#I hope you enjoy the literal chunk of the fic that you're all responsible for
Last Line Challenge
I've been tagged six times in the past week by @jedi-enthusiast (twice!), @dreamerkath, @frostbitebakery, @tired-bshocked and @shortcuts-make-long-delays so I figured I should probably get around to doing it (you're getting an entire section now)!
This is from my pirate AU fic that I'm hoping will be a fill for Codywan week's battle husbands (lots of kissing and swapping weapons to be had)
“Have you come to your senses, Commodore?” The question came from the smooth but elderly-sounding voice he’d come to dislike over the past few days. He knew precisely who it was and refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing him break. “I’m afraid, sir, that was rather the question I had for you,” Obi-Wan answered, his voice as calm as ever, unwavering as he looked up to meet the cold blue eyes of his captor. He had to remain polite because his younger brother had been brought on board too. He wouldn’t put him at risk, not even when he found himself sitting in the brig of a merchant ship, shackles around his wrists and without his wig or hat like someone in his position should be wearing. “What do you want, Palpatine?” “For you to join us for dinner, Commodore Kenobi.” “In chains?” He only had to lift his bound wrists to make an almost satisfied smile come to his captor’s lips. The merchant was used to getting his way, that much was obvious. He was clearly also used to inflicting punishment on anyone who didn’t agree with him. Unfortunately, he found himself in that category. “I think not.” “Our other guest will be disappointed.” “Other guest?” Palpatine’s smile grew into something almost cruel as he lifted his hand to beckon someone and the footsteps that followed were thankfully familiar. He shouldn’t still be here, not days later, but his presence did soothe him a little. “Obi-Wan!” His name in his younger brother’s voice made the first real smile come to his lips in days, standing to greet him and was nearly thrown off-balance by the force of the hug, steadying himself as the younger man wrapped his arms around him tightly enough to cut off his air. “You’re not- Oh…” “It’s alright, Anakin.” He reassured softly, lifting his bound hands and awkwardly draping his arms around the other’s shoulders in the best hug he could give at that point. “I’m alright.” “Sir, you said he was a guest.” “Then I’m afraid I find Mr Palpatine’s hospitality to be lacking, my little Lieutenant.”
No pressure tags for @happybean17 @afoundling @anaclastic-azurite @ferretrade @shootingstarpilot @meantforinfinitesadness and @dontbelasagnax
Full pressure tags to everyone who tagged me (yes, it's a bit of piratey revenge)!
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suzukiblu · 3 months
hi! i have a question for you, if that’s ok? i always try to leave comments on fics i read, especially on ao3 where it’s really easy to do that. in other fandoms i’ve been in, before getting into dc, fic authors often responded to my comments on their works and it was pretty easy to make friends through that and other social media and have lots of fun interactions talking about the fandom and our favorite characters etc.
however, i’ve found with this fandom it seems to be very different? almost nobody seems to respond to comments on their fics and i’ve found it very difficult to make any fandom friends, even in a casual-tumblr-mutuals kind of way. (this isn’t about you btw, you seem like the friendliest person i’ve come across on here so far which is why i’m asking you haha)
i completely understand many people are busy or some authors may find responding to comments overwhelming, but i was just wondering if this is something you or anyone else has noticed? is it a quirk of the dc fandom in particular? or am i just getting older and fandoms in general are changing haha, idk.
anyway sorry for the long ramble, feel free to ignore if i’m making no sense. i really enjoy all your stories (and your art! your art style is so cute!) and i hope you’re having a great day :]
Thank you, I'm glad you like my stuff! Especially the art, that I always feel like I'm worse at, hah. ❤️ I hope you're having a great day too. And asking me questions is always okay, no worries! I can't always get to everything in my inbox, to be honest, but I do my best to respond to as much stuff as I can. Either way, though, I never mind getting questions.
Personally I don't currently respond to most of my comments (I try to answer questions that aren't spoilers, but that's usually it these days) because it's just really easy for me to run out of spoons doing it and end up down a rabbit hole of comments instead of actually WRITING, which stresses me out because then I don't feel suitably "productive" for my imposter syndrome brain, and I also know a few people who don't respond because of anxiety or things like that, but I don't know if it's specifically a DC fandom thing or an overall trend in fandom in general? Every fandom is different, obviously, and also certain SECTIONS of those fandoms are different. Like, when I was into MCU fandom, I never really expected super-involved responses when I wrote Stucky because there was SO MUCH Stucky that it seemed like a lot of people just kinda churned through it and it all blurred together for them, but when I wrote about Darcy Lewis oh BOY did people come out of the woodwork to tell me how much they loved it in GREAT detail. Having a niche in general helps, I think, because if you're doing something that isn't super-common or interested in something that isn't super-common, people will be more excited to see it from you or hear you appreciating it from them.
