#I imagine they’re the two who stuck together during the roughest of times and all throughout childhood
abd-artblog · 2 months
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My One, My Only, My Guardian... [pt.1]
The wind whistled as it blew through the crumbling remains of the abandoned Golden Age town. Debris drifted across the ground, rattling faintly until it tumbled into a piece of rubble and stopped. What a sorry place to return to. I’ve been searching across the solar system for my Risen, I’ve checked every place I could and then checked again, again, and again, but I haven’t found them anywhere. This place? I’d been here so many times. Hundreds, thousands of times.
My first instinct is to say this is perhaps the 8th time I’ve been here, but in reality, it’s been so much more than that. Like. So much more. One thing was for certain, though: this time was probably the last, if the distant rumbles of Fallen salvage ships were anything to go by. Traveling alone and defenseless was never the safest bet, but it’s the only one I’ve been able to make for a while now.
I used to be in a little group of Ghosts, a pack if you will. Right off the bat, the lot of us decided safety in numbers was just about the only safety we’d get in our quest for our Risen. The first five of us to leave our pack found their Risen shortly after we started. Since then, we’ve gradually shed members while traveling. Out of the original twenty or so, eight had found their Risen, three were killed, and all the rest have given up.
All the rest, except for me. And I’ll be honest: if I don’t find my Risen here and now... I’m probably going to join them, one way or another.
Speaking of this place… I don’t know why I keep coming back here. It was the first place I tried looking. It has some sort of… feeling, within the earth itself, that I can’t describe. I can’t shake the sense that my other half is here, somewhere in the city.
I’ve often wondered what they would be like. I hoped that they’d be like Saint-14, or Cayde-6. Strong, funny, good-hearted. I sure hope they’re an exo. Then we’d have something in common, and I wouldn’t have to worry about healing them from environmental damage. I hear that’s really hard to deal with.
I always imagined them being a protector, a Titan, someone who put themselves before others. A gentle titan.. who gives really warm hugs. Or a cool hunter, with really warm coats! Just. Warm. And kind, soft. Someone who’d be nice to be held by.
I pass by a scraggly old tree that seemed to wave to me on my way to the abandoned construction site, giving me pause. I liked that tree. I named it something funny a couple hundred years ago. Like… Paul, or something. Paul sounds about right. Oh, I remember when Paul was just a little sapling – I thought it was a flower, at first. So small.
“Hi Paul.”
I continued on, unsteady from the wind, scanning rubble as I went. I circled the construction site. Once. Twice. Three times. Four.
I was forced to stop and hide as a Fallen ship roared overhead. I hid under a clump of weeds, close to the ground in hopes I wouldn’t be detected. I’ll admit… I panicked a bit and dug myself a ways into the finer bits of rubble. It was habit! Usually I’m not lucky enough to be stuck in a place with weeds. And I watched this crab.. thing… hide by burying itself in sand, so of course I do that now.
Wouldn’t have to if I had a Risen…
Oh, I really hope I can find mine. We’ll be two peas in a pod, my Risen and I, and I’ll never have to be scared and alone ever again…
I’ll be scared and with a friend, instead.
Or… different than a friend. I wouldn’t say more, but something other than a friend. Nothing more, nothing less, just… different.
We can travel the world together. Heck, the solar system. We’ll see beautiful things together… sunsets, oceans, ancient forests, glaciers. On this planet, or others. I always wanted to show my Risen all the pretty places I’ve been. I’ll pick my Risen flowers! Don’t know how, what with… not having hands… but I’ll find a way. For my Risen! And they’ll keep me safe and warm and hold me close…
I snuck a peak outside my hiding spot, shimmying across the ground slightly to get a better view of the sky. I sure didn’t hear any Fallen ships anymore, but you can never be too sure. Something felt funny. Like the ‘its-just-around-the-corner’ kind of funny. Except that corner was… the… the pile of gravel I’m currently hiding on. What? Another peak around and I was up in the air, squinting at the pile of rubble. I have it a closer look.
What I assumed was just another hill of rubble seemed to closer resemble a remarkably large pile of gravel that, over the years, was compacted into more solidified chunks. Grass was trying to grow over it, but it seemed like it was too dense for anything other than the roughest of weeds to deal with. It also seemed to have a lot of erosion going on… I could have sworn this pile was taller last time I was here. But I also thought it was rubble for… my whole life, really, so I could be wrong.
I gave the pile a quick scan.
Yep. Signs of erosion, rainfall. And…
I’m sorry, is that a body? Under this pile of gravel? But it’s huge! Like a small hill. How could a body be-
You know what, I’ve seen weirder places for a body to be.
I gave the spot another scan, this time trying to isolate the body. I could barely keep still. I always get like this during a candidate scan, but this time, in the place I always had a hunch about? This was beyond exciting.
Female. Exo… exo! Oh, please let this be my risen, please let this be my risen…
Frantically, I looked around. There has to be some way I can recover the body, get a better scan result. Wait, I was in a construction yard! I could use one of those, uhm, big dig machines. I’m not sure what they called them in the Golden Age. I dubbed them scoopers. ‘Cause.. they can scoop… things, I guess? That seems like it was their intended purpose, with the big bucket ends. The air buzzed as I zipped over to the nearest scooper. I could get one of these running. Easy peasy, even if they were old, rusted, hadn’t been used since the collapse…
If I could keep myself steady.
Just… flip a switch here, wrestle with some old engines there, give it a spiritual kick, and…
Well. Not this one.
I went over to another one, did the same. Not that one.
Third one, same attempt. It sputtered to life. It jittered and stopped, coughing at any chance it could, but it probably would do the trick.
I was so excited. This was it. This was my Risen. It had to be! I always knew she was here, I just knew it, I knew it! Screw you, that one really mean Ghost who said I would never find my Risen! Look who’s laughing now! Not you! What was your name? Barold? Bensen? Bob?
No, wait, it doesn’t matter. You gave up! I didn’t! And look who’s found their Risen. Me! Ghost!
I need to get a name sometime. My Risen can give it to me! Oh, I hope it’s really cute.. or cool. I can be cool. Yeah, I need a cool name. Like Jack. Or- or- Fin… bar.
I’m not good with names.
Oh, wait, my Risen, right!
I halted the scooper and peaked to the pile. It was very compact, but it wasn’t like it was cemented together. I just needed to be gentle, so I don’t hurt my Risen. Not that she can feel it, she’s kindof. Really dead. But still! First impressions. Not sure if she’ll remember this when I wake her up. I carefully started to nudge the gravel hill, testing the surface before I began digging into it. The old machinery struggled, but it was a good sport about it.
Digging took a lot longer than I expected, though mostly due to the scooper. Poor thing was old and tired. It’d been years since it last worked like this. Eventually, I uncovered my Risen. I used the machine to pick her up by the torso, move her out to the open where it would be easier to wake her up, and set her down. Carefully. Gently. Be nice! She’d do the same for me, if the situation were flipped.
I rested the scooper’s arm down on the ground and turned it off.
“There you go, buddy. Sleep well. Thank you.”
I flew towards my Risen, my path more a wobbly spring than a straight line. I was so excited; I can’t contain it. This was it. I could feel it. She was the one! My one. My only. My Risen.
Another scan.
Female. Exo. Not sure what she used to be, her clothes didn’t match what I expected a Golden Age construction worker to have. It was a suit, of sorts, and thick jacket. Very official. Almost a military style.
But the Golden Age was a time of peace…
Whatever. They were remarkably well preserved, but even then, they were worn and dull. They were also not well situated, giving her an almost disheveled look despite the formality of the actual clothes themselves. I couldn’t tell if that was from the scooper or not.
She was a bit rusted, with excessive damage to her face. It was nearly completely caved in.
Is.. is she recoverable? Please…
My shell shuttered. She was. She just was. I could feel it. She was the one, my one, I could do this…
What would I say… what will I say? I’ve been searching so long, you’d think I’d have thought of this by now, but… all I’ve ever thought of is the life I would have with my Risen, not how it would start.
Vast oversight, Ghost.
Well. What was she like? What will she be like when I wake her?
Another scan!
Female. Exo. She’s very sound, cognitively. No corruption, mutation of any kind. Not like those on the moon. Certain. Convicted. Dedicated. Stubborn, maybe? Last few memories don’t sit well with me, though. The emotions… anger, fear, the kind of fear that makes you sick, sadness, loneliness, fear again… then cold. That’s the last thing. Fear and cold.
But she’s the one. She’s my Risen. 
She won’t be lonely with me around.
I shivered again. This was it. This was it.
It all happened in what felt like a single second. I saw the spark, burning bright as the sun. It had a grandness to it, like an explosion that you couldn’t tear your eyes away from, despite its danger. Its intrigue, its glory, the terrifying awe and dreadful, humbling drum of your core as the shockwave hit you head-on. The Light came pouring down like rainfall, coalescing into a beam that was as instant and deafening as a thunderclap on a sunny day.
In a moment, it was there, and in a moment, it had gone.
I did it. She was here.
My Risen laid on the ground in front of me, looking to the sky with tired eyes, blinking slowly. I hovered above her, placing myself front and center.
“Eyes up, Guardian,” I breathed.
The seconds crawled by like hours as she gazed up at me, her expression not giving a thing away. What would she say? How did she feel? I couldn’t wait to hear-
“Five more minutes.”
She rolled over and went to sleep.
Well, that was anticlimactic.
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akimitsusevecan · 7 years
I’m doing a campaign with friends!
The friends include @eternalevecho @curiousskelekitty @thepyramidsloth Skele’s boyfriend, Eve’s brother, and James!
