#yea this is odile loop au
eyeofthechasm · 6 months
points a mic at you. odile realizing renzo is hiding something from her
Lorenzo’s always been one to hold secrets. (Odile looping AU belongs to @tealgoat ) (& spoilers for like. Act 3 technically? Yeah.)
You’ve known that the entirety of your time in this party. He’s…selective, let’s say, on what information he shares with you all. He hasn’t really shared much about his earlier years.
Like Siffrin, in a way.
Except Siffrin, as you learned with your newfound abilities, doesn’t remember a lot of his life. Lorenzo…seems to keep it barred intentionally. All of his answers to the questions you’ve tried to ask are too vague for anything to be gathered from them.
You remember yourself asking, “Where did your last name come from?” a while ago; far before any of this...looping business.
You watched him think. Think long and hard. Far too hard for something as simple as his shattering last name.
Eventually, he settled on, “My mother. Where else?” and essentially refused to say anything else.
It’s…frustrating. You can’t fully trust him when he’s so uncooperative. You had the same situation with Siffrin, though he ended up proving he could be trusted eventually.
Lorenzo hasn't.
You see movement from the corner of your eye, interrupting your thoughts. Looking up, you see Lorenzo, the one and only, turning over in his sleeping bag.
Right. You nearly forgot you're still in the clocktower. How late is it now? Everyone’s still sleeping, so it can't be...
Everyone's still sleeping.
You have an idea. A terrible idea, you feel, but an idea that may ease your suspicions.
You climb out of bed as caefully as possible and creep across the cold floor, down the stairs. They creak, though there's a small chance anyone will hear you. If they do, there won't be any consequences anyway.
You feel sick for thinking like that. But it is true.
Reaching the bottom, you go straight for where you all ate. Lorenzo always leaves his bag here. You see it every loop.
You grab the bag, but freeze there. Going through other peoples belongings was never something you saw yourself doing. Were you really doing the right thing? Even if you suspected him of something, it's a low point to stoop to...
You shake your head and yank the frayed handle up. It doesn't matter. It's for a good reason. You're sure everyone else would understand.
Inside the bag is a pleathora of items. Personal, mostly. A sharpener for his knives, various hair ties scattered by the bottom, hygene products...
A journal. Perfect.
You grab it. Its cover is mostly a dark grey, with silvery raised designs: dots connected with lines, comletely nonsensical to you. It's held together with a worn, leather buckle. The text on the front is illegible. Trying to make sense of it hurts your head.
Carefully, you undo the buckle and open the book.
The entire thing is written in the same manner as the front. You can't make heads or tails of any of it. It all hurts your head in the same way the title did. You only recognize faint bits of Vaugardian placed between the pages. Most of the legible text is assortments of letters, like those learning sheets little kids get in school.
One part sticks out to you, though. It's incredibly messy, almost chicken scratch, but you can read it well enough.
"My name is:Lorenzo Silvana Halloran
My dad's name is: Peadar Halloran
I am 10."
Your breath catches. That's his name. And his...father's? He said he didn't have a father. Only a mother.
You hear the floor creak and slam the book shut, returning it to its original place. Someone must be awake. No more snooping.
This only confirmed your suspicions, though. He's hiding something. He's hiding something, and you're more determined than ever to figure out what it is.
You have all the time in the world, now, after all.
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sekai au 👊😔
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aria0fgold · 5 months
The clock rewound, begin the count from 99.
Odile stared up at the ceiling, her vision blurry with the other eye obscured by a light coming from her face, or rather, the cracks forming on her body. It's just about what she expected, really. Taking on the entire House, not allowing even a single break during any battle, pushing and pushing far past the limits of what one body could take, all by herself… She did it all by herself. She was at her wit's end, anyone would be, with the very situation she found herself in, anyone would be. To be stuck in a timeloop, to witness the people you care about get hurt over and over again, to witness the victory of a battle hard won only to start over again and again, to witness the end of the journey and listen to the broken record that is the Headhouse Maiden over and over again.
She never really understood Why? Why are they stuck in a timeloop? Why is she the only one that remembers? Even after going through so many loops, finding out more about the secrets of the world, wish craft, the island north of Vaugarde, the King, Siffrin… Right, Siffrin, the most suspicious one of all, to be able to read that strange script in some loops. Some. Some… Odile didn't like the prerequisite for it. To die to the King's strange attack, it seems to have a next loop effect on Siffrin, she didn't like it. Not one bit. But it did tell her something, that whatever is happening right now is connected to him in one way or another.
