#I have wanted to do a c-c-c-combo picture for you birthdays for a while now
nuclearanomaly · 2 months
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.·:*¨ 💗 ¨*:·.
Happy Birthday @starswornoaths & Belated Birthday @holyja
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maybankiara · 3 years
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead.
w/c: 4.4k
a/n: long one! sorry about it. i promise it won’t happen a lot. also, if i catch one of yous hating on holden you’re gonna catch these hands. <3
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Me | 6:42pm I swear it’s fate that you’re coming back today because you know what Me | 6:42pm MARIANNE IS MAKING GOULASH TOMORROW Me | 6:43pm surprisingly unrelated to you coming back but hey!!
Drew | 6:45pm no way! Drew | 6:45pm Does she make good goulash?
Me | 6:46pm I’d be able to tell if she ever made it before lmao Me | 6:46pm it’s her first time Me | 6:47pm but she’s a pretty good cook overall so!! I wouldn’t expect like a masterpiece or whatever but a decent meal??? Me | 6:47pm f yeah
Drew | 6:48pm I’m inviting myself over Drew | 6:50pm what time should I come by?
Me | 6:57pm if you think for one (1) second that this wasn’t an invitation Me | 6:57pm you are terribly wrong, mr. white claw man
Drew | 7:01pm ok but WHEN SHOULD I COME OVER
Me | 7:02pm oh right 
Drew | 7:05pm ???
Me | 7:05pm Marianne says goulash will be around 6 but you can come over at like 4 or 5 so we can catch up!! Me | 7:06pm I still need to show you the album!! I developed some photos I took since we hung out
Drew | 7:07pm 4 sounds great, can’t wait!! Drew | 7:07pm I’ll make sure to bring some White Claw Drew | 7:07pm What does Marianne drink?
Me | 7:08pm Vodka Me | 7:08pm Tequilla Me | 7:09pm jk you don’t have to bring anything, we have enough alcohol in the fridge
Drew | 7:10pm Still bringing beer
Me | 7:10pm And good vibes
Drew | 7:10pm And good vibes, of course
Me | 7:10pm Gonna be good 😄
The bell rings shortly past four o’clock, and Addie buzzes their guest in with a smile on her face. Marianne peeks from the kitchen, leaning over the corner, strands of her hair falling from underneath the headband-bun combo she’s sporting for the cooking. 
  ‘Is it the celebrity judge?’
  ‘Sure is a judge,’ Addie says, unlocking the door. ‘Not so sure he’d like the celebrity title.’
  The door opens and reveals a smiling Drew, in his usual attire – a simple grey tee with a Queen logo on it, black jeans, and a baseball cap. Greetings are exchanged, and then Drew’s taking his shoes off as Addie warns him that maybe Marianne might be a bit much today. There’s a casual whiff of cologne that Addie catches – it’s similar to Holden’s minty one, but simpler.
  ‘You ready to munch on some British-French-American-Hungarian goulash?’
  He raises an eyebrow. ‘Is anyone ever ready for that?’
  ‘Nope. But Marianne has just called you the celebrity judge of her nonexistent cooking show, so you’ve got no choice but to be ready.’
  ‘Fair,’ he says, just as Marianne shouts from the kitchen, ‘I’ll have my cooking show soon!’
  The self-proclaimed chef pops out of the kitchen, wielding a spatula covered in a dark red, thick liquid. Her red-and-white apron is tied haphazardly around her waist; both the apron and the sweatpants have already become victims to her cooking, and the bun seems to be getting looser by the minute. Marianne flashes the two a massive grin, one finger pointed at Drew.
  Her grin widens so much Addie’s worried it’ll rip her cheeks. She wiggles her finger, then, in a come here motion. ‘I need your goulash expertise, stat.’
  ‘Give the man a moment to breathe,’ says Addie. Next to her, Drew chuckles. 
  ‘Do you want to enjoy the goulash?’
  ‘Then let the ones who can make it good do it and stay out of it.’ Marianne crosses her arms over her chest, and a drop of liquid falls off the spatula. She doesn’t even notice. ‘Drew?’
  ‘Coming right up, boss.’ 
  With a pat on the back from Addie, Drew departs into the kitchen. Marianne is already listing off all the things that she’s put in the goulash, how she’s done it so far, and how the internet has told her needs to be done from now on. Addie tunes most of it out – while she thinks Marianne is one of the best cooks she’s ever met, after living with her for over a year, some things you can’t help but get used to and eventually, get a little bit tired of. She’s happy there’s Drew, though, because he’s either very interested in Marianne’s process and amused by her telling of it, or very good at pretending to be so.
  Addie grabs a rather small box with a pink bow on it out of the hallway drawer, right next to a grey envelope, then makes her way to the stack of French books lying underneath the TV. The newest copy of a first-edition of The Unbearable Lightness of Being in French is lying on top of a photo album, the same one that Addie told Drew stories from the last time he was over here. She tucks it under her arm and brings it to the kitchen, which has a prominent smell of Marianne’s cooking – a lot of spices, some of them even scattered around with powder spilling out at the edges, and wine that’s both a part of the dish and accompanying Marianne and whoever’s keeping her company. This time it’s Drew, so instead of wine, there’s a can of White Claw in his hands. Addie chuckles to herself.
  Marianne, huddled over the steaming pot, motions for Addie to come closer without looking. ‘How does this smell?’
‘I don’t know how a goulash is supposed to smell.’
  ‘Like that,’ Drew answers. ‘Stop worrying so much.’
  ‘If it can be better, I’ll make it better,’ replies Marianne, then asks him to contribute with some spices and then stir it. ‘If it goes badly, you made it. If it’s great, I made it.’
  Drew laughed. It was a big kind of laugh, the one that fills out the entire room. Taking a seat at their modest dining table, Addie realised it’s been a while since anyone other than the two of them laughed so freely in this place. (That just made her miserable; she needs to stop focusing so much on work and her studies if she wants to retain a semblance of a social life.) She puts the album down, and places the box right underneath it – just enough to be noticeable.
  ‘Addie, you didn’t tell me your roommate is basically the female equivalent to Gordon Ramsay.’ Drew’s leaning against one of the cupboards, sipping his drink with a smile. Marianne elbows him in the shoulder, frowning. 
  ‘The kids one, maybe. I don’t swear, that’s Addie’s job. She’s the sailor.’
  ‘Bitch,’ says Addie under her breath, feeling warmth creeping up into her cheeks as she smiles. ‘Calling me out like that.’
  Marianne doesn’t look at her, but Addie hears her quiet giggle. ‘That’s a quarter.’
  Addie sighs, and Drew lets out a chuckle that sounds a lot like oh. He probably figured out what the jar filled up with quarters is, and Addie thinks he’s finding it a little too amusing, so she says, ‘Don’t laugh.’ 
  Of course, it doesn’t work.
  ‘That’s kind of funny, you’ve got to admit.’
  He raises his eyebrows at her, not even trying to hide the smile. Addie calls him to look at the albums, after she places a quarter in the jar, because she can feel Marianne is about to side with him and go on a tirade where she makes fun of Addie’s bad habit – not that she minds, really, but she’d much rather see what Drew thinks of the photographs and his birthday present. 
  It ends up taking him a long time to notice it, which starts driving Addie nuts, but she wants him to be the one to notice it, because… Well. She doesn’t really have a reason. 
