lordgolden · 4 months
just thought I made a horrible mistake at work after I called a clerk about one of my cases bc it wasn’t moving forward and I went through the whole scenario in my head like this case I’ve been working on for months is going to be dismissed, my client is going to be so upset and she will never see any money from this, my job is going to fire me, then I’ll get disbarred and censured for malpractice, and then I’ll have to start a new career and for some reason that new career was working at a hardware store for minimum wage in the plant department. all this to say I AM ABOUT TO SEND THE CUNTIEST LETTER TO THIS COURT BC THEY WERE WRONG NOT ME!!!!
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] Growth Drama CD Vol. 3 - Track 3
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Here’s the third track~ Man, I love this track so much hngh!! Ryota’s as savage as usual XD
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
Track 3: [懐かしい再会と、今と] “A nostalgic reunion and the present”
Under the cut, enjoy~
Track 3: [懐かしい再会と、今と] “A nostalgic reunion and the present”
(chattering noises in the background)
CLERK A: Welcome! We have quality Hokkaido wine right here! Would you like to try some Hokkaido wine that’s famous for its fragrant aroma and light taste?
CLERK B: Sorry for the wait! We just got finished baking them.
CLERK C: Over here is Hokkaido’s number one taste, the potato! It’s been cut into small pieces and have been deep-fried!
MAMORU: (chomping) So delicious…! (in English) Delicious~!
KEN: Let me try~! (Ken takes a bite) Woah, it’s really delicious!
RYOTA: (takes a bite) Th-this is…!
RYOTA: This taste is the perfect combination between a juicy croquette and the potato’s natural taste underneath the perfectly fried breading. It’s a taste where you can tell the earthy flavour even when it’s covered in bread crumbs. It has a very nostalgic and yet it’s fresh!
RYOTA: What a wonderful croquette!
KOKI: Looks like it matches Ryo’s tastes as well.
KEN: I mean, it’s totally delicious! Mochiduki-san, the croquette from your brother’s stall is the best!
KOKI: Your brother’s such a wonderful person, too.
KOKI: He’s cool as well just like Mochiduki-san but his body’s so well-built like an athlete that it kinda surprised me.
MINATO: (chuckles) Farming does take quite some strength after all. I think it’s expected of him.
MINATO: Even compared to my sister I think I’m the skinniest one. I’m so happy that you even loved the bread.
MINATO: Hokkaido’s food really is delicious and I’d like for everyone to come and visit it someday, too~
MAMORU: Mochiduki-san, please try to get us a job there~ We’re ready to fly off anytime!
KEN: Right~?
RYOTA: Yeah.
KEN: Just like this, Ryo’s on board, too~!
MINATO: Roger! I’ll try to make that a goal.
MINATO: If it’s for first-time visitors, I think it would be good to visit in summer since it won’t be that much of a challenge.
MINATO: But… Maybe now’s not gonna be a good time. Hokkaido’s pretty famous to visit during summer…
KOKI: True. I mean, even the food stalls here are getting quite the attention, too.
RYOTA: They’re trying to experience it before-hand. Oh~ I wanna eat the special jelly over there later.
MAMORU: (patting Ryota on the shoulder) Ryo-kun, Ryo-kun! The melon bread over there looks delicious, too!
RYOTA: (gasps) You’re right! Wanna buy some and bring it to our next work location?
MAMORU: Ah, that’s a great idea! (they both start walking towards the stall)
KEN: Those two sure look perfectly happy being normal customers.
KEN: Oh, Ko, you said you wanted to look at some cheese and stuff. Wanna go?
KOKI: Let me see… After the next meeting we’ll be going home so I think it’d be okay to carry it around frozen for an hour before we reach home.
KEN: What’re you gonna make with the cheese~? You see, I wanna eat some cheese fondue~! I haven’t really tried it, to be honest. Can that be made at home?
KOKI: It’s rare for Ken to request something~ Cheese fondue, huh? I think it’s doable. Lately it’s been popular for stores to sell items as a set so let’s look for some later before going home.
KOKI: So tonight’s cheese fondue, huh?
KEN: Yay~! I’ll help you hold stuff so let’s go buy a lot!
KOKI: Got it~ But only the amount that we can finish eating, okay?
KEN: Yeah, and that’s a lot!
MAMORU: (walking back) Eh, what’s going on? What’s up with you two~?
RYOTA: We already got our melon bread.
KEN: Y-you sure move fast, huh…? Well, we’re in the middle of fulfilling my request.
KEN: We’re having cheese fondue tonight~!
RYOTA: Eh, that’s nice~ I wanna eat cheese fondue, too. I love them.
KEN/MAMO: Oh, you do~
KOKI: Um… Mochizuki-san, the time…
MINATO: Oh, we still have one hour. Perfect for shopping, if I do say so. I think it’s still okay.
