#I hate my ignorant family !! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
falling-mellow Β· 1 year
Due to the previous family fight once again having escalated for the worse today, unfortunately no more Eurovision for me this year.
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callmeghoulshit Β· 5 months
I want to know about all your OCs pls ❀️
For Kai: πŸ₯ŠπŸŒ‚
For Tyler: πŸ™Œ πŸ’Ό
For Kit: πŸŒΊπŸ•
For Mikaela: 🧠🧊
For Rylan: πŸŽ―πŸ€
For Azazel: πŸŽ“πŸŒΌ
For Dante: πŸ’ΌπŸ’€
For Fae: βœ‚οΈ πŸ’š
(let me know when you regret letting me ask so many questions 😈)
ajdhsjfhd Shakeyyyy you don't understand how happy this makes meeeee<3
Main bit of context:
They're a found family who have lived together since the age of 12, when I refer to "the house" it's in reference to the 8 of them, they are also a famous band. It becomes easier to understand when you realise I'm in this world practically 24/7 and you gotta make a lotta leaps in logic to have everything fit together.
Buckle up my little bitch (affectionate) 1.5k words under the cut that took me over an hour to write
What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Kai loves being the nail tech of the house. It wasn't what people expected of him, but he started trying to help his girlfriend Mikaela with her nails, which then evolved into him learning to do acrylics, and nail art, and manicures and pedicures. And now he has a little pocket sized notebook that he dedicates a single page to each song they have to perform and notes down what nails he'll create for kit and the girls and if the boys are having anything too.
Every morning he likes to go for a run (note:sprint at breakneck speed) from the house to the cliff that overlooks the edge of their island. Their home is connected to the mainland by a sandbar that can sometimes be submerged for days. This has been a job he's done almost since the start, to see if they can leave the island or not. If not they have to cancel any appointments until the sandbar is visible. In an emergency there is a small boat, but the water is more dangerous than it seems. He'll run to the edge, check, and then sprint back home where Fae has his typical breakfast of a bacon sandwich ready and waiting for him, and for eight years he has been shocked to see this and has never gotten used to her doing it.
Kai can sometimes hate being in the spotlight, ironic as the band bassist and one of the rappers. He'll sometimes try to shield himself behind others and typically holds his microphone with his fingers stretched over his face so as to hide himself away during his lines.
He also detests sleeping alone, mainly as it's annoying. He has to lay down, tuck the duvet around him and then scooch it up under his butt so he's firmly tucked in and then hides underneath everything. He does it as a safety measure from his past, hiding under everything so he can't be seen or grabbed. Sleeping with others means he has protection, and if Mikaela's away he'll often wear her robe to sleep.
What genre do they belong in?
All of them belong in a coming-of-age, romantic flick. However Kai, especially after examining his past, also belongs in thrillers. His pickpocketing and robberies were always full of suspense, especially as he could never trust the teams that recruited him, which always came at a cost to him.
How many sibling does your OC have?
As far as he (and me) is aware, he has no siblings. But I'm an unreliable narrator, and often need something dramatic to happen, so who knows?
What do they do for a living?
Tyler is the third rapper of the band and their drummer, currently. In the past he was an illegal "demolitions expert" of sorts (see how you need to ignore a lot of real world logic to make things work haha), human battering ram, human shield (against his will, poor guy) and had plenty of clientele for his knack of fashioning explosives.
Do they have any love interest(s)?
Tyler. His protector, his lover, his sweet cheese, his good time boy, his daddy. Him and Tyler have been together for seven years. They've roomed together since the day they moved into the house, the only thing that changed was swapping two beds for one.
What is their favorite food?
Strawberries. Oh my god this kid and his strawberries. He spends his time tending to the "veg patch" and his favourite is his strawberry plants. Much like me as a kid feeding ducks, tearing off bread (I'm aware now that you can't give ducks bread I'm so sorry) and going "bit for you, bit for me", Kit picking strawberries takes a while as he picks one to go in his basket, and one for him to eat as he goes along. It's a miracle he never runs out.
What do you like most about the OC?
Ooo I think it's how unapologetic and confident she is. She's so "fuck yeah this is me, and?" it's enviable. Try and insult her, I dare you. She'll fucking agree and twist your words into a compliment.
Is their current design the first one?
Technically yes, technically no. Everyone is mostly the same as they were at the beginning. Any changes either happen naturally as they grew and changed, or were just straight up shoved in as if it was always that way. But Mikaela is pretty much the same.