This, when I tell it, is probably going to be pretty factual; I’ll leave the IC stuff to Eve, Skele, and sloth.
 So last week was the first session, and I gave a brief history of how they're in like a training academy. The know of each other, but don't know each-other. They go about their day training in the various classes, before they fall asleep for the night. They wake up to everything around them burning, several.. well, everything on fire and a cleric rushes out of the doors to scream "Fire, everyone get out !" Right down the doors of their 'dorm'.
 They stumble out to see a massacre happening, every race fighting in some unknown war, with students bodies littering the field and the 'elders' of the school engaging in some serious fighting combat. An elf sorceress (Water based from unearthed Arcana) manages to spot an exit where students are funneling to. A gnome monk, A human Cleric, a teifling bard, and the sorceress proceed to squeeeeeze in this exit where they're basically standing on the person around them. A male dragon born is in the mix, but the bunks are separate.
The sorceress, Villiyan is first in the gates, but can see a huge axe proceeding to chop down students as they funnel through. With a bit of luck, Villiyan manages to dodge out of the way of a huge werebear's axe (They couldn't figure out it was a wearbere, they thought it was a bug bear) . The gnome monk, puck, manages to sneak by during the commotion and get a respectable distance away. Villiyan does her best to slow the assault of the werebear by using ray of frost and actual smartness of maneuvering and kiting long enough for the bard, Forte, to get in and help, as well as the Cleric, Erika, and the dragon born, Sigi.
 With impromptu working together, they are able to prevent the beast from culling down any other students and gets them to focus on just them, again, using smart skills and forcing the bear to turn it's attention every which way with skill and slight luck. Eventually though the beast manages  to get a crushing blow to the wizard with little defense, and as the wizard is about to be culled, they all wake up back in their beds, soaked and still on the adrenaline high.
Villiyan proceeds out of her room to one of the doors she remembers a person coming out of, to see nothing on fire and everything as it was the day before. She talks rather loudly to Forte, with Puck and Erika coming out to explain they had the same dream. In the faint distance, they were able to hear a scream from a dragonborn, Sigi waking up from about dying. Two of them suddenly remember that they all have to be in the courtyard soon, because of the adventuring licenses!
 The history is then explained slightly, on how the races have gotten along for millennia, orcs and elfs laughing among each other as friends. True peace! Because of this, after a few years, the races got restless. What was to be gained? Thats when the adventuring schools came into being, using an organized system to structure adventurers. The new goal for most everyone's life? Adventure, fight the biggest things, find the coolest treasures, beat the roughest dungeons, but you have to do it with a license. Without it, you claim no glory, and can actually get criminalized.
 The 5 gather in the courtyard with other people around and the headmaster comes in to start paring everyone up, and puts the 4 except the cleric together, then changes his mind because he sees the lack of support in the 4 man group. Gives them a map to a dungeon which is un touched save for a golden dagger that they must retrieve to prove they have beat the dungeon. They all get paired up, with a bit of bickering from everyone especially to the wizard.[
They travel on the open planes for about a day before finding the forest, fighting a few wolves when they rest just before the woods. They best them, and have wolf for breakfast. They proceed into beautiful woodland, as calm and serene as they could have ever imagined. Woodland creatures dart off to a different path though, clearly avoiding the path to the dungeon due to self preservation. They manage to find the dungeon, as well as skeletons guarding it. After felling them rather easily, the go into the cave like entrance to encounter 6 goblins. The wizard who speaks goblin tries to stop a soon to be fight, and fails miserably, getting smacked for a bit of damage. They manage to cull the goblins however, and find hidden among the bodies, a poor elf male 
They are suspicious of him at first, until he points out a trap door that the party would have missed without him; or have been stuck searching for a long time. They decide to trust him after he remembers that he was part of the academy, though he wondered out a bit too far looking for a bit of fun before the party selection and now here he was. They go down and end up finding a medium sized room, with a larger opening to he left, and a door the the right. The lights casting a shadow to flicker over a statue, a gargoyle. They investigated it, and when the monk tried to take a gem from the statue, the statue bitch-slapped the monk across the room into a wall. After a rough fight with the monk almost falling, they managed to beat the gargoyle down and take a long rest in what looked to be a safe place.
 After the long rest, they decided to gear up and go into the unchecked door. Thankfully the rogue was able to stop a trap from going off on them, and they proceeded without incident down more stairs.
When they exited the stairs, they found a grand hall sized room, absolutely massive in size. From afar they could see faint glows, as well as a strange pedastool in the middle. As they got closer, they saw about 8 doors, with door 4 flaring "Cloister of Trials." Only the wizard and sorcerer could read it. The rouge, Velvexa, Forte and puck were able to investigate the pedastool and push it aside to reveal a silver mace, and a silver playing flute. Then they went to investigate the 4th door, and it had missing gemstones, about 6 of them. The magic on this door was strong, and the rogue turned away immediately, not even going to attempt to mess with what obviously was a trap. That's when the wizard, Sigi, felt a pull to a certain door. After he went through it, everyone else felt a pull to a different door. Thus began the trials.
 Door number 1 was for Villiyan, the water sorcerer. Inside she found an entrence underwater, and was obviously joyful at the chance to start swimming in her natural element. (They get waterbreathing and swim speed equal to move speed for level 1). She found a zombie with a gemstone in it, cats-eye and managed to pry the object loose with a spear, and grab it. She rejoiced, and we went to door 2.
Door 2 had the wizard sigi. Up to this point, he almost always had his nose in a book, treating everyone with.. contempt. He found 3 books, and started looking through them. Each book pulled at him in a different way, until he felt himself trapped in reading them, before managing to have the will to move on to a different book. Each time he attempted to close the book, he struggled to fight the will to read all of this knowledge. On the final book, he was lost in reading until a gem flare from inside a page got his attention. Figuring out what he had to do, he started to skim for few words only, resisting the urge to read all of this untold knowledge in the book before disarming an arcane trap, and grabbing the gem inside, with a message flaring. " If your absorbing knowledge from a book, you shall miss the knowledge from around." Telling him to be a little more.. active in thew world.
 Door 5, skipping 3 and 4, the gnome puck had to doge arrows right away. With her skill, it was a trivial matter, though scouting the room was a bit difficult with arrows shooting at her at a decent pace. After some time of dodging and looking, she was able to discern a gem high above in the tall room, at the end of a long passage, with trees that could almost be used as jumping spots. With several well timed jumps, she managed to avoid getting speared by arrows and landing on the trees, until the last one. She stumbled, but quick thinking with a blanket around her waist saved her a massive drop. She clambered up the tree and pressed in the gemstone right as an arrow would've launched at her. She got the stone, and started the climb down.
Door 6 was for the bard. As soon as the door closed, curtains were pulled, lights shone in every direction, and a crowded tavern was becoming less crowded as people left, paying her no mind. With each successful playing of her flute, she pulled the attention of more and more people until they were all applauding her performance. There was one particular gentleman in the crowd however, who beckoned for her. She sat down at a table, and started to speak with him. " Your performance was admirable, but I still am unsure if you deserve this.." The gemstone.
She replied. "Without the gemstone, my friends and I have no way to proceed, and we all wish to continue on together."
"You call them your friends, yet it seems you do nothing but gripe and triffle with them. How do call them your friends?"
 "We may not see eye to eye all the time; few ever do. But when the time counts, they are there for me, and I them. I won't run away if I can help them."
 "Good answer." he tossed the gemstone, and as it was caught, we went to the next door.
Erika, the cleric, was in a warzone. The moans of the undead were heard all around and wounded were scattered everywhere. She quickly went to work attempting to heal all of the wounded, though one person couldn’t be healed. It was a zombie, and it was her quick reaction that felled the creature before it could do more harm. A look up saw that the undead were closing in. Channeling her divine power, she was able to cast away a decent crowd of zombies,but more came. Two people came to help, someone with a bow, someone with a sword, and they fought for 15 straight minutes. The zombies kept coming, creeping up and up until a sword from the god Helm pierced the skys and the ground, scattering zombies every which way. She dropped to her knees immediately, with a bit of spot healing to the people who helped her. "You do my work in choosing to stand when others would run. You must continue to do that with your fellow party members; despite their bickering, there is good in them. Be the rock they lean on in trouble." After agreeing, Erika and helm proceeded to decimate the zombies. After looking around in the aftermath, the god was no where to be found, but left a gemstone in his place.
The last door, for the thief. He ended up in a very bad part of town, where he was able to see special types of symbols, leading him further in. Two paths opened up, each with the strange language. "One path leads to immediate wealth with an eventual decline. Another leads to an immediate fall, with a slow gain." He chose the slow gain path, and failed to notice a trap that had him falling in blackness .After the light was only a pinprick above him, he heard dissonant whispers. "Your greed is your downfall. Misplaced greed will lead to ruin... one must be smart about what they take.. Answer the call later, in exchange for your life now... " After agreeing, he fell into a bed of feathers and proceeded to hit the ground, with a gemstone and a note. "We'll talk later. " Then they all woke up back in the large room before, gemstones in hand. 
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lostin-my-music · 7 years
A Heart That’s Broke Is A Heart That’s Been Loved (SL with @EverSoPatiently)
Josh: -I had no idea what was going on out in the woods. Hell, I had no real idea what was going on around here in general. Amiee hadn’t been lying when she’d said wolves. There were more than wolves around here. From what she and Logan had filled me in on as we drove, there were witches, shifters, a few humans, probably a troll and and an ogre in the basement. That is, if this house had a basement.
