#I know I normally do trees a lot more detailed but honestly? I couldn't be assed with this
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I thiiiink this qualifies as a screenshot redraw despite the fact that I did a slightly different angle than the actual shot? I just had to draw them. I really do have a weakness for father-daughter duos that consist of "gruff man accidentally adopts a tiny sunshine child" *cough*wondlatrilogy*cough*
PLEASE appreciate the fact that I did soft shading for this. I hate soft shading. I can't fucking paint. I prefer cell shading but I wanted to do something different for this.
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
Ref under the cut (sorry I took a picture of my computer screen)
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I just read most of your Bad Batch fics and I absolutely love them and I saw your scenarios list and there were so many good options.
I was wondering if you could do a Hunter x Bounty Hunter!Reader with "Chr B meeting chr A's kid in public and helps them out. Which makes the kid like B but B doesn't know it's A's kid." which leads to "They didn't mean for it to turn out this way. But they tried it once and couldn't stop themselves from wanting more."
Hello lovely friend I hope you didn't mind the wait! This is my first time writing for Hunter and I had a blast. Probably... too much fun because I went on and on with this one... Kind of wondering if I should make some mini-fics about the lessons that are referred to in this writing.
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lessons learned
warnings: cussing a lot for some reason, general kind of "aw sad" feels, slightly "whoa that's hot" feels at the end
word count: 4307
reader x hunter
Bounty hunting. Not exactly the most glamorous job in the galaxy, but it pays well so who would deny it? It kept your ship running, your belly full. You got to collect some beautiful weapons and some breathtaking views to the places you went.
There was… one downside.
Saying you had an arch nemesis would sound strange. At first thought, you would assume it’s another bounty hunter, right? No. It’s a fucking bounty itself. 
You’ve been chasing him for years. Before the Clone Wars ended, jilted citizens or affected warlords put bounties on this clone’s head for unbelievable rates. At first you thought it must be because he’s so unbelievably dangerous, or committed some kind of unbelievably terrible crime.
No. He’s just good at his job.
Now that the Clone War is over, it’s been corporations or government bodies placing the bounties on him. It didn’t matter who placed the bounty, it was always going to be the same challenge. 
You thought back on the very many times you’ve hunted this clone, the one with a signature red bandana and half a face of a tattoo…
The first time, he made himself known to you with a blaster to your back. He pointed out he could smell the scent of your shampoo. While this was embarrassing as hell, you considered the job failed.
The second time, he found a strand of your hair caught on a tree limb in the forest he was hiding in. With frustration, you now wore a helmet that tucked your hair inside to prevent that situation from happening again.
The third time (or was it the thirtieth time?), he heard your sneeze. He heard your fucking sneeze. From an ungodly amount of distance away.
This has been going for so long. Honestly, you’ve been improving in your craft since you started hunting him. You learned some valuable lessons that most bounty hunters had probably never even thought of. You had a lovely stash of credits and could retire in a couple more years if you wanted.
Another bounty had crossed the database requiring the very clone you rival with. You took it without looking at the prize. You weren’t going to get it. You at least read details of his last known location and plotted the hyperspace jump. With a grin, you leaned back in your chair and propped your feet up on the console. It’s been a while. You could almost say you missed him.
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Taking a mental checklist of all the ways you’d failed before, you parked your ship in the most crowded spaceport you could find. It would fit right in and be a little more difficult for him to locate (Lesson 16).
The bounty intel stated that he was headquartered in some kind of cantina that barely deserved to be called one. It had a couple regulars. The owner was a Trandoshan. Jedi used to visit during the war. Sounds simple enough.
A normal bounty hunter would camp out inside and wait for their mark to appear. However, the clone is a master at determining sketchy looking patrons, so that was out. (Lesson 8).
If you tried picking out an inconspicuous high ground, he usually had those covered too (Lesson 29).