What do they do best?
Fucking own my heart Rylan is my favourite, he's been with me the longest so I'm so fucking sorry haha.
I think what he does best is pull the strings from behind. When you think of the "parents" of the house he doesn't actually make the cut, but rest assured he does so much for his family. Be it making sure everyone's clothes are folded ready to go to their rooms, buying treats and snacks and keeping them stocked, little things like smoothing clothes, fixing hair, pulling Fae's skirt down or stopping the girl's and kit's clothes from blowing in the wind by discreetly holding the hems, or slipping his (illegal) credit card to everyone so they can buy presents behind each others backs. He just cares so deeply and notices so much, he just wants to love and be loved.
What originally inspired the OC?
So Rylan was a name I read in a book as a kid (not sure which) and really liked. I couldn't have friends round as a kid so I had to play by myself and always needed a counterpart so it'd be a dude called Rylan. Then when my parents separated I started daydreaming of moving house, and of there being a rundown house at the end of the street I'd go explore, and then I'd run into a boy called Rylan hanging out in there, and get to know him and his friends and that's how the story came to be. It was meant to be a quick daydream like everything else as a kid where once the daydream ended for the day, I couldn't go back to it. Instead everything kept expanding and developed into this big world and storyline. And this didn't actually answer the question but it felt important (?)
Anyways Rylan was initially (INITIALLY) modelled after 707 from Mystic Messenger. I had never played Mystic Messenger before. Just liked how he looked. And now Rylan looks nothing like him haha we retconned the fuck outta that man.
How long have you had the OC?
Six and a half years I think. My brain is so scrambled and used to the fictional timeline I forget when it actually all started. I'd need to sit and write it all out haha.
How old are they?
She's in her early 20s
What do they do for a living?
Dante is a vocalist in their band, and he used to be a drug dealer. These fuckers and the genre hopping give me whiplash istg.
Does your OC have any phobias?
I'm not too sure if this counts as a phobia but one of the big things he hates is extreme cold (fucking ironic he lives in the fucking UK then haha).
What is one of your OC's worst memories?
Childhood. It's one of the core things that bind them is a traumatic childhood (not too sure if I'm projecting with that), they each had their own experiences, crossed paths along the way, then found each other again without even realising they'd met before.
But memories I can actually talk about without trigger warnings? Uhhhh...
that and a home invasion. She was in the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan and a knife for defense. Now Fae isn't too cool with the idea of killing a person unless she realllyyy has no choice, so she Rapunzels the fuck outta these situations and just keeps whacking them over the head with a frying pan until she can find the boys to take care of the intruders.
Another time she hates to think of was when Dante (her boyfriend) just upped and disappeared. No note, no warning. She let it eat at her so much, and was so relieved when he was found and came home. Same with Kit wandering off in the dead of night. They all went up the mountains searching for him and kept coming across his clothing meaning hypothermia was setting in and Kit is so small and frail it was a wonder to think he managed to get so far in his state. There was a lot of stress baking in the kitchen those days after her boys were safely back home.
What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Fae is a cis woman, she's very femme but in a softer way than Mikaela. Her sexuality throws her off a bit, much like her boyfriend they're both straight, however with an exception for sleeping with their same sex best friend on a couple occasions.
Hahaaaaaa I don't regret asking you hehehehe I hope you regret asking me because I ramble SO MUCH IM SORRY I LOVE THEM OKAY THEY ARE LITERALLY MY LIFE
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robloxgoddess Β· 9 months
suck bakls???