It probably didn’t considering it was perched up in a tree. If someone had been afraid of heights this wasn’t going to be the place for them to live. It was almost surreal, like the thing had grown out of the tree it was clinging to organically rather than being built. Maybe it had. Who the hell knew?
It was weird to say the least. There was shit going on here I didn’t have any kind of reference for. I’d spent my life living in what I called the real world. That was just the surface of what was real. And here I was falling head first into the deep end of all of it, stuck between two warring factions of supernatural creatures I didn’t even know weren’t part of a movie plot until a few hours ago.
Amiee was outside with the rest of them, while I was stuck in the house with the pregnant girl I’d met just after arriving here. Amiee had told me she was a wolf too, just that she wasn’t allowed to go outside during whatever was going down because of the baby. She was the big guy’s wife. And then there was Leah. A mass of curls and attitude, but I liked her. The attitude was a protective mechanism, something to hide behind. So was the hair. And she was worried. That was clear in the way she clung to Logan once he walked through the door.
Her eyes were filled with something I knew pretty damned well. She missed him. She felt guilty about something, though I didn’t know what it might be. Probably had something to do with all of what was going on. But most of all she just wanted to be as close to him as possible. She couldn’t be. He had to be part of whatever was going on out there. It was some kind of smash up between the three witches, which I guessed included Amiee, and two of the wolves.
Amiee tried to explain it to me before she went out there with the rest of them, but my head was already swimming with all the shit I’d learned today. I couldn’t wrap my head around the details of what they were planning while I was still learning that all of this stuff even existed.
So here I was stuck in a strange house, with a couple of women I’d just met, both of whom could become wolves whenever they wanted and eat me alive. It was either fascinating or terrifying. I was going with the former.
I guess I could have had a freak out, but I didn’t see what good it was going to do anyone. I had a lot to learn, so rolling with the punches here was the best option I had. We were all sitting around the living room in the Treehouse. Well, I was sitting, so was Rora, but Leah was pacing between the living room and the kitchen, never taking her eyes off the windows like she was just waiting for the boogie man to come running up out of the woods and take the whole place down.
My guitar was resting across my lap while I played with the pegs, tightening and loosening the strings while I tested each note to make sure it sounded just right. Amiee had hauled this one hours away from home after it sat in a corner collecting dust. Then she put it into the back of a closet to collect dust here. I’d think about what that meant later, but for now, I could focus on getting it back into shape to play while I was sitting in the house being useless.
Glancing up at the pretty, young and obviously pregnant woman across the room from me, I shot her a friendly smile- So, you think Leah is going to wear a track in the floor or am I just being an asshole here?
Rora: ^I could only laugh as Josh asked if Leah was going to wear a hole in the floor. And he wasn’t far off. But I knew why she was going nuts. There was a lot of risk with what Logan and Mal were doing. And that was the roughest part of being here. The waiting.
I knew that Josh didn’t understand anything. He knew what was going on, but he didn’t really know it. He hadn’t really asked any of his questions that I knew he had to have. To this day, I still had a million and one questions. I still didn’t understand everything, and I was a huge part of what was going on.^ She’s worried about Logan. I mean, I’m worried about Malachi, but there’s more to it with Logan and Leah. They’re tied together in a way that no one else is. It’s more than just them being married. I mean, I worry about Malachi because it’s not just me anymore. I need him to be safe so that he can actually be a father to Dinah.
^I saw the look on Leah’s face as I said the name Dinah. I wasn’t surprised that she knew who we named her after. There was no name that was a better fit for us. The name Dinah was everything to Malachi. It wasn’t just the name of his mother, but it was the name of someone he wanted and needed to protect at all cost. So naming her Dinah had been a non-issue.^ You know, I can answer any questions you may have. I know you’re lost in a world of the supernatural. I have to imagine that it’s a little hard to understand a world that you didn’t think could exist. So ask them. And if it’s in my power, I’ll answer them.
Josh: -Leah paused for a minute when Rora said Dinah. I didn’t know what that name meant to any of them, but I was certain it did mean something. It was easy to feel a little lost with all that was going on, and I had to admit that I had a million questions ranging from mundane to astronomical. It was nice to have someone I thought I could talk to about all of it.
It seemed that she was going to be my source for all of it, and she was pretty much as helpless in this as I was. Maybe it was even more frustrating for her since she had the ability to shift, and theoretically should be able to help, but given that she was about to have a baby at any day,  it didn’t seem that she was going to be much use in a fight.-
I mean… -I strummed the guitar again and looked back up at her- There’s a million things I could ask. I know the basics. I know that most of you are werewolves and the rest of them seem to be witches, including Amiee. I guess I can wrap my head around all of that. It’s the details that I get lost in. I know you’re married to Beezer… That’s his name right? - I hoped like hell I wasn’t messing this up- Leah and Logan are together, even though they’re different. So, that’s ok? I mean I don’t know if there are rules or anything. -I felt kind of stupid asking the questions, but I supposed there was no way I was going to learn if I didn’t ask. -
Rora: ^I could only laugh softly as I shook my head. I knew that this was going to be a thing. I knew it was going to be hard for Josh to understand everything. And I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose as Josh referred to my husband as Beezer. But it was what everyone besides me and Colette referred to him as. I could understand why the name stuck with Josh.^ Everyone calls him Beezer. I call him Malachi, Mal, or Shadow. Him and I both agree that Beezer just sounds wrong coming from my lips. Leah married Logan on a whim before either of them knew what the other was. Doc Spencer is with Tatiana. Colette is just Colette. And you know how you feel about Amiee. Are there rules? No. There’s nothing that says a witch has to be married to a witch, or a were has to be married to a were. Logan’s a witch that’s married to a were, and Doc Spencer is a human in love with a were.
^I could only shrug my shoulder. There was a lot that Josh needed to understand. And he had pretty much been thrown into everything without an explanation. I felt Dinah shift under me as I let a groan out. She liked to put pressure on my stomach at the most inopportune time.^ You can’t help who you fall in love with. I fell in love with Malachi the moment I saw him. He put his life on the line to protect me before he knew my name. Tatiana tried to hide who she was from Spencer before she realized he loved her and would do anything with her. Leah and Logan were much like Mal and I. It was instantaneous. It’s just like anyone else in the world.
Leah is worried because even in our world, Tatiana is different from all of us. Leah, Malachi, and I can all shift at will. Tatiana has had her shifting controlled by the planets. She can only shift when Mercury is retrograde. Logan thinks he can adjust that. He thinks that he can give her control of her shifting. It’s something that hasn’t been done. None of us know how Tatiana is when she shifts except Tatiana. Logan and Colette thought it was a good idea to have Amiee out there to see how Logan does this.
^My fingers spun my wedding band around my finger as I thought about what to say. I knew there was enough information in my head to scare the shit out of Josh but I wasn’t sure if it was something I needed to tell him.^ There’s a lot going on these days. And I know that everyone is just expecting you to be okay with everything. I know it’s a lot. And I know that it’s okay for you to not be alright with all of this.
Josh: -I watched her talk for awhile, not paying attention to the instrument in my lap. Watching people was one of the few things that I really enjoyed as much as music. It was part of writing songs that mattered to people. To know what really meant something to them and to myself, I needed to observe them, to pay attention to the things they said and the things that they didn’t say.
I could see how the baby was more than she’d ever expected she’d get, even if I didn’t know her backstory or her husband’s. Malachi. The way her eyes looked when she said his name, and how she refused to call him the same thing that everyone else did.
They could have been an odd couple. He was so huge, and she was dainty in comparison, even heavily pregnant. But there was something about them that just fit, like it was meant to be. Same thing went for Leah and Logan. I’d watched the two of them when we’d arrived at the house. She’d all but run to throw her arms around her waist and plant a kiss on the scar that ran across his cheek, like she’d been doing that every day of her life. It was nice to see.
I could even understand why she was terrified. I didn’t know exactly what was going on and it scared me. She knew more details than I could ever hope to understand and had so much more riding on it than I did. I could get behind that even if I couldn’t exactly empathize or hope to understand it all.- It’s ok. I’m learning. There’s a lot to learn, but I’m good at it sometimes. -laughing softly and giving her another grin- So, you said Leah and Logan are tied in a way no one else here is? -I screwed my face up as I thought about that for a moment. I knew they were married, but they weren’t the only ones here married. Rora and Malachi, Logan and Leah, Doc and Tatiana; they were all couples. What could possibly make Leah and Logan’s relationship that much different than the others here?-
Rora: ^I looked over my shoulder at Leah before I went on with this story It wasn’t exactly mine to tell, and I didn’t know all of it. I just knew what Malachi and I had been told. And even then, that wasn’t everything.^ I told you that Leah is a were, and that Logan was a witch. We’re all different from each other, even though we’re the same. Leah comes from a tribe in the Northwest. They know they have found their other half by imprinting on them. Essentially, the moment they meet eyes with the person they are meant to be with, everything changes. Leah’s priority wasn’t to run away from everything. It was to run straight into Logan’s arms. Wherever Logan decided he wanted to be.
^I felt my lips curve into a smile as I considered Logan and Leah. They were very different from me and Malachi. But all relationships were different. It was just a fact of life.^ Malachi and I have a different story. We kind of had something similar, but not as intense. Mal and I were destined to be together if you ask Colette. She was the one that married us before we found out we were pregnant. It was right in the middle of all of this. And I had no idea how anyone was going to react. I told Mal just before I met Leah.
