#I just want angry Dawn destroying Jubilife
I'm no good at art or writing but existing in my head is an Au where the player character in PLA is actually like made by Arceus and is like a baby/new Arceus for a new world being put through like an emotional journey to see if they're stable enough to create a just world. Long ramble under cut of what is plaguing my thoughts.
Cause Arceus decided it'd be a great idea to have another kid. This time however he's tryna make a kinda new him in a way basically he's gonna make a baby Arceus (but it'll come out obviously a new pokemon) that he's gonna yeet into an empty space time blankness like how his life started so they can make a whole new world starting the cycle anew in an entirely new dimension essentially to see what kind of wonderous things they end up making. Now as he's making the baby he's like hm the other children are a bit overpowered and aggressive with each other eg Dialga and Palkia being hyper territorial in the Darkrai movie and Giratinas rebellious stage and he doesn't wanna send an overpowered baby god with no emotional reference at all into a void. So he powers them down significantly and worries what if like Giratina they come out angry and make a horrible violent world, so in Arceus' wisdom he decides that he will put them on earth in the past to experience the beginning of human pokemon relationship partnership friendship to experience the joy and love and warmth of people and pokemon coming together so that when in their own space they too want to make a world filled with these positive emotions. Obviously though he can't send down the creation he's made so he puts them into a human form that he made from the stars or something essentially making a pokemon Jesus but skipping right to they exist as an adolescent, sending them to Hisui with the task of catching the pokemon which is a ploy to experience human life with 0 memory or knowledge of what they really are. This explaining their lack of fear of pokemon, catching skills, endurance, ability to quell nobles/Lords and have all the rideable Lords respect them get the element plates all that as they lowkey resonate Arceus godly energy just without their knowledge (stealing that idea from monsoons feral Au with Dawn having Arceus blessing).
When I played the game I did all the side quests I physically could only missing a few as like how do, and I imagine this amnesia God in human form would do the same. They don't remember much other than Arceus' light but they feel welcome? At home in Jubilife village they feel warmth in their chest whatever it means, it feels, good. They feel happy and content with their team doing what they can to help.
Which makes the excile all the more painful for them. They don't understand what they did wrong. They did everything they were told to? They, they helped everyone they could with the jobs they wanted doing didn't they? Why...why are you doing this to me? Why do you all hate me?! Why am I an enemy now?!
The feeling in their body, its bad, it, it hurts. Their eyes are, burning? And their cheeks are wet, there's fluid rolling down their face. They're told crying won't undo this. Crying, that's what that is? It makes them sick. But maybe the other clans will help?
When they realise they're alone facing this everything just feels wrong their body is heavy and slow and they feel awful everything is just wrong they want to rip open their body rip off their flesh like something inside them wants to burst out like some blind light ready to leave them. And they're not wrong, the energy stirs inside them as they pull at their hair, their eyes hurt from crying and they're now past hurt and upset and are now getting into rage. How dare they all be so selfish!? How dare they do this! What gives them the right!? Those pathetic cowards! Can't even do their own jobs! Need me to do it for them! Fetch this, quell this noble, find my sister, catch this Pokémon, lazy selfish uncaring THINGS!
And basically intense anger and upset breaks the lock Arceus had put on their powers and congratulations your exiled only salvation has now become a raging vengeful half God. Look what you did. You fucked up a perfectly good peaceful kind helpful compassionate vulnerable deity in a human body, look at it, they've got a hateful god complex now! As I had Typhlosion so does this one cause I say so (but it'd differ from like each game is its own dimension differences) and they'd go to Jubilife Godly energy glowing from their body hovering above the ground inhuman pokemon like features growing from their body breaking out from their human form prison, and they'd watch wait for the Commander to apologise to beg for mercy and if he didn't and well even if he did, they'd burn the village to the ground. They don't get to exist for what they did, that's what they would believe, maybe passing a mercy to the professor and Akira/Rei respectively maybe not maybe in this hurt gods eyes they're all corrupt. It without a doubt is cruel and cold, but this diety is little more than a child even if they inhabit a adolescent human form, barely a day old when initially sent down (likely created in a blink of an eye) and depending on how long they've been working in Hisui they may only have a few months of conscious life under their belt, they've never experienced anything else everything is new to them and unfortunately more intense leading to what they do in response to such a situation. Arceus would probably have to step in before they destroyed the other clans too for abandoning them and wipe memories get present dialga and Palkia to rewind time space to fix hisuis history ect and lock their failed rebirth deity away forever like what they did to Giratina. I doubt Arceus would give them anymore chance after that, deciding to wait for trying anything like that again.
I don't know its just oof revenge for the bullshit raging like the fires they'd make but the bleak sadness knowing they'd be erased completely locked away but still so very much alive in some prison no one can reach alone, and scared of the darkness around and inside them.
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