You πŸ‘ˆ useless πŸ‘Ž piece πŸ— of shit πŸ’©. You πŸ‘‰πŸ» absolute πŸ™€ waste πŸ—‘ of space πŸš€ and air πŸ’¨πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ. You πŸ‘ˆ uneducated πŸ‘©β€πŸ«πŸš«, ignorant 😷, idiotic 😜 dumb 🀀 swine πŸ’©, you’re an absolute 😀 embarrassment 😳 to humanity πŸ€¦πŸ‘¦πŸ˜€ and all πŸ’― life πŸ‘€ as a whole πŸ’¦πŸ˜. The magnitude πŸ”πŸ”Ž of your πŸ‘‰ failure ❌ just now is so indescribably πŸ›‚πŸ”«πŸš΄πŸ½ massive 🌐 that one ☝ hundred πŸ’― years πŸ“… into the future πŸ“… your πŸ‘‰πŸ½ name πŸ“› will be used 🎢 as moniker of evil 😈😑 for heretics πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ’‡πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ. Even 🌝 if all πŸ’― of humanity πŸ‘€ put πŸ”› together πŸ‘₯ their collective πŸ›  intelligence 🧠 there is no 🚫 conceivable way ↕ they could have thought πŸ€” up ⬆ a way ↕ to fuck πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ up ☝ on πŸ”› the unimaginable scale 🐍 you πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ˆ just did. When πŸ‘ Jesus πŸ™πŸΌ died ⚰☠ for our sins 😈, he πŸ‘¨ must πŸ”’ not have seen πŸ‘€ the sacrilegious act 🎭 we just witnessed πŸ‘€ you πŸ‘ˆ performing πŸŽ­πŸ‘Œ, because if he πŸ‘¨ did he πŸ‘¨ would have forsaken πŸ’© humanity πŸ€¦πŸ‘¦πŸ˜€ long 8οΈβƒ£πŸ†πŸ’¦ ago πŸ”™ so that your πŸ‘‰ birth πŸ‘Ά may πŸ—“ have never 🚫 become 😌 reality 😍. After πŸ‘€ you πŸ‘ˆ die πŸ’€, your πŸ‘‰ skeleton πŸ’€β˜  will be displayed πŸ“Ί in a museum πŸ› after 2️⃣ being scientifically πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ researched πŸ”Žβœ¨ so that all πŸ˜€πŸ’― future πŸ“… generations πŸ‘Œ may πŸ‘Œ learn πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« not to generate πŸ‘Ά your πŸ‘‰ bone ☠ structure πŸ•‹, because every πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘€ tiny πŸ˜‘ detail πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸŠπŸ‰ anyone πŸ˜ΌπŸ‘ŒπŸ’₯ may πŸ—“ have in common 😍🐩 with you πŸ‘ˆ degrades πŸ‘Ž them to a useless πŸ‘Ž piece πŸ— of trash πŸ—‘ and a burden πŸ’ͺ to society πŸ˜ΌπŸ‘ŒπŸ’₯. No 🚫 wonder 🍎 your πŸ‘‰ father πŸ‘¨ questioned πŸ€”β“πŸ§ whether 🌩 or not your πŸ‘‰ were truly πŸ’― his πŸ’¦ son πŸ‘¦, for you'd have to not be a waste πŸ—‘ of carbon βš— matter πŸ™… for anyone πŸ™‹ to love ❀ you πŸ‘‰ like πŸ‘ a family πŸ‘ͺ member πŸ‡. Your πŸ‘‰ birth πŸ˜«πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Ά made πŸ‘‰ it so that mankind πŸ‘±β€β™‚οΈ is worse 😫 of in every πŸ’― way ↕ you πŸ‘‰ can possibly πŸ’― imagine πŸ’­, and you πŸ‘‰πŸ» have made πŸ‘‰ it so that society πŸ‘₯ can never ❌ really πŸ’― recover 😘 into a state πŸ‘Œ of organization ✊. Everything πŸ’― has forever πŸ• fallen ⬇ into a bewildering chaos πŸŒ‹, through which unrecognizable core 🌎, you πŸ‘ˆ can only find πŸ”ŽπŸ€  misfortune πŸ‘². I πŸ‘ would say πŸ’¬ the apocalypse ☠☣☒ is upon πŸ‘¦ us πŸ‘¨ but πŸ‘πŸ“ this is merely 🏫 the closest πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ word πŸ““ humans πŸ‘€ have for the sheer πŸ˜”πŸ˜πŸ™ scale πŸ† of horror πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘»πŸ† that is now reality πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’―. You πŸ™‡πŸ‘ˆ have forever πŸ•πŸ•”πŸ•€ condemned πŸ‘Ώ everyone πŸ‘₯ you πŸ‘ˆπŸ» love 😍 and know πŸ’­ into an eternal πŸ’« state πŸ‘Œ of suffering 😭, worse πŸ“‰ than any human πŸ‘€ concept πŸ€” of hell πŸ”₯. You πŸ‘ˆ are such an unholy πŸ™ŒπŸ» being, that if you πŸ‘ˆπŸΎ step β¬…πŸ‘ž within πŸ…° a one ☝ hundred πŸ”’ foot πŸ‘£ radius β˜€ of a holy πŸ™ place 🚩 or a place πŸ†πŸ˜ that has ever 😠 been deemed ❗πŸ‘ͺ important πŸ” by anyone πŸ™‹, your πŸ‘‰ distorted 😜 sac religious πŸ™ soul πŸ‘» will ruin 😭 whatever πŸ™Œ meaning 😏 it ever 😠 had beyond πŸ‘‰ repair πŸ™Œ. You πŸ€–πŸ‘ˆ are an idiotic πŸ’’, shiteating, dumbass πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ ape 🐡 and no πŸ™… one 😀 has ever 😠 loved ❀ you πŸ‘ˆ. Rhodes