#I knew this tbh. that I need more knowledge. I guess I just optimistically hoped it was more wingable but perhaps not
autogeneity · 5 months
actually a cool place sent me a challenge/assessment and alas I probably do gotta study further to get into this field because I have no idea what I am doing. it's still extremely addictively good though somehow
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janiefoley · 4 years
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❀ *゚ sydney sweeney. female. she/her. ⇝ hey, isn’t that janie foley? i think that the twenty-one year old from miami, florida works as a stripper and sex worker, but outside of that they spend a lot of time at las vegas. i hear they are hedonistic + vulnerable, but they are also known to be charming + loyal. consider giving them a visit at their home in kingpin trailer park and get to know why they’re called the benevolent. 
here’s my favorite softhearted disaster child. if you’re interested in plotting with janie, give this post a like or you’re more than welcome to hit me up via ims !
full name: janie bambi foley
nicknames: n/a
height: 5′2
occupation: stripper / sex worker
date of birth: june 15th
zodiac: gemini
mbti: enfp
ennegram: type seven ( the enthusiast )
alignment: chaotic good
temperament: sanguine 
positive traits: loyal, charming, playful, optimistic, genuine, energetic
negative traits: insecure, hedonistic, promiscuous, vulnerable, ditzy
tw for mentions of abuse ( domestic and sexual )
okay so i’m not gonna lie to you guys: i’m a lil biased when it comes to janie. she’s easily one of my favorite muses i’ve ever created and i really hope you come to love her as much as i do. she has the biggest fucking heart and legit if she considers you to be a friend she’d probably fucking die for you ?? she comes from a very messed up home and i’ll get into all of that in a minute, but gOD she’s just so good at her core and doubts herself so much. like yeah, she’s messy and a little self-destructive and has hella commitment issues but i promise she really does try ? ANYWAY let’s get into her background a little bit.
so basically one of the main things you need to know about janie is that she grew up around trailer park trash, and lowkey is a little bit trashy herself. she’s an only child and her parents are... not great lmao. her dad ( floyd ) is the only person janie’s truly been afraid of in her entire life. yeah, she’s met scary people and of course felt fear towards them, but floyd’s the one person that makes her feel like a small child quaking in her shoes. he’s got his hands in a lot of bad shit and has deep connections, and he acts as a pimp to her mother. if you need a good example as to how scary floyd can be, i have this hc that when janie was around sixteen she tried to run away from home after a nasty fight with her parents. floyd caught her just as she was making it out to her car, and to really drive his point home that she wasn’t going anywhere, he slammed her wrist in the car door and fucking broke it. just like that. no remorse, no nothing. just told her to quit crying and get her ass back inside.
tammy, on the other hand, is a hot fucking mess. and i don’t mean that nicely. she met floyd when she was young and ran away from home to be with him. she’s never not some form of drunk or high, and she’s basically known as the town whore ?? like even in school, people knew about janie’s mom and she def was bullied for it. tammy and janie have a fucked up dynamic where her mother’s terrible to her, constantly telling her that she won’t amount to much and will end up just like her one day. she also has the tendency to try and sleep with janie’s boyfriends so yikes. she’s hella manipulative and can go from sweet to sour in a matter of minutes, which was super confusing for janie growing up.
but at the same time, she regularly leans on janie for almost everything and when she’s feeling loving, tammy can be very warm towards her and sometimes is the only thing standing between floyd nearly killing janie. it’s a very conflicting back and forth but ultimately, tammy makes janie feel inclined to stick around, because janie feels responsible for her and her overall well-being. she’s there to clean her up and tuck her in when she’s too wasted to do it herself, keep the trailer in one piece, and watch her mom’s back around the rougher johns. one of the biggest reasons janie’s afraid to walk away from prostitution and leave home is because she’s terrified something bad would happen to tammy and it’d be her fault.
because she was exposed to the reality that people will give you almost anything for sex at a very tender age, janie used her newfound knowledge with the neighborhood boys, offering them the best three minutes of their preteen lives in exchange for things like cash, booze, drugs, and occasionally when her family didn’t have it, food.
school was definitely something that was never easy for janie. kids are nasty, rumors were undoubtedly spread. people very much thought of her as ‘that kind of girl’, and while janie did make many attempts to be liked and accepted amongst her peers, most still ridiculed or mocked her, or took advantage of her desperate need to be liked. her grades also were... well, pretty below average tbh. her parents never put a big focus on school and because of her home life her attendance was poor at best. she didn’t have much help at home when it came down to homework and studies, and ended up graduating high school by the skin of her teeth. she DID take a whack at community college, but thanks to ridicule and lack of support from her parents, and her very minimal education she ended up dropping out only a few weeks into her second semester.