Mal and I were coming home from my mother’s compound up in Wyoming. Mal had called Leah to let her know about the danger we were all in. And Leah came home with Logan. The two of them made it back before the two of us. And, at that point, Leah and Logan knew the truth about each other. Logan did a ceremony to tie himself to Leah.
^I felt my teeth press into my lip as I thought about what was going on. What was actually happening with everything. And it still seemed like everyone was risking so much to be here to help us when I could do nothing in return.^ Leah’s life force is tied to Logan’s and vice versa. The reason she’s pacing is because this isn’t just about Logan’s safety. It’s about both of their lives. And she’s lucky she has that. Because she doesn’t have to go through life without him, and he doesn’t have to go through life without her.
Josh: -Aurora’s story distracted me from my strumming as I listened to how they were all tied together in various ways. It made me understand a little more about what had been going on around here. I didn’t quite get the way it all worked. The magic was more than I could wrap my head around. Before today, the only magic I’d ever believed in was smokes and mirrors. Magic tricks. I understood those. I’d seen my fair share of them on the road. Real magic? That wasn’t something I’d been prepared for.
And the fact that it was something Amiee was capable of was even more bewildering. I’d always known there was more to her than meets the eye, but I could never have fathomed this- Its all a little intense around here. I mean, I’ve been through some crazy things on the road. That is basically the definition of a band on tour. But this is all a little more than I expected.
I’m going to get used to it, I think. It’s just like something I dreamed up after drinking too much. -I laughed to ease the tension I felt building inside myself- And the pack in New Orleans… why are they after you? Well, I guess I mean us. I’m in on this as much as the rest of you, even if I’m no help at all.
Rora: ^I heard the soft curse come from the kitchen, and I knew what that meant. Logan was starting the spell. He had warned me before they left that he was going to have to use some of his blood to help Tatiana. And I knew where the cut had been made on Leah’s hand. Logan had cut himself in the same place he had used for their binding ceremony. It was his way of letting her know that she was still a prominent presence in his mind. Turning my head towards the kitchen, I raised a brow as I looked at Leah with a worried brow^ He’ll be fine, Lee. He cut himself in that specific spot for a reason. And if I had to guess, he’s already healed thanks to you.
^The huff that was a response was typical. As logical as I was being with Leah, I knew my own fears were building in my chest. I didn’t like Malachi being out in the clearing. I didn’t like him this far from the Treehouse. But Logan had reassured me that out of everyone, Mal was the most protected because of the cloaking spell Logan had put on us. Turning my attention back to Josh, I thought about his words. Why was the St. Pierre pack after us?^ Funnily enough, it didn’t become a problem until I came into the picture. Both Leah and Mal have a long history with the St. Pierre pack. Both of them used to run with them for a time. Well, I mean. Mal was forced to run with them.
^I could see the confusion written on Josh’s face when I said that. It took me a second to realize that Josh had only known Malachi as a Wheeler and not for what he used to be.^ The New Orleans pack is Mal’s old pack. The only way you can be forced to run with a pack is to be born into that pack. The St. Pierre pack is Mal’s family. His dad’s pack to be more specific. We go by his mom’s last name. Which is a whole different story.
^I knew there was going to be more to explaining this. It was a lot to tell. And it wasn’t just my story. It was Leah and Mal’s story. A story that I didn’t know all the details to. And it was still a story that intimidated me on a good day.^ Mal’s dad tried to kill Leah. Mal saved her. And in doing that, he put a target on his back. He had to run. Leah gave him a safe place to be when she built this place. And when Mal left, he got cursed. It’s something he’s had to deal with for years before I came into the picture.
^I could only feel the shame start to wash over me. Because this was the real reason that everyone was gathered here. Granted it would have happened sooner or later, but the truth was that it was my fault we were all getting ready for a battle.^ I used to live in Wyoming. I was an outsider in my pack. They decided to kill me, and I ran. I ended up in New Orleans, which is where I found Colette. She told me I needed to run up this way and run into a gym. When I did that, I’d find what I was looking for. My brother followed me and ended up joining forces with the St. Pierre pack. None of us know the cost of this, though. We just know the reward is insanely great if they somehow succeed in this battle. If the St. Pierre’s win, Mal, Leah, and I are dead. Malachi can’t challenge for alpha status, Leah is no longer a problem, and the outcast is dead.
^I could feel Dinah starting to move around. She was exactly like me in this regard. I knew she could hear us. I knew she could understand us. And she knew that Mal was her Daddy. She didn’t like hearing about the fact that he could be killed in this battle. It was a fact I didn’t like to think about.^ That is the story. Without some interesting details about my family.
Josh: -I winced when I heard Leah’s cry from the kitchen. I knew that the two of them were tied together, but I didn’t know exactly what that meant until I heard what Rora had to say to her. Logan had cut himself; Leah felt it. That meant they were linked, and anything that happened to one happened to the other. I didn’t exactly want to think out the implications of that, but when she talked about the consequences of what was going to happen if they lost, then I knew. If Leah died, Logan was dead too. That meant he was going to fight to the death to keep her safe, just as she would for him.
There was something poetic about it, and the musician in me didn’t fail to see the romance in it. But there was tragedy in it as well. At least neither of them was going to ever have to live without the other. That in itself was a huge commitment, probably bigger than marriage or anything else that existed in the world I had come from before now.
Filling in the rest of the details meant I understood more than I had before, but it also meant I got a glimpse into the beauty and the savageness that was this world. Here was this family of wolves that was willing to die for each other, to keep each other safe, and yet another that was coming after those that had been once been their own pack, their family and their blood, simply because of some perceived slights. It was like the best and the worst of the human world were magnified to a huge degree in all of this, and I didn’t know how I felt about all of it.
At least I was here. If I’d had to choose between the two options, this was the one I’d have chosen every time. I knew why Amiee was drawn here without the magic. Family… It had been something she’d never really had, and even I had left her in the end. Yet, here were a group of people, not all related by blood willing to fight for each other with everything they had.
I also understood why there was a need to get all the help they could manage, why they were out in the woods trying whatever they could to get an upper hand in all of this, because losing… Well, losing wasn’t an option here.
I nodded a little at Rora, processing everything that she had been telling me. There was more between the lines that she didn’t say. I could see the guilt in her expression when she spoke. How she thought all of this was her fault, when I could clearly see that it was her family’s fault instead. She was just trying to live her life, just like Beezer and Leah were trying to do the same. It was the rest of them that wouldn’t let it happen. So they had to fight to have the right to be themselves. In my eyes, she didn’t have anything to take the blame for. -
Well, that’s a hell of a story then. -my fingers picked out a few familiar notes on the guitar out of habit. I could see her moving around trying to get a comfortable spot, but it seemed the baby wasn’t going to let her get comfortable. I knew how that could be, not personally, but I had a couple of older sisters who’d done all of this before. I also thought I could help.-
So, I notice that Dinah’s kicking you in kidneys you didn’t know you had. -I tried to smile up at her and kept strumming a few notes.- I think I’m going to try something to calm her down if you don’t mind. -I barely waited for a reply before I went ahead and started playing something I’d been working on for awhile. I didn’t know how the baby was going to react to any of it, or if I could help, but it gave me something to try to do instead of just sit around the house and be useless-
Rora: ^There was no denying that he knew what would calm Dinah. As soon as he started to sing, she just stopped moving. It was like she knew he was singing this to her. But I couldn’t help but laugh softly at my little girl. Letting my hand rest gently over my belly, I let out a soft coo to my stomach.^ You know your Daddy won’t let you have a crush on Josh, right? I think Miss Amiee would have just as much of a problem with it.
^I could see the smile playing on his lips as I brought up Amiee. And for a second his fingers fumbled against the strings. I knew what that meant. I knew what he was doing. He was hiding everything from her. He was letting her run the show with their relationship. I didn’t know the story. It wasn’t something I had asked about. And they had no reason to tell me about it. But I knew that this was going to kill him if he didn’t say anything. I felt my eyes narrow into slits as I stared at the man sitting across the couch from me.^ You’re risking your life by being here. You don’t get the option any more. You tell her how you feel, or I’m taking things into my hands. And I’m the last person you want involved in your relationship, Josh.
^The pain was in the song he had sung. But there was also patience in it. It was like he wanted her to come to him. He wanted the two of them to be together. But something was holding him back.^ You don’t know what the next day will bring, Josh. Don’t hide your feelings for Amiee. You have to talk to her. You have to be honest. The truth is in your music. Don’t doubt that. But don’t rely on your music to tell her what you need to say
Josh: -I finished the song and let Rora tell me what she needed to  say. She was right, and it wasn’t that I didn’t want her involved in my relationship. It was just that I didn’t know what kind of relationship there was to be involved in. I had gone on tour. She had pushed me away, and both of us were at fault here. The last time we tried this she got scared and tried to run, and I let her. It was scary. The last thing I wanted to do was push her too hard when there was something this scary going on. I had no clue if it would set her off again.
I rested my arm over the neck of my guitar and settled my chin against my hand, listening to her talk as I processed everything that was going on, not speaking for a moment. I didn’t really have any options left here. We were at the breaking point, and things needed to go one way or another with so many things going on around here. -
I told her I love her back at the apartment before I came here. I meant every word of it. But things aren’t the same. I don’t know if she trusts me. I don’t know if I deserve to be trusted. I left. Maybe it was stupid of me, but I was doing what she told me she wanted. I came back, and she was nowhere to be found until she showed up at my doorstep with stories about werewolves and witches.
I don’t want to lose her again. I don’t think I could take it. I just don’t know how to tell her that without scaring her off and making sure she never speaks to me again.
