#I just dont have time this year t.t
yinorathedragontamer · 2 months
how do you think the spn boys ( Sam, Dean, Cas) would separately react to a reader who needs reading glasses. like it's boring long ass research time and reader just pulls out their glasses and the boys are like '??? when was this'. I just think it would be very cute 😭🫶
a/n: OMG YES!! i love this request sm <3 though personally i dont have reading glasses, i tried to make this accurate, i hope this is good T.T i hope you enjoy!!
pairing: Sam, Dean, Cas (seperately) x gn!reader
Dean Winchester
it was just another ghost case, a vengefull spirit that's pissed off, so ofcourse, you had to figure out who this ghost was, when they died and where the remains were burried.
you were in a small town, the ghost was killing people with what they feared, so far, there were three victims, one was a woman who was scared of heights, she got pushed off a building. the second was a man who was scared of tight spaces, he got suffocated in a closet, and lastly there was a young girl that was scared of deep water, and she drowned in the deep side of a pool, all over the span of a month.
Sam offered to go get you three some proper lunch from the local store, so you and Dean have to do most of the research, or atleast make a start on it.
Dean is making himself comfortable on one of the two motel beds, with Sam's laptop for research.
you sit down next to him, with a book on vengefull spirits, because you mentioned something about how this spirit could be a different kind than usual.
Dean glances at you for a second, a small smile on his lips, but quickly, his expression changes to one of absolute surprise as you whip out a pair of glasses and put it on, opening your book, though in the corner of your eye you can see him looking at you.
"what?" you raise an eyebrow.
"you have reading glasses?" Dean asks in a surprised tone.
"yeah, obviously" you glance at him.
"got a problem with that?" "what? no, no ofcourse not" he replies, though he has a teasing smile on his face, which makes you roll your eyes. yeah, he was so gonna use this against you for teasing.
Sam Winchester
its been over an hour since Dean said he was gonna go and check out the scene once more with Cas, and you and Sam are still sitting there in a motel room.
Sam has been researching for the past 45 minutes, on his laptop. you two are quiet, save for the occasional typing from Sam.
you made yourself a cup of tea, before sitting down at the small table in the room, pulling a book. you also pull out your reading glasses, putting them on and adjusting them slightly before flipping your book open.
Sam, being so engrossed on his laptop, doesn't notice for about 20 minutes, untill he looks up to ask if you've found anything, but the words die on his tongue as he looks at you, focused and reading... with glasses? since when?
"uh... did you find anything yet?" he ask with slight hesitation. he doesn't want to mention the sudden glasses, because what if you take offense? or get embarrassed? he doesn't want that, the least he wants is feel like an absolute idiot.
"no" you respond with a sigh, putting your book down and sliding off your glasses to be ontop of your head, grabbing your now room temperature tea, though you know Sam, and you can see in his eyes that he's confused about the glasses.
"i've had them for years, though they make researching on a laptop even shittier, and usually i borrow yours for research, so i don't put them on. besides, they don't do much for anything else, and i usually inspect the items we find at a scene, so, don't feel bad you didn't notice them before" you explain, smiling a little to yourself when he lets out a silent, relieved sigh.
"okay, okay, so i'm not a terrible boyfriend for not knowing you had reading glasses, good to know" he says with a slight laugh at the end of his sentence.
"you look cute in them, they suit you"
Dean and Sam left to get dinner, leaving you in the motel room alone to research some more, because why not.
you were peacefully reading some newspapers, checking for any details you might've missed. the glasses you were wearing sliding down every once in a while, so you adjust them to sit back up on your nose properly.
you suddenly hear the sound of wings fluttering, and low and behold, Cas is standing across from you, though instead of the usual greeting, you're met with silence as you two look at eachother, the angel tilting his head to the side as he usually does when he's curious about something.
"....hello [name]..." he finally says, his eyebrows furrowing subtly.
"i didn't know you needed reading glasses." he mentions rather bluntly, making you smile.
"yeah, i know. you haven't been around much lately during research" you see him furrow his brows even more.
"i... think i should've known." he mumbles.
"isn't it normal for someone to know those things about their partner?" he asks you.
"yeah, but its not a big deal if you simply haven't noticed, its just a pair of glasses i barely use, its nothing to feel bad about" you say reassuringly.
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superluver · 10 months
hiiii hope ur having a good day there, if ur requests are open, can i request suguru (suguru after premature death) with non sorcerer reader, she thought he saved her but he just wanted to get a curse from her, but then he falls for her
basically geto falling for ‘monkey’ reader ^^^ and him having an(other) existential crisis,
hope this makes sense T.T and thank u!! <3
Geto. S. - Cursed
Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
SORRY FOR THE WAIT ☹️☹️ If this wasn't what u were looking for (which i feel it isnt) message me again and i'll do it again, 🙏🙏
Cw: angst-ish to fluff, Mentions of murder, mental health, FEMreader, Mimiko and Nanako, a lot of monkey calling, domestic suguru
Wc: 1.6k
Description: You're cursed and Suguru wants it. Suguru having internal conflict
BEFORE YOU READ: this doesnt pertain to the story but i swearrrrr in the gojo x reader following a lot of spam has been posted please dont forget to report it
“If you’re trying to enter the building, you have to go through the back.”
Your voice is bland, tired, uninterested.. Suguru can go on and on about the monkey’s voice in front of him. He was still staring at you, though his line of vision was more like what was beside you, something that you couldn’t see. You were leaning onto a fence in an alleyway that connected your office building to the next one over, elbow and forearm holding your balance.
He stays unchanging, smiling while staring you down. It was seemingly innocent, with a hint of menacing. Suguru wanted to kill you, he thought about it really hard; The guy had been watching you for weeks now.
It was hard to not notice the curse attached to you, any sorcerer could feel its cursed energy from all of Japan. It was intense, and rightfully so.
This was a special grade, and he had to be the one to have it.
You never even glanced at him, a burning cigarette in between your lips. Hey, maybe you’d get murdered by some handsome weirdo.. that wouldn’t be so bad, right?
