#I have such beef with this court’s clerks like I can’t even get into it they are so mean
lordgolden · 7 months
just thought I made a horrible mistake at work after I called a clerk about one of my cases bc it wasn’t moving forward and I went through the whole scenario in my head like this case I’ve been working on for months is going to be dismissed, my client is going to be so upset and she will never see any money from this, my job is going to fire me, then I’ll get disbarred and censured for malpractice, and then I’ll have to start a new career and for some reason that new career was working at a hardware store for minimum wage in the plant department. all this to say I AM ABOUT TO SEND THE CUNTIEST LETTER TO THIS COURT BC THEY WERE WRONG NOT ME!!!!
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sumergosuigeneris · 6 years
March 17, 2019 Part I
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Interesting fact. St. Patrick’s Day used to be a religious holiday. People went to church; it was a solemn occasion. Then? Amurca happened.
I’m a bad Irish-American. Not a member of any groups. Never learned the dance stuff. Haven’t eaten corned beef and cabbage in years. Also, hate the ‘family crest.’ It’s a color combination I hate - red and yellow. I hate red and yellow. I hate brown and yellow. I hate brown and red. And any of those combinations with orange. Funny thing about my ‘family.’ It’s really more like Scottish clans. So, the clan. I read this description that I’ve never seen before that said my Irish clan was a bunch of sluts. They didn’t say sluts. They also didn’t say they were extremely fertile. Just prolific, so I ain’t royalty. But however you say it, that’s what they were saying.
Bar crawl went interesting. It started a lot earlier than I was expecting, so I ended up in a rush. There was an accident on the way, which started to make me late. Then I was in an accident. I was side-swiped. It’s actually been one of my biggest fears. The lanes are tiny here, and I see other people going over the lane markers all.the.time. I don’t think I do, but do other people think they do? We were going around a curve. I’m pretty sure he curved into me. But I can’t be 100% sure. I think he admitted guilt without admitting guilt. But I also don’t know how it could be proven any way. And I think I’m in a state with faulted auto insurance. Either way, fault or no fault, I did NOT want another ding on my record. It’s been a year and a half, and I want to make it to 5 or 10 years. He didn’t want to report it either. Insurance. But honestly, his car reeked to high heaven of pot. I can’t imagine anyone excepting his kid wasn’t smoking. So, he’d probably have gotten in trouble. I ain’t about all that. And I didn’t really have much damage. A couple scrapes. He did or did not have a lot of damage; he said most of what he had was previously there. I am grateful no one, including myself, was hurt, but it was very upsetting. And that, along with the control arm issue, has made me paranoid. Because again, people go over the lane lines all.the.time.
So I was proud of me for getting my oil changed yesterday. I was even gonna spring for a $70 maintenance inspection package. But the guy remembered me from the key incident, and got me most of what was in the package, just by paying for the oil change. Not sure if he would have been that honest if not for the key incident, but I’d like to think so. Anyway, it paid off to take my car to the AAA facility again, instead of a closer location. :( Business. But they found a problem with the left front control arm. I actually think it was found before and that I forgot about it. And that’s what makes me scared. I asked about it, because I feel like I’ve had to replace a lot of control arms (just not the whole thing in my old car). Pot holes are a big problem. And I live in an area riddled with pot holes. There are streets I traverse regularly that are more pot hole than road. And railroad tracks. Those are bad too. I cross railroad tracks more often than anywhere else I’ve lived. It’s just a basic physics issue. You’d think they’d resolve it in design, but I guess they’re busy putting in tv’s and luxury touches. They’re also making cars too wide. Can’t say anything about trucks. Trucks are monsters and have been for decades; it’s just the way it is. But control arms are expensive.
For the people had a character take a mocking stance against UVa law. That’s rude. It’s a good school. I’d rather they made fun of a school, I really really hate. Omg I love me some Kate&Leonard. I don’t want to; he treated her poorly, but damn. And oh do I adore Anna deveare smith.
ICE has some real motherfuckers working for them. Not sure if those people sucked before they took jobs there, or if the jobs make them douches.
I’d love to see a tv show about supreme court clerks, but given how the actual runs, it would probably be hard to make exciting on the screen.
So the bar crawl started off slow. My anxiety, plus the lingering nausea of the past few days, plus the adrenaline from the accident had me thinking I wasn’t going to drink much. I drank more than I planned, but not enough to get sick. I had a close call. I had a free shot of jameson, my fav irish whiskey, but I’m not good at taking shots. Small mouth, uncoordinated with the throat, a pita gag reflex...well this damn one started going down the wrong tube right away. So I’m coughing b/c my throat is burning. If you’ve ever had jameson, it doesn’t work that way. It is smooth. But I look like a pissant who can’t hold her liquor, so I HAD to do another one to reclaim my cred. They were roasting me, so it was necessary. We actually finished the crawl!!! We’ve never done that before. It was hard, and we did it with one minute to spare, and there were only 7 official stops, but we did it. I was proud! I’m kind of sad to have missed the cruise. A bunch more people were going there than joined us on the crawl. Oh well. Next time.
I did use schat. It’s the first time I posted in 6 months, minus a week. And I remember one reason that was a good reason to stop. Looking to see who as looked at your pics, how many people, etc...The people I was with last night spent soooo much time taking pics to get the right pics, and posting and looking and....tweether has stressed me out again, and I see it happening soon enough with snipsnap.
I’ve been waking up naturally for months now. But it turns out that the time change has fucked me. Because now, I’m waking up an hour later than I should for a work day.
Oh, I did check work email yesterday. I missed two things. Oh well. I just can’t. I was fucking sick. From drinking too much yes, but not completely from that. There’s no way I would have slept for two days and had nausea for 3. And I’m still getting off and on cramps. I wonder if the bc is starting to work or not? I ate a lot of crap food over the last few days. Apparently, it’s biological. But it’s also something that should be resisted. Oh well.
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