#I have all this info i need to dump fdksdjfsk
feymaid · 4 years
tell me about ur dragon age ocs... like origin bebes to start pls... 🥺🤠💕💗🥺
Omg!! OKAy so I have like 4 wardens but I am still in the process of developing some of them so some descriptions might vary..
 Uliama Aeudcan~ 
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- Princess Uli thought the WORLD of her older brother Trian. She would have done anything he said without question and always pictured being his right-hand woman when he ruled. The thing is, Trian was ruthless and reckless and would have made a terrible king. But she was so blinded by her love for him that she didn’t even see it. That’s one of the hardest things for her to come to terms with. While she was competitive with her brothers, she also felt comfortable in her position, it was more devotion to her father and Trian that drove her. She had a very cold and stoic relationship with Bhelen because she didn’t see him as someone who’d ever make a name for himself in the family. A part of her was frustrated at him for not making more of an effort to be better, and that certainly backfired. If Uli had been made Queen or Orzammar at the beginning of Origins, she would have been as bad if not worse than Trian. Uli's strengths come from her willingness to change. She is at her core, a justice-seeking person who gets the job done and she grows a LOT during her journey against the archdemon. She romances Zevran~
 Dakila Tabris~ 
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- Dakila is a calm and collected soul. They are typically mellow and gentle, thinking more on the logical side. As a child, Dakila was pretty high-energy and would get into all sorts of trouble. Then one day they tried to pick-pocket a guard and were caught. While Dakila ran away from them, they guard send their hounds after them. The attack blinded Dakila in one eye and left them with an intense fear of animals and an even bigger distrust of humans. They decided to be a rule-follower and have stuck with the tradition of their people. They did NOT want to leave with Duncan at all and they were forced to leave the alienage by the right of conscription. They are very soft spoken and quiet most of the time with a sadness in the air around them. They romanced Morrigan~
 Marie Surana~ 
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(lol sorry for the TERRIBLE quality on this one I couldn’t find the original) 
- Marie was born to Orlesian elven servants of the Empress and was originally sent to the Orlesian circle when she was around 3 years old when her magic sparked and scared the kitchen staff. My own personal headcanon is that in Orlais, many elves are killed as children so that they don’t have to desegregate the humans with the elves even in the Circle (since Orlais isn't kind to elves). But since her parents came forward to a noblewoman in their company for help, Marie was spared. She lived at the Oresian Circle until she turned 10. The Ferelden first enchanter visited and gathered a handful of children there since crowding had began to cause problems and Marie showed promise. She was transferred to the Ferelden Circle, where elves were far more commonly accepted as mages. Marie grew up as a child often thinking that she had a divine role to play. While in the Orlesian Circle, she mostly kept to herself while reading wild fantasy stories and picturing herself as the heroine. Although she was bullied, she would often exaggerate the tales to the First Enchanters so that it would fuel her own fantasies of having a “tragic backstory.” Moving to Ferelden was at first thrilling to her but she was quickly disappointed with the difference in culture (the aesthetic ya kno?). Her own sorrows became a coping mechanism in a grand fantastical tale she believed was playing out for her. She is an idealist, believing herself to be a tragic heroine who's story hasn't played out yet. She romances Alistair~ 
 Sylvester Cousland~ 
(he has no good art cus he's still new here) 
- The frat boy king of Thedas. Marries Anora for the clout. 🤪
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