#I have way more on Xbox live. Yeah I hardly ever take screenshots of anything else
Speaking of annoying my followers, here's some Grounded screenshots I keep forgetting to share
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Ok I took this one for reference purposes but I think it's lowkey hilarious how you can see me just. Looming ominously in the background
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And then this. 👍
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
All. Questions. Lara. ALLL
Ahh, Lara is currently very underdeveloped and in particular didn't get to encounter many factions, but I'll answer as many as I can!
🌱 Name's Lara, gender's a big question mark (they/them pronouns), and I don't think I settled on an exact age but I'd say early to mid 20s
👀 Lara had a female character model, they're white, IIRC build-wise they were pretty muscular (more so than Trin is, at least), and they had pink hair in the Unladylike style. I intended for them to cycle through different 'raidery' hairstyles and all of the rainbow dye colours, but didn't play for long enough to actually implement any changes. I do imagine them having various ear and facial piercings
👕 Well, in-game, they only ever wore the 76 jumpsuit. If I'd continued playing I'd probably have settled on the greaser jacket and jeans as a default outfit
⌚️ They either entered Vault 76 as a very young child or were one of the first children born inside. In either case, they don't remember anything about the outside world before the War
🏠 I don't think I ever put their CAMP down hgfdgh. On the off chance I did, I definitely didn't build anything. They did make it to the Overseer's CAMP and use some of the workbenches/stations there, though. Living out of someone else's pre-built CAMP with their own still strapped to their back is a peak Lara move, so let's canonise that
🏰 It hardly counts as a CAMP, but they ended up attempting to use a house in Sutton as a player home, and I headcanoned that it was their parents' house originally
🌎 How much they like/dislike any particular area is directly proportional to the difficulty of the enemies there
🧠 I don't recall any specific SPECIAL values except high Strength and medium to low Intelligence and Charisma. I do, however, recall taking a perk that only provided multiplayer bonuses when as far as I could tell, there weren't even any other players in the server during the entire 3-4 hour session I played as Lara
🔫 Melee anything!
📷 Here's the one photo I have! Judging by the surrounding scenery, I think this is right outside Vault 76. At one point I had a few blurry screenshots and even an Xbox video capture of them doing what they did best (running around Sutton absolutely helpless and getting owned by Scorched, that is...), but I believe Sibling J has since deleted those
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☣️ Ah. Aha. Ahaha. Lara was absolutely petrified (pun intended) of the Scorched hanging around Sutton and the area nearby, and spent at least half of my entire playthrough time just trying to evade them for long enough to heal some HP and not die. Being the exclusive NV obsessee that I was at this time, I was probably trying to heal them with raw food and dirty water, so... yeah. RIP Lara every two minutes
☠️ The easiest way to summarise my intended character progression for Lara is that they emerged from the vault confused and terrified of the outside world and its many dangers, and started impersonating a tough, wasteland-savvy, raider-esque archetype in an attempt to scare away potential threats. Further in their storyline (which is very, very bare bones for now), they were supposed to actually get entangled in the Cutthroat gang
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myquizzilablog · 7 years
When was the last time you saw a doctor? Today
Which internet browser do you use? Chrome.
Have you ever lived on a university campus? No but I’d love to at least once.
Do you know anyone who is a firefighter? Yeah I know someone who has been one 
What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink alcohol
When was the last time you saw a photo of your ex? I don’t have an ex, but the guy I’ve come closest to having a relationship with just a couple of weeks ago 
Do you have any piercings besides your earlobes? No
How many push-ups can you do? Not more than 10
What time is it right now? 10:33 PM
What color are your eyes? Brown
Do you “binge-watch” tv shows? Sometimes
What is your opinion of clowns? Don’t care about em
Did you wear a necklace today? No
Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? Yeah
Do you plan ahead when it comes to your outfits? Hardly ever anymore
What color is your front door? Cream 
Do you take the stairs or the elevator? Either
Do you know anyone who lives in Long Island, New York? Nope
When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? Can’t remember
What’s your favorite song at the moment? In Bloom by Nirvana
How many times have you consumed alcohol? Not that many times
Do you often forget what you were just about to say? Not often
When was the last time you were at a party? Can’t remember
Do you own any striped sweaters? Yes I love them
Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? House fires
Do you ever get any important emails that need attention? Yeah
Are you any good at packing a suitcase?: I think I would be
What are you hungry for right now, if anything?: Nothing
Have you ever had a white hot chocolate? What did you think?: Nope but I’d love to try
What will you be doing in twenty minutes from now?: No idea
Is there anybody in your house’s bathroom right now?: No
Have you ever witnessed a serious physical fight?: No
How much does gas cost in your area?: between 105 - 117 cents per litre.
