#I just went on a rant. ignore meee haha
juniperhillpatient · 5 months
ok I accidentally clicked a rage bait video & got sooo mad & now I have stuff to say. gamers who can’t handle controversial or taboo subject matter (first of all you’re weak) who insist on playing & discussing the coffin of andy & leyley anyway are annoying for numerous reasons but I think a specific thing that really just… grinds my gears the wrong way is the argument that the game exists “for shock value.”
well. first of all. I have to introduce you to this insane mind blowing concept in the world of horror where it’s occasionally meant to shock & horrify the viewer. I know. I know. take a second. take it in. it’s a lot.
but also. DUH a game with genuinely horrifying content is playing on that in its marketing??? obviously? sorry you’ve never seen horror marketed before ever I guess.
but it’s also so deeply unfair to one of the most compelling & well written games I’ve ever seen to just… Idk. reduce it to shock content?
when I first introduced myself to the game it was because of the incest & cannibalism. yeah. Im not ashamed or fake enough to not admit that obvious truth lol. I’m sorry that’s kinda it’s whole gimmick / marketing ploy let’s not like. pretend that’s not the main stuff that draws people in. but the actual amount of time we spend on those topics??? outside of subtext??? it’s minimal.
you have to make very specific choices to even see the demonic vision of the siblings fucking because it’s horrifying to Andrew & Ashley’s response that “maybe this is a way to keep him around…” Is like. Deeply depressing & telling of her mental state.
this is not like. a soulless porno game that just does this stuff out of nowhere? not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’m not shitting on porn. I for real genuinely don’t see a problem with people enjoying fucked up porn if they want to that’s just…. genuinely & actually not what this complex horror story game is & it sucks that it tends to get reduced to that?
I just find it so insulting to the incredibly talented writers of this crazy fucked up & nuanced story about abuse, codependency, & choices none of us ever wanted to make to reduce it JUST shock value schlock.
and this is NOT an insult to shippers. I’m a shipper. it’s just me saying it’s so unfair & stupid to hate on this game like it’s some kind of random shock value generator & not a smart piece of creative fiction when you’re clearly just not mature enough to handle the dark themes idk. this is literally all a reaction to annoying YouTubers don’t worry it’s no one I’ve seen on here lol ok anyway bye
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