#I just thought about how V-lovers specifically here were around 11-12 when they first watched
I really don't know how to phrase this in a way that doesn't sound weird, but I feel like DCLA shows stuck to you more if you went through puberty while watching one of them.
I'll explain: Many people that saw Violetta especially and saw it when they were like 6-9 years old, I feel like many of them just see it as "yeah I used to watch it as a kid and now it's nostalgic. But it's a kids show, i'm not interested in watching it anymore" (ofc, there are some who were around that age watching and are big DCLA fans today, but many people around that age barely think about it anymore)
But us who were around 10-13 when we watched, I feel like... we got another kind of attachment to it? Both that we could analyse and understand the show/s better than someone who was younger, but also... for some of us, we felt things watching the show. Especially some scenes.
11 year old me watched the On Beat performance a little too many times. I know someone who when she was 12 watched the Si es por amor mv and felt feelings she hated that she felt back then, but she couldn't stop watching because she was so intrigued and fascinated with it for some reason...
In sixth grade, for us who watched Violetta, we legit made up who would date who of the boys. And it wasn't just "omg he's pretty" like I think some of us actually had developed some real crushes. Especially the girl who had claimed Leon, she was full-on self-shipping with him (12 year olds... they be like that).
Then also, there has always been some more edgy and dirty fics of the shows. I remember being 12-13 and finding the most smuttiest of fics of Leonetta on like, wattpad, written by (PROBABLY) other 13 year olds.
Now, of course, i'm not saying "oh because us who went through puberty when watching have a more dirty view of the show/s" cause that's not the case for many. But I do think that being around middle school aged, you're going through changes and you watch a mostly child-friendly show that's NOT afraid to have pretty intense kissing scenes for a kids show... it sticks with you.
Now, I dont' know if I make any sense at all. Perhaps no one who was this age when watching for the first time really felt like that and it was only a very small amount. Maybe even people who were younger could see some things in a way that probably wasn't intended.
But bottom line is, I feel like at least 80% of the people who saw a DCLA show when they were younger and still love it today have been around 10-13 years old when first watching. Cause even if people were 6-9 years old when first watching, I feel like it's more uncommon for the younger fans to still hang around today.
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radioactiveredlips · 4 years
my favorite taylor swift bridges off the top of my head, in no particular order (not limited to this list, but these are the ones I remember gave me chills over and over) and the reasons why. 
1. all too well
Why: the day after Red was released, i had a conversation with a classmate of mine talking about our favorite songs. I said All Too Well, and I still stand by that. The bridge specifically is so vulnerable and emotionally raw I applaud the strength it took her to write, release, and perform this song that so many of us feel and relate to. 
2. call it what you want
Why: Specifically the last bit that parallels with love story. i don’t even have words for this one. it’s magical - and that’s just the bridge. I could go ON about the entire song.
3. getaway car
Why: this one is just lyrical, metaphorical, poetic perfection. never gets old. ever. and 100000% not overrated and i will fight anyone who says anything else. i’ll actually fight anyone who says anything bad about reputation in general. fisty cuffs let’s go
4. out of the woods
Why: album version was absolutely captivating, and then she went and did it to us at tour with the extended bridge and i swear i died. like I almost passed out at my show in chicago because of how in shock i was by how amazing it was. also the number of times i listened to the tour version should be criminal but i will never apologize for it
5. mary’s song 
Why: chills. I remember standing by my desk in my childhood room. I was probably around 11 or 12, only debut and Fearless were out at that time. I had my IPOD that had all my favorite songs on shuffle, but this one moment in between my desk and my door is something i remember now ten years later. I cried at the bridge and got chills from the top of my head down to the tips of my toes. 
6. death by a thousand cuts
Why: in the running for top three for me. hands down my favorite song off of lover. i would inject this bridge into my veins if i could. 
7. bad blood
Why: each line packs a punch that just makes that explosion happen - both literally in the music video and metaphorically.  
8. look what you made me do 
Why: this one is just a feeling of awe. it’s written so cleverly and i just...i could SCREAM it’s so amazing my god
9. love story
Why: A classic. I listened to it for the first time on a chicago highway when I was in fifth grade. Here I am, 12 years later, living in chicago and that song reminds me of me and the journey I’ve been on that took me back here. 
