#I hope the folks laid off all get new roles elsewhere
felassan · 1 year
DA Foundation Technical Director Jon Renish and DA Writer Mary Kirby have tweeted saying that they are among those who have been laid off from BioWare.
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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Ukraine Smolders: Greedy “Businessman” Father and Son Team! In recent days lots of people have been getting a crash course on what is going on in Ukraine, not because it spikes their interest but due to its nexus with the US presidential elections and how things are done by the US under the guise of helping. The Democrats are now accusing Trump of pressuring Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the shady dealings of former US Vice President Joe Biden, and especially those of his son, Hunter. To cut to the chase, Trump has flatly denied any wrongdoing, dismissing the allegations as “witch hunt garbage,” designed to give the Democrats some edge they can’t get at the ballot box – all to block his bid for a second term. All that may be true – but too much has transpired in Ukraine over the past 10 years. For instance, the Obama Administration, the CIA and others, really did fund a bunch of anti-Russian separatists, Nazis, to take over the government. Then Crimea voted to join Russia out of fear and blowback, and some airplanes crashed and nobody ever talked about the truth. Most of what you have read about Ukraine is wrong, and that is an understatement, as described by Vladimir Golstein, Professor of Slavic studies at Brown University. He was born in Moscow, and emigrated to the United States in 1979. But there will be more of the same reporting by MSM sources, more brainwashing and justification for the missteps and mishaps of the US and its partners. How It Is To make a complicated problem simple, at least for an American audience: All that has transpired in Ukraine is related to the 2016 hack of the DNC emails, and a stand-up comedian being elected president. The Democrats, via some of their Pacs, want to use the Ukrainian card to deflect attention from their own failures, and for fundraising. The Republicans want to play the same card against the Democrats, and the average Ukrainian, “We the People”, is stuck in the middle hoping both of them will go away. Trump Cards The story goes back to the early 2014 telephone conversation between Fuck-the EU Victoria Nuland, then Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, then US Ambassador to Ukraine. Then Vice President Biden played a role in “midwifing” the US-backed overthrow of an elected Ukrainian government soon after that conversation. That’s the biggest crime in this story, but it isn’t being told—though well documented in the alternative media, the illegal overthrow of a sovereign government has been overlooked by all players. But suddenly, ‘Now that we know Donald Trump threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine if their government refused to help him win re-election, more than three-quarters of the Democrats in the House have come out in support of an impeachment inquiry.” The timing of this knowledge of highly suspect, and how it was leaked and who leaked it—it was obviously an inside source within the White House. Such statements are not trustworthy, but that is a moot issue in light of the bigger scheme of things. It is the Senate which decides who is or is not impeached. When Democrats Turn Out is a movement to activate voters across the country to make sure Democrats continue to make history at the polls, but cannot decide an impeachment. It goes without saying that Trump deserves to get kicked out of office for various sins, the least of them being his BIG mouth and not keeping trusted staff who will not leak information like a sieve holding water. As for Ukraine, aside from the latest recriminations over Joe Biden and Hunter, his “businessman” son who could teach Trump how to make the “Art of the Deal”, it is only a PlayStation for the interests of others. Few want to openly acknowledge that Hunter Biden was hired by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdingsk without any apparent publications to his name, after having been booted out of the Navy for failing a drug test. His new job started in April 2014, two months after Ukraine’s Russia-friendly former president was ousted by a US sanctioned and supported coup. Before, during and after the removal of Ukraine’s legal president, Hunter Biden’s father was very much involved in US efforts to support the newly installed American puppet government. Ukraine has lost much credibility due to corruption, its handling of the alleged shooting down by Russians of the Dutch passenger liner, shelling its civilians in its Eastern regions, etc. A Dutch source, who has been following the investigation of the shooting down of the plane, says: “Our investigation was a joint investigation with….Ukraine. There are a lot of uncertain issues. It is Russia who did the shooting down, according to them. I am convinced, however, that it was not the Russians; they would never act so stupidly. They [the media] blame Russia but do not show real evidence, only baseless allegations. They lie; all those who claim to know-Ukraine itself shot it down with one of its own airplanes.” Ukraine on Fire Much of what has transpired in Ukraine is well-documented, but as it does not paint the US or Ukraine in a positive light—it is soon dismissed by many in the West as merely Russian propaganda. That is far from the reality, as demonstrated by the world famous movie and documentary producer Oliver Stone. Stone’s Ukraine on Fire provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which led to the 2004 Orange Revolution, the 2014 uprisings and the violent overthrow of democratically-elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a ‘popular revolution’, this was in fact a coup d’état scripted and staged by ultra-nationalist groups and the US State Department. What has transpired since has proved a bone of contention between East and West and made internal problems even more acute. These are further complicated by an all-out attack on the Russian language, and hyperinflation which has driven an already marginalised population deeper into poverty and forced the best and the brightest, and many in-between, to try their luck in the EU and beyond. The results of this have not been positive, and the subsequent brain and skilled labour drain will have long term consequences. The immediate consequences are not only being borne by the masses but the region as the whole. The element fits together only too well. First Obama and Joe Biden pressurised European nations to show solidarity with them against Russia and support all the US had done in Ukraine. Then