Are you a fidgety sort of person?: Sometimes
What was the last thing you ordered at a restaurant?: Tomato omelette 
How do you like to spend your alone time?: On social media, watching a movie or tv show, reading a book, looking up facts, talking to friends
Have you ever mowed a lawn?: Yeah, briefly
On average, how many hours a day do you spend online?: Not sure
When was the last time you were yelled at? What had you done wrong?: Some stupid reason by my mom
Do you enjoy corn on the cob?: Yeah :) 
Is there anything good on television at this very moment?: I recently watched sense8 and loved it. 
Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes for someone underage? Nah
Do you do your laundry regularly, or do you let it pile up?: Let it pile up 
Did you ever play Habbo Hotel when you were younger?: No
What about Neopets?: No 
Have you ever had to comfort a friend over the death of a loved one?: No
In your opinion, what’s the ideal age to start having children?: Don’t matter, it depends on the person 
Have you ever stabbed a friend in the back, intentionally or not?: Don’t think so
What’s the longest you’ve ever slept in one go?: No idea, I sleep too much, too often
Do you check the weather forecast everyday?: No 
Have you ever dated someone with an accent different than yours? I kind of have to, I live in Australia
What brand is your desktop or laptop?: Apple
Do you enjoy the smell and taste of cinnamon?: Taste
If you use Snapchat, have you ever had a screenshot taken of you?: Yeah I think so
Who were you last in a car with and where were you going?: With mom, we went to Blacktown and Grandma’s
Does caffeine affect you, or not so much?: Coffee hypes me up and makes me sweaty and dizzy sometimes, cola makes me feel full and drained, tea is the only safe ground. 
Do you make your bed everyday?: No 
Is your birthday before August? No
Are you an Aries? No
Would you consider yourself artistic? In a way yes
Are you a brunette? Not quite
Where is your dad right now? His physical body is in a casket and his spirit is roaming around somewhere probably trying to find a freaking place that acknowledges him :( 
Is it past 11am? Yeah
Are you a Gemini? No
What do you hear right now? Some stupid show on TV and the sound of rain
Does your birthday fall in the months of January, June, or July? No
Do you regret your last kiss? No
Do you have any kids? No
What is your favorite kind of music? Anything that makes me feel
Do you have any nieces or nephews? Kind of. 
Do you live on your own? No
Are you the oldest child? Sometimes feel like it
Do you know anyone who lives in Oregon? Yeah
Do you have any pets? Two cats
How many tattoos do you have? None as of yet
Are you a twin? No
Do you own an umbrella? Yeah
Are you under 21? No
Have you ever been to Utah? No
Have you ever been to Vatican City? No
Can you whistle? No
How many X-rays have you had in the last 2 years? None
Are you on good terms with your last ex? If my ex were Matt, hell no. 
Do you own an Xbox? No
Who is the youngest person living in the same household as you? Brother
Are you wearing anything yellow? No
How many zippers are on the clothing you’re wearing? None
What time did you wake up this morning? 8 AM
How nice of a person are you, honestly? I’m nice to everybody who deserves it
Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey? Sleeping
What color shirt are you wearing? White and blue stripes
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? No
Are you planning on having sex tonight? No
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Not really
Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Yeah
Does your bedroom door lock? No
Do you think the last person you texted is a virgin? (You don’t have to tell us who the person is, just say yes or no.) Lol she’s married and has two sons. 
Has your partner ever accused you of cheating when you actually didn’t? No
What is a word that starts with the second to last letter of your name? Angel
Do you generally look nice in photos? No
Do you ever wonder what the world will be like in the distant future, when you’re long gone? Yeah, I honestly hope a lot of people have woken up and gone vegan/vegetarian 
What color are your father’s eyes? Brown
If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Lana Del Rey
Do you like when it rains? Sometimes
What’s a movie you cried while watching? Heart and souls.
Do you think you’re important? I think I’m important to a few people, at least. 
Have you ever sang at a karaoke bar? If so, what songs? Yes, that was a real memorable night. Singing with a couple of the people I met on yik yak including Zac. Getting him a drink 
Do you think you could lead a country? No
Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? Yeah
Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope? I want to
Do you normally finish one book before starting another? I hardly ever get to the end
What is the last dream that you remember? I was killing a red back spider and then I went and masturbated in the bathroom. It was naughty, I liked that 
Is there anything you’d like to buy right now? Theres a lot of things I would like to buy
Do you know how to play chess? No
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? No
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Sometimes
Do you prefer road trips or traveling on an airplane? Both
Do you cuss? Yeah
Is there anyone you would take a bullet for? Yeah
Are you a virgin? No
Have you ever touched a dead body? Yeah
Did you have a Furby when you were younger? No
Did or do you get good grades in English class? Yeah
Would you shave your head for a million dollars? No. 
X-files, Lost, or Twin Peaks? Haven’t watched any but I find X-Files most appealing
Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? I have one but it’s not valid
Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? No
What was the last thing you spent more than $20 on and where did you get it? A suitcase and Kmart
What do you plan on having for dinner? I had Pizza
Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Yeah, family and I had a pretty bad car accident
Do you find it easy to fall asleep at night, or do you toss and turn for ages? Depends how tired I am
When was the last time you were at the hospital, and why? Six years ago for dad
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