If he really has chosen Ord Mantell as his homebase, then integrating yourself into society was going to be your plan. It’s something similar to the infamous long con most deviants live, but this was the next idea on your list of failed attempts at catching him. So, for the next few weeks, you lived on Ord Mantell.
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It has felt like a vacation so far. No blaster bolts heading your way, no skeevy guild members to bargain with and absolutely no need to live in the most terrible of situations just to maybe catch your mark. You felt… normal. 
Today you were shopping. You only bought groceries for a few meals at a time so you would have an excuse to familiarize yourself with the setting. You learned the accent present in most humanoids in the area. It would be easy to convince anyone you were a native.
Wandering past a stall that sold a couple gifts and knick-knacks, you paused and browsed for a moment. There were some overpriced jewelry replicas, some small carved toys, a miscellaneous trinket or two… Feeling slightly nostalgic for a moment, you picked up a carved wooden tooka. It reminded you of a doll you had as a kid. How long ago were your younger years? With a longing glance and chuckle, you put it back down and carried on. 
You knew you had everything you needed, yet to continue the charade you started going through your basket of items to appear as though you were checking your shopping list. A small tug on your sleeve pulled away your focus with a start, and you almost reached for the blaster hidden under your groceries, but paused when you found a child to be the cause of the disturbance.
“Hello,” she said with a cheery tone. 
You watched her with skepticism before sounding out a wary “Hello.”
The child had notable blonde hair tucked under a hat and curious brown eyes that watched you. “I noticed that you looked a little sad,” she said with uncertainty and reached in her pocket. “So, I… I got you this. I hoped it would cheer you up.” She held up her hand and in her palm was the wooden tooka you were holding just moments ago.
It wasn’t everyday that a child tries to commit an act of kindness like this, so it warmed your heart slightly. Although, still suspicious. “T-thank you,” you told her quietly. 
A small laugh escaped her mouth. “You’re welcome! My brother has a similar toy that means a lot to him. It looks like it means a lot to you, too.” 
You couldn’t help the grin plastered on your face. “You must have a great brother,” you said as you knelt down to level with the girl.
“I really do!” She smiled at you some more, then held out her hand. “My name is Omega. What’s yours?”
Quickly, you fashioned up a fake name and gave it to her. She repeated it in her bizarre accent. 
“That’s a pretty name. Are you shopping?” Omega asked and pointed her eyes to your basket.
You looked at your basket yourself. Why is it so hard to talk to this kid? Is it really that hard to be social with anyone who isn’t a bounty? “Uh, yeah. I just finished up, actually. I’m about to head home.” 
Omega looked back at your face, wanting to continue the conversation. “I’m shopping too,” she then adjusted the straps to the bag on her back. “I’m almost done. Do you want to hang out with me while I finish up?”
This stunned you. But it also gave you the opportunity to continue blending in so you can work on hopefully capturing that damned clone. You nodded, then stood up. “Yeah, I think that would be fun. Are you sure it’s okay?” you asked her.
Omega confided in you with a cheerful “Yep! Besides, you don’t look all that dangerous.”
Oh, you sweet summer child.
With an uneasy laugh, you started to follow her. “Dangerous? Me? Impossible.” The tension in your body subsided a little as you tried to make small talk. “You, on the other hand? You look like you could take on a rabid rancor.”
Omega giggled and reached for your hand to hold onto while the pair of you walked. She said your name pointedly, “You have no idea.” She continued on chatting about small things, but for some reason you think she might have had something to do with a rancor at one point…
You only accompanied Omega for a little less than an hour, helping her haggle down some prices and looking for the best produce. She was more than grateful for your assistance, and honestly, you were beyond appreciative of the normalcy. Omega bid her goodbye and hoped she could shop with you again sometime. She ran off in the direction you assumed was her home. You were waving at her back before looking at that very hand, the one that held her hand while shopping.
What kind of humanity was this?
