#where are the gays someone go tell her this aint it
abandonedaccount1234 · 5 months
MY THOUGHTS ON 7x07 bc wtf
-the way i didn’t even consider devin would be a doppelganger, we all thought she’d an evil twin or something 😭
-not hen reading me to filth about being sad and lonely at night
-oooh bobby, amir is from your past isn’t he?
-eddie in his stalker era
-not him following her like he’s in an enchanted forest
-bro has always been a bad boyfriend
-Don’t date the doppelganger, don’t sleep with the doppelganger, please dear god no
-i swear he needs to try and ask her out and get rejected because nothing will mess you up like getting rejected by the mirror image of your dead wife, please let the ghost of shannon be gay
-i get shannon was your first love and your first wife, but this is wrong on so MANY levels
-(nevermind, just a daydream about his dead wife, b/c that's normal...🙃)
-Daydreaming about sleeping with your dead wife while with your girlfriend...I know grief is weird and complicated but what the actual fuck man.
-hurt people hurt people for real.
-not eddie having a fantasy about bringing his wife back from the dead. psych ward. immediately.
-all i want for eddie is for him to know he doesn’t have to keep looking for his dead wife in every woman he meets who reminds him of her. you don’t have to have a romantic connection with someone just because they’re the ideal catholic woman your parents ingrained in you in being the ideal woman.
-shannon and eddie would have been the toxic on/off again couple from high school if they didn't get married and have chris. that's what their relationship was. a first love. maybe even a true love in the lens of young love. but it was never gonna work.
-off topic, ryan looks real good in this episode
-get him BUCK
-He said you ain’t going anywhere
-Buck is Athena’s son fr
-eddie aint the only one seeing ghosts
-”but i’d like to” oh hell naw, run bobby run, preferably towards an AA meeting
-henren for the win, they’re amazing parents
-denny’s such a good brother
-”good cologne😏 ”? sure jan.
-love coparenting buddie 🥰
-”i was talking about you” they’re so married
-bro BRO NO 💀🙃
-I screamed “NO” at the tv when the doppelganger was there
-Please tell me bro has a tumor or something? Like what if this woman actually doesn’t look anything like Shannon and his brain has just convinced him he has
-Maddie and Chimney going strong as always. Chimney's a damn good husband.
-The call with Maddie had so many twists and turns, I honestly wasn't expecting that to be the ending.
-Jennifer Love Hewitt is an incredible actress
-i love how they show healing isn't linear
-also have buck and eddie switched places in regards to relationship drama...?
-for the color theory folks' eddie is clearly still in mourning, he was in black almost the whole episode. he's in a neutral outfit with chris. in white. and then marisol is in black and white, right? And then he's in black for the rest of the episode. i can't. the symbolism. i can't.
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billerak · 2 years
Minami gay discussion (Part 2)
something something part 1
So Minori is scaring Ami with some shitty ghost stories, but then
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Sis is flabbergasted. Because she does not yet understand what the fuck Minori is talking about. This doesn't stop Minori, who knows Ami will understand her and pick it up.
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Minori is telling essentially "people are attracted to people who understand them". She says this, btw, while using her analogy about ghosts and love. The one thing she had only ever told Ryuji before. While TRYING TO MAKE AMI UNDERSTAND HER.
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And so, Minori ditches Ryuji to go tell this to Ami. Ami, who has no idea of the chat they had at the beach. She's trying so hard, in her own way, to make Ami understand. Understand that she's moved on.
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But Ami's caught on. And she aint picking up what Minori's lying down.
As established: Ami has no patience for bullshit. Minori being this roundabout is just more of that. It pisses Ami off, and she tells it outright.
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She also probably does this because, as she's caught on, she doesn't really wanna hear what comes next.
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But Minori insists. She's like... really desperate for this. She wants Ami to understand so hard. AFTER JUST STATING THAT GHOSTS (her love metaphor, I repeat) SHOW THEMSELVES TO PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND THEM
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Anyways, here's where Ami shows her cards.
She's projecting. She's guilty and she thinks Minori is gonna blame her for everything that happened. So she tries to take one step forward, trying to pretend she doesn't care.
But we all know Minori. Minori would never do that. And she has no reason to blame Ami, either. Ami's comments wouldn't have changed the outcome, because Taiga still likes Ryuji and vice-versa.
But... Ami doesn't know that Minori witnessed Taiga's breakdown, and that that was the moment she gave up for real, despite everything.
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But Minori's just confused. And surprised. This is the first time she's heard of Ami's guilt and I fully believe she was taken off guard by the sudden counter-argument to something she hadn't even thought.
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But Ami's got no time for bullshit, so she starts to leave.
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I'd make a joke about 'head straight' but this is just japanese translated so too bad.
Anyways, Minori knows she has no time to explain now so she tries to get to the point. She's thinking 'clearly' now. She's not full of doubts anymore (lies) and she wants Ami to know this so hard.
But Ami misunderstands all of this as her still blaming her. And also... she doesn't wanna hear it. She doesn't wanna hear that Minori is giving up romance, love, happiness.
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She'll make her own decisions moving forward. As stated in a future episode, her new philosophy is that only she can gran herself happiness. So she'll 'settle everything', that being, making sure Taiga and Ryuji stay together.
But whether she gets it across correctly or not...
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Ami still doesn't wanna hear it.
She's upset, and guilty, and feeling like shit. And now she's half certain Minori is giving up all romance due to her actions and all she can do is walk away and try to ignore it (learning from the best, of course).
The text of the scene is crazy good, but the subtext? This is almost an anti-confession. Ditching the guy you like to go close off your emotional arc with someone arguably unrelated to it, and wanting them to truly understand you? And you want them to know, so hard, that you're ignoring romance because it's a hassle?
Why Ami? If she was angry with Ami, she wouldn't have started this conversation. Please, bear in mind: They're not even friends. Up until this point they have only ever interacted because they're both in the Ryuji/Taiga circle of people.
Why do they care so much about each other? Ami goes constantly out of her way to try to get her to be more honest, even at her arguable detriment. Minori being here, trying to get Ami and herself on the same page. What did she hope to achieve?
Think of it from her perspective. She tells Ami this story about ghosts and she'll finally understand how she feels and... then what? What happens if she's like "oh, I get it" and accepts your feelings?
An apology? That's not what Minori is after. The only thing that can spar from this is... well, a relationship. Platonic, of course. Mutual understanding, getting rid of their grievances.
But Ami's idiosyncrasies stop this from happening. Because despite everything, they're not on the same page. Minori's roundabout way of expressing herself gets on Ami's nerves and Ami can't help being pissed.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
law and order thoughts/spoilers
as usual, they're out of order thanks to citytv airing them weird, but OC/og/svu, here we go!
HATE that city tv airs these out of order. I would love to see SVU at the same time as everyone else for fucking once.
We stan a bad bitch wife. Even if she is the real villain. And this seems to be the theme of OC. But also why is this bitch’s hair always GEL SLICKED down like this?? -- WAS THAT A GAY THOUGHT?! OMG—
Okay. I GET Denise’s pov when it comes to this shit, ESP with Ayanna missing handoff time for what I’m guessing is not the first time post split. But like, why must we bury our gays yet again. Why can’t we just have a fucking happy lgbt relationship SOMEWHERE on one of these shows???
“two people aren’t that close for that long and never sleep together.” Stabler: “you sure about that?”
LOOOOOOLLLLLLL as much as I don’t want EO together at this point, I do love all the little easter eggs that they toss into the shows this season
Ayanna really not fucking around with these rats and girl… I fucking feel you
Course she lied to the police, saw that one coming. Like, this bitch is not dumb, she clearly would’ve dumped the phone and is going to help this guy, like, come on guys…
This bitch is gonna be dead before you get to the Canadian border…
I’m way more invested in this than I thought I would be. As usual, I think it’s because of Ayanna
Bruh, she’s better at de-escalation than olivia is, I said it.
This man is a CHILD. Like…a CHILD. I’m over him being the main villain of this season I’m over him, please let this only last half a season PLEASE.
I was JUST about to say “man, I think I liked this ep so much because there was so little Stabler” and then he goes and rage punches a mirror in a public bar bathroom. Bruh. You better be paying for that….
Mothership time!
Okay… wait… the girl Nolan was with… I could SWEAR that’s kat’s cousin/sister/whatever….but shit aint up on imbd yet so someone remind me to look this up later.
Also…did we *really* need t have two vicious subway attacks two weeks in a row guys??
Also also….sir… you are not a cop..you do not have a weapon…why are you running *toward* the shooting.
Great acting though dude, props to the shaky hands looking legit.
Cosgrove: where the hell did he go? Bruh… you’re asking that like you were in hot pursuit… he’s LONG GONE
 All they need to do to prove this wasn’t the shooter is run a quick gsr test… like…stop pushing that angle and work the other ones.
ROSSI??!! Jfc… lololol
Okay I’m 99% sure lacey’s mom was a vic on svu….like I get it, there are only so many actors, esp for extras and in nyc but like…cmon.. lololol (sidebar: I need imdb to update pls) (update: its not lol)
I bet that they didn’t tell the mom that kate knows sign and all of this could be thrown out by a lawyer later on, though they could claim its just lip reading but like, she did invoke and a good attorney would throw hands over this. (even if they’re not associated…I cant remember the proper word rn lol)
Listen… I just don’t like jack mccoy. I don’t know why. And it’s more him in the new season, didn’t mind him in the earlier svu eps (minus him threatening casey’s licence multiple times but at least Donnelly had her back)
God Sam’s so fucking hot. I may need to rewatch the last season so I can accurately start writing for her… and that RED. PLEASE!?!
Okay Nolan and this other attorney defs fucked/dated in the past. There’s no questioning it
TAKING THE JURY ON THE TRAIN!?? Well…never seen this shit before…(I wasn’t paying attention prior to the train so like, if that was some weird imagine thing, pardon me lol) but like DAMN.
I need to have a couple of eps without Nolan. I want to see Sam take first chair or a solo case.
Yeah they definitely dated…
Okay that episode was heavy.. if you’re going to watch, be known that it could defs be triggering, both the opening segment, the main living victim’s testimony and the jury on the crime scene train was all a LOT
SVU fucking finally. Bring me my babies please!!
Therapy! Thank fucking god! I mean, she’d obvi have to be post shooting, but like, still. Thank fuck
Okay this amanda does seem like more early season amanda, like, the defensiveness, the closed off, please don’t be that closed off with your friends or carisi pls.
But also like, fuck. How hard it must be to deal with what happened when you’re at home with the girls when you can’t pick either of them up because there’s a hole in your stomach….
Okay I cant decide if amanda would be all over this case because of her obsession with social media/reality tv and the like, or if she would just roll her eyes at the way the girl was acting because she’s done that shit in the past like with… skye…I cant remember her real name but when the vics don’t see themselves as vics or want help amanda usually shoves them away
“she’s a millennial, they’re entitled” OUCH OLIVIA, OUCH.
YES!! MUNCY! YES!! I LOOVE when they bring in actors reality’s into their characters (and molly’s a huge sports fan)
Yeah right, “my daughter’s a huge fan” amanda?! Please. It’s you.
Girl…if you wanted to not be followed and not stand out why tf are you wearing a BRIGHT pink hoodie??
Liv looking *fire* thank god this season did her so much better
Would have been made 10000 times better IF she was wearing the Fordham hoodie
Oh jesus fucking christ. I stand by what I said earlier; amanda could never have been coping through this without having someone else helping her with the kids cause she is not okay…
That ring is not gorgeous. It looks like a cheap ass plastic kids toy ring
This case is giving me major Spousal Privilege vibes.
Okay that *is* Tensley Addams mom…
HAAAAA!! I KNEW THE WARDROBE ADVICE WAS COMING lololol. Like, nick got told to shave INSTANTLY, this girls been walking around in jeans and baggy hoodies for way too long now.
Okay, I know this is “based” off the depp/heard case, and honestly, I’m (so far) super happy with the way they’ve done it. It could’ve been a LOT more obvious and this is like, the right way of taking “ripped from the headlines” and making it into a plot bunny for an actual episode.
Im sorry… THAT’S austin’s lawyer?!?! The so called “most expensive, best lawyer in the city?” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? No.. absolutely not. (and this isn’t even me being salty about rita not being around…this is just be thinking there’s no way she’s the best he could get…) (and no offence to her, it’s the costuming choice in her first scene…bruh…no..) (arraignment outfit much better)
YES!! YES!! THEY LIVE TOGETHER!!! (also there was so definitely more to that office scene and they cut it… FUCK)
Theres something going on with the red pants in the gallery, theres too many of them to it not be a thing…
 Okay, I was right for the red pants
She can’t close the courtroom??? Seriously?? I thought that was a thing? And was honestly already wondering why the gallery wasn’t cleared.
Eeeeecckkk I know carisi is doing exactly what he needs to for court, but like…that argument would be something that would directly affect and hurt amanda, esp the state she’s in rn. Thankfully, I don’t see her in the courtroom so at least she wasn’t witness to that…
So…the girl asks for a back exit from the precinct cause she think papp’s followed her, but she walks out the front stairs of the courthouse post verdict???
