#but also I was extremely tired the last two days + hot weather so I took my time
boyfrillish · 1 year
howdy! for a drabble prompt how about something like, victor/hop where one has to be fiercely protective of the other? (say, a wild pokemon encounter gets out of hand or...)
Victor’s walking toward Challenge Road when it happens. He knows there are plenty of wild Pokémon happy to attack passersby during any weather, yet he’s still caught off-guard when a Bisharp charges at him from behind.
The battle cry rings in his ears and when he turns around, he’s met with sharp blades ready to strike. He can barely shout a command to Sylveon or switch to a different Pokémon. The blow of the attack throws him right into the stairs and he yelps as the edges of the steps dig into his back.
He’s frozen in place as the blade points threateningly at his face.
But that’s when fear melts into a blend of admiration and worry alike.
“Get away from him!” an oh-so-familiar voice yells.
And Victor watches as Hop charges directly into the wild Bisharp, hitting it with his own body to knock it aside, and Dubwool eagerly helping with its Double-Edge.
Hop stands in front of Victor like a shield, Pokéball in hand to switch out. “Go, Cinderace! Hit it with your Pyro Ball!”
With the type advantage on his side, he fends off the wild Bisharp with ease. Though rather than celebrate the win, he rushes to kneel next to Victor.
Grim determination — an expression that’s burned into Victor’s mind ever since their battle at the Champion Cup — makes way for worried frown. “Victor! It didn’t cut you, did it? Let me check you for injuries!”
But the only response Victor can think of is to grab Hop by the collar of his jacket and shout, “You idiot! What were you thinking?!”
“I just saved your butt!” Hop shouts right back. “And you’re probably hurt, so let me tend to you already!”
Victor really wants to argue — because really! What was he thinking? — but his body has to betray him by wincing in pain. “Ugh, fine.”
He slips out of his dojo jacket and loosens the zipper of his binder for ease of breath, at the same time allowing Hop to lift his shirt to examine his back for any obvious signs of injury and patch up the scratches on his arms and legs.
Victor is mad. He really is. But the Butterfree that go wild in his belly again at Hop’s gentle, caring touch make it tough to stay mad. And, okay, maybe Hop going reckless protector mode for him made him fall in love even more than he already was.
Still, though… he’s miffed. Feelings don’t always make sense.
Finally, Hop is satisfied with his work and he fixes Victor’s t-shirt before putting away the first aid kit. Softly, he says, “I did the best I could, but I’m just a Professor’s apprentice, not a Doctor. So you should go back to the Dojo and have someone check you more thoroughly as soon as possible.”
Victor groans. “But I have training to do!”
“Nuh uh, training can wait. Health is more important,” Hop argues. “You’re the Champion of Galar, it’s no good if you end up out of commission because you thought you could tough it out.”
“If health is so important, then why did you charge in like that? You could’ve got hurt!”
“I didn’t think, okay?” Hop says. “I saw that Bisharp attacking you and heard your cry and all I knew was I had to make sure you’re safe. There was no time to think before acting.”
“You keep doing that, Hop. Charging ahead recklessly and rushing off before I have a chance to say something or help you. It can get a bit frustrating, you know?” Victor says. Softly, he adds, “I worry about you and I don't want you to get yourself hurt for my sake. I want you to be safe, too.”
“Sorry about that, Victor,” Hop says. “Sonia reproached me for that too, but I can’t help it sometimes. Especially when something or someone I really care about is in danger.”
“Just, promise you’ll be careful, okay? Or else I’ll charge in and protect you, because I really care about you too.”
A smile blooms on Hop’s face as he squeezes Victor’s hand in affirmation of the promise. “Heh heh, it makes me really happy we always have each other’s back.”
Victor feels like a firework lights up in his heart.
He smiles back. “Me too.”
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random-workout-time · 2 months
Day #15-18
Day #15-18 (7/8/24-7/12/24)
Note: This week, I will be primality in LA and Las Vegas. For the ab workouts, I usually just look up an ab workout on YouTube. It's usually something by chloe ting as I just like the workouts.
Day #15: Today, I walked around 4 miles. Unfortunately, I didn't do many exercises whatsoever.
Post: My legs are still tired, but I am pulling through.
Day #16: Today, I walked around 8 miles. I did around 75 squats, 50 pushups, and a short ab workout.
Post: Today, I did quite a bit. I would say the soreness is down significantly as my body has gotten more or less used to the workouts. I started to just do them all in one sitting rather than doing them spaced throughout the day like I started with. I think I like doing this better so I will probably continue on with this.
Day #17: Today, I did not work out as I was on a four-hour car ride to Las Vegas and sat next to the worst people possible to sit next to on a long road trip.
Post: I slept like a rock after the road trip. Also, Las Vegas was extremely hot so I don't expect to work out too much. I think the high for the days we were here was around 120 and the low was around 90.
Day #18: Today, I did 100 squats, 50 pushups, and a full ab workout. I did not walk today because it is just so hot outside.
Post: Apart from sore abs, I felt very good today. I am really liking the chloe ting workouts. I have been primarily doing the old 2-week ab workout video challenge from a while back that was super popular. I used to religiously do those so it's been fun getting back into it. The specific video is her most popular one on her channel.
Overall: The first two days were fun, but the last two days were pretty bad. Excluding workouts and such, 120 degree weather is just so unbearable, especially in a packed van with a finicky A/C. The workouts were sparse, but I think I learned a lot regarding what I like to do and what I don't like to do. If you ever go to California, then make sure to check the weather before making plans.
0 notes
gilthairpins · 3 months
Book 1 Chapter 20: Everything is Melancholy and Heartbroken
It was just the beginning of summer and the weather had not yet turned completely hot, so Kangxi ordered preparations be made to go beyond the Great Wall. Although trips happen outside the Forbidden City every year, I am very happy to go on them.
After all, once outside the Forbidden City, the rules are relaxed and the struggles seem far away. Riding horses, galloping under the blue sky and white clouds, enjoying the warm sunshine. The gentle wind and faint fragrance of green grass! I feel that life is still beautiful and my heart feels light.
There are the nine elder brothers also accompanying me outside the Great Wall this time. Included are the Prince, Fifth, Seventh, Eighth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth. Except for the occasional chat and laughter with Fourteenth, I avoided everyone else if I could. If I really couldn’t, I would greet and retreat as quick as politeness allowed.
These days seemed to be the quietest I had ever lived. When I wasn’t on duty, I was horse riding and swung about the grassland on my own. When I felt up to it, I galloped across the wild rolling grassland, when tired I lay against the horse allowing it to walk slowly.
Many times it was just me and the horse from the time the sun first rose to the time the sky was filled with the sunset. Chewing dried food and drinking water from a skin, enjoying the views and things here. Whole days would pass enjoyed in solitude.
“My sister spends all day with horses, she seems more and more unwilling to talk to people.” Yutan teased me with a smile.
I lowered my head grinning, thinking I didn’t even know when I had become like this. I remembered from childhood to adulthood I was a person who couldn’t stand loneliness. I had always wanted to surround myself with friends and stay in a group. When I had first come to work in Shenzhen I had no friends around me. I didn’t dare return home after work, I always hung out in bars. Even when I was in the Bei’le manor I wanted the maids to play with me, but I still sighed. Boring, boring! It seemed that I had never learned how to spend my time alone.
Time is easy to throw people away, the bananas turn green and cherries turn red. Between the turns of red and green I have quietly changed and started to enjoy the tranquility of being alone. In fact, if I could live this life peacefully, it will be my blessing.
This year both Prince Suwan Guarjia and Minmin were absent. Only Prince Heshu came to greet Kangxi. However, Minmin had sent a letter through Heshu. I was laughing even before I had finished the letter and fell back onto my blanket holding my stomach. The letter said, since bidding farewell in August last year, Prince Zuoying had not even returned to his own tribe. He had chased her all the way to their palace and moved in at the invitation of her mother. The letter was all about how Prince Zuoying followed her all day long, trying to please her, how she refused, how she put on airs to tease him, and how Prince Zuoying fought her in a battle of wits and courage. After reading her letter, it felt like Minmin was still unmoved. But her admiration and her inadvertent happiness were revealed between the lines.
I vaguely felt that this was Minmin’s star and Minmin wouldn’t miss him because prince Zuoying would not allow her to miss him. I seem to see their happiness waiting not too far away!
Holding the letter, I read it again and again and my mood became extremely good. I could finally see it next to me- a happy relationship between two people. There was no marriage, no coercion, no grievances, no interests. Just everything was him and her.
After reading the letter I ran out of the tent and took a horse out onto the prairie. I galloped smiling the whole way. Minmin’s happiness made me want to laugh with her. It wasn’t until I was tired that I slowed my horse and lay against it still smiling.
Suddenly I heard the sound of hoof beats. I opened my eyes and saw Eighth riding up slowly besides me. The smile on my face vanished and I sat up. While greeting him I said, “I still have some things to do. If lord Bei’le has no other instructions, I will retreat first.”
He stared at me and said quietly, “I have been watching you from the hillside just now. I haven’t seen you happy for such a long time.”
I didn’t know what to say and could only lower my head and remain silent. He looked into the distance and asked solemnly, “Have you really given up?”
“Let it go.” There was a dull pain in my heart, but I didn’t let it reflect on my face and kept calm.
“Do you have someone else in your heart?”
I knew he misunderstood so let him continue to misunderstand.
“No.” I replied lightly.
He stared at me sideways. “In three years you will be released from the palace. Are you willing to let father propose marriage to you?”
“Tomorrow will come and tomorrow be a worry. Nothing is up to me so why bother thinking about it?” I said casually. I bowed and turned to leave.
A sneer twisted the corner of his mouth and he waved his hand to let me go. I whipped my mount and rode away. Before riding too far, I saw Fourteenth reigning his horse on the hillside watching from a distance.
Thinking of bumping into him at a time like this, I was afraid he would scold me again because of his temper. So I pretended not to see him and rode back to stable my horse and walked back to my tent. I felt sour in my heart that I couldn’t express it. I bowed my head in silence.
“Ruoxi, what are you thinking about?” I suddenly heard while walking. Looking up I saw Heshu and the crown prince standing not too far away. I quickly knelt in greeting.
I don’t know if it is because of the jade pendant or Minmin but prince Heshu treats me very differently. He usually calls me by my first name just like Minmin and repeatedly tells me not to be so reserved and polite in front of him. But he said his thing and I did mine.
“I looked for you for a long time, but I didn’t even notice you.” Prince Heshu said with a smile.
“This servant was rude. Please punish me, Prince.” I smiled apologetically.
“It was just a joke. I don’t blame you and you rushed to apologize. Why are you still so cautious and polite? If Minmin were as half as good as you, Father and I wouldn’t have to worry so much. Now that you are serving in front of the emperor there is no chance. When you leave the palace in the future, I will take you to Mongolia to have some fun and change your temper.” He sighed.
The prince smiled and said, “There is no chance of that now. Royal father will take her every where with him where he goes. But in two or three years she will be old enough to leave the palace. And it will be time for Royal father to arrange a marriage. If I the prince want to invite you, I’m afraid I can’t invite one person.”
Prince Heshu smiled and didn’t answer.
Why was everyone so concerned about my marriage? It’s on everyone’s mind. You still think I’m not enough? Excuse me, remind me in a hurry? I don’t want to say any more and the corner of my mouth twitches. I smile and bow to leave. The prince smiled at me and motions for me to retreat. When the autumn wind began to blow, Kangxi decided to break camp and return to Beijing. Sitting in the carriage I thought the prince will be killed next year. I couldn’t help but sigh. Life would not be so easy next year and I must cheer up to face the palace storm. I also considered my possible wedding, which made me more worried. What on earth could I do?
September of the 50th year of Kangxi, Changchun Garden
After Kangxi returned from outside the Great Wall, he moved directly to Changchun Garden. It’s close to all the brothers’ manors and made it easier for everyone to come in and out.
Today I happened to run into Fourteenth. Seeing that he wasn’t busy, I stopped him and asked for details of what happened between Tenth and tenth Fujin. Since the last time Kangxi ordered all of his sons to accompany him to have fun in the Imperial Gardens.
Tenth had said he would be sick in the future, so I remembered. I had always wanted to ask Fourteenth for more details, but there was never a suitable opportunity. Either I’d forget about it, or, when I remembered, it wasn’t appropriate to ask.
“If we hadn’t known each other since childhood, I would have misunderstood you again! Where can I find someone else like you? You’re so concerned about the private affairs between a man and wife. I don’t know what you are thinking about all day long.” He laughed and said.
Still laughing, he told of the interesting things he encountered. As I listened, I thought that both of them were stubborn and short tempered. They can stand being angry and they are genuine people. They really are a pair of happy enemies living a noisy life.
We were laughing and chatting when Yutan ran forward anxiously. She greeted Fourteenth quickly and hesitated to speak to me.
“What happened?” I suppressed my smile and asked.
She glanced at Fourteenth and stared at me. “The crown prince…. The crown prince… and the live long lord want sister…. He asked the emperor for a marriage!”
My brain exploded with a bang and my legs felt weak. I was about to fall. Yutan quickly grabbed me. There was a buzzing in my ears. Yutan still seemed to be talking but I couldn’t hear her. I just thought, ‘what sin have I done that god shows me no mercy?’
When I came to my senses, I was sitting in my sitting room.
“Good sister! Please don’t scare me!” Yutan said while crying.
I weakly pointed to a tea cup and she quickly brought it over and let me take a few sips. I just felt confused and empty. I didn’t know what to do or think. So I casually asked, “Where is Fourteenth?”
“After hearing this, Fourteenth turned pale with rage and left. He only told me to guard and take good care of my sister.” She said.
She consoled me. “Sister, please don’t be impatient. The live long lord hasn’t nodded yet.”
I was still stunned. It couldn’t be like this. Things absolutely could not be like this!
“You carefully tell me everything that happened today, bit by bit, beginning to end. Even the look in the emperor’s eyes.” I told Yutan.
“After the prince arrived, Yunxiang ordered me to serve tea. When I brought the tea tray in, the prince was already kneeling in front of the emperor. ‘Ruoxi has already reached a marriageable age. She is gentle and polite in personality. She is outstanding in appearance and appearance, so I am bold and want to ask the emperor to make the decision and give her to me as my concubine.’ The emperor was silent for a long time before saying, ‘Ruoxi has been by my side for many years and has served me wholeheartedly. I also know it’s time for her to get married, but I’m getting older and I really need someone like her who is thoughtful and knows the truth in my heart. I want to keep her for a while and then give her advice on who to marry. Reward her with a generous dowery and allow her to marry in glory, not being in vein for serving me. Something unexpected happened today and I have to think about it.’ Then I served the tea and I had no reason to linger, so I had to withdraw. Because I was shocked at that time, and afraid that the emperor and the crown prince would get clues because of the abnormal expressions. I never dared raise my head, so I didn’t get to pay attention to their expressions.” Yutan said.
After careful consideration I can roughly understand what the crown prince was thinking. There were only three reasons: one is Kangxi, the other is the Mongolians, and the third is my father. Among them, the Mongolians factor a majority. Everyone in the dynasty knows that the crown prince is wanting to reconcile with the mongols to consolidate his position.
But I haven’t a clue about Kangxi’s thoughts. If he approves, what should I do? Do I really want to marry the prince or do I resist the decree? Do I really need to prepare three feet of white silk like Fourth said?
I know everyone’s ending but my own. Is this the ending that god has prepared for me? Thinking about it, I couldn’t help but feel sad and I couldn’t help but cry on my couch.
Yutan insisted on staying in my house at night.
“Don’t worry, go back! Are you really afraid I would hang myself from a beam at night? Since the live long lord hasn’t nodded, the matter hasn’t reached a dead end.” I said feebly. “Besides even if it did reach a dead end and I’m not willing to accept my fate. Please let me be alone.”
Yutan had no choice but to go back to her room after I finished speaking. I lay back thinking about this over and over again. And tears fell from my eyes. When I saw Tenth’s wedding ceremony I was filled with sadness and anger. I now realize it wasn’t only sadness and anger, but also utter despair.
I stood up in my clothes and walked slowly to the sweet smelling osmanthus tree. Recalling the prince’s past expressions and the way he had looked at Minmin, I felt extremely sick. I hugged the sweet scented tree, pressing my face against the bark and burst into tears.
Am I all wrong? Did my persistence end up harming myself? No matter whether it was Fourth or Eighth, or Tenth, it was better than marrying the prince! Fourth, Fourteenth, and Eighth have all reminded me, but I had always maintained a carefree mentality, thinking I still had a few years left. But I know while I don’t care about it, others did. And now I regret it. It’s too late.
As I thought and cried, the sky gradually lightened.
“Why is my sister only wearing single clothes?” Yutan screamed as she opened the door and stepped in the help me. As she touched my body, she shouted, “Oh my god! So hot! How long have you been standing outside?!”
She helped me lay down on the bed and wrapped me in a quilt. “Sister, if you can bear with me for a little longer, I will go find the prince and ask for a doctor.”
Yutan served me some medicine and I felt drowsy again. I said I was confused, but Yutan was in the room. I could clearly hear the noise in the room. Even though I was awake, my eyelids felt as heavy as mountains and I couldn’t keep them open. I don’t know how long I lay there. My throat felt smoky and I finally looked for some water.
I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I felt like Yutan was sitting next to me. I couldn’t reminded her than my hands and feet were weak. I just frowned and cried out in pain.
“Want water?” A man’s voice asked. He picked me up and brought the cup to my mouth, and fed me little by little. After finishing drinking, he helped me lay back. He whispered in my ear, “Since royal father hasn’t issued a decree yet, things will take a turn for the better.”
Only then did I recognize Fourth’s voice. My heart felt sour and tears fell from the corners of my eyes. He wiped my tears away.
“Just listen to the doctor’s instructions and recover from your illness first. Don’t think about anything else. Yutan was taken away by my order and is expected to come back soon. You won’t wait too long.” He was ready to leave after that.
I don’t know where I got the strength from, but I grabbed his sleeve and refused to let go. Perhaps it was because I knew he would be the future emperor, Yongzheng. I blindly believed that if there was anyone in this world who could save me, it would be him.
He had no choice but to turn and sit back down, staring at me. I couldn’t speak. I had just shed tears.
“I told you so many truths earlier and you didn’t listen to a word of it. Now that something has happened you are finally pulling on my sleeve?” He said coldly.
That jolted me. He wasn’t the current emperor, but the future one. Then again, even if he has the means, why should he offend the prince for me? I let go of his sleeve and closed my eyes. Only tears remained at the corners.
He bent down and helped me wipe my eyes. “I can’t make promises to you now because I don’t even know if I can.” His deep voice rang in my ears. “The person who wants you, after all, is the prince. But don’t think I won’t care about you.” He covered me with the quilt and opened the door to leave.
After taking four doses of medicine, Yutan covered me with another quilt to make me sweat. By the second day the fever subsided and I felt quite awake, even though my head was still as heavy as a mountain. I hadn’t eaten anything yesterday, so by noon today, Yutan brought me some porridge and fed it to me. After finishing eating, she helped me wipe my face and packed up the food box and went out.
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling thinking that if Kangxi really wanted to grant me a marriage, what could I do to prevent him from granting me to the crown prince. Knowing that the crown prince would be deposed next year, if I could wait until then, Kangxi wouldn’t grant the marriage. But if Kangxi was really interested how could I deny it for so long? While I was thinking about it, the door suddenly opened and I thought that Yutan had returned. I ignored it and kept moving forward with my thoughts.
“Looking better than yesterday.” A man’s voice said.
I quickly turned and saw Fourteenth standing by the bed and looking down at me. I tried to sit up but he stopped me.
“Just lie down. There is not a need for such etiquette.” He pulled a stool and sat next to me.
He was quiet a while and then leaned forward to whisper to me. “Do you know why the crown prince wants to marry you? Prince Suwan Guarjia asked Royal father to grant a marriage for Minmin to Prince Zuoying. The memorial just arrived today. He is quite well informed!” He gave a low snort. “I’ll tell you more about the twists and turns later. I just wanted to ask you, do you want to marry the prince?”
I shook my head.
“It’s not convenient for Eighth to come and see you now. He asked me to tell you to find a way to delay it in front of Royal father for a few days. In about ten days things should turn around.” He said.
I was shocked but happy at the same time. I just stared at Fourteenth.
“Thank you.” I said with a tearful voice. He nodded firmly.
“Why is your voice so burned? It’s like a duck’s!” He was surprised.