Biden and the A team had to be rewarded, and so got themselves worked up like Palvov’s dogs over the thought of dividing up the spoils of another post-Cold War country. Somehow his incompetent and disgraced son got on the board of the major Ukrainian gas company. Of course this could not be a conflict of interest —even after Joe Biden bragged about getting rid of the Ukrainian prosecutor who had started to investigate Hunter Biden’s backhanded activities by linking a billion dollars in US aid to his removal. It is not uncommon for politicians to find their sons and daughters jobs with big companies if they don’t earn them on academic or other merit. It is one way of getting them out of the way. When William Kennedy Smith was accused of rape in 1991, his family found him a new job as a medical intern in Albuquerque, which is pronounced “Middle of Nowhere”. Smith was qualified for the role, but even as an acquitted rapist the similar charges laid against him by other women should have disqualified him from going anywhere near patients. Nevertheless he has been able to build his own career rehabilitating landmine victims, whilst his relatives and political fellow-travellers plant and sell them all over the world. The problem arises when these appointments are linked with aid, and therefore used to create or bring down governments. Hunter’s appointment in Ukraine, where he was less likely to embarrass his father and damage his presidential run, was the small print of also accepting aid. If Ukraine looked elsewhere for this aid, as it did, Hunter would have to come home and bring his problems with him. Hence the removal of Yanukovych, because the poor people there are only Ukrainians, not the sons of prospective US presidents. White Sun, Black Night The current ordeal over Ukraine and the zero sum game being played there are very reminiscent of a scene in an old Soviet Movie, White Sun of the Desert. “Do you want to be finished off right away, or prefer to be tortured a bit first? -Well, I prefer to be tortured first.” The film as a whole speaks to current debates on climate, politics and science—especially in terms of Ukraine. It is very bad for our survival to keep on electing greedy politicians and war-mongers and appointing their progeny to positions of power. Such folks only worry about their own bottom line, not seeing the dangers of pushing Russia and the rest of the world to the brink. The Red soldier from the film, the one who preferred (21:30) to be tortured first, as least used his time right, figuring out how to escape from the gang of nationalists and Whites who had captured him. But how will the civilized world and simple people escape from the mess that their leaders have found themselves in, in Ukraine and other hotspots? What has happened over one phone call, albeit taken out of context, does at least give us a bit of time, while we are being tortured, to plan our eventual escape. Trump may have given us both the torture and a dystopian wasteland to escape to, but we may not even have had those without his intervention. Assistance and democracy building, as delivered or promised by the US and its European partners, have not been very effective in Ukraine. They have not encouraged the government to take responsibility for its actions, including its criminal ones, or respond to the real needs of its citizens. The results are further divisions within the country. A country of inherent political and economic instability is made all the more unstable—and draws a larger region into that quagmire. All of which suits the US, even if it created the problem, because everything can be blamed on some inherent defect within the locals, as usual. It all goes back to the source of the problem, and what Ukraine and other marginalized states for, only as an instrument to inflict problem on others, like Russia, as the scapegoat for all what the US and its allies are doing by proxy: invading and interfering. The problem is that those like Biden or Albright or Clintons, or Blair, all know how it is done. They have western skills. They rose to the top of their professions in their own countries by hook and crook. That is why it should come as no surprise to anyone that they want to inflict their know-how with newly liberated countries like Ukraine, or Albania, or Iraq—as they have already done on countries such as Georgia. Is that what Ukraine is there for? Is this the role of any sovereign state? If we are going to talk about defects in the locals, in which country do those defects actually lie?
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ronaldmrashid · 6 years
Being Thankful For All That’s Good And Lucky In This World
Happy Thanksgiving!
Despite giving up all my portfolio gains for the year and then some, I’m thankful for the incredible recovery we’ve had since 2009. Without the bull run, I wouldn’t have been able to stay unemployed since 2012. The value of money comes nowhere near the value of time.
It’s sad the good times are going away. For so long, it’s been so easy to make easy money. Unless you’re Juggernaut, it’s probably not a good idea to step in front of a bus. The stock market is clearly telegraphing a slowdown in corporate earnings, and the economy by extension. The housing sector usually takes several years to work its way through a funk.
The Fed has also made it clear it will continue to raise rates, no matter how much carnage there is in the short term. You would think they’d slow down their pace of rate increases in 2019, but I wouldn’t count on them being rational. With the yield curve resuming its flattening as investors find safety in longer duration treasuries, we need to seriously be careful about how much risk exposure we really want to take. Flat or inverted yield curves have seldom ever signified good news for the economy. Build your CD step stool folks.
Enough of being a measured voice through times of volatility.
During this Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to share one extremely lucky event that occurred in my life. During times of difficulty, it’s always good to reflect and be grateful for what we have. I hope you will use the holidays to reflect on some of your fortunate events as well and share. 
The Secret Phone Call
The year is 2001 and the Nasdaq, down 50%, just celebrated its one year anniversary of hitting its peak. I’m finishing up the second year of my analyst program, paranoid that I won’t be getting the invite back for my third year.
I always knew my chances for getting a third-year analyst role were slim-to-none since only superstars get to continue. But I kept the faith, much like cryptocurrency investors have erroneously kept the faith all year. I was truly a subpar performer who didn’t belong at the best investment bank in the world at the time.