How tall is this kid!?? Like he’s bigger than carisi?!
Okay, we were fed WELL tonight besties. I am so thankful to finally see amanda realizing what her issues are and dealing with them while having the full support of her (presumably) closest friend liv and her love, like, this is healing, this is growth and progress. Do I hate that she’s going to leave in a few eps? Absolutely. But this is so much better than the past.
This week had yet another great episode.
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garlic-the-gnome · 1 year
Somebody Told Me- Chapter 1
Pre Apocalypse
Daryl Dixon was transgender. He’d known something was off since puberty hit him like a dump truck full of bricks but it wasn’t until he visited a gay bar that he was finally able to understand himself.
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Daryl knew he was into both chicks and dudes (not that he’d ever tell Merle that) so one night when his dad was out god knows where and Merle was too high to notice, he snuck out and drove over to the next town to a gay bar he’d eyed off. 
The bar had a couple cars and trucks pulled up outside as well as a few motorbikes. Merle would shit himself if he could ever afford one of those bikes, Daryl thought as he parked his ute. Hopping out into the crisp air he tried not to pay any attention to the couple that was canoodling in the car next to him. 
When he made it inside he was pleased to see that it wasn’t that crowded. Daryl had always hated large groups of people, and drunk groups of people were by far the worst. He wasn’t that big of fan of people in general, they never seemed to say what they meant and always thought he was mad at them even when he wasn’t. 
There was a reason for this he’d found out. When Daryl was in middle school thankfully one of the teachers noticed his social isolation from his peers and didn’t blame it on him being a Dixon. She referred him to a psychiatrist through the school to have him checked on and he was diagnosed with Autism Disorder.
“So, you’re fucking retarded, don’t need no fucking doctor to tell ya that sis,” were the first words the greeted Daryl when he came home that day. Other than that it was rarely even brought up again in the Dixon house aside from Merle’s crude remarks.
Daryl sat down alone in a chair, taking in his surroundings. There were a couple small groups of people peppered around the bar, but nothing he’d have to worry about.
Then out of nowhere loud music blared through the room. It made his head ache, he held his hands up to ears in an attempt to block out the sudden sound. He turned and saw some curtains open, revealing a very handsome looking man dancing on the small stage that jutted out into the bar. People quickly hopped up from the seats to go and stand near the stage, some holding up money towards him which he graciously took and threw behind him. The man was dressed surprisingly well, his hair gelled back and dressed from head to toe of formal wear of all things.
Cautious of all this commotion Daryl stayed seated, away from the speakers and the small crowd that was gathering.
Must be some sort of stripper thing he thought, still staring towards the performer. But once his eyes adjusted to the lights that were moving on the stage he was enamoured
The way those hips moved to the music in those too tight pants and how he’d stroke the arms of the patrons who tipped him was tantalising. When the man had stopped dancing Daryl was shocked that he hadn’t removed any other clothing besides his dinner jacket which had been tossed into the audience. 
After the show was over Daryl moseyed up to the bar and sat down, eyeing off a couple of girls who were sitting in a booth nearby. Before he’d even been able to order a drink he noticed the group of girls staring at him, they giggled a little and waved for him to come over.
As he sauntered awkwardly across the room he saw someone emerge from backstage. It was a rather pretty looking lady holding a duffel bag. Her hair was gelled back and she seemed to be strangely underdressed, even for a bar on a Thursday night. As she got closer it dawned on him, this was the man he’d seen on stage. He raised hand at the cluster of girls, signalling that he’d just be a minute.
“So, that was you on stage, weren’t it?” Daryl asked.
“Yeah it was darl, aint you ever seen a drag king before?” She quirked her eyebrow up at him.
“No, um I avent ,” he mumbled, reaching to his neck awkwardly, scratching his scrappy blonde hair. 
“Ya fancy given it a try?”
“Uh, no, not really anyway. So are ya like a chick or a dude? I’m kinda confused, if that aint rude of me to ask,” 
“Didn’t I already tell ya? I’m a drag king. I’m a woman but I perform on stage as a man, it’s that simple, well for me it is. So what’s your deal if I don’t mind asking?”
“Honestly after tonight I aint really sure. Like I thought since ya know I’ma chick I had to stay a chick but seeing ya up on that stage I really aint sure anymore,” he gestured to his crotch.
“I wasn’t asking bout your sex I was asking ya why ya here?”
“Oh…” Daryl looked down at his boots, embarrassed about what he’d told this lady who was practically a stranger, a blush rapidly spreading across his face.
Noticing his embarrassment she reached out and held onto his arm, an attempt to offer this stranger who was clearly having some sort of identity crisis some comfort. He flinched at the contact, it felt like a ghost touching him.
“You know what why don’t you head on over to that brochure stand over there and pick up the one titled “Information For The Female To Male Cross Dresser And Transsexual'' okay, that should be able to help ya with some of those questions and if you’ve still got more talk to the owner Steve and he’ll be able to help ya. Okay well I’ll see ya round,” She turned and walked away, briefly waving to the bartender before she walked out the door.
Left with more questions than answers Daryl looked over to where the drag king had gestured. In the corner there was a small stand of brochures. Most were about being homosexual (and Daryl already knew about that) and leaflets about the local gay people’s union. Then it caught his eye. Printed in black and white with a picture of a rather dapper looking older man on the front. Picking it up hastily and stuffing it inside his jacket Daryl turned around and promptly exited the bar.
The drive home felt like an eternity. What the fuck am I? Daryl thought, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. He knew he was bisexual, hell that was easy for him to figure out but this, this was totally out of left field. With all his time either taken up by work, drinking, or avoiding his old man he didn’t really have time to think about things like this. 
As he pulled into the driveway he was relieved to see that Merle’s bike was gone and his father’s truck nowhere to be seen. He chucked his keys in his pocket and headed round the back of the house. The back door was unlocked, like usual, neither Merle nor his dad ever bothered to lock the house as they knew no one dared enter the house unless they wanted a broken nose and a trip to the hospital.
Stepping over drained cans of beers and rogue socks Daryl made his way to his room and locked his door (that he’d put on himself since Merle barged in when he was fucking some guy and no way in hell was he having that happen again). Kicking off his shoes and chucking his jacket over the back of a nearby chair he flopped back onto his unmade bed, the booklet clutched in his trembling hand.
Sitting upright he stared down at it. It almost seemed like it was taunting him. 
“What the fuck am I even doing!” he yelled, tossing it across the room. It landed on the ground with a soft thud. He layed back onto his bed, this was all happening too fast. He’d spent the last decade or so feeling messed up and the fact that he could finally understand himself even just a little bit better scared him. He could feel his eyes welling up. Before even a single tear could roll down his face he heard Merle’s bike pull up outside. Daryl peered out the window and saw that Merle was stumbling towards the front door, arm hooked around a girl who was also struggling to keep her balance.
“Oi dickhead backdoor’s unlocked,” Daryl yelled out the window.
“Hey little sister what’s got yer panties in a twist? Merle slurred out, clearly pissed off his face.
Shutting his window, he turned and grabbed the booklet off the floor and threw it onto his bed, checking his door was locked one more time, before sitting back down on his bed. He could hear the blood pumping in his ears, why the fuck was he so nervous? It’s just a silly little book. It’s probably just full of utter shit anyway. 
Taking a deep breath he opened up to the first page. Inside was a description of the man on the cover.
Holy shit, Daryl thought. That man on the cover was born female?! He flipped back to look at the cover again. He just looked like some dude. He went to the next page and saw the contents list, there was a lot. As he began to leaf through the book he felt his eyes begin to well up once more. 
All this time there was a word for what he’d been feeling, why he’d always felt awkward trying to be more feminine, why he felt absent while having sex, there was a fucking word for it all this time and it was literally a drive away.
A single tear rolled down his cheek and dropped onto the book below, slightly blurring the text it had landed on, the ink turning a blotchy shade of purple.
Now what the fuck do I do? He thought. It was all fine to have a word for what he was but he sure as hell didn’t know what he was going to do about it. It didn’t help that he already had short hair he still looked like a fucking girl. Then he remembered. He opened up to the contents page and saw the heading “How to Pass.” Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from his bedside table he began to take notes down.
The next Daryl set out, he was a man on a mission to become a man. Armed with his list stuffed in his pocket, he drove his ute to the nearest suit shop. The traffic was decent, it was Friday morning so people were heading to work, desperate for the week to be over. The closer he got to the shop he could feel his shop begin to twist in those oh so familiar knots. Upon arrival he felt the pit in his stomach grow to an almost nauseating level. Walking into the store all his worst fears became true.
“You lost sweetie?” A nearby man said condescendingly, leering over Daryl. He could see the other men in the shop start to whisper and look towards him. A sense of dread washing over him like an all-consuming tidal wave. Now Daryl was no way near a coward but he pivoted sharply on his feet and stormed out of the shop. As he drove back home he pulled the list out and screwed it up.
“Stupid, stupid, STUPID!” he yelled, smashing his fist into his head, list tightly balled up in his fist. His head hurt so much now he had to pull over.
Feet dangling out the open door, Daryl stared out into the distance. This whole thing was just so stupid he thought, how could he ever be a man, he had a fucking pussy for god sake. Realising that he still had the list in his hand he threw it out as far as he could. A gust of wind picked it up, taking it far off into the sky. 
When he finally made it home he didn’t even greet Merle who was laying on the couch, beer bottle in hand. As he passed the couch it was obvious that Merle was passed out. Daryl got himself a glass of water before walking back to his room.
Sitting on the floor sipping on the glass Daryl eyed off the booklet that he’d hidden under his mattress. He couldn’t see it but he knew it was there. Setting the glass down beside him he reached underneath the mattress, riffling around a bit before he found it. It was slightly battered from being thrown across the room yesterday. 
He opened it up to a page titled “Body Language” Now body language was never his specialty, fuck no, but this actually seemed doable. He could act tough, hell he already was. The only problem was eye contact, he’d never liked it. It wasn’t painful or anything just felt so fucking foreign. That wouldn’t be a problem once he had everything else under control, he thought, if he was that tough blokes shouldn’t even dare look him in the eye.
Looking back at the clothes entry he had an epiphany. Checking out on the couch to see that Merle was still passed out, he crept into Merle’s room. Cracking open the door smelt like opening up a fucking crypt. The room was dark and mank, the air thick with an unidentifiable stench. 
Merle’s room was littered with clothes, he didn’t bother to put them away. Edging his way past the piles he made it to Merle’s cupboard. Opening up the cupboard was a feat in itself. Daryl had to kick a knotted pile of clothes and rubbish out of the way before he could even open it an inch. 
After he’d finally opened the damn door his eyes laid on the goldmine before him. Inside the cupboard were a bunch of dress shirts that Merle had bought when trying to impress some girl a couple years back. Merle never wore these and he sure as hell wasn’t going to miss them Daryl thought as he piled them into his arms. 
Daryl briskly walked out of the room, dumping the shirts on his bed before returning to Merle’s room. He grabbed a couple shirts off the ground and put them on the hangers from the shirts he took, just in case.
Locking his door and closing his blinds Daryl took off his top. His chest had always been a source of embarrassment for him. Ever since puberty he’d been uncomfortable with what had happened. The girls at school were all ecstatic when they began to grow breasts but Daryl felt like his body was betraying him. Eventually he confined his thoughts to some of the girls and they all looked at him like a freak, after that they rarely ever spoke to him.
He was wearing a sports bra, they bothered him the least and had none of that fancy shit on it. Chucking his shirt on the ground he reached for the first of Merle’s shirts. Slipping his arms through the shirt he could feel his confidence grow. His heart sank when he finally buttoned it up. The sleeves were too long and the material was stretched tightly across his chest. He didn’t look like a man, he looked like a little girl dressing up in her dad’s clothes.
Crumbling down on the ground in a heap of tears, he tried to muffle his growing sobs with the sleeve of the shirt. Piercing through his cries he heard a rip. Standing up and brushing himself off he turned to face the mirror he’d propped up. The back of the shirt's sleeve had ripped away from the bodice.
Tugging at the material further, the rest of the sleeve eventually tore away. Looking back at the small mirror he was pleased with the results. The tear made his shoulder look broader (and didn’t that book say that was important?) and it somehow accentuated his deltoid. 
Slipping a jumper over the top he walked back out to the kitchen and saw that Merle was still passed out, the bottle's contents now leaking out onto the ground. Rummaging through the kitchen's drawers he found what he was looking for, the only decent pair of scissors in the house. Slipping them into his pocket he also grabbed a smallish knife and headed back to his room.
Taking off his jumper and shirt he got to work. Laying the one-sleeved shirt on the ground he began to snip at the remaining sleeve with the scissors, trying his best to keep it even. He continued to work his way through the shirts till he had a pile of sleeveless shirts one side of him and a tangle of sleeves the other. He didn’t end up needing the knife so he tucked it away in a draw, you could never be too safe. 
Putting on one of his new shirts he stood back to admire his work. His arms looked great and provided distraction from his chest.