My mouth twitched and I wanted to laugh, but my heart was too bitter. I just watched Fourteenth quietly.
Fourteenth sighed bitterly, “Earlier, I had asked you to make your decision as soon as possible. But you didn’t listen. Now that you have reached this point you realize you regret it. Marrying Eighth is better than marrying the prince.”
There were tears in my eyes and Fourteenth stopped and said, “You take good care of your health and don’t worry about anything. I’m going back. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you for the next few days. Take care of yourself.”
As soon as he left, Yutan came in with a bowl of rock sugar and autumn pears.
“You’re not on duty anymore?” I asked her.
“Li Shuda knows my sister is ill, so he asked me to take care of you.” She replied. She went to help me drink the sugar water.
“I don’t want to drink.” I said.
Yutan smiled and said, “Drink some, sister. This is the best for soothing your throat.”
I shook my head and motioned for her to take it away. She tried to persuade me a few more times but I didn’t respond. She then put it aside.
What exactly is this turning point? And Fourteenth had said it was only a turning point, which means it may not necessarily be the case, but at least there was a way to go for the time being. If it only takes a few days, it should be possible. Even if Kangxi wanted to grant me a marriage, he can’t be as anxious as to issue an order for me to take care of myself even though I’m sick. Thinking about this purpose, I calmed down a bit.
While I was thinking to myself, Yutan came in with the medicine. She placed it on the table and helped me sit up. I took her hand and motioned her to sit next to me.
“I can’t drink this medicine, Yutan.” She looked at me in surprise and I continued. “I don’t want to marry the prince. I have no other option but to pretend to be sick. But it’s impossible to pretend to be sick. I’ve been taking this medicine from you for so many years. Li Shuda knows everything together with the imperial doctor. So the medicine you bring is the usual and throw it away before anyone notices or you are not my good sister.”
Yutan bit her lip and stared at me before finally nodding. I smiled and took her hand but she suddenly turned her head and wiped her tears. Her shoulders shook and she muttered to herself.
“Why is this happening? Even people like my sister…”
Alas! What will her fate be in the future? By the time she leaves the palace she will have already passed the marriageable age, and given her background, she has no family to rely on. If she didn’t get married she could only live with her brothers for the rest of her life. How embarrassing would that be? If you get married it would be difficult to find a lover. For a woman as smart and clever as she is, as long as she is willing to work hard there is no way out. But I now see only a dark future. Women are made of water. That is because this society has no other way out for women except the ‘three obediences’ of ‘obeying the father, obeying the husband, and obeying the son.’ How can a woman not cry?
Although I didn’t take any of the medicine yesterday, I felt better today. I guess it’s because I often skipped rope in the hospital and did sit ups before going to bed. At that time, I only thought about health as the most important thing. I was alone in the palace. If I got sick, I would be the one to suffer.
Ancient medicine was backward. Looking at “Dream of Red Chamber” a small case of typhoid fever may turn into terminal tuberculosis at any time, so I have always been more in love with my body, but now I’m beginning to regret it.
Especially when the imperial doctor checked my pulse and said to me with a smile, “Just wait four or five more days and take some proper care and you should be fine.”
I was in so much pain that I had to pretend to be happy after hearing it.
Yutan brought the medicine and I was leaning against the couch in a daze when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” I called casually.
Xiao Shunzi walked through the door. He quickly approached the couch and faced me and whispered, “I was asked to tell this girl one word- Drag!” After saying this he turned and ran away in a hurry.
I thought about it for a long time and made up my mind.
In the evening I sent Yutan back to her own room to rest. I guessed that she would be fast asleep when I threw on my clothes and opened the door to stand in the courtyard. It was already cold in Beijing late at night at the end of September. I stood alone in the wind for a while, thinking about the last time when I had heard the bad news and was sad.
If you catch cold due to a chill wind and end up with a fever it’s probably due to psychological factors. I’m afraid I won’t be able to use the wind this time with such mental preparations. I turned back to the house and went to get a basin and cold water.
I held the basin and poured the water down, soaking myself from head to toe. I stood in the wind, forcing myself to raise my hands and close my eyes. I gritted my teeth and my body shivered.
“Good sister! Why are you doing this to yourself?” Yutan shouted as she rushed up to drag me back into my room.
I pushed her hand away and said, “Don’t worry about me. Go back to bed.”
She wanted to drag me, so I said, “Do you think I am willing to harm myself? But this is the only way I could think of to save myself now! If you continue stopping me, you are harming me. I will still treat you as a close friend.”
Yutan let go of my hand crying silently. I ignored her and took another basin of water. I stood in the wind for half the night. Before dawn I started feeling hot again and my head became dizzy. Yutan helped me into the house, dried my hair and changed my clothes. She covered me in a quilt.
“Don’t rush to call the doctor,” I kept telling her. “When my hair is dry, you can touch it and perm it some more. I’ll call again when the time comes.”
Because I was worried, I hadn’t rested well for many days. I was awake for a while before falling into a dazed sleep.
This illness was an aggravation of illness. There was no good way to reduce the fever in ancient times. It took me three or four days of being groggy before I woke up. And it took another four to five days to nurse myself back to health before I slowly began to recover. Thinking that this wasn’t good, Yutan no longer needed to take care of me all day long. And thinking about this so called turning point and Kangxi’s attitude I ordered Yutan to return to work as usual and to pay attention to everything. She nodded obediently to show she had understood everything.
Seeing that it was already ten days, but there was still no movement. Yutan only told me that Li Dequan had asked her about my condition and his expression was normal. He only told her to take good care of me. I was worried in my heart. This disease came on suddenly and violently and it happened coincidentally. What on earth could Kangxi be thinking? Fifteen days have passed since Fourteenth came to seem me, but I hadn’t seen any improvement. One day while I was sitting in the house, feeling miserable, Yutan hurried in. She closed the door and sat down next to me.
“I heard that today in court the old affairs of Lord Jingxi, the governor of the country were brought up again. I beg you to live forever. I’m investigating the case of the infantry commander Tuo Heqi and his son entertaining the ministers of the court and embezzling illegal money during the funeral of Prince Malhun of Doroan County.”
I thought about it carefully Jingxi is the son of prince An Yuele and the maternal uncle of eighth Fujin. He is in the Zhenglan banner with Eighth. He must be a supporter of Eighth. And the infantry commander Tuo Heqi is the prince’s man. This is an attack on the prince! Is this what is called a turnaround?
“But what do you think the live long lord said?”
Yutan replied, “Because this report said that there were signs that there were about twenty people participating in the party gathering, excluding infantry commander Tuo Heqi, the capital commander Eshan, the ministry of punishment minister Qi Shiwu, and the ministry of war minister Gang E. In addition to the adults most of them were military personnel such as the commander in chief of the eight banners and the deputy commander in chief. The live long lord took it very seriously and ordered Third to be responsible first for the investigation. If it is true as reported by the Duke of the town, the case will be handed over to the ministry of punishment for a detailed investigation.”
Of course a detailed review is required! Ever since the restoration of the crown prince, Kangxi has been worried that Yinreng might force the palace to usurp the throne. Most of the people participating in the symposium held military positions and held certain military powers. In particular, the position of infantry commander from the first rank. It’s like the commander of the capital’s garrison and is directly responsible for ensuring the emperor’s personal safety. How could Kangxi rest assured that they would be friendly in private? Once any unfavorable words to the prince were found, the prince would be deposed again soon. And since Eighth chose to attack this matter, he would definitely not target without aim.
Thinking about it, I couldn’t help a smile that escaped the corner of my mouth. The sword hanging above my head, finally, was temporarily removed. Since Kangxi’s suspicion about the prince became reality there is no reason to marry me to him. And if it is true as they think, I now have relations with two prominent Mongolian clans. How can they waste such a good resource on the prince?
I had always thought that the battle of the two deposed princes would have waited until next year. But I didn’t expect it to turn from the dark to being out in the open right now. I’m afraid that Eighth has already made arraignments and is just waiting for the opportunity, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to make such a decisive move. Since Fourth could send someone to delay for time, it means he also knows that there will be a day in court. It seems that this time he is going to cooperate with Eighth to take down the crown prince.
But what role did I play in this? I think I was the catalyst. Without me, this matter would have happened sooner or later, but because I was involved with the mongols and Kangxi’s attitude, to a certain extent, it might have happened earlier than they had planned.
Without a history book in hand I don’t know if these things are developing according to the history I know. I am confused in my heart. Is it because of me that history is like this? Or is it because of history that it is my business?
The smile was still there but it gradually became bitter. I hid here and there, but unexpectedly I landed in the center of the storm. I used to be a bystander, watching everyone go to their end. Now I am also dragged into those scene. Where should I go in the future? From now on, it is not a situation where nothing will happen if I don’t make a mistake. But I am afraid of making mistakes. Even if I move, the storm won’t let me go. I may not be so lucky next time. It’s time to think about how to protect myself!
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theboardwalkbody · 2 years
Time to play:Is it Taltz causing my immune system to fail or is it Normal?
Two weeks ago I had sinusitis symptoms. Took antibiotics and it helped.
That same weekend I ended up in the hospital with what turned out to be a bladder infection (which I had 0 symptoms of prior to the extreme pain it ended up causing) and, according to the scan at the hospital I also have a cyst of "significant size" on my ovary which between that and the swollen bladder have been working together to cause chaos.
Plus I got a cold sore. My paternal grandmother got them all the time and passed them to my sister and I as babies and sometimes if I've been sick enough they come out. It's had me in a bad place mentally because of my own personal feelings about it.
Still battling some issues with that despite the antibiotics but now I'm not sure if it's infection or just the cyst.
Now last Friday I woke up with a sore throat and mild congestion. Over the weekend both things have been getting worse.
I couldn't sleep At All last night. I tried going to bed around midnight but my throat was so dry and my sinuses hurt I was too uncomfortable and just kept tossing and turning until about 230. At that point I remembered the window was open and thought maybe the dry air coming in was causing it so I shut it. It helped a little. I wanted to drink something but I've been hesitant since the bladder issues are worse at night and it makes me not want to drink anything.
I tried to do some day dreaming hoping it would lead to real dreaming and it did but only for about 40 minutes.
From 315 to 415 I once again struggled with the intense dry throat and pain.
Now from 415 to 6 I couldn't shut my brain up. Intense racing thoughts and anxiety related to work.
I missed work last Monday because of the bladder stuff. I was in so much pain and had added nausea from the antibiotics.
I was supposed to start a new case today, a new patient's first day with our company. I really wanted this case for a few different reasons and I think it would be a really good fit.
But I've been awake all night, I feel run down, I feel hot, my throat is hurting, my sinuses are burning, I feel so tired.
They said it's OK and to feel better when I called (finally made the decision at like 615 because I was supposed to be up and getting ready to leave for 730) but I feel so guilty. I feel like it reflects bad on me and the company and it's day one and I really wanted this case and I hope they don't take me off it for good because of this and idk.
I spent hours beating myself up over it before I called and now I'm still beating myself up over it. Despite knowing I'd be suffering during a full 8hr hands on shift with the night I had and how I feel in general because of whatever is going on.
So I'm kinda miserable all around.
I keep trying to convince myself it's just allergies. Because the pollen and the blooming trees, and the change of weather, etc. But I took allergy meds and they didn't do anything. I took the 24hr pseudoephedrine and still nothing. I think it's either the sinus infection has come back or maybe it's a new one, or possibly tonsillitis because on Saturday I did have some spots on my tonsils (I get tonsil stones though and because of my cold sore I didn't poke around at them to see if it was stones or not) and they are swollen (which for me is normal anymore but they look extra swollen and red now).
So idk.
Part of me wants to be like que cera, cera
But the bigger part of me (where the anxiety and mental health issues live) is going to beat myself up over today.
My Lola knows I'm not feeling great and I'm upset because, despite the fan being on which she doesn't enjoy, she jumped down from her loop/perch and is laying on the bed with me (she did use the opportunity to scratch the curtain, though). She's going to snuggle with me and then get zoomies. It is prime for zoomies.
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bigtittydemonwife · 3 years
The pasta’s love language Part 1
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Jeff The Killer 
 this is the most obviously way the bastard man lets you know he cares about you 
Behind the asshole tsundere attitude and I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude about life lays another smaller asshole and buried deep under that lays the small boy that picked a fight with three bullies to protect his loving brother
Weather it’s him decking o**enderman for being creepy or saving you from a tricky last victim it seems Jeff always knows when your in trouble 
So low-key about it you never really notice his eyes on you until you’re being helped, and even then you never notice how they never leave
Jeff is like a dog, but not the loving wagging tail dog, the asshole that stands on your feet with his sharp claws, rips open your pillows and terrorises the mailman so much your mail is delivered by drone.
but he is also the dog that late at night sneaks onto your bed and whenever there’s someone strange approaching you on the street at night stands in front of you and bares his teeth 
Physical Touch 
Jeff’s love isn’t soft
Jeff’s love is as rough as he is 
Jeff’s touch is soft head-pats after you put someone in their place 
His touch is high fives after a successful mission where your hands linger together
His touch is quick side hugs before he goes off to go do something stupid 
Cheeky neck kisses in front of others to make you flustered 
fingers running though your hair or down your sides whenever he gets bored 
easiest way to get cuddled by this man? after a mission when he’s too tired to act like a tsundere  
Jeff is funnily like a cat in this regards, his cuddles are fun but he has to want to, otherwise it’s deemed as unnecessary
Jeff isn’t a rational man 
So when he gets jealous his first response is to just stab the guy and run 
Ass a traumatised stubborn teen Jeff is quick to anger but he toe’s the line (aha reference) at when people disrespect you 
Is he an asshole to you all the time?
Is he the only person who can be mean to you?
Despite what everyone thinks Jeff does understand the difference between mean teasing and just being an asshole 
And if your someone like me who shows your love to people you care about by teasing and being mean to him he’s gonna understand if your friends are the same way 
What he does not accept is anyone who dares treat you like your lower than them 
thats when he pulls out his knife and commits stabby stabby 
Ticci Toby 
Physical Touch 
Unlike Jeff when Toby is in love he’s a touchy feely person
And once again unlike Jeff when it comes to cuddles Toby is most likely to be the one to initiate cuddles 
On a good day Toby recharges with touch
Most of the time he’s all over you 
His favourite way to cuddle is him on the bottom with you on his chest and your face buried into his neck 
If you cuddle with him like that theres a 97% chance you are not leaving any time soon 
He loves to hold your hands alot, Toby hands are an eternal mystery as sometimes their cold as fuck and others their super warm
After a really bad day when he’s had his alone time and recharged (which can take as long as a week) he just wants to lay with you a bit 
this usually happens when he’s burnt out (missions do not help) 
on days like that he wants to be held in your arms and rest his head on your chest
that way as he falls asleep he can hear your heartbeat and know your safe and alive 
Toby is an asshole, but he’s a lovable asshole 
And on a good day when he’s happy and in love he’s acting like a lovestuck school boy 
He’s the type to give you either the cutest nicknames or the weirdest 
One day he’ll call you love the next Mustard 
 His compliments are the sweetest thing ever because of how special they are 
instead of complimenting something basic about you (well not basic but well seen by everyone) he compliments you on some of the most obscure things that you didn’t think anyone noticed about you 
“I love how fast you talk when you get excited”
“I love easily you get along with sally”
“Your eyes glow in the sunset, it’s really pretty”
Ben Drowned 
Ben is an antisocial person. 
He’s not bitter about it but most of the time he prefers to keep to himself 
Ben understands if his partner isn’t like that, but one of his ways of showing love is giving them space to be their own person 
While Ben does love to spend time with you and share interests and hobbies 
He is a human demon? ghost? thing that loves alone time 
And by giving you space and your own time alone it’s his way of letting you still have freedom to be you
Ben recharges his social battery with a quiet atmosphere so alone time or cuddle time is his favourite thing to do with you when he’s down
Don’t get me wrong he loves cuddles 
But that doesn’t mean he’s going to be clinging to you 24/7
Acts of service
Ben is a patient person 
Despite what people think all his years of gaming have taught him a lot about taking his time and how easier it is to get things done when he’s chill 
So he’s quite alright with doing things for people when they need help 
But even so he’s still his own person 
So he doesn’t usually do it for free unless it’s for someone he really cares about 
And that’s when you come in 
Ben is basically ready to do anything for you 
Will Jeff call him a simp? Yes, will he care? No 
In the end of the day he’s getting ass and Jeff’s not
You could ask him to hack the government for you and he would 
But basic shit is him bringing you snacks he stole from Jeff’s room when your hungry 
He just likes making you happy 
Physical Touch
Ironically enough in complete contradiction of the first one Ben actually loves spending time with you 
Not all the time, otherwise in his opinion the time he gets with you will feel less special 
But when either of you have a bad day he likes to either cuddle you and take a nap or hold you while you both/ he plays video games 
Ben’s a ghost? Thing so his body is always cold 
That’s one of the reasons why he loves holding you so much is feeling your warm body against him 
He likes to nap on your tiddys because 1) he’s perverted and 2) he likes to hear your heartbeat 
He finds the sound of it fascinating 
Sometimes he feels his pulse just because the shock of not feeling anything is fun to him 
Ben is probably one of the easiest pastas to date 
He’s like a house cat
Just give him attention and water and he can fend for himself all good 
Eyeless Jack 
Giving Gifts
Jack in love is a very very confusing thing 
Not because he’s contradictory but because the way he flirts sometimes ties into his demonic animalistic tendencies 
For example 
His gifts to you can sometimes be very sweet things that instead are normal gifts like flowers or chocolates but instead small things like breakfast in bed after a stressful mission (He may or may not use his acting like a doctor as an excuse yes EJ is the mansions doctor fight me bitch)
and then other times it’s organs like a heart or an eyeball, bones or a skull (sometimes animal) and sometimes even teeth, if your lucky most of the time once more they just belong to some pour animal in the woods 
and they say romance is dead
Jacks way of showing love is sorta a mixture of how some birds gift their mates things to flirt and how cats give their owners dead animals
He’s cute I swear 
Acts of Service
Unlike Ben jack isn’t going to drop everything to please you 
but once again the way he shows his love is more casual(?) (I mean he gives you dead things to show his love that ain’t casual)
and if he’s in a good mood/ had a good day then more often than not you’ll find yourself being spoiled in a completely Jack way?
You’re thirsty? He made you both coffee/ tea/ hot chocolate 
You’re on a mission and it’s raining? Take his jacket (not like he’s gonna die from the cold)
You’re hungry? Take a snack from his secret stash that no one else is aloud to go through (though most of the time it’s filled with organs)
Jack hates it when his lover is stressed so he likes to do whatever he can to help them out 
Physical Touch
I hate to sound stereotypical but Jack does this the most because he is extremely touch starved 
Trust me he’s not into PDA at all but behind closed doors he’s finding any excuse he can get to touch you ( with your consent )
he loves sleeping together because usually at night he’s reading or trying to piece together his broken parts
But when he’s holding you in his arms, and whispering how much he loves you in your ear when he’s sure you’re asleep he feels like he doesn’t to be whole 
that he can’t expect you to fix him at all, but being with you is enough to make him feel like instead of being broken, being fractured is alright 
But weather it’s his hand on your cheek on your hands laced together Jack likes to feel your skin against his 
fucckkkk I’m tired, this like took three days, you’re getting a part two when I don’t feel like my head’s trying to kill itself and no I did not spell check this nor will I ever as spellings for pussys and people who graduate school 
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In The Coffee Shop
Summary: You work in a coffee shop and preparing the special of the month starts something you’d never thought would happen at your work place.
Pairing: Sharon Carter x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Dubcon (sex pollen), smut, oral sex (m and f receiving, m and f giving), fingering, anal
Word count: 4.6K
A/N: This is my entry for @tinymalscoffee 400 follower writing challenge. Congrats on that milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge! I chose the prompts sex pollen and coffee shop AU. The graphics I used are by the amazing @firefly-graphics
It was, surprisingly, a slow morning in the coffee shop. Well, maybe not that surprising. There had been a warning for an extreme weather phenomenon and judging by the lack of customers in suits, several of the big employers had for once decided to not force their employees to come into work during this. You could already see the dark clouds forming on the sky.
The bell above the door rang and in came a red head with shorter hair. You didn’t look up from the flat white you were preparing and put some chocolate powder on it when your colleague yelled to you to get started on a double espresso. The flat white was done and snatched up by someone who visibly thought himself a hotshot, and even more visibly, wasn’t. Probably why he was out, to show his unwavering dedication to the company…
Then came the red head into your line of view directly. She was beautiful. And your hands trembled when you pushed the cup over the counter to her.