I WILL say there's only a couple DC authors I can currently think of who I generally assume I'll get replies from when I comment on their fic, but I don't know if that's the specific fandom or just that I'm not reading a ton of fic right now and therefore have a smaller pool of authors I'm commenting on. Like, it's hard to tell, honestly. Also DC is a very widespread fandom and pretty old and established, but there's definitely characters and series and canons that just get ignored by huge chunks of it, so if you're into them you either have a real easy time finding people who are excited to talk to you or a real HARD time, depending on where you're looking.
Either way, I think it's really great that you try to leave comments on everything you read and a really good habit for the fandom ecosystem, I know a TON of authors who appreciate getting even, like, a single friggin' emoji or kudos, whether they respond or not. Literally any not-a-hate-comment comment is good for the ecosystem, imo, even when it's not obvious that it is. I very literally once wrote, like, eighty thousand words pretty much just because someone left a very kind comment on an old fic I'd abandoned. I did not actually RESPOND to that comment, as far as I remember; I just changed my mind about abandoning the fic and went through the long-ass process of getting my brain back into it and then the even longer-ass process of writing another 80k over the next few months/year until I got to the end. So like, I VERY much am a person who believes in the value of feeding the ecosystem, hah.
I am largely a call-and-response type of writer myself, so like, getting comments or people talking to me in my replies/asks/messages is basically like somebody is putting tokens in the fic machine and pulling a lever, and we'll all just see if I write three sentences or 80k or secretly tailor a fic towards things a frequent commenter's mentioned appreciating/being into. It's a surprise every time, with me!! And like, that's just how I work, of course, everybody's different, but I have NEVER met anybody who told me they didn't like getting comments.
When I leave comments myself, I tend to feel like more like I'm just telling the author that I think they're on the right track with the thing they're writing, one way or another, and letting them know it got a reaction or feelings or the like out of me, but I'm generally not really expecting a response from them. For actually making friends, I've found MUCH more luck in talking to people on Tumblr and Discord than on AO3. I've made friends on AO3 on and off over the years, but it's just much, MUCH easier for me to do on Tumblr and Discord. Though I kind of have a cheat code there in the sense that I'm a pretty prolific writer and so I've kinda encouraged people to get into the habit of checking my blog pretty frequently or even put alerts on for it, so generally people have a lot of opportunities to talk to me or be reminded I'm around.
I tend to notice people who show up repeatedly in my Tumblr mentions, personally, especially when they talk in the tags or comment in the replies or send me asks, and some of them I've either become friends with or just, like, secretly adopted as secret faves and sometimes sneak little extra treats of Things I Think That One Tumblr Person Would Like into my writing or pick specific WIPs to work on because I think "hey last time I wrote this [ TUMBLR FAVE ] really liked it, I should write more!" (and then I cackle in triumph/delight when they reblog it later, for that is a Victory, mwahaha), but like, it's a process? I definitely feel like making friends in fandom is generally slower than it was once upon a time, but also I'm a Fandom Old so there's been a few migrations and such over my time online too. And also Discord confuses me, hahaha. Discord is VERY confusing to me.
Ummm . . . okay I got INTO that reply, I guess, lol, but I hope that answered your question? Or at least helped answer it, if nothing else!
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fanfic-gallery · 1 year
Good morning, Tori! How have you been, dear? This event idea is so creative, I love that brain of yours!
If you're up for writing a little chaotic something for me, could I request a (platonic) League of Villains (BNHA) + reader with prompt #777?
one of us
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league of villains x gn! reader
|| cw : DEAD DOVE - DO NOT EAT, near-death experience, light mentions of violence
» manager's note: am i actually liking this fic? damn- i must have gotten better- or my standards have lowered- anywaysss, i'd like to say happy pride month to everybody 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 i hope my people in the lgbtqia+ community is having a lovely time celebrating, with that said enjoy the fic <33
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"how much longer do they need..." eyes rolled across from the illuminated dance floor towards your bubbling booze. fingers found their way into your hair, gripping and grasping at a chunk of it before pulling at it by the scalp. dabi huffed a laugh of amusement, nonchalantly clinking his glass with yours in an effort to draw your attention towards him.
"you can always.. i don't know, leave?" stitched hand directed your eyes towards the barely visible exit underneath mountains of people. you growled lowly in response, stuffing your head back into the confines of your bare arms, groaning. how did you know that being selected as the group 'undercover' was so mundane, let alone needing to deal with the ass-hat sat just next to you?
seconds turned to minutes, then hours, it felt like literal days had gone by; yet, no signs of shigaraki or the others. you could feel your soul drifting apart from your body --- could it be from the mass amount of booze you had chugged, maybe.. you really couldn't tell. eyes lingered to your side, pupils eyeing the flashing blue flame sparking from your partner's fingertips; it danced and flowed, jumping from tip to tip.
"i get why i'm here, doing this.. but why are YOU here?"
lips slightly ajar, puffing out a light gust of air, blowing at the flicking flare; leaving ashy grey smoke to take its place. "mm, i don't really know.. i don't call the shots," you stared back at him, unimpressed but weren't expect much from a guy you've only just meet weeks before.
october 9th — the day you stumbled into a fate you could never imagine yourself in. legs wobbled, your hands were uneasy; gripping at bricks as you tried to hold yourself together, frame leaning against the wall just beside you. brain in a total mess, nearing the condition of a melted puddle; yet, the clutch against your burning chest was steady, arm still held close the glorious jewel.