“Fuck yeah,” he muttered, pumping his fist in celebration. He tried posing and then those thoughts began to creep into his mind.
you look like a little girl
with your blonde hair
and your hips
you’ll never look like a man
everyone will always know
He reached up and scratched his head. His hair was considered short for a girl but it still looked way to feminine for his liking. With his dad out and Merle out of it he better work fast.
Heading to the bathroom he found Merle’s clippers of dubious origin. After a bit of searching he also found several of the attachments. Scraping off some of Merle’s old hair he gave the clippers a test. The buzzing was quite loud and he hoped it wouldn’t wake his brother. 
Selecting the longest of the attachments he began to shave his head, blonde locks falling around him. The buzzing of the clippers was giving him a headache, the vibrations running through his skull. It was overwhelming but he knew he had to do this, there was no way in hell he was going to a barber. Once he was pleased with how it looked he switched to a shorter attachment, tidying up the sides so it was a little bit longer on the top. 
Fuck he thought, he looked like Merle. Sure he looked more manly but at what cost, he’d definitely let it be a bit longer next time.
“What the fuck do ya think yer doing!”
Daryl spun around and saw his father standing in the doorway, his boxy shoulders blocking his escape. Clippers still in hand Daryl was frozen. It was obvious what he’d done, the hair on the floor was undeniable evidence. 
“Just given myself a haircut, t’s all,” he tried to play it cool.
“Oh just a little haircut, that’s all? So you wanna look like a fucking dyke? Is that it?”
“Dad please, it’ll grow back, it’s just hair,” he whispered, placing the clippers beside the sink.
“An how do I know ya won’t just cut it back again huh? Grabbing the clippers and shoving it in his pocket, far away from Daryl’s reach.
Merle was awoken by a loud slapping sound, he looked out the front and saw that his da was home. He could hear his sister’s cries as she begged for their father to stop. Taking his opportunity Merle grabbed his keys and quickly left the house, if his da was in a beating mood again he sure as hell wasn’t gonna stick around to bear the brunt of that.
Curled in a small ball on his bed Daryl sobbed, his new haircut a solemn reminder of the world he lived in. His fingers were bleeding from where he’d bitten his nails and he didn’t even dare look at his face in the mirror, he knew that it’d be awhile before he could show himself in public again.
Reaching underneath his pillow he found his faithful companion. It didn’t have a name, Daryl thought giving things names was stupid, something little kids do. It was a small ratty piece of fabric he’d salvaged from his favourite jacket from when he was younger. 
Normally rubbing it against his face provided him with a sense of comfort but for some reason it just wasn’t working. Damn even this stupid piece of fabric hated him, he threw it across his room. For a stupid piece of fabric he sure felt guilty as hell for throwing it. It wasn’t long before he went and picked it up before the guilt consumed him.
Tucking it back underneath his pillow Daryl snuggled under the covers of his bed. He shut his eyes tightly trying to hold back his tears, hoping that he’d fall asleep soon. Eventually he managed to fall into a dreamless sleep, unaware of what the future held.
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jackiedaytona · 1 year
Sam and Erica clocked him, Lucas and Will didn’t even ask, his mom and Robin definitely got some kind of inkling, especially his mom with that “he’s in love” comment she made a while back. Nancy and Johnathan but thats bc he thought he was gonna die. Marcia has to know cus aint no way someone would fumble a bag like that unless they weren’t even playing to begin with. Also the jazzercise guy and Joyce. Joyce knows when something is off in a parallel universe Henry being gay gotta be part of her spider sense.
The only person who i think doesn’t have a clue in the world is Steve and godbless his heart. He’s trying his best, but his best is like trying to put a hdmi cord in blindfolded, he’s gonna get there tho i believe in him
for a man who considers himself trying to stay in the closet, he really just keeps telling people huh. and you're dead right about marcia she looked at him like "hm" and then when he didn't flirt back she was like "knew it." robin feels a sense of we go together that she might not have the full understanding of, but the moment it's confirmed she's like, OF COURSE (henry has the same reaction). and as for joyce upon her being told that henry and steve are dating she's like "yeah that makes sense" (there might've been a moment in time where she suspected her son and henry sooo)
and steve isn't alone, hopper is also very oblivious. steve's much closer to getting there though
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be-side-my-self · 4 days
Rewatch of ONLY Murders In The Building to prepare for season 4 (VI)
<Part I> // <Part II> // <Part III> // <Part IIII> // <Part V>
Block #OMITBRewatch if you don’t want to read notes that will have spoilers up to seasons 3. Just to make it clear, while quoting, I use M, O, C for the main characters.
Also I’m putting this under a read more because it gets long.
okay, before I start let me just recommend a really good movie, that you'll enjoy if you like "Only Murders In the Building".
"See how they run"
S3 E1
Next season, we get flashbacks.
C: "Once smitten though, then comes the work of classes and training, of speech and technique... honing your craft,"
Aint that true? And I did not even follow any hobby/passion to become my job.
That apartment is so beautiful.
Meryl Streep! Loretta. Got it.
I guess Oliver does understand the monologue on a deep level.
And I love the parallel of him going to the right side of the stage to watch her more closely, just like Loretta did with that acretss in the theater all those years ago.
O: "Where have you been?"
Love that Howard is Olivers assistant.
*Four months ago.*
M: "Well, you know we're all just so busy-busy, and, who are we without a homicide?"
Lmao... there can only be one peacock and that is Oliver.
... no even though he is gay you can't kiss him like that.
Aristotle Brazzos?
Of course the producer of the Brazzos reboot is on harassment charges.
I feel like stopping people who start to quote Ghandi is a meme in itself.
Ben: "But, in the films, I'm just the friendly zoologist who morphs into a 20-foot cobra and helps the cops save the day."
That sounds so trashy... I'd watch it. At least the first movie.
It's weird... she was casted because of her voice and then she tries something else.
It is a bit awkward but it's a first reading.
Shut up, Ben!
Lmao, Oliver is awful and great at giving pep-talks.
O: "You go. I go."
... they mentioned twitter... gosh. I miss twitter.
Uma is great.
Aww, Mabel missed her old guys.
Someone is smitten...
Someone else is smitten too...
"Congratulations! Death Rattle Cast & Crew We killed 'em!"
Amazing, how everyone is now even more awkward after Ben returned.
He is still an asshole.
The renovated apartment looks amazing.
Aw... Mabel needs to leave. :(
Uma: "You gotta be fucking kidding me."
S3 E2
(sorry in before I had a beer and am super tired)
narrating from the point of view of the victim
"Girl Cop" a weird concept that probably would have been a real hit back in the late 90's ealery 00's
C: "Then you're sleuthing?" M: "Obviously."
Charles knows a lot of random things.
Harry Styles is talking at Ben's funeral.
The security guy - Greg - is just a weird stalker fan.
I like Maxine.
Maxine: "I never hold back. And neither should you."
Uh Oh Oliver.
C: "At least we found the killer. And in record time. Usually, it takes us at least eight episodes."
Detective Biswas.
Oh Oliver, having to reduce stress and cut out the dips... impossible!
M: "PTSD check. How are we holding up?" C: "Okay. I've already repressed it."
Olivers hallucinations are always so fascinating.
"Death Rattle Dazzle!"
Oliver instantly feeling stressed when the other two tell him that they will do another podcast.
S3 E3
(two days later, not drunk or tired)
Oliver is such a good composer
And Mabel got Oliver down to a T.
Donna and Cliff's relationship is so awful...
Mabel is banned from Olivers apartment
Tobert: "Sounds perfectly reasonable. And delivered so naturally."
Not sure if there was something between Mabel and Tobert? I remember thinking so...
Also I think I remember one of the big plot points about Dickie and Loretta.
C: "Oliver, how would you feel if I threw you under a bus?" O: "Knock yourself out. I was about to throw myself in front of one."
Mabel and Tobert are locked in a thight, dark space.
And I guess you can get any girl with the story of rescuing a baby elephant.
Lmao, Charles is so bad at trying to fit in.
Loretta is hitting so hard on Oliver.
"The Nanny's Lullaby" is such a good song.
Yes, Cliff get that Musical!
Okay, the Loretta and Oliver romance is really cute...
And it makes sense, that they think Kimber did it.
I really would love to know who all the characters are in Death Rattle and who wrote it.
S3 E4
Gosh, Cinda's new podcast about self-care is so... awful. Smells like bullshit
The apartment Mabel is looking at... is not the best... but also not the worst and it certainly is way too expensive... but then that is everything close to New York... at least that is what I heard.
Joy owns 62 fish... and moved in with Charles.
Joy: "35 years ago, you sat in my makeup chair, and I thought to myself, 'This man dies alone'. And now, look at us. Shacking up."
C: "Do I look like a guy who can rap?"
Lmao, Mabel taking to Howard about sweaters...
Joy is a freak.
Mabel does has old woman energy.
The next person who is the red herring is Joy...
Right, the one person texting Mabel is Cinda!
lmao, Charles trying to sell the omlet making as a choreo...
Mabel teaming up with Cinda would be a good career move for both tbh. But Cinda is a bitch...
Charles, the last time you lived with a woman she broke your heart.
Oliver and Charles are besties!!
... awful that Charles gets into the white room at that moment with Joy...
lmao... Charles thinking "not again!!" and "help me!"
0 notes
fkyumerica · 4 months
its mostly inbreds, and the houses on fort behind dairy queen were the houses for switching out people
whose mom today
and they dont wash, bathe, or clean the houses
and they wait another week or so until they rip everything out of it again and put in new furniture
the war houses were it, what state
all gay
clayton did kill agnes's entire family to make her his personal whore with 18 others in one day
then his sons were his personal whores the next day
they show up in this order
then the next day, their wives were his personal whores, then any women in those families, then any females in freds family, he was the porte rican
and he is gay friends with the sons group of clayton
put it in your mouth, youre german
his group, cave famous
for you to see it too
and duh come on me attitude
and melvindale
discover it
directions, buisness
from him too
the taller canes
smaller ones, gay
iinbred to find her
those men controlled the younger generations, them too duh
i aint 5
do you want a car
break in it
find me
whoa hoes
old man said it walking over
touched her
gay black old guy skinny grabs her rapes her
and now those old are sitting outside again homeless in garages here
the mexican neighbor is always outside to directional tell the detroiters where to walk to
and the detroit workers, white, what to give them too
hide behind the church
dont talk about them
and their policy is gay
they cant realize youre there
cause they wanna fk... someone?(looks)
then they go at it like a attacking goose
or mastuurbate to hold back
0 notes
dodecademons · 2 years
Not to generalize or whatever, but I'm sorry but like wtf is going on with some of the cis hets? I literally got to know this couple and the guy just... insults her? All the time? "Lovingly" he says, she just kinda lets it happen. So far i have heard him insult her looks, hygiene, weight, voice, personality, intelligence, and just overall is mean to her. They've been dating for 3 years. Girl that sounds like a toxic af relationship to me. I have NEVER (and will never) insult my partner while we were dating, and even after we broke up (except one because they were literally manipulative and gaslighty). I like to be loving not insult their literal existence like that guy does. I will tease them sure but what that is isn't teasing babe, that is reason to break up. Biggest red flag
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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2/3 Eren Yeager (Smut Warning!)
That's why I fucked yo' bitch, you fat motherfucka!
The screenshot sound was pretty loud as your back went up and down like a roach sprayed with raid. The male on the other side of the phone laughing his ass off. Well, he wasn't the only one.. but he's the one who took the screenshot.
"Delete that shit, don't put it on Instagram Connie!" Your pretty face was immediately in the camera's view. Your eyes a little wide at the fact that you were caught off guard. But at the same time, you let yourself go in front of the group. That's your wrong doing. But it made them smile nonetheless.
The people who were on the call at the moment were Connie, Jean, and Sasha. The rest were either too bothered to be in such a crackhead group, or they were busy.. probably the first one. Anyways, everyone in first period happened to be your friend, they were all different but they adored you nonetheless... even Annie... she just hides hers pretty well. Anyways, It's almost the end of senior year already and the bond is hard to break..
"That's my favorite song, you can't be catchin a hoe off guard.." you scolded the bald male who still happened to be laughing. His controller in his hand since he was playing nba2k. Jean was also playing but at the moment he was trying to figure out what you were doing.. and he's mad he didn't see..
"What did she do now?!"
"She was throwing her back out of place!" Sasha muffled out as she was stuffing her cheeks with a Hershey chocolate bar. She was also watching Hell's Kitchen on her tv, you could hear it.
"Daddy Jean aint need to hear all that.." you playfully spoke as you bit your lip at him. It was obvious he liked you, not to the point where he wanted a relationship though.. he's just a bit of a man whore.
Though everytime you mumble a 'Daddy Jean' , he's all for it. That's yo bitch.
After a bit of a pause of talking, Connie had picked up his phone and you were now cleaning the table that was in your room. The last time you were in this room, you didn't even have time to clean... Your father was screaming for you to hurry.
Let's explain, this weekend, you are visiting Hange, your mother . She missed you so she invited you to stay for a few days. Today is Friday so you have the whole weekend with her. She had planned Saturday and Sunday. Not to mention, Monday is a holiday so no school. 
