#I hope so anyway ;;
yelmor-boots · 30 days
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mrsreinhart · 2 months
Looks like we might have quite the week ahead of us
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I'm-Not-Going-To-Count-These-Sentences Sunday
Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @hushed-chorus for the tags! (Guess what hushed-chorus I did that thing we talked about.) Also thank you to everyone who has tagged me on other WIP-days! I really appreciate it <3
So... I'm not counting sentences this time. I write long sentences, and I make rabid use of sentence-extending punctuation. And I have this thing about posting excerpts that are semi-contained in some way. Plus it's going to take me forever to get this fic posted, so I gotta give ya'll something. THUSLY: Here have a bunch of words.
(I really should have pinned my bi-weekly updates on Wednesday, but OH WELL.)
Context: Baz POV, with Agatha in the chapel after midnight, being 17 year olds. Simon is out of the picture after Baz kinda sorta stole his voice with a tape recorder in fifth year.
“I never thanked you for saving me,” she said, with just a little too much effort at nonchalance. “You did, actually,” I said, not slowing, or sparing her so much as a glance. “You might recall how you resembled a hypothermic beached mermaid? You were quite free with your gratitude once you caught your breath. It was all very melodramatic.” There was a brief pause - possibly an attempt to work out whether my description of her was complimentary or not. Either way, it didn’t deter her. “I never got to thank you the way I wanted to,” she said, a hint of a whine working its way past her shoddily built facade. I didn’t answer right away as I fought down a sudden surge of irritation, one that threatened to trigger my more destructive tendencies - self-destructive, perhaps, but not exclusively so. The only thing worse than being considered a villain was being cast as a tragic hero - someone only misunderstood, just waiting to be saved. “Basil—“ she began, apparently ready to try something else. I stopped short, forcing her to halt both her forward movement and that regrettable demonstration of poor judgment. We were at the entrance to the chapel, now, and it was easy to crowd her against the cold statuary. “How exactly did you want to thank me, then, Wellbelove?”
Later it's entirely likely these two are going to put special effort into trying to forget any of this ever happened, because teenage mistakes are brilliant like that. You're welcome, Bazatha.
Also, super stoked to be working on a couple @caught-on-tape-fest podfics as well as cowriting with @ileadacharmedlife for the @carryon-reverse-bang. Wheeeee I can totally do this all! >.>
Tags/Hellos under the cut! (BTW regarding tags - I'm often unable to browse tumblr, so if you've posted something creative Sunday/Wednesday/for the hell of it, please feel free to tag me so I see it!)
Thanks for the tags over the past couple weeks @aristocratic-otter, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @ileadacharmedlife, @prettygoododds, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @tender-ministrations, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, @ivelovedhimthroughworse - I love love love seeing what everyone is up to! (Sorry if I missed anyone - apparently tags don't always work? Sigh.)
Tags and hellos also to @fatalfangirl, @katmiscellanious, @shrekgogurt, @rimeswithpurple, @alleycat0306, @ebbpettier, @supercutedinosaurs, @nightimedreamersworld, @thewholelemon, @theearlgreymage, @bubble-gumhead, @raenestee, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists (thanks for the extra notes XD), @ionlydrinkhotwater, @erzbethluna... And anyone else who wants tags, please let me know! Or just tag me! I love them.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Tomura saying “I’m your villain” and mentioning the mall scene, a scene all the way from back in the story, makes me think that he’s going to start talking about all those moments he was watching Izuku - like he’s going to make more references to things that happened
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Was there a Shut The Fuck Up/ Let Him Speak chant for Max on Dynamite btw? I thought I heard it but my mind was ringing insanely with impure thoughts due to their promo off at the time so I can't be sure.
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eeveekitti · 10 months
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another preview
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chaoticsoft · 2 months
I think this might be the point of everything. To go somewhere strange, to be a bit afraid, to get things wrong, to embrace the discomfort. And then you grow and you grow and you grow.
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cemetery-irises · 5 months
Also I found the event Andrew's story is from :3 and while that sort of implies that it might be something he made up I think his general demeanor and the way he tells it definitely implies this is something that happened to him. Not sure about the others as I haven't fully read them yet.
actually, reading through them it sounds like they were all personal experiences? (apparently orpheus had a wife though. what) like emily is talking about her internship at the white sand street asylum (where she also said she was the only one doing actual "nurse" duties. hrhfbj just a thought that caught my attention) so i really think they may be?? in universe canon??
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Y’all are gonna yell at me for tomorrow’s fic and quite likely the day after
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mysticfemme · 4 months
had a big brain moment yesterday in connecting Sir Gawain to Hildegard of Bingen and I'm so proud of myself hehe
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recklesshorizons · 6 months
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saw egbert twice in a row last night and thought it was knox both times :(
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knuckleslove · 2 years
Looking at the old Sonic Prime concept art makes me think we are for sure getting flavor of the week (or arc) alternate versions of everyone, as Sonic tries to track down all his version of his friends.
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mekanikaltrifle · 2 years
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for @roseate-lagomorph​, hopefully an accurate enough bunny! Good luck to you with hopefully getting a little bun in the summer, and thank you for the different request! I love doodling new things :D Bunnies’ little faces are such a good shape.
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fearofahumanplanet · 1 year
teachers in high school: "how could you be so obsessed with mythology and not enjoy greek myth, it's the core of it all"
me, 22 years old, still trying to find a single description of a woman in greek myth that does not focus on the size of her breasts:
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thx-sunsxts-addrxss · 10 months
mom arey yaar
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buckera · 11 months
delusional as I am..since he works with them I hope they tell him how loved he is and that people care enough to send donations in norman's name and maybe it brings him some comfort
I really hope so! Well, maybe not comfort, but seeing that Normal who he loved endlessly has made a mark even if he was taken in such unfortunate circumstances and way too early, might ease the pain and make him help make sense of it all. 💛
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