kitchen to start preparing drinks, and Katara calls after her,
“Don’t make mine too strong!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know how you like it, sugar queen.”
“Wait, is that Sonic?” you ask, watching the screen for a moment. With the amount of colors swirling around the screen and Jim Carrey playing Robotnik, you find yourself almost entranced by the wild image.
“Yeah! But, I guess now that you’re here, we should turn it off.” You can hear the pout in Aang’s voice as he speaks, and laugh before joining him on the couch.
“Nah, we can let it play a bit longer! This scene looks pretty climactic anywa— holy shit, did they just blow up the pyramid?’
“Oh, yeah, there’s this whole thing where Robotnik got one of Sonic’s quills, which apparently are capable of “infinite” power, whatever that means, and now he’s as fast as Sonic— oh! And they use rings to teleport to different places! That’s why they were in Egypt, Sonic was going to all the different landmarks he could remember to try and shake off Robotnik—”
“Aang, shh,” Sokka covers the younger boy’s mouth as one of the characters begins monologuing.
Zuko sits on the floor in front of the couch, leaning against the space between you and Aang. “That is… a lot.” His tone is a mixture of confusion and what sounds like a headache, causing you to laugh.
“Jeeze, Zuko, you don’t know about the deep Sonic lore??”
“I said, shush!!!”
“Yeah, jeeze (y/n),” Zuko mimics you, barely holding back a laugh, “don’t get in the way of Sokka and his one true love, Sonic the hedgehog.”
“Will you guys PLEASE keep it down??”
“You are the worst King’s Cup partner,” Zuko groans before taking another drink alongside you. “You have to keep your hand on the table.”
“I know, I know, it’s just— Katara made that rule eight rounds ago, that’s such a long time…” You draw the next card, laughing as you slap down a jack. “Aha! My rule is that Katara’s rule is GONE, no more hands on the table.”
The entire group lets out a sigh of relief, including Katara.
“Man, that rule SUCKED,” Sokka shouts, resulting in a shove from his sister.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are dumb enough to keep falling it for it!”
While they continue to bicker, Aang shouts, “Seven!”
The rest of you point to the ceiling immediately, staring at the two siblings until Katara finally notices and raises her hand as well.
“No fair! Katara distracted me!”
“Rules are rules, Sokka,” Toph says, pointing at him with a laugh. “Now drink up!”
After finishing off the last of his drink, Sokka stands up, losing his balance for a few moments before righting himself.
“Where are you going?” Katara asks. “We’re in the middle of a game!”
“I need to find Appa!!!” he shouts as if it’s his life’s mission, sprinting off to Aang’s room, only to stop in the middle of the hallway. “…running...bad idea…”
“You know, for such a tough guy, he sure is a lightweight,” Zuko laughs, taking another drink.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re surprised to find you don’t have much of a headache. While you definitely remember most of the night, you know you overindulged yourself, making the memories a bit jumbled…
“Come on, you’ll thank me in the morning,” Zuko holds the bottle of water in front of you. “At least drink half of it.”
“But I wanna go to sleep…” you curl up around yourself in the recliner, covering your face to block out both the light and Zuko.
“I know,” he laughs under his breath, pulling your hand away from your face and placing the bottle in it. “Just drink this first, and then you can sleep in as late as you want.”
You groan, but sit up nonetheless. “What are you being so nice for?”
“Hungover (y/n) is no fun.” He walks away once he’s sure you’ll finish the water, lying across the couch. “Besides, we have a shift tomorrow afternoon, and I’d prefer it if you didn’t complain the whole time.”
“Like you don’t complain about every customer.”
“Is it complaining if we both agree?”
“…points were made. Those fucking kids that came in at close oh my GOD I was about to lose my mind.”
“And yet you still put on that customer service smile— ‘Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon! How can I help you today?’”
His impression makes you burst out laughing, “That is not what I sound like!”
He continues, “‘I totally care how your stupid day is going! Please, tell me all about your kid and your cat and your shitty job!’”
“I’m trying to get tips, Mr. ‘Look At Me Wrong and I’ll Grab That Decorative Sword Off The Wall and Fight You.’”
“Oh, so you’re telling me you’ve never wanted to do that? Not once?”
“…okay, honestly, it would be kind of badass to just flip over the counter like, ‘hyah!’” You swing your hand around lazily, pantomiming the sword toward Zuko.
“With that form?” he laughs. “Nothing badass about that.”
You let out a yawn before replying, “Yeah, like you know— wait… you do know all that stuff, huh.”
“Go to sleep, (y/n).”
Maybe it’s because you’re about to pass out, but you swear you can hear a smile in his voice.