10. mine
why: this is the first taylor swift song i learned on the guitar. i was so happy because i learned it RIGHT after it came out, after I had waited at the computer watching the livestream of the music video. i feel like the bridge just encompasses the aura of the speak now era - love, fairytales, magic. 
*just remembered Enchanted, A+ shit right there. AHHHHH. 
11. lover
why: does this one really need explaining? i feel like i should just link the song lol so here’s the music video - also amazing 
12. never grow up
Why: here I am in my new apartment with my cat in a city that i made my home. i’m so much sadder than i thought i would be, so i tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
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makesureee · 7 years
1-30 ty~
omg no thank yOU ogm ur so swe e t im sorry if i’m not able to answer all of them cause my memory is an actual pile of shit and my favourite songs are constantly changing but so HERE SO WE GO
*viewer discretion is advised because this user is annoying as shit on adderall*
 1. what album do you feel best describes your mood?at the moment, i am like, OBSESSED with the album “my bad” by Good Dog. like. i relate to EVERY. WORD. EVERY. SONG. in that album. i just. i cant cant cant nope.
  2. if your name had to be a song title which song would it be?“Oh.” ~courtesy of Good Dog
  3. what is your go to sad song when you need to cry?i don’t have a go-to sad song. i don’t cry that much anymore either. like, my pain is like, background noise that bubbles to the surface for a second (and on the rare occasion explodes) but usually like literally 2 seconds later im like im good whats up lol. as far as the last song i had a good ass cry to…..i think it might have been A Song For the Late Night People by Kate Micucci. literally not sure tho
  4. what band would you want as the rest of your superhero team?the FUKIN FRONT BOTTOMS
  5. if you had to live in the world of an album which one would it be and why?i think this question is asking which one album i would want to listen to for the rest of my life? to that, my answer is, fuck you my good sir(in middle school and freshman year of high school my ipod had one album on it. one. on repeat. for years. i literally knew the SHUFFLE by heart that shit was miserable and i do not want to listen to those songs anymore)
  6. what song best describes the person you think your soulmate would be?i don’t believe in soul mates, but as far as a compatible partner goes (based off of my most recent song obsessions) i would choose Scarred Pinkies by Walter Mitty and His Makeshift Orchestra. i’ll just drop a few lines riiiiiight here damn this post is gonna be long.“Ah, here lies all hope of being normal, all chance of an epic fate,bussing tables in Lake Tahoe, eating scraps off stranger’s plates.Ah won’t you cure me? Take me to your bug out location off the grid.I’ll tell you how I scarred my pinkies,and we’ll await Armageddon,or take a long nap.Then teach me to write well,and clean my lungs.Watch the love of my life sewing dresses on fireflies.Go and get me some real drugs to paint my blood,All while the thighs of women have lost their church,and the hands of men are shaking in the search.”“straight to hell, might as well clock out now and rail that cinnamon.”“The cops knocked, someone soon might let them in.They’ll find our strawberry cough. They’ll find the secret voice that shepherds towards the droughts in our thoughts until it snows, listen i know you know this,i’m losing it.”sry i posted like, all the lines in the song i relate to in regards of a romantic partner. but basically, in this moment i want a girlfriend i can do a lot of drugs with and shit (permitting they’re not into harder shit than i am), but i have so many problems with drugs that i’d also want that person to help me but also no. idk. in the long term i’d like someone who can help me heal from this shit but in the short term, i want to experience the romance of doing drugs with someone because i haven’t experienced much of life at all
  7. create a poem out of song titles.far away, aimless, (johnny goth/johnny goth)i have no idea what is going on. (sweatertooth)the kids on the bus with their heads against the windows, (movies)straight kids playing dress up, (the official suckers)and a body washed ashore. (johnny goth)face down, share the blame. (sweatertooth/the official suckers)no choice. (major persuit)fine, thanks. (walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra)wow that one was depressing and political lolol i just went with the flow
  8. which album art would you get tattooed?a question i dont have to write a paragraph for cause i already know the answer!!! the knife on the front bottoms album cover for talon of the hawk. i don’t want it to be my first tat tho. still brainstorming.
  9. is there a song that you feel could have been written about you?BRUH I JUST CAME ACROSS A WHOLE ALBUM WRITTEN ABOUT ME SHIT. well, obviously it wasn’t written about me but i relate to e v e r y word fukin hELL. again it’s “my bad” by Good Dog. but i think the song i relate to the most off that album is “Oh.”