“Here’s your coffee, ma’am. Enjoy” You were surprised you were able to keep your voice steady.
“Thanks. Sugar is…?” Her voice was beautiful.
“To your right, ma’am.”
She smiled. “Do I look that old?”
“N-no, miss” You felt yourself get hot in the face.
“Don’t worry, just pulling your leg.”
You smiled at each other. Her smile made her even more beautiful. She nodded once more to you and then went to find a seat in the farthest nook of the shop. Your shift went on like usual after that.
Some days later, you had the afternoon shift. Your favorite. There were mostly students chatting about their lectures and during ordering, they were the nicest of customers and even chatting with you and the other baristas about their own side jobs, often in other cafés like yours.
This time you were on the register. Because of the influx of customers, you didn’t register the black-haired man and the blond one next to him until they stood directly in front of you.
“What can I get you, sirs? Our feature of the month is the flat white and the blueberry muffin.”
“I’ll have a latte macchiato and one of those blueberry muffins. Sound delicious.” The black-haired man grinned at you.
“And for you, sir?”
“Just a black coffee, thanks.” The blond one smiled.
“Right away, just wait for it over there.” You pointed to the end of the counter.
“Thanks” The black-haired one smiled. “So, Steve about that idea for Veterans Day…”
A week later, right at noon, a blonde woman and a brown-haired man came in. You were just finishing up an americano when they came over to you and you caught a snippet of their conversation: “… but knives-“ Said the blonde woman.
You had expected normal talks about work or whatnot. But not about knives, and apparently that had shown on your face.
“Don’t you scare the lady that’s granting you tea, Sharon!” The man said and smiled at you.
You smiled back as you gave them their tea and coffee and they smiled back. Like customers and employees smiled at each other.
Days later, when you were on table cleaning duty, your eyes swept over the customers’ heads. There was that cute couple that had had their first date here. You had no idea what number date they were on, but they were clearly progressing. The redhead putting her hand on the hand of the other woman after she put down the cookie she just broke in half.
The next table already had drunk their orders and the crumbs on the one plate in front of the brown-haired man signaled them being finished.
“Can I clear away?” You asked.
The brown-haired man and the redhead woman nodded.
There was even more traffic than usual in the morning today. Some conference was happening near you. And it wasn’t the fun kind for comics or books or games or a combination or all three with people in cosplay and sometimes, literally, screaming about who they saw and who was gonna be where and what they wanted to do and fandom discussions you got way to invested in for the fact that you were working. No, it was some business conference. It meant even more suits and even more snatched drinks without so much as a glance. It shouldn’t have bothered you, but it still did.
On one table though, there were two blondes and a black-haired man next to them. When you yelled out their orders, the blonde woman came up and took them with a genuine but tired “Thanks.” It was the first thanks you had heard that day by a customer.
When you went to do your cleaning rounds and came to their table the black-haired man and the blonde woman seemed to be dozing. The other blond smiled to himself. You took the cups and remembered how they all had wanted a double-caffeine shot.
“Thank you very much, ma’am” The blond man said.
You looked up at him, aghast. Thanking customers were one thing. They made your day. But this? This much manners? Calling you ‘ma’am’? Wow.
“O- of course. You’re welcome.”
You came out of the back room and had to grip the doorframe to hold yourself up. Your head was swimming.
“Hey! … okay?” You heard a voice in front of you.
You clenched your eyes and opened them again.
“Hey. You okay?” The blonde woman came into focus.
“I feel … weird…” You mumbled.
“I’ll take a look” The blond man said and went to the back room. A few minutes later, he came back, carrying a tray with a coffee grinder and half of the beans already ground.
“Did you just work on this?”
“Yeah… it’s… it’s our … special feature … the coffee with … with our special… home-ground beans…” Speaking was hard, you slurred, but somehow you managed while the blonde woman stroked your back.
“And you prepared them for tomorrow?” The redhead asked.
You nodded.
“Right, there was an ad about the new monthly feature” The brown-haired man mused.
You nodded again.
The blond man bent over the tray and took a whiff.
“Steve, no!” The black-haired man shouted.
“That’s been a losing battle for decades now, Sam” The brown-haired man sounded almost resigned.
“It smells a little weird.”
“I don’t smell anything” The redhead said. “But if you sense something, it must be there. Probably not strong enough for her to pick up.” She nodded to you.
The brown-haired man stood up from where he sat and went into the back room. He came back shortly after and pinched his nose in what seemed disbelief. “I think I know what it is. And all of us already inhaled it.”
“What are you talking about, Bucky?” The blonde woman spoke up.
“There were rumors about a substance that could be both used in liquids and in air to heighten sexual arousal. At the moment I don’t yet know who exactly produced it or why they need this and I also don’t know who ‘they’ are but the rumors I could listen to years ago when they were slow with wiping me, apparently led to something.”
“So, ‘they’ isn’t Hydra?” That was the redhead.
The guy shook his head.
“So, what happens now?” The blond man, Steve, asked.
“Most likely, all of us will go more or less crazy unless we…” Bucky scratched his neck and trailed off.
“Getting ourselves of by ourselves isn’t an option?” Sam wanted to know. “The whole thing would be weird if it was just people we knew from work, but she” He pointed to you. “doesn’t know us, we don’t know her and besides introducing ourselves, there won’t be much getting to know each other.”
“I know your orders, but that’s about it. I can’t even tell if you have a routine for which you need caffeine, because you all came in at different times and all the time” You mumbled with a tight-lipped smile.
“They say something about ourselves, right?” The man who was called Steve.
You nodded and looked at the blonde woman. “You have someone British in your family.”
Now Steve. “You want something simple. Maybe you don’t care for all the special things coffee shops have, but maybe, you’re also overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice.”
The one called Sam was next. “You want something sweet but unlike others, you don’t want it contrasted with a drink on the bitter side of the spectrum. You want something toned down. You don’t need another stark contrast.”
“You” You looked at the redhead- “want something strong and sweet. Always. It’s both a pick me up and something to calm down but stay energized.”
“And you, ordering a black coffee but with caramel and peppermint syrup. There are people who order one of the two syrups in their coffee. Maybe caramel and hazelnut together. Peppermint on its own. But caramel and peppermint? That’s very unusual.” That was the last one of the group.
As much as they looked stunned, you looked proudly at them.
“How do you know I have someone British in my family?” The blonde woman seemed a little lost for words.
“Tea in this shop is either ordered by people who wanna seem fancy but not too fancy to hinder their career or by people who have an emotional response to tea. That’s why we sell almost no tea when there’s a conference, even to those suit-wearing people from around here who normally order one.”
“But how?” The one called Sam wondered.
“If you know all that just by our drink orders and we’ll probably have sex with each other tonight, we should probably know each other’s names, right?” Steve said.
You nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Steve and this are Sharon, Natasha, Sam and Bucky.”
You shook their hands and looked them in the eyes when their names were called and they smiled at you. You shook hands with people you barely, if at all, knew and who you were going to have sex with in probably a few minutes.
“Is there somewhere where it wouldn’t be that uncomfortable?” Natasha asked.
You nodded and led them to the very back of the shop, right where Natasha had once drunk her double espresso.
“The first time I came in here, you made the coffee and I went to this nook. You make a mean double espresso.”
“How do you remember that one coffee?”
“Because the first time it wasn’t you who made it, it didn’t taste as good.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You smiled; the barista part of your ego needed that and getting that compliment from someone like her, was an added bonus.
“May I?” Sam asked and untied the apron, now working on your shirt and you nodded.
Your clothes went one by one, slowly and when you were just in your underwear, you saw the others had taken off their clothing as well, except Sam of course.
You looked at Sam and when he smiled at you, you took off his clothes, first the sweater, then the pants.
Someone took your hand and you looked to your right to see Sharon pulling you with her on the couch. She put her hands on your cheeks and slowly kissed you. Her lips moved with yours and left you breathless when she let you go.
You felt someone on the other side of you who rubbed your waist. Turning your head, you saw Steve who looked encouragingly at you. He kissed the junction of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his chest pressing to your back and leant into him.
Suddenly there was something cold on your left leg and you flinched away, only to be stopped by soft hands.
“Sorry” Bucky mumbled and when you looked down you saw him massaging your leg with his hands, one flesh, one metal and you couldn’t help but think of how his metal hand would feel between your folds.
On your right leg were Natasha’s hands, massaging, kneading higher and higher until you felt her between your folds. She rose up until you could feel the tip of her tongue when you heard Steve say: “Nat, wait a second.”
You tore your eyes away from Natasha and saw Steve push a pillow under Natasha’s knees. She turned her head to give him a quick smile of thanks and then licked a stripe on the junction between your vulva and your right leg and then on the other side. Her hands had left your leg to hold you down at your hips and not too soon, because as her tongue was on your vulva longer than a second and she moved around, licking up and down your lips, your body bucked into her mouth on its own.
Sam moved behind Sharon, pressing himself into her, pushing her on you and both of you a little more into Steve. He somehow got his hands under your butt, letting his fingers dance over it, rubbing all the spots that you didn’t even know would make you moan. And then, he removed one of his hands. You just heard a wet pop and felt Steve’s forefinger at your hole.
You tried to nod but in that moment Natasha inserted two of her fingers in your channel, and already, you could hear your wetness. So, instead of a nod, a moan escaped your lips and that was the non-verbal “Yes” Steve needed and he pushed his finger in.
Your mouth, still open from your moan, fell open even more and Sam traced it with his thumb. You moved your head forward a bit and closed your lips around it and sucked. You wrapped your right hand around Sam’s wrist to keep his hand where it was and linked your left hand with Sharon’s. You could feel her thighs next to yours on the couch moving. You looked at her. She had her eyes closed, whimpering into your neck.
“Y/N, hold her hip” Sam ordered.
You moved your hand from his wrist to her hip and Sam held her other hip. He moved forward and Sharon whined when Sam sank into her.
“Good?” You asked her.
She smiled lazily at you and nodded. You rubbed her neck and with each thrust of Sam, he squished her and your chests together. You angled your head a little to easier to kiss Sharon. You traced her lips with yours, she traced yours with hers when you pulled back for a second. She caressed your cheekbones with her thumbs and only when you opened your lips a bit further, did she use her tongue. She poked yours playfully, you poked back and could hear her giggle that traveled straight to your core. You entangled her in a light dance until you both had to breathe.
You leaned against each other, foreheads touching. You felt Sam moving his arm but couldn’t see where it went. You just noticed Sharon jolting and looked down to see him rubbing her clit.
“Baby, open up” Sam purred and pulled down your bottom lip with the thumb of his other hand.
You parted your lips immediately.
A second later, Natasha pulled her fingers from you and held them up in front of your face. She scissored them a bit and you could see your wetness between them.
“Oh, yeah” He chuckled and removed his thumb from your mouth to a whine from you but that turned into a moan when Nat pushed her fingers into your mouth. You moved your tongue around, tasting yourself on her and maybe, just maybe, putting on a little show for her.
Steve kissed your shoulder blades, your neck, your collar bones while he moved his finger in you.
“Ready for the next one?”
This time you could nod, and you did.
“Alright” You could hear the smile in Steve’s voice.
He inserted his middle finger alongside his forefinger slowly and gently. He waited until he felt you relax and suck on Natasha’s fingers again. Just enjoying the feeling of being full and you felt your pussy clenching around nothing.
Now, you felt Bucky moving up a little. He looked up at you through his lashes. He massaged your tummy, going in circles until his hands gripped you were Natasha had had her hands. Bucky dove in, kitten licking your pussy and Nat’s soft hair was one thing between your thighs and definitely something you’d enjoy later when you were alone, even if it was just a memory, but Bucky’s shorter hair combined with his stubble was something else.
You couldn’t help but put your legs over his shoulders and link your ankles.
“Good… so good…” You moaned. Natasha had pulled her fingers back by now and kneaded yours and Sharon’s breasts.
“Yeah? What exactly feels good, baby?” Sam purred as he thrust into Sharon.
“Nat’s… Natasha’s fingers… and Steve’s as well” You could feel Steve’s grin on your shoulder blade and his fingers thrusting a bit deeper. “And-“ Bucky’s tongue entered you, going back and forth, in and out and you clenched around him.
When he pulled back for a moment with a grin, he said: “You were saying?”
You swallowed thickly and summoned your will to answer him. “Your beard! It feels so good on my thighs, never had one between them before…” You moaned again.
“Then I’m honored to be your first” He winked and dove back in.
He continued right where he left of. His tongue fucked up into you, his hands pulled you down onto him and soon your hips were basically riding his face. After a very pointed movement of his tongue, perfectly timed with Bucky squeezing your hips while pulling you down again, made you come undone. Your pussy spasmed around him, your mouth opened and your eyes closed.
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t move anything but when you came down back to earth, you could still feel your pussy spasming. Apparently, you had gripped Bucky’s hair at some point and carded your fingers through it and scratched his scalp to ground yourself. But that plan backfired. Your scratching of his scalp made him purr. Understandably because having your scalp scratched was nice but after such an orgasm it was too much for you and you whimpered.
Bucky moved his metal hand to cup your pussy and the pressure of the plates without much structure plus the coldness soothed you and you sighed.
You felt several hands stroking you, calming you down and Sharon and Natasha kissing you.
“All good?” Steve wanted to know from behind you.
You nodded and turned your head to kiss him, moving your tongue against his.
They all pulled back a bit, Natasha and Bucky sitting back on their heels, Sam pulled Sharon from you and leant back and Steve removed his fingers and while you still felt Steve’s chest at your back and Sharon’s thighs next to yours but other than that, nothing.
You whined at the loss of contact and of the confusion until Steve lifted you up by your waist.
“Spread your legs, love” He commanded softly, and you did. As he lowered you down, you could almost feel his thighs under yours and the tip of his cock at your spread butthole.
“Then breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Steady, okay?”
You followed Steve’s advice and you felt him slowly inch in. He stopped every few seconds, letting you adjust to it all until you felt his hips digging into your butt.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slowly leaned back, until he laid flat on the couch with you on top of him. He rubbed your arms
Bucky climbed between your and Steve’s legs, holding his dick and looked to you for confirmation. You made grabby hands and he chuckled.
Bucky bent over you and looked you in the eyes. And he continued to hold your gaze as he entered you. You couldn’t have looked away if you wanted to.
“Wet. So warm and wet” His eyes were screwed shut and he leaned his forehead on your collarbone.
Natasha moved to your head and you moved so your head was on Steve’s shoulder. You put your hands on Nat’s hips and pulled her down until her clit met your lips and she hissed on contact, while facing away from Bucky. She slowly began to ride your face and you moved your tongue a bit to touch her.
Seeing Natasha in this position, you below her, your mouth on her clit, her using you for your pleasure and her stiff nipples and her breasts moving made you wish for two mouths. You wanted to taste her but at the same time, you wanted to suck and bite her nipples until they were swollen and she’d push you away because it felt too good.
Bucky and Steve held you close, sandwiched between them, their arms around you and each other and when they started to move, they moved in unison. They made you feel almost completely empty and then full again and Bucky rubbed your clit with his left middle finger and forefinger.
That was the moment Sam softly took your left hand from under Bucky’s and Steve’s arms. Sam wrapped it around him and started moving it up and down. When you looked to your left, you saw Sam, but you also saw Sharon looking straight at you as she quickly rode Sam’s thigh. She smiled and reached out to stroke your forearm.
You were so glad Sam helped you, because on your own, you wouldn’t have been able to do something. The stimulation of Bucky’s slow and deep strokes that hit all the points in you, Steve grinding and keeping you close, Sharon’s touches a contrast but at the same time not to it all, the heat of them around you, Natasha on your face and moaning. It was all too much.
Natasha rode your face rhythmically, you licked and sucked on her until the rhythm she had built stuttered, her moan broke off and her legs twitched. You could see her bending forward to rest on her forearms.
Sam moved your hand along him, he squeezed your hand around him, lessening it a bit when he came to the tip and twisting your hand around it.
You moved your right hand from under Bucky’s arm and put it on Natasha’s hip to stabilize her. She moaned at the contact and the moan morphed into a whimper when you switched from using your tongue to nipping and sucking on her with your lips.
At the same time Steve gripped your hips and used what leverage he had to chase his release and soon you could feel him cumming with a groan. After the last spurt, he pressed you to him.
The slightly new angle seemed to trigger something in Bucky. He started rutting arrhythmically in you. With each thrust, he bent over you a little more until he effectively blanketed you with his body. Bucky softly rubbed and pinched your clit and you clenched around him. He stopped moving and you heard his growl as he started cumming in you.
And then you felt like you were floating up and away from the earth.
For a short time, nothing.
And then you felt like you were floating back down to earth.
You could feel your pussy still spasming, although now around nothing, and you could hear voices. You couldn’t discern who said what.
“Hey. Hey! … Oh shit, I think that was too much.”
“Too much of what exactly?”
“Of everything.”
“That wasn’t me, was it? The weight of my body?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Hey, Y/N. Hey. Come back to us.”
“Oh, good, you’re back. Thought we’d lost you there for a second.”
“You probably did, but I’m back now.”
You were maneuvered to lean against the back of the couch and just breathed in and out a few times. When you calmed down and got your beating heart a little more under control, your eyes fell to Sam’s cock, which still stood at attention.
“May I?” You asked and looked at him, at his cock and back at his face.
Sam just nodded and that was enough to lick long stripes up and down, only sucking on his tip for a second before you went back to the base of him and massaged his balls until you could feel him twitch. You waited until the last second to put your mouth on just his tip and sucked.
You continued sucking on Sam, letting him buck up his hips and swirled the tip of your tongue around the slit until he couldn’t take it anymore. Sam came and spurted in your mouth until he literally tore your mouth off his dick. You swallowed and grinned at him like a Cheshire cat.
You turned to Sharon, and this time, you pulled her on the couch. You pushed her back until she laid on her back. You moved down her breasts and tummy with little kisses and bites. You ignored her whimpers when you neglected where she visibly wanted you the most in favor of her thighs. You altered between nips, kisses and bites that would leave a memory for a few days, until you reached the junction between her legs.
You pursed your lips and only moved them over her. When your mouth was back at her entrance, you flattened your tongue and licked up until you swirled your tongue around Sharon’s clit. First in bigger circles that went smaller and smaller up to the point where you sucked her clit in your mouth. You continued sucking on her with alternating pressure until you could feel her twitch and buck her hips into your mouth.
Each time Sharon bucked into you, you made it a point to get closer to her, until she couldn’t take it anymore and came. She whimpered, she wailed, you could see several hands stroking her body, soothing her and you felt her thighs shake next to your head. After some time, her thighs stilled and you gently uncrossed her legs and took them off your shoulders. You licked your lips and grinned at her.
Sharon only nodded with a smile.
One day after this one-of-a-kind night, Natasha came back in the morning and left with a little black container under her arm and a double espresso to-go.
One or two weeks later, you had the day shift and were solely on coffee making duty. Your coworker had just told you the next order and it was a big one all at once.
“Latte macchiato, one blueberry muffin, black coffee, double espresso, black coffee with peppermint and caramel and a black tea!” You yelled out.
Someone came up to you and you recognized Sam.
“Good to see you” He winked with a smile.
“Not like I work here” You retorted with a smile of your own.
“Buck! Help me carry all these things!”
Bucky came up and looked at you. “Hey. Nice seeing you.”
“Surprisingly, I work at the place that I also call ‘my workplace’” You deadpanned.
Bucky let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, should have expected that.”
They both took half of the order in their hands and went to walk to the table where the others were sat. Although you couldn’t see the entire table, you knew exactly who sat at it, just from the orders.
Sam turned his upper body to you again. “When do you get off work?”
“In an hour. Why?”
“Wait for us here?”
“Who is ‘we’?”
Sam only winked and he and Bucky went to their table.
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gayaristocrat · 4 years
Billy Hargrove A-Z Smut Game
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Male Reader
Tags: @luns-world​ , hope you enjoy it. And thank you so much for requesting this!