Island 🌴 would have been better πŸ‘ off πŸ’¦πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ if you'd never ❌ joined 🀩 us πŸ‘¨. You πŸ‘ˆ are a lying 😀, backstabbing, cowardly πŸ„ useless πŸ‘Ž piece πŸ— of shit πŸ’© and I πŸ‘ hate πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ž you πŸ‘ˆ with every πŸ’― single ☝ part γ€½ of my being. Even πŸŒƒ this worlds 🌎 finest πŸ“₯ writers πŸ“ and poets 😩 from throughout πŸ˜ŽπŸ’¦ the ages πŸ‘΅ could never ❌ hope πŸ™ to accurately β˜‘ describe πŸ‘‡πŸ™Œ the scale πŸ† on πŸ”› which you πŸ‘ˆ just fucked 😩 up ⬆, and how incredibly πŸ˜―β€Όβ— idiotic 😜 you πŸ‘ˆ are. Anyone πŸ™‹πŸ™ that believes πŸš«πŸ™ in any religion πŸ™ out there should now realize πŸ’‘ that they have been wrong 🚼🚫❌ this entire πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ time ⏰, for if divine 😰 beings 🐝 were real πŸ’―, they would never 🚫 have allowed βœ… a being such as you πŸ‘ˆ to stain πŸ˜‚ the earth 🌎 and this universe 😱. In the future πŸ“… there will be horror πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘»πŸ† stories πŸ“–πŸ‘ˆ made πŸ‘‰ about πŸ’¦ you πŸ‘ˆ, with the scariest πŸ‘ΎπŸ˜± part πŸ—³γ€½ of them being that the reader πŸ“–πŸ“’ has to realize πŸ€” that such an indescribable πŸ›‚πŸ”«πŸš΄πŸ½ monster πŸ‘Ή actually πŸ˜³πŸ…± exists πŸ˜‚, and that the horrific πŸ’€ events 🎫 from the
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irlkisukeurahara Β· 1 year
omg byahisa t4t....pls tell me more (if you want)
oh no, now you've done it..
You've activated Miles' inability to shut the fuck up...
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I don't normally give characters deadnames. I only have one for Byakuya here because I've made transphobia relevant in this, plus it's for ease of reference. I also kinda threw in stuff about the ByaHisa OC at the end because it goes in tandem with the headcanons, so cw for a brief mention of seahorse dad Byakuya I guess (google it)
Here we are, back in the 18th century, to the birth of a one Kuroishi Kuchiki. Initially planned to just be the first born child of Sojun, upon realizing how poor his and his wife's health are, they settled for just one.
The little girl never behaved in a way they deemed standard. Rambunctious and wild, playing in the mud, eating things she shouldn't, cussing at Ginrei etc etc...
And here's something else they realized, this child never taking any interest in men. Ever. While Sojun was more or less happy to have a surviving child at all, Ginrei wasn't so complacent. How is the Kuchiki line going to continue if the granddaughter doesn't like boys?
Homophobia and transphobia aren't exactly as standard in the Soul Society as you'd expect, they're mostly tolerant of it due to Shunsui and Jushiro being as openly queer as they are. But let's just say that the Kuchiki family was a bit more, let's say old fashioned. Didn't quite move on with the times as much as others did.
Thoughts maybe spread of just getting little Kuro a husband and telling her to fake it until she makes it. But Kuro herself told her father something they didn't expect, something that threw a wrench in their ideas even more.
That "she" hated being called Kuroishi, or just Kuro, or the Kuchiki Clan Daughter, that being a boy fit better. That Byakuya fit better. Sojun accepted his boy with open arms, again not nearly as concerned with grandkids. Considering how much struggle it took to have Byakuya, and how he'd never have any other kids, Byakuya's happiness was top priority to him. But the pride of the Kuchiki family seemed to matter more to Ginrei.
At first, their decision was to completely ignore Byakuya's gender expression. To disregard it, make him pretend to be Kuro his entire life, marry a man, and continue the line. The child was finally happy with who he was, after 150 or so years! Who were they to try and take that away from him?!
