#I just need motivation and also somebody to tell me I'm not completely insane
im-a-chunky-potato · 8 months
Okay so anyone who reads this gets to hear my convoluted Mashup of trigun stampede/bsd. (This is more notes than anything but you can still look at it)
The setting is the same as trigum stampede- so a barren world that takes place in the future. Abilities won't exist in this world, but there are weapons and tools that will act as their abilities in some cases. The plot will pretty much follow trigun stampede too a t but with a personal spin on it and it'll fit the characters a bit more.
Dazai would definitely be Vash. Everyone thinks he's a demon, one who can no longer be human, etc but he's actually just a womanizer and a professional suicidal maniac. (With an excessive amount of trauma of course. I'll make him not human too. Maybe it can correlate to his bandages somehow?)
Chuuya would be Wolfwood. He wouldn't have an ability, but he gets to have a gun that'll manipulate gravity for him. He keeps his same backstory from stormbringer. Instead of Livio he has to fight one or maybe all of the flags?
I think Atsushi would be Meryl? I'm uncertain about this one but it makes the most sense
Kunikida would be Roberto and Atsushi's partner. He'll face the same fate as Roberto did.
Million Knives would be Fyodor. He'd see normal humans as sinful and wants to eradicate them all (Dazai felt the same at some point)
And then Nikolai would act as either Zazie or Legato. I haven't really figured out his role yet bit he's definitely working with Fyodor in some way.
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power-chords · 2 years
can you tell us more about this short zine/pamphlet/press release that will hopefully get Michael Mann to talk to you? or about the general endeavor of getting him to talk to you? sounds like the ultimate thing to do haha
I'm still in the outlining and research stages so I can figure out how I want to structure and integrate the ideas within it, but the motive behind it is identical to what has sparked personal correspondence with each of my favorite rock musicians, i.e. I am impulsive and obnoxiously opinionated and have terminal Teacher's Pet Syndrome. My favorite drugs are pot, LSD, and acing the research paper. In that order. Nothing better from an artist you love and respect than confirmation that you have understood the assignment, so that's the inciting inspiration[/inciting insanity]. Also: we need more women writing about Mann. There's a gaping hole in the literature from that angle and authorship. Be The Analysis You Want To See In The World
Am I overly confident in my ability to solicit a response? Probably, lmao. But damned if I'm not gonna give it a shot. I'm certain I can at least figure out a way to get the finished product in front of his eyeballs. My mother is a journalist and editor for a major newspaper and she has to know somebody who knows somebody who's got a direct inroad to his publicist, agent, or (ideally) personal assistant. Even if he writes me back just to tell me I'm a frivolous yutz who's completely mischaracterized his art, I would frame that shit.
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