after dropping out of college, janie decided to capitalize on the one thing she’s good at: sex. when she’s not twirling underneath the neon lights of the local strip joint, she can be found turning tricks on a street corner or servicing clients out of her trailer.
bonus information
janie’s favorite color in the entire world is pink. 
she also loves anything glittery and is almost always covered in it.
while she’s a hopeless romantic at heart, the girl’s got more commitment issues than common sense.
but she’s also a fan of matchmaking and would like to think that she’s pretty damn good at it.
dancing is a genuine passion of hers. if she’d been dealt a better hand, janie would most definitely be living in los angeles and auditioning for her dream gig as a backup dancer.
she loves drag queens and often attends local drag shows. and you probably guessed it: one of her favorite shows is definitely rupaul’s drag race.
wanted connections
once again, i’ll probably update this soon with a few loose ideas that i’d absolutely love to see, but i’ve got one more bio to crank out before i lose all motivation. if janie sparked your interest or you think you might have a connection she’d work for, go ahead and message me !!
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Kristoff Eindride Bjorgman Character Sheet
Birthday — December 31, 1990 Zodiac Sign — Sagittarius MBTI — ISTJ Enneagram — 9 Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Anna Bjorgman (née Olsen) Father — Ole Bjorgman Mother’s Occupation — translator, with knowledge of Sàmi, Swedish, Danish and English Father’s Occupation — Park ranger at Hardangervidda National Park Family Finances — comfortable bit not particularly wealthy Birth Order — oldest Brothers - none Sisters — Freya, 12 years younger, and Agnetha, 14 years younger Other Close Family — The Stone trolls! Best Friend — He doesn’t have one :( Other Friends — The Stone trolls! Enemies — All humans Pets — None, but growing up he had a dog called Kipper and the trolls kept bringing him little baby badgers and deer and things and he just kept calling all of them kipper Home Life During Childhood — serene honestly like he grew up in a valley between two mountains, he spent all of his time outdoors playing, he got to spend a lot of time out in nature Town or City Name(s) — he was born in Oslo, but they moved to Odda for his dather’s work when he was very little Any Sports or Clubs — He played ice hockey and his mam was teaching him to play the guitar Favorite Toy or Game — Schooling — he never went to school! He was too little when he went missing Nationality — Norwegian Culture — uhhh Stone Troll? Religion and beliefs — None
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Boyd Holbrook Complexion — paler 👏🏻 than 👏🏻 pale 👏🏻 Hair Colour — himbo blonde Eye Colour — listen Boyd’s eyes are blue but kristoff’s brown eyes are so important to me so we aren’t talking about it Height — 6’2 Common Hairstyle — sort of long-ish like longer enough to get into his face and v floppy he only discovered scissors like a decade ago Clothing Style — comfy and warm in the winter, comfy and cool in the summer. Fairly basic boring clothes to be honest Mannerisms — mumbles to himself a lot! has a habit of whistling songs the tolls taught him. Yikes face constantly.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — he’s probably had a few colds and sniffles since coming to swynlake tbf Physical Ailments — none Allergies —  None Grooming Habits — oh you wanna talk grooming habits with a man who is essentially a yeti? Honestly even tho he probably really enjoys a hot shower after years of bathing in a freezing cold river all that water probably still feels super wasteful so he’s deffo an every few days kinda guy, and yes he is also a seven-in-one conditioner-shampoo-shower gel-lotion-toner-toothpaste-hair removal cream kinda guy why have lots of bottles when you can have one (1) Sleeping Habits — a surprisingly heavy sleeper for someone who lived in the open, but then maybe that’s because he had the trolls to protect him (and also they wouldn’t shut. up.) Eating Habits — eating CONSTANTLY the best thing and one of the only good things about living in town is FOOD what the hell is a cronut and why isn’t there one in his hand right now but honestly lots of fruit and veggies surprisingly healthy Exercise Habits —  he treks in the woods like for a living I guess that’s it Body Temperature — warm always big tall radiator Sociability — he’s trying but it’s early days 3/10 Addictions — none Drug Use — what is a drug Alcohol Use — I figure he once found like a bottle of whiskey or smth in a backpack im the woods one day when he was like 11, took a sip and was like ew and that’s been it ever since