So he ran, ran off into a certain Rukongai district you might remember. A little district called Inuzuri.
He'd have to face them again eventually, and he'd be in deep shit when he did, but maybe he thought to himself that he was prolonging the inevitable. He'd started considering rash measures, and even almost took a plummet.
But then, a local girl saved him. Kept him away talking things through with him. They sat down together, trying to understand what was going on.
"They're considering pretending I'm a girl. I mean, I was born one. But I'm not a girl. But they're going to make me be a girl so that I could be a good Kuchiki like I'm supposed to. Auntie couldn't have kids and I'm my father's only son, so I'm really their only hope." The girl managed to make Byakuya admit, after talking him off a ledge. It's the first time he verbalized his thoughts, it was kind of cathartic. Listening, she gave him a pat on the back.
"I know what it feels like. Kind of. I mean, I was never a noble or anything, but... I get the feeling of parents trying to make you pretend to be your born gender to look good, when that's never how you've felt."
A friend, a friend who could understand him. That's what Byakuya needed. He was far detached from people, how could anyone understand the life of Byakuya Kuchiki? There was no one. Everyone in the other three clans were a bunch of shabby grownups he assumed were cis who were fine with their position, but Byakuya was a child. A child who was confused, told by his father to live his life by his own rules and for himself, yet told by his grandfather to live life for the clan. As a kid, he just couldn't choose! He couldn't understand himself, how could anyone understand him?
But this girl, she got him. They understood each other, even if they lived in different worlds!
Byakuya started sneaking off to see this girl, the girl by the name of Hisana. If he wasn't training, at a meeting, or talking to his dad, he was sneaking out to meet Hisana. So many times, in fact, that it made Ginrei angry. He was beginning to demand that Byakuya be wed by someone who will keep him down. And Byakuya ran away again, but this time, with slightly different intentions.
"Hisana, I know we're not dating, but will you please marry me?"
Huh? Hisana was taken aback by his asking. Where did this come from? He went on, saying that she deserved better and he could provide her with luxury. That she didn't deserve to suffer, cold and alone.
One condition, she said.
He asked, what condition? Oh, I'll do anything!
She said that she'll marry him if the Kuchiki family swears to find and adopt her baby sibling (brother or sister depends on whether it coexists with t4t RenRuki or not lol) Of course, Byakuya agreed.
How to convince the Kuchiki family? She was but a scruffy 17-20 year old that'd been dead for a few years at this point. Byakuya was Byakuya. For years, Ginrei was not budging, up until Hisana revealed to them that she was trans. Then, his attitude began to change.
Their marriage would be allowed! There was one condition. They'd have to have a kid. Then Byakuya's gender identity would be respected, and history would be rewritten. Rewritten to believe that Byakuya was always a male, and that Kuro never existed. Telling the world that Hisana was pregnant with the child of the Kuchiki family after the fact, hiding all truth from the Soul Society. Byakuya was scared at first, but this was better. The best case scenario, even if it was already terrifying.
Once they were both considered "adults," they were married.
A year into the marriage, off in his study Byakuya spent his days, writing and doing calligraphy. Out in the Rukongai Hisana continued to spend her days, looking and searching for the missing child, joining the search parties made up by Kuchiki servants. A year they spent majorly apart, as Byakuya wasn't permitted to go anywhere for some time. One day, she's frantically ordered back to the manor. She left the search party, being escorted home. There she was, entering the manor, assuming the worst. But instead, there Byakuya was, sat there with their baby son.
Instantly, Hisana loved him. While she was concerned at first that he'd just feel like a tool to make them learn to respect Byakuya, she instantly was drawn to the bubbly little baby. Ginrei stayed true to his word. History was rewritten, and they even faked a maternity picture with Hisana. The Kuchiki family was satisfied, and Byakuya and Hisana were happy! The only thing that would make it all better would be if the child that Hisana left behind was with them too.
While Byakuya took on a primary caring role for their son, Hisana helped of course. She still joined searches all the time, but started to do so every other day instead. She had two priorities in life, and she tried her best to balance them.