Request: Hi I LOVED your billy a-z fluff if you are doing requests can you do another billy a-z but smut? Or headcanon 
 Reading Key:
L/L = Leg Length
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Billy tends to put all of his force and energy into sex, which in turn leaves him breathless and tired. After making sure you are satisfied he’ll just roll over on the other side of the bed and lay on his back with one arm resting under his head as he allows you to rest on top of his sweaty body and cuddle into his heaving chest. He takes his free arm and wraps it around you as you both calm down from your high, enjoying each others presence. After a couple of minutes of catching his breath, Billy will then hop back up with a sly smirk and ask “Ready for another round hot stuff?”.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Billy without a doubt loves your (L/L) legs. He is completely in love with the way your legs wrap around his neck when he decides to give you a blowjob. He also likes it when you wrap your legs around his waist when he thrusts himself inside you, making him shove his dick deeper inside you causing you to desperately hold onto him as you moan in his ear while he whispers dirty things in your ear. “Fuck baby, you like when I dick you down like this, huh? Such a naughty boy, only I can see you like this, right my little slut?”
Your favorite body part of Billy’s are definitely his abs. Whenever you grind on him, his abs help add tension on your cock making you cling onto him tighter, needing to feel more pleasure as you grind faster. Billy will just sit back and watch as you become desperate, craving your sweet release. Not only are Billy’s abs great to grind on, but they look amazing when he plays basketball, or when he is on his job as a lifeguard. Watching as beads of sweat travel and roll down his body, making sure to gloss up his abs, catching the eye of every girl and married woman at the pool. Billy enjoys taking his shirt off every chance he gets, fully knowing that every women will watch him with lustful eyes. But honestly, he doesn’t intend to do it for anybody else, he only does it to tease you and make you flustered, which he successfully does without fail.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Billy enjoys blowjobs and lets you blow him anytime you want, because lets be honest, this man has a high sex drive and as long as he gets to have some kind of sex with you, he will be happy. Whenever you blow him, he always makes sure to blow his load all over your face. Believe it or not, he also loves when you snowball with him. SO basically, after Billy is finished destroying your throat from his harsh face fucking, he pulls his cock out of your mouth and spills his thick, hot, sticky load all in your mouth. After he drains his cock, you stand up off of your knees and gently grab his face as you bring your faces close together into a passionate kiss, fighting each other with your tongues and swapping his cum back and forth into each other’s mouths.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Billy’s dirty secret is that he is a slight masochist for hair pulling. Whether its you grabbing fist-fulls of his curly blond hair, or biting and pulling at his pubic hair. If you are comfortable and are into playing with Billy’s armpits, then pulling on his armpit hair with your teeth is also something he loves too. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Do we really have to get into this? Billy totally knows what he’s doing. He has plenty of experience on his hands, before getting with you he use to have sex with a lot of women almost every day because to him sex was just nothing but a fun activity to do when he was bored. Billy wanted to be loyal to you and only love you, so he stopped all of that when started dating you. He stopped having sex with people and only did it with you, and when he did, he always knew the right way to make you scream and moan in ecstasy. 
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Billy’s favorite position is the seashell. Not only does it give him better access to attack your prostate dead on, but it also allows him to be as close to you as possible. It gives Billy great satisfaction to see you wither below him from the pleasure he gives you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Billy isn’t really the kind of person to make sex a laughing matter or something to joke about. Every now and then you do try to make Billy loosen up a little bit, and get him to laugh. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Billy likes to keep things on the wild side, so lets just say that it looks like a forest down there. He likes to keep himself pretty hairy because he enjoys making you inhale deep breaths of his musky smell, especially when he gets done working out and getting himself all sweaty.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Billy tends to be kind of rough during sex. So you should expect to be begging him to slow his thrusts down and to be more gentle, but Billy’s sadistic ass will only laugh at how weak you’ve become under him. But if Billy is feeling generous or if he’s in a good enough mood, he will slow down for you until you are ready for him to pick up the pace.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Billy only jacks off when he wants to make you become even more needy during sex. You two will do a challenge where he jacks himself off in front of your face as you sit there without touching yourself until you are begging him to let you suck his cock, promising him that you will be a good boy and do any and everything he says.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Billy no doubt has a praise kink. It makes his ego high, and it builds up his confidence when you praise his body, and when you praise him for making you feel good and hitting the right spot.  Billy is also a sucker for dirty talk, whether is him whispering it to you in your ear, or its coming form you. “Do you like when my cock is destroying your tight little asshole (y/n)?” or “Which hole should I destroy first (y/n), huh? Should I use your mouth as my cock sleeve, or should I just use your tight little asshole as a cum dump instead?”
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
It doesn’t really matter where you two have sex, as long as he can tap that sweet ass of yours he’ll be completely satisfied. Although, he does enjoy when you to are able to be in a comfortable place to have sex like the bedroom or the couch.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
If you really wanna see Billy act up, then don’t be afraid to call him daddy. It always makes him feel dominate since he constantly gives off that alpha wolf type of aura. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Billy will never force you to have sex with him if your not in the mood. Even while you two are having sex and at any time you tell him to stop, Billy will quickly comply and stop everything he’s doing and comfort you if you need him. Growing up Billy always understood that no means no and will never under any circumstances make you feel guilty for it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Billy doesn’t mind giving or receiving blowjobs. He understands that he can get a little carried away when he face fucks you. So as an apology, Billy will do the same for you and deep throat you, and he will allow you to go as hard or as soft as you want to. Hell, he’ll even allow you to face fuck him until he is gagging on your dick if you want to.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Billy is naturally fast pace during sex, he loves trying to see how he can build up the intensity of pleasure, and how far he can get the both of you. He also likes it rough, so expect a lot of dirty talk, biting, and a very rough handsy Billy. Billy enjoys leaving behind bruises and bite marks so that way people will always remember who you belong to, and let’s just say that you always wear them with pride.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Billy loves quick sex just as much as he loves slow sex. Whenever he is on a time crunch, quickies tend to come in handy. Weather it’s in his car before he has to pick up max, or before he has to go to work.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Billy is a complete risk taker. Whenever he is at work and you two decide to have sex on his lunch break in the locker rooms, he will make sure to leave the door unlocked and he’ll make you face the door as he fucks you from behind. It gives both of you a thrill just thinking about someone walking in on you two banging away. Sometimes Billy will even tease you saying “Look at yourself baby boy, getting off at the though of someone walking in on me fucking your hot boy pussy like the little slut you are”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Billy can usually go about 3 rounds, after that he will need to take a couple of minutes to gain back some of his energy before going back at it again. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Billy use to use dildos and vibrator on you when you two first started dating, but he stopped using them on you because every time you would plead and beg for his cock. But don’t worry, he’ll get them out without hesitation when you feel like you want to do some foreplay  “p...please, nothing will ever be as good as Daddy Billy’s cock”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you didn’t get the hint from what I previously stated, Billy is extremely unfair. He loves seeing for far he can get before pushing you over the edge. Not only does he make you beg to be stuffed with his cock, but he also will make you beg him to allow you cum. If you just so happen to cum without his permission he will make sure to punish you by making you cum many times until you cant anymore.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Billy let’s out loud beastly moans, so that way you can know how much pleasure you are giving him. As a result, hearing his moans will make you a complete mess under him.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
One day you and Billy decided to go on a date to the movies and see A Nightmare on Elm Street. As the movie was playing, Billy would take quick glances over at you in the seat next to him, he watched intensely every time your tongue would slightly dart out of your mouth to catch the buttery popcorn in your hands as you watched the movie. He couldn’t help but imagine sinful thoughts of you using your tongue on his cock, attacking it with kitten licks as he cums all over your face. Billy cursed at himself as he can feel himself growing in his already tight blue jeans, making them even tighter. Giving into his urges, he looks around only to see that the very top row in the movies theatre you two were sitting in was completely empty along with the row in front of you two. Billy leans over to whisper to you, careful as to not let other people in the rows below you two hear him speak.
“Hey (y/n), what would happen if you just casually blew me...right here...right now?”
“Hmm...” you say with a sky smirk turning to him, you reach over to his seat and place a strong hold on the growing bulge in his jeans “How about we find out for ourselves daddy”
Lets just say that the employee who cleans up the movie theatre after every showing unfortunately had a very big and sticky mess to clean up off of the floor.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
The first time you guys talked to each other, you turned to your friend as Billy was walking away and whispered to them and said “I know his dick is big, I know it, I know it’s big. I mean...oh god my heart hurts”. Which you were absolutely right, Billy is indeed long, thick, and with a nice red tip.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Once again like I said before, Billy has a pretty high sex drive, so you can always look forward to ending everyday by having sex before you two go to bed at night.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Billy will always be the first one to fall asleep, because after all he is a hard working man. Even though he falls asleep first. he will unconsciously cuddle close to you in his arms and spend the rest of the day enjoying each other as you both rest peacefully.
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too!
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
daddy, please.
synopsis: “Hey, daddy. I have a little surprise for you.”
# tags: headcanons + scenarios; current relationships & crush culture & sponsorship; romance; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, daddy kink, size kink, lingerie, pet names & more
includes: female reader ft. rei amayado, hitoya amaguni & jakurai jinguji {hypmic}
author’s note: let’s fucking gooooo!!! here are my wet thoughts and dreams 😳🤚 don’t judge me, pls.
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↘ You met each other at one night when Sasara took Rei and Rosho to a small but very nice bar on the outskirts of the city. Of course, the green-haired twenty-six-year-old praised the local alcohol and service earlier, so his two friends had no choice but to agree to a few drinks and many hours of talks about their group, work or other life difficulties.
↘ Then you appeared in front of three men as an extremely enchanting and full of smile barmaid; you charmed two new guests. Two, because you knew the leader of Dotsuitare Hompo for several days by served him the best and strongest alcohols and small starters. So now, everyone was delighted with you, which is why they showed up at your bar more and more. Rei himself was there practically every day, and you quickly got used to the presence of his deep voice, the same orders and nice, sometimes confident compliments or small gifts that were of unknown origin.
↘ You couldn’t hide that his person also interested you indescribably. He was so damn handsome, and literally no one of your age could compare to his extravagant outfits, silly smirk or the way he held a cigarette between his long fingers.
↘ And when one day he brushed a few stray hairs from your pretty face and tied them up with a golden hairpin – or rather another, new present for you – your cheeks were never as red as at that moment.
↘ Of course, he was much older than you, but it didn’t make you feel bad; how could you feel like this when Rei often walked you home or just asked about how you were doing in college and work? The fact that the bar was practically empty that evening resulted in an honest, lengthy conversation in which you admitted that you have a hard time trying to reconcile so many things at once. You didn’t want to be a ‘victim’, but you admitted that your parents rarely helped you, so you lived and supported yourself completely alone.
↘ Rei thought it was a good time to offer you some help; he asked if you would like to ‘work’ for him, so you could earn more while not overworking your body like you would when you were a barmaid or waitress. This proposition caught your interest, so you nodded, still ruddy on your both cheeks. Meanwhile, Rei took off his sunglasses, making eye contact with you; his orbs were more than mesmerizing.
↘ “... I’m a little old now and well... Wouldn’t you just like to come live with me and spend your free time with me? I must admit that having such a cute doll would be really worth coming home every night.”
↘ You would be an idiot if you didn’t agree to the offer of the man you liked from the first appearance at the bar, where he always ordered golden whiskey or bourbon.
↘ In addition, the gifts you got from him... were so wonderful and always suited your taste, so you were curious what else the older conman could give you.
↘ As it turned out, entering into this seemingly innocent relationship with the dark-haired one was the best thing you could have had.
Rei always came home around eleven at night, and you were always waiting for him patiently; sometimes with a good book in hand and sometimes with a glass of wine, relaxing in front of your favorite series or movie. On that day, however, you wanted to surprise him pleasantly and thank him for the last few weeks during which you lived as you never dreamed of before; after all, you could use his money and credit cards, his whole house, his cars, his everything without worrying about anything but your own studies, which you still attended.
Therefore, covered with a delicate, white bathrobe that showed through your lace lingerie, you waited for the arrival of your lover. You knew that he would bring you a gift as every day – a watch, new shoes, a bracelet or an invitation to the SPA, that’s why you wanted to pay him back this evening, obviously with your tiny, magnificent body marked with countless bites, bruises and colorful marks.
When you heard the sound of the key and the door opening, your legs tightened and you felt a feeling of uncertainty in your heart, but also of great exhilaration. You quickly got up from the black, leather couch and then moved towards the hall to greet the black-haired man. Your tender voice reached Rei’s ears, who turned to you with his signature smirk. However, seeing your current outfit, his facial expressions changed immediately. Still, this didn’t demotivate you before your next step.
“Hi, daddy, I’ve been waiting for you. Do you want to spend some time with me, please?” Looking innocently at him and flapping your eyelashes you instantly made his pants tight. A second later, he approached you, not caring about his favorite hat fell on the wooden floor.
“You look as beautiful as always, my pretty doll.” He said in a warm tone of voice, cupping your soft face with his big, right hand. His strong grip on your cheeks caused big and hot blush. “I didn’t expect you to call me that. It’s quite brave, don’t you think?”
“You don’t like it, daddy? Should I speak to you differently? By your first name or something else?”
“No. Of course that I like it. You don’t even know how much I like it, doll. I’m so fucking hard thanks to you, you know? So what are you going to do with it now, baby?” He asked, sticking his thumb in your wet mouth. You politely sucked his finger, still staring into his glowing with excitement eyes.
Your hand, in meantime, found a bulge on the white fabric, causing a low hiss from the forty-six-year-old.
“I want to make my daddy feel good, so... can I sit on you, daddy? I want your fat dick in my little pussy, daddy. I was polite, I swear by my little finger.”
Of course you were. 
Rei had no doubts about it, so he willingly gave you everything you wished for tonight; all he wanted in return was for you to keep calling him by that lascivious phrase, because... well, well, well. It turned out that he had a huge kink for it.
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↘ Your first meeting was in a sense accidental, but at the same time it wasn’t something unusual or unimaginable; sooner or later you would meet your little brother’s two best friends, and that it happened faster than you thought, it’s just a funny twist of fate.
↘ Jyushi on that sunny day asked you to bring him lunch to the place indicated in the text message. Knowing that he would be as always spending time with the two men he often told you about, you decided to make dinner for all of them. So you prepared three large bentos filled with white rice, fried chicken, broccoli and in each plastic wrapper you put a small chocolate cupcake, because you baked a large amount of them the day before. You also got them something to drink, in this case it was iced, peach tea in a bottles. Ready, you could meet with your two years younger brother and his friends from the rap team.
↘ Kuko liked you right away. He had a lot of respect for you because you were a year older than him, but he was also eager to joke that you were completely unlike your siblings; you were much shorter, a little calmer and more open to new friends. You shrugged with amusement at this sentence, in meantime trying to calm your brother, who blushed furiously on both cheeks and the tips of his ears.
↘ On the other hand, Hitoya was watching you closely; maybe he did it because of his lawyer work, but he couldn’t hide the fact that it was nice to watch your gentle smile, your reddish face and how you took care of your brother and also of the second, younger than you teenager.
↘ Over time, the thirty-five-year-old noticed how tired you seemed to be because of working, studying, cleaning the house, making lunch or shopping. Of course, every time a man politely asked you if you were feeling well, you assured him that yes, you were fine and it was just bad weather or atmospheric pressure. But, oops. You couldn’t cover the bags under your eyes and pale skin with even the best cosmetics.
↘ “Let me take care of you, okay?” It was an innocent request that slowly turned into something more. Naturally, at first Hitoya just offered you mental support and money to pay fee for an apartment and shopping. But then, his hands started rubbing your tense back and more and more invisible traces of sweet kisses appeared on your forehead.
↘ You didn’t even notice when you started looking at a handsome lawyer as a potential partner, and when your heart was beating much faster when you had the opportunity to call him or read the messages he sent you.
↘ You confessed your feelings to him first because you couldn’t stand the rising warmth in your heart when an older man took you on his lap or when he brought home your favorite junk food and wine to celebrate your passed exams or his own, successful trials. He spoiled you so badly and thanks to this you finally felt appreciated and felt what you have been missing over the years, and it was a feeling of indescribable protection and loyalty.
↘ You wondered how you should thank for all of this because you had nothing to offer but yourself.
It was a stupid thought that had haunted you from the last week. Last Wednesday you read an erotic book in which the main, female character called her partner ‘master’ and it was something new for you, something very interesting. However, the word ‘master’ itself wasn’t as encouraging as ‘owner’ or ‘daddy’, which was definitely more suited to the delicate personality and sense of safety that Hitoya gave you from the beginning of your relationship. That’s why you’ve read a few articles on role-playing in bed, and you had to admit that the thought of calling your man ‘daddy’ made a strange feeling of warmth and wet between your legs. You had to take a few deep breaths when you ordered on Tuesday afternoon a pretty, slightly pink lingerie that your lover would definitely like.
Three days later, on Friday, when Hitoya was at work, you at the same time were preparing your whole body and mind for what should be coming around 8pm. You took a relaxing bath, you used a goat’s milk lotion, you loosened your muscles with one glass of dry red wine, and created a sensual playlist with songs that were more than perfect for night with your beloved one.
At twenty minutes past eight you heard the characteristic clatter of shoes in the hall, and your arms tensed slightly in anticipation of your lover; but still, you were still sitting politely on the bed. Your body was surrounded by a delicate lace, and you also hung a cute collar with a metal heart around your colorful neck. You heard Hitoya pacing around the kitchen, living room and bathroom, less than a quarter of an hour later the door to your enormous bedroom opened and you looked shyly at the man who stood with a brown towel wrapped around his thin waist. Seeing you, his left eyebrow lifted and a small smirk appeared on his front.
“Oi, oi?”
“Surprise?” You looked hesitantly into his light green eyes, and then your face flushed at the sight of the towel under which an huge erection began to form. “I... I just wanted to give you some joy as a thank you for what you do for me all the time... daddy.”
Hearing how sweet you pronounce the last word, your partner’s smile only widened. Slowly, but confidently, he moved towards the king sized bed, and as he sat down next to you, his hand was immediately on your smooth, pouty cheek.
“Just being here with me is joy enough for me, darling. But thank you for dressing up so gorgeous for me. Daddy is very, very happy.” You breathed a sigh of relief to hear that the two of you are playing the same game.
“So... could you please lie down, daddy?” You asked softly, and your loved one’s hand moved much lower to your waist, and then to your hot thigh as well. He squeezed the skin lightly and you sighed with satisfaction. “I... Umm...”
“I know you probably wanted to please me tonight, but... But when I look at you, my pretty one, I can’t let you do that. I prefer to take care of you, so will you let me do it?” The warm look that was sent to you from the older man made you jump slightly, nodding your head. “Good girl. Open your legs for your daddy, dear.”
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↘ You started working in a hospital as part of extra-curricular activities at your university. You quickly liked all the staff, and your warm, even captivating personality added joy to everyone in the building; doctors, other nurses and patients, especially children who considered you ‘super onee-chan’. So Jakurai was no exception and was very eager to answer all your curious questions, as well as the gentle smiles you would send him whenever you passed each other in a bright hallway or doorway, when you finished or started work at the same time and shift.
↘ Sometimes he also helped you with the material for your classes, so that you would get even better grades and join the work in the hospital permanently.
↘ Jakurai liked you a lot, maybe a little more than ‘a lot’, because the fact was that he cared very much about your well-being and whether you were feeling well in the hospital, in your clothes, in your office. He has always asked you how your day or night has been, if you have anything to eat or drink, when you finish your work that day or if you are staying overtime, and even if you want him to walk you home or go with you to the store for shopping. You were totally and irreversibly charmed by it, but you didn’t think that something more would come out of your relation. So you continued to act as before, just thinking it was his natural behavior towards younger women.
↘ But then Jakurai tried to change your job position and you became his assistant who spent more time with him than before. So you talked even more lively and longer than normal, and sometimes after work, if you both had some free time, you would go for a walk to talk about something more peaceful and down-to-earth; about your favorite types of teas or coffees, about the countries you visited, about your favorite music, even about the worst alcoholic drinks you have had the opportunity to try in your lifetime.
↘ With the passing of time, you started going to your apartments on weekends to watch a random movie, cook dinner or bake a cake together. From time to time, if the weather was good, the thirty-five-years-old also took you to the lake and thus shared his passion for fishing with you. You felt really special with the thought that you were the only girl in his environment who could and was so close to him.
↘ The fact that he would sometimes buy you small gifts such as jewelry, science books, or pay for your shopping at the gallery was an added bonus of being able to feel like someone really, like really special to him.
↘ And at the same moment, you felt indescribably safe in his company – Jakurai was unusually tall compared to you, and his soft, warm hands perfectly suited to your small head or tiny body that he stroked every time you did something right or when you passed another exam in a row. He was a bit like an older brother, supportive father, vacation/summer lover, and longtime partner. You have never felt so loved and respected as with him.