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being moody af, constantly distrustful, and also nail chewing, and whistling too that’s annoying Good Habits — thoughtful!! Fixes things without being asked, helps old ladies cross the street Worst Memory — probably getting dragged out of the woods by the rescue team when he was 16; the trolls were his family by then and had been for longer than he’d known his birth family so he would’ve been traumatised by getting pulled away from them like that Best Memory — I think probably a more bittersweet memory, one he looks on as being positive is the trolls finding him when he’d gotten lost Proud of — himself, for making it this far Embarrassed by — everything and nothing he’s a complex dude Driving Style — awfully good. Not like *posh British accent* “awfully good” like “he’s simultaneously good at this and going to get us all killed”. He was taught by a farmer one summer so whilst he can’t legally drive, he can actually drive pretty well, but he goes very fast and he doesn’t believe in checking mirrors Strong Points — independent but deeply caring about the people he loves, very resourceful Temperament — he can be quite moody at first but he’s very Soft once you get to know him Weakness — again he can be quite moody and he also pushes people away a lot he isolates himself even if he doesnt necessarily want to be isolated!! Fears — being completely on his own Phobias — enclosed spaces Secrets — i guess he doesn’t have any?? He was like Big News at one point so I guess people know his business Regrets — I honestly don’t know? Like maybe sometimes he regrets not being around for his younger sisters but honestly he does Not regret leaving his family sooo Feels Vulnerable When — he’s not in the forest/with the trolls Pet Peeves — People talking loudly in public places/generally being rude in public places Short Term Goals and Hopes — get a job, make sure he can hold a roof over his head Long Term Goals and Hopes — manage to live in town and be less of a strange in between yeti mam Sexuality — he doesn’t know yet!! He’s never really bwen part of society he doesn’t really know what sexuality is!! He’s had a few Experienxes in the past (he has had his first kiss and that is It) but he needs to learn! Day or Night Person — day Introvert or Extrovert — introvert king Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist tbh
Likes and Styles:
Music — he likes cheesy old 80s songs he remembers them from when he was little and he’s been rediscovering it now, loves it Books — he’s a pretty slow reader so he doesn’t really have any favourite books. But he has a lot of favourite stories that the trolls told him! Magazines — again he’s a real slow reader but he loves those magazines you get from the supermarket that are like,, free and have loads of recipes and shit in Foods — all the foods. All the big ones. Loves ‘em. Will put literally anything in a sandwich because society has not taught him what is and is not acceptable to slap between two slices of bread Drinks — he complains that tap water in town tastes wrong but he’s taking a real liking to coffee, love that shit Animals — all of them!!!!! They’re better than people!!! Color — green and/or blue Jewellery — he doesn’t actually have any jewellery but he does have lots of really cool pebbles that his stone troll fam gave him
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he lives in benbow now in one of the ground floor apartments and he’s still getting used to it Household furnishings — minimalist af the only furniture he has is what was in the place when he got it so it isn’t much but there’s lots of decoration!! Lots of trinkets!! Favorite Possession — the aforementioned rock collection Relationship with Family — he’s still very close with the trolls, even though he’s living in town now. He misses them a lot!! As for his biological family he doesn’t ever rlly think about his parents but he does think about his sisters every so often he wishes he knew what was going on with them Car — be doesn’t have one but he would like one! Career — is there a word for someone who goes and gets things from the forest for a Price Dream Career — I think he’d like to do smth in nature he honestly isn’t too sure Dream Life — honestly I don’t know, and I don’t think he knows either!! Love Life — nonexistent lmfaoooo Talents or Skills — survival skills? Puts Bear Grylls to shame. Singing voice of an angel.  Intelligence Level — honestly like he’s fairly smart just not Book Smart Finances — get this man a full time job STAT
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Tbh, I’m not feeling optimistic in Todd’s direction for the show. If we assume he’s been in charge since 4x15, then he’s really only given us two good episodes and a whole bunch of flops. Everything that sounds promising is all in the future (reporter arc, Dawn Allen) which is exciting until you remember this show has never been good at follow-through, especially season to season. (1/2)
So far his AJK-free episodes have just been compounding on the things that made this season a drag (Ralph, Harry, Caitlin’s split personality) and reducing/erasing the things that made it bearable (Westallen, Devoe/Marlize’s evil mutual partnership). I understand he has to wrap this story up somehow, but what he’s still choosing to focus on in order to do it doesn’t say great things about what he considers important. (2/2)
I’m not feeling particularly generous towards him at the moment, and yet I am compelled to defend him now. First, your opinions of flops is different from mine because I quite liked 19 & 20, and even the back half of 18. The main problems with the recent eps for me have been that Ralph lingered, we didn’t know the Thinker’s plan, and WA didn’t get to be lovey-dovey. Two of those were gone this week, and it was enjoyable to me.