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It’s been perhaps a month at this point. You haven’t scoped out the cantina yet so that any trace of you wouldn’t contaminate the job. You knew exactly where it was though. There was no worry there. 
Your blasters and rifle were ready to go at any time. When you weren’t in civvy clothes, you wore your field gear just in case you were ready to make your move. 
It was time to go shopping again. Part of you hoped that you’d run into Omega. The purity of her company was extremely sobering. Parts of you wondered what it would look like–feel like–if you retired and settled down. You would get to wear comfortable clothes like the ones you wear now. You’d go shopping while holding the hand of your partner, or eventually your child. You would add small wooden carvings to your list of things to buy, just to shower your offspring with love and–
What the fuck?
Your curious wondering had inserted your rival next to you as your partner. He held onto your hand and walked with you at a slow pace. He listened to you and spoke back calmly. At some point, you probably would have run a quick hand through his long hair as an action of endearment. His tattooed cheek would melt into your caress before he would press a kiss to your wrist. Your other hand was holding onto Omega’s. The three of you were a happy family–
Seriously, what the fuck?
You slapped your cheeks to get the imagery out of your mind. You shook your head as if you were trying to get rid of some tangles in your hair. Enough of those thoughts. Enough! You internally cursed yourself and were now looking forward to the end of this bounty. It’s time to get that clone off your mind for a while.
You did run into Omega again. She waved at you, calling your undercover name as she spotted you. “Let’s go shopping together!” she begged.
With a smile, you obliged. Yeah, you could do this one last time. One last time to act like a weightless being without a history of successful bounties, a ship you called a home instead of the apartment you were renting, the views of stars in space instead of the community you’ve learned to know…
In another lifetime, yeah. But not this one.
You approached Omega to close the distance. You were raising your hand to take her outstretched one–until someone ran past you quickly, ran past Omega and snatched her bag off of her arm.
You couldn’t believe how fast it all happened. Omega stumbled backward at the sudden jerk to her arm. She watched the thief run off for mere seconds before she took after him, yelling at him to stop.
Panic hit your soul as you watched. You couldn’t let this happen to her. Not a chance. No way you would let some asshole ruin your last memory with Omega. You reached into your basket and grabbed your blaster that was wrapped in a cloth. Unwrapping it quickly and dropping the empty basket, you started chasing. You switched your blaster to stun and flicked the safety off. You weren’t going to shoot blindly into the crowd–not until you had a calculated clear shot. 
You caught up with Omega. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, but he–”
“Don’t worry kid. I’ll get it back for you.”
You hasten your pace to catch up with the thief–a Rodian. He was fast but wasn’t fast enough to escape you. You had stamina and a history of chasing, so this was nothing.
He shoved people out of the way and lost some of the distance he had on you. No matter. In true, inexperienced criminal fashion, he ducked into an alley. Either he just ran into a deadend or the gods blessed him with an actual throughway to another part of the city, but it was almost never the latter. 
Sliding to a halt at the mouth of the alley, you indeed found it to be a closed end. The Rodian was attempting to climb on top of crates and boxes to get to a balcony up above. Cocking an eyebrow, you took a shot at him. The stun blast hit him dead on and he fell into a pile of garbage bags below.
Omega caught up now. She watched you approach the downed Rodian and took Omega’s bag back. The young girl was braced with a stance of caution. “Do you always carry a blaster on you?” She took her bag from you gingerly and put it on her back, with both straps this time.
You sighed. “Yeah. It’s dangerous out here.”
“So you’re not a bounty hunter or something…?”
You paused. Well, shit. Do you lie to her? She’s such a good kid! “I, uh… kind of dabble in it here and there.”
Omega stepped backward and took a defensive position. “You’re not hunting me, are you?”
The anger in her eyes told you that she’s been the receiving end of a bounty or two. Why is someone putting bounties on a child? 
“Oh gods no, no no no. Omega, I would never. People actually put bounties on you? But you’re… you’re a child!”
