#I have two RPG campaigns and a cruise in like... five days
queenofmalkier · 6 months
Now I'm stuck on how unhinged and depraved and AWFUL Tuon/Gawyn could be.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
10 Other Things You Could Get For $1,500 Dollars Instead of the Logitech Embody Gaming Chair
July 22, 2020 4:24 PM EST
Logitech has announced their brand new Embody gaming chair they created in partnership with HermanMiller, but with a price tag of $1,500, really makes you wonder, what else could you get with that sort of cash?
Logitech revealed today their brand new Logitech Embody gaming chair that they partnered with Herman Miller for, and while it is a beauty and no doubt will be comfy, at $1,500, that’s a lot of cash to drop on something you are going to fart constantly on. So let’s take a look at what those $1,500 bucks could get you elsewhere!
Introducing the @LogitechG x @HermanMiller gaming setup. Learn more at https://t.co/iIq3n8bo3T #PlayAdvanced pic.twitter.com/jGXxD0Cg0l
— Logitech G (@LogitechG) July 22, 2020
1) NVIDIA RTX 2080 TI + Nintendo Switch  : $1,199.99 + $299.99 = $1,499.98
One of the beefiest graphics cards on the market today, making for some of that sweet, sweet raytracing goodness, comes in at $1200 bucks! That means you have plenty of money left over to buy a Nintendo Switch to keep you busy with while you download the drivers and all the sick new PC games you will play with your new GPU! You may even be able to play Crysis at Ultra Settings!
2) Sony X800H 75 Inch TV w/ 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility: $1,398.00
The new generation of consoles is almost here, and for the $1500 you would spend on a Logitech Embody gaming chair, you could take and get a brand new TV that will pair perfectly with the new systems. Hell, if you shrink the size a bit, you could find some TVs in a price range so you could get two! One for both your Series X and your PlayStation 5!
3) 6,250 packets of Maruchan Chicken Ramen Noodles: $1,497.60
So apparently, on Amazon, you can buy a 24 pack for $5.76, and after some expert-level math-ing, you could get by 260 of these packs for under $1,500. Two days later, with that free Amazon Prime shipping, you will be the proud owner of 6,250 bricks of ramen noodles and enough chicken-flavored salt to kill a football team.
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4) (Probably) Xbox Series X + PlayStation 5 : $1,500
Now at the time of writing, the prices of the new systems remain a mystery, so this is purely speculation. However, we will assume the worst and that both will come in at a staggering $699.99 (this would indeed be the worst timeline if this happens). At the apocalyptic price, you would still be able to pick up both on launch day.
5) 1/28th of a Beta Black Lotus: $1,500
The current price for the cream-de la-cream magic card sits at $42,000. That means, with your $1500, you could be the proud owner of a fraction of a piece of legendary cardboard! Mind you, at $42,000, it won’t be in the best of shape, definitely not a perfect ten graded Beta Black Lotus, but still, it’s the Black Lotus!
6) Adopt multiple rescue puppies and kittens: Number of fluffs and cost varies
Puppies and kittens are damn cute. Even people with allergies to them think they are adorable. Now the prices for adoptions of rescue animals vary, but as a servant for a rescued doge myself, I paid $275, so we will go with that. Plugging that cost into my Math-o-Matic machine, that means you could save five puppies! Since many times saves come spayed/neutered, you will also be helping Bob Barker! Double win!
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7) Polymega + All Addon Modules + Extra Controllers : $1,038
Retro game fans with stacked libraries that may lack a working tube television would be able to snag the upcoming Polymega retro game console and add-ons. The Polymega would allow you to play many of your disk-based console games once again, and with all the add-ons opening up the chance to play your cartridge games too. Forget the next-gen systems; you could play Plok on your 4k TV!
8) 8 Day Caribbean Cruise for 2: $1,459 (before tax)
Global pandemic and recent troubles of the cruise lines aside, an 8-day cruise in the bright blue ocean, hot sun overhead, dolphins swimming in the ship’s wake. You and a friend or partner could enjoy it together! It’s the perfect chance to play a nautical Dungeons and Dragons campaign!
9) Every game from our “The 50 Best Video Games of the Decade” list: roughly $1,400
A chair is excellent, and all, but even this Logitech Embody gaming chair I doubt will last a decade, whereas these games we think have proven themselves as some of the best of the past decade. With Games like Grand Theft Auto 5, FTL: Faster Than Light, and Knack, your backlog of games will get some real gems that may just last you the next decade.
*Edit: I have been made aware that Knack is not one of our best games of the decade…maybe you should get the chair then.
10) 62,998 Gems in Raid: Shadow Legends: $1,499.98
Speaking of gems, a lot of people on YouTube seem to be playing Raid: Shadow Legends, the free-to-play dark fantasy RPG where you will face wave-after-wave of enemies in the game’s exciting campaign mode where – wait, what was I say? Oh, the gems, right, so what better way to spend your $1,500 then on Gems from Raid’s store! I couldn’t tell you exactly what they do, but if you do, I bet the idea of nearly 63k of them sounds pretty good! It’s good, right?
With these suggestions now in your mind, you can figure out the best use of your money. I do not doubt that Logitech Embody gaming chair has a pretty high likelihood of being one of the comfiest objects to set your keester on, and if I have the spare money that I could spend that much on a chair, it would be at the top of my list. If you get one, let me know how it is! If you get any of these, let me know what you think! I would especially love to see pictures of the cute animals and what 6,250 packs of ramen look like!
July 22, 2020 4:24 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/10-other-things-you-could-get-for-1500-dollars-instead-of-the-logitech-embody-gaming-chair/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-other-things-you-could-get-for-1500-dollars-instead-of-the-logitech-embody-gaming-chair
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