#I just don't talk about it online because people sucks and can't handle opinions different from theirs lmao
pinkyjulien · 4 months
Learning that apparently people hate Reed is so wild to me
He reminds me a lot of Goro, in a way? Surface level reading here; they're both corporate tools who uses V as an asset to get what they want, what they need (the relic for Goro, So Mi for Reed) to appease whoever is holding their leash, they both live for their ""boss"" (Arasaka for Goro, Government for Reed) that's their whole purpose
Reed strikes me more of a lone-wolf, he has more "freedom" than Goro (who rushes back to Hanako as soon as V saves him from death after the parade, rushes back to his cyberware and to his ""home"")
They're great characters, their writings is amazing- they show a lot of nuance and humanity when you dig pass their blind automatic loyalty and cold armor
Knowing how overwhelmingly loved Goro is, I always assumed it was the same for Reed, because again, to me, they're really similar (and yet so different) but can't say I'm surprised gfhhgf
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I think I might have to message my friend and have a genuine conversation with him about how he's falling into extreme left antisemitic ideals. he acts SO supportive to my face and then in public and online he posts things that are plain misinformation with antisemitic undertones. id really, really, really wanna keep being his friend i just dont know how long I can continue when he acts like this. what the fuck are you supposed to do when someone is nice to your face yet the views they express publicly go against that? what side do you believe? even if the side he shows in private is what he truly believes, he's still saying antisemitic things in public and supporting those ideals.
I want to believe that he's just misinformed. don't get me wrong, he 100% is, I just dont think that's it. I feel like he's just trapped in that social justice cycle where he believes he HAS to talk about things as quickly as possible or else something bad will happen. and I want to pull him out of there with every fiber of my being I just dont know if I can without destroying myself in the process. I love him he's my best friend and we've been so close for years and still none of that changes the simple fact that I am jewish. and I feel scared associating with people going down this slope. I know for a fact he wouldn't hurt me in any way RIGHT NOW, but what about a month from now? 6 months? a year?
I can't stay silent because thats not who I am. so I've gotta talk to him about it soon. tomorrow I was gonna send him his very late birthday gift and food for him and maybe I still will. if I do then that shows that I at least have a little faith this conversation won't ruin one of my closest friendships. and even if it does end, I still love him and I want him to have those things. I wish this weren't so hard and I wish it didn't hurt so much I have such a tiny circle of people it would actually physically hurt to leave and he's one of them.
he's friends with all my other goyische friends too and oh g-d I won't even know what to tell them if it ends badly. will their trust in me dissipate? will they begin to see me as a dirty jew who ruins friendships over problems they see as minor? will they tell me to just suck it up and deal with different opinions? im the only jewish person in that friend group so I've got no one else who understands this specific pain.
I wanna talk to my mother about this. she's not awake right now but she'd understand. she never really got when I talked about experiencing other forms of bigotry just antisemitism because she's been through that too. I know i can handle the actual confrontation myself i just kinda wanna cry to my mother about it.
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1d1195 · 2 months
Tbh I dont even KNOW how many courses i’ve taken 😭 But I'm pretty sure it has been over 20 since I found your blog which was maybe the end of my first year or the beginning of my second year? So like 2021-2022? Idk but even then I didn’t even start giving feedback/ talking with you until like later I think? And that was without my emoji (my memory isn’t great anymore lol) All I know is that I think it was during the Protection era where I decided to ask for an emoji lol ANYWAYSSS But yes I am almost done soo! But I start my final year in the Fall! Very excited but also fucking terrified lol But your kind and encouraging words mean SO much to me!😭💗
I think youre so cool too! Seriously you're so NOT lame lol Oh your bf isn't a binger watcher?! This is so tragic! I fear I could not handle that depending on the show lol I'm not saying to lie about not knowing what happens but alsooo self care does include binging shows👀 btw Tina’s episode was SO what this season needed because it was just so perfect for her character! Loved it so much how it touched up so many things! And her moment with Micheal was so 😭 
Girl you’re so real for that lol You’re not being bitchy at all! Being a teacher was hard way before this pandemic hit and with this dynamic of online learning came into play like i can't even imagine! And now doing a hybrid style in person and online is another dynamic! But yeah they did put themselves in that position so it just sucks all around because no one really wins lol 
Btw I'm the same too lol. when it comes to my emotions my mind is like ✨no you're dramatic stfu✨Your concerns are so valid! And it sucks that even for a simple concern is such an obstacle to even obtain the right info/resources. Plus women’s health is severely under researched but that’s another thing lol But yes! Please do that like you deserve to be heard in all aspects! And you could NEVER make me feel like you’ve minimized my issues! It’s nice to let it out and you never know how many people may feel the same, so you are not alone!
