#I have opinions and most people don’t like classic strain abo so yeah
ac3-silvers · 10 months
Modified A/B/O master post: Ac3’s version that is more “realistic” so to speak.
- I refer to all heats/ruts as “drops” generally speaking. It’s used as more of a slang term/colloquialism that goes both ways, and heat/rut are like medical terms. You “drop” out of society for like a week tops when it goes down, after all.
- suppressants and birth control vary on setting and time period, but generally speaking are like any other hormone regulator.
- no scent blockers, period. At least not not on the black market. People in my version get weirded out when they can’t smell what the people around them have going on…
- … which leads into the fact that all scents gain a “spoiled” or “burning” smell when the individual in question is distressed. Scents will be explained better in the next section.
- “packs” are usually a few couples, maybe more, or a polycule that live together and hep raise one another’s kids. Generally speaking, even if it’s a poly thing they each have their own “default” partner. Siblings/cousins may be in the same pack but never any other familial relationship besides their own kids.
- houses/apartments/etc are called “dens” and bedrooms are called “nests”. Each pack has a “den” and a “nest” for each couple, with a selection of others for the kids. Babies under 5 sleep with the parents, which is usually when they start to give off a scent other than baby powder (aka they’ve matured enough to start developing little by little. It’s like losing a tooth, it means you’re not a baby-baby anymore).
- what kids are called varies on the person and “base” (explained next section), but it’s usually Cub, Pup, Kit, Hatchling or Spawn. The real difference in what’s used is solely cultural, even if there are no eggs involved in certain terms.
- primary gender (what the person presents as in terms of like classical gender stuff) is more or less irrelevant and the only effect the “base” they start with has on them is how big their tits and hips are gonna get and what type of them, plus the general vibes you get off their faces and to an extent builds.
- depending on setting (or even “subspecies”) different groups have different animal bases. In the same world/fic you could have the classic wolves alongside sea life (sirens/mermaids), snakes (nagas), birds (harpies), bats (vampires), really any combination of animal and human you can think of. You don’t even need to make it alternate monsters if you don’t want to, I just came up with that bc it’s fun to explore a new form of “race” layered on like how there’s 2 “sex” things you get in A/B/O stuff. This impacts physical characteristics, certain social elements, how they have kids (eggs v no eggs), and other minor details that are totally optional.
- betas are mostly normal folks except they have a fairly neutral earthy smell (think stones, dust, mud, etc.) and are a bit stronger than a standard human. They make up half the population. Betas have a 2-1-1 chance of a beta, alpha or omega kid of either primary gender.
- Alphas are a bit taller on average compared to Betas, prettier than them in a sort of elven way, and have sharper features. Generally lithe, built like runners or gymnasts. Pretty social, usually the ones who do negotiations and trade and the like. You’ll usually see these guys as teachers at schools or running shops. Definitly the most friendly of the bunch, but there are exceptions and when stressed or on edge they become pretty curt and quick to lash out. Middle of the road (physical) strength and speed wise. Better than betas, not as good as omegas. Scents are usually nature ones, like rivers, storms, plants and the like.
Built like brick shit houses and they usually look 3 seconds from turning everyone around them into a smear on the ground. Aggressive, territorial, blunt, and the most feral of the bunch. If there are alternate forms involved in the thing I’m writing, these suckers tend to be SCARY as hell but in a pretty way. Overall they fully embody the “angry mama bear” trope… 24/7. They are like this because they are the ones who need to rear and guard the kids even if the alpha is gone for some reason or another. They do the hunting, the set up of dens, the kid wrangling, that kinda thing. They smell like “treats” and warm drinks, generally spiced and/or sweet things. Coffee, breads, pies, apple cider, tea, that kinda thing. Most also have a milky undertone somewhere in their scent if they are able to have kids. Once they hit menopause the milky scent is changed to a bit of a fruity chalk- like one, like crushed smarties.
Omegas are very much “yes murder” and the betas and alphas keep them in check with “no murder” and “some murder is okay but not now honey we need this guy to get that nice herbed goat cheese you love so much”. Omegas and alphas have a 1-2-2 ratio of having a beta, alpha or omega kid if they get with a beta. If it’s an alpha and an omega, it becomes 1-3-3.
A lot of social stuff is more or less determined by micro expressions, scents, simple noises and body language. Some people literally only talk in the local language maybe once every couple weeks when they go get groceries or something. Omegas are the worst about it, but also able to make the widest range of sounds and most proficient in the “language”. Betas have the hardest time with the more “feral” side of things, obviously, and make up about half the population. Betas typically live in towns and cities while the other half of society lives out in the wilds or countryside and either have a solid territory or wander around as nomads.
In short, more accurate to the animal kingdom A/B/O set up with a dash of “wouldn’t it be funny if the “mom” role was filled by a brick shithouse man who looks like he’s gonna murder you if you breathe wrong 5 houses over and the “big scary alpha” was a pretty boy who’s shorter than the “wife” and kinda the one you’d think was the “mom”?” Because I’m weird.
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