#I have suddenly recalled the word 'diskette' and now I need to lie down
laurelindebear · 2 years
So recently at work I learned that the standard spelling for computer discs/disks is 'disk' with a k in American English but 'disc' with a CD for British English. I have also discovered that in my head, old floppies are disks with a k and CDs and similar are discs with a c. I don't know why that's 'right' to me, but they are. It might be because CDs are round and C is round and floppies were square and K is more angular; or it might be because I moved to the UK right around when floppies were on their way out and CDs were on the rise. (Yes I'm old and I've been here a long time, shush.)
I don't know how I'll square it for the catalogue and the in-house style guide but so far I'm just using both, depending, because that's just what they are, I don't know.
(Also, it's been three months and I still can't believe?? That I have?? A museum job??? I'm getting paid to do this??? I want to do the work (at least sometimes) and not just out of obligation???? Wild times.)
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