Oh her insecurity very much resonated with me! In my head that makes total sense! She loves him so much that the fear of not letting him grow into the best version of himself is scary! And by the amount of love she has for people and him I get her actions! It’s very much not okay to have made that decision without talking to him, but they are young so these are just things they have to learn about! Of course my love the next parts be amazing! Seriously you’re in my opinion one of the BEST writers on here! kinda funny your bf is trying to teach you about writing ngl I giggled lol
Hope your week has ended so well! Any plans for the weekend? Love you lots!!!-💜
FINAL YEAR HOW EXCITING. I knew you had to be close to being done. I'm so happy for you! You're going to do great things 💕
IT'S THE WORST. HE GETS SO DISTRACTED ALL THE TIME WE WATCH ONE EPISODE EVERY THREE DAYS. Fortunately, most of the time we don't have the same taste in shows so I can binge my shows in between viewings of shows we watch together but it's painful. I'm going to tell him we have to watch the last two episodes in one hit. I LOVED Tina's episode, but I do kinda wish they put it in an earlier season just because I feel like I hated her for so long. Maybe that was their point and plan. I get that I can't know everything all at once lol 😂 The part with Michael was heartbreaking but I loved it too! 
Thank you for all your kind words regarding teaching and my mental health! They mean so much 💕
You're so sweet 😭 I am lowkey struggling with the second part (mostly because I've been writing bits of the other parts so it's hard to connect pieces of it a little hehehehe) but my brain is just really unfocused these days. It's a bit unfortunate, but I think it'll be okay.
Truly, your thoughts are SO helpful 💕
I think his genre of writing is OBVIOUSLY very different than mine. But it's funny to hear his thoughts and ideas. He's trying to make money off his writing, so I'm not very equipped to give any advice on that front. But he's so WHINY about it. He's like "I'm stuck on the ending" and I'm mentally I'm like "Yeah, and? We've all been there." Poor guy. 🤭
I met up with a friend from high school yesterday and hung out with my fam--they're nuts. I have a family thing tomorrow so I'm hoping to do most of nothing today except write and chill out. The weather has been so hot and muggy here. It's supposed to rain for a good chunk of the day but I'm hoping it clears up so I can go for a walk in the evening. I've been a little lazy the last couple days so I need to do better.
How about you?! Hope you're doing something fun! LOVE YOU!!!
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You seem to have a lot of friends who have extremely postmodern takes on sexuality. How do you handle it? I used to tolerate it, but lately it is making me lose my mind. My radikweer friends believe that sexuality is a choice and that I could chose not to be a lesbian/develop some attraction to men in the future, and my straight friends obsessively gender everything I do. It is exhausting and they just don't get it.
To be honest I'm lucky on that regard, my friends do have postmodern takes on gender and somewhat on sexuality but their takes on sexuality are not so postmodern that they find it unreasonable that I don't want to be with any male. Like they do believe on attraction to gender (which is dumb) but they agree with me that it is normal and ok to not be attracted to someone due to their physical characteristics (ie genitalia and sex characteristics). Idk how that makes sense or if they just say it to humour me or that they believe my sexuality works one way but other lesbians' work another but the fact of the matter is that they don't give me shit for being a lesbian. For me, that and the fact that they don't despise me for having different opinions on gender is enough to keep being friends with them. If they ever started to give me shit for it, then I wouldn't be able to be their friend. Because I can put up with people who disagree with me on certain topics (not on all topics duh) but not with people who disrespect me.
Your situation sounds different but like, the most important thing is that you know what your boundaries are, what makes you be comfortable in a friendshio and what just won't cut it no matter how good friends you are. Friends are first and foremost people who you should enjoy, actively, spending time with. People who should respect you and not hurt you. If your friends are saying anything that is hurting you, the first step is to bring it up, and if they don't listen or correct their behavior to avoid hurting you (which, they should). If they don't, and if that it making you not enjoy (for obvious reasons) the time you spend with them then you don't have to put up with it. I'd suggest trying at first to just talk, it shouldn't be that unreasonable to ask them not to talk about lesbians like that, and maybe they will listen because they care about you and your comfort, but if they don't, know that you don't have to tolerate that, you don't have to put up with any homophobes, and with anyone who's hurting you or disrespecting you. That is scary, but it's not worth it to keep being around people who make your life worse, maybe you don't want to drop them (I know how scary that and being alone is) but to be a less involved friend, or maybe it does mean to walk away. In this situation what's most important is what are you comfortable with? What will make you the happiest in the long run?