MINATO: And also… I heard it from people at the agency but… I guess it’s true that Ko-kun can really cook, huh? That’s amazing!
KOKI: (chuckles) I don’t do it every day, though. It is a hobby of mine so I do so whenever I feel like doing so.
KEN: Ko’s cooking is super delicious! Please come eat with us too sometime, Mochiduki-san!
RYOTA: Ken, let Ko invite and decide, okay?
KOKI: (chuckles) I don’t mind. Mochiduki-san, if you do manage to have some free time then please join.
MINATO: Eh, would that be okay [with you]?
MAMORU: Of course, of course! You’re absolutely welcomed! Oh, I guess this should also be said by Ko-kun (chuckles).
MINAKO: Oh, is that you, Fujimura-kun?
MINATO: Ah, excuse me. Are you a fan?
MINAKO: Ah, no, I’m sorry. I suddenly called out without thinking.
MINAKO: Do you remember me? I was Fujimura-kun’s former classmate during elementary school.
MAMORU: Could you be… Matsuyama-san…?! The one who taught me piano…?
KOKI: Eh…?
RYOTA: That means…
MINAKO: Yes! I’m that Matsuyama! Matsuyama Minako.
MINAKO: I’m so relieved! You remembered me.
MAMORU: Uwah…! This is so nostalgic!
MINAKO: Really, right? What a wonderful coincidence!
KEN: (whispering) What a coincidence, huh? But, wait… Isn’t the one that taught Mamoru the piano his first love…?
RYOTA: (whispering) Now that you mention it…!
MINATO: (whispering) Eh…?! Those two had that kind of dramatic reunion…?!
KOKI: (whispering) Maybe this is fate’s doing.
KEN: (whispering) Don’t tell me… A forbidden love is about to…!
MINATO: (whispering) I’m so sorry to burst your bubble but, in TsukiPro, you idols are not allowed to be in love. But, as a person, of course I would support it. But… this is too much of a challenge on my first day [as manager]!!
MINAKO:  Oh, that’s right. Matsuyama’s my maiden name. Right now I’m known as Sekishima. My name is Sekishima Minako. Nice to meet you.
MAMORU: Eh?! M-maiden name…? So you got married, huh?
RYOTA: (whispering to Minato) Rest assured. It ended before it even began.
KEN: (whispering) My condolences. And congratulations.
MINATO: (whispering) I feel sorry for Mamoru-san but as a manager I feel so relieved.
KOKI: (whispering) Guys, don’t tease him too much.
MAMORU: Um… Let me introduce her again. She’s my former elementary school classmate, Matsuyama—Sekishima Minako-san.
MINAKO: Good afternoon! Nice to meet you. My name is Sekishima Minako.
MINAKO: You’re Growth, aren’t you? It’s my first time meeting celebrities so I’m a little nervous.
MINAKO: Uwah, your faces are so small and pretty, your legs are long, and you’re so refined~! It’s like a completely different feeling, isn’t it~?
KEN: (chuckles) Thank you very much! We’re ready to accept any challenges with a smile and a positive attitude!
KEN: Ah, Sekishima-san, you’re the person who taught Mamoru how to play the piano before, aren’t you?
MINAKO: Oh? Does everyone know about that, too?
KOKI: Yes, before our debut, Mamoru came to visit our high school and he told us about it as one of his precious memories related to school.
MINAKO: Eh~ I’m so happy!
RYOTA: You’re the person who made Mamoru meet music. In other words, you’re like the person who helped bring our songs to life.
RYOTA: Nice to meet you, Sekishima-san. It’s an honor to have met you.
MINAKO: Ah, no. It’s me who should be honored. I’m very moved right now.
MINAKO: Um, I always check and buy your CDs, too!
MAMORU: Eh, really?!
MINAKO: Yep~! I told you before, right? When you become famous, I’d be bragging to the people I know.
MINAKO: And I really do, you know? “I’m the person who taught him how to play the piano!” is what I tell them.
MINAKO: Though they didn’t believe me much, I still felt so proud!
MAMORU: Uwah…! I see! Woah, I’m so happy!
MINAKO: I’m happy, too! You really proved to everyone what I meant when I said you were amazing when we were little.
MINAKO: A professional artist, huh~? This might not mean much coming from me but, you’ve become so great now, haven’t you~?
MAMORU: Th-that makes me a little shy…
MINAKO: That part of you hasn’t changed at all, huh~
MAMORU: (chuckles) If you’re at the event then does that mean you still live in Hokkaido? Did you get married there, too?
MINAKO: Yep! I transferred to Hokkaido during elementary and have stayed there since. I’m still living at Hokkaido now, too!
MINAKO: Oh~! And with someone who’s 13 years older than me, too~ I—
TOHMA: Matsuyama-san, Father’s looking for you.