I dressed poorly because I didn’t know better as a public school kid who never had to dress up. Once, my VP barked at me, “Get that dog collar off your neck!” referencing a Hawaiian shell necklace my girlfriend had given me. I guess there is a benefit of going to an expensive prep school after all.
I annoyed people. Another time, as I was humming something indistinguishable while reading some research material, an MD on the Latin America sales desk told me to keep quiet. She was the same MD I had had to get permission from to buy an MCI Worldcom call option, which had quickly gone to zero after purchase. I’m sure she thought I was an idiot.
There was a reason why I had to go through 7 rounds and 55 interviews to get my job. No desk wanted me. I was an outsider who was forced into their vaunted club by an African-American recruiter named Kim Purkiss who never gave up on me. I owe her so much.
As a junior analyst on the sales trading floor, one of my jobs was to pick up and screen phone calls for all our senior colleagues. Our desks were arranged in I-formation, with my boss sitting at one base of the I and me sitting on the side. His face was always obscured by a couple Bloomberg trading monitors. We communicated by shouting.
At 9am, my boss’s phone rang and I hit his button on my large 20 line turret as quick as lightning. The trading floor was buzzing with activity in anticipation of the market open at 9:30am.
“Hello, can I speak to Tom, please? It’s Jim,” said the man on the other end. Jim was calling from Hong Kong, where it was 10pm. Jim was the Head of the Asian Equities business at the time. He was the big, big boss.
“Hi Jim! It’s Sam. Nice to hear from you. It’s late there. Hope all is well. Let me see if Tom is available. One sec.” I blurted out like a middle school boy trying to talk to a girl for the first time.
I zoomed in between Tom’s monitors and saw he was staring at his screen while pounding away at his keyboard.
“Tom! Jim is on line one!” I yelled as the buzz on the 49th floor of 1 New York Plaza started to crescendo.
The confusing phone turret we used
Tom didn’t acknowledge my call, but he picked up the line by saying “hello.” Not wanting to hang up on big bossman Jim in the middle of the night in Hong Kong, I stayed on to ensure they connected. In the past, I had sometimes accidentally hung up on the caller before a teammate hopped on. Our phone turrets were confusing as hell.
Jim immediately blurted out after Tom said hello, “I need to talk to you about Sam. We need to make a decision on whether to keep him or not.”
My ears perked up! Ethically, I should have hung up. But out of sheer curiosity and survival, I pressed mute instead. My future depended on it.
“Jim, it sounds like we have position open in Taiwan? But I don’t think Sam would be a good fit, despite his Mandarin skills. He’s unfocused because he’s always trading stocks while at work.”
Oh crap! I knew all my trading would come back to haunt me. I was already given a talk a couple times before about how I was spending too much time trading stocks, and not enough time focusing on my job. It would have been a dream come true to move to Taiwan to work.
“OK Tom, we’ll look elsewhere to fill these open positions. Guess that’s it for Sam. Goodnight.”
My heart sank. My boss didn’t like me and I knew my days were numbered. It was mid-April, 2001.
The Second Phone Call
Knowing my last day for employment would be sometime in June was depressing, like I was waiting for the electric chair. Plenty of people I knew were getting laid off and I was starting to panic mentally. Tom hadn’t explicitly told me I wouldn’t be asked back, but I wasn’t going to wait to see if he did.
Then another phone call came one early May afternoon. This time, there was no need for me to pick it up because the VP sitting next to me did.
During my job interview process, Elaine had been my harshest interviewer. A graduate of Barnard College and The Wharton School of Business for an MBA, she was a strong, single, 40-year-old woman you did not want to mess with. Just when I thought I had gotten the job, she requested to interview me a second time over coffee and asked more grilling questions.
After about a minute of conversation, Elaine said while on the phone, “I think you might want to speak to my colleague here.” She turned to me, told me to pick up the phone and have a chat.
I was confused, but I did as I was told. On the line was a guy named Michael. He had a nervous stutter.
“Hi there. Your colleague said you might be interested in working for a competitor covering west coast clients in San Francisco. Are you interested?” Michael said.
Are you kidding me? Hell yeah, I’m interested! I thought to myself. But I didn’t tell him that. Instead, I responded calmly, “I’m not sure Michael. I’m in a really good spot here. The offer would have to be extremely compelling for me to leave.”
“Sure, I understand. Let’s talk more in private when you’re off the desk about what it would take to make you move.” Michael responded.
I was thrilled! I turned to Elaine after I had hung up and told her thank you. She was looking out for me because she also knew my days were numbered.
The Offer Package
I took a day off in order to fly out to San Francisco and meet the team on a Friday. They were a great group of fellas and I especially liked the guy I was going to work directly under. He was intelligent, hardworking, and loved to enjoy life. At Berkeley, where he went to undergrad, he was the Bud Light rep on campus. Everybody loved hanging out with him.
One thing led to another and the new firm offered me everything I had asked for:
* An Associate title, reserved for those who had gone to business school or those who continued to be superstars after their third year as an analyst.
* A pay base salary pay raise to $85,000 from $55,000.
* A guaranteed bonus of $50,000 for the year, even though there would be only six months left if I joined.
