teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + rosie
ROSIE: Well, with a promise like that, how can I refuse?
ROSIE: If I'm honest, I'm intrigued to see what you'll choose.
TEDDY: How does tomorrow night sound?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || logan & teddy
LOGAN: Oh? Where are you from?
LOGAN: Depends what you mean by luck. I've had a few decent conversations on here, but haven't been dying to get drinks with anyone just yet.
TEDDY: South Carolina.
TEDDY: Not even me! I'm offended.
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || khaleddy
KHALIL: I've met some pretty chill people, but I guess it depends what you're looking for. This isn't really the place to find love if that's what you want.
TEDDY: That's definitely not what I want.
TEDDY: I'm mostly here to make friends. I'm brand new to the city.
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + olivia
Olivia: Damn! I'm too late. But next time you're offering, hit a girl up.
Teddy: I certainly will!
Teddy: How are you doing, otherwise?
Teddy: Any exciting plans for the weekend?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || khaleddy
KHALIL: Nah, dudes are shitty. They respect men way more than they respect women. But I also don't have much experience with gay men, so who knows.
TEDDY: I can't say I do either, so I'll have to take your word for it.
TEDDY: Have you had much luck on here?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + scarlett
Scarlett: sure! but before that, tell me something about you. it wouldn't be wise to go on a date with someone i barely know, you know?
Teddy: Of course. I think that's very wise.
Teddy: Well. I'm from North Carolina. I went to college in Nashville, and I'm a huge fan of southern food and BBQ. I love to sail, and I just got my boat docked here from home, which is now going to take up most of my weekends.
Teddy: I have two sisters, both are younger, and I miss them terribly. My parents have been happily married for thirty five years and I hope I can have a relationship like theirs someday.
Teddy: I also like classic rock and waffle sundaes.
Teddy: Your turn!
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + roz
ROZ: Oh?
ROZ: Maybe you should lead with that next time, Ted.
ROZ: That'll certainly grab people's attention more so than an offer of drinks.
ROZ: Super fancy.
TEDDY: Only technically. I really just own the building.
TEDDY: So... is that a yes? Or is your attention still not grabbed?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || tevie
EVIE: I'm usually just a vodka tonic girl. Maybe throw in a splash of strawberry or raspberry liquor for some flavor.
EVIE: I prefer drinks that are quick to order - you tend to get them a lot faster, and refills are easier. Especially if someone's trying to remember what you were drinking.
TEDDY: You speak from experience!
TEDDY: Were you a bartender in a past life?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || logan & teddy
LOGAN: I really don't use these apps all that much either. How did your drink invite go? Any takers?
TEDDY: Ah, I'm glad it's not just me.
TEDDY: A couple, yes! I've only been in the city for a few months, so I'm just happy to be around people who aren't my co-workers.
TEDDY: Have you had much luck on here?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + scarlett
Scarlett: you're in the right dating app, I hope it works for you and you end up making a connection or two
Scarlett: as for the offer, we could go out for a drink if you're free
Teddy: I hope the same for you, Scarlett.
Teddy: I'd love to!
Teddy: I'm free tomorrow evening, if that works for you?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || khaleddy
KHALIL: But you're a dude so I think you're safe.
TEDDY: You never know!!!
TEDDY: At least, not the way people have it sound...
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + roz
ROZ: the only greenhouses i know of involve plants, so that would be a no from me.
ROZ: is it your usual go to? if so, why?
TEDDY: Technically I own it.
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || khaleddy
KHALIL: And how's that going for you so far?
MILES: Nobody has sent me dick pics, so I think we're doing pretty well.
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || logan & teddy
LOGAN: It's just a bit much, don't you think? A little too eager for a first message to someone.
TEDDY: I'm taking notes.
TEDDY: Is there anything else I should know about?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + rosie
ROSIE: It is slightly, yeah.
ROSIE: But forwardness mixed with self-awareness? Brilliant combo.
ROSIE: I can do drinks.
TEDDY: Well, thank you.
TEDDY: I know a place, unless you'd rather pick.
TEDDY: (Said place has a cocktail named after your namesake, and I was planning on ordering a pitcher).
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + roz
ROZ: incredibly forward indeed but also i can appreciate the efficiency of cutting to the quick so to speak
ROZ: what place did you have in mind?
TEDDY: That's a word I'd use to describe myself, probably. Efficient.
TEDDY: It's called Greenhouse. Have you heard of it?
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teddygardners-blog · 4 years
message || teddy + scarlett
Scarlett: There's nothing as being too forward in dating apps unless they involve an unsolicited dick pic or something like that, I guess?
Scarlett: How many people have said yes to your question?
Teddy: Well... a few.
Teddy: But in a (pathetic) defense, I'm brand new to the city and can't really deal with being alone in my apartment anymore.
Teddy: I miss people.
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