#I just met Dynama
noirverie · 2 years
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He's waiting for some crepes
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kausatstolar · 2 years
Sovstuck Players rated by how throwable at a dart board they are.
Cynical Itinerant: 6/10. He wouldn't stick but he WOULD be easy to pick up. I'd feel too bad to throw him though.
Tejuri Kromab: 6/10. she's dartshaped but I would feel bad about it.
Dynama Zarrow: 8/10. Would stick, is almost aerodynamic enough, and i would not feel bad about it.
Presae Covnul: 10/10. I think we would BOTH have a great time. doesn't even matter if she met the board and stuck.
Pardus Rubato: 0/10. I'm not going to do that to her.
Retris Morage: 5/10. His horns would stick in the dartboard. But I don't know if I could pick him up.
Ajax Barrett: 0/10. I could pick him up, sure. But not only would he not stick to the board [no horns], but he could throw ME at a dartboard. hoping he wouldn't tho.
Emeric Sargas: 9/10. Idk if her horns would connect with the dartboard, but I think she would actually LET ME.
Kausat Stolar: -1/10. I wouldn't even try. One point redacted for the fact he could throw me at a dartboard. Not that he would, but he could.
Tomiei Aerras: -4/10. not only can i not pick her up or throw her, but she would pick ME up and throw me onto her ship. might even force me to participate in her fucked up tiktoks. fuck me lads she took my sense of freedom.
Annomi Errata: 9/10. one point redacted for having curved horns. He's so flingable.
Pleome Alrium: 12/10. he'd make a comedic TWANNG noise as his horns hit the bullseye. I wouldn't even have to aim; he'd just hone in on the center like a heatseeking missile.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Hey, I was wondering what or who inspired you for the Greenbank family? Not just for Calvin and Krisha, but for Dynama and Glacier as well. I ask as I'm pretty curious. ^^;
I think I've answered this plenty of times in the server but alright, just to make it clear for everyone.
My inspiration for the Greenbank family is my old classmate's own family, which consisted of him, his brother and his sister. He was always the child that was always blamed and beaten, like Crusher in the family.
Dynama is inspired by my classmate's sister, who was straight, a diva and very likable, hot and manipulative. She was mother and father's little girl/golden child.
Glacier is inspired as an opposite to Dynama but still evil since they were fraternal twins. While Dynama wielded dark magic, Glacier wielded light but in the form of ice, which makes it still remain on the evil side.
Calvin and Krisha had gone through many stories before I finalized them. My inspiration for them is my classmate's family and other parents I've met and watched. I started with Krisha being the good woman but realized that was too cliche. I made them even, but that broke off when I started with my Calvin X Flame ship.
Through that, I managed to make Krisha the Devil in comparison to her daughter, the Devil's Daughter.
And their family name Greenbank is inspired by my fav teacher's last name, which was Greenbank.
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