* Subsidized housing for two months and $6,000 for relocation expenses
I went from being out on the streets in a month to getting a raise and a promotion in a new city with a new firm. This series of events was absolutely one of the luckiest turnarounds of my life.
For the next seven years, my boss and I competed against my old firm and often won. When my boss decided to leave to a large client, I ended up running the business and hiring a couple people to work for me for the next four years. Of course, since we had such a good relationship, I became a top 3 relationship as well.
It was a fantastic ride that culminated with me engineering my layoff at 2012 and preparing my junior colleague to take over. It was his time.
Embrace All That Is Lucky In This World
It’s easy to get down on ourselves. I’m my worst critic by far. But sometimes, we’ve got to look back and appreciate all the good that has happened to us. Let’s not take our good fortune for granted.
Being able to write about my time earning only $40,000 a year in Manhattan as a first-year analyst is a blessing. It reminded me of this lucky memory that had so long been shelved away. I feel lucky to have been able to write this article before this memory permanently faded away. I’m telling you, writing will keep you young.
It’s painful to lose money in the stock market and real estate market. It’s terrible to lose a job you had no intention of leaving. Let us accept that bad things will happen all the time. And when they do, let us not forget all the good luck we received that got us to where we are today.
The Best Financial Move I Made Is Something Everyone Can Do
Here’s When You’ll Finally Feel So Rich
Perpetual Failure: The Reason Why I Continue To Save So Much
Readers, what are you thankful for this holiday season? Please share a lucky break that you may have forgotten or taken for granted until now. 
The post Being Thankful For All That’s Good And Lucky In This World appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/being-thankful-for-all-thats-good-and-lucky-in-this-world/
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: Salisbury is still suffering from the crazy Skripal/nerve agent event that took place on Sunday 4th March.  Four weeks on the picture is still grim despite local efforts to encourage people to come to the city.  It is after all a shopping and tourist magnet. On 23rd March Environment Minister Michael Gove visited the city and promised government support.  He said, “I know that local businesses have taken a bit of a hit understandably as a result of the events…”  A ‘bit of a hit’? Across the city, businesses have taken a 20% fall and are still far from back to normal.  There has been a 90% drop in visitors to the city, with a corresponding drop in trade, particularly for those shops near the Maltings where the unconscious Skripals were found, and it is not much better now.  It could take weeks for things to return to anything like it should be. The government is providing £1 million to help faltering business, although they haven’t said when.  And promises are often empty where this government is concerned.  It may sound a lot but it isn’t, and Salisbury will be lobbying for more.  It really should be seen as compensation for the damage done by the government in pushing its anti-Russia agenda.  In a more constructive fashion, Wiltshire County Council took the decision to make all parking free within the city, even though it would lose them a lot of revenue.  Did that work? On Easter Saturday I revisited Salisbury to see for myself.  This was, after all, a holiday weekend, and Salisbury should be packed with people.  Yes, car parks were full but… Sainsbury’s supermarket, between a big car park and the Maltings, was not exactly humming.  Although the check-out tills were busy, there were no queues.  Walking along the ends of the aisles, I saw only one or two people in each, searching the shelves.  I spoke to a Sainsbury’s floor manager, who told me that, “Yes, free parking has made a difference, but…,” and he looked around, “this is not as it would be, normally.” I later went to another supermarket, out on the edge of the city centre, and accessible by one of the busy through-roads.  That was very active.  I wondered whether it may have picked up some of the customers lost by other stores, but truly, no one is a winner here. Whichever way you approach the Maltings, there are large official signs saying ‘Shops Open’.  But there is also a very visible police presence, both cars and officers, and areas cordoned-off with police tape. Because it was a holiday weekend, work on the decontamination of various sites had been postponed and everywhere cleared of people in protective suits, which might have ‘unsettled’ Easter weekend visitors.  But there were still too many police on display, some of which have been drafted in from other counties.  And the shops along the area where the Skripals were found are still shut, even though the bench they sat on has been removed.  Why not remove the litter bin right beside it? I returned to a shop I had been in before and spoke to the manager.  Free parking had not made much difference to shops around the Maltings.  People see the police, she explained, and walk another way into the city centre.  Yes, some did come into the shop and say they were ‘there to support Salisbury’.  Then, she said, they walk out again.  Well, sorry folks, but don’t pat yourselves on the back for that.  Next time, get your wallets out and buy something.  That’s how to support Salisbury. All such small shops, so dependent on tourists, are wondering if they can survive much more because, despite cars coming in and parking for free, the coaches full of tourists are not coming.  I found one coach park that, apart from two little local buses and a big coach from Kent, was empty.  I was told that one coach tour company has simply cancelled all its Salisbury tours for this year. And what of Guildhall Square that was so empty when I last saw it?  It was filled with the Saturday market; huge stalls laid out with rails of clothes, tiers of fresh vegetables and all the other things you expect in an open-air market.  Just not quite enough customers to fill the spaces between the stalls.  Bustle it didn’t, and the cafes and restaurants were still not full enough. Salisbury may have to face months of decontamination work, with all that involves.  What is worse is that, each time the Novichok story goes a bit dead in the media, out pops something else to hit the headlines.  