  They go through the photographs and Marianne is hovering over Drew’s shoulder, nearly dripping the goulash a few times onto the album, until Addie tells her that her goulash is burning (it isn’t) and she finally leaves the spatula where it belongs, before coming back to look. She likes the photos, and so does Drew – Addie had most of them developed, both from Waystone and the park they were in. Most of them were of the places, but there were a few of Drew. They weren’t the best quality, but his face was relaxed in them, and he was smiling with a playful glint in his eyes, and Addie liked them more than the ones where he looked like he was posing. (She developed those, too, but still hasn’t quite figured out where to put them. She’ll probably give them to him.) Good memories were made that day, and friendships cemented, too.
  When he finally notices the box, his eyebrows shoot up. ‘Is this the present?’
  Addie just nods and waits. She’s thankful that Marianne is humming along to the music while she stirs the pot, because it means that there’s no awkward silence while he carefully unwraps the bow, as if it would break if he tugged on it too hard. He opens it, finally, and laughs – Addie feels like he’s been laughing a lot more recently. 
  He holds the present in his hand, shaking his head. ‘A phone case. Really?’
  ‘Yep.’ Addie grins so hard she bites a little on the inside of her lip; what if he doesn’t like it? She pushes the thought away. ‘Can’t have us swapping our phones again.’
  ‘True. Although, it did end up in a pretty good thing.’
  ‘I guess it did, yeah.’
  There’s a moment where they’re just staring at the phone case, as if it is about to start talking. Addie kind of wishes it would, and once again feels thankful for Marianne’s music. She doesn’t want to start reminiscing, but that’s where her brain is going, and suddenly she finds herself thinking about that summer morning where she was hungover and half-asleep when she met him and it feels weird that it’s been nearly six months since that. It feels like it was yesterday, but it feels like Drew’s always been around. 
  ‘Mr. White Claw,’ he reads off the back of the matt case, amused. Addie’s pretty proud of herself for that one.
  ‘Nothing describes you better than that, basic white bitch.’ She smiles at him, and kicks him under the table so he’d look at her. ‘Happy birthday, dude.’
  ‘Thanks.’ He raises his can and waits until she raises hers, then says, ‘To swapping phones.’
  Addie clinks the can against his. ‘And making friends.’
  ‘And putting another quarter in the jar. Don’t think I didn’t hear that.’
  ‘Nu-uh.’ Marianne snaps her fingers, pointing first at Addie as she speaks, then Drew. ‘You, quarter in the jar, and now that the ceremony’s over, I need you back at the cooking station. The goulash ain’t gonna cook itself, mec.’
  As Marianne says, the other two do. Addie is honestly just grateful she doesn’t have to be the one helping out in the kitchen, because as much as she enjoys cooking, Marianne’ demands get on her nerves sometimes. That, and Drew is actually enjoying helping her out. Addie gets to sit back and relax, listen to her friends make food and bond over the dishes they can make—turns out Drew is incredible at making his mum’s casserole recipe, and promises to bring it over someday—and she feels like she’s come a long way from being holed up in her room, studying and working. Even if sometimes it feels like nothing’s changed. 
  In between helping Marianne, Drew puts the phone case in its rightful place. It’s a bit cheesy, but Addie likes the thought that there’ll be a reminder of their friendship with him at all times, if he likes it as much as she thinks he does. It’s a bit silly, too. Addie likes giving and receiving presents that are more silly than useful, which is probably not the savvy and mature way to approach life. 
  Time wears on, and Addie includes herself every now and then, mostly just chilling on her phone as the two work towards what they claim is going to be a masterpiece. She highly doubts it, and it’s amusing whenever she voices her opinion and they try to argue otherwise. She likes to see them getting along – she’d never admit it, but as much as she knows and loves Marianne, a part of her was still scared he’d get the celebrity treatment. Now, she watches as Marianne threatens to throw goulash if he doesn’t cut the pepper faster, and she can only laugh. 
  Her phone chimes and there’s a text message displayed over Holden and Addie’s faces –  a picture taken barely a week ago. They look happy together, and seeing it brings a smile to her face. As Addie texts back, Marianne ushers Drew away from the pot, finally taking over. Drew joins her at the table with a can of White Claw and a can of Heineken. 
  She puts her phone down and takes the Heineken with thanks. ‘Cooking time over?’
  Drew nods. ‘The chef fired me. I think.’
  ‘Yeah,’ Addie laughs, ‘the chef tends to do that.’
  To prove a point, Marianne gives them the finger, and says a whole sentence in French out of which Addie can only understand ‘merde’, and that is mostly because she turns around for that word, glaring at the two. Drew nearly chokes on his drink, and Addie just shrugs, because it’s Marianne, and no one can really understand Marianne. A conversation starts about photography and how Drew did mean to bring the camera, but he left it with Chase and Madelyn when he was visiting, and he ends up telling them stories from all the sets he’s been on. 
  When the bell chimes again, he’s the first one to notice, as he’s sitting not even a foot from the entrance into the kitchen. ‘Someone ringing?’
  ‘Oh, god, I forgot— Thanks!’
  Addie makes a beeline for the hallway, giving her friends a quick ‘one moment!’ in lieu of an explanation. She’s at the front door within seconds and opens it with a smile, greeting her boyfriend with a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. 
  Holden chuckles, and then he’s giving her a brief kiss on the lips before they part. ‘Hello there. You had a bit to drink?’
  ‘A little,’ Addie says, feeling the heat in her cheeks. ‘I’m glad you stopped by.’
  ‘Me too.’ His hand falls from her waist and he takes a step back, looking around. ‘You’ve got the papers?’
  Addie reaches into the drawer and takes the grey folder out of it, but doesn’t give it to him just yet. ‘I know you’re in a hurry, but Marianne is making enough goulash for a whole village, and Drew’s here, and I want to introduce you.’
  ‘He’s here?’ he asks, just at the same time as Marianne shouts from the kitchen, ‘WHO IS IT?’
  In her defense, she thought it would’ve been a nice surprise for Holden to stop by and stick around for a little bit once he got what he came here for, and maybe chat to her friends for a few minutes. The idea might’ve been fine, but hearing Holden’s little sigh at the realisation and a guaranteed confusion from the two in the kitchen, it might’ve not been a fine surprise. This paired with Holden only meeting Marianne of her friends so far...
  ‘C’mon,’ she tells him, hoping to reassure herself just as much, and takes hold of his hand. ‘They don’t bite.’
  Back in the kitchen, Marianne and Drew are leaning on the cupboards, both of them silent and waiting. Addie walkins into the kitchen first, and she watches their eyes follow her hand – the one which drags Holden in behind her. Marianne shouts his name and nearly leaps to hug him, while Drew remains at his spot, gnacing between the two having a quick catch-up and Addie, who tries to tell him not to worry in the form of a smile. 
  His eyes keep dropping back to their hands, intertwined, and she can see barely-concealed confusion on his face. 
  ‘This is Holden,’ she says, now that Marianne isn’t hogging him anymore. ‘My boyfriend. Holden, this is Drew.’
  They shake hands and exchange the ‘nice to meet you’s without anyone feeling the need to prove themselves to be the Alpha male, so Addie counts it as a win. Not that she thought either of them would do that – she just hasn’t seen Drew interact with anyone who wasn’t her or Marianne, and Drew is, after Marianne, the first person from Addie’s life Holden has gotten to meet. 
  The more she thinks of it, the more she realises how risky it was. 
  ‘You’re the actor Drew, right?’
  For a moment, Addie just watches Drew – his hands are crossed on his chest and he looks a little menacing, now that she tries to see him from Holden’s perspective. Tall and pretty attractive, pretty relaxed in a place he’s barely been to, and with the reputation of a successful actor – and to top it all off, a resting bitch face. 
  Addie’s heart skips a beat. 
