#that by default tracks my sleep heartrate and movement
sevenangrybees · 10 months
Less cyberpunk and more biopunk please and thank you, cyberpunk is too real rn
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maxattack-powell · 7 years
First Day of Class
***This is an original/stand alone built to fall between TF 1-4 and 1-5 (1-4b) in my masterlist - comes after Quit Playing Games***
- go here for other chapters and related original fics
Disclaimer: The following are fics (adaptations from actual game chapters AND original works) to Choices: The Freshman and The Sophomore stories. It is a fictional adaptation. I (we) do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Nicole or any other IN GAME character. All of the ORIGINAL characters, storylines and events were developed for my adaptation of The Freshman story.
Comments: I enjoyed playing Choices The Freshman… and then I found this awesome group of people and their works - I’ve loved it all, very much so. Deciding that I wanted more interaction than the options allowed, I’ve gone through the first book, chapter by chapter (omg painfully slow) to follow the story (95-99% I’d say) and add to it as I felt would benefit.
Basically, I wanted to include certain things that weren’t really full fic size worthy, adding to the story. However, I did add some full size fic moments also… some are included in cannon chapters, some are their own full chapters in between. I wanted to see MC and Chris through their freshman year… with more angst, fluff, sweetness, real life and overall detail. So, if you like that pairing then you’ll be satisfied, otherwise sorry James & Kaitlyn fans lol. I even added some parts from Chris’s POV, so that we have a chance to see what he’s thinking, knowing what she experienced.
There will be ADULT and/or NSFW moments in certain chapters - this is a warning lol. I will try my best to make it obvious as it occurs…
Paring: MC x Chris
POV: ~MC~ or ~Chris~
 ~MC ~
The next morning the suite is a flurry of activity as each roommate gets ready for their first day of class. Zack and Tyler are nowhere to be found as their classes don't start for a few more hours, and they apparently stayed up late playing their game according to the mess they left in front of the TV.
MC grins and shakes her head as she heads to the kitchen. She barely gets to say bye to Abbie as she heads out for the day, waving quickly as the door shuts between them. Kaitlyn rushes into the common space from her room, clearly in a hurry.
“Ahh! I slept in..! I’m going to be late for my first class, ugh. Stupid. Giant. Campus.” She grumbles as she pours herself a cup of coffee next to MC.
MC just smiles and hands her the creamer. “It will be fine. I doubt they will even notice on the first day. It’s all syllabus and schedule anyway right?”
Kaitlyn takes a deep breath and looks at her friend. “Yes, thank you. I needed that.” She nudges MC with her shoulder and turns to grab her bag as she heads to the door. “Catch you later? Maybe we can get some lunch or something?”
“Sure, that would be great.” MC flashes her a big smile before Kaitlyn too, disappears through the door.
MC hears someone behind her then, quickly turning to find Chris standing nearby, eyebrow raised. “A coffee girl huh? Do you need it to survive, or just like the taste?” He smirks as he pours himself a small cup, drinking it black.
“For the caffeine usually. Otherwise I’m not a huge coffee drinker.” She takes a sip of her own mug, her eyes glued to his.
Chris nods and lowers his cup to the counter. “Me too. Try to avoid it if I can. It can make me jittery during practice and games.” He shrugs. “But, right now it’s helping me relax and focus for our first day. No turning back now, you ready?” He smiles at her, receiving a smile in return.
“Yes. We’ve got this. It’s just like highschool, except not at all…” They both laugh as they gather their bags and head through the door together.
They walk across the quad side-by-side, their classes in different buildings that just happen to be next to each other.
“How often do you have practice?” MC asks.
“Oh, everyday actually. Officially were required to meet 3-5 days a week depending on coach's schedule, but I always work out and run my own practice drills to stay loose and keep my endurance up.”
“Yeah? Like what?” She inquired, genuinely curious.