↘ That’s why one evening, when you were spending time at your home cooking Italian pasta (it was his idea, btw!), you didn’t notice at what point your attention was shifted from arranging plates and cutlery to his handsome face and focused eyes that looked at the boiling sauce. He was definitely perfect in every way, both inside and outside, and you would be really pathetic not to admit that you had crush on him... or even you were in love with him. Naturally, your staring at his body didn’t go unnoticed. Jakurai chuckled under his breath as his head turned towards you.
↘ “Do you like what you see?”
↘ “Yes, daddy.”
↘ You turned pale and panicked when you understood what you said.
↘ However, Jakurai didn’t seem to be angry, disappointed or disgusted with you. On the contrary. The man turned off the cooking red sauce, improved the locks of hair falling on his pale face, then moved away from the burners, walking towards you. You automatically stepped back, of course, but when his smooth hand was on your cheek, you knew you could still feel safe and valuable with him.
“... So you like talking to men like that?”
“N-No, I don’t know what got into me, really. It was the first time in my life...! You’re just so nice to me, you always buy me so many things and I... I don’t know. If it was uncomfortable for you, I’m so terribly sorry and I promi...” You started, feeling again that what you did wasn’t quite right, but at some point Jakurai put his long, index finger to your soft mouth and you calmed down immediately, looking up into his warm, understanding and gentle amusement, blue eyes.
“I didn’t say it bothered me. Why don’t we talk about it on the sofa?” The low voice reached your ears one more time, and you nodded hesitantly.
You wanted to sit on your regular place next to the fluffy, gray pillow, but the man frowned as he patted his both, huge thighs. You blushed immediately, but obediently took your seat next to his crotch. You could swear he was already hard, that’s why your pussy got wet.
“I have long wondered if you like me any different than as a coworker and friend. Because you see, kitten, I personally thought of you more than you might think.” He smiled slightly and you bit your lower, sweet lip between your teeth, nodding your head once again in confirmation of his words.
It took a while to get your mind ready to answer, but after a few longer seconds you turned your head towards a calm and masculine face, admitted that you also thought about him and about whether he will accept your feelings, if you ever confess them. Your pinkish cheeks and glowing eyes were by far the most wonderful thing Dr. Jinguji had ever seen. So he was the first to take your heated left cheek, then close his own eyes, pressing his lips to yours. His free, other hand moved to your right thigh and squeezed the soft skin covered with the fabric of a skirt. A few moments later, you moaned as warm fingers touched your cool skin. Jakurai lost his mind.
“Have you ever touched yourself while you thinking of me, princess?”
“I... Well, I...” You moved away from his mouth, and then you felt your ears and the tip of your nose burn with shame and delight. “Yes, daddy. Three times. B-But my fingers were never enough. I prefer your cock, daddy. It certainly is fat and big, and perfect for my little pussy that has never be fucked by such a mature and gorgeous man.”
“Oh, my love. Daddy’s cock will definitely be perfect for you.” His hands passed under the light blue fabric of your clothes, and after a short while, picked up the colored material. “Hmm. I feel that this situation was planned. Am I wrong?” He stated by touching his finger to your still wet slit, which was covered with white lace. You blushed once more, but you didn’t have a chance to respond to that remark, because your lips again tasted the lips of a man fourteen years older than you who after a quick moment laid your fragile body on the dark couch.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
From Cindy: This bad boy got away from me and ended up being 3,674 words. I’m really happy with it though and I hope you think so too. It was written for a writing collaboration on Discord ( @konoblog-simps )
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Gray - Soulmate AU (Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader)
Read a similar soulmate AU for Levi here
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You hated winter.
You supposed people found something magical about the view of fluffy white flakes catching the light as they drifted down from the sky and created a thick white blanket across the ground and trees. However, the fairy tale description was only true when observed from the other side of a window where the protection of four walls and a fireplace could block out the harsh reality.
“Don’t forget the shopping on your way back.” Your grandmother’s raspy voice cuts through the morning silence as you go through the tedious process of bundling up against the frigid weather you knew you’d be facing as soon as you stepped outside. The elderly woman was sitting in her favorite spot on the sofa, lap covered by one of the many blankets she’d made over the years. You grandfather shuffled into the room as if on cue with two piping hot mugs of tea. He hands one to his wife before settling happily into the place next to her.
“I never do.” Your words come out harsher than you’d intended, but your grandparents pay you no mind. They were either used to your attitude or too wrapped up in their own happily ever after. You finish off your ridiculously bulky outfit by shoving a knit cap over your head and then heading out into the cold.
You hated your job
You knew you should be grateful that you had the luxury of owning an apothecary. It was the type of establishment that would never want for business. There was also a certain pride in being able to provide people with medicines to relieve them of their aches and pains, allergies, and illnesses. The difficulty was in being surrounded by the memories of your parents and the perfect life they’d lived, as well as the constant reminder that you’d been robbed of the chance to experience that type of fantasy.
Trudging through the deep wet snow had made you a few minutes late, and there were already a few customers waiting outside the tiny shop you’d inherited by the time you arrived. You apologize politely as you unlock the door and let them inside, shedding the layers of your winter clothes as quickly as you can so that you can get to work. It was always a little busier in the winter months, but finding the right remedy for each person was something you’d gotten good at over time. Most customers came and went without much trouble, but assisting the regulars who’d known you since childhood was always a bit awkward. You did your best not to notice the pity and judgement on their faces as you prepared their orders with the same forced pleasantness as you did for everyone else.
You hated shopping
Having a job that earned enough wages to properly provide for yourself and your family was a blessing most people in your city could not enjoy. Your parents had always made sure to remind you of that fact whenever they came home with baskets full of fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, bread, and sometimes even meat. As an adult, you still appreciated the fact that you did not have to know hunger, but it was always such a hassle to deal with the crowded market after getting off work.
When your parents had been alive, they had loved going out to run these types of errands together. It had always surprised you how they would choose to spend more time together even after living and working with each other every single day. They never seemed to get tired of each other, and you could remember vividly the way they’d smiled at each other with pure happiness and love in their gaze. It was hard to forget when you saw the same blissful look on every couple you happened to encounter as you went about your day. It made you feel so incredibly alone sometimes, but you did your best to bury those emotions deep down out of fear that they would consume you completely.
“How much is the bread today?” You ask the baker once you make it to the counter through the throngs of people. He tells you the price and begins to wrap up your order when you agree to it.
“You’re lucky,” he tells you conversationally. “This is the last loaf of the day.”
“Tch!” A frustrated sound comes from behind you and you turn around instinctively to make sure nothing was wrong. Standing next to you was a grouchy looking man with silky black hair, styled in an undercut. The long, soft looking strands on the top of his head came down to frame his face, drawing attention to the most important feature; his eyes. You notice right away they are both the identical shade of gray, which told you a lot about him already.
“Were you waiting in line?” You ask curiously even though meeting his sharp gaze directly was a bit intimidating. He regards you critically for a moment before sighing and looking away, probably forming his own judgments based on the incorrect story told by your own eyes.
“It’s fine,” his tone of voice is flat and a little dismissive. “I should’ve gotten here earlier.” He turns to walk away but something makes you call out to stop him.
“Wait,” you give him the friendliest smile you can muster before looking to the baker. “Please, wrap this up for him instead. I insist.” The baker shrugs, not really bothered by the change as long as he got his payment. The scowl on the man’s face gave way to surprise, and you thought the softer look suited him much better. You could see that he was preparing to reject your kindness, so you mutter a quick goodbye before turning away and blending in with the crowd.
You hated your eyes
In the world you lived in, everything revolved around a person’s eyes. They were more than just a mere window into the soul, they were also a glimpse into the future. As a child, you could recall the excitement of your friends as they studied the mismatched colors of each other’s irises, speculating wildly about which shade truly belonged to them and which was borrowed from a stranger that they were destined to meet sometime in the future. Their enthusiasm had been contagious in the beginning, and you’d enjoyed listening to people discuss their predictions about the background, appearance, and personality of their future partner.
“Did you get everything on the list?” Your grandfather asks as he takes the basket of food from you once you finally return home. The walk back from the market had been miserable. Your feet were cold and wet from sloshing through the snow, but the rest of you was warm and sweaty from the exertion of hauling the purchases all the way back while wearing so many thick layers.
“They were out of bread,” You inform him while shrugging out of your coat. A look of displeasure passed over his face but vanished just as quickly when your grandmother called to him from the kitchen. You were relieved that she was volunteering to make dinner this time, because the exhaustion from your day was starting to catch up with you.
You head into the bathroom, ready to warm up with a hot shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes while the meal was prepared. As you wait for the water from the tap to heat up, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. Usually you avoided looking at your face for too long, but every now and then you decided to stare back at yourself for a moment. You frown as you meet the gaze of the two identical eyes that you’d be born with. They looked mockingly back at you from the glass, their dull gray hue like a running joke that you’d never found remotely funny.
Washing away the grime of the day helped clear your head of negative thoughts, and soon your mind drifted back to the man you’d helped at the market. The memory of his eyes reminded you that you had made the right decision. He was the one who had someone important waiting for him back at home, possibly even children that needed to be fed and taken care of. You and your grandparents would be just fine as you always had, even if there was a spark of jealousy in you that the man got to have the type of wholesome future that you could never enjoy.
You hated soulmates
The idea of having the comfort of knowing there was someone out there born specifically to fill your life with joy, support, and love was an overwhelming one. It was hard for you to really imagine what it must be like for people to be filled with that nervous anticipation every time they got the opportunity to meet someone new. You’d had secondhand experiences as you watched friends and acquaintances around you find their destinies in one another, but while those meetings spelled out the beginning of something wonderful for them, it only served to make you feel the bleakness of your situation more profoundly.
It was extremely rare for someone to be born without a soulmate, and although your parents tried to have a positive outlook, you had still felt the stigma associated with your condition every single day of your life. It had been impossible to escape the stares and gasps of astonishment from both adults and children alike during you school-age years. Most of them had never seen a child your age with two of the same colored eyes, so it was inevitable that you’d garnered quite a bit of unwanted attention. The people you met were merely curious at first, but as you got older the intrigue turned to pity.
As hard as it was to deal with the people around you who knew the truth, meeting strangers was almost worse. Those who still walked around with duel colored eyes held little interest in someone who had seemingly already found their partner, and everyone else was too preoccupied with their own established lives to pay attention to you at all. In the world you lived in, everything revolved around a person’s eyes. Unfortunately, your eyes had landed you into one of the loneliest roles imaginable.
You hated your luck
It should not have surprised you as much as it did when the man from the market walked into your apothecary a few days later, but considering the fact he’d been popping up in your thoughts sporadically ever since the first meeting, it certainly caught you off guard to see his face again. By the way his familiar gray eyes widened upon seeing you standing behind counter, you guessed he hadn’t been expecting to see you again either.
“Hello again,” you smile awkwardly to try and clear the air. You weren’t sure if it would be weird to mention the bread incident or not.
“Hello,” the man nods, his facial features relaxing into a neutral expression. You were glad he didn’t seem to be as agitated as he’d been in the market. “I’m looking for something that might help my mother. She’s recently fallen ill and nothing I do seems to be helping.”
“What are her symptoms?” The question falls naturally from your lips. As the man describes his mother’s condition, you find yourself taking in his appearance in more detail. His black hair looked as soft as you remembered, but now you were noticing other things like the shape of his nose and sharp angle of his jawline. The clothes he wore were on the nicer side, and it made you wonder what he did for a living. His stature was a bit on the shorter side, and although his build was lean, you got the impression that he was healthy and strong.
“Well, it seems like she may have caught a flu,” you explain once the man finishes speaking. You turn to grab a few items from the shelf behind you and place them on the counter. “These should work to control the symptoms and reduce her fever until her body is able to fight off the infection.”
“Thank you,” he sounds genuine as he pulls out some money to pay for the medicine. You accept the payment, taking note of his long, elegant hands and fingers.
“Not at all,” you assure him with an easy smile. “I hope your mother recovers quickly.”
The man nods in gratitude while scooping up the goods he’d purchased in his hands. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before looking back up to catch your gray eyes with his own.
“My name’s Levi, by the way.” The confidence in his voice did not match the anxious set of his features. “We didn’t get to have a proper introduction the other day.”
“O-oh,” there was no way to conceal the shock you felt in that moment. It was out of the ordinary for anyone to give you their name, especially a man who had obviously had his encounter with fate already. You manage to stutter out your own name, wondering if you were having some sort of intensely realistic dream as you watch the man’s lips twitch into the smallest, briefest of smiles.
“A pleasure to meet you,” he repeats your name to himself thoughtfully. “Have a nice day.” With all his business with you completed, he nods his head and exits your shop, leaving you to try and tame the wild racing of your thoughts and heart.
You hated false hope
It was embarrassing how often you had to remind yourself over the next few days that a person simply introducing themselves to you should not be taken as anything more than polite kindness. You had seemingly lost all control of your mind and feelings though, since scarcely a moment went by now without thoughts of Levi sending butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. It didn’t seem fair that you knew so little about him, but you understood that you’d have to be content with the memory of his ghost of a smile and the echo of the way your name had sounded as it escaped his lips. Part of you hoped you’d never see the man again so that you could get over your delusions as quickly and easily as possible, but another part of you longed to bump into him again.
“What are you doing in here?” Your grandmother walked into the bathroom to find you leaning over the sink, eyes wide open and focused so intensely on your reflection in the mirror that you hadn’t even heard her approach.
“Huh?” you whirl around to face her, finally blinking once you realized how tired your eyes were from the thorough examination you’d just given them. “What did it feel like after you met Grandpa?”
Your stomach sank immediately at the pitying look that grew on the old woman’s face. She reaches out to rub your arm sympathetically with a sad smile. “I’m so sorry sweetie,” is all she tells you before changing the subject completely. “Excuse me now, I need to use the restroom.”
“Right, sorry.” You offer a dry laugh as you move out of her way, reality rushing back like a harsh slap to the face. You’d known all along that you’d never really have a soulmate, but it was hard not to have grasped on to the small shred of a possibility. It hadn’t slipped your attention that Levi also had gray eyes, but plenty of people had the same or similar shade. Besides, the likeliness of soulmates having the same exact eye color was even rarer than someone being born without a soulmate at all. You vowed to keep these cold hard truths at the forefront of your mind from now on, and resigned yourself completely to the fate you’d been dealt.
You loved Levi
It had been a whole week since you’d given up the last loaf of bread that had sent your life into a strange whirlwind of new, unexplored emotions. The days between then and the present had been interesting indeed, but now you were determined to go back to life as normal. The weather wasn’t so terrible today, but you still bundled up to prepare yourself for the cold morning walk to the Apothecary. You arrived at the shop with plenty of time to remove the layers of winter clothes and do a quick inventory of items you’d soon need to restock.
It was around lunchtime when you really started to relax back into your routine. The steady flow of customers had helped to keep your mind occupied, and once things slowed down around midday, you picked up a rag and began to wipe down the counters and windows absentmindedly. The sound of the bell above the door alerted you to someone’s arrival and you quickly tossed down the rag and turned to greet them. Once again, you find yourself startled to be standing in the presence of the man from the market.
“Levi,” you mutter his name before shaking out of your daze. “Excuse me,” you look down and apologize in embarrassment. “Um, can I help you with something? Is your mother feeling better?”
“She’s much better, yes. Thank you.” Levi clears his throat awkwardly and you can’t help but think his posture is stiffer than you remember. You wonder again what he did for a living because he seemed to be a bit overdressed for a simple trip to the apothecary. He looked incredibly handsome in any case, and it was doing nothing to help quiet your wandering imagination.
“I’m glad to hear that,” you weren’t sure what else to say. You walk over to the small faucet behind the counter to wash your hands since you’d just been cleaning. The silence between you both grew more and more uncomfortable until Levi’s face suddenly contorts with frustration. You open your mouth to apologize for whatever you’d done but he cuts you off by coming forward suddenly and placing both hands on the counter.
“Your eyes,” he forces out the words before averting his own gaze. Any hope of keeping yourself grounded in reality seemed to go up in smoke as your heart rate kicked into overdrive.
“Yes?” you say breathlessly and the fact that you weren’t kicking him out for being incredibly inappropriate was enough to spur him on with whatever point he was trying to get to.
“How long?” he swallows thickly and takes a deep breath, “How long since they’ve changed?”
“They’ve always been this way,” it should’ve been harder to admit, but the way Levi was acting was distracting you from the shame you’d normally be feeling. A soft sound, like an intrigued sigh, escapes his lips and he covers his mouth with those beautiful long fingers you’d been trying not to think about. All you can do is stare at him as he comes to terms with the information you’d just revealed. You wondered why he’d even want to know and what he would do now that the truth was out in the open. Finally, after an unbearable stretch of time, Levi lowers his hand back onto the counter, revealing a faint but amused looking smile.
“Well,” his confidence began to return. “They look much better on you than they do on me.”
“What?” Every cell in your body seemed to be buzzing with anticipation. You wanted to believe that this was all leading up to something good, but a nagging fear in the back of your mind warned you against giving in to the false hope that you’d vowed to ignore.
“I was born with these eyes as well,” Levi confesses calmly while gesturing to his face. “Both of them.”
It was your turn to cover your mouth, wondering desperately if it was all right yet to dare to dream that there was meaning behind what was happening after all.
“I have no idea if this is all a coincidence or not,” Levi shrugs as his mouth pulls into a frown. “To be honest, I gave up on the idea of soulmates a long time ago, but I cannot ignore the fact that you’ve consumed my thoughts from the moment I saw you in the market.”
Tears unwittingly begin to blur your vision as all the tension inside you finally reaches a tipping point.
“I…” You aren’t sure whether to laugh or cry. Levi’s hand appears in front of your face, offering a handkerchief. You accept it gratefully and wipe the wetness from your eyes and cheeks. “I didn’t think it was possible, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you either.”
Levi folds his arms over his chest as if contemplating the matter seriously, but the pause only lasts a few seconds this time. Before you have time to worry about what he’ll say, he’s offering you his hand.
“Would you like to be my soulmate then?” he asks, a hint of teasing in his voice despite the nervous energy surrounding you both. You don’t hesitate to place your hand into his. You weren’t sure if your matching eyes was a sign that you were meant to be together, but it wouldn’t be fair to either of you to throw away the shot of having the kind of life you’d watched other people enjoy your entire lives. If you were able to bring each other happiness, you could care less if it was what fate had planned.
“Yes,” Your voice shook with the overwhelming emotions coursing through you, “I think I’d like that.”
“As would I,” Levi replies as a real smile takes over his face at last. The hope you see in the depths of his beautiful gray eyes makes you appreciate the matching color of your own for the very first time, and the idea of a happy future finally seems within your grasp.
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
Paging Dr. Weasley
Requested: yes
George Weasley x fem! reader 
Warnings: strong language, asthma, fever and illness symptoms, food
Word Count: 3031
Summary: George is excited to go see the new products at Zonko’s and the harsh weather isn’t going to stop him. The reader has asthma and she's a bit apprehensive about going out in the cold, dry weather but George insists it’ll be fine. George, unfortunately, is wrong.
The night prior it was quite clear to you that the weather would be horrid. The wind, aggressive in nature, thrashed and collided with the walls of the stone walls of the castle. You were fortunate, however, tucked under your boyfriend George’s arm, asleep in his warm dorm. He had insisted that you stayed the night with him, when it got cold out he got clingy, and you had no objections to his suggestion. The following day you were to venture down to Hogsmeade with George, a week ago the plan was made when he mentioned needing prank supplies from Zonko’s, Fred unable to go because of a weekend detention he got himself. With the oncoming storm you had assumed that tomorrow’s plans had been canceled, knowing from past learning experiences the harsh cold was no help to your asthma.
Light flooded through the window in George’s dorm, a bright white that pierced your eyes even as they rest under your lids. You turned away from the harsh light, nose pushing into the warm, inviting chest of your boyfriend as you tried to slip back into a deeper sleep. A deeper sleep would not come, it wasn’t long after you turned that you were fully awoken by a deep groan.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell, I told Lee to close the stupid curtains when he got in too.” George grumbled, hand smacking against his face to cover his eyes.
You were silent as you slowly shimmied yourself higher onto the pillow, motioning for him to lower himself so his face would be in your neck, concealed from the morning sun reflecting off the night's snow. George happily complied, humming his gratitude as he nuzzled into your neck before placing a gentle kiss where your shoulder met your neck.