“Hey, if you’re going to kill me can you hurry up with it.”
Again, your voice is so tired.
This time, you finally turn your head to face him, and he finds his smile faltering. So similar to his when he was younger. Defeated, tired, and no one knew.
No one cared to find out further, and who could he even talk to? Shoko was out practicing her Reversal Cursed Technique, his juniors were still experiencing the world, and Satoru has become the strongest on his own.
So he was on his own, until he finally broke.
But, you were a monkey. What would you know about hard work. What would you know about sacrifice?
Afterall, you’re just a monkey.
Yet, he finds himself faltering. He just couldn’t kill you, and the curse beside you began pulsating. Not to mention the fact that you never questioned his monk attire.
“What,” he stutters, throat going dry. His voice is cracking, so he pauses , licking his lips before resuming. Was is always this hard to talk with a monkey? “What’s your name?” He asked you.
Your eyes inspected him, and he takes note that you haven't puffed the cigarette yet.
“You gonna smoke that?”
He doesn't know why, but the anger wells up inside of him once more. Maybe the two of you weren’t so similar after all. Smoking was something he did to cope, and now look at you, doing it for show.
“I don’t wanna smoke when someone’s talking to me, ‘s rude..” you slur, pulling out the half burned cig and pressing it down on the ash tray.
He feels his heart pang, and a mixture of emotions flood through him. How unusual, he’s never felt like this before, not even in his Highschool years.
“It’s (L/N), (Y/N). By the way.” You inform, the last but coming out weakly in whisper.
“Is that so?” He mumbles, watching you fumble into your jacket, pulling out a half empty box and flicking it open. You extend your arm out, holding the box open, and he feels his world become distorted.
Almost like a lullaby, feeling like a kid again. The world he sees is full of color, then dark, only in black and white, then nothing at all, and now he’a seeing you, the only thing with color in this monkey-ridden world. And now, back to all black and white, execpt you, now full of color.
He wonders if this has something to due with the curse on you. It’s hugging you hightly, like a snake. It’s thin, hugging your breasts, wrapped around your neck, ready to kill you, but he doesn’t want that.
Suguru blinks, time resuming as normal as he utters a thanks, taking it and using the lighter you hand out right after.
“I haven’t smoked since I was a teenager,” he confesses, and he doesn’t know why he felt the need to say that, to a monkey at that.
“Really? How’d you stop?” You ask, genuinely curious. You’d been trying to quit for years, but with the things life has been throwing at you, you think you’d end up smoking yourself to death.
Suguru glances around, thinking hard, “I decided to do what I wanted to do.” And it’s true, he decided to follow his heart and exterminate monkeys for a living. It brings him joy.
“And what’s that?” You ask him, fully intrigued with he’s talking about. He gulps, staring down at you, biting his tongue he furrows his eyebrows ag you. The damn curse, it’s doing this to him.
He grabs your wrist, staring at you darkly, and you think this is where he’ll kill you.
But he doesn't.
He covers your eyes with his large palm, and it’s unusually calloused, more than the average worker. He does it gently, despite his dark expression. Your line of sight is completely darkened, and suddenly, you feel weightless.
He didn’t kill you— he wouldn’t kill you.
“Ge— Suguru. Suguru, could you help me here?” You call him from the bedroom.
He’s 22 years old and has been living with you for two. Peering his head in, he watches you struggle in holding the matress cover down to pull it over on the other side.
“It won’t stay!” You groan, watching the other side pop out. He chuckles, walking to the opposite corner of the bed and pulling it down under it.
It feels oddly domestic when he’s with you.
When the four of you hang out, you holding the girls hands while he walks behind you three, it feels like he’s with his family.
Though sometimes he feels like he sees Satoru—
“Suguru?” You call him, your face close to his own. He catches himself holding his breath when you near, ‘monkey’ he finds his mind calling you.
His hands go to your cheeks, thumbs stroking your cheeks. Your lips part, observing his solemn facial expression. His eyes seem so.. so lonely. “What’s wrong?”
His rough hands trail down your face now, loosely around your neck. Thumb stroking your throat, applying small pressure. “I could kill you right now.” He mumbles, and the voice in his head is shouting at him, manipulating him.
All monkeys.
That’s right. When did he stray so far off from his goal? When did he stop trying to fulfill his dream?
The perfect world he was going to create, just for sorcerers. A world where his best friend didn’t have to work like a dog, a work where they could just be people. A world where peace was the only way.
It was probably when he met you.
“But you won't. Well, I hope you won't!” You chuckle sheepishly. Your fingers taking his from your neck, holding them to your lips. “You saved me in ways that you could never even imagine.” You murmur, his half lidded eyes staring down at you, at that curse he still hasn't stolen.
He didn’t save you. He stole you. Suguru Geto is a selfish man, and no better than Gojo, he’ll do whatever he can to have something. That something is you.
The curse doesn't matter to him anymore, he just wants you. He wants to rid you of this curse that hangs on you.
He’s tried, but it seems to be feeding off of you. He would have to kill you to get it, but he can't, he won't, he refuses.
He finds the words slipping out of his mouth, he can't control himself anymore.
“I love you.”
You blink, eyes wide as you replay his words.
Those three words.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he confesses, enveloping you in a hug. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to feel that he’s crying. The way his large back trembles in your hold. “It’s alright, don’t cry now.” You whisper, stroking his hair. “I love you very much.”
Your voice feels so quiet, and you don't think your words even reached him but when he squeezes you, pulling you even closer to him, trying to become one, you know he got it.
“Thank you, Suguru.” You thank gratefully, chin on his shoulder. “Thank you for giving me a family, thank you for giving me somewhere to belong.”
“Thank you.”
You don't even remember how the two of you ended up on the floor, holding each other while the bed stays unmade. A single pillow the both of you shared while snoozing on the ground.
Nanako and Mimiko peer into the room, heads poking in to see your laying figures. How scared they got when they grew near, thinking something happened to the two of you. But when they see your chests rise and fall, they rest easy.
Though, their gazes stayed more with your figure. Your curse was gone, no longer attached to you.