  Drew laughs and she feels relief wash over her, instead. ‘Is that how she presents me to people?’
  ‘Drew, it’s literally how we met,’ she says, rolling her eyes at him from across the room. ‘How else am I supposed to explain how I know you?’
  There’s a moment where the sizzling of the goulash is all that can be heard, but Addie doesn’t think it’s one of those heavy silences, where every person seems like they’re holding their breath. She takes it as a good sign. 
  Holden pats his thigh, then, and he has an apologetic face when he says, ‘I’ve got to go. Work won’t wait forever.’ He flashes Drew a smile. ‘Nice meeting you, Drew.’
  ‘You too.’
  Addie sighs. ‘You just got here.’
  He opens his mouth to say something, but Marianne is quicker: ‘You try this goulash, look me in the eye, and say you don’t want more of it.’ There’s no and then you can go, because Addie has a feeling Marianne knows pretty well just how good the goulash is. 
  She commands the room as she approaches Holden with the tiniest bit of goulash steaming from the spatula over her hand. Her eyes are determined and there’s a crook in the corner of her lips – the sly kind of smile when she knows she’s already won. Holden doesn’t get a chance to protest, because the spatula is headed for him, and he’s got nothing to do but take it. 
  The room holds a breath. Even Drew is looking at Holden in expectation, chin resting on the palm of his hand. 
  For a bit, Holden just coughs and complains about the hotness (Marianne argued he had to have been blind to not see that it was steaming). Once he’s finally back to normal breathing and side-eyeing Addie for giggling at him, he tells Marianne it’s one of the best things he’s ever tasted.
  Addie could swear she could see pride and self-satisfaction through Marianne’s eyes.
  ‘Now that Holden is staying,’ says Addie, ‘can the rest of us have some, too?’
  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ replies Marianne, with a newfound spring in her step, grace in the way she moves. Drew laughs at her, quietly, and Addie finds herself laughing with him.
  Marianne brings out the goulash and Addie helps pour it into the bowls, handing each of them one. The chef ends up taking Addie’s chair, on Addie’s insistence, because what does she deserve after all these hours other than enjoying her efforts in peace? So Addie leans on the counter, ignoring Marianne’s protests that it’s dirty (‘These shorts need to go into the wash anyway’) and savours the food. It’s unbelievably good – Drew even comments at one point that it’s as good as the one his Hungarian neighbour made, if not better. Marianne glows after each compliment, so Addie doesn’t really stop giving them. Even as the conversation goes on, and Holden stays a little longer than planned, they keep sprinkling in nice comments about the goulash whenever they can. 
  Addie’s glad Holden and Drew are here for this, however unplanned it was.
  Holden slaps his thigh again, in the very same manner with the very same look on his face and this time, Addie catches herself right before she laughs. ‘I’ve really got to go now,’ he says, getting to his feet. ‘Work calls.’
  He walks up to Addie and she smiles at him, elbowing him gently in the ribs. ‘That’s okay, Mr. Workaholic. We understand.’
  She thinks maybe she’s pushing it, but Holden smiles and reaches the other side of her waist, tickling just enough so that she groans for him to stop. ‘You’ve got it just as bad as I do,’ he tells her, and she can’t argue.
  ‘Wait, Holden.’ Marianne twirls her spoon in front of her space, brow furrowed, and a distant look on her face. ‘Can I ask you lot a personal question?’
  ‘Don’t worry about it, Addie. I won’t bother them too much.’
  Marianne does give her a reassuring smile, or what’s meant to be one, because Addie doesn’t feel particularly reassured. The girl, for all the love Addie holds for her, really has a thing for pushing the limits and boundaries without meaning to. Addie sinks into herself, arms crossed on her chest with Holden’s hand still resting on her waist, and hopes Marianne picks her approach carefully. Addie might know her well enough, but Drew and Holden don’t.
  ‘Sure,’ says Drew, leaning back in his chair. ‘What is it?’
  Instead of responding, he looks at Holden until he agrees to it, too. She takes a deep breath, then, and gives them the shaky kind of confident smile as her fingers fix up her bun. ‘How important are romantic things in a relationship to guys?’
  Addie resists dropping her head in her hands. She just sighs. Glares a little. 
  Lets it all unfold. 
  The hand on Addie’s waist moves a little, with no purpose. She can hear Holden breathe more deeply, as he always does when he’s trying to crack a problem. Drew, on the other hand, frowns; his eyes stare out of the window, the distance noticeable in them. Part of Addie wishes the question was never asked – part of it is as glad that it wasn’t bad as it is honest that maybe, Addie is curious about the answers, too. 
  ‘Probably shouldn’t ask Holden that while Addie’s around,’ jokes Drew.
  ‘Ha-ha. Very funny.’
  Drew looks at her and shrugs, a smile peeking through. (Addie found it a little bit funny and he can see it.) He sighs a little and scratches the place above his eyebrow, glancing at Marianne. ‘What kind of romantic things are we talking about?’
  ‘I don’t know.’ Marianne waves her hand in a vague motion, then lets it go back to fiddling with the bun. ‘Um, dates, quality time together, gifts or flowers or whatever, that romantic sappy kind of shite.’
  ‘It depends, then,’ Holden says, voice deep and laced in thought, just as Drew speaks with confidence, ‘Very important.’
  Drew chuckles and Holden smiles, too, but Marianne doesn’t look very reassured, so Drew leans forward in the chair, placing his elbows on the table with his hands crossed. ‘Look, it depends on the guy, yeah, but most guys like the romantic stuff. Going on dates, getting flowers and chocolates, candlelit dinners and just spending quality time together is a big deal. Not having that is just kind of… I don’t know.’
  Marianne nods. She’s looking at Drew as if she were soaking his words like a sponge, and not one that likes them. 
  ‘I don’t really agree,’ says Holden, after letting out a little ‘hmmm’ sound. ‘I mean, it really depends on the guy, but also the partner. Look at Addie and I – we spend most of our time together at work, or doing work, and it’s something we love doing so the time we spend together doing that is what we’d consider quality time, right? And you don’t— We don’t need all that romantic stuff. If you know someone likes you, there’s no need to constantly show it. If it works already.’
  Addie just stares at the ground. All eyes are on her, now, even if not physically – she can just feel the attention on her. Does she agree? Yes, for the most part, and it’s not her Marianne is asking this time. They’ve already spoken about this. Marianne knows Addie enjoys the approach she and Holden have with the relationship.
  When she finally looks up, she catches Drew’s eyes for a moment, and then they’re gone before she can read them. ‘Well,’ he says, ‘I guess it depends on your relationship and your boyfriend, then.’
  ‘My friend’s.’ Marianne nods with a smile that looks like it’s about to slip off. ‘I’m asking for a friend.’
  Drew leans back. ‘Sure, yeah. I hope your friend manages to sort it out.’
  Marianne thanks him, then makes a joke about the goulash being finger-licking, and within moments everything’s as if there wasn’t just a serious conversation. A little later, Addie walks Holden out, receiving a gentle kiss on the lips before he leaves. Drew sticks around for a little while longer and when Marianne invites Drew to their group’s annual Fourth of July party (very exclusive), Addie feels like it’s another unpredictable-Marianne moment she should’ve foreseen. 
  For better or worse, though, Drew shakes his head with a little sigh. ‘Thanks for the invitation, but I’ve already booked a flight home.’
  ‘Oh.’ Marianne nods, not even trying to hide her disappointment. ‘Shame. We throw the best parties around Atlanta.’
  Drew chuckles, tugging his jacket sleeves over his arms. ‘I don’t doubt that for a second. I’ll catch one of them, at some point.’