Omega was still defensive and creating distance between you and her. “That’s none of your business!”
You stared down at the blaster in your hands. With another sigh, you knelt down to her level. You flipped the safety on and tucked the blaster into the waistband of your pants. You held your empty hands up to show her you were harmless, show her you had no intention of harming her. “Omega, I’m not hunting you. I swear to you.”
“The last time I trusted some stranger on the street, she tried to turn me in for a bounty. I’m too trusting. I want to assume people are good. I’m always wrong.”
Your hands fell into your lap. Watching tears form in Omega’s eyes broke your heart. If there was ever a sign to get out of bounty hunting… this was it. 
“I understand,” you say to her. Your shoulders slumped. Yeah, bounty hunting was the least glamorous job out there and you knew that. Putting bounties on a child is underworld level stuff. You never thought it was real, just myths told by guildmasters to scare you. In truth, they were testing the waters to see if you’d take the job.
Omega actually stepped forward. “Wait… you’re telling the truth.”
Meeting her eyes, you nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
“I’m sorry,” Omega told you. She spoke your name to get your attention. When you looked up, you saw her hand reaching for you. “Let’s go shopping. I don’t want my brothers to think something happened to me.”
You took her hand with a relieved smile. You rose to your feet. The pair of you started walking, Omega holding onto your hand like before. “Brothers, huh? You must have a big family.”
With a grin, Omega turned back to her carefree self that you met previously, and a weight lifted off of your chest.
You swore tonight you would find the clone you were hunting, and tell him it was over. You sure were going to miss this.
Omega bid you a goodbye and another wish that you two could go shopping again sometime. It took some effort to cover the broken smile you handed her, but you managed.
Heading back to your apartment, you put on your gear and grabbed your rifle. It was time to revisit an old lesson that you already learned from just so he could easily catch you. With a shake of your head, you still couldn’t believe a child was the cause of you wanting to quit. 
Again that imaginary situation where you and your partner were browsing the shops on the very street you walked with Omega. She on one hand and your clone target on the other. The clone was dreamy, to say the least. While the chase and failed attempts to catch him were part of the fun, you learned to appreciate the beauty in him. He was strong, smart, and a hell of a better hunter than you were. You smirked. Maybe that’s why his name is Hunter.
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You were set up on a building across from the cantina, rifle loaded but not aimed at anything in particular. Hunter just had to do whatever it was that he did, show up with a blaster pointed at you, then it was over with. You had no idea how long it would take for him to show up, so you took the chance to lay on your back with your head propped with your hands underneath. The sky was pretty. There were stars dotting the sky. For a moment you wondered how many of those stars you had visited before. Which one would be perfect for an early retirement?
There was no telling how much time had passed before Hunter appeared before you.
“Getting a little sloppy, aren’t we?”
You sat up while observing him. He didn’t even have his blaster in his hand. He was still in full armor, though, minus helmet, so the blaster was at his side and his knife sheathed on his arm. He crossed said arms. 
You shrugged. “I think I’m just tired.”
Hunter tilted his head slightly with a raised brow. “Why bother, then?”
You pushed yourself to your feet and dusted off your clothes briefly. “I guess I wanted to come say goodbye. I’m quitting.”
He didn’t say anything for a while. His arms relaxed at his sides. “You’ve been here for over a month just to tell me you’re quitting?”
Your jaw dropped. “How did you know? I tried my best to hide my tracks!”
Hunter nodded down to the street where you heard a familiar voice. You saw Omega was perched on the shoulder of a larger man dressed in similar armor as Hunter. Wait, is Omega–
“I could smell you all over her. Plus, I have someone at the spaceports keeping an eye out for ships like yours.” Hunter’s hand started hovering over his blaster. “So, are you going to take this as another lesson and move on?”