Nanako grabs her phone, a limited one only for phone calls and photos(given to her by Suguru) and snaps a couple photos of you, some serious, and some zoomed in on your faces.
Mimiko returns back, dragging a blanket from the couch and draping it over the two of you, giving you both a kiss on the cheek.
“C’mon, Nana.” Mimiko says, taking hold of her twin's hand and walking out the dimly lit room.
They should be the one’s thanking the two of you, for giving them parents that they never had.
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faeriekit · 3 months
I just spent most of the day reading the trickery au (for the first time and lemme say? I'm very much in love (with the story, the characters, your *writing*, everything. Absolutely everything. I love them all so much)) and even though I was reading it all at once, I still got a bit lost with characters XD
I have no idea how you keep track of them all (*how* is your spreadsheet organized?? Plzzzzzz!!) I would love a (single time) character reminder thing of 'cabin' 'kids' 'parent if in hermes's cabin' because references are being made and I dont...know where exactly the info came from, so I can't look it up to check T.T (love all the minor god(desse)s you've tied in!)
Otherwise - curious about a couple things
1. Is Luke no longer getting nightmares? Thalia? (Didn't she get one or was it just anxiety? I thought I read she heard a whispering too at one point)
2. Was the masterbolt not stolen in this one? Bc I dont think that was actually addressed (the healm of darkness yes, but with the animosity between the underworld and Olympus, would hades have ever told them? Or I guess maybe he accused them and they picked it up from there?)
3. Cory? Did he ever get out of the gas station? (Or are we not meant to find out yet)
I love seeing how Percy's loyalty is tied to so many more people (especially Luke) and how thats changing so many things (he's a menace and I love him). I love how Luke is still angry, but how he's taking lessons from Sally in using that to get.things.done. (love that for him, its amazing, and I love him) (.....and pretty much all the characters. I love the new characters you've introduced us to (love that the number of girls has gone up!) And how they feel so *real*. They're not just....names to fill in space. They take up space as people and its amazing)
Anyways, this is getting very long so.....
Okay one at a time:
Getting lost with the characters is super normal, haha. I tend to bring them up at random. That being said, I do post the chart when people ask, and update it about once a chronological year. The blacked out stuff is things you're not allowed to see yet. Ignore that. That being said, it is ONLY for the current cabin 11 kids, so any non-Hermes kids are in the wind. Metaphorically. Maybe also canonically. Luke is still shirtless.
IF you're looking for the research I use on the individual gods, though, I joyfully exploit theoi.com! Theoi dot com, for all your greek theological needs! (Nonsponsored)
Any dreams and or nightmares are on a plot basis! If you haven't seen any as of late, there haven't been any significant dreams. They are traumatized though. They probably have trauma dreams.
Yeah, weird how no one's mentioned the Master Bolt! Wonder what's up with that. 👀
All Cory things shall be revealed in time...probably. No, I have a plan. But. You know. Everything in its season.
Yeah, Luke's go-get-'em initiative with Sally's prioritization is truly a thing to behold. There are more girls because camp girls are scary, and I think no one on earth has ever done the feral nature of a girl released into the wilderness true justice. I was a little undiagnosed kid waiting for the world to make sense when a girl scout taught me how to break a man's arm. I hope she lives forever. That many kids? With minor superpowers? And ADHD? In a camp setting?? Chiron has to be the only reason this camp has not exploded in the last three hundred years.
Yeah, there are a lot of goddess moms, huh? I wonder if there should be more dads...but there aren't as many cool ones... Eros is cool but to be fair I decided he and his wife and Miranda's mom were all amicable in like the first ten minutes.
Thank you for writing in! Send as much as you want; no one's ever been angry for a lengthy write-in, haha. I love enthusiasm 😊
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sheikahwarriork · 6 months
What would be your favorite dimileth dynamic??? (both in hopes and houses if possible)
okay i'll try to be serious for once lmao.
first, acadimileth has a special spot in my heart. i know some people dont like the teacherxstudent thing, but i think with dimileth works perfectly without too many moral issues: 1) dimitri and byleth are close in age, 2) it's not our modern world, but a fantasy/medieval ages-like, 3) him being a FUCKING PRINCE outclasses her being a teacher, in the "omg she has power over him" argument speaking. also, they dont do anything while dimitri is still a student, the in-game romance happens after 5 years of byleth sleeping, plus 1 year of war where byleth is not a teacher anymore.
so, acadimileth is one of my fav dimileth type. i love when dimitri is shy thinking about his professor and his inner turmoils, and i love that byleth slowly learns how to have friends, how to feel emotions, and how to understand that the funny feeling she feels in her heart everytime she thinks about dimitri is something more than "simple friendship" eueue :D also hot bc forbidden.
also for three houses, i like dimileth with feralmitri after the time-skip. i may be ace, but feralmitri makes me feel Things 👀 ahem anyway. the angst, the hurt/comfort, feralmitri making feral sex with his professor, it's just *chef kiss*
i also enjoy a good CF!dimileth lovers to enemies (to lovers), but i need my happy ending or i'll get sad t.t
as for three hopes, i love enemies to lovers, and reincarnation au!!!!! best if there's both! dimitri fights the ashen demon on the battlefield, but he's so mesmerized by her he almost gets killed, but then the ashen demon stops her sword, they look at each other... EUEUEUE yes i love hopes!dimileth a lot too. i wish the game had more dimileth itself but OH WELL thank sothis there are fanfiction.
i also enjoy a lot modern au. my fav type is work collegues, i dont even know why, i dont work in a office xD maybe bc this thrope can bring that bit of "forbidden" acadimileth has?
in general, i love mutual pining, especially dimitri pining for his professor, while byleth is not fully aware of her feelings and can even get jealous! i love soulmates au bc i'm a sucker for soulmates; in both canon and modern au. i love when dimitri gets feral for his beloved, and i love when byleth learns feelings thanks to dimitri.
so, yeah, i like almost every dimileth dynamic xD my only "turn-off" from a fic is a bad ending, and/or if dimileth is not endgame. i need them to be happy or i'll CRY for real cwc
oh, last note: i do enjoy established relationship and post-game fics, but i dont read them much often. i prefer the drama and THEN the happy ending with them getting together lmao
thank you so much for the ask anon!! if you have some fics to recommend, please go ahead! 💙💚
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legend of ruby sunday let's gooo
ruby is so overhwelmed bless her lol
they are making unit too quirky for them not to become a spin off lol
15 WILL flirt with your staff kate and you WILL endure it
screaming the clip was just the first clip. whats gonna happen
"Even I got that" SDKJ THE META
ya'll are so self-conceited. millions of people are called susana. / i say this while vibrating at the rate of a neutrino star
"susan IS the name of my grandaughter" NOT WAS. IS !!!!