But then, Hisana fell ill. She couldn't go anywhere, helping search or helping raise her son. A few years following, she'd be bedridden. Byakuya would visit her at every opportunity, talking to her about anything to make her feel better. Though usually, it was about their son's development. He showed her when their son could walk, made him repeat things when he started to talk. That, and anything to make her smile. She slowly lost her ability to sit up, and he'd still visit her every day with their son. But one day, her energy was gone. She could hardly even look at them, but he still came by. He held her hand, with their son in his other arm. As he swore once more on his promise to find her baby sibling, she passed away. And from then on forward, Byakuya took after his grandfather more and more, without the influence of his father or his wife, his humanity couldn't cling on. It became repressed into the deepest recesses of his mind. His smile died with his wife.
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Hi! I'm somewhat torn on how to "curate" my online experience without also isolating myself in an echo chamber
The problem is that I want to enjoy the new season of [TV series I'm watching]. I overall liked it when I watched it and I want to keep that positive outlook. Yeah it could have been better, but I'm choosing to focus on the good stuff (at least until good fanfics come around to make it better lol). For a while I even managed to do it with MoM, which had left me very confused when I first watched it, this is nothing.
Some bring out legitimate reasons why they were disappointed. But I still want to just tune them out using the filter option, and so I am trying to. It makes me feel like a child sticking their fingers in their ears and going "AAAA I CAN'T HEAR YOU AAAA", but I also want to keep my crumbs of happiness?? Do you have any suggestions or advice or even just a friendly pat on the head?
...I realize this might not be the ideal place for this ask. Or maybe it is??
- 🍣
Hey there, my dear anon πŸ™Œ
I completely get what you mean and if it's any consolation fandom is supposed to be enjoyable, otherwise what's the point, right? I think it's important to acknowledge that the things we like are not perfect and the stuff we hate might have certain redeeming qualities... but other than that we're not obliged to interact with "opposing" sides if we don't feel like it.
For instance, Florence + The Machine is my favourite band. They released 'Mermaids' a couple weeks ago or so and I haven't checked any reviews or fan opinions because I want to enjoy the song fully and I don't want anyone to affect my feelings about it. I know most people will say "You have to like whatever you want and who cares what others think!" and that's true to an extent but we're social creatures, and it's perfectly normal to read somebody else's opinion of something and have that affect the way you look at it. And it sucks sometimes that there's one specific thing you really like and then you come across something negative and it kind of takes something out of the whole experience even if you don't want it to.
With that said, it's always a choice to either interact with the fans or not.
Even if there are fans who bring up legitimate criticism you're still more than allowed to ignore it, tune it out and enjoy the thing they criticize. I don't necessarily think that's the same as hiding in an echo chamber though, that's you choosing to consume media in your own way. It's what people did prior to social media, at most we could talk with friends or family, etc but other than that... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
So yeah, picture me patting you on the back gently and I hope that the new season of that series is super enjoyable for you and you have a blast!
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liz-allyn Β· 1 year
Ive been putting off writing anything because I'm currently very busy and swamped with so many things im ignoring because I can't deal with them it's to much pressure so I feel anything won't do justice to your absolute brilliance of the ending of sugar and vice but I feel like I have to just say something even If is intelligible
The way that peter parker puts on the mob boss persona is very reminiscent of him donning on the suit and I loved and loathed ever bit of it the way honey mentions that he is the perfect paradox is so accurate of how i have felt about him I've loved him and wanted to punch him all at once and it's been such a Rollercoaster since ...November? That's a long time ago damn honey has been my girl since day one im so happy the most with her character development and Peter's redemption arc are my favourite parts of the series im going to miss it so dearly the writing was your best in pt 23 period nothing better ive read in recent from anyone except you of course there is so much more i want to delve in about the sheer complexity of the frank castle confrontation scene and how it presents the moral deilmas of both sides of the arguments because at the end of the peter is not a good person who I would not root for if he was written by anyone else he is a bad person but is that really a fault of his own ? The altering the Frank's story was a move of genius πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ the contrarian delema we have perspective of as readers because we know what happens to him if peter hadn't saved his family we know the animal he becomes and it answers the question of is peter parker a bad person of his accord or just a product of a shitty fucked up system like he claims and the answer is he is a bit of both he takes the system in his hands because he has to because no one else has the balls to go after Fisk himself but he also enjoys the violence that comes with it he thrives in the darkness he revles in his fame as a vicious mob boss leader ruthless and unforgiving it's what everyone is supposed to believe about him I think to an extent he did too because I think he just mostly hated himself for it alot until honey she's his persephone that's it that's the best example that fits them needs no more explanation she's the queen of hell she makes his darkness bearable she is the constellation that guids him true north I believe they call it and that's so perfect
I love you for writing this! And I'm so so so glad you liked the ending of this volume.