  ‘Yeah. You should.’
  Addie is leaning against the wall, watching them talk about their plans for the Fourth of July, and realises she’s happy that Holden’s met Drew. She’s happy he’s integrating into her friend group, at least bit by bit. It kind of makes everything more real; more permanent. Later, she finds out from Marianne that Drew messaged her, thanking her for the goulash experience. When she’s lying in bed, thinking about all the work she needs to do tomorrow because she slacked off today, a thought pops up: Marianne’s birthday is going to be soon, and that is bound to be a wholesome party.
  Addie falls asleep with a smile on her face.
tagging. (let me know if you want to be tagged!) @jjmaybanksbaby @ofpinkfizz @snkkat @drewswannabegirl @yeslifeofateen @rudypnkw @stfukie @x-lulu @drewstarkey @butgilinsky @solllaris @hyperactive2411 @chasefreakinstokes @surferkie @jroseron @k-k0129 @starlightstories @rafecameron​ 
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ppersonna · 4 years
planning forever - myg
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↳ summary-  you have special news to deliver to your husband, yoongi.  and you find your inspiration to do so in a unique way.
↳ rating- PG
↳ pairing- min yoongi x reader
↳ word count-
↳ genre- fluff, oh my god the fluff
↳ warnings- mentions of sex, some swearing, min yoongi is D A D D Y
↳ a/n- happy birthday to @carly-bean-blog​ ! my sweet angel who has been with me through nearly my entire blog life.  you’re so special to me!  myself, @chimoona​ and @sombreboy​ wanted to do something special for you.  together, we created your future ;).  we hope you enjoy your day, sweet peony!
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"You forgot your lunch.”
The voice of your husband, Yoongi, chuckles lightly through the phone in an amused tone. 
“Shit,” you sigh, walking into work with arms packed full. Keys, your jacket, nametag, and an energy drink fumble in your grasp. 
“Good thing you’re married to the nicest man in the world,” he goads. You roll your eyes, but he’s right. Min Yoongi is simply the sweetest, most kind man you’ve ever met. It’s why you married him.
“Hmm,” you tease as you shove your items into your locker, “Did I marry Namjoon?”
Yoongi grunts through the phone and it forces you to laugh.  
“Not funny,” he sighs. You know he’s holding back laughter, maintaining his stoicism.
“I love you, Yoongi,” you smile. “My break is in about four hours.”
“I’ll bring it then. We can eat together.”
Your heart warms at the idea of sharing your simple sandwich and chip combo with the quiet man—the one who so easily captured your heart. You love that he’s willing to spend time during his day to sit at your boring job and eat lunch with you, all to make you happy.
“I’ll see you then.” The smile that's on your face nearly makes up for the fact that you have to suffer through a grueling eight-hour shift. Yoongi makes all the bad things in your life good. He takes those bad days and holds them tight in his arms until the bad melts away and you’re simply left with nothing but bliss.  
“I love you.” He says it so easily, so much easier than when you first met him. Yoongi’s icy demeanor quickly melted after he spent time with you. Your infectious laughter, kind heart, and easy-going attitude had the man falling fast.
“I love you too, Yoongi.”
As you press ‘end’ on the phone, one hand drops to your stomach. You rub it idly. Consciously, you know it’s early and that you’re showing no signs of growing a life inside of you, but you can’t help but smile at the tiny fluttering in your belly.
Work goes by slower than you’d like. You’re excited at the idea of seeing Yoongi, but four hours suddenly seems too far away.  
It’s as you’re arranging the new shipment of artisan, 100% organic cotton diapers that you’re forced to pause.
On the box of the far-too-expensive diapers, is the cutest baby model you’ve ever seen in your life.
You stare dumbly at the box for what feels like hours, unblinking as you take in the baby’s chubby cheeks and silly grin.
Maybe it’s the new pregnancy hormones coursing through your veins, or maybe this baby is sincerely so cute it’s making you cry—either way, tears slip down your face and a dumb, deliriously happy grin spreads across your face.
You’re pregnant. You’re going to have a baby with Yoongi. Maybe your baby won’t look like the tiny one on the display box, but it doesn’t matter. You’re going to have a child with the man of your dreams and you suddenly want the next eight months to go by faster.   
The only problem that remains is, well, you haven’t told your husband.
It’s not like you two meant to get pregnant. You weren’t opposed to the idea but having sex was never with an end-goal of conception in mind. Yoongi wanted kids and assured you of that before you agreed to marry him. You both knew they would come at a time that felt right, when the universe and stars aligned.
And it appeared that they had. You noticed the symptoms a few weeks ago. Missed period, a little nauseated in the mornings, increased hormones. So, during a lunch break at work, you bought a pregnancy test and scurried to the staff bathrooms, only to come out with a positive reading and a grin on your face.
It wasn’t that you were scared to tell your husband. Frankly, you were far from it. You wanted to make sure the moment was just right. The pressure of telling your husband he was about to become a father was overwhelming. You couldn’t just tell him casually, as if discussing the weather. No, you wanted something more. And you agonized for weeks about how to make it happen.
But now, standing in front of the diaper section with tears pouring from your eyes, you throw any need of extravagant celebrations aside. Seize the day—it’ll happen at lunch and there’s no use backing out now. 
The next fews hours creep by painfully. You take note of every ticking minute as it passes, practically hopping on your heels with excitement, waiting until you can pop the news. You finish stocking the nursery aisles with a happy heart and a smile on your face. You’re so engrossed in stocking shelves and running through the dialogue in your mind that you slowly lose track of time.
Hours pass and—
“_____,” Yoongi’s low voice bounces off the tall aisles behind you.
You turn on your heel and come face-to-face with the most familiar, welcoming pair of deep brown eyes. 
“Baby,” you laugh, amused at how domestic he looks with both hands full of sack lunches like a father at a soccer game half-time. 
He pulls off the look well. It reminds you why you fell in love with him in the first place. So kind and doting on those he loves most. Gosh, he’s going to make a great father. 
“I knew I’d find you here,” he says with an eye-crinkling grin. “You love this department.”
“Love? I’m assigned to this department.” You close the distance with a small peck and tug your lunch from his hand. “But I guess you can say I have a fondness for it.”
He takes a step back and reclines in a nursing glider, motioning for you to join him in a neighboring seat. 
“It’s the graveyard shift—do you think anyone will mind if we eat here?”
You look around the completely vacant store like a covert agent, then answer in a hushed tone. “For the time being, it looks like we’re off their radar. The coast is clear.”
“You’re an idiot,” he laughs, “I love you.”
“Love you too, rule breaker.”
It felt good to be bad in the most wholesome way in the most wholesome department of the entire store. Well, aside from the home decor section. Those fragrant eucalyptus candles and plush throw pillows in the shape of wild animals melts your heart to no end. 
The two of you empty your bags into your laps and make small talk about your days. While you were toiling over the display case for Jessica Alba’s latest line of gluten-free, non GMO shampoo for thin baby hair, Yoongi watered the plants and did the dishes. 
Real riveting stuff. 
No, really, there is nothing sexier than a man who takes care of the home. It only makes you want to pop the news sooner, but the sandwich clutched in your hands makes for a less glamorous prop in your otherwise fairytale picture-perfect moment.
“Oh! I also did the laundry and folded it the way you like.”
“Bunched up and tossed in the drawer?”
He winks and points his finger at you. “That’s my girl—nothing gets past her.”