“Some days I do weight training. Focusing on my shoulders for power, or legs for speed.” He laughs at himself and grins. “Hopefully thats what its doing… and then other times I go for a run to get my heartrate up and work my lungs to increase my endurance. I’ve done it all really.” He shrugs and turns to MC. “How about you? Did you play any sports or anything?”
She crinkles her nose and looks over at him. “Well, I was on the track team at my high school. We went to state every year and I placed each time.” She tries to hide a smile as he fully focuses on her, listening to her accomplishments.
“Oh really? Hmm… so maybe we can go running sometime?” He raises his eyebrow at her playfully as they reach a fork in the path, both pausing to turn and face each other.
“Yeah. We can do that, if you're okay with losing.” She sticks her tongue out between her teeth, biting it playfully.
“Ah, I see how it is. You placed a little in highschool and now you're unbeatable, huh?” His smile grows as she nods and stays quiet. “Alright then, how about this… after classes today, we go for a run. You game?”
“Sure.” She takes the challenge and turns, glancing over her shoulder to see him still standing there, shaking his head as he chuckles.
After her morning classes she gets a text from Kaitlyn, letting MC know that she was already in the cafeteria and checking out their options for lunch. MC arrives and finds her friend studying the pizza section of the lines.
Kaitlyn grumbles. “Why don't they have a supreme… it's like people are afraid of vegetables.”
MC laughs and agrees. “You are talking about college students you know. Veggiephobia is a thing.” She heads over to the pasta section and grabs a few items to add to the grilled chicken salad she was planning on getting.
“Pasta? I wish I could, but if I start that bad habit now, I’ll end up getting it everyday and sleeping through all of my classes. I have to make sure I can control myself first.” She laughs. “That looks so good...” She trails off, almost drooling.
MC shrugs. “It’s probably nothing special, but I need some carbs to burn so I can beat Chris this afternoon.”
“Beat Chris?” Kaitlyn tilts her head and looks confused.
“Oh!” MC laughs. “He challenged me to a run after classes today.”
Kaitlyn snorts. “Did you tell him you went to state before he decided to do that?”
MC rolls her eyes playfully. “That's why he wants to do it. I’m starting to think he has a slight competitive side.”
They both laugh as they find some seats, casually picking through their food and talking about different things until they have to part ways to head to their next classes.
Later that evening, MC arrives back at the suite and heads to her room. She dumps her bag on her desk and turns when she hears a knock at the open door. There she sees Chris, arm braced against her doorframe as he stretches his legs, lifting them each behind his body.
She cant help herself, staring at his well defined body, clad in a t-shirt and shorts that hug his muscles in all the right places. He seems to notice her stunned expression and laughs. “Well, are you going to get ready or do I win by default?”
She snaps out of it thanks to his amused expression. “Yeah, yeah. I’m going to change. Go stretch elsewhere.” She sticks her tongue out at him and shuts the door in his face, hearing him laugh as he walks towards the kitchen, giving her a moment to change. She enters the living room shortly after and begins to stretch on the living room floor.
Chris is in the kitchen when she enters, watching her as she lowers herself to the floor and begins stretching as he downs a glass of water. She turns to look at him and he quickly averts his eyes, putting the glass into the dishwasher.
“Looking for something?” She laughs.
“Nope. Just wondering if you're ever going to be ready…” He mischievously scoffs at her, ducking as she grabs a spiral notebook from the coffee table and lobs it at him.
She rises from the floor and takes a quick drink of water before turning towards the door. “Okay, can we get this over with so I can do my homework?”
He shudders at the thought. “Ugh, you're right. I already have some too, and on the first day. Just wrong.”
They warm up walking as they head towards the walkways around the athletic buildings and practice fields. Once they agree upon a set distance and path as well as the start and finish locations, Chris turns to MC. “You ready?”
“Are you?” She shoots back, hands on her hips.
He grins at her, loving her confidence. “On three?”
She nods as he counts down. They both lower themselves as he nears three, taking off at a full sprint at the word. They stay neck and neck for a while, weaving around buildings and circling the practice football field before entering more winding building turns.