  10. if you could only speak in the song lyrics of one artist who would it be?walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra. his new album is one i also hella relate to. my previous obsession before Good Dog came out with their new album XD
  11. if you could have your favorite artist sing one of their songs to you which song would it be?well this one is just impossible. my favorite artist changes and my favorite song changes like every week like fuck
  12. describe where you want to be in ten years with a song title.booger storm by walter mittynah jk how bout Set Phasers To Fun; Alarm Clocks To One by sweatertooth. you know they only have one album but it’s chill af
  14. what is your go to happy song when you need to feel betteri never really go to songs to feel better but kimya dawson is really comforting. she’s like, my song mom. her music is like a warm hug until you get sad cause you’re alone and all your problems are still there
  15. is there an album that feels like a friend to you?yeah actually. Hard To Be Around by Lovers Turn To Monsters
  16. what is the album that you always blast too loud?usually all but ESP my drinking album XDD it’s called Too by FIDLAR. i dEF recommend a listen next time ur drinkin
  17. which album do you always listen to with headphones?i don’t use headphones in my house unless i’m so upset and relating to the music so hard that it needs to be as loud as possible. which again, most recently, has been “my bad” by Good Dog
  18. what song are you unable to resist dancing to?none of them. i do not dance, have never danced, and will never dance
  19. what song do you always have to sing along to?every song i know the lyrics to. im a singer. i cant…not….sing….
  20. what song do feel would be a beautiful painting?if i knew i woulda goddamn painted it XD i actually used to think that way about a specific old instrumental pink floyd song once but i can’t remember which one
  21. what album do you wish you could unhear and discover again?all of them!!!!! i love them so much but when i relate to music so hard i can’t stop listening to it and then its mundane and i have to go bandcamp hunting again
  22. which album do you want to be the soundtrack to your life?i don’t rly listen to positive music but as far as my life is going right now i’d say the soundtrack is Well Soon by Walter Mitty and his Makeshift Orchestra
  23. which band would you want to be your family?i can’t answer that because i do not know any of them personally XD
  24. what song do you think of in association with beauty?what
  25. what song do you think of in association with pain?like???? all of them???? i suck ????
  26. what lyrics do you feel were written especially for you.none specifically FOR me. i’m the writer :p i can write songs about/for people and i’m kinda jealous that i’m not on the other end cause idk who the fUCK i am. but as far as lyrics i’ve found that are mE on the dot:“I’m an artist. No, I fake it. I repeat myself all day.I tell the same sad storiesin the same pathetic way.When I’m sober I am boring, when I’m drunk I talk too much,When I’m stoned I finally like myself. I shouldn’t just becauseI’m a filthy fucking liar. I think I’m nice when I am not,And I only feel like I can talk when I am smoking pot.”“Oh.” by Good Dog
  27. what lyrics do you want to doodle on every piece of paper?none that sounds boring
  28. what music do you listen to at 3 am?the same music i listen to all throughout the day because i get fixated on music i relate to
  29. pick three albums to take with you into the afterlife.none because the afterlife doesn’t exist fools get wit tha program
  30. what is music to you in one word?music
like, do you even read this? like homie it’s so long i feel like i get charity asks but like, I DON’T MIND I LOVE ASKS but holy fuck i’m annoying and i would stop being so specific and rambley if people just told me to shut up
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
Yes … believe it or not, it is getting to that point in the year that we both welcome and dread. Christmas. You may have missed it, but I’ve started posting a few festive reads on the blog over the past few days, just something Mandie and I thought (back in July/August) was a really good idea. Possibly not as we’re about as enthusiastic about Christmas as the Grinch, but hey ho (ho ho), it’s not all bad. I think. Do stop by for a few festive reading tips won’t you? Hopefully there’s a little something for everyone from the cosy and the kiddie, right through to the dark and the deadly. Always room for a little festive crime right?
Well, I had a busy old week last week achieving not a lot whilst seemingly doing loads. The week started perfectly – I was only at work for half a day before I was heading off down to London for November’s First Monday Crime panel. This month saw Barry Forshaw interview Stuart MacBride, Elodie Harper, Vaseem Khan and Simon Booker. An interesting debate was had by all regarding the idea of crime fiction v ‘literary fiction’, biggest mistakes made by newbie writers and whether there should be limits on how far you take your crime fiction.