MINAKO: Ah, Tohma-kun, you looked for me? Thank you.
TOHMA: … These people are…?
MINAKO: Ah, I’ll introduce you! Remember those people on TV that I talked to you about? This is my former classmate, Fujimura Mamoru-kun and—
MAMORU: Good afternoon.
MINAKO: And Mamoru-kun’s friends, Eto Koki-san, Yaegashi Kensuke-san, and Sakuraba Ryota-san, and their manager! The four of them are celebrities, you know?
KEN: Nice to meet ya!
ALL: Nice to meet you.
TOHMA: Heh… I haven’t seen them much but are they popular?
MINAKO: H-hey now!
MAMORU: (chuckles) Well, we’re not exactly actors or performers after all. We don’t really appear much on TV. Singing is our main job. Please think of us as singing brothers.
KEN: We’ve sung at Budoukan once, y’know? We’ll be doing another live soon, too!
MINATO: Exactly! They’re a clear and resounding unit from TsukiPro who’s only going to get more famous from now! Please check them out.
RYOTA: Mochiduki-san, you don’t have to appeal to young children, you know?
KOKI: If you like music then I would like to ask for you to listen to us at least once.
KOKI: Our songs are all made by this ‘singing brother’, Mamoru. It’s really diverse and interesting.
KOKI: We have songs that are like the ones used for games, too. Though this is coming from us, I think that we have a lot of really great songs.
KOKI: I would like for you to listen to them sometime.
TOHMA: …! W-well… I-if I have time I’ll listen to them.
KOKI: Yes, thank you.
KEN: (whispering) Looks like the Ko-sama smile works great on children, too.
RYOTA: (whispering) As expected.
MINAKO: I-I’m sorry about that, everyone. Tohma-kun, you heard their names so you have to introduce yourself, too.
TOHMA: I’m Tohma. Sekishima Tohma, 9 years old.
KEN: Nice to meet you!
ALL: Nice to meet you~
TOHMA: Then, Matsuyama-san, Father’s waiting over there. (Tohma runs)
MAMORU: “Matsuyama-san?”
MINAKO: Ah, yes, it’s obvious, isn’t it? I’m my husband’s second wife and Tohma-kun’s his first wife’s son.
MINAKO: I heard that his first wife died from an illness when he was little so it’s kinda… you know…?
MINAKO: I figured that it’s something that can be fixed with time.
MAMORU: I see.
MINAKO: I’ll do my best okay, Fujimura-kun? I feel like I received some courage after talking to you when you’ve become this great!
MINAKO: You were the same age as Tohma-kun when I taught you the piano, weren’t you?
MINAKO: If the me from before managed to do a lot for you then, the me now can do a lot more for Tohma-kun I’m sure!
MAMORU: Yep, that’s right, Sekishima-san. I’m really grateful that you introduced music to me.
MAMORU: Thanks to you I managed to meet with such wonderful friends and I live together with such beautiful music every day.
MAMORU: I feel happy every day. That’s why, you should too, okay?
MAMORU: Well, compared to me who’s living alone, I think you’re happier with a wonderful husband and child.
KEN: No doubt about that.
MINAKO: (laughs) Now then, thank you, Fujimura-kun. I’m glad I got to talk to you! I’ll be returning to our stall now.
MINAKO: Fujimura-kun, do your best with work from here on too, okay?
MAMORU: Yep, you, too. See you.
MAMORU: (sighs) Somehow I’m overwhelmed. She’s the same age as me and yet she’s already married and has a child.
MAMORU: People really live their lives differently, huh?
KOKI:  That’s right.
KOKI: There are some of my classmates who are already married, too.
MAMORU: Heh~ Ko-kun’s friends, huh? Wai—WHAT?!!
MINATO: Woah… That’s quite early, huh? Lately, I feel like the “who can get married first” competition has gone to extremes.
KEN: We just debuted so forget about getting married, we have to work with the love ban for the meantime.
RYOTA: Though Ken’s gonna run away from love even without the ban.
MAMORU: Ah… Ken-kun’s popular but he’s bad at handling things like that, huh…
MAMORU: He’s the type who’ll get pushed and run away, huh?
KEN: WAHH!!! Let’s stop with this topic! We have work, right? WORK! Come on, let’s go! (Ken walks away)
KOKI: (chuckles) He’s right. Let’s go, everyone.
MAMORU: Yessir~ Let’s do our best with afternoon work, too!
MINATO: I’ll send you the map for the next location, okay?
MINATO: It’s a six-minute walk away from here so… please wait a second.
RYOTA: Ken already left though. Oh, wherever shall he go~?1
MAMORU: (laughs)
1 Ryota actually says a pun here that kinda only makes sense in Japanese so I translated it to the next closest thing it could be in English ^^
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