Between breaths, Chris periodically turns to look at MC, studying her focus as she pushes herself during the run. He analyzes her movements and determination as she strides effortlessly next to him. He grins, realizing that she was probably going to beat him, as she appeared to have better long distance endurance than he did.
They continued down the last stretch of the predetermined path and she began to gain on him. ‘Oh, I can't let this happen…’ He laughs as he comes up with a plan to sabotage her win.
Just as she feels that she has it in the bag, with the invisible finish line just yards away, Chris scoops her up and flips her over his shoulder. She gasps at the sudden change in position, her heart racing, but not from running at the moment.
Chris laughs when he realizes he successfully startled her, as she begins to pound her fists lightly into his butt, which is now in range since he flipped her over his shoulder. “Hey, hey… Ow!”
“Chris! You knew I was going to win and you sabotaged me?!” She sounds furious, but he can feel her laughing throughout her body.
He squeezes her thighs where he's holding onto her, careful not to let her slip as he turns towards a path between two buildings. “Whaaaat? No. Of course not.” He smiles, knowing she can hear it in his voice. “I was protecting you from that bee back there. It was huge and it was going to attack. I saw the look in its eyes.” He laughs until she pinches his side, letting out a startled yelp. “Hey! This is the thanks I get?!”
He lowers her down in front of him, her back to the side of the campus pool building. She glares at him then, her eyes narrowing into slits. “You showed your true character today Powell.”
He raises his hands in defense. “I’m telling you, there was this huge bee…”
She snorts at him as he grins, giving his reasoning. “Uh huh…” She playfully places both hands on his sweaty chest and shoves him.
His mouth falls open. “I’m hurt. Here I am, trying to be chivalrous and you attack me.”
She doesn't say anything as she leans back against the brick, still glaring at him, a hint of a smile curving the corner of her lips.
Chris sighs. “Okay…” He steps closer to her, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders. His voice lowering to a husky level, his eyes fixated on hers. “You were going to win.”
She smirks triumphantly as he continues. “I guess... I just couldnt stand the sight of you running away from me.” He grins as she sucks in a breath, his face even closer to hers.
He looks at her eyes one last time, giving her the opportunity to stop him if she decided to, before he leans in, closing the gap and covering her lips with his. It was a quick but purposeful kiss. He inwardly groaned at the contact, tasting her like this was becoming one of his favorite things to experience.
Chris pulls away and looks deep into her eyes as her cheeks flush from the contact, more than from exertion from the run. “I apologize for my corrupt behavior.”
She stands there stunned for a moment, until a grin creeps across her face followed by a deep red color. His arms are still on both sides of her as he leans back, gauging her reaction. “Am I forgiven?”
She narrows her eyes, but they have little effect as her smile betrays her glare. “Ugh, fine. Yes. For now. I’m keeping my eye on you though.” She wiggle points at him and he grins as his arms drop to his sides, snickering at her threatening posture.
“Yes ma'am.” He winks at her as they turn and head back toward the dorm.
They walk in silence for most of the way, letting their heart rates return to normal as they make their way across the quad. She catches him glancing at her without turning his head, a small smirk on his face, and shoves him playfully as they arrive at their building.
Once inside they both take turns rinsing off and head to the kitchen table after to work on their homework assignments. They continue to distract each other with marking on each others papers or throwing supplies across the table during their attempt of studying, dragging it out much longer than needed.
Occasionally one would accidentally step on the others foot, receiving a mock glare in return. Eventually they manage to finish their assignments and pack up their books, completely unaware of their other roommates that had been milling about the suite the entire time.
Zack walks by and gives MC a look, to which she snorts at him in response. Once Chris and MC clean up the table, they join the others around the TV to relax and hangout for the rest of the evening, sitting next to each other on the couch, their legs occasionally touching for the briefest of moments as they pretend not to notice.
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