#My stupid thoughts
taonpest · 2 days
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So what do we think about the remaster my fellow lok mutuals
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imjustheloser · 1 year
the thing about sebaciel is not that only ciel is faced by the confusion of their bond but sebastian is too like he is baffled he can't believe what he is feeling he is obsessed with his little master he can't live without him oh he wants his soul but the thought of being without ciel scares him oh he wants he wants more he needs to consume he needs to be close more close inside open him up be enter his body but how can a devil feel that way that's not proper that's not okay it's not supposed to go like that he is not supposed to feel that way about a simple human but oh is his young master a simple human? no but
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notedgyanymore · 7 months
Here's a dumb question: When the bishops killed all the lambs/sheep, do you think it was only one species like the domestic sheep Ovis Aries, or was it the entire genus Ovis? How about goats that are capable of growing wool? Do they count? Can they tell the difference between goats and sheep? 🐐🐑
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anaskunk · 6 months
my hazbin headcanon is that rosie and the other cannibals’ eyes are completely black because they were in a cult and they were blinded with faith to their leader. explaining why they retain a similar appearance, like angel dust and his family being spiders, to symbolize their web of crime.
alastor isn’t a cannibal but he doesn’t have full black eyes. maybe because he was not part of the cult
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form-less · 4 months
i cant begin to tell you how much brain power i’ve spent recently trying to figure out how to get a vitruvian man (da vinci) tattoo without tattooing a dick on my hand
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lintujoki · 1 year
To lighten the mood, I drew a smiling Morgott. I hope it will help you too
If you notice that I have become less active not only in posts, but also in interaction with you, please, forgive me. I had too many hopes and ambitions for creativity with Morgott, and it finally knocked me down. Now I can't draw him or watch anything about him, it's starting to cause sadness. This art with Morgott was the last one, and I wanted to color it, but I really couldn't morally. Even if this trauma is strange and even ridiculous, so far I haven't been able to do anything about it.
I can't do anything new with Morgott and Mohg, even though I am sometimes drawn to them - if I even think about it badly, then drawing is even scarier. It is sad that my excessive desire to find... understanding (???) has led to the fact that I cannot see and do creativity for those whom I love so dearly. I probably did everything wrong, and even if I didn't, it shouldn't have come to this. I hope that time will pass, which will smooth out the edges, I will calm down and understand that this is the best thing I have, and I will begin to experience happiness from them again. And of course I hope that someday I will color this art. Morgott is very cute when he smiles
Thank you for reading these confused thoughts
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Just look how polite he is...
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But at the same time, how angry and dumb he looks...
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His design could be better, but I still love my boi no matter the universe he belongs to.
Hot Rod, my boi!!!!
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suddenlytennant · 5 months
The existence of nintendo switch implies the existence of nintendo dom and nintendo sub
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catgirl-soup · 6 months
hey how come we call the days of the week “monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc”, but then we don’t call the nights “monnight, tuesnight, wednesnight, etc”
i wanna wish people a happy thursnight
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In Heaven
Duryodhan : What can you do for me Mitra?
Karna : I can move mountains,make oceans dry up , annihilate the world and destroy the heavens itself for you.
Duryodhan : Will you punch Bheem for me?..
Karna : umm..ok
Duryodhan: Bheem,your little brother?
Karna : ......
Duryodhan: Who killed me?...
Karna : Definitely
Duryodhan: *cries*
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My love language is making playlists about you..but my red flag is that I will never send it you.!
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taonpest · 1 year
Sometimes being an artist is feeling like a baker seeing a chemist making the deadliest liquid in the world and wishing you could make the deadliest liquid as well but you're a baker, not a chemist, and then you feel like your bread is worthless
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thetelekineticfrog · 8 months
"Rare steak" is a lie.
If it was really rare steak, you would need to:
-scale a great mountain and enter the cave at its peak
barter and haggle for passage with the gnomes for six days
-cross the great magma river Buorgenoasl in a canoe
-go through the chamber I can't remember the name of with all the stalactite constructs
-Eat a really weird herb that smells like the middle F note of a guitar but doesn't taste like anything
-Translate the ancient texts to discover your long sought after recipe
-find out this is instructions for teaching shrimp to fry rice
-repeat from step one in a different mountain
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meovelous · 2 years
I think the funniest thing about Mika is that he could actually have a gun. The Fatui Pyro guys have those rifles that Mika can just take from their dead hands, but Jean can't watch over 2 kids with gunpowder so he can't keep them
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acrazybayernfan · 1 year
A great game, of course, even if Bochum made it easy for us (they leaved so much space for our players and their team was split in two) ! But more than just the score, I think that there was some really positive things in the way we played.
I especially liked the interactions between our two left and right back and our two lateral attacking players, there was always someone to occupy the space along the line and someone to move toward the center, in the half-space, without it always being the same person. However, more than the positioning it was the beginning of complicity between the players that pleased me. And the same goes for the four attacking players. The balance between movement, between players changing positions and the necessary structure of a the team can only be found thanks to the connection and the complicity between the players.
Also I was impress by the way Minjae defended by his ability to carry the ball and make it move forward, something that I think I hadn't seen him do a lot since his arrival.
Finally, I don't know if it was Bochum defense that was really so bad but, on the corners, Jo almost always found the head of a Bayern player instead of the head of one of our opponent, which is already a big progress.
Oh and of course congratulations to Harry for his first hat-trick !!!
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thisisforfuns · 5 months
"let's be in the same class, so I see you everyday!!!!!"
I'm gonna see my ex tomorrow in class yayyyyyyyy, my dumb ass. 🤡🤡
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