#I know I'm drinking the drink equivalent of cotton candy
bitchfromthecrypt · 1 year
Why does growing up always seem to involve abandoning the things you genuinely enjoy for you people? Why do I have to pretend I'd enjoy the sopranos and black coffee?? Why is it bad that I like cereal milkshakes and cartoons and the color pink? Why is the concept of maturity painted griege in your head?
#seriously tho#why do you get mad when people enjoy things#why are we still letting the opinions of others dictate what is normal to us#I love a lot of adult things don't get me wrong lol#being able to vote is awesome#being able to drive is too#there's a lot of deep and intellectual art movies and books that I adore#and getting to enjoy 18+ content is dope#but like why is adulthood rooted in letting go of everything that makes you happy?#why can't office workers wear bright colors??#it's like people turn 25 and then just decide that they're not allowed to let themselves play#or ever be as happy as they were when they were a kid#I think millennials and Gen z got better at not doing that#but still#nobody who tells you that Frappuccino's aren't real coffee is genuinely happy in their life lol#I know I'm drinking the drink equivalent of cotton candy#because I like cotton candy :)#maybe if you found something you genuinely liked you wouldn't feel so weird about me enjoying things#maturity is about being kind and realizing that you're a huge part of the universe but so is literally everyone else#it's about realizing that other people feel the things you do and recognizing how gorgeous humanity and nature and earth really are#it's about putting in effort to make the world better#it's about realizing when someone's mad at you because they're projecting and when they're mad at you because you fucked up#like every other human being has#it's about so much more than watching all the saw movies without flinching once lol#you can like minimalism and not particularly enjoy YA novels and still be an immature prick#like interests and likes and dislikes do not an adult make#not about anything specific im just ranting lol
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
what would your ocs favourite drinks be? (modern or canon)
OOOOO I'm gonna go w modern AU bc I love me a good Drink :3 I also didn't do Every OC I have bc they are not all developed wnpugh to have favorite drinks. Also because this would get quite long because I love a good Beverage. Also, all of my OCs are Arizona Iced Tea fans they each have a favorite AZ iced tea. I will write them all out eventually (I decided this while proofreading this post bc im suddenly cracking a mucho mango or perhaps a sweet tea soooo bad).
Vulon: Energy drinks and tea. It prefers fruit flavored ones of both types, especially strawberry but fruit punch is a close second. Looooves making red bull drinks w funky syrups. It's favorite of those is marshmallow and peach flavor with a bit of oat milk (I know it sounds weird but it is SO GOOD it was my favorite drink at my old coffee shop and I miss it so much). When it needs an emotional support drink it'll get Thai or lavender milk tea. Alcohol wise it loves fruity as hell cocktails and long Island iced teas. ESPECIALLY if they come in fun colors. It will order blue colored drinks because Yumy. Also likes "Swamp Water" which is a drink of my own creation: a few shots ofcheap-ass bottom shelf vodka mixed with orange and cotton candy faygo (or other soda but like it has to taste like nothing occurring in nature).
Ivrasi: Coffee with cinnamon and sweetened with honey is her go-to caffeine drink, but Ivrasi is a hydro homie at her core!! She will sometimes partake in a nice Flavored Water but only on rare occasions if she's craving something more flavorful. In terms of alcohol she'd love bloody marys !!! Idk if there's a TES equivalent to that but she'd like that Spicy :3
Jo'safiir: Teas! In general, but especially black tea. He'd definitely sweeten his tea with lots and lots of honey! He would also like a nice coffee now and then, in fact he'd probably like cinnamon-honey coffee like Ivrasi (because it's fucking DELICIOUS), but hed put a lot of creamer in it (caramel flavored specifically). I don't know what kind of alcohol Jo'safiir would like; tbh I don't think he Would like alcohol, my man likes things that r sweet and even like the alcohol aftertaste would be too much for him.
Vyrthaal: Vyrthaal would like sour drinks like lemonade!! Idk if any of yall have made honey lemonade but it fucking RULES and it would be Vyrthaal's favorite thing to drink :3 Also he'd want 2 drink snow cone flavoring. They should not be allowed to. Please do not let him drink the syrups. I dont think Vyr would like alcohol but they might have some champagne or something know and then in like, celebratory contexts!
Kili: Oooo Kili would loooooove sugary sodas!! Especially fun ones like the Hot Cheetos mountain dew or the warheads sodas. BAJA BLAST would be his most favorite drink of all time tho. Kili is definitely a Taco Bell guy.
Sina: Sina would love beer. And mead. She also has a really high alcohol tolerance too so sometimes she just Drinks Beer with her breakfast and is fine lol. She genuinely likes the flavor too! But for non-alcoholic drinks I think she would like sparkling water! Both flavored and not :3 but a mixed berry flavor would be her favorite!
Gorbek: Gorbek would like Raspberry flavoring soooo much, so anything Raspberry flavored would be his favorite! He'd ALSO be a cream soda guy 100%, And be the sort 2 mix every flavor of soda at a soda fountain :3 For alcohol he'd like fruity drinks and stuff like Vulon, he doesn't like the taste of alcohol and would want to mask it hehe.
Anon thabk u this was so fun and cute !!
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rolling-sea · 3 years
Golden Goddess Associations: Hylia
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Note: these are my personal correspondences based on my experiences and the games in the series I draw from. Some of these will almost definitely be different for you depending on your practice and the games you draw from!
Also yes I know Hylia isn't one of the golden goddesses but I didn't think the title through and now I'm four parts into this lol
Domains: the sky, wind, domestic pets, celestial bodies, weather, music and speech, literature and writing, concealment, secrets, travel, puzzles, harmony, fate, weapons, crystals, humanity, knowledge and intelligence (yes, this is different than wisdom- to steal a quote, intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad)
She of red feathered wings
Heiress of the golden ones' gifts
Lady of sweet words, of sweet breezes
The one who hides secrets
Patron of writers
Elements: Air, light, wind
Peoples I feel are most connected to her: Hylians, Kikwi, Parella, Mogma, Sheikah
Sages and other important figures: Fi, Zelda, Impa, Link, the dragons of Skyward Sword, the light spirits of Twilight Princess.
Season: Autumn
Time of day: Sunrise and sunset
Colors: white, crimson red, sky blue, orange, sunshine yellow, gold, silver
Tarot suit: Swords
Tarot cards: The Sun, Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords
Animals: cardinals, butterflies (especially blue), domesticated parrots, spoonbills and pelicans, bugs at large
Crystals, stones, etc.: red jasper, red quartz, rose quartz, golden quartz, howlite, moonstone, aventurine, opalite, sodalite, soapstone, bugs and feathers in amber, carved stone birds/butterflies, etc.
Plants (please don’t use these for burnt offerings or consume them without tons of research first! Some of these may be toxic. Also don’t take anything without talking to a medical professional about things like medication interactions if necessary!): sunflower, lily, thistle
Fruits: oranges, pineapple, cherry, citrus, pumpkins, kiwi
Food: pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, cherry bread, cotton candy, sweets at large
Drinks (*denotes alcohol): Apple cider, orange juice, fruit juices at large, red cream soda, fruit flavored vodkas*
Scents and incense: rain, dragon's blood, lemon, cherry, lily, sandalwood
Breath of the Wild in-game offerings: Silent Princess, White or Red Chuchu Jelly, Diamonds, Courser Bee Honey, Hyrule Herb, Hylian Shroom, fairies, or any bug species with an equivalent found in Skyward Sword: butterflies (especially Winterwing), beetles, darners, Sunset Fireflies, and Restless Crickets.
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