"we'll get him" is that a musk ref. rtd, musk is not a genius lol
"but what for" asking the tough questions
(also regeneration as a disguise…. what a good idea)
"cant we just pipe in a bit of applause " the meta……..
mel pulling a 73!yards ruby
"we have another mystery woman" "ruby sundayyyyyyyyyyy" "you could've warned me" wtf i love tem. i love this. absolute bonkers vibes for a finale. (the horrors will start at any second)
ruby/rose flirting…….. ?? :eyes emoji:
doctor who wasMEANT to have a bunch of middle aged / old
women characters
stsly i love this energy "I love devina" amazing.
"you love to break the rules" she knows her uncle so well
im enjoying how the fantasy / scifi plot mystery is tied to this very real personal thing for ruby.
ruby rose holding hands………………. im seeing.
"they never give me proper work" gee i wonder why rose!!! you think your mom wants you out there doing torchwood style suicide missions. cmon.
"he was a postman. she was a dinner lady" hmm
go get miss flood??????? A???????????
dont leave it to her oh my god. rip cherry.
(btw god bless. the hallway crack from the christmas special is still there lol)
ms flood nailing the old relative backhanded compliment
HE WAITS NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT QUITE. NOT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im vibrating so much
oof this is so good. this is so TRUE. "you need roots of your own not a senile old man" updated to "i bring disaster"" aggg
15 is so healthy guys. so healthy
"what if you just said hello to her face?" i cant believe this is happening ya'll. russel really said "the five doctors was BULLSHIT. im gonna fix-it fix this shit" and went and did it. icon
ill have some of that <3 !!!! (lol thats right kate. he'll never trust u like them!!! deal with it)
a phoenix is just a bird until it burns… awesome. what the fuck does that mean
thats right stammer. you're barred from unit. motherfucker 15 is so rude. love him
ooo the music did a little thing. hold on to your butts babes we about to get DRAMA
unit has better toys. but are they competentent? LOL
clara and the leaf energy tbh (complimentary)
(oh is ruby susan's daughter therefore 15' daughter????) love the snow thing tbh . rtd was like im about to give dw fanartists an easy motif to add to their art for years. thanks king "time has tides and hollows and secrets"
(this transition effect………. very pertwee era intro….. :eyes emoji:) memory is time!!!!
"you cant move" omg impossible mission moment. fathers day moment. 15/ruby dont know how to step moment!!!!!!!!!!!
this is rtd's thought process lol "time … memory… ah shit.. MEMORY TIME MACHINE THERE WE GO"
damn carla and ruby got me here.
"my memory of this keeps changing"
rip chipzode probably
T.T rubes
what the actual fuclk
Close the window!!!!
when is that thing, inspector spacetime???????
it's the beast!! (carla dont name the undefined thing on the "everything becomes what you name it season" o h my gOD)
im loving the coloring/lighting in this episode. everyone looks very sharp and nice
"i bring disaster" hehe
finally some good fucking [kate vs doctor antagonism]
15 frustrated because he finally has to come back from buying the cigarattes/ bread
"FINISHED? STOP GRIZZLING AND FIX IT". mel!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats
mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you mel!!!!!!!!!!!!
rtd said im gonna write a season that is SO self referential. thank u
for writting this show for the weirdos only. (We might run out of disney money tomorrow but TODAY we relish)
brigadier picture!!!
missing episodes restoration commentary? lol (if i was rtd i would have named harriet ms. bachel color)
"i'd remember a handsome chap like you" um. let's no go there!!! thanks
i told u doc u absolute anxious nerd. there's millions of susans!!! (not convinced this isnt anything yet)
the music is doing things
"being an ambulance?" mel u have always been in doccy who. catch up!!!
reverse the polarity of the VHS
(ALSO very 00's/90's "therre's something hiding in the music if u play it backwards Zeitgeist ("Blink"'s dvd easter egg realness))
donna this is all ebcause you had to go and spill that damn coffee. chodizee's blood is on YOUR hands
leave the tardis alone… "then they get wise, and they try to destroy it"
"thank you, and i love you, and good bye" aaaaaaaaa
our tecnology spreads lies and fraud!!! im gonna count that as aBINGO. taking my prize in cash beebs. thank!!!
"you do not question, you move" ummmmm
master? rogue? valeyyard? rassilon? omega? suttek? omega??? rani?? ???
harriet arbingers. rip.
A DREAM OF A WORLD WITH ORANGE SKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol love this. going over the theories
suketh!!!!!! well there it is lol (damn wish i had rewatch Pyramids so i could be more excited about this dklfjsdklfjdskldfs) (also def saw ppl on reddit calling that "second anagram" ou t sdklfjsd)
"did you think i was family, doctor?" rude.
