#I hope Phee was fucking with him all this time out of revenge too
musicloverdani · 4 months
Caught up with Dead Friend Forever, and I am enjoying it. Very much intrigued.
But I just gotta say that Fluke is a bitch. I hate him.
Honestly I blame him for everything, because all of this suffering Non is going through, wouldn’t have happened if he would’ve said something. Cause he was sitting there the whole time.
Though I do think it explains his sudden flip in the present.
But yeah, I blame Fluke. Fuck him.
Also, Jin sucks. I can’t believe it. I actually liked him up until the latest episode.
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squishyteri · 4 months
My thoughts after episode 9
So, I had a little break and didn't post anything after episode 8 (she forgot). I was really busy (definitely forgot) and then I felt it was too late because everyone had already posted (she was lazy at that point).
But I'm posting on time for this one.
First, quick summary of my thoughts for the episode 8, since I didn't make a post about it. (regarding things we still don't know obviously).
First and foremost, that cut after Non was taken away by Top and Tee right onto the police questioning ... so sus. I'm sure something more happened there, but we will learn later, because it would spoil the fun for us.
Then Keng. Even his last scene felt ... suspicious. It's clear we should believe he's dead, but in situations like this, the good old rule of "he's not dead until I'm seeing his corpse" definitely applies. It's so suspicous that we don't see the end of both Keng and Non. Why that might be? (some thoughts about this will be later because it's regarding the 9th episode plot).
Now moving on to today's episode, that being episode 9.
(This whole post is now turning into one giant "I told you so" because most of the theories I had turned out to be correct in this episode, so please bear with me).
First of all, the big reveal, Tan is New. I've been onto this thought since we learned that New exists, so I can't say I was shocked, I was just excited that my theory was right.
Along with that comes the confirmation, that Tan (I'll be calling him Tan to not make it confusing) really wanted to get some little revenge there. And what more, Phee is on board with him (another win for me there btw).
Next thing, PheeJin. That was wild, I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't, I'm forever tainted by that view, thank you very much (not that I'm complaining about it). But what is important is the fact, that falling for Jin wasn't really on Phee's bucket list of this plan (I was right again, hehe!) and it definitely angers Tan (because he views it as cheating on Non). Which also explains Tan's angry gazes at Phee and Jin in the first ep. (wonder why Phee just didn't tell him that he and Non broke up after the situation with Keng, tho)
Also, not gonna lie, I loved how Tan told Phee, "You go and be best friend with him" and the next thing Phee does is fuck the guy raw and rough, as if that was part of process of becoming friends (or is it and I was doing the whole friendship thing the wrong way the whole time?) But it's also clear that Phee does like Jin and only cut him off to not upset Tan.
From the preview it seems that PheeJin will be cool the next ep, which makes me wonder what exactly is the truth Phee will tell Jin. If he really tells him everything, how can Jin accept it and be good with him? I think it's possible that Phee really says the truth, as well as telling him that he loves him, but was scared to date him because of Tan. It's still hard to believe Jin would accept that, so I'm thinking if our boy Phee won't change some details there. (I personally hope he won't, he's the only good person out there).
Also just a personal side note here... I love Phee, but did he really trust the randomly found water bottle? After all the shit that happened to them? Like I know he smelled it, but like ... there are things that are poisonous and don't have any smell. (I think coolant is one of those). I get that he wanted to help Jin, but I would rather tell him there is no water and that our best option is to go back to the house (they don't know about the shitstorm that's happening there).
Well, now back to our boy Tan. If someone has the perfect motive, it's him now. He has nothing to lose. BUT he mainly wants information. He wants to know what happened to Non. And obviously, we know that he prepared the drug (from now I'll be calling it absynth, because that's what we call it with some of my friends and honestly it's better than calling it green drug so-), but acording to Tan's own words, it was supposed to make them see their biggest fears in order for them to confess/say what they know. With that it's clear that for some time, Tan definitely NEEDS them alive. (also hallucinations, another win for me and my theories, yay!)
Which is why I think that at least Por's injury (and later the death) wasn't on his list of events. Especially since Por got injured so quickly, even before anyone had any hallucinations caused by the absynth. It would be stupid of Tan to plan to literally kill someone BEFORE they can tell him what he wants to know (we can assume that Por somehow surviving that long wasn't part of the plan, it literally only happened because of Fluke and that's something you can't plan) (and even if you could plan it, it would be so stupid to rely on to be doctor to keep the guy alive until you can interrogate him). And obviously there's the thing of all of them having alibi for Por's injury, including Tan. And if Fluke was right, Por had cuts on his arms caused by a knife and I doubt Por cut himself while chilling on the branch, waiting to be saved.
Which brings me to my theory of there being someone else with them. Someone who really wants to harm them. (and before we get any further, since Top was obviously drugged, I think that part was Tan's doing). I don't know if that's possible or even a thing, but there are hints of it. Por's injury, us seeing the ghost hand without any character being present for it to be just hallucinations, multiple different masks/killers being seen. The question is, who could it be. The first obvious answer is Non. But I sure hope it's not him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want him to be dead, but it would inevitably lead for Phee being forced to make an impossible choice: going back to Non or staying with Jin? And I honestly don't want that drama to happen.
Other option is understandably Keng. But not that I want to defend him, but I don't think he would go that far, even for Non. When he wanted to help him, he did so as legally as possible (he tried to expose the business). And I just do not think he would suddenly switch to killing a bunch of kids.
And for those two, if I'm being honest, I just think they're both dead. Not that I wish for it, but it would fit the narrative more than suddenly revealing they are alive.