“Nothing does, nothing does…” You stare off blankly at the display behind Yoongi and notice a package of diapers is slightly askew. You begin to make a mental note to fix it later, but are abruptly snapped from your thoughts at Yoongi’s words—
“Nothing gets past me either, ______.” He sighs and reclines, belly full of sandwich. He closes his eyes and rests his head against clasped hands. “I know you’ve been keeping a secret from me, I can sense it like a bloodhound.” 
With that, you pop the rest of the sandwich into your mouth and chew quickly. It seems the moment to savor has quickly evaporated and it was time to come clean.
“I wanted to tell you sooner, but—”
“—You got me that Pioneer DJ System for my birthday. I knew it! When I saw a purchase on our credit card for $500, I knew I caught you red-handed,” He looks at you for confirmation and assumes he’s right based on the reddish hue of your cheeks. 
“You’re the idiot,” you snicker, nervously biting your lip between your teeth. “That wasn’t a DJ System, that was a crib.”
He holds up his finger in an AH-HA moment of victory, but pauses mid-celebration and looks at you with a crooked smile. “C-crib?”
“I’m pregnant, Yoongi.” 
You can’t keep the butterflies from fluttering, seeing his face slowly shift from slightly amused to tear-dabbed and nearly shaking. 
“You’re...you mean...we’re…” He stands from his seat and takes a knee beside you on your rocker and places his hand gently on your stomach. 
“Yes,” you confirm through a strained voice, edging back tears of your own. “We’re having a baby.”
“This is, I mean,” He stammers and verbally struggles to come up with the right words to say that properly shows the multitude of emotions coursing through his body.
“Are you happy?” You ask despite the answer being written plainly on his face. 
Of course he’s happy. It’s the happiest moment of his life and it’s all happening under the watchful gaze of a Peppa Pig cardboard cutout. 
“Beyond,” he confirms, stroking your belly gently as if you were made of glass. “And excited, and scared.” 
“Me too.”
“But mostly happy.” He strokes his hand through your hair and curls the loose strands behind your ear to place a soft kiss on your cheek. “God, I can’t wait to spend forever with you two.”
“Already? You haven’t even met the kid. What if he/she is a brat?”
“Too late, I love them already.”
You lean forward and kiss your husband, capturing his plush lips with your own. It’s warm and soft and reminds you of home. 
“I love you,” you whisper, lips still touching his. 
“I love you too,” he smiles, “Forever.”
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blush-and-books · 3 years
high school au, luke pining for julie, friendship on the cusp of something more?, dahlias
ahh got carried away with this one too would you look at that. this is another combo drabble -- @ the anon who sent the request “high school au, fluff, confession, the chain on luke’s jeans.” this one doesn’t have a precise confession, but... I think you’ll still enjoy it. both of you, hopefully!! thank you guys so much for the amazing requests.
Luke would buy Julie flowers for a wide variety of reasons. 
Their friends thought it was almost ridiculous how often Luke would show up at school or band practice or even Julie’s house with a bouquet of dahlias with some reason behind it that wasn’t the fact that he was in love with her and giving her flowers was his romantic love language. 
(Yes, we all know his primary love language is touch, but he will hug a stranger he met on the street, so it carries significantly less weight.)
He knows that dahlias are her favorite flower, and he knows how important it is that there are always dahlias in the house to keep the spirit of her mom around in a symbolic way. Wherever there are dahlias, there is Rose -- and Luke understood that almost better than any of their friends. 
Which is why he would come up with excuses to give Julie flowers all of the time. 
The night of a show? Flowers. Her birthday? Flowers. A good grade on a test, she’s having a bad week, or just him noticing that the current bouquet is dying? Flowers.
You get the picture.
On the anniversary of her mom’s passing, the dark date falls on a school day. Julie doesn’t show, which is expected from their friend group -- and when she ignores text messages, they all assume she’s taking the day to herself. 
In hopes of making her smile, Luke drops by the store on the way back from school and picks up a bouquet to bring by the Molina household before heading home. 
(Or sticking around to hang out with Julie. He would painfully prefer the second option, but also is well aware that this is a day that she needs to be alone.)
Ray Molina wears a grim smile when he sees Luke on the other side of the threshold. 
“You’re sweet, mijo. I would let you go say hi, but she woke up sick, and she could barely stand. We were going to go visit her mom today, but we want to make sure she’s there so we are postponing it for a few days. She’s pretty upset.”
Hearing that she’s sick, and likely very depressed, only makes Luke more tempted to respectfully push past her father and run up to her room to comfort her. 
“Oh,” he says instead, shoulders slumping. He holds out the bouquet of dahlias. “Okay, well, can you give these to her for me? I’m sure she’s been having a rough day, and-”
A handful of distinct thumps cut him off, and both him and Ray turn to look at the source of the sound: The staircase, where Julie is stumbling step by step, wrapped up in a blanket. 
Without hesitation, Luke crosses the threshold and darts into the house to check on Julie, alongside Ray. She’s hardly standing, and her eyes are almost fully shut as she clutches the blanket and murmurs to herself in Spanish. 
“Papa, estoy lista,” she hums into the air as they grip her arms and try to get her to sit down. “¿Por que Luke está aqui? No quiero le verme así este.” 
Luckily, Luke’s known her long enough to be able to make out what she’s saying, and finds himself running his hand over her forehead -- God, she’s burning up -- and over her hair. 
“Traje unas flores para ti. Sentarte, por favor, y no preocuparte por tu apariencia. Eres siempre hermosa.”
His Spanish is definitely average, but he knows enough to talk her down to the floor and get her resting against him as Ray looks between them with wide eyes. Luke feels himself blushing and his skin is so warm that he wonders if it could pass for a fever of his own. While her dad clearly wants to have a conversation later that Luke had been dreading  -- even though they were literally friends -- there is more focus on getting Julie back up to her room. 
“I’ll carry her back up,” Ray decides, grunting as he stands. He leans back down to tap on his daughter’s shoulders and coax her off of Luke, but she only presses farther into the boy; clutching onto his arm for dear life. Both Luke and Ray know that this means. 
“I’ll get her upstairs.” Ray nods at Luke, staring down at his daughter in the guitarist’s arms, wondering how the two of them happened right before his eyes and how Luke could never conceive how Julie adores him.
“Gracias, mijo.”
Julie is already close to his side, so all it takes is a strategic shift for him to be able to slip his right arm under her legs and tighten his arm around her back. “Okay, mi mariposita enferma, let’s get you back to bed.”
“Quiero ver a mi mamá,” she mumbles lucidly into his neck. Luke feels his heart throb under his ribs, because he knows how hard this is for her, and he just wants to make everything better for her even though no one has that kind of power. 
(Except for Julie herself. She can always make everything better for him.)
“Yo se,” he whispers back, almost at the top of the stairs. “Te traería si yo pudiera te traer.”
She doesn’t say any more, but she presses herself even closer and he worries that she may be on the verge of tears. Refusing to look down at her for fear his heart will shatter, he gently slips through her bedroom door and lays her on the mattress; pulling the covers back over her in an instant because she started shivering the second he put her down. 
She murmurs “quiero mi mama” a handful of times, and Ray brings up a cup of steaming tea, and Luke finds himself sitting on the edge of her bed trying to get her to drink some of it. 
Eventually, she gives in, grumbling more Spanish that was so quick and quiet and run together that Luke couldn’t even attempt to decipher it. 
“You should probably go home, mijo,” Ray says after a few moments. “Go take a shower and pop some Vitamin C. I didn’t mean to put you at risk.”
“No, Sir, it’s okay. I needed to make sure Julie was alright.” Gazing down at the half-asleep girl who is curled in bed with a mountain of blankets and a teddy bear pressed into her chest, Luke remembers the bouquet downstairs. “Do you mind if I put the flowers in a vase before I go?”