Oh. So that’s what happened.
You immediately sit up and look over to the couch, blush rising to your cheeks. Thankfully, Zuko is still asleep, one arm resting across his face while the other dangles off the side of the couch. He looks… 
“Morning!” Katara calls out from the kitchen, thankfully cutting off your train of thought. “I’m making eggs, do you want some?”
The rumble of your stomach is answer enough, and you laugh as you reply, “Definitely!”
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angee444 · 3 years
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Tagging my bestie: @yesydepressy 😌☝️.
Warnings: is gonna hurt to read
Y/n’s POV.
I woke up so late today and went downstairs were I saw my drug addict aunt 🤨🤨🥶🥶🙄🙄🙄🙄 I stared living with my aunt after my parents, sisters, brothers, cousins,neighbors, great great grandparents and the dog of the girl that I saw at the stored died in a bad accident some backstory about me I’m not like other girls I’m a small 3’0 with blond long hair and ocean blue eyes who used to live in a small town.
“Good morning”i said to my aunt “whatever”she said to me “oh by the way i sold you to a pro-hero he’ll be here soon”she said to me, ofc she would do it everything to get her hands on drugs but anywas i wonder who this pro-hero is im kinda happy that i get to go somewhere better than this hell hole.
skip timeeeeeeeee
i was ready with my bags in the livinh room wating for this pro-hero
“HELLOOOOOO anyone home”someone said from outside i looked out the window and saw no other than the winged pro-hero hawks i couldnt belive it.i put my hair in a messy bun and ran out the door.
“You most be y/n”hawks told me “yes that’s me ready to go?” I said “yes let’s go”.
Skippppp timeeeeee 🤪🤪✌🏽✌🏽🔥🔥🥶🥶✋🏽✋🏽
After a long drive we go to hawks apartment and it was hugeeee I couldn’t believe it , it was twice the size of were i used to live wich I forgot.
“You have a nice home”I said while looking around.
“Thanks kid”hawks replied “I only have one bedroom so you’ll sleep with me”he said while going upstairs.
I blushed a deep red and followed him to the bedroom and when I got there I could hear the showe r it was probably him so I decided to change my clothes to something more comfortable.while I was changing I turned around and saw hawks staring at me and I brushed more.
“O-o-o-o-m-my g-g-god hawks-senpai!!!!!” I said as I ran past him somewhere else were he couldn’t see my small delicate body “I-I-I-I-im s-s-s-s-sorryyy bakaaaaaa!!!”
Nahhhh I give up y’all I can’t 💀💀 I tried to write like them wattpad stories and I can’t it’s do painful for me 😭😭.
Lmao I also got some inspiration from tiktok 😌☝️
No offense to writes y’all are so talented and this is also one of the reasons why I’m not a writer even this that’s wattpad style I couldn’t finished 💀😭.
Hope y’all like it 😏.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
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Kenma stared at his phone for the next five seconds, until a notification of a missed call popped on the screen. he immediately realized this as a mistake and pressed the answer button when another call appeared.
he braced himself.
the voice from the call reflected loud and clear through his speaker. it was sweet yet vigorous. the excited tone bounced against him and around him, to have him feel the same.
he smiled to himself.
“hey, y/n.”
he hears you panting through the phone. “are you okay?”
“yes!” he heard you answer, breathing out the vowel of the word. “i’m sorry, but where are you right now?”
squeaking noises was heard out of the speaker. the boy assumed you might be out to look for him. his suspicions died down the second you replied that you were. Kenma called you stupid from the back of his mind, and excused himself from his team to go look for you too.
“i’m going to the garden,” he told you, walking his way down the stairs.
“garde- the garden?!”
Kenma winced at your yell that you soon apologized for. “i just walked passed the garden, geez. can you go somewhere else?”
“but i want to go to the garden.”
“stay where you are! i’m trying right now!”
“well, try to go to the garden.”
the sides of his mouth rose up to his cheeks as he rushed down the stairs, heading his way to the garden as he said. his grin grew wider after hearing whines from his phone speaker. the fun part of his life has come back, it seems. he wished for it to stay.
with this, he took a different route to the garden. that is in case he bumps into you, so the two of you can go together and he can make fun of you for running in the corridor like a lunatic. it’s one of his favorite hobbies now.
“wait!” you yelled from the other side of the call. he heard you gasp the next second and whisper, “i got lost i think. oh my god.”
at that moment, the most hearty and loudest cackle escaped from Kenma’s mouth. it was a split-second laugh. so loud that Kenma surprised himself. to think he was capable of laughing like that. if Kuroo were to hear, he would probably cry, Kenma thought and contained his enthusiasm. after all, the person on the phone can let out the same amount of enthusiasm for the both of them.