A fantastic panel and I can heartily recommend both their books and First Monday Crime and if you want to find out more about next months panel, you can do so at their website here. December’s panel promises to be a doozy with Chris Whitaker, Louise Jensen, Mel McGrath and Susi Holliday alongside chair Claire McGowan. On top of that you’ll get to witness ‘Pitch the Audience’ where MC Howard Linskey will try to corral Rod Reynolds, Abir Mukherjee, Cass Green, Leye Adenle, Susi Holliday, Derek Farrell, Lisa Cutts, Chris Whitaker, Mason Cross, and James Carol as they bid to become ‘Pitch the Audience’ Champions for 2017. And books and pub visits. What more could you want? I’m booked. Maybe see you there?
And speaking of books, couldn’t resist the opportunity of getting a couple of signed books while I was there. Well … I went all that way. 😉
Book post wise, it’s been quite a quiet week for me. Nowt new there then lol. Just the one, a copy of Sai-Ko from author Gabriela Harding. Can’t wait to take a trip to the dark side with these short stories.
Other purchase wise, I’ve been good. At least if you own Amazon lol. I purchased the Killer Women Crime Club Book 2, Give Me The Child by Mel McGrath (also on audio); Little Liar by Clare Boyd and The Death Knock by Elodie Harper. From Netgalley, just the one, Know Me Now by CJ Carver. Also on audible was WhiteOut by Ragnar Jonasson. Well a girl needs to have the whole set.
Reading wise it’s been a bit of a mixed bag as my head is all over the place with work. I have managed 3.4 books though – one of them being a collection of short stories.
Books I have read
A Christmas Wish by Erin Green
Flora Phillips has an excuse for every disaster in her life; she was abandoned as a new-born on a doorstep one cold autumn night, wrapped in nothing but a towel. Her philosophy is simple: if your mother doesn’t want you – who will?
Now a thirty-year-old, without a boyfriend, a career or home she figures she might as well tackle the biggest question of them all – who is she? So, whilst everyone else enjoys their Christmas Eve traditions, Flora escapes the masses and drives to the village of Pooley to seek a specific doorstep. Her doorstep.
But in Pooley she finds more than her life story. She finds friends, laughter, and perhaps even a love to last a lifetime. Because once you know where you come from, it’s so much easier to know where you’re going.
A story of redemption and love, romance and Christmas dreams-come-true, the perfect novel to snuggle up with this festive season.
A wonderfully uplifting and heart warming tale of Flora, a woman who is in search of her birth mother having been left on a doorstep as a baby. Great for Christmas, my review of this book will be on the blog this week. In the meantime you can buy a copy of the book here.
The Advent Killer by Alastair Gunn
Christmas is coming. One body at a time. 
Three weeks before Christmas: Sunday, one a.m. A woman is drowned in her bathtub.
One week later: Sunday, one a.m. A woman is beaten savagely to death, every bone in her body broken.
Another week brings another victim.
As panic spreads across London, DCI Antonia Hawkins, leading her first murder investigation, must stop a cold, careful killer whose twisted motives can only be guessed at, before the next body is found. On Sunday.
When the clock strikes one . . .
A terrifying British debut thriller, The Advent Killer introduces DCI Antonia Hawkins, with the second in the series coming from Penguin in 2014. Fans of Chris Carter and Richard Montanari should be paying attention.
Now Christmas and murder … finally something I can identify with. Not literally of course and not in quite so gruesome a fashion as is presented in Alastair Gunn’s debut novel  I’ll be sharing my thoughts on this one very soon as one of my ‘festive reads’. You can buy a copy of the book here.
Twelve Slays of Christmas by Jacqueline Frost
When Holly White’s fiancé cancels their Christmas Eve wedding with less than two weeks to go, Holly heads home with a broken heart. Lucky for her, home in historic Mistletoe, Maine is magical during Christmastime—exactly what the doctor prescribed. Except her plan to drown her troubles in peppermints and snickerdoodles is upended when local grouch and president of the Mistletoe Historical Society Margaret Fenwick is bludgeoned and left in the sleigh display at Reindeer Games, Holly’s family tree farm.