“Who opened the fucking window?” Fred’s voice was heard after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
His tone showed his clear annoyance, followed by a groan and the shuffling of covers probably a result from him angrily pulling them over his head.
“I might’ve forgotten.” Lee answered from his bed making Fred chuck one of his pillows at him.
George groaned into your neck, “Will you two wankers shut up. We’re trying to sleep.”
“We?” Lee and Fred asked in unison before Fred continued, “Is Y/n there with you?”
George and you had retired to bed quite early last night, and neither of you expected Lee or Fred to check to see if George was alone last night before going to sleep.
“Yeah she’s here so shut up.” George grumbled again.
You could hear Fred, or Lee you weren’t sure, as they moved around in their bed before they spoke. It was Fred.
“Was the poor girl buried under the blankets all night?”
You decided to respond this time, “No, I had my face out to breathe.”
“Guess it’s time to get up.” Lee grumbled, moving to swing his legs out from under the covers.
“Maybe if you closed the curtains we’d all still be asleep a bit longer.” George sassed as he moved to sit up, not before giving you a good morning kiss on your forehead.
“Maybe if you closed the curtains…” Lee mimicked in a high voice, getting up to go to the bathroom.
Deciding that sleep would not be achieved until tonight, you too, sat up, knuckling at your eyes as you leaned against George’s chest. He circled his arms around your waist, placing another kiss to the crown of your head.
“Morning, pretty girl.” He rasped into your ear.
Unfortunately it was loud enough for Fred to hear and make a gagging noise as he turned away from you two.
“Disgusting. When you guys leave feel free to close the curtains, yeah?” He mumbled from under his covers, a few tendrils of fiery hair poking out.
You shuffled your legs over the edge of the mattress, standing up and stretching before grabbing the pillow you had been using to go over and smack Fred from over the sheets.
“Get up you wanker.”
He yelped before sitting up abruptly, hair a literal mess with strands sticking out randomly, “Georgie! Your girlfriend is attacking me, make her stop.”
George pretended to think for a moment before answering, “No. I don’t think I will.”
Fred feigned offence before also getting up and out of bed, his maroon boxers with green ‘F’s on them were quite the sight.
“Mate, it’s snowing out. How are you only wearing your knickers.” Lee asked, coming out from the bathroom.
“Run hot.” Fred answered simply with an overly flirty wink directed at Lee.
“Merlin…” George muttered, shaking his head as he got out of bed.
You smiled at your beloved, his hair- much like his brother’s- a frizzy mess of red locks and his eyes still puffy from just having woken up, but unlike his twin, George had on a pair of flannel pajama pants and an old Gryffindor t-shirt that he had cut to show his midriff. He was quite literally perfect, his pants hanging low on his hips- just exposing his v-line- and his t-shirt, now crop top, ended just above his belly button, an auburn happy-trail in view.
“You ready for today?” George asked, pulling you out of your less than innocent thoughts, his knowing smirk a clear sign that you had been caught ogling at him.
You stood for a moment in thought, “Today?”
George nodded, “Zonko’s, butterbeer, our plan to go to Hogsmeade.”
“I thought we would postpone that, the weather is horrid.”
He peered out the window before turning back to you, “It isn’t snowing much anymore, I think we should be in the clear.”
“Don’t you have asthma though? Won’t it make it act up?” Fred asked as he slipped on his shoes.
You nodded slowly, moving to fix the astray sheets on George’s bed, “Yeah, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go out today.”
George pouted slightly, “We’ll bundle you up extra warm, and it’ll be quick. You’ll be ok, you haven’t had an attack in so long.”
You knew why he was so keen on going, Zonko’s had a new line of products that he was dying to get his hands on. He’d been talking about it for months, he and Fred finally saving up enough money from selling their own things to go purchase a few things. You felt bad, and he was right, you hadn’t had an asthma attack in a while so perhaps you’d be fine.
“Alright, but we’ll need to stop by my dorm so I can get my thick scarf. The one that goes up over my nose.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it anyother way.”
An hour later you and George were ready to go, two scarves- one long enough to go over your nose- a beanie, fuzzy socks, and a pair of George’s mittens were part of the outfit you were sporting. You felt a lot more confident in your attire now, nothing could go wrong...right?
It went wrong.
So very wrong.
The first half hour out on the town was fine, a bit chilly but George was there to wrap an arm around you and pull up your scarf so it covered your nose. Then, as the forty-five minute mark hit, you started to feel a bit...wheezy. The scarf kept slipping, the wind had picked up, and it was extremely dry out. Once it hit an hour you were in a full blown asthma attack, having to pull out a rescue inhaler- something you made sure to bring with you no matter how confident you were at first- and George felt absolutely terrible as he watched you try to catch your breath in The Three Broomsticks.
George rubbed a hand in comforting circles on your back as you took a few inhales of your inhaler trying to stop the painful wheezes. You reached behind you, putting a hand on his to try and tell him it was alright and you didn’t blame him, knowing he’d be beating himself up over this.
Once your breathing had leveled enough for you to string together a few words uninterrupted, you turned to your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry but I think it would be better if I went back.” You muttered, voice still a little raspy.
George crouched down, face to face with you sitting in a chair, as he spoke, “Baby,” He cooed, “You shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sorry I forced you to come out knowing you have asthma and you were worried. I should’ve been thinking more about you, pretty girl.”
You shook your head gently, “It’s alright George, you were excited. No one needs to apologize, let’s just go.”
George silently agreed, moving to remove his scarf as you stood up. He pulled up your scarf so it went over your nose and wrapped his own scarf around it in hopes of it staying up better. Once he was happy with his work, he grabbed your mitten covered hand and you two walked out of the little pub.
Fortunately, you two got back to the castle without another asthma attack hitting you. George took you straight to his dorm, and sat you on his bed. The dorm was empty, it was still rather early in the day, but you felt your eyes start to droop as fatigue from the asthma attack, shivering in the cold, and fighting your way through the snow all came crashing down on you. You were also starting to get a headache, something you were definitely not happy about.
The lanky ginger noticed how tired you started to look and felt his heart melt all while guilt nearly ate him alive. He knew it was his fault you were feeling so bad, but your tired eyes and grabby hands at him made him smile.
“We need to get you changed, love.” He said quietly, going to his own trunk to pull out a sweater and pajama pants for you.
With his sweater and pajama pants in hand he got down to his knees in front of the bed where you sat and started to unbutton your coat. Once unbuttoned he helped you shrug it off, then helped shed all the other layers until you were in a thin t-shirt before pulling his sweater over your head. You moved to take off your bra but George muttered to let me, his hands sliding up under your shirt to unhook your bra, then letting you shimmy around to get your arms out before grabbing the undergarment and putting it in his trunk- he doesn’t need the boys coming in and seeing his girlfriends bra.
He then unbuttoned your jeans, slowly helping you pull them down your legs before replacing them with his own pajama pants.
“Stan for me for a moment.” He said, going to tie the drawstring in a neat bow to make sure the pants didn’t fall off of you.
“Thank you Georgie.” You smiled leaning into his chest.
“No problem, love. Let’s get you into bed.”
You shuffled onto the bed and situated yourself under the covers, looking up at George expectantly making him chuckle.
“You take a nap, I’m going to go get us food alright?”
“Ok.” You nodded, getting comfortable.
Before George was even out the room, you had fallen asleep, the day had taken a toll on you evidently. He smiled at your peaceful form, asleep in his bed, before carefully leaving the dorm to go grab some food for a late lunch.
George came back with the food fifteen minutes later, but he couldn’t find it in him to wake you up just yet. He waited around an hour before gently kissing your hairline to wake you up, but he grimaced at the unusual heat that your skin held.
When you woke, you felt fine, maybe a little lethargic, but fine. Usually asthma attacks didn’t take this much out of you but perhaps it was just because of how intense this one was and your head was still pounding.
You two quietly ate, George asking how you were every so often, you responding with a soft ‘alright’ before going back to the sandwich he brought. When the food was finished you crawled back into George’s bed, still feeling a bit sluggish but the food helped.
“Can you lay with me?”
George nearly awed audibly at how soft and small your voice was.
“Let me just change ok, bubs?”
You nodded, “Wear the cropped shirt please.”
George chuckled at your request but of course complied, pulling the shirt over his head and letting it fall just above his belly button. You smiled at the sight making him shake his head before pulling his own pajama pants on and climbing into bed next to you.
Hushed conversation started between the two of you. He was sitting up slightly with your head placed on his chest. As the sun went down and the other boys came back to the dorm, you let the melodic thump of George’s heartbeat lull you to sleep.
The night was a bit rough to say the least, George barely got any sleep due to his worrying about your wheezing. You didn’t usually wheeze when you slept, so it worried him. You on the other hand woke up with a stuffy nose, painfully dry cough, and achy muscles.
You were sick.
Even worse, it was Monday morning and you could not muster up the strength to get yourself dressed and to class. You had woken up first that morning, an aggressive cough pulling both you and George out of sleep. Once you the coughing fit had subsided you turned to look at George.
“I don’t think I can go to class today.” You pouted.
George pushed your hair out of your face as he answered, “Don’t worry about it, darling.” He placed an open palm on your forehead, “You’re burning up.”
Just as he had said it your body shivered before you erupted into another coughing fit.
“My thoughts exactly.” He smiled. “You are not leaving this bed today, and I’ve just gotten word that Dr. Weasley is in.”
You let out a raspy laugh, “You don’t have to miss class, I’ll survive.”
George shook his head, “Nope, I’m going straight to McGonagall to tell her that you are sick and I need to take care of you.”
He left before you could protest any further.
You turned around, getting comfortable again, and started to doze off before Fred piped up.
“I thought you two would never quite fucking yelling.” He groaned.
Lee responded for you, “Shut up you twat.”
George jogged to the transfiguration classroom still in his pajamas getting interesting looks from the people in the halls. He didn’t care though, not when his little love was sitting in his bed sniffly and sick waiting for his cuddles.
He made it to the classroom and pushed the door open, startling Professor McGonagall and the few students in the room.
“Mr. Weasley! You cannot just come stampeding into my ro- what in Merlin’s name are you wearing?”
George caught his breath before speaking, “Professor, Y/n is sick and she can't come to class and since she’s sick she obviously needs me to take care of her so I also cannot attend classes today.”
“Is Miss L/n alright?” McGonagall asked, now worried about the girl.
“It’s my fault, I took her out in the cold yesterday and her asthma acted up but now she’s also got a fever and she was wheezing all night.” George rambled, the guilt coming back.
His Professor put her hands out to stop his rambling and push him toward the door, “Alright, alright, you go take care of the poor girl, both of you are excused for today and tomorrow if it’s necessary. If it gets any worse take her straight to Madam Pomfrey, understood?”
George nodded and McGonagall continued, “And for Merlin's sake next time send someone else to come tell me, we do not need you strutting around the school in- in- whatever this is.”
She gestured toward George’s outfit making his ears turn pink, realizing just how many eyes are on him at the moment.
“Right, of course. Thank you.”
George made it back to his dorm just as Lee and Fred were stepping out to leave for their first class of the day. He offered them a quick good morning and ‘see you later’ before making his way to you. He found you asleep in bed and tucked the covers under your chin before sliding into bed with you, pulling you into his chest as he let sleep take over.
A few hours later he woke up to you already awake and reading a note, he assumed it was attached to one of the two bottles that had been placed on his bedside table sometime while he was asleep.
“Who’s that from?” He asked, sitting up and looking over the note.
“McGonagall, she sent up medicine.”
“How sweet of Minnie.” He smiled pulling himself out of bed, “Alright, let Dr. Weasley read it.”
You laughed, “Dr. Weasley?”
He nodded feigning shock, “Yes, Dr. Weasley, and I’m going to nurse you back to health.”
George plucked the note from you and read it over, taking in all the instructions on how and when to take the medication which he assumed were the two bottles.
The rest of the day passed with George waiting on you hand and foot, bringing up food, rubbing your back, cuddling you, you name it he did it. He also did it all in his cute little crop top that definitely helped speed up the process of your recovery.
Now as you lay in bed, George tilts your head up to place a gentle kiss on your lips but you stop him before he can.
“You’ll get sick.”
He chuckles, “I’ve been kissing on you, and cuddling with you all day. I’m going to get sick either way, pretty girl, so please let me kiss you on the lips at least once today.”
“Alright but we can’t tell anyone, I don’t think it’s very proper of me to be snogging my doctor.”
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melmac78 · 2 years
I know I live in an area that gets really hot in the summer (Texas), and some are asking us not to send tips…
I still wanted to pass a couple of my own tips to stay cool and prepared… albeit from some more oddball ways I learned.
Not doing housing or skin cooling tips: the horse is glue there. Some of these are a bit on repeat, but I’ve seen a bit of the extremes.
A. Do not only drink water. When you sweat, you lose salt and other minerals.
I usually would drink lemonade to get this when I was a Looney Tune, but when a School Mascot running and acting full tilt I would use Powerade.
There is a thing such as water intoxication, so there needs balance.
I have learned this the hard way: the only time I ever came close to passing out in character costume was too much water consumption too little electrolytes.
B. Just honestly - Mix up your water and electrolyte drinking.
This actually comes from half marathon experience. The weather is pretty cool/cold when I race, but I still sweat enough I drink Nuun (🤢 - hate the taste).
First couple of races I drank it too often I’d end up with stomach cramps the next day.
I started alternating water/Nuun in the 3rd half I did and it got better, now I average 2:1.
So… it’s basically don’t extreme either.
(Sorry I still hate Nuun so I reduced it further getting Gu, which again I limit use)
C. No Energy drinks like Monster or other equivalents (the ones with 180 mcg caffeine). Just don’t - they’re bad for you in heat.
I’ve never done this, but I’ve seen foolish folks do it, and wind up getting a paramedic visit. (Actually they’re pretty bad anyway - I dilute mine, but this is another story).
D. You need to eat… just light. Anything with water such as salads adds a bonus. Not eating doesn’t help either.
Don’t cook unless you absolutely must.
E. If you MUST go outside for a period of time, be sure to also bring your phone, as heat can disorientate you.
I had two youth come into my office today to use the phone so their parent can pick them up… in 100*F weather. Fortunately overcast to help keep them cooler but one admitted they got lost being warm.
F. For cars: have extra water/coolant for them.
Cars overheating in hot weather isn’t as common, but can happen.
G. If you have them, blackout curtains are very useful in this weather. If not, keep blinds and curtains closed as light bounces off them.
H. Don’t use lights at night unless needed. Even the fluorescents produce heat. Unless I’m working on a project or eating, I do not turn mine on in the summer.
I understand some folks are tired of those of us closer to the equator are giving tips, but after getting a few good pointers when I had to deal with the extremely rare polar vortex last year in Texas… figured I’d offer some tips.
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beawriter · 4 years
Writing Cold
From a canadian
First, you need to know where and when your story is set in, to know the temperature. It can go from 0 to -15°C (23 to 5°F), which is an average winter day in Canada btw, or -30 to -40°C (-22 to -40°F), which is pretty cold.  If you go colder than that, I don’t know if you’re trying to kill your characters or something, but it’s really not a good idea. 
When you have an idea how cold it is, you can continue:
Average cold, but not freezing in two minutes (around -5 at -15°C)
- if your character is in average clothing (long pants, long-sleeved shirt, etc.) they will be fine for about 30 to 60 minutes. Their limbs will not necessarily be hurting
- if they are in clothing suited for hotter situations (dress, skirt, shorts, short-sleeved shirt, etc.) I give them thirty minutes, if not less, before their limbs start hurting. Trust me, I know. 
- if they have winter gear (snow pants, mittens, scarf, etc.) they can last multiple hours, if not a whole day 
A bit freezing (around -20 at -30 °C)
- if your character is in average clothing (long pants, long-sleeved shirt, etc.) they will last 15 minutes at best before having consequences (intense shivering, limbs hurting, etc.) (This is very precise, so I might be a bit off, since I haven’t actually tested it)
-  if they are in clothing suited for hotter situations (dress, skirt, shorts, short-sleeved shirt, etc.), it will start hurting like hell in 30 minutes tops (or less). Also, when the character steps ouside, they will feel the cold on their flesh, and it will be cold.
-  if they have winter gear (snow pants, mittens, scarf, etc.) they could survive a day outside, maybe. They’ll start feeling pretty cold in a few hours.
Hell but make it cold ( -30 to -40°C)
-  if your character is in average clothing (long pants, long-sleeved shirt, etc.) they are so screwed. No, I’m serious 1 hour, maybe less, and they will have hypothermia
- if  they are in clothing suited for hotter situations (dress, skirt, shorts, short-sleeved shirt, etc.) I am so, so sorry for them. I don’t know when the hypothermia will kick in, but it won’t take long. At first, they will be fine, for five seconds or so. I’m not sure when their limbs will hurt, but it won’t take more than very few minutes
-  if they have winter gear (snow pants, mittens, scarf, etc.) I don’t  remember exactly, but it will take 3 hours, or a few more, before the cold is unbearable, if their face isn’t screaming in agony before that
General things
- if there’s wind (probably) their eyes will tear, especially if there’s a lot of wind
- if your character is trying to protect themselves from the wind, they absolutely need something to protect themselves from the wind (a cave, or even a whole they dug in the snow) 
- if there’s snow, ice, whatever, building a fire on top of it won’t be very useful, since it won’t last very long, and the warmth provided won’t be that much
- if they enter a warm place (a shelter, house, etc.) your character will probably feel like they’re burning, and their limbs will be very sitff, especially if they were out for a long time or in a very cold weather
- cold is tiring. it takes a toll on your body, who tries to keep its warmth
- your limbs will hurt at some point, starting by the extremities (feet, hands, head) except if they are covered (even though, for example, let’s say the character has good snow boots, but is wearing jeans, which are not much good against the cold, their legs will start freezing first, although their feet might stay okay for a bit)
- clothes get cold before your skin does, so if you enter a warm place, you’ll heat up, though your clothes will slow down the process (they can stay cold for a while), so I recommend your character changes clothes, maybe take a hot shower. Jeans are the clothes that keep cold in the most.
- hypothermia:  Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C). Hypothermia (hi-poe-THUR-me-uh) occurs as your body temperature falls below 95 F (35 C).
- I once have hypothermia, it was around -20/-25 C, I was in a school uniform (skirt, knee-length socks, long jacket, hat, good boots) and I waited for the school bus for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. In the bus, I kept my jacket tightly around me for all the twenty minutes of the ride. At school, where there was way more heat than in the bus, I kept shaking (my legs especially) around 1 hour to 2 hours. My teeth chattered as well, in irregular intervals and stopped randomly. I was still cold for at least 30 minutes after entering the building, even if my friends told me my body had heat up since my entrance.
- your character can forget that they are cold if they are distracted (it won’t take it all away, and they won’t magically warm up, but they won’t be thinking about it). Though the colder and longer it gets, the harder it will be for them to get distracted
- hands stay cold for a long time and are the most efficient way to know if someone is cold, or was in the cold (and I’m not talking abouut people who have cold hands naturally)
That’s all I have for the moment, feel free to add more:)
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pixiebuggiewrites · 4 years
Sorry Wrong Number!
Masterpost - Previous - Next - Ao3 link
Chapter 2:  Hawkmoth has really bad designs and perhaps even worse timing
Since it was her off night from patrol, Ladybug was the last one onto the scene. She landed down on a building next to Viperion, who was observing the akuma’s skillset as Kuro Neko played distraction down below them.
The villain of tonight's look was... interesting to put it nicely. They were a boy around the same age as the heroes that seemed to be wearing a slightly oversized purple and blue three piece suit with a not-so-subtle lightning pattern running up the arms. His hair was shock white and seemed to be defying gravity while his eyes were protected by bright blue goggles-possibly where the akuma was residing. More importantly, he seemed to be covered in electricity, which was gonna make it difficult to get any hits in. He also had a laptop with him- another contender for the akuma’s hiding place but most likely just a weapon.
Not Hawkmoth’s worst design, but it definitely wasn't his finest work either. Though to be fair she had run around in spotted spandex for two years before she found out she could change her costume, so those in glass houses she supposed.
Viperion, noticing the team leader's arrival began to fill her in on what they knew so far.
“They're calling themselves ‘Elect-Trick’, keeps sending out shockwaves to try and knock us back which is frustrating but our suits seem to take the brunt of it which helps but Neko’s staff is a no go at the moment since there's no way to know if it’ll conduct the electricity.”
