#I just decided jane didn’t have enough issues going on already lmaoo
sixty-silver-wishes · 6 months
Yo, your art is sick! It's fucked up in the best kind of way! Also I remember that era of projecting onto Alma, I was very much the same when I first saw Encanto. But here's the thing. She gave birth three times over, watched her home be ravaged and burned to the ground by bandits, had to walk in the middle of the jungle after giving birth three times away from the only place she's known whilst carrying said three babies, only to have the love of her life slaughtered in front of her because he thought it a good idea to sacrifice himself AND BECAME THE LEADER OF A TOWN AND DEAL WITH A MAGICAL FUCKING HOUSE ALL IN THE SPAN OF 24 HOURS ALL WHILST MAINTAINING THE IMAGE THAT SHE HAS HER SHIT TOGETHER AND KNOWS WHAT TO DO. Alma may not be my favourite character and yes, she doesn't get it right, but she is far from being the villain.
thank you!
I got jumpscared for a hot minute because I thought you were talking about alma mahler (whom I have posted about in the past) before I realized you were talking about the encanto character lmao
but I agree! one of the reasons why it’s one of my favorite disney movies is because it explores family issues in such a dynamic and nuanced way, and while her actions were damaging to the family, they ultimately came from a place of love for them and for her community. the fact that the movie acknowledged this while also addressing how she hurt her family, even with good intentions, was something I really appreciated, and I’m sure a lot of other people did as well.
I was mainly laughing at how, back when the fandom was in its peak, people blew her character WAY out of proportion to how it was written in the movie- for instance, a common hc I often saw was that she forced bruno out or disowned him, while in the movie, he left on his own. while the rest of the town ostracized him for his predictions, his family readily accepted him back, suggesting that they were more hurt by the fact that he left the family without any explanation than by anything he may have predicted. (and from alma’s perspective, if she viewed the family’s duty was to serve the town, it must have been even more hurtful to her if he just left without saying why.) so, both characters are pretty nuanced and complicated, but I saw a lot of fandom hcs and posts that characterized alma as everything from physically abusive to homophobic (with regard to the popular headcanons that bruno, mirabel, and isabela were lgbt). when like, as you said, she’s a deeply flawed person, but she never was as bad as a lot of people made her out to be.
I think what happened there was, as “encanto” is a story about, among other things, familial trauma, people wanted to explore their own familial trauma with these characters because they related to them. it’s a big cast of characters who are all related, so obviously you’re going to find one you connect with (and personally, I saw a lot of myself in mirabel, which is part of why I like the movie so much). or maybe, as fandom does, people just wanted to come up with stories, headcanons, and character dynamics with this big cast of characters they liked. and because a lot of people viewed alma as the source of the family’s trauma (which she sort of was), she became an avatar for all the traumatic things people wanted to explore through those stories, such as abuse or bigotry, even if she may not have displayed those concepts in canon.
overall, at the end of the day, I don’t think there’s anything right or wrong with people interpreting media the way they do; that’s what media is for, and if someone casting alma madrigal as a terrible person helps them work out their own issues, that’s great; she’s a fictional character, so there’s no harm done to anyone. I just think it’s sort of funny how a whole fandom saw this one fictional old lady and collectively decided she was the Worst.
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
(a/n: to the anon that requested this, i’m so sorry this took me a million years to complete and post! i hope you find these and you enjoy them, thanks for requesting! - admin kat 🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Felix with a Human s/o that’s Afraid of Turning Headcanons:
° your fear of being changed into a vampire is definitely going to be an issue for felix. i mean, the man wants to literally spend forever with you and will not allow you to stay mortal. now that he’s found you, his mate, he genuinely would not be able to live without you.
° also, being a human in volterra is literally unheard of (apart from all the biancas a.k.a the secretaries) and there’re a lot of vampires prowling around the place so there’s a 110% chance that you could get bit or killed.
° which btw is a huge fear of felix’s. he wouldn’t forgive himself if you got killed by a vampire who fed on you or harmed you in any way. he’d literally rip them to pieces and burn them in two seconds flat. he’s not fucking around.
° it would be challenging for even him to not want to feed on you bc you smell tasty af lmaoo.