Looking back at Hunter, you removed your helmet. Your helmet never covered much of your face to begin with, but you figured it would be a good gesture to show your face. You held out your hand, wordlessly asking for a handshake. “I’m done hunting. This is me letting you know that I’m retiring.”
Hunter looked at you, surprised. He wasn’t sure if this was a trick or what. Assessing your body language and expression, he felt that you were genuine. You couldn’t reach for a blaster if your helmet was tucked under the arm that wasn’t offering a handshake. He would be able to react quicker than you could, and you knew that, too.
Hesitantly, he took your hand and you both shook once. He didn’t let go, though. His eyes were stuck on the hands clasped together. 
“What did Omega say to you?” he asked.
You pulled your hand away before your cheeks could show a blush. “I knew bounty hunting was shitty to begin with. I had no idea how fucked up it was. Bounties on you? Understandable. But… on children? I’d rather protect someone like Omega before the thought of even glancing at a job like that.” You set your helmet on the ground next to your rifle. You ejected the magazine and double checked that the chamber was empty. 
Hunter watched carefully, each movement you made. He could definitely hear your heart speed up. He also sensed a tint of sadness in your words. Well, anyone would be sad about the thought of bounty hunting children. 
“She’s a good kid,” you said to Hunter. You slung your rifle onto your shoulder. “I’m gonna miss you,” you added.
Hunter sensed that sped up heart rate again. Was it yours? Or his? This cat and mouse game was a highlight in his life, he thought. It was a constant he could count on. There weren't many of those anymore. 
���Hm?” You turned to lock eyes with Hunter at his little command. “Something on your mind?”
Hunter paused, not realizing he let that word slip out. “You uh… You should say goodbye to Omega.” 
You stared at him for a while. “That would be hard on her.”
“It would be even harder for her to realize you just left without a goodbye.”
You pursed your lips while trying to get a read on him. You really didn’t know what he was going for. Why couldn’t he just say he would miss this too? It’s easier than telling lies. Wait… “This isn’t about Omega, is it?”
Hunter turned his face to the side to avoid eye contact. 
“Where did Hunter run off to?” 
You looked down at the street below to hear Omega’s voice. She looked up and down the street before the big guy she was with shrugged. She followed his example and they headed into the cantina.
Looking back to Hunter, you gasped to find him closer to you, a few inches away at that. What was he getting at? What was he about to do? Your rifle strap slid down your arm and the weapon clattered to the ground. Hunter looked like he was struggling for what words to say next.
“I have to confess,” he said in a hushed tone, his hands landing on your shoulders. “This game of ours?” Slowly, he was leaning toward your ear. His voice was becoming softer, almost a whisper. “It’s one of the few things that got me through the war. Kept me sharp.”
Being this close to him, honestly with him getting this close to you, made you think of all the times your paths had crossed. Never once had the two of you ever touched each other. His hands were moving down your shoulders, down your arms, squeezing gently.
Your hands started to touch his armor covering his chest in response. Not fair! He can feel the shapes and curves on your arms but you can’t reach him?
Your eyes met his and it was no surprise there was a romantic tension in both visions. “What are you going to do now?” you asked him.
The back of one of his fingers traced your cheek. The action caused your breath to hitch in your throat. You had moved to standing on your tiptoes, your lips getting dangerously close to his. 
A grin graced his lips before he finally answered you. “This.”
That grin then kissed you, taking your breath away as he pushed passion into the actions, wrapping arms around you, a hand tugging at your hair at the base of your neck. This was unfathomable. You’d been chasing this man for a couple years, chasing after some credit amount that couldn’t compare to this. You had been chasing down this very moment. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you finally got to touch that beautiful hair of his. Soft, curly, so easy to pull. He growled into the kiss, distracting his tongue long enough for you to press yours into his mouth and take your turn exploring. 
The man was phenomenal. He was a fantastic hunter. He was an exceptional soldier. He was absolutely hot as hell. 