In my humble opinion, the Harry and Caitlin stories are consistent and thematically connected to both the villain arc and Iris’ role as leader, so I’m not about to say they’re terrible just because those aren’t my favorite characters. Iris being the leader proves that scientific knowledge isn’t the only kind that matters, while emotional intelligence is actually very useful. Harry being ‘punished’ by the narrative for trying to defeat Devoe alone just as Caitlin is rejecting the team and Iris’ help to get her powers/alter ego back is also clearly going to circle back to “we’re a family / we’re the Flash,” which Iris has been the champion of all season. It’s also a dark parallel to Devoe, who pushed his wife away in favor of his own skills so much that he’s just lost her - which will probably be his downfall.
Anyway, here are things that 100% did happen once AJK left and Todd was in charge: Iris is going back to journalism next season (and actually mentioned using her skills this week!), Iris was literally called Barry’s lightning rod, and Iris had a physical showdown with Marlize in which she gained the upper hand using her quick thinking.
Yes, I want more domestic WA moments. Yes, I want to see Iris’ journalism onscreen and see an arc of career growth for her. But I do not believe 4.14 - 4.20 has been as awful of a stretch as some others have. 
The Flash season finale description indicates that team flash gets help to defeat DeVoe from an unexpected person, do you think it will be Marlize or Mystery Girl?
At the risk of upsetting people, I think it means Ralph in the mindscape. My guess is Dawn will only show up after Devoe is defeated, while Marlize will hopefully have defected to Team Flash before then. I think they’ll both be important, though!
do you think quentin will be the only fatality/exit from Error this season or should we brace ourselves for some killing? I don’t mind quentin dying, his story’s been over for years but im more worried about curtis/rene/dinah? any ideas if the actors signed for s7?
I feel like someone else will be in danger, but I can’t imagine them losing another series regular.
Do you think Jessica and Candice would like your pic to throw us off? They wouldn’t do that, right?!? I just want her to be revealed as Dawn or a gender bent Bart! I wouldn’t be okay with Jenni since Jenni is supposed to be darker skinned per the comics.
I do not, lol. I think they retweeted/liked because it was obvious after this week’s episode and they’re excited. Not to mention Candice followed JPK, which is a great sign. I’m with you in hoping she’s not Jenni, but she is for sure a descendant of Barry and Iris.
Why are people getting their hopes up that it’s “dawn” helping them in the finale when all know it’s marlize since candice and kim filmed a lot in star labs together in the finale
Yeah, I agree it’s not Dawn - although she will of course be in the episode. I definitely think Marlize will help, but we can’t forget that Barry picks Ralph up in Devoe’s mind, too.
CS complained last year on not wanting KF. Then she suddenly wants her back all because they exchanged Post It Notes. Also, did you peep her saying “No, I will” when Iris said “We will get her back”. She’s always been “Me, Myself And I”. So for those that say she could have lead Team Flash, she’s abandoned the team countless times before. She could very well do it again.
Abandoning the team when the going gets tough is 100% Caitlin’s motto, which is why I think Dawn had never met her before.
I think the fact all the shows dropped in the ratings is more just a reality CW knew was a long time coming. Listen I love Fl@sh but there was no way it was going to escape the disaster of live ratings in general dropping. I think if anyone has a better understanding of the new ratings reality it be CW. The president more or less predicted it would happen years ago. I just don’t think people need to freak out imo
Agreed. CW doesn’t care and Flash is safe. I’m just saying the producers might care about the negative feedback and try to write a stronger/more balanced season now.
Anon, I would love for your dream (CW doing a PSA) to become a reality, too. But as usual, us fans have to do everything around here. IWDS was born because fanboys AND the media was harassing CP and her character. She didn’t deserve that.
It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.
“What pisses me off is the very people that harass her thinking she’s out of line for defending herself. I wanna drag them all.” I wish I could do that myself, but I’d lose more braincells and eventually stoop to their level. Let’s just be thankful that CP is getting more love from people nowadays.
Absolutely! She’s getting more recognition, and hopefully one day that’ll turn into meaty roles.
ACK! I was (not stalking) your Twitter and saw you ship Pepperony too?! I love them!! I love that somehow Tony of all people ended up in the most stable relationship in the MCU universe, if you ignore a certain movie that will remain nameless. I don’t need or want another Iron Man movie, but not gonna lie, I would totally watch one if it gave us more of them.
YES! Pepperony are wonderful, and I love the crap out of Tony. He always wants to help people despite his myriad of issues, and he spends time to fix his mistakes. And of course, he’d be nowhere without Pepper.
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