Who would Ray be to deny him that?
With a head nod towards the door, he gives the teenager a small grin. “Go for it, mijo. You know where the vases are by now.”
He does. And he makes quick work of a nice light pink one, tucking the bundle inside after filling it with water. After scribbling down a note on a nearby piece of paper, he is skipping every other step as he rushes up the stairs. He finds Ray hovering by the doorway, keeping watch over Julie.
The vase is positioned on her nightstand, with the note tucked under the base. Luke tries to stay as quiet as possible, because he doesn’t know if she’s asleep or awake when-
There’s an insistent pull against the chain on his jeans. 
Julie has reached out from under the covers and hooked two fingers around it to keep him close. Without opening her eyes, a small smile forms on her face: “Gracias para las flores.” And if Luke listens even closer: “Te amo.”
Julie’s dad is six feet away, but Luke forgets all about that when he unlatches her hand from the chain and presses her palm against his lips. 
“Cualquier cosa para ti, mariposa.” Quietly, murmured against her palm like a promise, “te amo.”
Her grin impossibly widens, which is the most emotion she’s shown the whole time he’s been there. It makes his chest ache a little that he managed to make her smile, even a little bit, even in this state. 
He would do just about anything to keep her smiling. 
The next morning is a Saturday, so he sleeps in, and plans to go over to see Julie again. He doesn’t have to wonder long if she’s still in the same state, because he wakes up to a text from her on his phone: Dad says you were killing the Spanish game yesterday. Bravo. 
And BTW, thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.
And once again, Julie is the one making him smile.
TRANSLATIONS (not my four years of Spanish finally popping in):
- Papa, estoy lista. ¿Por que Luke está aqui? No quiero le verme así este = Dad, I’m ready... Why is Luke here? I don’t want him to see me like this.
- Traje unas flores para ti. Sentarte, por favor, y no preocuparte por tu apariencia. Eres siempre hermosa. = I brought flowers for you, Sit down, please, and don’t worry about your appearance. You’re always beautiful.
- mi mariposita enferma = my little sick butterfly
- quiero ver a mi mama = i want to see my mom
- yo se, te traería si yo pudiera te traer =  I know, I would bring you if I could bring you
- gracias para las flores, te amo = thank you for the flowers, I love you.
- cualquier cosa para ti, mariposa. te amo = anything for you, butterfly. i love you.
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gabisartdump · 6 years
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For my birthday, my little sis’ said she would make a digital pic for me! 
Bottom right is what i started planning it out with, and it morphed into what it is now! It was a mashup of lots of my fav characters. Still a WIP, but she’s the best!
See OC description below the cut!
Origin: This guy’s name is Criss, as in Criss-Cross. He’s technically a Ben 10 alien, but forms by pulling the essence/soul of various characters from other universes. Probably was originally a result of some universe-ending problem that was Ben’s fault to begin with (dimensional surge?). They’re pretty stable now.
Looks/Pieces: Main body is Genos’ machine body (OPM). He has Astro’s red boot-feet so he can actually fly (Astro Boy). Hair is a combo of Killua's and Deku’s, plus Edward’s braid (HxH, bnha, FMA). Right eye is Sebastian’s red demon eye; left eye is Rin’s blue one (Black Butler, Blue Exorcist). He’s wearing Danny’s white/red shirt with the wings of freedom and Eren’s jacket (DP, AoT). Those are Deku’s pants and belt. Hard to see are Ladybug’s and Chat’s miraculous ring and earrings (Miraculous Ladybug). He also has Rex’s goggles (Generator Rex). Obviously, Ben’s Omnitrix is on his wrist (Ben 10).
(not pictured) Mach 5 car with Voltron symbol. It acts kind of like a Voltron lion/Bumblebee fusion plus gadgets. This car is actually an overlay of Kevin’s car. The first time Criss waves his hand over Kev’s car and wills it into being, Kevin is horrified.
(not pictured) inside the Miraculous is a Kwami mixture of yin/yang.
Personality: He’s a flirtatious dork with a strong sense of justice and a knack for being a jerk sometimes. He can be REALLY scary when he wants/needs to be (’cause of Sebastian, Killua, and Eren) but it’s rare. He’s impulsive most of the time but is a thorough thinker under pressure. He’s got a bit of MPD because there are literally 13 people inside of his head. They all speak out of the same mouth, so he sounds insane 90% of the time, but they sync together in stressful situations. Criss tends to overthink in stressful situations, so Gwen and Kevin are there to ground him.
*Puns and Snark are a given with this bunch*
Has perks like: KILLING INTENT via Killua and RIGHTEOUS ANGER via Eren. Plus: an extra bonus of SADISM courtesy of Sebastian
Criss is a complete idiot most of the time, but in the middle of battle, he’ll just start talking about theoretical physics and trigonometry. Gwen doesn’t really know how to deal with him. (2)
They’ve got an. odd. collection of knowledge.
“How are we supposed to know what human beings are made of?”
“What, like it’s hard?”
He’s got like, a surprising amount of common sense considering all of the doofuses that make him up. Marinette helps w/that a lot.
Extra Perk: He is the ULTIMATE negotiator.
Adrien knows how to work the business man/fashion scene. The boy has got a walk.
Sebastian is awesome at the intimidation factor, but Deku makes him seem really trustworthy. 
Ben, Rex, and Rin keep him low key and #relatable.
Marinette is the only one of them who has any kind of emotional maturity. She good at reading people too. The only reason any of this works. Keeps them on task for almost everything.
Merging: Criss is a mesh of essences and memories, but all inside are aware of what is going on. When in separated by ‘verses, they have almost an empathic/telepathic link where they can sometimes send pulses/images down the link. Every once in a while, one of them can ‘pull’ on the essence of someone else to help them. However:
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In order to fully merge, all of them of must agree, but it’s usually not a big deal; it’s pieces of the characters’ souls that are transferred, not their bodies. It doesn’t really affect what they are doing atm unless it’s super complicated.
The Ultimate Klutz, unfortunately. Sorry Mari. Very ADHD and seems to have a pretty severe MPD, for obvious reasons. Kind of off-putting as a person. Extremely draining form when in combat, Ben will sleep for days afterwards.
Obviously, Criss has got Super-strength from multiple people and exceptional sneak ability and balance (most of the time).
 - ectoplasm blast
 - can briefly become intangible but not invisible
“Why are you all so friggin’ dense???”
 - can fly a space ship
“Why are you looking at me? I don’t know how to fly an Earth space shuttle!”
“I do!”
“YOU DO?!”
“...We’re all going to die.”
 - able to transform legs into a bike
 - can talk to machines
 - legs can fly
 - creation power helps with [inventory] power from the Gamer 
 - Because Criss has both the earring and the ring, he is technically a god. (1)
 - Marinette’s stubbornness overrules all, and she can take control of Criss completely when they’re being really annoying. Sebastian occasionally assists. The two of them have the ability to literally shove everyone back to their home dimension, leaving behind an intimidating, girly version of Ben with red eyes. Ben’s still there but he’s been silenced by fear.
 - can do alchemy 
“Wait, we can do magic?”
- He can COOK! It’s actually really good, and Gwen is pretty tempted to keep him as Criss.
Kevin: “Since when can you cook Ben?”
Criss: “I am a man of many talents.”
Also Criss, immediately after: “They’re my talents, Kitchen Failure.”
- Demon fire
- can perceive/talk to demons
- Cataclysm
- The unmatched ability to perch on top of/in lockers, waiting to scare anyone with great relish.