I think the character of Perth is interesting though. We know nothing about him now (I mean except his lucrative job for Tee's uncle), but there might be something that could make him want to kill the boys. But hard to say until we have some backstory.
I would rather if it all was just the hallucinations, but personally, as you just read, there are some things that don't add up to that option.
The thing that left me thinking a lot after this ep, was how suddenly White just ... spawned there. No explanation, he was just there suddenly. The way this show is going, I refuse to believe that he's the only innocent person there. And honestly, seeing him suddenly switch from helpless cutiepie to evil grinning while ending someone would be so cool. But even if not that, I think there is something important about him. No one in that house is there just by pure coincidence and I don't think White is an exception.
Lastly, something I noticed in the preview that left me thinking. Before the episode cut the end, we saw Tan giving us his evil grin. In the preview we see him shielding Fluke from Top. Which I find interesting. I guess it means he won't reveal his identity that fast, but even so, him going all the way to shield Fluke seems ... out of his character. In that situation, I think it wouldn't be weird if he just stood afar, protecting himself (especially since Fluke literally pointed gun at them all shortly before). I wonder what made him shield that guy. Was it automatic reaction to immediate danger? Or was it that something was not going as he planned to and he knew that at least for the sake of information, he needed Fluke alive?
I guess that's question for the next episode.
Thank you for reading all the way here. Have a lovely day!
See you after the next episode (hopefully).
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gravity-knight · 2 months
Ok DFF finished and I’m mad
Started off so good, I was hooked. But that ending… 😒
Story was definitely interesting. The concept. The characters. All good. But the direction from possible supernatural, to whodunit, to a delve into the human mind kinda fell flat.
I guess it’s my fault for expecting something that just wasn’t gonna happen. I stopped my investigaytions when I realized what was happening. But it was still fun picking characters apart
Por. Poor spoiled little rich kid. Had you been a better ring leader things wouldn’t have escalated
Top. I dunno I thought there could’ve been more to his shitty actions. Thought he was secretly in love with Tee or White. Thought he was a secret agent for Tee’s uncle. Thought he would have some kind of secret. But nope.
Tee. Oh man there was a lot going on for this kid. I really went in liking him but when he started to manipulate Non I took a step back. I still felt bad for him for some reason. Then we find out more and how he and White met and started to pity him. Even his ending is just sad.
White. Poor Snow White did no harm. He came to play in the woods and had his heart stabbed. Finding out that someone you loved isn’t the person you thought they were hurts. Then having to go through all that stuff in the cabin ESPECIALLY when you didn’t even want to go? He really gave off final girl to me but in the end just an innocent bystander. Had he mustered up some courage though, ALOT of things could’ve gone differently.
Tan. Idk guys, manic is definitely a good look on this man. The irony of playing the older brother though. I think he may be first on the list of who had the most fucked up experience. Coming back home to your family like that. Leaving you all alone. Nothing but revenge on your mind.
Non. This guy really did a number on me. All he wanted was to make his movie. I don’t think he even really wanted friends. I think he just wanted to be needed. Cause if he wanted people around him who cares about him he would not have done that to Phee. I really didn’t think we’d get a character like that from Non. I thought he’d be painted as a troubled weirdo and that would be it. And to find out that was his fate? I really thought he’d just appear in the end. Or wake up somewhere in the forest. Also Mr. Keng too?
Jin. Omg did you guys see that hallucinoJin (😉) so much ass. Jin definitely has the most secrets out of the group. The rawness of it all. Boy is obsessed. I’m glad that he confessed what he did to Non and why he did it. I was afraid that would be swept under the rug or suffer a premature conversation interruption. Also there’s something kinda nice about falling in love with your crush’s boyfriend. Like you both loved the same guy. That’s not weird right? I mean sure but it’s like poetic weird right? Ironic? Am I using that right?
Phee. Boy. Like. What? He was soooo in love and so hurt. He helped Non and was betrayed. He had every right to feel the way he did. And still he. Blamed himself. His hallucinations showed Non dying in multiple ways. All suicidal. And him not being able to save him no matter how many times he tried to. Sorry I’m still standing by JinxPhee. Need them in like a gay killers sort of project
(Dead) End. Ok so I’m wtf. Like that was so unnecessary. It made no sense really. Everyone was drugged and Tan placed weapons all next to them to which they ended things. Now Fluke. Top and Por I had already lost all hope for, for a long time. Tee and Phee was up in the air, so were White and Jin. I ultimately thought Jin would be the last one standing or atleast one. He felt very main character out of the main characters. And I thought the film’s end with him being the only one that made it out the house was foreshadowing. White being as submissive as he was I thought he’d power up in the end at the critical moment. But when it turned out to be Tee. I thought Tee would pull a Romeo and Juliet. So now this two year jump confused me.
I was already thinking why none of them are in jail and why we don’t see the aftermath of Jin’s hand. And why would Tee just be at home
Phee pulling the “maybe we never left” card got me so upset. Because why. Was the drugs actually poisonous? Did they all consume too much? Why are Jin and Phee connected and with Tee? Was the antidote actually fake? Phee told Jin to wait for him while he went back for Tee. So was Phee “waking” from his hallucinations actually not him waking up? Because I questioned why the smoke wasn’t affecting him after he woke up. And then we hear the puff. For all we know there was never an antidote
I just wished they gave us a bit more than a shot of the house for an ending. Like the ambiguity wasn’t needed. Just say they all died and show all the bodies.
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