Part 23 I could see so vividly in my head, I think I've been thinking about it since the beginning of this story. I think it was a fitting final piece of this arc, getting back to the crux of who S&V Peter is and his fatal flaw.
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sitp-recs Β· 2 years
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Hidden Gems by @violetclarity οΏΌ
Violetclarity is another incredibly talented and underrated writer that should get more love and appreciation. Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon her Pansmione magnum opus first, and was utterly obsessed with it. That fic is actually responsible for pulling me into this ship when I started the blog in 2020, and I still remember screaming at @teacup-tai about how brilliant it was. I found her excellent Drarry works soon after and fell even more in love with her writing; those sensitive and feel-good love tales make for perfect bedtime reads and I especially appreciate β€œstrengthen to stay” for promoting body positivity πŸ’œ I found her Ginsy fics more recently and was once again completely blown away by her A+ femslash content - these are long-ish fics with interesting plots, top notch angst and a fascinating take on the characters, the levels of UST and emotional development are addictive! Here’s a short selection of my personal favourites, I had a blast reading each one of these and I highly recommend checking Violetclarity’s full catalogue here. Happy readings!
Christmas Eve and the Kisses Four (2018, E, 5.3k) - sweet friends to lovers get together with cheeky meddling kids (I love Scorpius!), domesticity and family Christmas feels.
Draco was determined to ignore Harry and have a good time at this Christmas Eve party, but with enchanted mistletoe in the mix, that was easier said than done.
Proper (2018, E, 8.7k) - a lovely 8th year secret relationship exploring their first time with enthusiastic consent, some awkward fumbling and unexpected feelings.
Draco sighs. β€œWhat kind of absolute twit has the chance to have sex with the Chosen One and can’t go through with it?"
In which Draco studies with Gryffindors, learns a new spell, and navigates the difficulty of being in a not-so-casual secret relationship with his childhood nemesis.
the strength to stay (2018, E, 29k) - my personal favourite! Auror partners, case fic, enemies to lovers with chubby Draco, mild angst, body image issues, very sweet happy ending πŸ’œ
Draco and Harry are the best Senior Aurors in the DMLE, which is why they’re working the case about Wings – a dangerous new potion that sends users into a dreamscape from which they may never return. When Harry is kidnapped by the group behind Wings, Draco takes it upon himself to go after him, and is forced to confront the reality of Harry’s feelings for him, which he’s been ignoring for years. Read my rec here.
Rare pairs
Private Relations (2018, E, 10k) - delicious Ginsy with Quidditch player soft butch Gin and badass PR Pansy, fwb to lovers, enthusiastic consent and background Drarry as a treat πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Pansy Parkinson is the Harpies’ new PR person. Ginny Weasley is not impressed. // A tale of friendship, flirtation, and fancy dress parties.
Single and Snacking in Phoenix, AZ and art by keyflight790 (2019, E, 25k) - brilliant fwb + fake relationship Ginsy πŸ™Œ oblivious Ginny, background Harry/Luna, some Harry and Draco bashing cause we love to hate them
When she told her friends she was bringing a date to Harry and Luna’s wedding, Ginny had only wanted them to stop bothering her about her love life. Now she’s facing an entire weekend of pretending that Pansy Parkinson, her casual hook-up, is actually her girlfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
Pansy, Rows, and Mutual Wanking (2020, E, 27k) - hands down my favorite Pansmione fic, such a great and emotionally rewarding journey! Hogwarts 8th year, they were roommates, enemies to lovers, pining Pansy, internalized homophobia & coming out (Hermione), party games, lots of sexual discovery, happy ending!
Eighth year. Hermione's ready. She's going to study, have fun with her friends, and ignore her new roommate's obnoxious wanking habits. And alright, maybe she wouldn't be so annoyed with it if she'd had any good sex in the past. But that doesn't mean she wants Pansy Parkinson to teach her how to wank...does it? Read my rec here.
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wavebiders Β· 3 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 39:
Tiny Aisha flashback!
With tiny Stella last episode and tiny Bloom in s1, I wonder if this means we'll get to see them all as kids eventually
Ok this is fucked
Piff & Aisha are really the only ones where I buy into the fairy/pixie magical bond. They really are adorable and heartwarming. I think part of it is just that Piff can't talk. The dynamic reminds me a little bit of Bloom & Kiko
Speaking of Bloom & Kiko, why the fuck is he not sleeping on her bed next to her anymore? I do not accept this
Yeah skip class!! Don't be a squares you guys deserve the break!