tbh this had a looooot of good character moments but i think it was mostly a "putting the chessboard pieces in place" episode. still tho damn, those characters moments. highlighting carla/ruby giving me emotions, sutekh/doctor taunting, doctor/kate antagonism MY BELOVED, ruby/rose (best ship name?????), doctor/mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being everything!!!!, doctor finally dealing with the susan of it all!!!! (ilu for this rtd). doctor/ruby being super cute and queer before experiencing THE HORRORS, idk how i feel about the reveal since tbh i didnt care much for that serial sdlfkjsdfds but hey. anyway excited for next week. tv show reveal def coming for the second-act-reversal !!!!!/is a hopeless case ALSO enjoyed the filming of this as well (snow! vhs effect!!!) and this is def the most interesting UNIT has ever been lol
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graveyard-darlingg · 8 months
just a friend... they told me that i was sounding uninterested or mad in them when they were doing the same thing. they kept shutting me down and i just. i was being nice and apologizing and i even thanked them for criticizing the way i was talking
anyhow, i don't remember what its called, but ill definitely try to look it up! it was at our library a few years ago. okay, dont judge, but if im honest, i love artemis but i also have something against minorly against her. ummm i also dislike poseidon and zeus somewhat. those two are womanizers and i hate how poseidon abandoned poor medusa
ummm arghhh i keep forgetting what's next. i... puppets, right? i think so. well i do really like them, and dolls for the same reason! i absolutely adore dolls, and. kind of see myself as one, if that makes sense? i dont know T.T
sunflowers are absolutely lovely! the squirrels and birds kept planting them because of our old bird feeder, which was fun. random sunflowers among our lovely front yard garden. oh! also i love weed flowers! like dandelions and such, they're so good for bees and i... love bees. plus they make our yard so so beautiful. and i reallllyyyy love nature so so much, i get very excited about it. i love animals and plants to death
and im not thaaaat talented, though id love to show you things ive made before!! and id love to play piano or specifically the cello,, or guitar maybe! do you do anything artistic? even just for fun! sometimes it's better like that, even
i’m so sorry, sweetheart. would you like a hug? communication is hard, and i think you did really well with taking the criticism despite the way they kept shutting you down. im very very proud of you for keeping your cool and being calm about it. that must’ve been super tough, honey, i’m sorry.
yes, i’ve always fucking hated that side of zeus. i also hated what poseidon did to medusa. what do you have against artemis?
if you don’t mind me asking, why do you see yourself as a doll?
STOP THATS SO COOL!!! YOU HAVE A BIRD FEEDER?? i love that you’re so passionate about this. it’s very very refreshing to see!! i think “weed” flowers are very pretty too. i must say you have good taste, my dear. do you enjoy spending your time outdoors?
i think you’re incredibly talented!! and whatever you’d feel most comfortable sharing, i would love to see. i don’t even have to post it if you don’t want to. i can just comment it on a post with your tag if you’d like. also!!! piano is so cool!! and the cello!! you should totally go for it!!
as for myself, i write (and don’t clown me for this) fanfiction on a separate account. i also write poetry and im decent with acoustic guitar. im not very skilled with barred chords and switching frets fast enough— though, it has been over a year since ive played. i sing a little bit, but i don’t think im very good 💀 i have a very small range. i paint every so often too!
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primojade · 2 years
Hahahaha it’s 12:18 in the middle of the night right now and I’m still awake cause I was being the friend therapist but hehe whatever-
Take your time, no worries, especially since holidays are coming up so- do you guys have a lot of tests during holidays actually- erm- aNyWAys I’m gonna go to bed now- I’m not gonna be able to survive a bad sleep schedule since my mom isn’t here to tell me to sleep properly (we share a room and she’s away on a business trip this week 😋)
Also, scaramouche brain rot where in a modern au, the reader is his closest friend and first ever fan and as he gains popularity in whatever he’s doing, reader has to suppress their feelings as to not ruin their relationship but it’s painfully obvious to everyone who knows reader that they have a high school crush on scaramouche (not a high school au- just couldn’t find a gender neutral term for school boy/school girl) which also brings me to word girl the best kids show ever- cue me falling into the rabbit hole
- ✨ annon
✨ ANON I WAS LATE REPLYING AGAIN IM SORRY LMAO T.T but make sure to sleep soon tho!!! Dont stay up too late thats bad 😋HahahahA
And yes, u got it right!! We have a lot of exams and reports before christmas break bc the very next year, we have to take finals immediately 🤡🤡 so we are expecting a lot of work dump this december before we take finals in january ugh.
AND SAME! My mom usually the one who forces me to sleep at night when i want to stay late lol.
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I'm very torn trashy. I got out of a toxic 2 yr relationship, but there is still a part of me that misses his company and wants him as a friend. He even threw my innocent friends under the bus just because they sided with me on the breakup after hearing his weak excuses. I have a loving new boyfriend now, and I love him dearly. But whenever I see Sonic stuff or Batman stuff I cry a little since that's what my ex enjoys. I hate my heart for wanting to forgive him. What do I do? T.T
v sorry for not answering this sooner
first, sorry you're dealing with this. ending a relationship is tough and takes time to move past, even if the relationship was not healthy. FYI i've been there (sorta) where I ended a very toxic and abusive relationship many years ago. and i'd ended it multiple times, always going back through guilt or pressure or some other reason that to any outside observer might seem dumb but to US in the situation, it made sense. that's how manipulative relationships usually work and why they're so difficult to permanently leave behind
but i get remembering the good memories or things that remind you of him. it's easy and comforting to recall that stuff. but you must remember the bad in addition to the good. that the good can't overshadow the bad and why it was healthy and the best thing for you to leave it behind.
it's ok to be reminded of him through sonic or batman. that's natural. HOWEVER, forgiveness has a very important caveat: the dedication to change and grow. same with apologies. an apology without positive and healthy growth is just manipulation. and you can forgive him eventually, HOWEVER, the forgiveness must be for YOU and not for HIM. he does not have the right or authority to demand an apology of you, and you are not required to give one. many times, manipulators and toxic people want to feel better about their actions by coaxing you to forgive them, esp on a public forum.
but if you want to forgive him for YOUR sake, you definitely can. but he doesn't need to know if you dont want to tell him. you can just keep it to yourself if you want. but agin, it's something that helps you move on and let go of resentment, anger, hurt, etc. but it also does not make you a bad person for never offering forgiveness. i didn't lol. years after i left my ex, i found him somehow following my personal IG. he messaged me apologizing for what he did (no details). and i said "never talk to me again" and blocked him and that was that. i didn't forgive him, didn't acknowledge his apology whether it was sincere or not, didn't give him an avenue to pull me back in. just cut him off at the start. and you're free to do the same if that's what you wanna do.
so again, you're free to feel sad about those memories or nostalgia, you're free to forgive him. however, your health and safety and happiness is more important than his comfort. never forget the bad alongside the good.