"Hey guys... uh Armin and Eren having a party.. y'all comin?"
All while Sasha said yes, along with Jean.. you were still jamming to 2-pac spitting his shit. Your hand movements not going unseen by the three on your phone. So in result of not having a response from you, Connie screamed oh so suddenly which caused you to jump pretty high.
"What the Fuck is yo problem!? You bein held by gunpoint nigga?" Your voice showing 1% concern as you moved closer to the phone on your dresser and you stared into it.. quite surprised still.
"(Y/n)... you makin my hair fall out..." Connie spoke as he gave a sarcastic smile and... wow it was hard for everyone to suppress their laughter... your face would turn purple instead of red though..
"Ight~... watchu want?..."
"Oooh, Eren.." you spoke in interest, your long eyelashes fluttering. This however made Jean and Connie 'throw up' at the same time. All while you rolled your (e/c) eyes.
"Yall do too much-.. and Jean, stay in yo game ight?.. befo I come through the screen and punch-"
"Eren havin a party.. are you going..?"
Tilting your head in slight disbelief that Connie interrupted you. Your eyes rolled as you looked to the side. Obviously leading them on, but at the same time they knew that Hange will let you go...
"Fine. But somebody pickin me up.. and Sasha cuz boo-boo can't drive worth a dime.."
As much as you hated it, you sat uncomfortably in the dodge... Ugh... It's just something about you and dodge's. The cars radiate fuck boy energy, and guess who happened to be driving this car? Jean..
Though he let you sit in the passenger seat just because. Your eyes staring out the window as you messed with the stockings you had on. They were in a bit of a web, that was the design. You also had on a plaid skirt and this crop top with some white platforms. Oh you looked scrumptious.
The person who put this outfit together in the first place was Hange.
"Baby Jean, you need a new car... cuz-"
"It radiates Fuck boy energy.. you said it the first time you ever saw it... I know.." Jean pouted as he continued to drive to Eren's house. Who was shared with Armin. The two always lived together, some speculated that they were... sparkle sparkle.. gay.. but they aren't.. not that you would've minded.. it just would've been a bummer.
"(Y/n)... Didn't Your father take your car away...?"
Glaring back at Connie, who was wearing a white shirt with black pants and some timbs. You rolled your eyes and looked through your window again.
"Yeah but my car is a Mitsubishi.."
The neighborhood around these parts were quite pretty. Just like where you lived with your dad. But at the same time you were confused as to how Eren and Armin could afford such a place. The first thing popping in your mind being. Drug dealer and then you thought about what Sukihana said about dating them...
That's probably why Levi didn't want you around him... Yeah.. This whole senior year has been Levi making sure Eren doesn't sit beside you... nor have a project with you... It's like he barely existed at first. Though you always had these ways to talk to him. He's not even that bad.. he's quite the hottie and he knows what to say... he's just a flirt, and you edge him on every time...
"(Y/n)! Can you come with me to find the food?"
Snapping out of those thoughts of Eren, you didn't even realize Jean had already parked. A small 'mhm' coming from your throat as you opened the car door. Everyone else doing the same. Lord it was a bunch of people out here. People were outside and inside which was baffling honestly.
A soft hand touched your wrist and started to drag you towards the house door. It was Sasha, her mouth almost watering for something to eat. She told Eren to make sure there was extra cheese in the fridge for her. Hidden... and lo and behold when you both shimmied through the crowd, the cheese was in the fridge. Her eyes beaming as she grabbed some chips as started eating like it was her last meal, nothing out of the ordinary.
"This music actually hits..." you spoke out to nobody in particular as your hips started to move ever so gently. Though as nice as your body was, it looked more seductive than anything. Popping one of those chips into your mouth as your hips continued to wine ever so gently.
The looks you were getting, not only lustful but want... The way your long dreads just complimented your look had only made it worse. The second you decide to stop, it seemed like everyone stopped looking at you. In slight despair that you'd stopped. Though one individual in particular was continuing to stare...
His hand, wrapped around the cup as he'd sipped at the liquid inside. The black ring on his middle finger caused his hand to look hotter than it already was. He had these prominent veins that would just look so pretty on your brown skin...
"She likes you too..." the blonde that was a tad bit shorter spoke to his childhood friend, Eren.
"What makes you say that..." lord, somehow over all this music, and his low tone... you could still feel the vibration of Eren's voice. Just glancing from the kitchen as Eren was sitting on the couch in the living room. Leaning back like he owned the place... well he did.
Fine ass..
Giving him a bit of a stare, your glossy lips curved into a smirk as you glanced at him up and down. All before turning your attention back to your friend who was having the time of her life eating...
"So Sash.. what's up with you and Connie...? Yall gon date.. or-"
"My bad.. my bad.. I just wanted to know"
The party was a bit lively, more than anything since this is a longer weekend. So everyone was happy.. including you because they were playing your favs. So of course your body started to move again. That skirt of yours being a paid actress in helping you look more hot. Though, what you did not expect was someone coming up behind you...
Now that's nasty..
You whipped your head around about to give them an earful... though... you saw that smexy... face and you looked kinda shocked...
"Oh..." you choked out before turning your head again.. Eren's evil little smirk had caught you off guard. It boosted his confidence even more that you didn't feel the need to even move away from him. His hands slithering onto your full hips.
Man, he was really risking everything this time... considering your father is.. Levi...
This however was thrown out of the window because of the fact that you could feel Eren's... crotch against that thick form of yours. That little smirk on your face only widening as you started to gently rub against him, your back bending over somewhat.
His long brown hair then started to ever so gently fall in front of his face as his greenish eyes stared hard into your body. That harsh little grip on your waist made you feel all different types of high. Gawd.
"You like that huh...? I know.." your cute, but seductive voice made Eren chuckle just a tad. It causing you to almost choke on those words.. This man didn't need to TRY to be hot... he was already smexy.
His hands then started to travel up your body to your arms and he gently pulled you up towards him, your back against his scrumptious chest. All you could do was open your mouth a bit, quite surprised that he wanted to be this close with you.
"Eren... You a lil close... you needa tell me sum?"
The way you spoke, the way you carried yourself... it was new to Eren when he first met you.. but he got used to it real quick and he noticed he wanted something he never knew existed.. and that was you.
"Can't tell you here... but I can tell you in the bedroom..." Eren purred out, his voice smooth as a babies skin, smooth as butter. It caused you to tingle, the female between your legs wanting that more than anything.
Biting your glossy lips, the room started to become hotter than it already was. The people who were in the house started to pile out of the main and started to go outside. It was quite cold outside as well, but the party continues.
"Where the hell is (Y/n)..." Jean spoke to himself as he watched Connie and Sasha become drunks in two seconds. It was obvious he himself could not drink since he is the driving parent tonight.. but he now had nothing to do... he's just wondering where... you are..
"S-..Shit Eren~..."
The (f/c) nails you had were now digging into Eren's muscular arms as his lips caressed your neck. The seductive kisses making dark marks on your brown, beautiful skin.
Your head being thrown back onto the soft black pillow as your pretty toes curled. Feeling Eren's slender fingers inside of your pussy. His intimidating green eyes watching your every expression, every move. Seeing that your crop top was already rolled up over your pretty chocolate mound breasts that were covered with your bra.
"E-Eren, s-stahp..." choking that out, you could hear the loud rip of your stockings when Eren moved his hand out of them. The wetness of your brown pussy lips being known pretty well when Eren's fingers slid your panties to the side.
"You don't want me to stop... huh...?"
The electricity shocked through you when you watched Eren stare down into your eyes. Lust and want, all in them as his key necklace dangled in front of your face ever so gently.
His shirt immediately being discarded as he watched your pussy pulse from his fingers being pulled away from it. It was amazing to him how much you wanted him.. it was amazing... it ran something through him...
All you could see was his muscular frame, his hands to match as he easily tore through your bra. Watching the way your breasts fumbled out of the cups. He never seen a black woman's breasts before.. but it couldn't get any better than this though.. is what he thought.
"Daddy~... don't stare at em..." you pouted playfully before licking your glossy lips. Just running your fingers up Eren's arms as you eventually made your way up to his luscious hair. Running your fingers through the locks. Pulling him down ever so gently to finally get that kiss you wanted.
Eren's eyes glowed when he felt your soft lips, the lip gloss giving him this taste of lovely. His lips tasted of some sugar, kinda made you wonder what was in his cup before this.
The wetness of Eren's tongue touching yours as the both of you withered in this naughty, sloppy kiss. Something you both weren't supposed to do.... It was fun, crazy... scary..
"You act all bad outside of the bedroom huh... but you ain't ever have someone touch you..." Eren teased gently, in a whisper against your lips. His hand gripping your chin as he stared at your innocent looking face. Gently spitting all nastily into your mouth and you moaned out seductively. Swallowing it so easily..
"Show daddy you'll be able to take it..."
Eren's cock was so hard in his pants, it being unzipped by him and his underwear was now restricting his release. His eyes staring at your pretty pussy, the wet, pink insides were bright and untouched. Though his pale cock was eager to invade it.
"I-.. I can take it daddy..." your whimpers echoed In Eren's ears as he pushed his underwear down. Your knees being pushed to your chest as you felt Eren's stare. The plaid skirt you had was still on, so you tried to cover your pretty pussy with it.
"Stop... don't hide now.." Eren scoffed out as he gripped under your thighs, the underside of his cock rubbing up and down your wet and gooey pussy.
"Hold your legs... don't move.."
It was so demanding, your pussy clenching already as the wetness dripped down to your other hole. Your pretty, long nails visible to Eren as you held your legs as tightly as you could. Knowing Eren's cock was a monster. You could see it... right between your legs.. right between your brown pussy lips.. the contrast was unbelievable..
"F-Fuck!! Eren~~ ow~" the way your painted toes curled gave Eren a shiver of excitement. Your back arching ever so slightly as your virgin hole was taken away from you. Squeezing tightly around Eren's experienced cock.
"Shh.. it's Ight.. take it babydoll.." Eren's whisper was gentle and sincere as his thumb started to gently rub at your clit. Causing you to swallow your spit, though it spilled out. What also spilled out is your loud whimper. Your legs staying wide open for him as your hand slowly slid up his muscular structure.
"It's .. i-it's so big..."
Hearing these whimpers and words spill from your throat, Eren couldn't help but take his hand and wrap it around your throat. Causing your breath to be taken away oh so suddenly when Eren snapped his hips forward even more.
"Fuck!" Your moan could probably be heard outside as your breasts bounced from the impact. Eren's smirk wide as he felt the tightness of your insides. His necklace going back and forth ever so gently as his pelvis started to clap against you. The feeling was so foreign to you, having someone ram into you like this. But it was Eren... it wasn't just 'someone'..
Your (f/s) scent was powering against Eren's own scent. The feeling of Eren's cock was starting to really take a toll on you..
Eren's cock was being enclosed so tightly, you just wet up his Dick so well.. he was starting to become obsessed.. more than he already was.
"Daddy's. little. pussy..." his deep voice echoed in your ears as he started to get a bit faster. Your breasts bouncing even more as Eren made sure that skirt was moved out the way. He wanted to make sure to see everything. His hand squeezing harder at your throat. It was keeping you firm against the bed, like a little fuck doll...
"I-it's your pussy Eren~"
Curling those pretty toes again, you could feel the bubbles in your lower region. The craziest orgasm you've ever experienced... just tip toeing to the tippy top. All you could muster was a pathetic whine. Your eyes watering up behind your long eyelashes.
"I'm-.. I'm cumming..." Your voice was so weak, it sounded like you were passing out almost. Just rolling your eyes back as the bed frame started to hit the wall. Your pussy gushing more than usual as the white cum started to coat Eren's cock a little.
"Shit... yeah~..." Eren growled under his breath, watching you come undone on his pale cock. Your thicker form was just so adorable, looking all bent up. Your locs scattered around ever so softly.
It was like he was fucking a goddess...
Eren was between harsh and soft, his manhandling ways were shown easily by the way he pulled out quickly and turned you over. Your plump ass shaking like jello as his cock easily slipped inside once again.. filling you up for the second time. God you just couldn't wait till you could feel his cum...
"Imma Fuck you till you turn dumb..." Eren spoke harshly as his long fingers gripped at some of your locs. Pulling them and wrapping them around his wrist somewhat. Gaining all control over you and your own body...
He wasn't playing either...
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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sktls-ig · 3 years
The mercs get asked on a date/go on a date what they doin
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He brags. Constantly "ayo spy did you here how dat pretty person asked me out?"
The others ask if it's a guy and if it is he gets all defensive like "whatda hael I aint gay!" *I kissed a guy and I liked iit*
But nah he'd be super happy all day trying to find what outfit he'd wear or whether he should ask spy for help
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Doesn't get to giddy about it, he's used to it..he's French yknow
But he still looks his best constantly
Gets prepared to leave the next day if things get "intimate"
If its someone he likes tho he'll make it his mission to make sure this person has everything to make them happy
Will buy should of Vincent van go if it's someone he likes
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Red mess. (Or blu depending on team lmao. Jk he's red)
Like put a side by side comparison of a tomato and him. Won't be able to tell the difference
Tries to worm out a sentence
"When you, you, you, when you, when, when, you, whem"
He accepts but ends up always thinkin bout how he would kill you
Hes bi boo
He cries when he sees pretty women or men
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Will most likely accept for a flower. Or a new thing to wear on his head
Honey included
Naked fighting included now exclusively with honey
He comes in an army outfit and ends up naked chasing birds in the parking lot of a gay bar. With his date
The dumb one on a date
"What would you like to order sir?"