"cOUGH- coughcough..." knees lost their strength as you fell on all fours, crimson leaking from your lips and finding its way onto the concrete pavement. ears ringing, barely hearing the clinking of the crystal-like piece rolling across the alley before suddenly stopping. you raised your head; eyes, a blur, only managing to catch glimpses of saturated baby blue before... darkness swallowed you whole.
"it seems our guest is waking up~"
"what fast recovery.."
"oh-oh! i can't wait to play with them!"
"shut it, all of you..."
noise, noise everywhere... god, how annoying... lashes fluttered, shutting again from the sudden flash of golden rays before readjusting your focus. as each of your senses slowly returned, the warmth just by your feet had caught your attention; white mask covered in black markings stared back, their bright orange button up paired with an elongated top hat having you draw nothing but blanks.
"hello there," gloved hand waved, their mask seemingly twisting into a grin. you gulped, mouth slightly opening to speak till a strong bang struck the sides of the leather couch.
"ahh~ you're cute; shiggy, can we keep 'em?? pretty pleaseee!!" a girl, no younger than a highschool student, had gripped at your arm; blonde locks swaying along with her as she bobbled with joy, her smile barely fitting her face.
"where.. am i; and.. who are you people...-" you shook off the wander girl's wander hands, slowly pulling yourself up but stopping when a piercing sting within your chest made you choke.
"I won't move if I were you..." a man, or what looked to be a man, dressed in formal overalls. his face indistinguishable, head covered in mist of blackish-purple with eyes glowing a bright golden. what could was his hand, reached forward, steadying you by your shoulders as he laid you down on the bed once again.
"we are the league of villians... we had brought you here, or should i say, our leader had brought you here as he deemed you as worthy of joining us." he shifted to his side, revealing the familiar saturated baby blue hair over black clothing. he turned, face unwrapped with a sculpture of a hand, within the gaps of the fingers, crimson pupils stared on from the shadows.
"what do you mean.."
"we've heard of you, Y/N.. a vigilant who helps those, too weak and helpless."
"but they took you for granted, they shook you to the side and disregarded you as just another citizen desperate for the limelight!"
"...we want to help you take revenge.."
eyes rolled, upwards, taking at the looming familiar blue-haired figure, just close enough to notice scars of nails digging into the pale boy's flesh, the dry-ness of it all. despite his size and posture, an eerie aura radiated from him, you didn't know what, but it sickened you.. you felt like throwing up...
"and why should I trust you.."
"...do you have anyone else who's willing to help you right now?"
there was no one else.
your parents, sunning you to the side, faces in disgust...
your friends, blocking you, some even writing discriminating comments on your posts...
the people in your college, cackling like the witches they were, pointing fingers and laughing at your misery every where you went...
you truly had no one.
no one but yourself...
"earth to rookie...-"
"aRK-" you jumped from your seat, barely managing to catch yourself. eyes flared with malice as your hand went straight at dabi's cheek, who in turn, caught it with ease. "don't scare me like that-" in response, he grinned, shrugging his shoulders as he tried to return back to his cocktail till...
"oh.. looks like they're 'just on time'.."
"someone's excited.. "
"duh- who wouldn't be- anyways, ready, partner..?"
"... pftt, ready as i'll ever be, partner.. " eyes of fiery blue set ablaze as scarred hands swept the dance floor within their flames. the heat travelled fast, gasping at its first victim within seconds, leaving nothing but the echoing screams of sheer terror. you joined suit with a lingering smirk, hands raising allowing the silver utensils from the drawers to be sent out flying, some grazed the flesh of its victims and other fell to the ground groaning in agony.
students ran in pure chaos, some even resorted to banging on the windows to escape their hellish damnation. one stumbled towards a girl in red, blood pooling over their lips, begging for help as their hands trailed her skin; yet, all they received was a chuckle as her body melted like clay in their hand, but before their could even react, a knife from behind lodged itself into their head.
"...took you all long enough,"
"well, brother shiggy had some stuff to handle~ you can't really blame him.." toga giggled in return as she twirled, her blade purposefully finding another victim to gash.
"toga's right! nO- she's not!" twice followed.
"where is his dry-ass anyw—" your words cut shorter than the sudden silence in the room. eyes flashed in shock as the once rampaging crowd stilled like statues, all that was meat and bones turned to cracked cement before slowly crumbling away leaving nothing but ash and dust.
"it looks like i might have ruined your fun..." steps of his leather boots rang through the halls, as the familiarity of blue stepped out of the shadows.
"...well, the work is done... but i would have wished it lasted a bit longer-" you shrugged, hiding your frown behind strands of hair.
"the nights not over yettt, right brother shiggy?"
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