#I hope this makes sense bc it does to me. she compares renzo and sif a lot bc they look kinda similar (same features)
eyeofthechasm · 6 months
points a mic at you. odile realizing renzo is hiding something from her
Lorenzo’s always been one to hold secrets. (Odile looping AU belongs to @tealgoat ) (& spoilers for like. Act 3 technically? Yeah.)
You’ve known that the entirety of your time in this party. He’s…selective, let’s say, on what information he shares with you all. He hasn’t really shared much about his earlier years.
Like Siffrin, in a way.
Except Siffrin, as you learned with your newfound abilities, doesn’t remember a lot of his life. Lorenzo…seems to keep it barred intentionally. All of his answers to the questions you’ve tried to ask are too vague for anything to be gathered from them.
You remember yourself asking, “Where did your last name come from?” a while ago; far before any of this...looping business.
You watched him think. Think long and hard. Far too hard for something as simple as his shattering last name.
Eventually, he settled on, “My mother. Where else?” and essentially refused to say anything else.
It’s…frustrating. You can’t fully trust him when he’s so uncooperative. You had the same situation with Siffrin, though he ended up proving he could be trusted eventually.
Lorenzo hasn't.
You see movement from the corner of your eye, interrupting your thoughts. Looking up, you see Lorenzo, the one and only, turning over in his sleeping bag.
Right. You nearly forgot you're still in the clocktower. How late is it now? Everyone’s still sleeping, so it can't be...
Everyone's still sleeping.
You have an idea. A terrible idea, you feel, but an idea that may ease your suspicions.
You climb out of bed as caefully as possible and creep across the cold floor, down the stairs. They creak, though there's a small chance anyone will hear you. If they do, there won't be any consequences anyway.
You feel sick for thinking like that. But it is true.
Reaching the bottom, you go straight for where you all ate. Lorenzo always leaves his bag here. You see it every loop.
You grab the bag, but freeze there. Going through other peoples belongings was never something you saw yourself doing. Were you really doing the right thing? Even if you suspected him of something, it's a low point to stoop to...
You shake your head and yank the frayed handle up. It doesn't matter. It's for a good reason. You're sure everyone else would understand.
Inside the bag is a pleathora of items. Personal, mostly. A sharpener for his knives, various hair ties scattered by the bottom, hygene products...
A journal. Perfect.
You grab it. Its cover is mostly a dark grey, with silvery raised designs: dots connected with lines, comletely nonsensical to you. It's held together with a worn, leather buckle. The text on the front is illegible. Trying to make sense of it hurts your head.
Carefully, you undo the buckle and open the book.
The entire thing is written in the same manner as the front. You can't make heads or tails of any of it. It all hurts your head in the same way the title did. You only recognize faint bits of Vaugardian placed between the pages. Most of the legible text is assortments of letters, like those learning sheets little kids get in school.
One part sticks out to you, though. It's incredibly messy, almost chicken scratch, but you can read it well enough.
"My name is:Lorenzo Silvana Halloran
My dad's name is: Peadar Halloran
I am 10."
Your breath catches. That's his name. And his...father's? He said he didn't have a father. Only a mother.
You hear the floor creak and slam the book shut, returning it to its original place. Someone must be awake. No more snooping.
This only confirmed your suspicions, though. He's hiding something. He's hiding something, and you're more determined than ever to figure out what it is.
You have all the time in the world, now, after all.
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