"Are you talking to me or her?!"
"...sir i was talking to you, what do you want"
"...a racoon!"
Alot of screaming
Probably American themed date
Yells. But in a childish four years old way
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Again. Red. But only when alone
He doesnt make it obvious he like you back, but he let's you pet his birds
So its pretty obvious he does like you
Archimedes doesn't though
Medic will try to look nice but comes to the date covered in blood. So he and his date get kicked out..
The manager mysteriously disappeared the next day
Will harvest dates body parts while asleep
Gay. With a lil straight
He prefers men but will go with a woman.
Will use said woman's breasts to feed his birds
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Again. Red. Hide it either with the lil hand thing where you cover half your face with one hand and turn (usually it's followed up with "stawp eet") or just his hard hat
Will teach how to build at some point
Super happy and goes in a suit
...outback steakhouse date (the restaurant Gordon. The restaurant 😔)
Fancy man
He is sweet and is the kinda dude to put his jacket over a puddle for you
Will tear pervs to shreds
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Will reply with arson
You know how joker spreads oil in the shape of his face before burning down arkum in the Lego game
Yeah like that bit with yes or no
In the person's house
Starting forest fires with bea ❤
Having a ball
Just comes in his usual arson suit
Chases butterflies. Wich without the mask are mosquito's. They are biting him
Hasn't learnt about birds and the bees yet
Hard to see if he's actually enjoying the date or wants to set the federal government on fire
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Cries drunkenly when asked
Will most probably completely forget about the date and remember halfway through
"Oh shit yeah this is a date"
Once he realises his gentleman mode kicks in
Though he's very drunk
And emotional
Ots painful for the person who asked
He's trying leave him alone
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He's really happy abt it bc not alot of people aren't scared of him
He might accept but he might give thm a hug and a nice decline
He doesnt try, he looks good enough honestly
He pays. For food. At a fancy diner
He gives compliments constantly
He's usually only there to see the person smile
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sneezy-cheeseloaf · 3 years
recounting the entire avengers: endgame movie, which i only saw once when it came out, from memory
because i just took the SAT and i want to do anything except think about that so get ready for a fun ride full of holes and my reenactments of scenes and quotes that i remember from however many years it’s been now since endgame came out. buckle the fuckle up
movie opens, clint’s whole ass family fucking dies. cue killing spree fueled by grief and anger. HashTag Relatable
tony is floating through space with nebula and teaching her how to play paper football
holy shit is this how tony dies
“pep” ouc h
oh hey he’s home, dope
The Gang (tm) learns where thanos’s farm is somehow i can’t really remember
“perhaps i judged you too harshly”
“???? thor????” “what? i went for the head”
“five” five what?? days?? weeks??? months???? oh boy i can’t wait to find ou- “years later” HUH???????
steve looks the exact same, so i guess he kept up that workout schedule even through the snap. i mean good for him honestly
and is also running a talk therapy group like sam did
a single smidgen of gay representation but it’s a good start ig
i don’t really remember what everyone else was doing, i just know that tony and pep have morgan now but idk if that gets revealed now or later
the only reason we had a movie is because of a rat. everyone say thank you to Rat for releasing scott lang, please. round of applause
scott’s daughter is all grown up and catch me sobbing over the fact that he wasn’t there to see it
somewhere in here nat is crying and eating a sandwich and honestly girl same
“hey!!! it’s me!!!! scott lang!!! ant man???? also what the hell happened???? lemme IN”
cue scott lang having a single brain cell and bringing up time travel. i think it was him that proposed the idea. maybe not. but imma give him credit
oh yeah bruce and hulk are besties now and bruce is just permanently Like That
and cue everyone being shook at the idea of time travel
time to go see Science Man at his house on the lake
“i wish you had come for anything else.” ouch
gang leaves dejectedly
peter. that’s it. and suddenly tony is all hands on deck
cue science mumbo jumbo in the middle of the night while he eats something out of a bag that i can’t remember
“shit!!” “sHiT!!!” “NO”
“i love you 3000″
Science Man reveals that he has, indeed cracked the code to literal time travel
cue nat, the only person with an umbrella, going to find clint who is busy with murder, as he does
“don’t do that. don’t give me home” stfu budapest man and get in the car.
thor has. enlargened. and is now playing fortnight with korg as a means to cope with what happened plus losing loki, as i think we all would
The Gang is back together and working (surprisingly) coordinately and throwing ideas around and it’s actually very cute. and it makes my heart very happy. and i want to cry every time i think about it because we all know what comes next
scott’s taco gets blown away. bruce gives him another. all is well in the world
and in this exhibit we see the only brain cell in the whole group, which is being used by rhodey at all times
“why don’t we just,,,, (choking motion)” “to a BABY???”
during the time tests someone gets reverted to a baby but i don’t remember who and it’s highkey disturbing
“i consider this an absolute win!!”
cue slo mo walk with the cool white time suits that everyone looks so good in
“see you in a minute” that smile. she looks so happy. sobbing
i think it’s in here that all the color go through steve’s eyes, so let’s just take a minute to acknowledge how pretty he is
“just for the record, that suit did nothing for your ass.” “i don’t remember asking you to look”
“that’s america’s ass.” yes it is scott you’re absolutely right
“i cOuLd dO tHiS aLL dAy” “yeah i knoOoOW”
time for tony to give tony a heart attack and then just stare in what i can only assume is amusement. i’m pretty sure that comes after america’s ass but maybe not
somewhere in here steve is just staring at peggy through blinds and it’s sad when you see it but when you think about it afterwards, it’s so funny for no reason
time to get whacked by a very angry hulk who was not allowed to use the elevator
tony goes flying. so does the tesseract. loki, in handcuffs, is like “oh bet this is mine now” and. Leaves.
i’m pretty sure it’s bruce who goes and gets schooled by The Ancient One on the multiverse, and i say it’s bruce because i think he’s the only one out of The Gang who could ever actually wrap his head around it
i don’t remember exactly how they get the tesseract but they do
thor and rocket are in asgard and thor has a panic attack, as I think we all would if we had to talk to our dead mother and pretend like we don't know what's going to happen
and remember kids, slapping someone is not the way to handle a panic attack. anyways
a mother always knows
"i'm still worthy!!!!" you always were, thor. you never stopped being worthy
and we have our hammer back
cue sobbing on vormir
“clint. it’s ok. it’s ok.” that smile.
nat’s fucking dead and i’m fucking dead inside let’s keep this party goin
other stones are recovered and i don’t really remember how but hey we got all six
“where’s nat?” cue more sobbing from me and from clint as you can see each and every team member’s heart drop to the fucking floor. especially steve
yeah maybe we’re doing this for half the universe and all the people we lost, but mostly for nat now
tony’s makeshift infinity gauntlet has entered the chat
Green Man is the only one who can physically take the power of the stones, so the fate of literally everything they have ever done up to this point is on him
snap rest in peace bruce’s arm
cue every single person in the theater holding their breath
“guys. it worked.”
cue explosion as their facility gets bombed and i am terrified that it has killed the entire gang
but it obviously has not and i am once again a Class A Idiot
i can't remember if it’s steve or tony who wakes up first but one shakes the other awake and is like “get the fuck up bitch idk what just happened but we got a problem”
everyone is mostly fine. but they’re all alive and that’s what matters
and now we have the setting for the entire rest of the movie basically
oh hey thanos. that’s uh. that’s a big army you got there
i don’t really remember everything that happened with The Past thanos, gamora, and nebula but i remember that gamora once again sees what a twat her adoptive father is and is like “oh hell na”
cue the gang fighting for their lives against Past thanos. literally
oh shit thor’s about to be killed????
cue the theater screaming as they should
hell yeah. bonk that giant space grape with the god of thunder’s hammer. you go steve. and look like a badass doing it as you should
shit’s still fucked and they eventually get their asses handed to them one by one
somewhere in here the shield breaks just like we saw in age of ultron. and like damn bro i liked that thing
steve stands up by himself because bitch. you cant kill him unless he says so. he dies on his own terms. he didn’t live for over a fucking century to die like this
our mans is standing up against a whole ass army knowing full well that he can’t win but damn if he aint ready to try
“ok listen strange. you have to open the portal to his left. his LEFT. you hear me???”
“steve. STEVE. on your left.”
cue the most goosebump-inducing scene that i have ever seen and probably will ever see. i would do anything to see that scene for the first time again. that feeling was like nothing i’ve ever experienced
the amazing symphonics are NOT helping my already-about-to-explode-from-excitement heart
now the gang’s ALL here. and we all cry because all of our peeps are back from the dead and we all missed them and highkey grieved for them after infinity war
i can’t remember if steve actually sees bucky yet but i think he does and i wanted to cry on the spot because not only did i miss bucky but man did i just want them to see each other again
cue sick pan of the whole ass marvel roster like smash ultimate, including howard duck somewhere in there
but we all know damn well that not a single person could hear him whisper that shit. like steve bro speak up a little
and the battle for the ages commences
we get to see all our favorite boys are girls fuck shit up and it’s absolutely incredible. wow it really feels like someone’s missing who could that be.
this is now a very elaborate game of keepaway
“catch” “Catch” “CATCH “CATCH”
“hey queens” he remembered. catch me cryin
“hey peter. got somethin for me?” god i love her. flew through a whole ass spaceship. no stoppin her
t'challa remembers clint's name. he did care
oh yeah scott is fucking humongous again, but third time’s the charm ig. maybe he won't pass the fuck out this time
somewhere in here, strange starts holding like. an entire ocean back and i dont really remember where it came from
we get a whole segment of marvel women kicking ass and taking names and i think i just need to take a minute. WE collectively need to take a minute
carol flies straight through a spaceship and everyone is like ???? hello????? where have you been?????????
carol gets literally headbutted by thanos and doesnt move a fucking inch. and that look of murder in her eyes. she could tell me to walk into a pit of lava and i would not question it. the power
“launch the missiles!!!” “but sir, our army-” “DO IT”
damn thanos our expectations for you were low but holy fuck
somewhere in here i think petter quill sees Past gamora and is like gamora???? and she like kicks him in the balls or somethin and is like “this is the ones i picked?????”
the fight continues and honestly a lot of it’s a blur but damn was it not the coolest thing i’ve ever seen. 
cue strange knowing exactly how this was gonna go down, and holding up a single finger
i dont think ive ever seen that look on tony's face before
oh shit thanos has the gauntlet and all the stones. fuck.
wait holdup that gauntlet looks a little funky
“i am inevitable”
“and i. am iron man.”
the theater, once again holds its breath
all is lowkey calm and everyone is shook
thanos’s entire army slowly fades away. including one of those big worm things that almost eats (i think it was) rocket but like. dusts right as it hits the ground and is a really cool shot
and thanos sits down on a rock. and finally is gone. and it's so cathartic
oh joyous day!! they’ve won!! they’ve done it!!! wait holdup where’s tony. i remember what happened to bruce where the fuck is tony
wait hold on
wait hold on a minute
“we did it. we won, mr stark. we won. please, mr stark”
“it’s ok. you can rest. you can rest.”
i have officially passed away and am a sobbing mess. you can’t do this to me. he’s gonna come back. there’s no way. tony stark doesn’t die. no.
this is a fucking funeral. i am going to combust into tears
“proof that tony stark has a heart”
i just wanted him to be able to see morgan grow up.
but him and nat are eating shawarma together in the sky now.
“i’m recording this in case something goes wrong, which it won’t.”
“i love you 3000.”
oh we’re still rolling. oh we don’t even get a minute to process
steve is leaving??? wait holdup we cant lose both. no
“are you sure about this?” “i have to”
“i’m with you til the end of the line” so that was a fucking lie
but steve deserves to do what makes him happy. so i can’t be too mad. actually, nah i aint even mad i’m just sad
bucky looks so dejected. so sad. someone please give him a hug. he desperately needs it
oh hey steve. but you’re old now. hey then, grandpa. how did you. get there
buck and sam go talk to him as they should
“you wanna talk about her?” “no, i don’t think i will”
“how does it feel?” “like it belongs to someone else”
sam has officially inhered the shield, and by extension, his very own bucky barnes. it’s a packaged deal
clint’s got his family back. and they can finally finish their picnic or whatever they were doing at the beginning of the movies
and steve finally got that dance. finally. and he looks so happy. so content.
and that’s about all i remember
i have not watched endgame since i saw it in theaters when it came out because i absolutely do not have the emotional stability to do it again. but damn the disney plus shows have been bangin
i hope you enjoyed the ride, thank you for joining me in my. whatever the fuck this is
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m143ui · 4 years
so hello friends on the other side
I understand some of the major concerns regarding characters like piper and the feather and hazels description but when you bring Leo and Reyna into the fucking conversation I have lost all respect.