Regardless of if your friends listen to you or not or if you decide to drop them, something you should do now is to find more friends that are also lesbians. Even if this is only online, join a discord, (or create your own!) talk to a mutual, see if you can find any fb groups. Irl if you can find for anything that is specifically lesbian related then you should go (there's apps like meetup that are for finding groups for all sorts of things, but they aren't used in my country but maybe that one works for you) NOT general lgbt, but lesbian, and you might find some postmodern bs there too, but you might also find people that aren't that bad, or that have no idea of the discourse even. Talk to them and get to know them.
Even if your other friends suck and you can't/won't drop them because you're scared of being alone or because you see them around a lot so it'd be hard etc (tho again, don't ever feel like you have any obligation to tolerate homophobes ever, like only give them one chance if they don't take it they're not people you need in your life) it's important to have a safety net, a group you can fall back on who understand you on this topic. So do what you can to build that. I could give you an invite to my discord if you want! (If you're not there already haha)
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The curve flattened I'm told due to evaporation.
Evaporation is allowed to occur when 3 or more people in one house have COVID-19 and give consent to immediate travel to their home place -- some aliens prefer not to call it a planet but it is
So when they are diagnosed they are sent home in NY state including NYC. And so it's made s remarkable difference in numbers.
The evaporation numbers are electronically recorded live in a databank
So dead bodies to dinosaurs and handle that nasty drama or evaporation and hands free and clean.
And as a doctor or nurse, "you are diagnosed with COVID-19. You will have an adventurous future. Please go home and enjoy your ride. Here's two prescriptions to help you on your life's journey"
I mean really. Try a little flavor.
"Bitch you gonna die yo! Here take this pill so you shut the fuck up while you dien' ain't no one wanna hear you yo! And push this down and suck when you be coughin like you dyin cause you will!!" I mean i Don't even care. What are they gonna do? Complain? When? They about to die. In case they do "I explained the medication use and how to and when to and I said the future is different than it is now. And i need a break. Care to join me away from this soon to be home individual?" now its only for now and i really don't recommend you to talk to someone like that except people like me, just wanna punch some fucking ass holes in the face.
Besides some people find that kind of interaction comical and they actually do prefer it to normal doctor talk. Its humbling. Some get upset like Denise.
And i just walked by Uncle Dad and he said to her when she borrowed $2000 from me and lied it was for bills but it was so she could go to Hawaii and she said "just between you and me i borrow this Don't tell dad" and she was talking about it because I walked by and he said "yeah Denise just between you and me You got a bloody broken nose"
Because he wanted me and my daughter to go. And she borrowed almost all my savings and i didn't have enough for 3 plane tickets to Hawaii when she already had $2,000 and 2 paychecks go in and had over $6000 of her own money on the trip after bills paid. So she had $8000...
And i couldn't go. She she got a busted nose. She was until 6 months ago assisted leader of Zulululu on Eaerth.
She insisted that Nathaniel try to initiate sex with me at that time and lost her rulership.
Because in reality she told him to rape me. That's what she fucking did.
Anyway point. If someone talks in a different manner to a COVID than usual. But isn't abusive as i was not abusive in the passage above i expect it to be excused and accepted and discontinued soon. As it is ONLY for COVID-19 activated and not carriers (which will only show up in DNA4U)
A lot of people The most strong people have been invaded by aliens. The strongest.
And we been beat down. Over and over.
I'm gonna pull out the NHRA because some of them kids are real special to me.
32% are human. 92% of the remaining percentage are alien. That's just the drivers.
72% of mechanics are human. 4% of the remaining are alien. (Cause they're fucking lazy -- not just an opinion)
The rest evil humans.
So of 600 drivers... Take 32 times 6 and you got some fucking number i ain't a calculstor but it's about 3x6 is 18 plus in the ones column 2x6 plus Yoir carry.
192 I'm assuming out of 600.
So that totally isn't right. 32% of drivers. 1/3 of 600 is 200
Fuck tree msn noe he says there's 900 drivers. Makes me laugh
So over 300... Why does the calculator say 288??
Why does this not work? 32% oh is not 33.333% it's less than im all thinking 30% is 1/3.
Fuxk math.
I'm sloppy in math. I have good humor about it tho and tree gets a good chuckle at me because I get so dumb about it. I was looking for 35% which is about 315.
See why Yall need 8 hours or more of restful sleep? Denise kept me up all night acting stupid screaming and then Nathaniel woke me up early worried about his livelihood. So i got me like 4 or 5 hours.
So 288 people surrounded by 900 people.
This is often the case then the remaining (i have a calculator here) 612 people try to drag down the 288 i can clearly see that they are outnumbered by over double
So that is a two on one unfair fight. Two not even being allowed to be on the fucking planet!!
And the one alone to stand or ball up to defend is nearly defenseless.
Then in the NHRA to make matters worse the aliens lie and manipulate to get their mechanics behind them.