Not like it matters now though, her vision on her other eye is completely obscured by a blinding white light. And her hearing, has gotten muffled, she can feel her… family members, by her side. They seem to be speaking, shouting as well maybe.
I wonder if they're calling me stupid…
She'd chuckle if she could. After all the hurtful things she had told them prior to… this. She wouldn't even mind if they start cursing at her. She deserves it. Odile moved her one somewhat good eye to see who was beside her. It was Siffrin, she thinks, and someone else, Boniface, maybe. Are they crying? Out of anger or worry? Is the one blurring her vision death… or tears? She doesn't know anymore. She can see the silhouette of an arm moving, hers maybe, she can't feel it, but maybe it is. There are numerous cracks on it, a blinding light seeping through. That's hers alright.
The King is gone, right? She wanted to confirm. Vaugarde will be saved, right? She wanted to ask them. Everything will be alright now? She didn't want to die with any regrets.
Well, at the very least, the funeral ceremony of Ka Bue was fulfilled in a way, not in a traditional sense and definitely not what she expected to happen either. With a body seemingly made of gems, to shatter upon death. It's hauntingly beautiful. At the very least… She won't have to burden them in her death…
[You… Closed… Yo u yyyyooo u u u uuu u rrrrrrrr r r eeeyy e ee e ee sss s s ss s . . . ]
[.. . . . . .. . Yoouu u uuu rr eyeeeee e ee esss s s s… o p e n e d . . . once more.]
Odile flinched, an electrifying jolt seemingly passed by her body, beads of sweat immediately formed on her forehead, with eyes blown wide, she quickly scanned her surroundings. She's back… at the shop in… Dormont…??? How…? WHY?!
Her gaze darted to the sound of the door opening, it was Siffrin with Mirabelle seemingly following behind him. And he… looks like he's seen a ghost…
Get back on the stage, researcher.
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abowlofsourcream · 7 months
Ok switch a loop AU, Would Odile in one Loop, just convinced the party to stop and just try to read every book in the house? They can just loop back if anything happens, and have all the time in the world. This way, they'll have more informed or clue on what's going on.
Honestly, yea...
I think they would try that while trying to get more information on all the possible history and craft books. I think it would be a cute loop!
Odile would be the one to drive the exploration, taking all the notes she can. She would get a little annoyed at the others. But she would relax and enjoy everyone's help.
I think that Isabeau would also prove extremely helpful in noting possible info! He would be shy about it at first, but then he'll go full nerd mode because man did he miss this! He and Odile would definitely bond during this loop.
Mirabelle would try her best, but would get overwhelmed. She take some brakes to gather her thoughts. I think she is a slow reader and a big thinker. She is worried that she's not contributing as much, but she is the head of discussions! Some people work better with talking than notes!
I dont trust that Bonnie would do any reading. They would supply the snacks to the notetakers. They would probably enjoy it more if the House had any cool books. Though, I think they would try to start reading "The Cursing of the Château Castle". Keyword being try...
I would imagine this being maybe before Siffrin learning to read his language. I think he would still have fun. They would read some plays, entertain Bonnie a bit, and take some naps! They have been doing that more often these loops..
Overall, I think this could be a cute character moment for them! Thanks for the idea!
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meamiiikiii · 6 months
Hello. I haven't spoken much on the Reverse Entry AU (Modern Office + Reverse Isekai Loop AU). That changes today!!! Have some scattered (relatively long) tidbits on this AU. Mainly background to actually get to the office part of it but, yea!
If anyone wants elaboration on anything on this list, and I do mean anything, I encourage asking!! Or any random questions on the AU general!! Or just things in general!! Make me think about things I have not considered!!
Spoilers for all of ISAT + 2Hats and the like:
Mainly Concrete
The Country -> The Company.
Well, more of a family storefront, but the similarity in those two words next to each other was too good to pass up LOL.
Said storefront was run by Siffrin’s parents, and was their life's work.
Specialized in niche craft related stuff, in both teaching people how to do them & selling materials for the crafts. 
It was a very warm & homely store, and was adored by locals and visitors alike. 
A store that felt comforting to just vibe in for a bit, if that makes sense.
Loop ends up being Siffrin’s roommate after being reverse isekai’ed :)
They do not help with rent
They are a solid night light, which they try to justify as helping with the electricity bill
They also find a mirror shortly after arrival. 