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Diary No.19
Hii it's hard to wrote diary entries on weekends becuz I'm always with my sister.
I had a dream that I somehow told [🐈‍⬛️] that I liked someone but not pursuing it becuz of reasons. [🐕] and his friends plus my old crush from like 6 years ago showed up and [🐈‍⬛️] started chasing him around i think they stole his phone or something im not sure and it supposedly started a while becuz at the end of it [🐈‍⬛️] said "if he had time to run around like this all day and not stop to pray then hes probably not as religious as you think".
i dunno it was a weird dream and yeah.
i dunno this is all so weird i dunno how to feel.
Last night [❤️] sent me a message, a really long one. They wanted to talk to me about how theyve been feeling latley.. it was about their crush on [🧟‍♀️].
Aparently [🧟‍♀️] has confessed to someone and [❤️] thinks it might be [🐈‍⬛️] becuase when [❤️] asked [🐈‍⬛️] if they had a crush on anyone they said they think someone in art class has a crush on them (which we are assuming is [🧟‍♀️]).
It was really stressful to sit through the texts becuase it brought up a lot of memories from when i had a crush on [❤️] and how heartbroken i felt when i found out it wasnt mutual. I didnt want to make it about me ofc so i tried my best to support [❤️] and make them feel better. It just hurt a lot becuase they push themselves down so much and kept saying that no one will ever love them. Like what was my confession for? did that mean nothing to them? i know its not about me right now but was that no sort of validation for them?? i dont know it just made me feel sick, invisible and my body wouldnt stop shaking the whole time. I also found a giant spider in my dormroom so the whole time i just felt really uncomftorble, unsafe and sad.
Its been a shitty weekend. Im so tired and i cant relax becuz of history/literature homework and i had to go shopping yesterday which took all day.
And my friends dont seem to be feeling well so everything just feels like a big pit of despair. I dont have the mental energy to be a therapist and look after everyone and myself. I can barely get myself to shower, dress up, keep my room tidy or do anything that makes me happy. I feel like a robot and its hard to keep up everything feels so fast yet the weeks feel so long.
Im scared that its already late sunday and i havent felt rested at all and the new week is about to start. It feels scary. Im scared i cant help those around me and i dont want to be alone.
I just feel so sad, i dont feel safe anywhere. I found another big spider in my room this morning and had to spray it again but it hid so i dunno if it worked and my room just smells awful again becuz of the spray and i hate it its so overwhelming. And my homework is so hard to read and process even though its not complicated at all so i just feel stupid.
Oh yeah i had a dream a few days ago where [❤️] sent me a long message venting but i didnt respond and when i woke up fr it was so confusing and i panicked becuase i thought i left them on read, it wasnt real tho.
sorry for such a heavy entry its been a lot. aaaaaa T.T
I just want to read romance manga to forget how lonely i feel and indulge in my stories so i dont have to think of anything. Just drown my brain with stuff that isnt real.
At the same time i feel like none of my feelings are real and im probably just being stupid and making stuff up. I probably only want a partner to feel validation in my existance. I feel sick writing this i cant goodbye ill write later i guess bleugh
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sandrashaine · 5 months
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday Saturday ✨
thank you for the tag! @blue-disco-lights
im sorry for doing this late. uni has been beating my ass lately
name: shaine
age: 21
your time zone: Philippine Standard Time (PhST) / UTC+08 
what do you do for work? i am jobless, full time student. But I used to work as a call center agent for a few months as well as do academic commissions
do you have any pets? i have 3 dogs in total: one senior dog (13 yrs old) and two 7 yr olds
what first drew you to this fandom? we watched the phantom of the opera when i was in 9th grade (2015) and I liked emmy rossum so i went to check her filmography. I watched Shameless for Emmy but after S1E1 I continued it for Ian
are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl since birth. my parents told me that they had a hard time putting me to sleep at night when i was an infant lmao
what are your hobbies? reading, writing, watching films and tv shows, i bake as well
how tall are you? 158cm (5'2-ish)
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? anywhere that's colder than the ph. I am not built to live in a tropical country where it feels like summer all year round with yearly superstorms lmao. But preferably any country around Europe.
favorite color? rose gold
favorite book? Life Is A Dance by Marissa Jarmin Hartwig
favorite movie?  this is tough but... Dead Poets Society
favorite fic? This is rly rly tough T.T But my current faves are My Beloved Mickey (this no longer exists in AO3), Cooperative Gameplay, LRPD, The Mask of Insanity, Technically, Paragon (HanniGram fic), A New Beginning Series, TCCC, ITQD... and more
favorite musical artist: Melanie Martinez, Sasha Sloan, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, NCT, aespa, Riize
what is your average screen time so far this week? according to my phone I spent an average of 11 hrs this week per day
what's the first app you open in the morning? messenger, ao3
how long have you been on tumblr?  i've had tumblr accs since I was 14 but I kept on forgetting the password and remaking another acc so I gave up. I only started being active just last october
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I like biting my dogs (I am a boring person im sorry i dont go out much)
hi! pls ignore this if u already done this. I hope you all have a good day! @artofobsession @lil-domestic-bitches @callivich @thisdivorce @wehangout @swiftfootedachilles @psychicskulldamage
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bigearsbunbun · 8 months
New Year !! 1/30/2024
its been ages since I last posted in this account er.. well things had been busy with school and I completely forgot this website existedT.T
So um a lot has changed for sure!! though I dont really know where to start....
well school um...I became an achiever in the first quarter can u believe it:O well obviously my math is still terrible but um Im trying my best still!! we're still waiting on the second quarter card (grades) which I think the card giving will take place next month? they havent really announced the date so we're just waiting for them to...
okay social life.. have I made some friends this school year...well yes a lot actually they're very friendly I guess some people I just happen to have the same interests with and some are just sociable T.T though I still prefer my grade 9 friends...but Im sure ill get close with some of these people in 3rd quarter cause thats how it all started in grade 9 anywayTT
my grade 9 friend group is still alive so Im pretty happy we hanged out like after exams and got some milk tea:D some of our friends weren't able to come though but its okay...
lately Ive been helping my aunt clean her store and she offered me to work there part time.... well I think its a realy good opportunity since Im really saving up for some stuff Im planning to buy:D example a new phone because the one Im currently using isnt really good anymore and Ive had it for ages already...