“what was that? can you do that again? i couldn’t quite catch it.”
Kenma rolled his eyes, chuckling. “i laughed.”
your gasp was the sharpest one he heard so far. “do it again! shit, oh no, i can’t record it. i’m calling you.”
this time he covered his mouth to not make his giggles audible. he was surprised to actually find himself giggling at something so simple.
the lad let you playfully babble curses at him while he remained quiet. if he continued speaking, he might not be able to stop. interacting with others is a tough job, so he took the time to look for you instead before going outside the premises.
it then hit him. “you’re not lost for real, are you?” he asked, looking left and right to see which way you might come from. he figured that since you both are college seniors, you could have been exaggerating to say you were lost. as you do liked exaggerating. the smile returned.
“i’m not familiar with the main building. the east and west buildings confuse me a lot.” she explained herself, sounding a lot more audible than previous times. Kenma looked up to the window and saw you taking a seat by the fountain, visibly tired to your wits. he took a sigh of relief before moving to sit beside you.
but his presence might have startled you that you had to stand back up. “you’re here!”
the lad nodded his head, smiling, and kept his phone back in his hoodie’s pocket. “yes, i am.” he saw the paint-stained apron she wore over her clothes. “you’re working hard.”
you looked down to your clothes, “this is nothing. i’m only doing my job. i didn’t want to just sit there and watch them work, you know.” and sheepishly smiled, tucking strands hair behind your ear.
“why’d you-”
the two of you laughed after speaking at the same time. you gestured for the lad to say his piece before you, but he only wanted to ask why you called him just to see him.
you felt yourself flush from realization. “well, um, the text you gave me made me really worried, and i keep forgetting to reply since everything’s been really hectic on me lately. and i apologize for that.”
“there’s no reason for you to apologize.”
“also, you’re never a bother to me. what made you think that?” you asked him, tilting a head to the side in confusion, and continued, “if anything, it’s an honor to be your friend since i started as a fan of you...”
until Kenma retracted his hand back from touching the stain of paint on your chin.
you stared at him. you just stood there, staring at him. you gathered all the events that led to that action in your mind. meanwhile, the lad covered his face and looked away out of shame. he just invaded your personal space
and touched you.
“what was that?”
“you- you had paint on your- on your chin. it w- it was distracting so... yea.”
you watched him as he stammered like crazy, as if he has violated your rights as a member of society and as a woman of Japan.
did you just do that to Bouncing Ball Corporation’s CEO?
“i’m a painter. it’s normal i had stains like this on certain parts of my body. no worries... well, anyways,” you said, trying your very best to brush off what happened just now between you two. you sure hoped you weren’t blushing as hard as he did just now. but your robotic voice did not help, “we can sit. do you want to sit? i want to sit.”
so you sat by the fountain once again, and Kenma followed suit. the both of you sat beside each other for the next few minutes, relishing the air accompanied by the scent of the plants. the warmth around you two was too comfortable and too sweet that you literally cannot stop blushing.
you are sitting beside Kenma Kozume. you hadn’t let that sink in yet. it was too good to be true. he was hanging out with you. he touched your chin. HE.
“you’re more quiet in personal, huh?”
“who, me?” you asked in a rather dumb way, as he did startle you with a question. “i’m kind of the same.” you can never admit that you’re actually so star-strucked whenever you see him in real life that you just do not function at all.
you’ll come around, you say to yourself.
it’s only a matter of ti-
“want to go to horror mansion with me some time?”
you blinked at him. “yes?” you asked him to repeat himself, to make sure you weren’t just hearing things, although your yes trailed off so far that you forgot to rise the intonation.
“great,” a soft smile matched with his soft voice so well that you find yourself instantly melting.
“you got the tickets, right?”
“uh, yea.”
“okay. i’ll just ask the team if we can make the booth up to your standards.”
“up to my standards? what’s that mean?”
“you don’t get scared easily, do you?”
so you stand there, taken-aback, that this boy had the audacity to tease you again as if you did not just go around school just to hang out with him, again.
“i’m hungry. want to get some snacks with me?”
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ღ take me to orbit
― note 10 ✧ working hard
ღ in which a part-time graphic designer receives an opportunity to work with their most favorite sugar daddy gaming youtuber. or perhaps, work isn’t the only thing that’s about to happen between them.
✧ previous 「masterlist」 next ✧
behind the stars:
since it has been officially stated, Kuroo immediately deleted the Kirby meme from Kenma's tweet to avoid suspicions.
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