Important Points
Mirabelle & Isabeau have known each other since University and are besties!!!!!!!!!
Not 100% sure of the logistics yet, but this was too important of a point to not include
Additionally, please know at some point, Isa custom stitched the scarf-shawl Mira wears to work all the time now, and gifted it to her!
He is also responsible for the fun pattern on the vest he wears all the time too!
Bonnie, whenever they are hanging around, makes sure to sneak onto Nille’s computer, and block out time between meetings for time to breathe / snacks for the others
And they also make sure to block out like an hour of time for proper lunches as well
Back to back to back to back meetings are not fun!!!
Breaks are important!!!
I have mentioned this in a different post, but this too, is a very important point to not include here as well
Location of Living
Mirabelle & Siffrin live in the same apartment complex, but on opposite sides of it
They have briefly interacted a few times prior to being coworkers? 
But Siffrin had his hair dyed for interviews for a long time
So Mirabelle didn’t realize it was him for a while, since he started growing out the dye before formally meeting in a work environment
Siffrin simply forgor
Isabeau lives relatively close-by to where Mira & Sif live, he visits Mira sometimes!!
He may or may not have also interacted with Siffrin two (2) times prior to working together due to the above point
Nille & Bonnie live around the area Siffrin used to live before he had to move, and have resided in that area for a long time
They technically were neighbors, at one point!
Odile lives closer to the office than everyone else 
Shorter commute for in-office days 
But still in the general vicinity of everyone else's abodes ofc
Hiring Order
Mirabelle has been working in the office the longest (interned two years in a row, and was formally hired right out of University)
Isabeau is next after since he got a referral off of Mira (interned for one year before graduation, then was hired at the same time Mirabelle was)
Odile was hired to replace Euphrasie (previous senior manager to their team who got a promotion, she’s now director of the regional office)
Siffrin was hired a bit after Odile when they got more capacity, since what they were originally doing was way too much for just three people LOL
Apparently, he got a referral from someone internally, but has no idea about it!
Nille was hired a little bit after Siffrin was
She only agreed upon the role if she was granted the flexibility to pick up Bonnie from school whenever
Random RPG Equivalence Hour
Turn Based Combat = Emails 
Whether it be waiting for data to start processes, answering inquiries, so on and so forth
Sometimes those turns take literal days
It happens!
Being Frozen / Damaged = Program Freezing 
This goes for any program being used
If it freezes it inflicts small damage
It inflicts more damage if it crashes
It makes you cry on the floor if the program crashes and you can’t recover any of what you did for the past hour
It makes you regret all of your life decisions up to this moment in time if it crashes, you can’t recover anything, and you have a presentation on the stuff you were working on in 15 minutes
Misc Meetings
Mirabelle writes fanfic
Isabeau knows about this and supports her in her endeavors
Odile has read some of her works, but does not know she wrote them irl
At some point prior to working together, Mirabelle & Odile became mutuals and started trading book / fanfic recommendations to one another
Odile had a brief stint as a bartender prior to working for the office
Mainly to earn some form of income while applying for jobs / waiting for prior certifications to process and transfer properly after moving from another country
In one or another, she met Isabeau and Siffrin at separate intervals while working there
Additionally, the bar is located close to the office. A lot of happy hours happen there. It ended up serving as a networking opportunity for her LMAO
Both Nille and Bonnie moved around a lot when they were younger
At different intervals, Nille went to the same high schools as both Mirabelle & Isabeau
Nille has probably worked a lot of jobs throughout high school / university
This includes working at the same place Odile worked at for a bit, they were probably coworkers there at some point.
Maybe not necessarily a bartender but, general staff
Again, this served as a networking opportunity similar to the Odile segment ASFASDASDA
Loop somehow ends up becoming a vtuber.
Loop somehow ends up being a vtuber for the company the team works under, akin to Tony the Tiger.
Loop does this vtuber gig for approximately one (1) stream and quits right after.
((loop decided their first stream was a nuzlocke for some reason. the crafts company literally didnt ask them to. they decided this on their own volition for no apparent reason. the company literally asked for a stream where they do crafts?? anyway they named their pokemon after the party. and. well.))
As I am Indecisive, this still has a chance for change! But for now this list is slightly ordered from “concrete in my mind” to “need to let simmer more probably, but the vibes are there” to “probably not but it is a bit of a funny to consider” (this only applies to the last loop segment ASDAFA)
But yea!! Thanks for reading the ramblings :)
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aria0fgold · 5 months
[It was a windfall, air knocked out of my lungs, plunge into the abyss. I am nothing.