And none of it, when you sit back and really look at it, makes sense. Almost 3 weeks after the incident, Public Health England issued further advice on dealing with the clothes worn by perhaps 500 people which may have been ‘infected’, offering compensation for those clothes that should be dry-cleaned.  Is this for real?  Or has everything been infected by May? At the end of March Prime Minister May was still claiming that up to 130 people ‘may have been exposed to Novichok’.  A Salisbury Hospital doctor disagreed.  In a letter to The Times, regarding their article Salisbury poisoning exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment, Stephen Davies, a consultant in emergency medicine, wrote that: ‘No patients have experienced symptoms of nerve-agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only ever been three patients with significant poisoning’.  And note, not nerve agent poisoning, just poisoning. Three patients – Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia, and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who was reported to have been ‘among the first to help Col. Skripal and his daughter as they lay stricken… and was rushed to hospital after the incident.’ Now, hang on a minute.  What was a plain clothes policeman doing on a Sunday afternoon to be so handily on the scene?  And none of the first responders, the paramedics, were affected by this deadly nerve agent.  In fact, when May met them she was told that they thought they were attending a drug overdose, and goodness knows, paramedics have seen enough of those to know what they’re looking at. Bailey apparently took himself to hospital later to report some symptoms but was discharged.  He was also one of the first police officers to go to Skripal’s house the following morning, and was in hospital by the evening, with reports of the police believing he was ‘contaminated’ in Skripal’s house. He was discharged from hospital on March 22nd, unlike the Skripals, who are invisible and, despite pressure, unvisited by the Russian Ambassador.  “At least Bailey’s gone home,” I commented to one shop owner, a long-time Salisbury trader.  “Oh no,” she replied.  “He can’t go there, his house is cordoned off!” “Well,” I said, “perhaps he’s in hiding elsewhere in Salisbury.” No again.  “We all know Nick.  He’d be recognised, wherever he was.” “Then perhaps he’s gone somewhere else.  Perhaps he’ll transfer to another police force,” I suggested. “I doubt he’ll want to carry on policing, not after this,” was the confident reply.  Indeed, Salisbury does know, and has great affection for its Nick Bailey.  When I said he seemed to be quite a poster boy for the city, she agreed.  And I cynically wondered if that was why he had been chosen for the role in May’s Novichok drama. Then on March 28th something else hit the headlines: Specialists have found that the greatest concentration of the nerve agent was on Skripal’s front door, and that this must be how they were poisoned. Now hang on another minute.  Police and aliens in Hazmat suits have been going in and out of this house since whenever.  One investigator was photographed in the garden with a checklist taped to the back of his/her suit. Are these really specialists in their work?  And why react to the ‘front door’ news by rushing to cordon off the children’s play area just down the road?  A ‘precautionary’ measure or scare tactics? If the contamination by such a deadly ‘nerve agent’ on the front door was so high, and is now first in the long list of how the Skripals got poisoned, why did it take so long to have an effect?  Drive into the city centre, park your car, walk to the Mill pub for a drink, walk back to the Zizzi restaurant to have a leisurely meal, walk from Zizzi’s through Market Walk to the bench in the Maltings (a mere 100 yards or so) and all the while showing no signs of physical distress – all this, then boom, and you’re unconscious? Here’s another question: why, when a few days earlier, investigators from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) were collecting their own samples from ‘contaminated sites’, was the deadly front door only discovered after they had left? One can only hope that OPCW gets brave and really sinks Theresa May’s nerve agent ship.  And if it does, Salisbury is due much, much more than £1 million. http://clubof.info/
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Android smartphone maker Wileyfox confirms it has entered into administration within the UK
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/android-smartphone-maker-wileyfox-confirms-it-has-entered-into-administration-within-the-uk/
Android smartphone maker Wileyfox confirms it has entered into administration within the UK
It’s been greater than a 12 months because the well-funded startup Cyanogen introduced that it might shut down its cellular OS improvement, and since pivoted to self-driving expertise. But we’re nonetheless seeing some fallout among the many corporations that had pinned their hopes on the unique plans of that capturing star.
Wileyfox, a smartphone maker that was one of many earliest corporations to construct a handset primarily based on Cyanogen earlier than it then pivoted to Android within the wake of the shut down, has filed for administration after it ran out of cash, TechCrunch has realized and confirmed. About 30 persons are being laid off because of this, a supply near the corporate additionally tells us, though the directors say the determine is 20, with 6 staying on to assist with the method of being in administration.
On the fifth February 2018 Smartphone producer, Wileyfox (‘Wileyfox Group’) positioned one in all its European subsidiaries, Wileyfox Europe Restricted (‘WFE’) into administration and appointed Andrew Andronikou and Andrew Hosking of Quantuma LLP as joint directors.
The aim of the administration is to restructure the Wileyfox Group, scale back its price base in Europe and to make sure its long run future throughout all of the markets it operates in. Regretfully, because of this, sure redundancies have been inevitable in WFE and the Wileyfox Group is working with these affected to make sure they’ve the assist wanted to search out various employment.
The Wileyfox Group is dedicated to working with companions, distributors and clients in Europe to make sure, so far as attainable, uninterrupted assist and repair for Wileyfox cellular handsets available in the market, in addition to define the Group’s future plans on this core market.
All different subsidiaries of the Wileyfox Group proceed to function as regular and their operations stay unaffected by the WFE administration.