Reyna is not a negative stereotype, she isn't defined by being latina and neither is Leo, he isn't a stereotype simply because he’s latino and was abused. also him being called an elf was because he was short, which had nothing to do with him being latino. also the mamacita comment like y'all hide under the label “progressive” but ignore that mamacita has been a thing in Latin American communities for a fucking while. its not an insult dammit. its something that happens in our communities!!! its like saying muchacho y'all don't see men bitching about that.
also shocker I read the mamacita comment and I can proudly say I didn't go
things that actually happen in communities aren't racist
and before any of y'all come at me with the usual you’re white excuse, hello friends im Peruvian and Paraguayan.
I don't think he’s perfect but bitching about characters like Leo which gave many of my Latin American friends hope for similar characters destroys your “listening to minorities” argument
also the lol “hes Mexican taco bad” argument like I live in Mexico we eat tacos like every fucking day. its literally a fact. and Leo isn't just defined as taco man.
believe it or not us latinos respect rick because he gave us role models and characters like us. we don't define a character by one line and instantly call discrimination. like yes a asian character can be snobby it has nothing to do with ethnicity. y'all are making this about ethnicity. an asian character can be anything, just like a white character or a black character or a gay character. people are not simply defined by their labels like ya’ll think. y'all are just a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes that can't live with that. they can be influenced but in the end labels are labels we are all human and should be treated as such.
another thing Reyna was never officially a lesbian that was YOUR interpretation not riordans. IF HE DIDNT STATE IT , SORRY HONEY IT ISN’T CANON! I don't care about how she was “lesbian coded” if he didn't state it it isn't canon. 
I am so sick, as a lesbian, to see people use ALL QUEER DEATHS as a bury your gay tropes, what happened to seeing us as humans? why can't we be treated like any other character? if we die we die, it isn't always “haha gay evil boom death”. sometimes fully fledged characters have to die friends.
Nico isn't a bad gay character, he’s just a normal character who happens to be gay and has suffered major trauma. HIS TRAUMA WAS CAUSED BY HIS UPBRINGING, Nico isn't a 2000′s character, he’s from the 30′s, so obviously he woudn’t be perfect with his sexuality for gods sake it was the 30′s. the exact same thing happens with hazel, she isn't a modern black woman, she's a 30′s black woman. Nico’s coming out isn't him as a 21st century teen its from the time when the GOVERNMENT KILLED YOU FOR BEING GAY
also saying there are no lesbian characters? like wow look emmie and jo don't exist. Lavinia doesn't exist. poison doesn't exist. thanks fam you really make yourselves look smart here. simply because rick never said the word gay doesn't mean the gay characters don't exist friends. they are just labeled as what gay characters should be labeled as.... human.
im not educated in muslim or black culture so I won't mention characters like sam and hazel and piper because I respect and I am highly critical of what rick put in his books to describe these specific minorities.
HOWEVER saying rick is a lesbophobe, a homophobe, a racist a sexist cis guy is like do y’all wanna be taken seriously? use arguments don't hide behind words.
rick isn't a perfect writer but y'all really don't know how to criticise, y'all just hide behind big boy words and back it up with no evidence, just opinions.
rick doesn’t have the best minority rep out there but he is damn well trying and I respect that unlike all you fucking idiots.
now onto ships.... yay
frazel: im not gonna censor it like you pussies, believe it or not 13&16 year old relationships exist. they might not always be healthy but they exist. to deny this is to be stupid
solangelo:  another ship that is censored..the main argument I've seen is that it isn't developed and will isn't even a character... he was in last olympian and lost hero not my fault y'all have fish brains. I don't care if you dislike it but don't be like “ANYONE WHO SHIPS THIS IS AN ABUSIVE WHORE” like wow you always preach about accepting all ships and then throw this? also if you hate solangelo because of the “abuse” but ship percico like hi friends Nico is 4 years younger than Percy.. if y'all hate frazel because of the 3 year age difference y'all should hate this too.
not every character minority or otherwise is gonna be the way you want them to be, believe it or not any character can be anything, black characters can be loud, white characters can be loud. if they're only loud because “haha black” then THATS an issue not the simple existence of a loud black woman who has a loud personality.
y'all be here bitching about drew and I've never heard the asian perspective of this? just a bunch of black and white people telling asians they should be offended. was that just an uno reverse?
also last point stereotypes aren't always a negative thing and y'all need to get that in your heads.
anyway stay mad hoes <3
from a sane Peruvian <3
I saw this beauty and had to comment on it
“having LGBT characters experience abuse and violence. nicos forceful outing rubs me the wrong way, especially because hes called a coward for being in the closet. its violent and kind of disturbing to make your gay character come out of the closet by force. maybe write better. additionally, alex's abusive father and subsequent homelessness because of her being trans is badly written.”
oh noooo gay characters can't deal with homophobia anymore ! like I can tell you have never been punched for being gay. is it bad to showcase how trans and gay ppl are 40% of homeless youth? or is even mentioning that discrimination? believe it or not some of us live in countries where people try to kill us. you have an advantage and it shows. about the coward thing... 
maybe stop spewing bullshit <3
(so I get that this scene can remind people of being outed and it can hurt them however this scene was never intended to be a good thing it literally says Nico is scared of facing his emotions)
oh boy rick really pissed off the snowflakes that I share a fandom with
“give Nico to the gays” no? he would be a femboy and they would yeet his trauma like ssrsly?
also hate rick? bitch no one is forcing you to read his tweets.
death of the author is such a toxic thing like the mans is alive boo he aint going nowhere..like What the fuck 
anyway final thoughts on this :
nico insn’t Uwu gay and its an insult to his character
Reyna is not a lesbian canonically (neither is Thalia)
Leo and Reyna are not racist
none of ricks characters are  written as insults to their communities
and if I see one more “but ....phobia/ ...ism I will do very illegal things
peace lol
congratulations rick antis! you have successfully harassed a  56 year old man into leaving social media! wow so progressive!!!! this totally won't backfire or anything!!!
all jokes aside all of you who harassed rick to the point of someone else taking over his social media should feel ashamed
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loptyrs-moved · 3 years
Can you talk more abt ur fandoms ocs? I like your writing a lot and would like to know more abt em
Oh my goodness I’m 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re SO sweet thank you!
Well, I have quite a few and some have their own deeper lore stories that go with them. If you guys want more information on them, I can do separate posts on all of them. But Here they are! I’m so excited to share my babies with you!
More is under the cut. The Picrew I used is here.
Ikemen Revolution
Black Army Side
Corrin Fukui
Age: Appears to be in mid-early twenties
Hair: Brick white
Eyes: Blood Red
Height: 4′11
Any other Qualities:
Draconic features -- She’s literally a dragon but not by nature
Curved Opalescent Horns
Shimmery opalescent tail
Wings that also shimmer in the light
Pointed ears
Easily frightened by loud noises and sudden movements
stunted growth
Hoards blankets and comfort items
writes in a journal every day 
its one luka got for her and she refuses to write in anything else. she pours her heart out on the pages, and all her memories
she had a brother! but he passed away because of the magic tower :(
turns into a gIANT DRAGON 
Was found by Luka while on a patrol near the forbidden forest, lost and afraid, so she was taken in
Had amnesia at first
She actually is an experiment of Amon and she managed to escape
Excellent at sewing and gardening
Sufficient with baking
She’s for Luka! The way they fell for each other was a slow, gradual trust, and mutual understanding. She saw him as a man, as he was, and nothing else.
Sometimes is called Corri
gentle hearted and innocent
but not as innocent as you’d think 
she’s a dragon, and she’s a greedy little one
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Ophelia Dae
Age: 24
Hair: Crimson red
Eyes: Jade green
Height: 5′8
Any other Qualities:
A skilled swordsman, and one of the Chosen Thirteen
9 of Spades baybeee
While she is more accustomed to short swords and sabers, Phelia is a magic user! But she isn’t really in agreement with Ray with his stance on magic
“Is he bothering you Queen?”
Was friends with Ray and Fenrir while in school, and was just as much of a hellraiser as them
she was there when the day things went dark happened and was almost taken but that day is a blur for her
phelia REFUSES to talk about it
she still has nightmares
raised by a single mother
TRIVIA! She was an old fire emblem oc i had and she was the daughter of Arvis -- so if you squint when she uses magic you’ll see Valflame
joined the army probably because Fenrir was too, and she was inspired by him 
she joined for her own reasons but he made it easier for her to do it too
his passion was what made her fall for him in the first place
has a personal vendetta against the magic tower for what they did to her and her friends
will sacrifice herself if necessary to the cause
Bruh girl
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Amira Nasiri
Age: 22
Hair: Chocolate brown
Eyes: Turquoise blue
Height: 5′3
Any other qualities:
My version of Alice! Difference is that she’s Persian
That’s it
She’s just as spunky as Alice 
however she responds with being called Alice a little different
she’s adamant about being called Amira
At some point she just accepts Seth does it to distance himself
also an avid baker like alice
Amira is just Alice except she’s just my take on her. 
She has the same vibrant spirit as Alice
and I personally consider Seth the canon route for REASONS
just ask me why fjgdfgjksd
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Red Army Side
Azul Flores
Age: 25
Hair: Raven black
Eyes: Wisteria purple
Height: 5′0
Any Other Qualities:
An old friend of the Queen of Hearts
like she met him when she was 8 years old
fought his bullies when they would give him a hard time when he was a kid
they dated for a WHILE
did NOT work out
Ambitious, hard working young woman who was married into a high standing family on the Red side. Her mother was a teacher and gained the attention of one of the Chosen Thirteen on that side, and got married
Azul is NOT the officer’s daughter. She’s his step daughter
Has had extensive studies on the History of Cradle and of the Red Territory.
Wants to be a Cradle Historian
Works for the Red Army as a personal assistant to the queen
Look their story is very dramatic and it hurts me every day so please stay tuned with them. 
Heckles Jonah like its her job — she knows him better than anyone elsd, if anyone knows his bs, its her
Bad resting bitch face
Actually really shy, and quiet when in different surroundings
A sweetheart and will cut a bitch for you once she knows u
She is perhaps one of the most transparent, honest, genuine person. there is no bullshit with her. she will tell you her honest thoughts with you
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Cerise Nam
Age: 19
Hair: Berry Pink
Eyes: Petal Pink
Height: 5′2
Any other qualities:
Her mom came to Cradle from a far off place, and set up a food and pastry shop in the Central Quarter. Met her dad. Been there since
They live in Black Territory
She works for her parents and works with the pastries/desserts
loves making desserts from where her parents are from
She knows the Queen of Hearts VERY well since she makes the best mille feuille
Got a job from him actually, and works for the Red Army Headquarters kitchen
Loves to cook and bake!
a little naïve, but she’s a realist
youngest of FIVE kids!!
Morning girl
She may be petite but she can HEAFT heavy bags of flour/rice/dry goods
Met Zero by accident, and crashed into him while in town
love at first sight for her. how can you fault her?
she thinks he’s dreamy... and sweet...
does she flirt with him a little? Cerise can’t help it...
She and Zero have more of a hidden relationship because she fears her parents won’t approve
family stuff -- and she understands
look im cheesy
dont worry it works out
zero has to consider himself and his own personal stuff too so its a little difficult 
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Non Army Suitor(s)
Lucile Lidell
Age: 20
Hair: Straw blonde
Eyes: Aqua blue
Height: 5'1
Any other qualities:
She and her twin, Noelle, are the actual descendants of the original Alice
Inherited unusual hairpins that were from cradle
More of the 'modern woman stuck in the wrong time' kind of gal
Noelle and Luci: partners in crime
Short skirts galore
Does not give a singular shit of what MEN think of her
Wants to be taken seriously
Sometimes acts like an airhead in order to get attention. She's actually pretty somber as a person and prefers to be in the background as her sister takes the stage
loves her sister more than anyone else in the world
When she and Noelle fall into Cradle, they kind of hightail it and live in the woods with Harr and Loki
Sticks with Harr since he's literally the least threatening man ever
First man to feel safe around
"Excuse me he said NO pickles!"
Will cut a bitch for him, or use magic -- luci will hurt someone if they even think a bout looking at him wrong
Loves to make clothes
'I mended the holes in your cloak for you...' 'Bye Harr, be safe and have a good day.'
'Welcome home, I missed you.'