The tangled kiss eventually cooled off and the two of you pulled away but remained in each other's arms. He looked over you with half-lidded eyes. He could comment that yours looked like the galaxy was staring back at him. The galaxy only had eyes for him.
After a few quiet moments, you giggled. “Is that supposed to trick me into remaining a bounty hunter? So I can keep chasing you down to the most secluded planets for the rest of our days?”
Hunter audibly smirked. “I wouldn’t mind keeping you around if you promised to… say, hunt me down every so often?”
You laughed whole-heartedly. It caused him to chuckle with you. “Okay,” you nod, “okay. Yeah, that can be arranged.” You laid a small slap against his chest armor. “That sounds like a fair trade. I can keep hunting, you can keep getting off to it, and I get to be friends with Omega?”
Hunter moved in to kiss you again but instead bit your bottom lip in a warning. “Don’t promise me something you don’t plan on following through with.”
“Oh, honey. I never break promises.” You broke away from him to grab your rifle off the ground and slide it back onto your shoulder. Your other hand grabbed your helmet. “Care to,” you nodded to the cantina with your head, “share a drink with me?”
Hunter took a step so that he was sideways and held his arm out in a “lead the way” motion. You smiled and walked by him, more than happy with the outcome of this retirement. 
You had some kind of pep in your step you hadn’t seen in yourself in ages. On the way down the side of the building, you did have to ask him a clarifying question:
“Hey what did you mean you could smell me all over Omega?”
Hunter laughed nervously. “Well… let me introduce you to my brothers...”
They didn't mean for it to turn out this way. But they tried it once and couldn't stop themselves from wanting more.
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mad-hunts · 2 months
“It’s hard for me to believe anything you say.”
there's something one of his eyes want to give the other upon hearing that — quite possibly a twitch, or some kind of momentary spasm born out of annoyance, barton thought — but he managed to rein himself in at the very last second. and thank god for that, honestly. the only thing that that would achieve would make himself look even more suspicious to the other's eyes; as 'normal people' didn't have such adverse reactions to things like being questioned. but hey, barton was already having kind of a rough day before he was confronted by this rando on the street who seemed to have it in her head that he had taken part in the crime not too far away from them. and well, technically, he did. but what she didn't know couldn't hurt her. and that just meant he needed to buckle down twice as hard whenever it came to convincing her that he was innocent.
barton did like to think that he'd gotten quite good at pretending he was something he wasn't, but it seemed like she wasn't buying it. he had to do more than just act nervous. barton had to tell himself that he was until he believed it, so she'd get off his back as soon as possible. there was no way he was letting her take a peek into the bag that he was carrying with him; because then there'd be no denying that he'd done something wrong. though, there was something on top of all the unsavory things he'd taken from that man reported dead in his home across from them only a mere five minutes ago... the smell of iron, of blood, that was probably radiating off of its contents right now was unmistakable. he really should've gone to kill him when there were less people around. but alas, even at ten o'clock at night, gotham never seemed to sleep.
barton didn't realize that he was staring dead into her eyes this whole time until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. it was probably matilda, wondering where the hell he was, since he said he'd be back home about an hour ago. it was true what they said about the devil lying in the details however. killing a person might be viewed as a simple thing to those who weren't very educated about it, barton thought, but a hell of a lot of work went into it in reality. you couldn't leave a scrap of evidence behind or the police would be onto you like a dog with a bone. barton then deliberately made himself nervous but an amicable kind of nervous by thinking about something completely unrelated to the task at hand. with an awkward laugh, he said, ❝ uhh... yeah. look, i know how it looks when you're the only person heading a different direction from everybody else in a crowd, but i'm not exactly from around here. i've gotten lost at least ten times today and this probably won't be the last. so, i promise that i had nothing to do with that very — egregious crime you were just talking about. ❞
add a little bit of a smile in to signify that you meant well, and you would be golden. or that was barton's way of thinking anyhow. he flashed the slightest smile to her before he started to feel his phone start vibrating intensely in his pocket. never before had he been so thankful to get a phone call. barton held up a finger while he fished the device out of his pocket and talked to the other one last time, ❝ oh, shit. my bad. that's probably my daughter, so i've got to take this. i'll be over here if you need me, ❞ and just like that, barton walked away from wanda, to a nearby tree to take the call.
