#I hate using my mobility aids!
autism-swagger · 6 months
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disabled-dragoon · 2 months
Unfriendly reminder that you don't get to play the abled saviour and pretend to care about disabled people just to sow hatred against other minority communities
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gregmarriage · 2 months
claustrophobia combined with agoraphobia, is the stupidest shit in the world. like, oh, you’re going actually insane being stuck in the house all the time, due to your disability? oh, here’s sickening anxiety about leaving the house, like, wow, well done brain 👍🏻
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
me: Man, I wanna run away to California and be a cool kick ass killjoy living in the desert and running away from the corrupt company in place of the government.
also me: *jumps over one thing* MY ANKLES MY HIP OW MY BACK- MY FUCKIN LUNG HURTS-
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heartshapedbi · 1 year
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plushslug · 1 year
My therapist telling me to get involved in the online disability community for support VS all the other powerchair users hating people with eds VS all the people with eds not being nearly as disabled by it as I am
Wow good advice I feel so at home 👍
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sevenangrybees · 10 months
Less cyberpunk and more biopunk please and thank you, cyberpunk is too real rn
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arsenicflame · 2 years
me writing headcanons for obscure media that's already been dead for years? its more likely than you think
Avengers Academy Loki primarily identifies as female, and even when she is presenting male, she is pretty feminine. Shes always been secure in her identity, but the first time she ever felt truly accepted and loved as who she is was when Jan offered to make her feminine clothes without a seconds hesitation.
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im2tired4usernames · 10 months
I want their fuckin freedom they have no chores no responsibility they can go out with their friends when ever they want for however long they want they can sleep in there bed all day they eat drink drive vehicles use the phone have a home with no bills no expenses they can spend their money on stupid things that bring them joy with no worry of the gas they burned in someone else's vehicle or if there's dinner at home they have no worries about laundry no worries about dishes no worries about the messes they make because they know I'll clean it up always I want to be viewed by my family and by my friends as someone who is an actual person with limits and boundaries and who has goals and dreams they'd like to accomplish in the day besides laundry for 16 people and not a tireless cleaning machine. I want to be able to rest and have hobbies I want to be able to do things with my partner and my friends again I want to be able to fuckin daydream and make up stories again for Christ sake I want to feel like a person and not a corpse forced into playing "tradwife" I want the freedom they all have while I'm in the background doin they're dishes.
#i don't mind helping with chores but it's the fact I'm the only one qnd i can get my four youngest to help me with bribes of sweets#but there's several adults living here who don't care that they make. more mess then a four year old#and could definitely start doin their own laundry#or take the trash out if it's full instead of cramming more into it so that the bag splits and is to heavy for me to lift#and I'm actually kinda strong like I've def lost a lot of energy n strength this year tbh but this bitch can lift pretty heavy boxes at work#and i split logs pretty regularly so im not the strongest gal by no means like of lord i had to carry my mother around everywhere#because she was a stubborn asshole who refused to use any mobility aids and then wanted to go shopping or go out and i had to just carry her#like i can carry an adult women but fuck if it didn't hurt me bad doin it and i had to stop several times to catch my breath#like I'm not super Strong but I'm not weak the trashbag cant weigh more then an adult#it takesn nothing to rinse a bowl out so your food don't turn into cement#or throw away the wrappers of your bandaids instead of tossing them on the floor#or wipe your shoes before you come in and track big chunks of dried mud and grass all over the home#my parents wanted 12 kids wnd our house to look like a magazine and they beat that mentality of the house must be clean as a whistle#because what if Jesus was to stop by we must have our home look so clean that we would be unashamed if jesus stopped#so clean we encourage him to look in cupboards and under the bed clean#i dont think that's a Bible verse but there was a biblical book that was all about having a home that was so clean constantly#just so you wouldn't be ashamed when Christ cand because cleanliness is closer to godliness#i really hate my mother like so much I'm glad i can finally say it I'm glad i don't have to work to earn her love or buy it#you shouldn't have to have to earn love especially from your parents I'm glad she can't constantly condemn me#i have nightmares about my mom condemning me or being smug n proud and ruining my life in the name of her cult#like throwing away all of my belongings and only having a bed a Bible some christan fiction four floor length Jean dresses baggy tshirts#also her giving my sister she favored a bunch of my organs since I'm broken anyhow and slowly dieing because i don't have a liver anymore#or her ruining my relationship and friendships because she didn't think they were godly enough so i have no one in my life except church#she tried to have an arranged marriage for me not a dream that happened#i know she loved me i hate that i think so low of her but her love felt like hate most of the time#i know she loved me though andni love her to I'm just glad i don't have to constantly hve to perform for her#i have so much garbage in my brain
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arcadequeerz · 1 year
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angel-dust-addict · 1 year
//Still not feeling well. As evidenced by my being awake at nearly 3 am. My body is still throwing a tantrum. I've even been using a cane the last few days - something I've stubbornly not done since my early 20s, even when I probably really should have been. But I go to the doctor in the morning. (Or, later in the morning, I guess.) So hopefully I can at least start getting some answers. Hopefully. I've been through too many rounds of labs and too many parades of specialists and too many years-long diagnosis processes to think I'll definitely get answers. But if we can at least deal with the headaches, I'll take that.
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radioactiveryan · 1 year
i wish id climbed more trees. wish id gone on more hikes. wish id climbed the stupid rock walls on that trip with my friends. wish id dragged myself back onto the ice rink after the panic attack. wish id lived a little more, a little better, when i was able to do it. i wish i hadn't taken it all for granted
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hollypies · 2 years
Will she at least let you sit down instead of standing??? Idk what you're doing but if you don't have to be walking around then maybe you can convince her to let you sit? If you have to be moving around I'd recommend looking into a mobility aid to take some of the strain off but idk if she'll let you do that either :(
She doesn't think my heel issues are that important. Also im working what they call "on floor" ! I hsve to be standing/walking
Even if there's nothing left for me to do I have to continue walking and act like I'm doing something so the customers think we're busier than we are
And no I would not be allowed the use of a mobility aid :( I work in the same store as her so even if in wanted to use one while I worked she'd throw a fit hhgh oof
Sorry if im coming across as super upset btw im not really?? That upset im just tired. Its always a gamble with my mom lmao. She switches like a lightswitch. ALSO they didn't give me my paycheck last week and im salty about ittttt
On some good news im opening a PayPal soon!! For commissions to be fully open!
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beagleboysinc · 2 years
ben helped me bring up the topic of Maybe getting me a wheelchair to our mom yesterday and she was like "um no. our goal is to have gus to Stop using stuff like that" and . damn ok....
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Forget to bring headphones to the doctor's office and it happens to be the day the news channel of of the TV's is set to plays trump's speech in full and just endless yank politics, and the other plays paw patrol
I am in hell and suffering and dying
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Kinda wish I had cashed this $475 check from a surgical institute 13 years ago. y’know instead of having adhd and losing it in a stack of papers for 13 years. would have been nice but noooo I had to have adhd instead
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