° but on a real note, your blood smells really good to him and he really doesn’t want to kill you.
° also, he’s a part of the guard, so he’s got a job to attend to, which he can’t do when he’s worried you’ll die every two seconds.
° when you first arrived in volterra he literally didn’t leave your side for 3 whole months, even when aro and the crew™ summoned him. he took you with him. alec and jane may have almost mistaken you for a snack and demetri struggled to hold him back from ripping the twins to shreds. fun times man! like y’all laugh about it now (minus felix who’s still mad af)
° whenever you get sick, he brings up changing you in 0.3 seconds.
° “you know if you’d let me change you, you’d never get sick.”
° “it’s just a cold, felix. get a grip.”
° “how can i get a grip when you’re so fragile? you know there’s no cure for the cold, right?”
° a lot of arguments ensue from the topic of changing you. felix takes this personally and begins to think that you believe he’s nothing but a monster. which he technically is and is a part of why you don’t want to turn.
° arguments often get heated between you two and felix has to walk away before they get too heated because without meaning to he could hurt you. as i said before, you’re fragile. like he doesn’t want to hurt you btw!
° even though he argues with you over your mortality, he adores a lot of things about it: like how your heart speeds up when he kisses you (lmaoo it stopped one time and he panicked bc he thought you died), he adores watching you sleep, how you need to eat three meals a day, etc.
° “i swear to god if you bring up me changing one more time i will shove my foot so far up your a-”
° boii is horny af though bc he can’t even get with you sexually bc he’d snap you in half.
° demetri teases tf out of him about it. you deffo join in
° like he eye fucks you now, which only makes you horny and now you’re suffering too.
° he’s frustrated also bc he can’t help to get you off either bc again he could literally kill you.
° felix doesn’t have much patience either, so if you don’t come to a decision he probably will make it for you or he’ll demand to know why you’re so afraid to change.
° also sexual tension™
° if you take too long deciding he’s going to just change you bc he’s savage af and kinda selfish. he’d rather you be mad at him for all eternity for changing you than have you die.
° but also he loves you and wants to respect your choices? so there’s a lot of turmoil over it, but i believe that his desire to spend forever with you would win.
° maybe you’re afraid of the pain, unclear of the whole process, etc.
° “what if i’m unlucky and i don’t make it through the process?”
° “that’s ridiculous! it works every time.”
° “okay... but what if i go on a murderous rampage-”
° “we have a process in place to teach newborns how to control their thirst.”
° “okay, okay! i totally understand that. but what if i end up being so out of control that i reveal the secret of vampires to humans? won’t i be killed then.”
° “that’s impossible, i won’t let that happen.”
° you’re kinda frustrated at this point bc for every inquiry of skepticism you have, he’s got an answer prepared.
° felix at some point begins to wonder if you feel the mate bond as deeply as he does. you feel an immense pull towards him, it’s unreal. you’re just afraid.
° “but wouldn’t you like me to fuck you?”
° “seriously?! in front of everyone?”
° “oh, we hear you guys argue about this fifty times a day. it’s nothing new, y/n.” demetri would guffaw.
° lmao felix literally brings that up so often in front of others you’re beginning to get immune to it.
° strong boii™ doesn’t want you to be turned by anyone else but him. so like he’ll practice to get the hang of it bc god forbid if he killed you-
° i mean, in the end you choose to allow him to turn you bc what would be better than spending forever with felix?
° “i swear to god, if you kill me i’m gonna come back from the grave and light you on fire...”
° “i won’t.”
° “you know i’ll be right here during the whole process, i won’t leave your side. and when you wake up, i’ll be the there too.”
° that honestly gives you so much comfort and even makes you smile.
° which gives him confidence too bc you trust him enough to do this when he could literally KILL YOU
° the process goes as great as it can go and like after you feel like you can fight god which felix has to remind you that you cANT’ JUST DEMAND TO FIGHT EVERY VAMPIRE YOU SEE WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO FIGHT
° it’s good that you chose to get turned bc he was about to do it regardless lmaoo. (i know i’ve said this fifty times already but i’m not kidding boii really would’ve done it)
° y’all are the most chaotic couple, like aro and crew™ are entertained but also mildly very terrified.
° y’all fucked.. A LOT... just sayin
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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