HILARITY to be found in this ‘verse:
a. Someone asks his opinion on something and he literally just freezes from indecisiveness.
b. He’s like half a foot taller than Kevin, and Kevin is pissed.
Kevin thinks Criss is way cooler than Ben tho’ so it’s cool.
c. On one instance, one of the guys has been forced/dared into wearing something hideously embarrassing in his home ‘verse. Cue him being horrified as he’s pulled into Criss in a time of crisis, thinking it will transfer with him. Turns out that their shared body is more made up of their mental images than anything.
       “Why’d you seem so worried when you showed up?”
       *sends mental image*
       *muffled snickers and exclamations and an overall sigh of relief*
d. (1) It’s a thing with him, like his war cry.
    “I have the power of God and anime on my side” - said in the midst of battle
Gwen and Kevin. Need It To Stop.
    “You dare defy your God?!?”
    “Shut up Ben.”
    “It’s Criss!”
Sebastian hates it. Therefore, when ever Criss yells it, he rolls his eyes at himself. It’s a little bit hilarious.
e. A lot of them are SUPER excited at the idea of aliens. Some; not so much.
      “I thought they were EVOs, but clearly they’re from outer space.”
      “Eh, I’ve dealt with worse.”
f. Sporadic cursing via Edward. and fake cursing via Danny
      “You frigging fruit loop!”
g. Randomly, one of them will just give a full-body shiver and say “Oh, this is disgusting.”
h. (2) Criss actually has a modicum of common sense, so Kevin is really impressed at first.
      “Wow, it’s almost like you’re a real, rounded person!”
      *Eren screams*
      “Never mind.”
I. They get a lot of awkward questions.
Some Behind-the-times Surfer Dude: “So, like, are you a boy or a girl?”
Criss: “I am a GOD!”
Kevin, absolutely done: “SHUT UP”
               .   .   .
Gwen, later: “He’s technically right, you know.”
Kevin, nearly crying: “Yeah, but denial is the only thing keeping me going at this point.”
J. Sometimes, Criss gets SUPER DUPER excited, for various reasons. 
Deku, about other heroes/aliens,
Adrien, about anime,
Sebastian, about cats,
It’s slightly adorable, slightly disturbing.
K. Criss randomly starts talking about fashion, mostly due to Marinette, and shows surprising prowess
    Gwen, vaguely disturbed: “Um, have you seen your outfit?”
    Criss: “Yes and I hate it.”
L. Criss can and will have conversations/arguments with himself out loud for hours on end. They can be about anything. Literally. Anything.
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cheollies · 6 years
Rent a Boyfriend!Mingyu
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Kim Mingyu: the domestic boyfriend. perfect to introduce to your parents so they’ll get off your back for a while about finding the perfect husband. with his good looks and charm, he’ll definitely steal the hearts of your parents. extra services include him cooking a whole meal for a family dinner.
tall, handsome, cute smile, he’s practically perfect besides the fact that he ran into the wall because he was staring at his phone
very very popular because clients will see his profile and just choose him because dang that boy is beautiful
the most jobs he receives are more family centered, like dinners or more formal family events
He’s most popular around holidays because he’s deemed the ‘domestic boyfriend’, so he spends most of his time there answering thousands of questions from family members
and parents absolutely in love with him, they talk about him all night long
‘Did you see Mingyu, yep that’s definitely our son in law, he’s going to be our future son in law.’
Clients are usually clinging to his arm too and just nonstop showing off while Mingyu just stands there smiling and it just kinda looks like elevator music is playing in his head
has such a great time tbh
Like he’s just having the best time of his life conversing with random people and eating good food
and as cute as it may look, his clients are always like haha mingyu you’re supposed to be with me
Parents are so reluctant to let him go, by the time he leaves (cause the boy’s gotta go to another job) the parents are begging for him to stay and they make him promise to visit again
and he agrees but jokes on them, they’ll never see him again
when he’s not working, he’s messing around in the game room with the other boys
often challenges Wonwoo to a match of those one on one fighting games
but Mingyu doesn’t know any of the combinations so he ends up pressing different buttons and hopes for the best and no matter how many times Wonwoo teaches him the combos Mingyu ends up going ‘well suck it’ and just looks like he’s smashing the buttons
if you ask Mingyu how he got this job, he’ll tell you he got hired on the spot
because well he did, the interviewers took one look at him and they’re like ‘yes, everyone else can go home now, we hired our guy.’
you and Mingyu met through Wonwoo who you met through Jun, who met you through Minghao,who met you through Chan, who met you through his significant other, who met you through Jihoon, who met you through his significant other who met you in cosmetology school
yes, it went specifically in this order because this how it all went down
you were this big makeup artist, you worked for many celebrities and famous companies but you were getting kinda tired of always being on the road with the celebrities and really just wanted to settle down in a place
so when you ran into Jihoon’s significant other, you were excited to hear about an opening
Long story short, of course you got the job because the company was so excited to have hired someone so professional onto their team
and long story short once more, you were having lunch with Wonwoo since you worked mostly with Wonwoo and it just so happened that Mingyu was sooooooo hungry
Sooooo hungry meaning he saw Wonwoo from the the first floor having lunch with you at the cafe (yes not the ideal place but hey they have really good sandwiches)
and Mingyu just kinda butted in
Later when Mingyu and Wonwoo are alone, Mingyu asks if they are dating and Wonwoo says to him ‘no, why, you like them’
Mingyu just stares with the most puppy eyes literally melting inside, ‘yes’
and it’s so cute the way Mingyu talks to you, because he looks at you as if no one else in the room matters, you could be doing Wonwoo’s make up but all he cares about is you telling the story of the reason you don’t like broccoli
Wonwoo is just sitting there feeling like a third wheel
you two are in that phase where you two can’t decide whether or not there’s mutual feelings
but look, you get a call at like six in the morning before you’re going to work and you see it’s Mingyu so of course you’re answering and all you hear is a very scared, ‘I LIKE YOU’ and then there’s a click because he hung up
Yeah so that’s what happened
now you guys are this really annoyingly cute as heck couple
couple everything for days
Mingyu constantly asks Minghao to take pics of him and you
Selfies everywhere
Holds your hand and takes a picture
Really all these pictures are so he can post them on his instagram and do a couple aesthetic like Minghao has
Funny story time
It was really awkward meeting your parents because lo and behold it appears that they met Mingyu when he was acting as the boyfriend to their friend’s daughter
yes it was very awkward because now they’re looking at him skeptical because, ‘weren’t you dating them a few weeks ago’
cue awkward cough and nervous laugh
so it took a while for them to warm up to him since they were convinced he was either:
a) playing you
b) a bad influence
or c) cheating
Birthday time~~~~
yes, the precious puppy’s birthday was coming up
you weren’t at all worried about making it big and grand
you really just wanted it to be special to both him and you
soooooo you spent the entire day trying to cook him a meal
you weren’t bad or really good, you were just kinda average, but Mingyu on the other hand, he could make meals on the spot with no recipe needed like pls stop being such a perfect human being mingyu
but you decided to surprise him with a big meal, he was working during the day while you took off (said you were sick), and spent the entire morning cleaning and tidying up the place
you also spent the entire day figuring out the recipe, how to cook it, how to do everything, it was very tiring for you okay
as it neared time for him to come to your apartment, you decorated the place with flowers, and a small banner at the doorway so he knew once he walked in
but wow lucky you, you could hear the rowdiness of all thirteen boys, ALL THIRTEEN BOYS WERE COMING INTO YOUR HOME
they all just really wanted to spend time with the birthday boy
as soon as they walk in, they all get so hyped seeing the banner
they all just invite themselves in
You’re standing in the kitchen with your hands on your hips and scowl cause ‘you boys aren’t supposed to be here’
But Mingyu is so happy, he doesn’t greet normally, he just ups and kisses you so quick. Thanking you in the midst of his pecks.
you hadn’t originally wanted a party, but here you were, watching all the food you made disappear into the stomachs of thirteen boys, they had even ordered take out since you had initially only made enough for probably four people
Mingyu sits next to you, his fingers slowly intertwining with yours while he happily uses his other hand to eat.