he kept his voice super low, ❝ matilda, thank freaking god you called me. i need you to do something for me. i'm going to send you my location, and if i don't send you a text in ten minutes, i'm going to need you to head over here. there's this weirdo here asking me all of these questions about that guy named sawyer that i told you about... you know, the one that tried to blackmail me? anyways, if i don't send you a text by then, just assume i'm in trouble. okay? now, what'd you need from me? ❞ barton glared at the tree next to him in place of wanda.
why did he always have to attract these self-righteous savior types, hmm?
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pikatrainer99 · 24 days
I drew my Trollsona again! Hope you guys like the drawing!
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(If you guys can't read my terrible handwriting all over the place in the drawing please let me know and I'll tell you what it says 😅)
He's in his early teens in this drawing, and he's on his way back to his pod with a freshly replenished stock of berries, one basket in each hand as well as one being carried by his prehensile tail. This is basically concept art, hence all the details pointed out by arrows. He chooses to swing through the trees using his hair to travel faster and minimize the chance of running into other Trolls...because he's gray from being nothing but bullied by them, all because he was born with hypersensitive senses, especially his hearing, and can't handle parties and normal Troll stuff because of it, he's also very shy and introverted, and no one knows who or where his parents are (they left the egg containing him in the village, then immediately dipped, and there's been no sign of them at all since), so he's been a village outcast right from the beginning when he hatched, and has never had a single friend. He has been completely withdrawn and isolated, hiding away in his pod for years by the time this drawing takes place, and hasn't spoken a single word the whole time, not even to himself, the only communication method available to him now is his tail (which, since he's the only Troll in the village with a tail, also got him bullied...the others would physically hurt him by pulling his tail), which is the biggest indicator of his emotions. He only leaves his pod whenever he needs to gather more berries for food. He's also a smart cookie, he managed to soundproof the walls of his pod all by himself so he can feel safe there without having anxiety/panic attacks because of the loud noises and music of the village (despite the fact that he chose to hang his pod as close to the forest as possible without leaving village grounds, in order to minimize potential encounters with other Trolls when he goes out berry picking), and he spends his days now with a silent voice and racing mind, he's always thinking and writing about anything and everything that comes to his mind (it's all negative stuff, like him wondering why no one would be friends with him even way back when he was super little before he lost his colors and would try his best to reach out to the others). He's a depressed, traumatized, confused boy, but if you work hard to earn his trust (which will take a LOT of hard work), and he deems you trustworthy, he will be your friend for life (all he's ever wanted in his life is a friend...just one friend...poor little guy).
I think that's enough about my Trollsona's story for now. Just in case you were wondering, I based his story and behavior off of my own childhood (unlike my Trollsona though, I do in fact have parents), where I was very much bullied relentlessly myself for being autistic and different from everyone else around me, I couldn't make friends to save my life and I completely withdrew from society and isolated myself, had convinced myself that all people were bad for a LONG time, and didn't trust anyone because all I had ever experienced from other people was bullying and abuse...I have PTSD from it, and I'm trying to work on healing, and one of the most effective ways for me to process things is through writing and creating things, so I based my Trollsona on my child self as a way to hopefully help my wounded inner child to process and heal from the trauma. So I'll be using my Trollsona to write a series of stories (that I will NOT be posting online btw) that end up with a good outcome for him despite his suffering through his own traumas.
If you'd like to know more about my Trollsona and/or his story, please feel free to ask me about him! This post may be kinda long, but it honestly barely scratches the surface when it comes to my Trollsona and his story! 😅
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