-I was rambling and making excuses, but I knew Rora was going to call me on it. It was in her personality to not let anyone bullshit her for too long. I knew that much just from the short time we’d known each other.-
But I’m all ears here if you have any ideas. I’m not leaving her until she leaves me this time.
Rora: She brought you here for a reason, Josh. Colette asked if there was anyone out there that any of us cared about in any capacity. Colette knew that we needed to have everyone protected from the St. Pierres. Amiee didn’t hesitate. She knew she had to go back to New Orleans for you.
^I knew it was a lot to take in. There was never enough time to wrap your head around things. It always made you question what was going to happen in the future. And Josh had even more questions. He wasn’t from our world. And that was something I understood. Trying to wrap his head around things that didn’t make sense was hard. Love didn’t make sense. I knew that better than anyone else. You did insane things when you were in love. And being in love was something that made you question everything.^
The only thing you can do is tell her how you feel. With someone that likes to run, you have to be honest. You can’t play games with them. You want to start over with Amiee? Prove it. Don’t run from her. Especially not while you’re here. Don’t run from her when all of this is over. Be there for her. Because I have a terrible feeling in my gut that this is not going to be as easy as everyone wants to think it is. She’s going to need someone she can trust to lean on. She’s learning a lot in a very small amount of time. She’s going to need someone to keep her grounded in all of this. And I think it needs to be you.
^Shaking my head, I felt the worry start to consume me. Amiee was lucky. She had someone who knew her before all of this started. Josh knew what kind of a person Amiee was before this. He could remind her of that when everything got to her. But I didn’t have that luxury. I had Mal, but I was the reason all of this was happening. He hadn’t known me in a time of calm, and I was starting to get scared that he wouldn’t think any of this was worth it in the end.
I couldn’t focus on that, though. I needed to be focused on what was in front of me. I had to help Josh with Amiee. It was the only thing I was going to be allowed to do until everything was over. I needed to be useful somewhere or I was going to go crazy.^ There’s only so much we can do to support her. She’s going to need you. She may not think so, you may not think so. But the truth is that you need each other. And the only thing you can do is be there to prove that you want to be there for her.
Josh:  -I knew Rora was right, no matter how much I didn’t like admitting when I was wrong. It happened more than I cared to admit. Amiee was a runner. I sort of was too, but I alternated between running away and running towards something. What I needed to do now was commit to actually running back towards her.
I was stuck here, but it wasn’t against my will. We were stuck here together. I’d told her I loved her, but in the end that wasn’t going to be enough. I had to prove a lot of shit to her. I had to prove I wasn’t going to leave again. I had to prove I was going to be here for her no matter what happened. I had to prove that I was going to accept her for exactly what she was, even if that meant I got pulled into all of this.
This world, and everything in it, was going to take a lot of getting used to. Never mind I had about a million things that were normal everyday human things to worry about, now there were monsters and werewolves and witches and probably ogres and fairies and who knew what the hell else. It was hard enough trying to convince the woman you’d been in love with for as long as you’d known her that you weren’t a giant asshole after pulling a Harry Houdini without all of that. But in the end, it didn’t matter. I had to convince her. I had to wrap my head around all of this. It was going to happen with or without me. Being the thing that held everyone back was just going to make it all that much harder.-
I know, I know. If there’s anything I know, I know I need her. I’ve needed her since the moment I laid eyes on her. That’s never going to change. I just have to figure out how to make her know it the way that I know it.
Rora: ^I could only give Josh a small smile. There was only so much that could be done until he decided to talk to her. And it needed to be on her terms. I knew what it was like to run. I knew what it was like to be alone. But Mal changed all of that. He made me want to be a part of something. He gave me a reason to put down roots.
I could have gone back to Wyoming. There was no doubt in my mind. After my Dad was killed, I could have stayed there. But it was the man whose last name I now had that mattered. I didn’t care if my family accepted him. None of that mattered to me.^ It’s not going to be easy. But being here and asking her questions about what’s going on is going to help. Show interest in her life, Josh. She’ll be taken aback by it, yes. But you’re showing an interest in something.
She needs to know that this is where you want to be. Regardless of the fact that a choice was taken from you, you are choosing to be here with her. That is what she needs to know. The Treehouse is big enough for you each of you to have your own space. Invite her into your space. Ask her to talk about her days. Ask her if she’s scared. She needs someone to talk to. And she needs someone she can be honest to. Colette and Logan? They’re going to push her to get her magic down. She’s going to question everything. Just be there for her.
Josh: -I knew what it was like to have everything about your life questioned. I’d gone on the road and cut a record while having producers and song writers who thought they knew my own work better than me take everything I knew and loved and try to tear it to shreds and turn it into their own. I knew how hard it was to learn something knew, to practice playing til the ends of my fingers were sore and aching, til sometimes they would bleed. I knew how hard it was going to be on her, maybe not in every way, but I understood the way it could rip your soul to shreds when you thought everything you were was a failure, when you thought you were never going to catch onto things.
The way things were coming hard and fast told me that everything was urgent. We were all going to be on a time crunch here. Well, maybe not me. I could hurry up and wait. That was about all I could do, except be there for her when she needed me. It was going to be hard to ask her questions. I was genuinely curious. I wanted to know what was up with her. And if she was scared or tired or lonely or just down, I wanted to be the person she came to. I’d always wanted that no matter what was going on in the world around us all.-
Alright then… I think I can more than manage that. I just hope she doesn’t decide I’m not worth the trouble. That’s the one thing that scares me I think. Maybe she’s going to decide that if I left her once, I don’t really matter now.
-I’d given voice to the thing that terrified me the most out of all of this. It tasted bad coming out of my mouth, but it was a real fear. It was possible she’d just come to get me because she felt bad about my life being in danger. To say it felt like taking five steps backwards though. I was an ass just for thinking it.-
Rora: ^I knew what it was like to give a voice to your loudest fear. It was something I had been avoiding. There was a lot that I wanted to not give voice to. I hated admitting that I had a weakness. But we all had our weaknesses. It was how we responded to those weaknesses that made us strong.
I gave Josh a small smile as he went back to fiddling with his guitar. It was a safety blanket for him. It gave him something to focus on when everything else got to be too much, and I couldn’t blame him.^ Bringing you here wasn’t because you were in danger. None of us knew that Amiee felt anything for you. When we asked if there was anyone we needed to protect for her, the answer was you. It wasn’t anything to do with obligation. Hurting you hurts her. So even if she has that wall up, she wants you around. It’s going to take time, Josh. And there is only so much you can do when she’s trying to protect both you and her from yourself.
^It brought me back to the days where I had first met Mal. The things that hurt to remember. The guilt for bringing everything down on him. And I still wasn’t entirely sure that he didn’t blame me for all of this. There were days I wondered if he regretting getting involved with me. But there was only so much I could do. I could only rely on him to tell me the truth about how he felt.^ The scariest part of being in a relationship is putting yourself out there for the world to see. Putting those emotions into the world, and having someone tell you no. It’s something I struggle with to this day. You can put it into lyrics. Playing it for Amiee may take some time, but you can tell her how you feel in song. Even if you don’t sing it for her, but you just give her the lyrics. You know the way to her heart, Josh. You’ve been there. And you can get there again. It just takes some time to get there.
^I felt myself jump as the door to the Treehouse slammed open. Colette and Amiee came rushing in, and Leah just kept looking. I knew she was looking for Logan. I had been hoping Mal would be right behind them. But I wasn’t going to pretend that this situation was easy. There was a lot to deal with in regards to Tatiana. And I knew why both Logan and Mal would have sent Amiee and Colette back here. With a pointed look at Josh, I let my eyes travel to Amiee. There wasn’t much more to be said between the two of us. In almost the same instant, Dinah pushed against my stomach.
I could only let out a sigh as Colette gave me that look. I knew what that look was. It was a look that meant I needed to do something. I needed to take care of the baby. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I could only let out a growl. Dinner was going to have to wait a while longer. Standing, I carefully made my way to the kitchen. I wanted to give Josh the opportunity to talk to Amiee without any of us interfering. Looping my arm through Leah’s, I gently pulled her and Colette off towards Doc’s office. It was time for Doc to check and see how the Little Miss was doing. Granted, I was sure she was going to be stubborn without her Daddy around.^ Keep me company, and give them some space, okay?
Josh: -I didn’t pay much attention to anything that happened after the old woman I’d just recently learned was named Colette and Amiee came running through the door. They were out of breath, and it was clear that they’d run from the clearing where everything was supposed to be going down out there.
I didn’t know what that meant, whether it was a good sign or a bad sign, but she was here. Rora excused herself and Leah went along with her with Colette tagging behind. They said they were going to look for Doc, but I knew better. It was Rora’s way of getting them out of the room to give us some time together.
For a minute, I didn’t know if I had word to speak. I was always bad with talking.  I could sing, I could write a song to explain just about anything and the way it made me feel. The guitar was my shield and my weapon, but it was also the only way I could express myself sometimes. I looked up as she came in the room, strumming the strings gently when she settled into the chair that Rora had just left.
I knew the song I wanted to sing before my fingers found the right strings and started to play as simple tune along with the words that said everything I wasn’t certain I was going to be able to get out on my own while I studied her expression for a sign that I wasn’t screwing everything up all over again.-
0 notes
A Heart That's Broke Is A Heart That's Been Loved (SL With @LostInMyMusic_)
Josh: -I had no idea what was going on out in the woods. Hell, I had no real idea what was going on around here in general. Amiee hadn’t been lying when she’d said wolves. There were more than wolves around here. From what she and Logan had filled me in on as we drove, there were witches, shifters, a few humans, probably a troll and and an ogre in the basement. That is, if this house had a basement.