The Wileyfox Group will make additional bulletins relating to its restructure and future plans within the close to future.
The information was first leaked out by an ex-employee on Reddit yesterday night, noting that workers had been knowledgeable on Tuesday of the information. We’d been attempting to succeed in the corporate and it’s directors most of in the present day to verify the Reddit report.
In a smartphone market dominated by economies of scale in manufacturing, outsized advertising and marketing budgets and vital offers with carriers to assist promote gadgets, it’s laborious for brand new working programs to place a dent right into a smartphone market dominated by Android and Apple’s iOS, and more durable nonetheless when you’re a small handset maker carrying the OS.
Wileyfox, in that regard, had some vital playing cards stacked towards it. In its favor, it’s notable and necessary that corporations try and create viable options available in the market since competitors helps breed innovation, and it’s higher for customers to at all times have a wider alternative. So when Wileyfox determined final 12 months to launch itself into making telephones primarily based on unforked Android, folks did proceed to concentrate to the model.
How a lot consideration is one other matter. Wileyfox has by no means said the variety of handsets it bought. (We’ve requested the query.) And that was simply one of many murky particulars in regards to the firm (I suppose the Wileyfox identify is considerably apt in that regard).
Wileyfox has by no means explicitly talked about its funding, however our supply confirmed that one of many major backers of the corporate was the failed Russian financial institution Promsvyazbank, which in December needed to be bailed out by the Russian authorities for $three.four billion. That collapse appears to be what set off the “chain response,” as our supply known as it, that led to the chapter of Wileyfox Europe.
However the firm additionally didn’t appear to be notably flush even earlier than this week: in response to its most not too long ago filed firm accounts (filed April 2017), Wileyfox Europe had solely £1,777 in money within the financial institution, with £467,766 in property however £543,476 falling as a result of collectors throughout the 12 months. It additionally reported an working lack of £1.5 million for the 12 months. Final April, the 2 co-founders of the corporate, Nick Muir and Victoria Denman, left the corporate and their respective roles as CEO and CMO.
Our supply didn’t elaborate on what the plan will probably be going ahead: whether or not there are different backers, or whether or not the plan will probably be to restructure and proceed getting financed by its present backers, or whether or not it should search additional funding elsewhere, or be searching for a purchaser.
There are different divisions of Wileyfox, such because the overseeing Wileyfox Group, and likewise Wileyfox Cell, which seems to be primarily based in Dubai and entered right into a Debenture settlement with Wileyfox Europe one month in the past, in January 2018. It’s not clear if these, too, will probably be pulled into administration, or how they’re being financed. (We’ve requested the questions.)
“It’s a tragic time, however all through this entire course of the objective is to return out and hopefully proceed and discover a answer,” the supply stated. “The truth is that we’ve to discover a option to scale back the prices and undergo and are available out in a brand new kind.”
We’ve additionally tried to contact Quantuma and its companions Andrew Hosking and Andrew Andronikou — respectively the agency and companions overseeing the administration — and can replace with their feedback when we’ve spoken to them.
Replace: the directors have now additionally issued a press release confirming that they had been introduced in after PSV was restricted in its capacity to lend cash, following its personal collapse.
“WileyFox’s holding firm was primarily funded by Russian financial institution Promsyyazban (PSV) which was bailed out by the Central Financial institution of Russia in December and put into particular measures that restricted lending outdoors of the nation,” stated Andrew Andronikou in a press release. “Wileyfox has due to this fact misplaced entry to working capital which has been quickly suspended, however decision could possibly be a way off.” The administration transfer, the corporate added, was made “in an effort to safeguard the distribution community of its handsets in Europe, while its working capital points are being resolved in Russia.”
It’s nonetheless not clear if the corporate will proceed to assist present handset homeowners, and the way different elements of the Wileyfox Group are affected.
0 notes
healyourdisease · 8 years
How to Sleep Better Naturally
I frequently have folks ask me for suggestions on how they can get better sleep. I pride myself on having a whole arsenal of suggestions for this one. There are herbs, dietary approaches, helpful devices, and even basic practices that you can try. In this article I will cover them all.
First, What is keeping you from sleeping well or at all? This is what needs to be addressed before we can hone in on how to improve your rest. Did you recently break up with someone? Are you in severe pain from an accident? Does your neighbor really love rap music at 4am? Is your mind more active before bed than it is all day long? Or are you having bizarre dreams all night that keep you tossing and turning?
Obviously, if you can talk to your neighbor and work out something respectfully with them you can avoid that external interference. Same as with many outside influences like bright street lights or pets that love to play loudly at unreasonable hours. Find a set of curtains to block out all light and consider a night time crate for your pet. For the other problems we need to treat the cause before we can expect the symptoms to improve. This is the same for any successful healing campaign. Using sleeping pills work, kind of, for awhile before they begin to be less helpful and start impacting the overall health of the body. Don't fall for the "we need to up your dose" spiel. Deal with the real problem and get real results!
Let's look at the examples I laid out.