In regards of my new years resolution I guess I do have a few that I wanna start doing...like reading more books...sleeping some more and avoid staying up till 2 am everydayTT....continue learning languages...and journal some more...Im actually itching to go to the store and buy a sketchbook to use it as a journal because its just way cleaner to use a blank paper than some paper with lines since I can just adjust the size of my hand writing however I like
Okay now...my arts...I was literally stuck in art block for 3 weeks..... couldnt draw at all I was so out of it....but now Ive been drawing some doodles so I guess thats a good thing at leastxD my aunt gave me her coloring pencils since she said she doesnt even use them anymore..I was so grateful since I dont really have a proper set of coloring pencils...and now I have like so many coloring materials..I have 2 sets of crayons the other one having like 96 colors pretty crazy ik....i hate 2 sets of coloring pencils...coloring markers...I have some paints and a watercolor...IK so manyTT AND I HAVENT EVEN MASTERED USING COLORS YET gosh goodluck to me>.<
well I think thats about all...I really do feel like Im missing some stuff but er I'll write those in the upcoming posts in the future:D if I ever dont forget about this website again that isx3!! WELL BABAIII<33!!
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inkats · 9 months
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
For both of em! (Also if u can pls tell me their names DX)
I like forgot how to draw them today so. ill put old doodles where relevant. thank you for not asking name origins they're embarrassing. Theyre named Rinnie and Minho and they're only still called that because. Minnie. rest under cut.
🌼 they are my little chew toys, so I draw them at literally every age ever. Usually though they're around 17-25? ish. few months age gap usually to like. 5 years sometimes. 👍
🥊 Minho hates. he hates. hes a little hater all he likes doing is sleeping and looking out the window and watching creatures when hes outside. He loves the whimsy but doesn't believe in it. Rinnie plays/ed hockey for a while thats sort of his thing, he has fun. He really doesn't hate anything, or more can't hate anything? He's very if I'm positive about it things'll work out! It has to happen anyway! That being said cooking is stressful scary dont like it.
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🎹 Minho makes music! I know very little about music so. I dont draw this a lot but it's a big thing for him :) And then Rinnie knits, but he's a very stressed out everything is hard any time not spent on the grind is time wasted kind of guy, which means. he doesn't hobby loads.
✂️ When I say they're my chew toys... in the zombie au which im like. really into rn. when it happens minho loses a lot of people fast which sucks ass for him. and then rinnie. when his love gets sick <3 oTL If you had a specific ver in mind. sorry.
🧠 This is a hard one I just love them oTL My favourite thing about Minho... hes. cute <3 hes pretty. and mean. love that in a man. Rinnie is just a very comforting figure hes like. everything. hes cozy and nice and warm <3
🎓 oh wait i think i still have my first drawings of them.
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uhm T.T this is. rinnie. i guess. from 2018 this was his birth. and then. agh the second one is only from 2020 ! ? Ive been on that grind huh. this is definitely not my first drawing of minho bc he was made in peak kpop era (2018-2019) but was all I could find 👍theyre. 5ish year old now god. but theyre barely the same people too.
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xiuminscheeks · 9 months
WOOO new ep yet again :D and im on time too! Last ask i sent was a couple days after the ep aired, cos it took me a while to get round to watching it 😅 anyway ok so:
-How did mr lee get away w that. How did mr jin just accept him pulling a sword on him like WHAT sldjksk. in what world would he not be terrified or at least concerned. Or call for help or something? He just walks off????
Then when he does bring it up its like ahhh he just seemed kinda off yknow? LIKE YEAH he threatened to kill you with a fucking sword in his hand T.T
-GIRL cover your mouth when you cough...
-The snuggling is so soft goddamit, and im a sucker for a sick character being gently taken care of >.< theyre so endlessly sweet ARGH i need someone to cuddle. Where is a guy supposed to find a man like eunwoo in this economy tho. Sigh
-Please..PLEASE cover your mouth when you cough i beg. The whole lot of them theyre just as bad as each other help
-Yul: "ah with your superior instincts youve sensed theyre dating 😌 theyve been trying to keep it a secret, so keep quiet please 😉"
Min ji: "😐"
Yul: *silently, but with a lot of emotion* "..fuck"
-Are we finally gonna get the backstory... i bet its gonna be a misunderstanding plot how much do we wanne bet its a miscommunication plot. They've set up mr lee/mountain spirit too kindly to have him be a full villain i feel. Like they show an equal amount of moments that paint him in a positive light to ones that portray him as a villain. So its gotta be something like a miscommunication plot or a 'redeemed at the final moment of death' or some shit, i can feel it.. (and if im wrong. Well fuck me lol)
-Aw even back in time they were fucking adorable. But I have to say the mountain spirit romance plot takes the cake this episode for me, the tsundere storyline always wins 😔 im easy to please,,, now if only they couldve stayed happy on the mountain with the puppy kid T.T altho it feels weird when translated to the modern day cos while she was a married woman in the flashback shes a whole student in present day 💀
-But i am endlessly charmed by the mountain spirit and his pretty brown eyes and his trying so hard not to get attached to the fragile mortals <3 Also i think i reaallllly vibe with the historical aspect so ill pick up a historical drama from your list next (i still havent started another one yet sksjsk)
-My misunderstanding plot theory gains momentum! Mountain spirit looked away for literally the exact second she got stabbed and just assumes it was the dude like. I mean i get it but gAHHhhh!!