It likely would, something they had found out the hard way during the last weather akuma they had to face. While magical it was still metallic in nature sadly, which meant she needed to also be careful with her yoyo. She still isn't really sure what it’s made of besides magic, but this was not the way she wanted to find out.
“Alright, in that case we’ll continue to keep him away from the Eiffel Tower, it’s likely the akuma’s going to try and use it as a large conductor. I’m gonna head down, stay up here and be ready to use your second chance at the signal.” She instructed
Viperion nodded and went back to watching the fight just as Ladybug swooped down to join in. She was just in time as the akuma had begun to corner Neko, who had no choice but to rely on playing defense while her staff was out of the mix. The two heroes nodded their heads in greeting as Ladybug yoyo-d her cat themed friend over putting the duo back on even ground with the villain, who seemed to be ranting about school elections of all things.
Which would be a probable explanation for the first half of his name.
The two continued to fight back against the akuma, neither side quite able to grab the upper hand. Ladybugs yoyo-as it turned out, did not conduct electricity afterall. And, seeing as it's practically indestructible she was able to land hits on the akuma without getting shocked. But the akuma had realized the issue with Neko’s staff and was using that to their advantage, aiming a decent chunk of their attacks at the cat hero which forced them to go back on the defense.
As the fight had been going for over an hour at this point, the spotted heroine decided to bring out the big guns. After doing a silent signal letting Viperion know to start his timer, she got in position to call on her lucky charm.
But she didn't get a chance to. Just as she went to throw her yoyo in the air, Viperion called out a warning that sent a feeling of dread through her.
“LB watch out, There's an amok headed straight for the computer!”  
Sure enough, there was an all too familiar purple feather floating through the air on track for the laptop that she quickly caught and purified it before it could land. Thank the Kwami for the power of second chance, nobody wanted to deal with a sentimonster on top of everything else tonight.
Keeping Kuro Neko on the lookout for anymore feathers, She finally activated her lucky charm. Throwing her yoyo up she manifests… a slingshot! She could work with that, just needed to find ammo. Looking around her eyes land firmly on the window of a small toyshop.
Having Viperion keeping an eye out in case he was needed temporarily as backup, she sneaks over and breaks the window with her yoyo. Typically, the heroine would feel bad about causing this much property damage but tonight she’s tired and wants to get this over with so she can make a plan of action for the whole ‘Mayura seems to be back’ thing with her team and maybe get at least a couple hours of sleep. Anyways her miraculous cure would fix the window and return the bouncy balls she was actively stealing so no harm done? After finishing committing what was technically a misdemeanor, she made her way over to the roof Viperion was on and handed off the slingshot supplies before making her way back down.
Luckily Neko had managed to keep Elect-Trick distracted enough for the team to catch him off guard. On Ladybugs call Viperion began to pelt the Akuma with rubber balls, drawing his sight away for long enough to tie him up and take his glasses. One cataclysm later, the teen had been successfully deakumatized and she was able to cast her cure, fixing the decent chunk of property damage caused that night. After making sure the teen was okay to get home safe and getting his address for the interview she would have to conduct later, she turned to her team.
“Good work today guys, let's meet back at base in 30.” Her eyes communicated the urgency of the meeting despite the neutral tone of voice she tried to maintain.
From there the teens all departed in separate directions to recharge their powers and head to the team's secret base.
Okay so secret base was a bit of an overstatement. It is a secret place that the team uses as a base of operations but it was less of a Batcave and more of a repurposed hotel room in Le Grand Paris.
Chloe had brought up the idea after one too many close calls with Marinette's parents while the girls were investigating Hawkmoth. They needed a place to discuss hero work safely without having to talk in code but the question was where. Obtaining an apartment would be difficult as all of them but Luka were still underage, not to mention the issue of trying to pay rent without any parental suspicion. Luckily for Chloe, it's surprisingly easy to just claim a hotel room without being questioned when your Father owns the hotel.
And while it was no Batcave, it wasn't anything to scoff at either. The four teens had been able to pool together enough money in the beginning for the basics, which meant that now any small snuck away chunks of commission money, music gig payments, competition winnings, and allowances were all able to go to improving things bit by bit.
The room was already quite nice, having a separate bedroom that they used as a gym and a kitchenette that was kept well stocked with kwami snacks. Then there was the  main area, which had been split down the middle. The first side was dedicated to the investigation and housing Marinette's Guardian materials, While the second half was a hangout zone where they could chat or decompress after any particularly rough fights.
The base was also secure, Marinette had put so many spells and protections on the room with the help of the kwami that it might as well be a pocket dimension of sorts. The magical security system of sorts was extremely complicated, being tied to the teams auras in a way so that the only way to even find it without being one of them was to be taken there by Ladybug herself. It had taken weeks to pull off but was well worth it to give her team a place that was safe from the outside world.
Ladybug was the first to arrive this time, having flopped down into a chair at their meeting table as her two friends entered the room and joined her. They all sat there for a moment, processing the fact of Mayura’s return. Of course this would happen when they were down a member, it wasn't a complete surprise that the peacock miraculous would come back into play at some point but it was really bad timing.
“So what exactly is the plan?” Viperion asked, finally breaking the silence.
Ladybug sighed, knowing that their workload was going to increase once again. At least it was close to summer vacation.
“First we need to increase patrols- especially around the typical hot spots, Neko do you think we’ll be able to finish those jars by this time next week?”
The cat hero nodded “They're almost done, we’ll need to test them somehow though.”
The two of them had recently been working on a variation of an object enchantment technique mentioned in the grimoire. The original object was dubious in nature, having been used as a cage of sorts that kwami wouldn't be able to phase through. Marinette was disgusted by the thought, further feeding into some suspicions she had about the old order. As she was ranting about it to Kagami about it, her fencer friend got an idea for a way to repurpose the spell to trap akuma when Ladybug couldn't easily get to a fight. It would also allow them a new way to prevent possessions when Ladybug wasn't actively on patrol.
“That's good. Lastly I need Bee’s new number, I was going to ask you for it tomorrow but I need to give her a heads up to start on a new case file. We also might want to move up our plans to contact the heroes there.”
Kuro Neko quickly jotted down the number on a nearby notecard and handed it to Ladybug. After hammering out a few last details about their new patrol schedules the heroes were all free to head home for the night.
The trip home was uneventful, and she arrived home to see that it was just past midnight. She also noticed that her bath bomb had been fixed! It was sometimes a gamble on if something like that would count as akuma damage so it was a nice victory after the day she’s had.
Marinette quickly put in Chloe's number, eager to get to bed. She sent her blonde friend a summary on what happened and let her know to be on the lookout for an email tomorrow with the information to assemble a case file. And with that, Marinette drifted off to sleep.
She had made a small mistake though. In her tired state the young designer’s finger slipped, putting a 5 where there was meant to be a 4.
Meaning Chloe Bourgeois was not the recipient of her intended message.
Good thing she wrote the message in code?
Across the ocean, Damian Wayne received a strange text message.
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xpao-bearx · 4 years
Part 1 HERE
NOTE: OMG I really wasn't expecting for the previous first part of Heavenly Sins to blow up as it did, but I just wanted to give a huuuge THANK YOU to all of you amazing folks!! 🥰🥰🥰 Your support truly means so fooken much to trashy ol' meh and y'all are the reason I am writing this story series in the first place :')
I do have my ideas, but I still don't know much yet of what to do or even how long (or short) this story will get. So, if you would continue to give me your mindblowing support, it would seriously mean the W O R L D.
I do, however, very much enjoy writing Negan in particular so far. He's one of my absolute fave characters ever and JEFFREY DEAN FUCKIN' MORGAN NEED I SAY MOAR?!? 🥵💕💕
But this second part will be focusing a bit more on our beloved sheriff Ricky boi! Of course, Daryl will also get some much deserved love and attention tho I think he will appear in the story a lil later on.
Also, if you ever feel compelled, you are more than welcome to take some inspo from this story and make your own imagines and such! I'd love to see 'em, so please tag me 😁
P.S. There won't always be long ass notes like this, only if I wanna say something or bring up whatever is important. Also, if you wanna be tagged on any new/future story parts, then just tell moi and I will dedicate the latest one to the people who wanted to be tagged!
DEDICATED TO: The wonderful @buttercandy16 💖
"Heavenly Sins"
Part 2
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After your little spiel, you haven't spoken to Negan since then. But on the way home after church, you passed by his house and found him tinkering away on his motorcycle (which you previously learned he interestingly named Lucille) in the garage. Not being able to help yourself, you paused in your tracks and just curiously watched him for a while.
His leather jacket was off, revealing a plain white t-shirt. The shirt was quite tight, and you noted how it perfectly hugged the taut muscles of his chest. Your eyes then slowly trailed to his toned arms, adorned by tattoos you wished you had a better look at. He stopped briefly, placing his tools down before grabbing the hem of his shirt and wiping the sweat on his forehead.
You didn't even think twice as your eyes dropped, hyperfocused on his abs. He wasn't the buffest guy out there, but he was lean and fit and--to put it bluntly--hot. A part of you screamed bloody murder to get a grip on yourself, to just turn your stiff body around and proceed on home. But another part completely squashed down those protests without even a fight; as if your pathetic excuse of a resolve wasn't even meant in the first place.
"Take a goddamn picture, darlin'. It'll last longer."
Your head snapped up, meeting the tantalizing hazel stare of Negan. His lips were curled in a smug smirk, and nevermore in your entire life have you wanted to both slap and kiss someone so badly.
But you only clicked your tongue, shooting him a sharp glare before (at last!) turning and walking away as you hid your blush. In the distance, his amused chuckle begrudgingly sounded like the sweetest fucking music to your ears.
You woke up at 7:05 a.m. like you typically did the next morning, Monday. It was the dawn of a new week, and while most people dreaded it you actually didn't mind it so much. You had your job to thank for that.
Sure, it wasn't always easy, but it was worth it in the end. You loved teaching and spending time with the children, and you were even more ecstatic since you knew Judith was going to be at the daycare.
As you finished eating breakfast and preparing for the day, you grabbed your bag then went out the door. You opted to walk again today, the weather far too beautiful to miss plus the daycare really wasn't that far away.
Eventually arriving at your destination, you approached the daycare building's doors with a little spring in your step. Once inside, a young woman with her blonde hair high in a ponytail smiled and waved.
"Hi, Y/N! Goodmorning!" Beth Greene greeted energetically.
"Morning, Beth." You chuckled, the girl's radiant smile infectious. You've known Beth for some time now, especially since the Greenes were one of the oldest families in Alexandria and they were well respected. But you got along best with Beth, you thought she was the friendliest and she was also the latest hire of the daycare.
Stashing your bag away in your personal locker, you fixed yourself up a bit before getting your nametag and sticking it on your top. Looking up at the wall clock, you read that it was 7:50 a.m. Perfect, just in time for the kids' drop-offs.
You waited outside with Beth and the rest of the daycare workers, until finally the parents started rolling in. It was the usual; some of the children were wailing, snot snivelling down their nose as their embarrassed parents tried to tug them away from clinging onto their legs. You could only offer a sympathetic smile as you tried to help, while other children were much more relaxed and didn't even spare a second glance at their parents as they were dropped off.
"Well, that's about all of them." Beth piped up.
"Wait, we're still waiting for Judith." You said, searching for the toddler. "Rick said she'd be here."
Beth checked her watch, her brows creasing a little in worry. "That's odd. Sheriff Grimes is never late when he's dropping Judith off."
Just as she said that, there was a honk that disrupted the peace. You and Beth both spotted a crying Judith being held by Lori, the woman appearing utterly exhausted before her eyes locked with yours and didn't waste another second dashing towards you.
"Please don't run when you're holding Judith. Also, no honking is allowed on the premises." It was hard for you to keep the malice out of your voice, but you mentally gave yourself a pat on the back since you miraculously managed to not make it sound the worst it could get.
Lori raised a brow at you, but only handed Judith over to you. Judith immediately quieted down when she saw it was you, you cooing gently at her as she giggled and snuggled up comfortably against your chest.
"Rick will be picking her up later." Was all Lori said, pressing a quick peck on Judith's curly little head before parting ways. As Lori rushed back to the car, you saw Shane in the driver's seat shamelessly attack her neck with fervent kisses and you couldn't restrain an eyeroll.
"Fucking bitch..." You grumbled.
"Uh-oh. Bad!" Judith giggled again, clapping her hands gleefully.
"Right, right. Bad. Don't copy me, okay?" You laughed, completely forgetting about your aggravation as you rubbed your nose with Judith's and went inside.
The rest of the day rolled along splendidly. No one threw a tantrum and for the most part, all the kids properly shared the wide assortment of toys and even did their activities orderly and on time. So, you decided to indulge them with a small yet much sought after reward.
When it comes down to children, painting can be utter chaos. But you figured since they were being so good, you'd allow it. At the daycare you worked in, painting was quite a rare occurrence and that only solidified how much the kids adored it.
Once the materials were set out, it was a dizzying flurry of excited hands grabbing anything it could latch on to. As the kids went about doing their creative business, you found Judith all alone sitting in the corner playing around with some blocks.
"Whatcha doin' there, Judi?" You asked, sweetly calling out her nickname. "You don't wanna paint?"
"I wanna, but not with papers." She replied, shaking her head.
"Oh? Then where do you wanna paint?"
"I wanna paint on faces, but no one wants me to!"
"If that's the case, then I'd be more than happy to let you paint my face." You smiled.
"Really?!" Judith's whole face lit up, jumping up and wrapping her tiny arms around you as tightly as she could. "Thank youuu!"
You chuckled, ruffling her hair and watching as she happily gathered some paint and brushes.
It was finally the end of a long day, and your face felt a bit itchy from the paint Judith put on you. But it didn't matter; as long as the little girl was happy, it was the best damn day ever.
You were holding Judith's hand as you waited outside for Rick to pick her up, and once he came up with his car Judith beamed.
"Hello, sweetheart. Did you have a nice day?" His face looked tired, his greying beard making him appear slightly older than he really was, but his smile was genuine as he carried Judith in his strong arms.
"The bestest! Y/N lemme paint her face!"
"She did, huh? What did you pai--oh my god."
You bursted into laughter at his reaction, flashing him a toothy grin. "In the words of Judi: You're a pretty tiger! Grr!"
"Now that you mention it, I can see it." Rick joined in your laughter, nodding his head. "Looks like we've got a talented lil artist in our hands!"
"Daddy, I wanna paint your face next! You can be daddy tiger and Y/N can be mommy!" Judith proclaimed.
You and Rick flushed pink at the same exact time, but Rick was quick to clear his throat and change the topic. "A-Anyways, Y/N, how 'bout me and the kids give you a ride? Thank you for today, by the way."
"No problem, and sure! Thanks so much."
As you settled in the passenger's seat, two hands covered your eyes from behind. "Guess who~?"
"Hmm..." You hummed, making a show of thinking. "Are you an elf?"
"No!" The hands were removed, Carl popping his head out from the backseat to look at you as he laughed. "It's me!"
"Oh, sorry! You're just so short, I thought you were an elf." You teased good naturedly.
Carl huffed, sticking his tongue out at you. "Y'know, in a few years, I'll be way taller than you!"
Once Rick was done buckling Judith into her carseat, he took his place in the driver's seat and drove out of the premises. You just talked about anything that came to mind: work, the weather, Alexandria's local shops, etc. To anyone else, maybe it seemed like regular boring conversation. But speaking with Rick was truly one of the highlights of any of your days. He was extremely easy to talk to, and he never failed to cheer you up. And it was obvious Rick was the same. He was allowed to simply be himself around you; to loosen up, momentarily forget about the stress and sometimes even the woes that came along with being the town's upstanding sheriff.
As you were nearing your home, Carl decided to cut in.
"Y/N, can we stay at your house? It's been a while since we had a sleepover." Carl asked, his baby blue eyes identical to Rick's alight with hope.
It wouldn't be the first time Rick and the kids would be staying over. You were very close to the Grimes family, sometimes even almost considering them as your own. You didn't mind it. Since you lived alone, it can get pretty lonely. And having people around surely brightened up the house and made you keep your sanity.
"I don't mind, but you gotta ask your dad." You chuckled.
Carl turned to Rick, pouting and giving his best puppy dog eyes. Rick rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress an inkling of a smile.
"Yeah, yeah. But let me drop you and Judith off with Y/N first. I'll be back, I just need to get some extra clothes and essentials."
"YAY!" Carl cheered, Judith following suit as they both raised their arms and hollered.
"You're so whipped for them." You laughed, shaking your head as you looked at Rick.
"I ain't denying that." He sighed dramatically, grinning.
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link4eva · 4 years
Kiro’s Rhythm Date Translation [CN]
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Hey, y’all! A quick note before you begin reading, I do not know any Chinese at all so Google Translate is the real MVP here. I’ve just taken the time to write down what comes out and changed some words here and there to try and make it make more sense. So apologies for the amateur translation in advance lol. This is just mainly to get the gist of the date before it eventually releases on the ENG server. Hope you enjoy it!
*Spoilers ahead for future content!*
[First Part]
After typing the last word of the report, I hit the enter key hard with my hand and then let out a cry of joy from my heart.
MC: It’s finally done!!!!!
Kiro: You’re finally done!!!!
Almost at the same time, Kiro, who was sitting on the sofa, took off his headset and threw it aside, raising his hands and cheering along with me. The next moment, his twinkling eyes looked at me.
Kiro: MC, let’s go out on a date! I thought for sure that this weekend would be spent working, but it seems that God still cares for us!
He didn’t wait for me to answer, he had already taken a few steps and sat across from me, holding the back of the chair and looking at me expectantly.
Kiro: Let’s go to the cake place that just opened up recently, I want to try it.
He held up his fingers and began to count the deliciousness of his thoughts. I cleared my throat and interrupted his daydream mercilessly.
MC: That’s it! The sunny weather is so nice, shouldn’t we go out and exercise? Savin asked me to supervise you. Recently, you’ve been slacking on your exercise regime to write songs. So... 
Kiro: ...I knew it.
He lowered his head and sighed heavily but the happy smile returned in the next second.
Kiro: Let’s just exercise. Life lies in exercise and to enjoy life is to exercise with Miss Chips!
He told me to wait in a tone of voice I had never heard before and got up to change his clothes. I also went to change into sportswear that I had left at his house when we exercised last time.
Putting on my shoes and standing in the hall, I picked up the baseball cap and put it on Kiro’s head. I helped him straighten his messed up bangs.
He led the way down the hallway, but his toes tapped the ground like a beat as if he couldn’t wait. 
MC: Make sure you don’t get recognized when we’re out later.
Kiro: Don’t worry, I promise to complete the mission!
Kiro obediently agreed. Before leaving the house, he turned his head and waved at Apple Box lying on the sofa.
Kiro: The task of housekeeping is left to you. We are going out!
I don’t know if Apple Box understood initially. To my surprise, he seemed to understand and replied with a “Woof!”.
[Second Part]
The weather outside was just right. The breeze that is blowing is warm on my face, almost as if it’s driving away the fatigue caused by the long days of work.
I followed Kiro and jogged forward aimlessly. From time to time, he slowed down and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me, humming as if he had just written a song.
Kiro: MC, are you tired?
As soon as I met his gaze, he couldn’t wait to inquire again and the thoughts in his eyes couldn’t hide.
MC: Although I am a bit tired, I can hold on for a while!
Kiro: Ah, that’s it, but-
He suddenly stopped halfway through his words and a trace of worry flashed across his face. I looked and stopped teasing him for the time being. 
MC: Actually, it’s not impossible to rest for an hour or two.
Hearing these words, his eyes lit up.
Kiro: Then let’s rest for “one or two hours”!
He grabbed my hand and walked happily in one direction. The warmth of his palm matched the warmth of his eyes.
MC: Where are we going?
As soon as I asked, after turning a corner, a familiar street appeared in front of us. Tall and lush trees stood, exquisite old-fashioned buildings scattered. There were bustling young men and women and the smell of honey and coffee permeated the air.
--Isn’t this the street that has been very popular recently?!
I immediately caught on to what he was doing. I was amused but also a little annoyed.
MC: Have you planned the route in advance?
Kiro nodded, showing a natural smile.
Kiro: SInce I’m coming with you, of course. I have to plan every step in advance! There is a shop here where you can pick the toppings to put on a chiffon cake. The most popular one is raspberry.