It probably didn’t considering it was perched up in a tree. If someone had been afraid of heights this wasn’t going to be the place for them to live. It was almost surreal, like the thing had grown out of the tree it was clinging to organically rather than being built. Maybe it had. Who the hell knew?
It was weird to say the least. There was shit going on here I didn’t have any kind of reference for. I’d spent my life living in what I called the real world. That was just the surface of what was real. And here I was falling head first into the deep end of all of it, stuck between two warring factions of supernatural creatures I didn’t even know weren’t part of a movie plot until a few hours ago.
Amiee was outside with the rest of them, while I was stuck in the house with the pregnant girl I’d met just after arriving here. Amiee had told me she was a wolf too, just that she wasn’t allowed to go outside during whatever was going down because of the baby. She was the big guy’s wife. And then there was Leah. A mass of curls and attitude, but I liked her. The attitude was a protective mechanism, something to hide behind. So was the hair. And she was worried. That was clear in the way she clung to Logan once he walked through the door.
Her eyes were filled with something I knew pretty damned well. She missed him. She felt guilty about something, though I didn’t know what it might be. Probably had something to do with all of what was going on. But most of all she just wanted to be as close to him as possible. She couldn’t be. He had to be part of whatever was going on out there. It was some kind of smash up between the three witches, which I guessed included Amiee, and two of the wolves.
Amiee tried to explain it to me before she went out there with the rest of them, but my head was already swimming with all the shit I’d learned today. I couldn’t wrap my head around the details of what they were planning while I was still learning that all of this stuff even existed.
So here I was stuck in a strange house, with a couple of women I’d just met, both of whom could become wolves whenever they wanted and eat me alive. It was either fascinating or terrifying. I was going with the former.
I guess I could have had a freak out, but I didn’t see what good it was going to do anyone. I had a lot to learn, so rolling with the punches here was the best option I had. We were all sitting around the living room in the Treehouse. Well, I was sitting, so was Rora, but Leah was pacing between the living room and the kitchen, never taking her eyes off the windows like she was just waiting for the boogie man to come running up out of the woods and take the whole place down.
My guitar was resting across my lap while I played with the pegs, tightening and loosening the strings while I tested each note to make sure it sounded just right. Amiee had hauled this one hours away from home after it sat in a corner collecting dust. Then she put it into the back of a closet to collect dust here. I’d think about what that meant later, but for now, I could focus on getting it back into shape to play while I was sitting in the house being useless.
Glancing up at the pretty, young and obviously pregnant woman across the room from me, I shot her a friendly smile- So, you think Leah is going to wear a track in the floor or am I just being an asshole here?
Rora: ^I could only laugh as Josh asked if Leah was going to wear a hole in the floor. And he wasn’t far off. But I knew why she was going nuts. There was a lot of risk with what Logan and Mal were doing. And that was the roughest part of being here. The waiting.
I knew that Josh didn’t understand anything. He knew what was going on, but he didn’t really know it. He hadn’t really asked any of his questions that I knew he had to have. To this day, I still had a million and one questions. I still didn’t understand everything, and I was a huge part of what was going on.^ She’s worried about Logan. I mean, I’m worried about Malachi, but there’s more to it with Logan and Leah. They’re tied together in a way that no one else is. It’s more than just them being married. I mean, I worry about Malachi because it’s not just me anymore. I need him to be safe so that he can actually be a father to Dinah.
^I saw the look on Leah’s face as I said the name Dinah. I wasn’t surprised that she knew who we named her after. There was no name that was a better fit for us. The name Dinah was everything to Malachi. It wasn’t just the name of his mother, but it was the name of someone he wanted and needed to protect at all cost. So naming her Dinah had been a non-issue.^ You know, I can answer any questions you may have. I know you’re lost in a world of the supernatural. I have to imagine that it’s a little hard to understand a world that you didn’t think could exist. So ask them. And if it’s in my power, I’ll answer them.
Josh: -Leah paused for a minute when Rora said Dinah. I didn’t know what that name meant to any of them, but I was certain it did mean something. It was easy to feel a little lost with all that was going on, and I had to admit that I had a million questions ranging from mundane to astronomical. It was nice to have someone I thought I could talk to about all of it.
It seemed that she was going to be my source for all of it, and she was pretty much as helpless in this as I was. Maybe it was even more frustrating for her since she had the ability to shift, and theoretically should be able to help, but given that she was about to have a baby at any day,  it didn’t seem that she was going to be much use in a fight.-
I mean… -I strummed the guitar again and looked back up at her- There’s a million things I could ask. I know the basics. I know that most of you are werewolves and the rest of them seem to be witches, including Amiee. I guess I can wrap my head around all of that. It’s the details that I get lost in. I know you’re married to Beezer… That’s his name right? - I hoped like hell I wasn’t messing this up- Leah and Logan are together, even though they’re different. So, that’s ok? I mean I don’t know if there are rules or anything. -I felt kind of stupid asking the questions, but I supposed there was no way I was going to learn if I didn’t ask. -
Rora: ^I could only laugh softly as I shook my head. I knew that this was going to be a thing. I knew it was going to be hard for Josh to understand everything. And I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose as Josh referred to my husband as Beezer. But it was what everyone besides me and Colette referred to him as. I could understand why the name stuck with Josh.^ Everyone calls him Beezer. I call him Malachi, Mal, or Shadow. Him and I both agree that Beezer just sounds wrong coming from my lips. Leah married Logan on a whim before either of them knew what the other was. Doc Spencer is with Tatiana. Colette is just Colette. And you know how you feel about Amiee. Are there rules? No. There’s nothing that says a witch has to be married to a witch, or a were has to be married to a were. Logan’s a witch that’s married to a were, and Doc Spencer is a human in love with a were.
^I could only shrug my shoulder. There was a lot that Josh needed to understand. And he had pretty much been thrown into everything without an explanation. I felt Dinah shift under me as I let a groan out. She liked to put pressure on my stomach at the most inopportune time.^ You can’t help who you fall in love with. I fell in love with Malachi the moment I saw him. He put his life on the line to protect me before he knew my name. Tatiana tried to hide who she was from Spencer before she realized he loved her and would do anything with her. Leah and Logan were much like Mal and I. It was instantaneous. It’s just like anyone else in the world.
Leah is worried because even in our world, Tatiana is different from all of us. Leah, Malachi, and I can all shift at will. Tatiana has had her shifting controlled by the planets. She can only shift when Mercury is retrograde. Logan thinks he can adjust that. He thinks that he can give her control of her shifting. It’s something that hasn’t been done. None of us know how Tatiana is when she shifts except Tatiana. Logan and Colette thought it was a good idea to have Amiee out there to see how Logan does this.
^My fingers spun my wedding band around my finger as I thought about what to say. I knew there was enough information in my head to scare the shit out of Josh but I wasn’t sure if it was something I needed to tell him.^ There’s a lot going on these days. And I know that everyone is just expecting you to be okay with everything. I know it’s a lot. And I know that it’s okay for you to not be alright with all of this.
Josh: -I watched her talk for awhile, not paying attention to the instrument in my lap. Watching people was one of the few things that I really enjoyed as much as music. It was part of writing songs that mattered to people. To know what really meant something to them and to myself, I needed to observe them, to pay attention to the things they said and the things that they didn’t say.
I could see how the baby was more than she’d ever expected she’d get, even if I didn’t know her backstory or her husband’s. Malachi. The way her eyes looked when she said his name, and how she refused to call him the same thing that everyone else did.
They could have been an odd couple. He was so huge, and she was dainty in comparison, even heavily pregnant. But there was something about them that just fit, like it was meant to be. Same thing went for Leah and Logan. I’d watched the two of them when we’d arrived at the house. She’d all but run to throw her arms around her waist and plant a kiss on the scar that ran across his cheek, like she’d been doing that every day of her life. It was nice to see.
I could even understand why she was terrified. I didn’t know exactly what was going on and it scared me. She knew more details than I could ever hope to understand and had so much more riding on it than I did. I could get behind that even if I couldn’t exactly empathize or hope to understand it all.- It’s ok. I’m learning. There’s a lot to learn, but I’m good at it sometimes. -laughing softly and giving her another grin- So, you said Leah and Logan are tied in a way no one else here is? -I screwed my face up as I thought about that for a moment. I knew they were married, but they weren’t the only ones here married. Rora and Malachi, Logan and Leah, Doc and Tatiana; they were all couples. What could possibly make Leah and Logan’s relationship that much different than the others here?-
Rora: ^I looked over my shoulder at Leah before I went on with this story It wasn’t exactly mine to tell, and I didn’t know all of it. I just knew what Malachi and I had been told. And even then, that wasn’t everything.^ I told you that Leah is a were, and that Logan was a witch. We’re all different from each other, even though we’re the same. Leah comes from a tribe in the Northwest. They know they have found their other half by imprinting on them. Essentially, the moment they meet eyes with the person they are meant to be with, everything changes. Leah’s priority wasn’t to run away from everything. It was to run straight into Logan’s arms. Wherever Logan decided he wanted to be.
^I felt my lips curve into a smile as I considered Logan and Leah. They were very different from me and Malachi. But all relationships were different. It was just a fact of life.^ Malachi and I have a different story. We kind of had something similar, but not as intense. Mal and I were destined to be together if you ask Colette. She was the one that married us before we found out we were pregnant. It was right in the middle of all of this. And I had no idea how anyone was going to react. I told Mal just before I met Leah.
