#I know it isn't all the cis hets but wtf
dodecademons · 2 years
Not to generalize or whatever, but I'm sorry but like wtf is going on with some of the cis hets? I literally got to know this couple and the guy just... insults her? All the time? "Lovingly" he says, she just kinda lets it happen. So far i have heard him insult her looks, hygiene, weight, voice, personality, intelligence, and just overall is mean to her. They've been dating for 3 years. Girl that sounds like a toxic af relationship to me. I have NEVER (and will never) insult my partner while we were dating, and even after we broke up (except one because they were literally manipulative and gaslighty). I like to be loving not insult their literal existence like that guy does. I will tease them sure but what that is isn't teasing babe, that is reason to break up. Biggest red flag
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transbearsofcolor · 7 years
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Discussion I just had with my bro'do ..
Being black and Queer often looks like an interracial relationship.. 
Some of y'all know WTF Im talkin bout.. 
Getting swerved by black bae [ this isn't to say black bae doesn't have right to swerve you FOR WHATEVER THEIR REASON.. this isn't a friend zone rant ] and then having to date white folx, because all the other black folx you're compatible with are all booed up in a monogamous relationships, not in your state or they're dating yt .. 
Also reminds me of the conversation about how bisexual people get swerved because they're deemed as COCK HUNGRY .. and no "real" lesbian wants to touch the cock hungry bisexual girl, cause she'll always be fiending for it.. and lets not forget that BI MEN ARE JUST CLOSETED GAYS.. 😒😒😒 .. so then in return they have to settle for dating men in fear of being alone and lonely. 
I digress.. 
I wont do it. I wont date anyone who isn't 
1. Black 
2. WOKE and conscious .. and Im not talking about that watered down woke where you're bordering hotep [ your consciousness needs to expand past the things that only effect you ] or you're just too Invested in feeling guilty about not hurting white or non black people feelings. NOPE SORRY WHITE FRIENDS AND NON BLACK POC FRIENDS AND CIS HET MALE FRIENDS ( and honestly anyone who promotes toxicity MEN BLACK MEN WHITE MEN MEN MEN ) ME AND MY NEXT BAE WILL BE "HURTING" YOUR FEELINGS TOGETHER. 
[ You do understand that the hurting of your feelings is just you being fragile and or toxic and you being called out on it right? JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR ]. 
I'm queer if you're forcing me to identify my sexuality and my queerness looks like, fucking whoever I want but only being romantically attracted to womxn, Cis or Trans and honestly at this point mostly only Trans women. 
And I really don't have to explain to you why.. but I want to. 
Dating a white person or a non black PoC would be torture because I wouldn't be able to speak freely or feel like Im being heard whole heartedly, I find no comfort in that.
 Doesn't matter how woke you think you are "Gabe Mitchell"(s) of the world you ain't ready to date me because I truly don't give a fuck about your inner screaming of "not all white people" I don't need that type of baggage in a relationship, you ain't woke enough if you gotta be screaming in your head about how fragile you are hearing my black ass talk about the everyday REAL sh!t black people have to go through at the expense of not being white male and cis enough. 
And don't get me started on the Dev's of the world.. JUST DON'T. My struggle is not in a competition with your struggle and if you can't understand that then wtf are we doing here?? 
No. I need me someone who is going to understand me and receive me whole heartedly a woke/conscious unapologetic STRONG BLACK women .
And until I find that person I refuse to settle for less.. so until then I guess I’ll remain cursed or some sh!t..
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