Puts up a tough girl front but she's just a big softie just like him
Doesn't realize she has a crush on him until shit starts to hit the fan
Actually very vanilla tbh but wants to spoil her bf
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Ikemen Sengoku
Ito Tsunade
Age: 26
Hair: Straw Blonde
Eyes: Molten Gold
Height: 5′5
Any Other Qualities:
Graduate student at the same university as Sasuke 
got stuck in the storm with him and Mai, and was tossed into the sengoku era
but she got separated from Mai
Met Shingen first much to her luck because uh.... lets say Tsunade is aint the sharpest tool in the shed
her aesthetic when she gets there?
her head might be empty but her tits are fat and they will protect you
Music nerd — loves traditional Japanese instruments, especially the difficult ones
Specializes in girl metal in modern day
eventually proves herself and plays some sick chords for the takeda/uesegi forces
she has entertained them for now
puts sake away like a monster
when she meets sasuke, she finds comfort in the fact he’s also lost with her, so she clings
asks him how to protect herself from shingen bc he’s horny lolol
genuinely thinks sasuke is hilarious
also does NOT realize she’s in love with him until the gravest of grave happens
her name was UNINTENTIONAL
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Aibana Hinata
Age: Presents in his early-mid twenties
Hair: Black Midnight
Eyes: Haunting gold and vermillion
Height: 5'3
Any other qualities: 
The concubine of Nobunaga
Please know I made him a long while before the other guy was dropped so I’m just gonna offer this little gay boy
Nobunaga bought him from a brothel after being so intrigued by him. Hina entertained him so well that he was set for life
Likes to challenge Nobunaga in battles of wits
board games
debate as pillow talk
swordplay if the lords will entertain him enough
Bisexual as hell
Gender? Don’t know her
He uses all pronouns
True pronoun: princess
Smart, and educated
former geisha
he can read! and write!
if there is mai, he would bond with her like no one else
he would be her best friend
her confidant
genuinely adores her
even if she is pursuing nobunaga, he doesn’t resent her ... he just wishes that she would find room in her heart for him too
puts up a tough exterior
a softie.....
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10 notes · View notes
kimoralov3 · 3 years
New mutants commentary
This is your spoiler warning, you going beyond here is no one's fault but your own
I don't trust this bitch
This blonde bitch gotta go
Dont trust her theres probably a force field
I was right
This bitch needs some serious mental help
So her mutation is teleportation? Alright cool
Is the wolf Rahne (is that how you spell it?)
Girl dont jump its not worth it
I love Rahne already
I don't think your daddy dead girl
Do their necklaces have like some type of tracker or like monitor or something
So he's like a rocket
Why are they the only ones here? Suspicious
"Cured" See this is why Erik was right
"For our own good" I CALL BULLSHIT
Something ain't right
Beast you destroy Dani home?
The hell
Sam don't go look you might die
Is this like what Wanda did in AOU? Living your worst fear
Sam I told you you was gonna get hurt
This bitch suspicious
Who did that to you? I'll murder them
Sam I think you might need a therapist babe
Why he just hit himself
Bitch say control one mo time, istg
What show they watching
This bitch being racist again
Huh? I thought this bitch could just teleport
And why you such a suspicious mutant Dr.?
Dani aint do anything wrong, it was the blonde bitch
Does she have like... radiation powers or something? I'm confused
Is it actually an Inhuman or is there just no name for that creature
*cough* Alex and Scott Summers
Who's in the other side of the confession booth
They're besties, obviously 🙄
Girl that ain't sinning
Who the fuck was that
What is going on with this place
This bitch being pissy about an attic
You know who she reminds me of? A mix between Allison D and Season 1 Cheryl Blossom
Baby there's nothing wrong with you
Can I strangle this bitch
Thats a beautiful story
Awwe Rahne was crying
Oh. 18. Cool
This feels kinda gaslighty
Who is the superior anyway
Yeah I promise you its not Charles
The Avengers don't get paid so I highly dobut that the X-Men do
His powers flared and he killed everyone :(
Sir you gotta open up eventually
Yall laying on these people graves
Nowww kiss
Why his colar always popped
This seems very gay
I love this
Ew straight people
Ooh are his powers heat related? Like Johnny
Oh shit he killed his girlfriend
Istg i hate this bitch
"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders."
Giving very much so Dollhouse from PLL
Didn't you tell her earlier that it was just a tornado
I knew something wasn't right
This place is haunted
So theres just a bunch of boggarts running around
Illyana shut the fuck up
So is Dani's power like what happened in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix? Like someone beinvg doomed to end the world
Demons 🎶
Have we heard of Essex Corp before? I can't remember
Dani don't go in there
Oh Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'll watch that one day
Shes gonna try to kill you Dani
Can y'all stop showing us these things they creepy as hell
She got the body bag ready and everything damn
This dude got his headphones in
So he's like a volcano
imma have nightmares tonight I swear
Pfft she left yo ass
Oh her powers kinda cool
Yall all better find yalls files
First time I agreed with something you said Illyana
Who are these superiors you keep mentioning
They wanna put her down because she can stop them
So she's a boggart
Perimeter breech?
Oooh the dragon is real
Good good good everyone face their fears about their powers
Well shit
Illyana just don't care 💀
If Rahne get hurt istg I'm murdering someone
I love how the subtitle for the bear is demon bear
Is Roberto another Human Torch because thats exactly what happened to Johnny in F4 😂
Stan got to produce this too 😊
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fkyumerica · 8 months
Project Silence (2023) Official Trailer with English Subtitles | Korean Movie
silence for them
after fucking everyones brain up
no fucking way woodies
i got your award
800 dogs together will just kill people
and inject them with speed and set them on fire
and throw sharpened steel and blow up the brooklyn bridge again
and shoot your dad
and his 3 wives
and your child died
fight me now
and meter read her
17 gas stations brian would go to
and crack drop all of them
every other store had another wife
and fucked his great grandson zachy every other time
to shit
and pull his pants up
brian shit
to show he was gay
brian is gay
wont love agian doesnt give a shit
gives up his wives after
zachy takes them
and shoots them now
but zachy would mate with them before
i told him to shoot them
The Sadness (2021) Red Band Trailer | Zombie Horror Movie
holy shit
cut through tendon, she aint hurting me, cut through esophagus completly
knife scene
how to do it
with speed esaphogas, thought he was fucking me at the time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN-uCYFQCvo whole town of 1,400 of these giant men
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Mr. Incredible becoming uncanny "You wake up and see"
i would scream, and these people would run up then run away
it meant rape her
about me
and now the screams of those men in cars police sirens
fucking girls
to be 18ft tall after
then in the olympics to kill you
and stadiums to kill you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRGTVvOfzjs and gunner guys in their houses to kill you
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Best Death Scene Ever
getting one girl to do it was asking her on a date
and will follow you to steal yours until she is dead
fuck she knows it
i had to film it
with chuck
laughing my ass off
they would run them like steer to use them for meat too
first sex
then that eat them
and live
no society
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T973BPI4ZDY they would look like this, one who would say it
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The Sadness (2021) Red Band Trailer | Zombie Horror Movie
sex then no society
and eating them, black teeth
meet them with that, and they will stand there adn talk to you
women sit on the ground, but will go up to you really fast to give you oral
that guy would say, wont talk
about what she just did
each area needed to do it
in his family
find them young and do it
hitler would
if motorcycles and scooters only last a few years
it might be smaller to bigger
to live
they will show up as anyone again
"got that kid" andput rocks in their face
to look like that person
i know, i know you know me too
they read what i wrote and say it after
guys say i know
the men in womens clothing say i know you know me too
the men in dresses say i know you know me too
and turn around
the old man with black teeth
and send the men in womens clothing at you
to go down and bite your genitals
on both men and women
with claw hands on it too
to grab it
for you to stay
one night in bandcock
and the older man brings out a oyster
opens it
and shows you pearls
got them out of older women, no men
tell me the tale
it was abortions of raped xenomorph
now shock them again
say no it wasnt
they blow it off and leave, wont listen
thsoe are the men who do it, the oral
older are able to control them and take advantage of them
did it young wont do it again
then run at you to claw grab at your throat
if she did it young she was raped young
i would strangle people
and look like me
men talk to them all day
from different areas
it was what they were talking about how they would talk
and i get to go there now
and they leave on boats
wh osays it
black teeth
cant tell?
we rape you more
stupid to her
they would worship me
war ship, get it
now anyways or its different
i can be him
and send them at you
someone stole my cake decorating kit
fatima did and hobo bag gave it to anne marie
i said it
what drugs to se
are you only of
scottish, i cant talk i just go to fuck
or wht neighbor find them and kill them
or they war ship at you
you know scottish by now
what those people are
they are called scottish
biggest thing there
in the stands
all of them
for court
the judges chair isnt a stand
he is taking one at them
officers cant look it
where do they go to attack the officers
straight at them to claw choke them
Home Decor
Awesome Cake Decorating Ideas
these cakes are beautiful
then i heard i cant get any after
so why do i send it to you
and after the theft, lets give her big ears now
can we do it
she said yea
fatima should be shot
fake mask girls
matildas line with the full house girls
her line means descendants
cant understand
you are huffing something
i can kill you for my own safety as an officer
and other officers
your group is the only thing that surrounds you
the rest are assassins
who can legally kill you
and your family
they will be
and what cakes wont you see either
or be allowed to
you wont see this beauty in your life
and i dont need you to build me a house
rip up your own face you fucking nuts
i wont give you anything
anddd fuck yourself up
for doing it
crrack heads will
dont like you
0 notes
freshstartbaby · 4 years
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🎧 Body - Syd
I watched my house, cardbord on the ground, like me, leg crossed. White walls, a little smell of vinegar. Thats what I used to finally clean up everything.
Why do I feel like shit ? I mean one part of me cant wait to be in my new place. But the other ? I really feel like I kind of failed here. I got a job, two to be exact, I can provide for myself. I got few friends and thats it. I was wondering if my mum will ever know if I left the town. Maaaan I got to stop overthinking.
It was 8pm and I was waiting for Theo's call. Thanks to god he told me he will help me wih the moving. His help was so precious. Like always. My phone rang with « Theo 🤍 » on my screen . I picked up
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« Sup mister T » I said softly « Hi Rob, you good ? » he answered « I am actually, and you ? » « Good. So you really goin to leave me, you know you can still change your mind » « No way, but you know you will still be in my mind » « And in your heart. Who do you think you are ? » he started to joke « Man where are you ? » I said rolling my eyes with a smile on face « There is a litlle bit of traffic. I be there in 10 minutes. But I think the man who will help us is already there. I fowarded him your number. Did he call ? »
I checked my phone, no missed call
« Nah he didn't » « Ok, get ready I be there soon » « Thank tou Theo » « Everything for you » he hang up
I shook my head slowley left to right. He was so kind to me. He can't be real. Me and Theo knew ourself since 8 years now. He was there to help and provide when no one could. He always was very protective and he is actually the one who gave me my first job: dancer in a club. It wasn't my goal job but I could dance and it will help me paying my bills. Few years later he also refered me in company to work as a personnal assistant. I managed myself to then become a communication assistant. When you look clother, without him, I probably will end up as a cracked or worse.
When we met I was 16 and he was 22. It was a very protective relationship. But the older we get, the akward it became. I mean physically he turned to a man as i turned to a young women. And even if he always shows me mad respect, the way he was watching and talking to me changed. Not in a bad way, but I could feel there was more. I aint gon lie, he is good looking, got money and got pure heart. But i couldnt wiling to lost him if we turned into a relationship. He was one of few people around me. Aint ready to loose one of them.
When I told him that I decided to move in LA, maaaan, he wasn't down for it. But as always, he helped me. He got fews relations so we find a cute flat quickly than I thought. The place was smooth and warm. We flew to LA to visit it, and i actually loved it. So now here I am waiting for a friend of his to move my stuff to LA. Let me get it straight. I aint no baby. I can take care of myself. But when it comes to Theo, he always wants to help. And I aint gonna lie, it feel good to be take care of.
The ring belled, I stood up to open the door. He looked at me, I looked at him.
« Can I help you ? » rising an eyebrow acting like I didn't know him « Stop playing » he said moving in my place « Hi » I said to the man following Theo « Robyn this is Eric, Eric this The New York leaver »
I rolled my eyes and shook my head slowly. Eric and Theo helped me to put my stuff in the truck. It was quickly made thanks to them. Also even if I hadnt much things I droped a lot. Eric told me that they will arrive the next monday in my new place. I thanked him as he left when I felt someone behind me. I turned around found Theo on his phone.
« First of all you didn't say hi »
I pulled him softly in a hug. His hands wrapped my shoulder as he kissed my cheek softly
« Then tell me where do I drop you ? » he said « Alex's place » « Lets go »
He put my suitcase in his trunck and we headed to Alexendra's place. I sold my car few weeks before so he proposed me to drop me where I needed yesterday.
Alexandra is one of my best friend. She's like a sister to be honest. We know each other for like forever and she always be down for me. Im stayin at her place tonight so I can catch my flight tommorow.
The road was silent but confortable. Theo and I like to be quiet sometines. We're the type of people who arent afraid of silence. As we arrived to Alexendra's place we stayed a little in the car.
« You need help with the suit case ? » « Na Im good, but thank you. Thank you for everything. It means a lot» I look at him « Stop saying this like its a goodbye » « Im not » « You better »
We pulled into a thight hug «You know I'm always be around and if you need to come back my door is open» « I hope it will be fine dont say that »
He look at me kiss my cheek and said
« Take care » « You too Theo »
I got off the car, took my suitcase and watched him leave. As we disapear on the corner I called Alex.