-Now now mountain spirit. Step away from the dog. Please dont kill the dOG-.... Ah.. Too late ... (unrelated but why is the vet sleeping at the animal hospital sksjsj? Protestant work ethic strikes again)
-So anyway this episode was made just to make me fall deeper in love with mr mountain spirit 😔 and im really looking forward to confict and confrontations next episode >:] (also thank you for the new recs!!! Ive added them to my list ^.^)
- 🌱
henlo! its always so fun reading your asks!!!!
pls, the coughing with the mouth open had me so mad afsfgsg i cant stand that. at least we got cute ass snuggling tho, so I felt better
the flashbacks had beautiful cinematography and we finally got some answers! the mountain spirit is cute :( he really has such pretty puppy eyes.
I agree that something major happened when he looked away. my theory is that she shaman girl will remember what really happened and let him know, and end that 200 year beef.
also, I'm pretty sure that the uncle wont die. I feel like he wll return to his human form, cause the mountain spirit will break the curse.
2 more days for the new ep!!
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"the church on ruby road" thoughts + reactions
(tumblr is broken so i cant delete this space without breaking the post :))
"you saw a ladder in the sky and you thought, yeah, ill give that a go, babes" rose tyler CALL OUT
"what's the problem with hanging on? it's all the friction and the weight and the burns. so i got rid of that" and that's why u are still Fucked Up doc. this is NOT how u do rehab!!!
"learn the lenguage" eyes emoji "coincidence is what makes the baby tasty" EYES EMOJI
"it sitches you in. it weaves you into the day. you become all complicated and knotted and vivid"
"it's like a tapestry, it's gorgeous" self congratulating ur own writing, russel? sldkfjsdlkfj
"like the best, like wow" 13 and ‘fam’ walked so 15 could run
"a screwdriver needs screws" (so whenever the screwdriver works it, it works by resonating articulations and undoing binding agents, but it cannot do “untangling”)
VENTILAITON SHAFTS!!!! (my "this new era is the cartoon era" meta is born)
"amazing!" "no it's not" nothing changes lol
this feels *so* wilderness years (positive)
the MASTER knot you say....………………………...
"i've got no one" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"it's not magic, it's a lenguage, like a different form of physics" he’s coping about the “little” salt mistake still...
damn 15/ruby chemistry is so good….. can't wait for it all to go up in flames. And tragedy. Flaming tragedy.
"but only one of them stayed" mirror...? QUICK someone count how many companions have there been and if it's 33?????
im having sm emotions wtf
honestly ppl thinking rtd would retcon this were so hilariously off-base lol as if there's anything more of a catnip-plot for a soap opera writer than a “figure out parental origins” plotline
follow the crack... the crack in time and space...
it bothered me that in the special they used so much contemporary colorful theatrical lighting, that didnt fit the "grounded" doctordonna era at al, but it works much better here in that we're properly in the color ncuti era
"dont say that" aggggggggggggg
(ppl forgeting about ruby feels kinda clara coded / foreshadowing?)
"then why are you crying?" im going feral
"i will fix this" rtd voice: he will make it worse
oohh, the hubris in this ep was the arrogance of the doctor saying "they are NOT time travellers" sdklfj
baby catching... xena coded
blue / gold motif my beloved!!!
its a wonderful life~
"everything i do just makes it happen" -> "maybe im the bad luck"
"where are you goin now?" nbd just ruby going to buy some bread at the same store as yaz
this was so wholesome t.t i really enjoyed that!! it has some lore implications and long-run stuff but mostly i’m really glad to finally get some new stories/a new vibe. I really enjoyed the glimpse we got of ruby’s family world and also love that both mine and 15’s reactions was “i’ve only had ruby for half an hour but if something happened to her i’d murder everyone here and then myself probably”. her wardrobe is beyond iconic.
besides the “biggest family in the world” parallel, the bb photos in the fridge give me like… TTC’s o"ther lost incarnations are their siblings vibe". Or, every "other time lord is technically the doctor’s children" vibe.
aesthetically, i really enjoyed this one. Specially The Big Scene (13-era blue/gold motif my beloved). This is one i see myself rewatching in the future just for the feel-good feel of it. the goblin number was fun! a clever parody of how much of pop uses “baby” and sweets-related metaphors for the sake of romance and here it becomes all for the sake of cannibalism lol (big brown eyes, caramelise~). 15/ruby being *so in* tune is cute+fun (and slightly sus). promising start to the new era.
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wuahae · 1 year
Real life angst is unavoidable but the most important part is we learn from them and move on so I HAVE HOPE (at least I gaslight myself to have hope 💀)
And yeahhhhh school is absolute shit but hEy I just did one fourth of the material of my least favourite subject in one sitting so I guess it’s going okay for me 🫠🥲 Sorry to hear that you have lots to do as well 😭😭 I hope everything is going well despite the sheer amount of shit to do and insane stress 🫂
Practical is for music, I had to work with two of my friends on a piece and it had to be arranged by ourselves (we were allowed to sample ofc) and perform it in front of the class. One of my friends is playing saxophone and another is doing piano so I’m playing drums as like a support
Interview is for like this volunteer thing-? Basically tutoring kids (honestly I shouldn’t be that worried for the interview because I have friends over there in the volunteering organization but it’s been AGES since I’ve been interviewed so 🤡🤡👍🏼👍🏼)
Also I just started extraordinary attorney woo and I’m on ep8 (random but I thought I’d share 😂❓)
- ✨(my msgs just keep getting longer and longer dont they I feel bad for bombarding your blog with my long ass msgs TvT)
yes you definitely have hope !!!! in both personal relationships and in school! just know i am always rooting for you 🫶🫶🫶 and my workload …. it is Just college :”) it’s honestly not as bad as my workload last year before i switched majors so T.T feeling #forevergrateful🫡
also omg a music practical!! that’s so cool! i used to play piano and flute for like the Longest time but i don’t think i could ever study music for real so so much respect to you for doing that! and good luck on the interview i’m sure you’ll kill it 🫶
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pokeydapuppy · 3 years
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Happy birth to our favorite clone man!
Or I guess if you got someone happy valentines too
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