Recent break up or emotional crisis
This may be one of the hardest issues because, ultimately, it takes time to get over the emotional pain. However, things like Omega 3s, B-complex vitamins (in the mornings), and a good amino acid blend such as hemp protein can prove very useful to improving the overall mood of anyone over time. If that isn't getting you through, them short term use of something like St. John's wort (day time), SAMe, or 5-HTP can take the edge off. I don't suggest using these things often, although as they can become habit forming.
Alternatively, for those who may not want to take a potentially habit forming supplement, you may want to try some essential oils. Get yourself a diffuser for your bedroom and some lavender essential oil. For a few dollars, you will feel much more at peace and sleep easily. There are many brands of essential oils on the market, but for diffusing oils you can get the cheaper oils. The more expensive oils work great too, but they are more for topical use usually. That being said the high elevation lavenders are usually worth the extra few bucks if you have it to spare.
Severe pain keeping you awake
Address the pain first. No, not with pain killers. Pharmaceuticals including pain killers rob you of minerals like calcium and magnesium which you need to relax and sleep. Try the opposite. Feed the body with high amounts of vitamins and minerals like calcium to promote the healing which will greatly decrease the pain and help you sleep. Don't use cheap calcium products. Use plant and herb based minerals and products like Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone. Instead of cutting the red warning light in your car's dashboard, fix he car. If you need extra pain relief and help sleeping try using Valerian root as it is a great nerve calmer and will put you to sleep with a reasonable serving. Be careful tho as it is habit forming and your cat might steal it from you.
Overactive mind
For this we again want to look at the cause. Is your mind overactive because you just watched a political debate or a scary movie? Try not watching or reading stimulating things right before bedtime. You may also want to drain the stress of the day that can be stored as static electricity in the body by walking around bare foot. This works best when done outside in the grass. You can also accomplish the same effect with an earthing mat or sheet for your bed, chair, or whatever. These simulate contact with the bare earth by grounding you via your home's electrical outlets. I highly recommend the Earthing products and have had great sleep using my fitted earthing sheet on my bed.
As far as supplements to use, try using GABA which will help to turn off the mental chatter which may allow you to drift off easier. You can also use a tea of passion flower, skullcap, chamomile, lemon balm and/or lavender to help calm your mind.
Restless sleep or waking up too early
Since I put my Earthing sheet on my bed this has not been an issue for me. Before that though, I'd wake up 6 or 7 times per night and never feel rested the next day. I do strongly suggest investing in one of the Earthing products. Otherwise, make sure not to eat right before bed or even 2 hours before bed. Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause crazy dreams, make you overly hot, or even flip flop in bed resulting in poor rest. I also notice a benefit when I sleep with the palm of my hand against my forehead. I know this sounds really strange, but I've talked with at least 2 other people who have been doing this instinctively for years to great success.
Also if your using melatonin, the supplement form can sometimes be the problem. Instead, try using tart cherries. Either the juice, capsules, or just dried cherries work great. These will give your body the precursors to create the exact amount of melatonin it needs. Sometimes, too much of the supplement form will cause a groggy feeling in the morning and then too little will cause you to wake up 2 or 3 hours into your sleep cycle. There is no real harm in the melatonin supplements, however, if you find they work well for you. Tart cherries are usually tastier, cheaper, safer for kids, and have the added benefit of reducing inflammation anywhere in the body.
Diet plays a big role in every function of the body. If you eat garbage food you'll have garbage health. As far as sleep goes, eating garbage food usually... actually always... means acidic foods which rob the body of calcium. The calcium in your body helps to relax you naturally. Many will say that magnesium is best for relaxation. Well this is true, but it is releasing the calcium deposits that are binding together your muscle fibers creating tension aka static energy which will keep you from quality sleep. The calcium that is released isn't gone it just moves down stream and likely lodges elsewhere. It will only leave the body when you use things like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and distilled water on a regular basis. Also, avoiding acidic foods and using mostly live alkaline foods will keep this calcium deposit problem from happening as well as help to reverse some that may currently exist. Using only organic plant based calciums are best for overall health where as things like dairy provide only inorganic, acidic calciums which lead to numerous health problems.
Other tips
Avoiding caffeine can make a serious difference in your sleep habits. For some people they can sleep alright if they don't have caffeine past a certain time, but I suggest avoiding it altogether. Again, caffeine is acidic and robs you of calcium. There are many better energy boosting herbs like Ashwagandha that helps you balance your stress and sleep cycle as a side benefit. Also try meditating on a regular basis. There are apps for this. I suggest one called Headspace and use it often. Headspace has a section for meditating yourself to sleep and I've never heard the end because I always pass out before it's over. Try it!
There are no doubt many factors at play when it comes to great sleep. These are the best remedies with which I've had success as well as had great feedback from others. Overall though, I'd have to strongly insist you try the Earthing products as they, outside of dietary changes, have made the biggest positive impact in my sleep cycle.
I hope you learned something new with this article and that it didn't put you to sleep. If it did make you doze off, well then... your welcome... Sleep Well...
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Android smartphone maker Wileyfox confirms it has entered into administration within the UK
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/android-smartphone-maker-wileyfox-confirms-it-has-entered-into-administration-within-the-uk/
Android smartphone maker Wileyfox confirms it has entered into administration within the UK
It’s been greater than a 12 months because the well-funded startup Cyanogen introduced that it might shut down its cellular OS improvement, and since pivoted to self-driving expertise. But we’re nonetheless seeing some fallout among the many corporations that had pinned their hopes on the unique plans of that capturing star.