Mal and I were coming home from my mother’s compound up in Wyoming. Mal had called Leah to let her know about the danger we were all in. And Leah came home with Logan. The two of them made it back before the two of us. And, at that point, Leah and Logan knew the truth about each other. Logan did a ceremony to tie himself to Leah.
^I felt my teeth press into my lip as I thought about what was going on. What was actually happening with everything. And it still seemed like everyone was risking so much to be here to help us when I could do nothing in return.^ Leah’s life force is tied to Logan’s and vice versa. The reason she’s pacing is because this isn’t just about Logan’s safety. It’s about both of their lives. And she’s lucky she has that. Because she doesn’t have to go through life without him, and he doesn’t have to go through life without her.
Josh: -Aurora’s story distracted me from my strumming as I listened to how they were all tied together in various ways. It made me understand a little more about what had been going on around here. I didn’t quite get the way it all worked. The magic was more than I could wrap my head around. Before today, the only magic I’d ever believed in was smokes and mirrors. Magic tricks. I understood those. I’d seen my fair share of them on the road. Real magic? That wasn’t something I’d been prepared for.
And the fact that it was something Amiee was capable of was even more bewildering. I’d always known there was more to her than meets the eye, but I could never have fathomed this- Its all a little intense around here. I mean, I’ve been through some crazy things on the road. That is basically the definition of a band on tour. But this is all a little more than I expected.
I’m going to get used to it, I think. It’s just like something I dreamed up after drinking too much. -I laughed to ease the tension I felt building inside myself- And the pack in New Orleans… why are they after you? Well, I guess I mean us. I’m in on this as much as the rest of you, even if I’m no help at all.
Rora: ^I heard the soft curse come from the kitchen, and I knew what that meant. Logan was starting the spell. He had warned me before they left that he was going to have to use some of his blood to help Tatiana. And I knew where the cut had been made on Leah’s hand. Logan had cut himself in the same place he had used for their binding ceremony. It was his way of letting her know that she was still a prominent presence in his mind. Turning my head towards the kitchen, I raised a brow as I looked at Leah with a worried brow^ He’ll be fine, Lee. He cut himself in that specific spot for a reason. And if I had to guess, he’s already healed thanks to you.
^The huff that was a response was typical. As logical as I was being with Leah, I knew my own fears were building in my chest. I didn’t like Malachi being out in the clearing. I didn’t like him this far from the Treehouse. But Logan had reassured me that out of everyone, Mal was the most protected because of the cloaking spell Logan had put on us. Turning my attention back to Josh, I thought about his words. Why was the St. Pierre pack after us?^ Funnily enough, it didn’t become a problem until I came into the picture. Both Leah and Mal have a long history with the St. Pierre pack. Both of them used to run with them for a time. Well, I mean. Mal was forced to run with them.
^I could see the confusion written on Josh’s face when I said that. It took me a second to realize that Josh had only known Malachi as a Wheeler and not for what he used to be.^ The New Orleans pack is Mal’s old pack. The only way you can be forced to run with a pack is to be born into that pack. The St. Pierre pack is Mal’s family. His dad’s pack to be more specific. We go by his mom’s last name. Which is a whole different story.
^I knew there was going to be more to explaining this. It was a lot to tell. And it wasn’t just my story. It was Leah and Mal’s story. A story that I didn’t know all the details to. And it was still a story that intimidated me on a good day.^ Mal’s dad tried to kill Leah. Mal saved her. And in doing that, he put a target on his back. He had to run. Leah gave him a safe place to be when she built this place. And when Mal left, he got cursed. It’s something he’s had to deal with for years before I came into the picture.
^I could only feel the shame start to wash over me. Because this was the real reason that everyone was gathered here. Granted it would have happened sooner or later, but the truth was that it was my fault we were all getting ready for a battle.^ I used to live in Wyoming. I was an outsider in my pack. They decided to kill me, and I ran. I ended up in New Orleans, which is where I found Colette. She told me I needed to run up this way and run into a gym. When I did that, I’d find what I was looking for. My brother followed me and ended up joining forces with the St. Pierre pack. None of us know the cost of this, though. We just know the reward is insanely great if they somehow succeed in this battle. If the St. Pierre’s win, Mal, Leah, and I are dead. Malachi can’t challenge for alpha status, Leah is no longer a problem, and the outcast is dead.
^I could feel Dinah starting to move around. She was exactly like me in this regard. I knew she could hear us. I knew she could understand us. And she knew that Mal was her Daddy. She didn’t like hearing about the fact that he could be killed in this battle. It was a fact I didn’t like to think about.^ That is the story. Without some interesting details about my family.
Josh: -I winced when I heard Leah’s cry from the kitchen. I knew that the two of them were tied together, but I didn’t know exactly what that meant until I heard what Rora had to say to her. Logan had cut himself; Leah felt it. That meant they were linked, and anything that happened to one happened to the other. I didn’t exactly want to think out the implications of that, but when she talked about the consequences of what was going to happen if they lost, then I knew. If Leah died, Logan was dead too. That meant he was going to fight to the death to keep her safe, just as she would for him.
There was something poetic about it, and the musician in me didn’t fail to see the romance in it. But there was tragedy in it as well. At least neither of them was going to ever have to live without the other. That in itself was a huge commitment, probably bigger than marriage or anything else that existed in the world I had come from before now.
Filling in the rest of the details meant I understood more than I had before, but it also meant I got a glimpse into the beauty and the savageness that was this world. Here was this family of wolves that was willing to die for each other, to keep each other safe, and yet another that was coming after those that had been once been their own pack, their family and their blood, simply because of some perceived slights. It was like the best and the worst of the human world were magnified to a huge degree in all of this, and I didn’t know how I felt about all of it.
At least I was here. If I’d had to choose between the two options, this was the one I’d have chosen every time. I knew why Amiee was drawn here without the magic. Family… It had been something she’d never really had, and even I had left her in the end. Yet, here were a group of people, not all related by blood willing to fight for each other with everything they had.
I also understood why there was a need to get all the help they could manage, why they were out in the woods trying whatever they could to get an upper hand in all of this, because losing… Well, losing wasn’t an option here.
I nodded a little at Rora, processing everything that she had been telling me. There was more between the lines that she didn’t say. I could see the guilt in her expression when she spoke. How she thought all of this was her fault, when I could clearly see that it was her family’s fault instead. She was just trying to live her life, just like Beezer and Leah were trying to do the same. It was the rest of them that wouldn’t let it happen. So they had to fight to have the right to be themselves. In my eyes, she didn’t have anything to take the blame for. -
Well, that’s a hell of a story then. -my fingers picked out a few familiar notes on the guitar out of habit. I could see her moving around trying to get a comfortable spot, but it seemed the baby wasn’t going to let her get comfortable. I knew how that could be, not personally, but I had a couple of older sisters who’d done all of this before. I also thought I could help.-
So, I notice that Dinah’s kicking you in kidneys you didn’t know you had. -I tried to smile up at her and kept strumming a few notes.- I think I’m going to try something to calm her down if you don’t mind. -I barely waited for a reply before I went ahead and started playing something I’d been working on for awhile. I didn’t know how the baby was going to react to any of it, or if I could help, but it gave me something to try to do instead of just sit around the house and be useless-
Rora: ^There was no denying that he knew what would calm Dinah. As soon as he started to sing, she just stopped moving. It was like she knew he was singing this to her. But I couldn’t help but laugh softly at my little girl. Letting my hand rest gently over my belly, I let out a soft coo to my stomach.^ You know your Daddy won’t let you have a crush on Josh, right? I think Miss Amiee would have just as much of a problem with it.
^I could see the smile playing on his lips as I brought up Amiee. And for a second his fingers fumbled against the strings. I knew what that meant. I knew what he was doing. He was hiding everything from her. He was letting her run the show with their relationship. I didn’t know the story. It wasn’t something I had asked about. And they had no reason to tell me about it. But I knew that this was going to kill him if he didn’t say anything. I felt my eyes narrow into slits as I stared at the man sitting across the couch from me.^ You’re risking your life by being here. You don’t get the option any more. You tell her how you feel, or I’m taking things into my hands. And I’m the last person you want involved in your relationship, Josh.
^The pain was in the song he had sung. But there was also patience in it. It was like he wanted her to come to him. He wanted the two of them to be together. But something was holding him back.^ You don’t know what the next day will bring, Josh. Don’t hide your feelings for Amiee. You have to talk to her. You have to be honest. The truth is in your music. Don’t doubt that. But don’t rely on your music to tell her what you need to say
Josh: -I finished the song and let Rora tell me what she needed to  say. She was right, and it wasn’t that I didn’t want her involved in my relationship. It was just that I didn’t know what kind of relationship there was to be involved in. I had gone on tour. She had pushed me away, and both of us were at fault here. The last time we tried this she got scared and tried to run, and I let her. It was scary. The last thing I wanted to do was push her too hard when there was something this scary going on. I had no clue if it would set her off again.
I rested my arm over the neck of my guitar and settled my chin against my hand, listening to her talk as I processed everything that was going on, not speaking for a moment. I didn’t really have any options left here. We were at the breaking point, and things needed to go one way or another with so many things going on around here. -
I told her I love her back at the apartment before I came here. I meant every word of it. But things aren’t the same. I don’t know if she trusts me. I don’t know if I deserve to be trusted. I left. Maybe it was stupid of me, but I was doing what she told me she wanted. I came back, and she was nowhere to be found until she showed up at my doorstep with stories about werewolves and witches.