GARDENIA! Oh man, I'm so glad they're spending at least one episode there this season. With them starting the first ep right at Alfea and not doing a vacation episode either, I've really been missing it
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I've been wanting conent with the girls pretending to be normal earthlingsπŸ˜­πŸ™Œ This episode is feeding me so well already
Tecna and Flora are officially on team lame tho
*agressively ignores all canon Timmy/Tecna scenes and replaces it with my own version of them*
The fuck kinda cop makes it his business if 3 teenagers are skipping class?
These flashbacks with Aisha and her childhood friend are not gonna end well
Oh good. I was starting to worry the subplot with Bloom and her mom was gonna be entirely off-screen. Not that I don't love the other girls, but if an episode is gonna be set on earth I kinda want content with Bloom and her parents you know?
"In my dreams I hear lullabies from my biological mother. But yours I always carry with me. You and dad will always be my family"πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
The way the most loving family on this show is the adoptive oneπŸ‘Œ
Also thank fuck they're finally using the word "biological" instead of "real". I know that was always what they meant, but it was still a minor annoyance for me
Musa and Aisha are coming for Bloom and Stella's "dumbest duo" position
"I can't read, dumbass!" Hsddsgftg the fucking delivery of that line I'm cryingπŸ˜‚
The fact that the most accurate translation I can think of for even a child-appropriate Dutch insult says a lot about the language I think
Helia is fucking weird... I like him
Me loving so many different ships vs me being too attached too certain ships for certain characters FIGHT
Oh NOW they pay attention to their students. Where was this during all their near death experiences last year?
I forgot about the earth exclusive aura-seeing powers!
This is the first time I've wished this show had 40 minute episodes. There's just too many cool things going on with this visiting earth plotline and not enough time
How did these guys think fucking with magic users was gonna go?
I am once again emotional over Aisha. I cannot believe she was my least favorite as a kid. She's getting close to the top 3 now. Which is saying a lot because I would take a bullet for each and every one of those girls
"Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire" she says with a smile on her face. Gotta love that they've gotten so used to getting in trouble that they don't really care anymore
Aisha and FloraπŸ₯Ί
The friendships on this show really get to me. And I'm trying not to jinx it, especially since the preview for the next episode looks like something I'd hate, but it really feels like they're getting back in the groove with focusing on them more
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mina-van1104 Β· 2 years
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πŸ’™I was Northern Nevada BORN & raised. Haters hate because they’re jealous & ignorant. I’m obviously way better than those low life haters & that is the truth. Haters make me want to grind my teeth & then I remember God is good & tells me not to get all worked up about it because I’m obviously better than them haters, duh. πŸ™ŒAnything those haters say is obviously not true & haters will NEVER be successful. Also Nevada BORN & raised/American, family lived in Nevada 43 forty-three years. Keep on hating, because that just shows I’m winning. 🀩😍
😁Proud nurse, coach, TRUE Nevadan, Asian American mix,with Chinese/French/Vietnamese/Jewish, small portions of European descent/Native American descent, etc. Do you have several Doctors, Licensed Acupuncturists, Nurses, News Reporter,Dentists, college graduates, a cop, Veterans, etc in your family like I do?! So shut up to the low life haters because my family is beyond successful hard workers (& to the haters): you’re obviously not successful. I’m not joking.πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ To the haters out there who have no life-how dare you?! You’ll always be below me. I’m glad I’m not a joke. πŸ”₯πŸ™ŒπŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ’ͺProud Nevada Alumni. 🐾Ran 3 miles with my dogs today-feelin’ pumped.
# Selfie βœžβ™‘ # NativeNevadan # JesusChrist βœοΈπŸ¦‚# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice πŸ’™ # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ # PositiveVibes # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # Dogs # athletic πŸΎπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016πŸŽ“ 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate πŸŽ“ # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 2CollegeDegrees # 2ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
β€’β€’Things that makes me happy so I don’t think about certain things:πŸ’•Like still obsessing about things like my older sister’s wedding I’ve been posting for 3 years as of August 24, 2019- 3 years ago. All my photos/videos from my older sister’s wedding in Oregon has no filter on it-just natural lighting.πŸ’―πŸ’•My blood-related, older sister Catherine Van&Adam Schwartz’s Wedding&their cute wedding/engagement website on: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019β€’Reminiscing more than 200 people came.
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