I don’t know whether it was affected by Kiro’s vivid appearance or by the sweet fragrance in the air, Savin’s image slowly came to mind.
MC: It sounds really delicious!
Kiro: Alright then, let’s go! I have already made a reservation!
In a few seconds, I put aside my worries and joined him among the crowds on the street, enjoying the break.
It was a perfect moment, but all of a sudden, an unexpected guest stopped in front of us.
[Third Part]
Reporter: Excuse me, both of you! We are randomly interviewing attractive couples! Can you answer a few questions? *The translation came out as “high-value” so I’m going to assume it means “attractive”.*
The moment I saw the camera, I was already in front of Kiro, looking at this fashionable, young man with vigilance.
MC: Sorry, we’re busy at the moment. You can interview other people.
Reporter: But other people don’t fit the original intention of our “Feast for the Eyes” program! Only a few minutes of your time! 
Reporter: Huh? Why does this man look a bit like…?
I had a bad feeling and I stretched out my hand to hold Kiro’s cuff. The next moment, the reporter slapped his thighs one by one--
Reporter: Yep! It’s Kiro!
His voice isn’t loud but it still draws all the eyes around us.
MC: You’ve got the wrong person! Let me trouble you!
I resolutely denied his claim before everyone could react. I immediately pulled Kiro into the crowd and quickly slipped away.
Kiro: (pouting) Why do we always encounter such things when we go out on dates? 
In addition to the loud voices behind me asking, “Where’s Kiro?”, there is also Kiro silently complaining.
[Cut to Kiro’s house]
After hurriedly “escaping” back home, my highly elevated heartbeat finally began to calm down. 
MC: Safe at last…
Kiro: I didn’t eat anything this time but I burned a lot of calories.
MC: Probably because God is standing on Savin’s side, we can do nothing but accept it!
Kiro: But I don’t want to accept it…
Kiro plopped on the sofa and hugged Apple Box and looked up at me with a sad pair of eyes.
Kiro: Alas, why can’t he make this world just for the two of us! *I had to change some of the wording here. What came out originally was kinda wonky.*
I looked at my phone and found out that what happened just now did not arouse any attention. I felt secretly relieved. Kiro saw this and looked out the window and saw the sun. He sighed.
Kiro: It’s so rare when the weather is this nice. We finally had some time together… It’s a pity not to do anything.
MC: Then let’s do something we can do at home. Perhaps watching a movie?
Kiro: Movies… Are there any good movies recently?
Although he appeared to be uninterested, he still put his head down and browsed the newly released movies with me.
Before I had a chance to look, a furry head squeezed between the two of us and pushed Kiro aside.
Kiro: Apple Box, don’t make trouble… Wait, what are you biting?! Ahh! Let go of my game controller!
Kiro swooped forward and Apple Box dodged swiftly. In the hot pursuit of Kiro chasing Apple Box, he accidentally bumped into some things. 
The screen that had just stopped at the movie interface suddenly switched and several dynamic virtual characters appeared. As if drawn to this, Apple Box blinked his beady eyes and looked straight at the TV screen.
Kiro quickly grabbed the other half of the game controller from Apple Box’s mouth and clicked it angrily. Little brains.*I don’t know what “little brains” is haha.*
Kiro: I finally caught you, bad guy!
Apple Box, whose “toy” was suddenly taken away, looked at Kiro innocently. He wiggled his ears aggrievedly. I was softened by his eyes and I reached out to rub his head.
MC: Apple Box, you must be a good boy and not be so rowdy.
Apple Box: Woof!
As if he understood, Apple Box shook his head obediently and his fluffy fur rubbed against the palm of my hand. He then turned around excitedly and wagged his tail at the TV screen.
Kiro and I looked at the dazzling picture on the screen at the same time. The characters on it also writhed in time.
Kiro: Miss Chips, let’s play a motion sensory game!
MC: Why don’t we play this? Sports and leisure combined are great!
Talking in unison, we both laughed out loud. After deciding what to do, Kiro and I sat down on the carpet in front of the TV, choosing a game that we could play for a while. He put his head on my shoulder, expressing his opinions from time to time.
Kiro: I think this game is good! It’s fun!
Kiro’s breathing on my neck was ticklish and I shrank my neck. I watched the screen being manipulated to jump up and down to escape. The character retreated into himself.
MC: This feels too difficult. Let’s look at the next one.
Kiro: It’s not that bad! I set a world record in only one attempt!
He raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke, his expression extremely proud. Although he knew that as KEY, he was skilled at all aspects in the game.
MC: Well, then this game is not challenging for you…!
As if I had seen myself in the game, I decisively switched to the next interface.
Kiro: Eh? I don’t seem to have played this game before…
I was overjoyed when I heard this and made a decision almost immediately.
MC: Then let’s play “Just Dance”! 
This is a very popular music and dance game recently. Players can choose different dancer characters to play as. Players have to imitate the people on screen and dance in order to win.
Because this game is simple and easy to use and, and has many popular songs, it has been popular all over the world after it’s release.
MC: Now both of us are novices. This is equal ground!
I gave a controller to him, nodded and said in a serious tone. Kiro raised his chin slightly with a smirk.
Kiro: So, MC, do you want to challenge my status as KEY?
MC: I won’t give up easily!
After that, the game begins.
[Fourth Part] 
If I could go back in time by just 10 minutes, I definitely would’ve said something different about the game being “equal grounds”.
MC: What! Jumping wrong again!
The movements the two of us were doing were obviously strange at first. But after a while, we became one with the dance.
MC: Why am I always slow!
Kiro: Don’t worry! Treat this as a novice level and then adapt slowly from there.
MC: Then this newbie level is too difficult for me…
I was bitter. I felt as though my hands and feet were rebelling against me.
Kiro: It’s not difficult as long as you master the basics. For example, this movement here. As long as your hand is raised to this position, you will be guaranteed to pass.
He gestured for me to do the movement that stumped me just now, and I followed suit.
MC: Like this?
Kiro: Almost.
He walked up to me, grabbed my wrist and raised my head, then tilted my head to the other side.
MC: Is this it?
I followed his instructions and turned into ten twisted poses. I found the smile on his face grew wider and wider and he couldn’t help but laugh.
Kiro: Puff hahaha, MC, you are so obedient!
I became annoyed at once. I reached out to try and mess up his hair but he leaned back and dodged me smoothly.
Kiro: I was wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong!
MC: I won’t let you get away!
I kept tickling the sensitive skin on his waist. Kiro dodged from left to right and wrapped me in his arms. He is like a koala. He has me locked firmly in his arms, making it hard for me to move.
Kiro: Haha, so you won’t be able to tickle me!
There was a bit of pride in his laughter and his hot breath after exercising clung to my back, even in my chest. The rhythm of our heartbeats can’t be concealed. My heartbeat somehow increased.
MC: I, I won’t do what I did before again. Let go of me first, or how else can we continue playing the game?
Kiro: Well, alright.
He released his arms, looking reluctant, but turned his attention back to the game again.
Kiro: So this time we will warm up with the easier songs and then challenge each other with the more difficult ones!
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I didn’t know what Kiro’s “simple difficulty” meant until the melody of a familiar foreign nursery rhyme played from the speakers. But soon I put the matter of nursery rhymes aside and danced awkwardly with the little dino on screen. 
With the cute and cheerful melody, everything becomes more fun. Compared with the previous song, Kiro danced such an overly cute dance. It was a bit strange.
He stared at the screen earnestly, making movements while humming his own jumbled lyrics to the tune of the music.
Kiro: (singing) I’m a little dinosaur~ little dinosaur~
His blonde hair puffed up by the hairband also jumped along with his movements. A sweat bead from his forehead “ticked” off and fell onto his collarbone hidden by his collar.
MC: Obviously I am the little dinosaur!
The “perfect” floating above the screen made my previously annoyed mood become more excited. The magic of the game is to make people forget all their troubles. When I’m with Kiro, these simple dances turn into the simplest happiness.
After the song ended, I watched the rating jump up to four stars. I couldn’t help but hug Kiro and cheer.
MC: Ahh, it’s four stars! Only a little bit short away from getting full stars!!
Kiro: See, that wasn’t so hard for you, was it?
MC: Sure enough, it’s not difficult to master the trick you taught me!
I confidently picked the next song to “conquer” but suddenly saw a familiar name.
MC: Huh, there is this song?
It was a song from Kiro’s latest album. I quickly turned to look at him. However, Kiro frowned slightly while staring at his song, his expression a bit solemn.
Kiro: This song was licensed to them. But I feel that it’s a bit awkward to dance to my own songs in the game.
Seeing him acting unlike his usual self, I felt a sense of curiosity. Even though the “highly difficult” sign made me a little worried, I still pressed the confirm button decisively. 
MC: Let’s dance to this song. I want to see if the original dancer can beat the game!
Meeting his gaze, Kiro hesitated for a second and quickly gave in. 
Kiro: If you want to dance, MC, you can, but this dance is very difficult. Don’t force yourself to.
MC: Hmm!
Accompanied by the “START” character flashing, the intermingled sound of the electric guitar and keyboard sounded. Kiro held the controller and imitated the people on the screen, raising his hand to make a pose.
The powerful drum beats go straight to the heart. Kiro’s face is very serious and every movement that he executes is in rhythm with the music and is full of power.
He stepped barefoot on the carpet, clearly wearing ordinary sportswear, but he seemed to be standing in the centre of the stage.
And in this small living room, me being the only audience, got to “exclusively” enjoy this performance. I don’t know if I should watch him wholeheartedly or if I should continue to clumsily dance with the animation.
While I was lost in thought, I accidentally tripped over my left foot with my right. Seeing that the hand that was swung out was about to hit Kiro, I withdrew it quickly. 
I was hit with an elbow
MC: Ouch!
I squatted down, clutching the area I was hit, and buried my head between my knees.
Kiro: MC? What happened?!
He squatted down worriedly in front of me with his arms open. It looked like he wanted to hug me to comfort me but was worried that it would be bad so he stopped midway.
Kiro: What’s wrong? Is your leg cramping?
MC: Just now, I…
I shook my head, thinking of the silly thing I did just now. My ears and face were beet red. Before I had time to explain, Kiro put one hand behind my back and one hand under my knees and lifted me up.
MC: Wait! I can walk by myself!
He denied my protests and placed me gently on the sofa in a few large strides. He slowly lifted up one of my feet and carefully pressed the tight muscles of my calf with the pad of his finger.
Kiro: Does it hurt? Tell me if it hurts.
I forgot to respond. Seeing that I wasn’t saying anything, he slowed his movements down again and became more gentle. The sunset shining from the outside hit the top of his head forming a very gentle glow. It gave me the urge to rub it.
MC: Kiro, I’m fine. I didn’t hurt myself by forcing myself... I was just watching you…
The more I talked, the quieter I became. The temperature of my cheeks rose. After all, it would be too embarrassing to explain that I hit myself while dancing!
It was silent for a few seconds and Kiro finally laughed out loud.
Kiro: I didn’t expect my Miss Chips to be so honest. Now, just look at me.
Kiro raised his hand in a squatting position, and I found myself looking into his gentle blue eyes. When the music hit it’s climax, the drum beat gradually grew faster and got closely intertwined into an airtight net as if the soul is enveloped in it. *Wording was a little weird here. I think it’s supposed to be a heartbeat but the kanji for heart (心) isn’t in the original text.* 
Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
Like my heartbeat right now, it's so strong that it’s about to beat out of my chest. Kiro seemed to see right through me and stood up. He supported the back of the sofa with one hand and held my wrist with the other to prevent me from escaping. When his nose came up to meet mine, he rubbed it.
Kiro: MC, I’m curious…
Looking at my bewildered and embarrassed face, he suddenly gave a sly smile.
Kiro: Is the rhythm of your heartbeat the same as mine right now?
His eyes were full of warmth and gentleness. His words were like a poet writing lyrics, a sorcerer chanting a bewitching spell. 
Kiro: It is the same as mine. Everytime it beats. It only beats for you.
The breath that belonged to him slowly approached, the music continued playing in the background, and the game on screen kept showing “miss”.
The rhythm of our heartbeats has already been in sync with the beat and sweat. *This last part here was a little wonky with the wording*.
(Here is the link to his "Strawberry Invitation" call after the date!)
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pocket-clown · 4 years
A Place in your Home; A Place in your Heart | Arthur Fleck x reader 
// original request: Hi! I love your writings 💖 and I shyly wanted to request something. ^^ I wonder if you could write about Reader that has a difficult situation and has to find a new place to live, but doesnt have enough money? Arthur wants to help her and offers her that she can live with him. They've not dated for long but it's serious and the're much in love. She wants to move in with him, but she's afraid it wouldn not work out for many reasons, but eventually she agrees and Arthur is immensely happy. ^^
// A/N: This originally was going to be a longer fic, but I’ve been struggling with writing yet again, so I figured breaking it down into headcanons was easier than taking eons longer to write something more detailed.
thanks for the request, @dont-be-alarmed
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It had been nearly three weeks since you were given the news, the words barely making their way over the fuzzy phone lines, voice as uncaring as ever.
Due to a better suited tenant making an offer, your lease was not going to be renewed, and you needed to be out by the end of the month - no if, ands, or buts about it.
Your lifestyle was a hand to mouth one; paycheck to paycheck, your weekly earnings were just enough to cover rent and basic necessities with little left over to save, splurges on luxuries being an occasional, very rare treat.
With your rainy day savings, your actual savings, and the total accumulation of the profit you made from selling various items that you could, you barely had enough to cover even a deposit on any of the nearby apartments - let alone deposit, and the first month’s rent. 
In short, you were screwed.
You were screwed, and it was eating at you. Day and night, the thought loomed over you like the piles of trash that littered the city, threatening to topple over on passersby at any moment. 
Had you been given a much more reasonably timed heads up, it wouldn’t have been even half an issue, yet you were left to do nothing but lay in bed, eyes burning as you stared at the television, seeing but not really watching the program on it. You’d been pulled from your restless sleep by the sound of a glass bottle dropping and shattering somewhere outside, and given that it was nearly four in the morning, you were about to give up on sleep. 
Even in your sleepy haze, did the weight of the situation hit you like a truck, your stomach tightening with anxiety, the churning twist of panic, worry, and hopelessness making your eyes blur with tears as you shifted your gaze to the ceiling.
You couldn’t help but almost pitifully chuckle at that - soon, there wouldn’t even be a ceiling for you to cry over.
December was nearly on its last legs with Christmas just around the corner; the days of autumn bleeding into those of winter as you found yourself growing more and more grateful each day that your boyfriend’s apartment was one of the few that had a functioning heating system. Temperatures dipped below freezing more often than not, and you often had to take a moment to brace yourself before you stepped outside as the air’s freeze physically hurt sometimes - your eyes, nose, and fingers on the days you forgot your gloves stinging from the wind, while any exposed skin reddened from the nip of the wind. 
It was thoughts of days like those that made you brief a sigh of relief and sink back into the couch of Arthur’s living room, one of his softest blankets fluffed and draped around your body as you curled your legs under yourself, warm and safe from the harsh weather outside, and the even harsher population of the city.
It was also thoughts of days like those that reminded you that this wasn’t going to last. 
“Love, what’s on your mind?”
As in tune with your emotions as ever, Arthur noticed that you were particularly quiet that evening, lost in your thoughts as you didn’t even pay any mind to the television - set to the weekly airing of The Murray Franklin Show.
You hadn’t even told Arthur what was going on, the fear of stressing your already overworked boyfriend out keeping you from opening your mouth. 
“Huh? Oh - nothing,” You blinked, turning your attention from the carpet to the television. “I’m just tired.” You spoke, fingertips picking at the frayed hem of the blanket currently wrapped around your body.
Another hint for Arthur: no Art, no Artie tacked on the end to your reply. From the corner of your eye could you see him through the passthrough, eyeing you from his spot at the kitchen counter where he was taking the utmost care to not spill the mug of hot chocolate he was making you as he stirred it.
Even though your relationship was hardly out of its infancy, you both knew each other well enough to tell when something was wrong. Arthur was already so very in tune with your emotions, so you knew he wasn’t just going to let your morose mood go without a question or two, and you knew yourself enough to know that something about Arthur’s concern hit a soft spot in your heart, rendering you unable to keep much from him once he managed to get into your head. 
He seemed almost sad as he now stood in the entrance to the living room, his lips settled into a thin line as he kept his eyes trained on you. You felt yourself shrink under his gaze, the guilt from keeping something so major from him eating at you, but the uncertainty and apprehension of not only how you’d bring it up with Arthur, but how he’d react.
One of your worst fears was Arthur jumping on the opportunity to have you live with him. Not because you didn’t want to, not because you didn’t trust him or anything of the sort - but Arthur had a habit of putting the needs of others, especially your own, miles above his own. Money was much tighter for him than it was for you, and hell you had no idea if even combining incomes would be much help. No doubt that it would be some, but whether it would be enough, especially given the uncertain job climate of Gotham, left you scratching your head. 
Arthur took a seat next to you, the drink he brought you placed on the coffee table, and with a deep breath, you let it spill out faster than you really meant for it to.
Your lease was ending in just over a week. Your landlord had no intent of renewing it because someone else was moving in, and you had no money to move elsewhere yet, even after your best efforts at earning enough. You had no where to go, nothing to do, no way to remedy the situation - and time was running out.
Hell, you had no idea if at this point you even could do anything beyond accepting the inevitable.
“Why... don’t you stay here?” 
Arthur’s meek, yet hopeful voice raising such a suggestion made your ears perk up. You hadn’t even thought about that - but immediately did you know that it wouldn’t work. At least not yet.
“Art - I can’t do that, you know I can’t.” You couldn’t look at him as you spoke, the thought of being able to live in with him making your heart skip a beat, but the knowledge that it almost most definitely was not realistic at the moment making it hard to swallow.
“Why can’t you?”
“It won’t work - it’s not going to work.”
Though instantly you regret speaking those words, wincing once you realized what they implied. You knew Arthur and his anxieties well enough to know that it wasn’t improbable that he took “it won’t work” as meaning, you didn’t have enough faith in your relationship for it to work.
“ - Not like that,” You were quick to correct yourself, hoping to save the situation before it became more angst ridden. “I mean, living together. At least right now. Money is already tight for you, isn’t it? And I mean, it’s not like my own job is the most stable right now.”
“Y/N, do you really think that matters?” Arthur looked almost angry as he spoke, as if the fact that you were concerned about finances was ridiculous in such a situation. You knew Arthur enough to know he wasn’t actually mad, at least not at you, but still on edge at the threat of your loss of shelter. “You’ll be homeless, and - and who knows what could happen to you out there -” The hitch in Arthur’s breath as he spoke, coupled with the way his left hand gripped at the fabric of his trousers clued you in that this was something extremely distressing for him. 
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, yet you refused to let them fall as you blinked them away. “Arthur -”
“Please,” Arthur’s hand shot out for your own, his warm from holding the hot drink previously as he held your hand tight in his own. “Y/N, please.. Don’t worry about money, we’ll figure it out - but it’s dangerous, it’s awful out there and I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you -” 
Had you not stopped him midsentence with a gentle “Hey -”, you’d no doubt Arthur would’ve either succumbed to a fit of laughter, tears, or both.
“ - Arthur, hey,” Your free hand that wasn’t kept in his own reached for his shoulder, tugging gently on the fabric of that brown cardigan you so loved, pulling him closer to you. His forehead came to rest on your shoulder, his breath just barely noticeable against the fabric of your chest. “I dont... I don’t know what I’d do, either - Arthur I just don’t want to add more to your plate, you’re already so overworked, I shouldn’t have even mentioned it.”
You could feel Arthur shake his head at your words, but he didn’t speak - not that you blamed him.
With your lips now pressed to the top of his head, you took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. That comforting scent you’ve come to love and seek out within the few months you’ve been with him - the scent you, really, wouldn’t mind being surrounded by all of the time. 
“We’ll try,” You said finally, not missing how Arthur seemed to tense up at your words. “Arthur I... would love to stay here - I would, love to live with you. It’s going to take some time to adjust - never mind actually making the move - but... I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
You could’ve laughed at how Arthur shot up at this, his eyes wide as he seemed full of disbelief for a moment before your own reassuring smile sparked a growing grin on his face. “Do you really mean it, Y/N?”
“Waking up with, going to bed next to, coming home to you doesn’t sound all too bad, the more I think about it,” You whispered, your body finding its way to Arthur’s as his arms pulled you close. 
Maybe this home wouldn’t be so bad. 
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