« Yes baby » « Im here, remind me your code » « You still dont remember it, you do it on purpose » « Guuuurl what is it ?» « 7110 » « Thank youuuuuu »
I taped the code and got to her place
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« Sup baby » « Wassup baby, how you doin ?» « Good and you ? » « Everything is alright, I mean my best friend is leaving in an another town but Im good » « Guuuurl, it is for the better » « I know that, Im just getting emotional » « Dont do that » « Im trying, I swear ! How did you came ? You took a uber ? » « Nah, Theo droped me »
She set down on her large cozy couch eying me with a small smile
« What ? » I asked « Noooothing ! » she tapped the place next to her so I can take place « You just goin to sit down and tell me what's popin between you and this white daddy, finally» she said swith a smirk « Nothing is popin, I already told you that » i said sitting next to her « But you got to admit he is good lookin » « I never said he isnt » « Maybe a little bit skinny but he is still handsome » « He is. » « So he never try to own that » she said pointing at myself « And dont try to tell me no, I saw him plenty time trying to get you. » « Alex, it is not goin to hape- « «  Whyyyyyyyy » « Because I dont want to » I said laughin « GURL IS YOU GAY ?» « Oh my god. Alexendra. » «  No because if you are it is ok. But you need to tell me, so I can introduce him to friend of mine. Its such a waste » « Whatever » I said looking at her smiling
This girl is so crazy. Full of good vibe. Always pushing me to my best. She is fam yall. Our phones started buzzing at the same time. It was a whatsap phone call from our conversation « Mexico 🥵 ».
With some friends we decided to go on a trip to Mexico. For the big part, I knew them from school or club. As we grew older all of us took different ways but still got mad love for eachother. This week trip was the way to link up. I didnt knew some people like David, Florian and Veronica but everything went well during the organisation so I wasnt « afraid » that they were annoying.
The trip is next Monday so we schedule this video chat to make a last check. With all the stuff with my moving I almost forget about this call. Alex and I were together so I decided not to answer from my phone and step clother to her so we can both be on her screen
« Hi » « Wassup beauties » Alexander says
We all said hi to each other and waited to see if someone was missing.
« Who is missing » I asked « Flo is not here » Betty said « Damn this sleeping guy, let me text him » Alexander answered
As he decided to text him, a new window poped in our screen revealing a big white man shirtless, it seems like he was in his bed.
« My bad, sorry for my lateness, wassup guys » he said in a low voice
I looked at the screen, then at Alex, then the screen again and falled into the catch moving my hand to show to Alex that this man was foooine
We giggle few seconds before getting back to our serious faces.
« Florian that is it ? » Alex asked « Yup » « Time is money you owe us all a drink when we get to the mexico » « Maaaan dont play me like that, I was taking a nap, gym killed me today» he said
Of course he was goin to the gym, look at this chest. I tried to fix my self when we all talked for like an hour about last informations, who will arrive when, who shares room, what type of activites we wanted to do. I cant wait for this trip to be honest. I dont travel that much. I could release the stress from my moving, my new job and the new town I will be living in.
« Rob you still in New York ?» Michael asked « Yeees, my fligt is tomorrow » « Where you goin ? » Betty asked « Moving to LA » I said softly « LA GANG MY MAN ! » Florian shouted « Thats great, really big move » Alexander said « Finger crossed » Veronica « Dont worry, as wherever it will be ok if you work hard enough » Florian said « Oh dont worry she is a hard worker » Alex said miming a blow job
I snaped her head as everyone shared an hard laugh. Few minutes later we hang up. I went to the bathroom, washed myself, my tooth and changed myself in something more confortable. I went back to the living room and find Alexandra on the phone. By the way she was smiling and laughing I could tell it was Alexander. Yeah. This gurl find a boyfriend with the same name. That's kind of cute but it's also so corny. She hanged up, stood uo and went to the kitchen
« Sooooo » « What do you want again ? » i said a smirk in my face « I was wondering » she looked at me with a vicious smile « What is it Alex ? » « Are you down for some dick in Mexico » « You are something else you know that » « Im just asking ! There will be latino guys, foreigner and gurl this man Florian, he is free like the wind » «How do you know that ? » « I asked Alexander » « Mmmmh » « Mmmmh ? Gurl when is the lastime you had a man making you feel right ? I aint talking about relationship because that is another level and I know you trying to put yourself first since...» « Yea no. I'm not ready but let me think » « The fact that you have to think is not ok, you know that if the sexual frustration is not evacueted it can damaged you » « I got toys dont worry » I said putting my finger in a peace sign while im leaving the kitchen
I went to her guest bedroom, sitted on the bed and put my durag on. After sliding under the sheets I did my breath exercise so I could fall asleep faster but I couldn't. It was these exercises or sleeping pills. But I try to use them less and less since few month. They knocked me hard to hard man. After 30 minutes of try, I took my phone and opened Instagram. I scrolled my screen without being focused at all, laugh at fews memes and double tap some post. I tought about what Alex told me. It's true. It been a while since I havent give a man his chance. It didn't went well the last time. Ok here we go overthinking. I shook my hand thinking of how dumb I was when I tought about Florian. He was fine its true but you know men are trash. At least men I have a crush on 😭. I tapped « florian » in the research bar to see if I could find him. I didn't. Im defenatly not a FBI member. I will ask to Alex tomorrow, or not, it's not a good idea.
I was hugging Alexandra thighly at the airport. The voice called the passagers of my flight to get ready.
« I'm goin to miss you crazy ass » I whispered « I'm goin to miss you more Robyn, but stop being weak before I start crying » « Come on aint nobody goin to cry » I push her shoulder « we're tough girls remember ? » « Yea but I wrote you a letter » she gave me a letter as I look at her ready to make fun of her « You wrote me a letter, you must be in love with me » « Of course I am, yo you're my friend soulmate » « Ok you gon make me cry now » « Go get your flight »
I tried to open the letter when she took my hand
« The fuck is you doin, you have to read it in your flight, or when you arrive to your new place but not now » « Okaaaaaaay mrs emotional »
I kissed her cheek and grabed my suit case before leaving
« See you in Tulum baby ! »
I put a peace sign above my head a went take my flight.
As I settled in my seat, I leaned my head back to the couch. Here we go baby. You can do this. You got this. It's goin to be fine. I was motivated myself when my phone buzzed. I watched my phone screen and see that Theo sent me a vocal. I put my AirPods on tap on my screen to listen his whatsap vocal message.
James. Theo James. : « You're in the plane ? »
I send him a quick answer
Robyn ✨: Yup 🛫
James. Theo James. : Ok
I watched the screen as I saw « James. Theo James is writing » when a big as message droped. Oh my god. He is goin to make me cry. Or worse. I rubbed my forehead before start reading.
James. Theo James. :
« Robyn. My baby. I know your flight is getting ready to take off. So I'm writing this to you so you can be ready for this new page.
Im goin to tell you this, and ear me out when I say: You got this.
You're smart, kind, open minded,fierce, talented, reliable, honest and a fighter. I know life ain't did good to you lately, and it's destroying me to see you leave but baby it's a fresh start. Leave all the madness, the pain and the self doubt where you at because LA is goin to be fire baby. No more drama, no more pathetic boyfriend, no more struggling. Put yourself above everything, because you deserve it. Keep your mental healthy. Communicate more, talk free and never be afraid to make people to ear your voice.
As I always say to you, even if the blood don't link us, you mean the world to me. Whenever you need anything blow my phone. I will always have an eye on you even if I know you are and you are becoming a boss a bitch woman every single day.
I know you are goin to kill it.
Text me when you arrive to your new home
I will come visit you in few months
Theo 🤍 »
I closed my eyes, bitted my lips and hold my phone on my chest. Don't cry, don't cr- too late. Tears were all over my face as I try to mute myself. Even I tried to hide it, I was feeling shitty. And those words just gave me the feeling of being discovered. I don't know how it was possible. Even if Theo and I were closed I have difficulties to talk out when I'm not feeling myself. And with this message I knew that all this time he knew how I felt but give me my space.
LA be good to me please.
🎧 1 pound - Brymo
The sunlight woke me this morning. I really need to buy curtains. I mean in the rest of the place it's not that important, but wake this way is so uncomfortable. I like the darkness in my bedroom you know ? And all this light, god chill out 🤣
I stood up and head ou to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. I watched the board where I wrote my to do list yesterday night. Yeaaaa i'm trying to be more disciplined woman. I mean organized but sometimes I get too lazy. Like if I invented the word lazy myself.
End the bathroom Shopping at the supermarket Look for a car End the suitcase Work out (you can do this)
I laugh at myself knowing that I will probably not doing the last one. I washed my dishes and turn on the speaker to get in a better mood. I clean a little some stuff since there was still some cardboard here and there. I find myself dancing in front the big mirror in one of the corridor when my phone rang. I didn't know the number so I turned of the music and clear my throat.
« Robyn Matthew, how can I help you » « Hi Robyn this is William. I am with Olivia, you're on speaker. How are you ? » « Hello Robyn »
Ow my new bosses.
« Oh hello to both of you, I'm great thank you to ask. How about you two ? » « We're good ourself thank you. Have you settled yet ? » « Mmh there is still few unopened cardboards but I'm good » « Good to ear that » « You will love LA » Olivia said « I hope so, how can I help you ? » « Well Robyn we were wondering, sorry to ask again but weren't you supposed to start today ?»
My eyes grew wide as my eyebrow start dancing. I wasn't supposed to start today hell no
« I don't think so, I mean I asked to the RH department to postponed my arrival since I have a trip planned » « Oh my baaaaaaaaaad » Olivia shooted « What is it » he asked to Olivia I think « I totally forgot to tell you, Cindy told me few weeks ago but it disappeared from my mind »
My heart stoped racing fast when I told them
« You scared me ! » « I'm so sorry Robyn, William I'm sorry too » « Oh it's ok, you owe us a coffe when she arrives » « Deal » she said laughing « You better note that, or you will forget it too » « Very funny » « Anyway sorry to have bothered you Robyn » William said « It's fine » « Where are you going ? » Olivia asked « Sorry ? » « You said you are goin on a trip, where is it ? »
I twisted my face. How is that suppposed to concern them ? Robyn stay open, be nice, they're just trying to be nice.
« Tulum » « Oh Mexico, well lucky you » « Oh my god, I wish I could have holidays to a place like this » « Anyway Robyn, enjoy you're trip and come back to us resourced. You can't wait to work with you » « Thank you, see you soon » « Bye »
I hang up, a weird feeling in my guts. I mean they were nice. But I'm not really use to have this kind of conversation with my bosses. I tought that they were a good duo both of them. I find myself a little anxious about having two bosses but it's goin to be fine.
Im goin to tell you this, and ear me out when I say: You got this.
I got this. I wanted to turn back on the music. So I scrolled my screen when I saw an Instagram notification.
@bignasty wants to follow you
My face twisted again. Big nasty ? What the hell is that. I'm sure this is a porn count, or a pervet who will try to slide in my Dm. So many weird people on social medias. Thanks god the private button exists so I can control borders 😂 I clicked on it when I saw his face.
I took few step back to my couch as my hand was on my chest. Jesus Christ. I found myself put my hand on my mouth so I don't scream and laugh akwardly. God. It was Florian. I mean I think. No no no it was him. How can you forget a face like this. I hold my breath as scrolled down his feed. This man was... l have no word. I rubbed my eyes trying to get back to earth, with a big dumb smile on my face when my phone rang
Xandra 💍 is calling
I picked up and put her on the speaker. I said hi to her in a low voice, I was feeling like I'm out of breath
« GUUUUUUUURL » she screamed « Wassup » « Did Florian asked you on Ig ? » « He did. » « GIRRRL DID YOU SAW THESE PICTURES ?!!!! » « Alexandra, i was checking him when you called » « GURRRRRRL IF YOU DONT EAT HIM ON THIS TRIP I'M KILLING YOU »
I start rubbing my eye again. He was something else. God. Why do I feel this. Then I found myself playing with my finger, where my engagement ring used to be.
It gave me a quick reminder.
« Ok he is super hot, but don't count on me for that » « You're such a child when you act like that. You know what, I'm sure you pantie is already soaking looking at his pic, so just wait. When he is goin in front of you there will be no « don't count on me for that » » « shut up » « Have you end your suite case ? » « Not yet, I think it will be handle this evening» « Ok look listen to me wisely. I don't know what you choose but switch it all up with sexiest stuff » « I'm tired of you »
We stayed on the phone for like an hour. You know how it is when besties are on the phone. All the day she kept teasing me with Florian but I didn't give attention. But I wanted to make her laugh a little so I teased her with a screen and a meme
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She hit me back with a message 
« gurl this is too much, you really goin to miss this chance »
What chance ? He just followed me on Instagram. I didn't even accept him yet. He must have a girlfriend, or be a fuck boy. Maybe is he gay. Ok Robyn overthinking AGAIN. It's goin to be cute holidays. I don't want to mess this up.
—— 3836 words
Wassup guys ?
How do you feel about this beginning ?
Is everything understable ? I'm French so you know you girl is struggling a little 🙈
Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react, and all that stuff
Next step, Tulum baby 🥵
Take care
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