Maybe it wasn’t as grand as the other guys, but this sure was grand to him.
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*Peter Parker x Reader
*Summary: Reader is a superhero based in LA that goes by the name of Wave because of her powers. Her powers and work attract attention from an unexpected group of people.
*Warnings: Swearing (honestly expect this from me)
*A/N: So this is kinda an idea that I’ve been mulling over for a while (that came to me in a medicine induced dream). Anyways, this part is kinda just backstory, any actual relationship things will come later on. Written by Admin R
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven || Part Eight || Part Nine
You didn’t know how you got your powers, the only thing that mattered was that you had them. They showed up when you were young, accidentally setting fire to some leaves in the park when you were around five. Those were just the beginning of your powers though. You could create controlled bursts of fire from your hands, oftentimes with enough force to propel yourself into the air. And then there was the slightly supersonic vocal thing that you still didn’t know what to call, you only knew that it was cool. As far as you were concerned, your parents both had a recessive mutagen in their genes that gave you the unique combination of powers that you loved. Growing up and seeing all of the other superpowered people saving the world and causing good only made you want to use your powers to help people. And considering the fact that you lived in Los Angeles, you were given the perfect opportunity.
You started small, stopping a robbery every now and then, eventually escalating to the big leagues. Bank robberies, human trafficking, hostage situations, you dealt with pretty much everything that the police dealt with. Being in LA also helped with the secret identity thing: there was a costume specialty store in nearly every shopping center. You managed to get a domino mask, the glue necessary to keep it securely on your face, a decent quality wig to keep even your (h/c) hair a secret. Your suit was quite lacking though, being only a pair of black skinny jeans, some combat boots, a white t-shirt, and a black hoodie. You started the whole ‘hero’ business when you were 16, and a year later you had gathered quite the attention from around the country. It was soon after your 17th birthday that everything changed.
You had just gotten back from school when you noticed the unmarked black cars in front of your apartment building. Just from living in LA, you could tell that it was either a police or fed car. Well, living in LA and watching a ton of crime shows on TV in your freetime. Even though you dealt with crime most nights, there was just something about Law & Order that you couldn’t resist. Anyways, back to the unmarked car. You tensed, not sure if it was for you or if there was a drugs bust or something going on with one of your neighbors. But the second that you walked into the building and up the stairs with no sounds of yelling or doors being busted down, you knew that they were there for you. You let a small flame start in the palm of your hand, ready to attack and run at a moment’s notice. You walked up the stairs slowly, waiting to see if the danger would come to you first. When you got to your apartment, you saw the door closed. You quickly tested the handle to see if it was locked, finding that it was. You let the flame die out so you could grab your keys, rekindling it the second the door was unlocked. “Mom? Dad? I’m home,” you called out, not sure what to expect. But there, sitting on your sofa, was the last thing you expected.
“(Y/n), these men wanted to talk to you. I’m pretty sure you already know who they are,” your mom said, looking up from the conversation she was having with one of them. Of course you knew who they were, you only followed blogs about them religiously on Tumblr. You were shocked into silence at their presence, the three of them looking so out of place in your small living room.
“Ms. (L/n), we’ve been wanting to meet you for a while now,” one of them stood, extending a hand towards you and shaking you out of your awe. The long hair and ‘kicked puppy’ look told you that this was Bucky Barnes, stirring your inner fangirl.
“Uhm, yeah, that’s nice and all, but why?” You asked, shaking his hand. “Like, you guys are kinda the Captain Americas, what do you want to talk with me for?”
“Do your parents know?” Steve Rogers asked, nodding towards your mom. You gave him a slight nod. There was only one thing he could be talking about, one thing that would warrant Captain America being in your house. While your parents didn’t approve of you putting yourself in danger, there wasn’t much they could do to stop you.
“Could we like talk about this alone? I’m not sure if you guys are here to arrest me or something, but I’d rather not do that in front of my parents,” you told him, despite looking directly at your mom. She nodded and your parents left the room wordlessly. “Okay, so why exactly is the Captain America Squad sitting in my living room?”
“Really? That’s what we’re known as?” Sam asked, shaking his head slightly. He didn’t wait for you to answer before continuing. “We know about your little hero stint, and it’s pretty amazing. How old are you?”
“Seventeen. And how do you guys know about my whole thing?” You questioned, a brow raised as you took in the men before you. You had tried to keep your identity hidden, that being your main priority since starting this entire thing. The only people who knew were your parents and your best friend (and only because they had questioned about why you were running around looking like an idiot in that costume after a picture showed up in the school newspaper).
“That little mask doesn’t exactly do anything to hide your identity, especially with the whole facial recognition stuff that they have now,” Bucky answered. “Took maybe two seconds with Stark’s gear.”
“Okay then, I really gotta rethink the costume then,” you muttered, looking down at the ground. “And what? You guys are here to arrest me for doing what you do? I mean, I try to keep my damage to a low, unlike you guys with New York.”
“She’s got a fire, I like her,” Sam said with a bit of a smirk.
“No, actually. Why do you do this?” Bucky asked you. You were stunned, still not sure why they were here. You took your time thinking about your answer, putting your backpack down on the coffee table and taking a seat across from Bucky.
“Because this place is a shithole and the police can’t deal with all of it. If I have these powers, I need to help out where I can, even if that means putting on a stupid costume to do it. Speaking of that, why the heck do you have a helmet if you take it off like half of the time when you’re fighting?” You asked, looking directly at Steve. “Like, 90% of the action shots there are of you have you with no helmet.”
“I really like this girl. Hurry up and tell her while we’re here,” Sam said with a bit of a laugh. You felt a bit more at ease with Sam’s commentary, letting you know that you were doing something right. “Really? No one?”
“Right,” Steve said, shaking his head a bit. He had a small smile on his face, letting you know that your little comment hadn’t ruined anything. “I wanted to offer you a place on our team. After you’re done with school and everything, you’re to take up the mantle of Captain America.”
“Wait, seriously?” You asked, surprised. “Like, an actual Captain America after these two?” You knew from the fan blogs that you followed that Bucky and Sam were supposed to take up the job of Captain America when Steve was no longer able to fill that job for whatever reason. To even be considered for that was a huge honor itself. “This isn’t some sort of cruel joke?”
“Nope, it’s a completely serious offer. We just need to get you into the databanks back in New York, and you can come out whenever. We’ll pay for the flight and everything. I’d take the job because, you know, it’s kinda amazing,” Sam replied, laughing again at your amazed expression.
That was how you came to be in your situation. The Avengers welcomed you with open arms, and you were entered into their databank with minimum arguments. Tony outfitted you with a new suit so you could ditch the hoodie and jeans. You were even able to ditch the wig since this new costume had what could only be described as a cowl-mask combo thing. You continued your work for the week that you were in New York (a campus tour of NYU being the reason for anyone who asked), meeting the one and only Spider-Man while you were there. You teamed up with him a few times, becoming fast friends with whom you learned to be Peter Parker after a few days (thanks to Tony). The two of you exchanged contact information and kept in contact once you went back to LA. Those were the easy days, and you never would’ve been able to see how much would change in six months.
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