Pray tell, what have you learned? What have you found? What knowledge have you gained?
Stars, stars, stars. They are the gems of the sky.
Pray tell, the price of which you may pay? To what extent shall you let go? To what extent shall you pursue Life?
Gems, gems, gems. I am but a shard of what once was whole.
Pray tell, what have you learned? What have you found? To what extent shall you let go? To what extent
are you willing
to sacrifice
to be whole
Crabs, crabs, crabs. This is inevitable, for I am never whole without them.
To be myself is to be whole, to be whole is to be with them. To be with them is to be myself.
Pray tell, should your memories be forgotten
who will you
[You doze off, you dreamt you were talking to someone.]
[You can't remember anything else.]
[You heard the door open, Siffrin walks in the store. The book opens, time to get back to the first page, researcher.]
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Of gems and pages au in the brain again. I was thinking like: It's an au, I don't have to think much bout the friendquests and act 5 happenings when my au is set in a new loop+ scenario and then I remembered... That new loop+ relies on the act 5's loop a bit so now I got to thinkin more about the thing.
Like, with the friendquests, it'll turn out a liiil differently in that it'd be Odile's suggestion for Siffrin to check up on the others considering that the Siff in this au has no recollection of practically anything with the many loops that had occurred. Odile figures out that the others needed help with something and considering how the timeloop appears to be connected with Siff, thinks that it's important for them to be helping the others instead of her. So the friendquests goes like this now:
Odile suggests Siff check up on the others then asks Siff about it afterwards to figure out the next step. She finds out about Mira's bonding proposals and the fact that Siff needed to know Bonbon's favourite foods (for that one, instead of the focus being on Siff choosing, it'd be Odile). After finding that out during loops, Odile drops it as a hint like "I think I saw Mira looking over some bonding proposals, although, don't tell her I said that." and "I should stock up for Boniface's favourite foods. I have a list here, but I don't really need it anymore. You can have it." Meanwhile for her friendquest, she'll be the one to outright ask Siff for help instead of the other way around.
Also, the Euphrasie sequence still has Siff be the one to talk to her, that's also the biggest hint that Odile got about the timeloops being connected to Siffrin (Odile might also try to be the one to talk to Euphrasie too thinking it'd help, but... it didn't). So yea, those are the possible changes to the friendquests. Now for Act 5... Since Odile doesn't really benefit much to the spells the others unlock during the friendquests, I think there's no reason for her to seek them out and try to speedrun it the way that Siff did in canon. So the Act 5 sequence in this au is just directed at Siff. Odile reaching her breaking point and just confronts Siff about it, but horribly...
During that moment, Siff Will loop several times but he won't even remember much of it and it just upsets Odile more and more cuz it's clear as day! It's so crystal clear that the timeloop is connected to Siffrin and their emotions and their wish! SO WHAT IS HIS WISH?! But the more Odile pushes them for the answer in such an aggressive manner, the more Siffrin doesn't wanna speak with how horrified he is. And then Odile notices that, notices just how horrible she went about it and finally just lets go, and takes a step back away from Siff to cool off (and take the orbs in the clocktower while everyone isn't around).
She waits until everyone goes in the clocktower to go to the House. Maybe she can get an answer out of the King instead, maybe if she kills him herself, Something would happen cuz clearly she's-- whatever being is responsible for this's-- "Chosen One" of handling the timeloops being controled by her family member. The way the House warps in Act 5 warps in a manner that "keeps her away," it wants to stall her basically. Courtesy of the theory by someone else about the House during Act 5 warps according to Siffrin's desire of getting to the King faster. So here, it warps to the desire of keeping Odile out cuz as hurt as Siffrin was during that whole argument, when she didn't arrive in the clocktower, he fears that she might be doing something dangerous. And he's right.
Also, during the battle with the King, Odile wasn't being frozen in time the way that Siffrin was in canon. In this au, Odile fights that back and for a split second her lvl reached 100 during then. That has repercussions... which will be: Her body cracking aka getting turned into stone for not only using up all of her craft power but Nearly breaking the limit of which the body can handle. I say Nearly, cuz before Odile can blast the King away with a force of a thousand suns, the family members got to her in time, which broke her focus on the attack and she collapsed from it but it still doesn't change the fact that she Did nearly went past the limit there. And now she's Dying-- But wait! We have new loop+ for that :D
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