So i developed a system that the driver team that wants to fight fights as a team and they have to pay real cash money starting at $10,000 that just goes up and up. If they intend to fight a human and Easter Egg occurs and the aliens that put up the bounty to warrior can't fight and must award all cash to the human ran team. Like Erica Enders.
And if she catches you talking shit after the cash award (usually a wire payment) and she will. She racks up fees and fines aka charges. Then she can beat the shit outta the alien team that has to stand there with their hands at their sides or in their pockets after the pockets are cleared by the awarded team and each person gets 5 hits to the face or ribs then the shit talker gets 10 from each team member from the human side.
Since 2013.
Aliens do not belong on Earth. Many of the drivers are the worst offenders of human trafficking which is why They are allowed in the NHRA so we can spy on them and is why rhe mechanics are so many humans.
Because by default humans hate aliens. Its just a distaste we are programmed and then we feel sorry for them for our programmed hate..
It is a very vicious cycle and very painful. Because we can't stand the way they act or dress or the way they're so fucking happy. And its because they lie and hide who they are from us and we feel it.
Thus the distaste
No matter how hard we try to like them and enjoy being with them the hiding and lying over and over of their true identity is terrible.
Queen hid from me her identity and I was all who the fuck are you? Like it wasn't like i would be rammed if i asked.
She said "pardon?"
And i was like oh shit and i got all red... And i was all oh im sorry I should not talk to her like that she's elder and proper! So i said "im sorry ma'am i was Just wondering who you were"
"Well I'm the fucking Queen!!"
I must had looked like a turnip by then all the blood rushing to my face to feed my brain.
"Of who?! What? Where?!"
"Of England" and she folded her hands in her lap on one side and looked all dignified.
Holy fucking shit who would thought?! Not me!
But an alien will lie "I'm just like you but ...." And never dignify themselves to say they are alien. And it is irritating.
When Queens or Kings don't announce themselves its full of mystery and wonder.
When an alien DOES then it's full of mystery and wonder.
When they don't it's absolutely full blown annoying.
Sometimes we can act like children and allow a person to follow us around and copy every move like the other kid doesn't know how to live. But there comes a point even a child will explode in temper.
They just don't fit on our planet!
Even Venus. Neptune and Mars when they transferred to human Because they earned the right by following the rules we still had to tweak their brains and look and so on.
Neptune looked like Ewoks. They were so fucking cute!!! I love Ewoks. I slept with one forever in my bed when i was a kid - a stuffed one from the store.. A fake non living one. I didn't know. I just felt a lot of love.
And i was being really abused by Denise and Nathaniel and i felt really better to,wake up to its cute little face. It was the one thing Denise didn't try to destroy because she knew the truth about them but she sure didn't tell me.
So although I have and the whole human race has a severe dislike and distaste for the alien race I did ensure that their deaths are one I would want for myself. For my children. For the proper Queen of England who can joke around and make my body feed my brain to keep me alive for one more day.
Something kind.
Evaporation is a slight accordion feeling mainly in the chest and then off they go.
So no one intended for Donald Trump to be running his mouth telling people not to listen to me
Simple bronchitis treatment then home to their families to discuss the ability to leave and when and where. And apparently there's a website you can organize yourselves on so you don't go alone.
I have tried every other way and it was unsuccessful.
I'm not destroying my own planet that was a gift because some aliens are fucking rude.
Im just gonna send their asses home as i should have done long ago.
Its not about being bitter or wanting revenge.
Simple fact is they don't belong here and they have their own home and their own Gods.
Its straining for their Gods to switch between their home and here.
Not my creation. Not my responsibility.
Not the nurses nor doctor nor military.
Not the mailmans nor Amazon's.
When yall voted for an American Revolutionary War 76% voted yes. Of the world wide population of nurses and doctors and health cate professionals 81.5% voted yes. Over 81% voted for a Revolution
So i expect no problems from now and the next 13 days.
24% of Y'all were probably aliens. Tree says... 16 and a half % which then leaves probably evil humans. Snd tree says yes.
So 100% of Humans says yes fuck this shit.
So y'all drink your grocery store wine. Have your cheese. Leave me some extra sharp cheddar but get you some too and get your ice cream. Buckle down and take your tests for money to buy all that. Don't pay no rent nor mortgage
We will talk to car loans i expect. Talk to your car loan providers. I don't want no dude towing your car cause he know it's at home and you didn't pay the monthly payment.
So use your DNA4U to pay your car loans and car insurance and get your food..
Don't be paying baggers online. I got a couple I follow here on Tumblr always a medical or food need. Go on the street corner and work for that yo.
They can get same as you to take a test
Get your student loans deferred.
If you have no DNA4U access and you did and you got an email saying why then you're leaving the planet So click the link and make your arrangements to get on your way.
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