When the murder weapon is revealed as one of the wooden stakes used to identify trees on the farm, Sheriff Evan Grey turns to Holly’s father, Bud, and the Reindeer Games staff. And it doesn’t help that Bud and the reindeer keeper were each seen arguing with Margaret just before her death. But Holly knows her father, and is determined to exonerate him.The jingle bells are ringing, the clock is ticking, and if Holly doesn’t watch out, she’ll end up on Santa’s naughty list in Twelve Slays of Christmas, Jacqueline Frost’s jolly series debut.
After a bit of a gruesome murder, it was time to go all cosy. This is a beautiful book, full of all the festive spirit a lover of the season could want. Give or take the odd murder … I’ll be reviewing this very soon but you can buy yourself a copy right here.
CWA Anthology of Short Stories: Mystery Tour
Crime spreads across the globe in this new collection of short stories from the Crime Writer’s Association, as a conspiracy of prominent crime authors take you on a world mystery tour. Highlights of the trip include a treacherous cruise to French Polynesia, a horrifying trek in South Africa, a murderous train-ride across Ukraine and a vengeful killing in Mumbai. But back home in the UK, life isn’t so easy either. Dead bodies turn up on the backstreets of Glasgow, crime writers turn words into deeds at literary events, and Lady Luck seems to guide the fate of a Twickenham hood. Showcasing the range, breadth and vitality of the contemporary crime-fiction genre, these twenty-eight chilling and unputdownable stories will take you on a trip you’ll never forget.
Contributions from: Ann Cleeves, C.L. Taylor, Susi Holliday, Martin Edwards, Anna Mazzola, Carol Anne Davis, Cath Staincliffe, Chris Simms, Christine Poulson, Ed James, Gordon Brown, J.M. Hewitt, Judith Cutler, Julia Crouch, Kate Ellis, Kate Rhodes, Martine Bailey, Michael Stanley, Maxim Jakubowski, Paul Charles, Paul Gitsham, Peter Lovesey, Ragnar Jónasson, Sarah Rayne, Shawn Reilly Simmons, Vaseem Khan, William Ryan and William Burton McCormick
A brilliant collection of short stories and perfect for dipping in and out of, which is exactly what I’m doing ahead of my stop on the blog tour next week. Featuring some of the best crime writers around, you’d be mad to miss it. I’ve already powered through 34% of the book without even realising it. You can preorder a copy here.
Blogging wise, not quite as traumatic as last week, i.e. you haven’t had to suffer any more videos of me, but still busy none-the-less.
#BlogTour: Whiteout by Ragnar Jonasson
#Review: Zenka by Alison Brodie
Festive Reads: Mr Men & Little Miss at Christmas
Festive Reads: This Way To Christmas by Anita Bijsterbosh and Christmas Stories for Kids by Uncle Amon
Festive Reads: Enid Blyton’s Christmas Tales
Festive Reads: Santa, Please Bring Me A Gnome by An Swerts
#BlogTour: #IntoTheValley by Chris Clement-Green
#BookLove: Tracy Fenton
Review: Mr Men & Little Miss for Grown UpsFestive Reads: A Christmas Flower by Bryan Mooneyffiths163
#BlogTour: Bad Sister by Sam Carrington
Review: Elephant and Sheep and other stories by Patricia Furstenberg
The week ahead is another full one – are there any other kind. Personally, I am off to the UK launch of The Man Who Died by Antti Tuomainen on Wednesday and I can’t wait. It’s in the running to be my book of the year! Then the weekend sees the long awaited arrival of Hull Noir. Looking forward to lots of brilliant panels and getting to catch up with some amazing blogger friends.
In the meantime, I’ve a mixture of the usual reviews and blog tours to keep you all amused, starting today when I’ll be reviewing The Puppet Master by Abigail Osborne. Wednesday is the tour for The Future Can’t Wait by Angelena Boden and Saturday it’s Dying Day by Stephen Edger. And there will be some sharing of the #booklove with blogger Victoria Goldman.
And in other news – with the notable and excusable exception of Christmas Day and Boxing Day, today marks a whole year of posting every day, at least once, sometimes more. I set myself the challenge to see how long I could keep it up and I have to admit I am fluffing knackered now, but hey. Quite an achievement for a moderately busy gal like me I think. Go me. May have to celebrate.
Have a brilliant week all. See you on the other side
Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 12/11/17 Yes ... believe it or not, it is getting to that point in the year that we both welcome and dread.
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