I don’t want to lose her again. I don’t think I could take it. I just don’t know how to tell her that without scaring her off and making sure she never speaks to me again.
-I was rambling and making excuses, but I knew Rora was going to call me on it. It was in her personality to not let anyone bullshit her for too long. I knew that much just from the short time we’d known each other.-
But I’m all ears here if you have any ideas. I’m not leaving her until she leaves me this time.
Rora: She brought you here for a reason, Josh. Colette asked if there was anyone out there that any of us cared about in any capacity. Colette knew that we needed to have everyone protected from the St. Pierres. Amiee didn’t hesitate. She knew she had to go back to New Orleans for you.
^I knew it was a lot to take in. There was never enough time to wrap your head around things. It always made you question what was going to happen in the future. And Josh had even more questions. He wasn’t from our world. And that was something I understood. Trying to wrap his head around things that didn’t make sense was hard. Love didn’t make sense. I knew that better than anyone else. You did insane things when you were in love. And being in love was something that made you question everything.^
The only thing you can do is tell her how you feel. With someone that likes to run, you have to be honest. You can’t play games with them. You want to start over with Amiee? Prove it. Don’t run from her. Especially not while you’re here. Don’t run from her when all of this is over. Be there for her. Because I have a terrible feeling in my gut that this is not going to be as easy as everyone wants to think it is. She’s going to need someone she can trust to lean on. She’s learning a lot in a very small amount of time. She’s going to need someone to keep her grounded in all of this. And I think it needs to be you.
^Shaking my head, I felt the worry start to consume me. Amiee was lucky. She had someone who knew her before all of this started. Josh knew what kind of a person Amiee was before this. He could remind her of that when everything got to her. But I didn’t have that luxury. I had Mal, but I was the reason all of this was happening. He hadn’t known me in a time of calm, and I was starting to get scared that he wouldn’t think any of this was worth it in the end.
I couldn’t focus on that, though. I needed to be focused on what was in front of me. I had to help Josh with Amiee. It was the only thing I was going to be allowed to do until everything was over. I needed to be useful somewhere or I was going to go crazy.^ There’s only so much we can do to support her. She’s going to need you. She may not think so, you may not think so. But the truth is that you need each other. And the only thing you can do is be there to prove that you want to be there for her.
Josh:  -I knew Rora was right, no matter how much I didn’t like admitting when I was wrong. It happened more than I cared to admit. Amiee was a runner. I sort of was too, but I alternated between running away and running towards something. What I needed to do now was commit to actually running back towards her.
I was stuck here, but it wasn’t against my will. We were stuck here together. I’d told her I loved her, but in the end that wasn’t going to be enough. I had to prove a lot of shit to her. I had to prove I wasn’t going to leave again. I had to prove I was going to be here for her no matter what happened. I had to prove that I was going to accept her for exactly what she was, even if that meant I got pulled into all of this.
This world, and everything in it, was going to take a lot of getting used to. Never mind I had about a million things that were normal everyday human things to worry about, now there were monsters and werewolves and witches and probably ogres and fairies and who knew what the hell else. It was hard enough trying to convince the woman you’d been in love with for as long as you’d known her that you weren’t a giant asshole after pulling a Harry Houdini without all of that. But in the end, it didn’t matter. I had to convince her. I had to wrap my head around all of this. It was going to happen with or without me. Being the thing that held everyone back was just going to make it all that much harder.-
I know, I know. If there’s anything I know, I know I need her. I’ve needed her since the moment I laid eyes on her. That’s never going to change. I just have to figure out how to make her know it the way that I know it.
Rora: ^I could only give Josh a small smile. There was only so much that could be done until he decided to talk to her. And it needed to be on her terms. I knew what it was like to run. I knew what it was like to be alone. But Mal changed all of that. He made me want to be a part of something. He gave me a reason to put down roots.
I could have gone back to Wyoming. There was no doubt in my mind. After my Dad was killed, I could have stayed there. But it was the man whose last name I now had that mattered. I didn’t care if my family accepted him. None of that mattered to me.^ It’s not going to be easy. But being here and asking her questions about what’s going on is going to help. Show interest in her life, Josh. She’ll be taken aback by it, yes. But you’re showing an interest in something.
She needs to know that this is where you want to be. Regardless of the fact that a choice was taken from you, you are choosing to be here with her. That is what she needs to know. The Treehouse is big enough for you each of you to have your own space. Invite her into your space. Ask her to talk about her days. Ask her if she’s scared. She needs someone to talk to. And she needs someone she can be honest to. Colette and Logan? They’re going to push her to get her magic down. She’s going to question everything. Just be there for her.
Josh: -I knew what it was like to have everything about your life questioned. I’d gone on the road and cut a record while having producers and song writers who thought they knew my own work better than me take everything I knew and loved and try to tear it to shreds and turn it into their own. I knew how hard it was to learn something knew, to practice playing til the ends of my fingers were sore and aching, til sometimes they would bleed. I knew how hard it was going to be on her, maybe not in every way, but I understood the way it could rip your soul to shreds when you thought everything you were was a failure, when you thought you were never going to catch onto things.
The way things were coming hard and fast told me that everything was urgent. We were all going to be on a time crunch here. Well, maybe not me. I could hurry up and wait. That was about all I could do, except be there for her when she needed me. It was going to be hard to ask her questions. I was genuinely curious. I wanted to know what was up with her. And if she was scared or tired or lonely or just down, I wanted to be the person she came to. I’d always wanted that no matter what was going on in the world around us all.-
Alright then… I think I can more than manage that. I just hope she doesn’t decide I’m not worth the trouble. That’s the one thing that scares me I think. Maybe she’s going to decide that if I left her once, I don’t really matter now.
-I’d given voice to the thing that terrified me the most out of all of this. It tasted bad coming out of my mouth, but it was a real fear. It was possible she’d just come to get me because she felt bad about my life being in danger. To say it felt like taking five steps backwards though. I was an ass just for thinking it.-
Rora: ^I knew what it was like to give a voice to your loudest fear. It was something I had been avoiding. There was a lot that I wanted to not give voice to. I hated admitting that I had a weakness. But we all had our weaknesses. It was how we responded to those weaknesses that made us strong.
I gave Josh a small smile as he went back to fiddling with his guitar. It was a safety blanket for him. It gave him something to focus on when everything else got to be too much, and I couldn’t blame him.^ Bringing you here wasn’t because you were in danger. None of us knew that Amiee felt anything for you. When we asked if there was anyone we needed to protect for her, the answer was you. It wasn’t anything to do with obligation. Hurting you hurts her. So even if she has that wall up, she wants you around. It’s going to take time, Josh. And there is only so much you can do when she’s trying to protect both you and her from yourself.
^It brought me back to the days where I had first met Mal. The things that hurt to remember. The guilt for bringing everything down on him. And I still wasn’t entirely sure that he didn’t blame me for all of this. There were days I wondered if he regretting getting involved with me. But there was only so much I could do. I could only rely on him to tell me the truth about how he felt.^ The scariest part of being in a relationship is putting yourself out there for the world to see. Putting those emotions into the world, and having someone tell you no. It’s something I struggle with to this day. You can put it into lyrics. Playing it for Amiee may take some time, but you can tell her how you feel in song. Even if you don’t sing it for her, but you just give her the lyrics. You know the way to her heart, Josh. You’ve been there. And you can get there again. It just takes some time to get there.
^I felt myself jump as the door to the Treehouse slammed open. Colette and Amiee came rushing in, and Leah just kept looking. I knew she was looking for Logan. I had been hoping Mal would be right behind them. But I wasn’t going to pretend that this situation was easy. There was a lot to deal with in regards to Tatiana. And I knew why both Logan and Mal would have sent Amiee and Colette back here. With a pointed look at Josh, I let my eyes travel to Amiee. There wasn’t much more to be said between the two of us. In almost the same instant, Dinah pushed against my stomach.
I could only let out a sigh as Colette gave me that look. I knew what that look was. It was a look that meant I needed to do something. I needed to take care of the baby. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I could only let out a growl. Dinner was going to have to wait a while longer. Standing, I carefully made my way to the kitchen. I wanted to give Josh the opportunity to talk to Amiee without any of us interfering. Looping my arm through Leah’s, I gently pulled her and Colette off towards Doc’s office. It was time for Doc to check and see how the Little Miss was doing. Granted, I was sure she was going to be stubborn without her Daddy around.^ Keep me company, and give them some space, okay?
Josh: -I didn’t pay much attention to anything that happened after the old woman I’d just recently learned was named Colette and Amiee came running through the door. They were out of breath, and it was clear that they’d run from the clearing where everything was supposed to be going down out there.
I didn’t know what that meant, whether it was a good sign or a bad sign, but she was here. Rora excused herself and Leah went along with her with Colette tagging behind. They said they were going to look for Doc, but I knew better. It was Rora’s way of getting them out of the room to give us some time together.
For a minute, I didn’t know if I had word to speak. I was always bad with talking.  I could sing, I could write a song to explain just about anything and the way it made me feel. The guitar was my shield and my weapon, but it was also the only way I could express myself sometimes. I looked up as she came in the room, strumming the strings gently when she settled into the chair that Rora had just left.
I knew the song I wanted to sing before my fingers found the right strings and started to play as simple tune along with the words that said everything I wasn’t certain I was going to be able to get out on my own while I studied her expression for a sign that I wasn’t screwing everything up all over again.-
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