Wileyfox, a smartphone maker that was one of many earliest corporations to construct a handset primarily based on Cyanogen earlier than it then pivoted to Android within the wake of the shut down, has filed for administration after it ran out of cash, TechCrunch has realized and confirmed. About 30 persons are being laid off because of this, a supply near the corporate additionally tells us, though the directors say the determine is 20, with 6 staying on to assist with the method of being in administration.
On the fifth February 2018 Smartphone producer, Wileyfox (‘Wileyfox Group’) positioned one in all its European subsidiaries, Wileyfox Europe Restricted (‘WFE’) into administration and appointed Andrew Andronikou and Andrew Hosking of Quantuma LLP as joint directors.
The aim of the administration is to restructure the Wileyfox Group, scale back its price base in Europe and to make sure its long run future throughout all of the markets it operates in. Regretfully, because of this, sure redundancies have been inevitable in WFE and the Wileyfox Group is working with these affected to make sure they’ve the assist wanted to search out various employment.
The Wileyfox Group is dedicated to working with companions, distributors and clients in Europe to make sure, so far as attainable, uninterrupted assist and repair for Wileyfox cellular handsets available in the market, in addition to define the Group’s future plans on this core market.
All different subsidiaries of the Wileyfox Group proceed to function as regular and their operations stay unaffected by the WFE administration.
The Wileyfox Group will make additional bulletins relating to its restructure and future plans within the close to future.
The information was first leaked out by an ex-employee on Reddit yesterday night, noting that workers had been knowledgeable on Tuesday of the information. We’d been attempting to succeed in the corporate and it’s directors most of in the present day to verify the Reddit report.
In a smartphone market dominated by economies of scale in manufacturing, outsized advertising and marketing budgets and vital offers with carriers to assist promote gadgets, it’s laborious for brand new working programs to place a dent right into a smartphone market dominated by Android and Apple’s iOS, and more durable nonetheless when you’re a small handset maker carrying the OS.
Wileyfox, in that regard, had some vital playing cards stacked towards it. In its favor, it’s notable and necessary that corporations try and create viable options available in the market since competitors helps breed innovation, and it’s higher for customers to at all times have a wider alternative. So when Wileyfox determined final 12 months to launch itself into making telephones primarily based on unforked Android, folks did proceed to concentrate to the model.
How a lot consideration is one other matter. Wileyfox has by no means said the variety of handsets it bought. (We’ve requested the query.) And that was simply one of many murky particulars in regards to the firm (I suppose the Wileyfox identify is considerably apt in that regard).
Wileyfox has by no means explicitly talked about its funding, however our supply confirmed that one of many major backers of the corporate was the failed Russian financial institution Promsvyazbank, which in December needed to be bailed out by the Russian authorities for $three.four billion. That collapse appears to be what set off the “chain response,” as our supply known as it, that led to the chapter of Wileyfox Europe.
However the firm additionally didn’t appear to be notably flush even earlier than this week: in response to its most not too long ago filed firm accounts (filed April 2017), Wileyfox Europe had solely £1,777 in money within the financial institution, with £467,766 in property however £543,476 falling as a result of collectors throughout the 12 months. It additionally reported an working lack of £1.5 million for the 12 months. Final April, the 2 co-founders of the corporate, Nick Muir and Victoria Denman, left the corporate and their respective roles as CEO and CMO.
Our supply didn’t elaborate on what the plan will probably be going ahead: whether or not there are different backers, or whether or not the plan will probably be to restructure and proceed getting financed by its present backers, or whether or not it should search additional funding elsewhere, or be searching for a purchaser.
There are different divisions of Wileyfox, such because the overseeing Wileyfox Group, and likewise Wileyfox Cell, which seems to be primarily based in Dubai and entered right into a Debenture settlement with Wileyfox Europe one month in the past, in January 2018. It’s not clear if these, too, will probably be pulled into administration, or how they’re being financed. (We’ve requested the questions.)
“It’s a tragic time, however all through this entire course of the objective is to return out and hopefully proceed and discover a answer,” the supply stated. “The truth is that we’ve to discover a option to scale back the prices and undergo and are available out in a brand new kind.”
We’ve additionally tried to contact Quantuma and its companions Andrew Hosking and Andrew Andronikou — respectively the agency and companions overseeing the administration — and can replace with their feedback when we’ve spoken to them.
Replace: the directors have now additionally issued a press release confirming that they had been introduced in after PSV was restricted in its capacity to lend cash, following its personal collapse.
“WileyFox’s holding firm was primarily funded by Russian financial institution Promsyyazban (PSV) which was bailed out by the Central Financial institution of Russia in December and put into particular measures that restricted lending outdoors of the nation,” stated Andrew Andronikou in a press release. “Wileyfox has due to this fact misplaced entry to working capital which has been quickly suspended, however decision could possibly be a way off.” The administration transfer, the corporate added, was made “in an effort to safeguard the distribution community of its handsets in Europe, while its working capital points are being resolved in Russia.”
It’s nonetheless not clear if the corporate will proceed to assist present handset homeowners, and the way different elements of the Wileyfox Group are affected.
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