#I know it's crooked. it was a quick thing to try out some color palette on his face. and then I wanted to have fun with the background
honeysorwell · 4 years
(a very unprofessional) game changer
Pairing: Audrey Tidall x fem!Reader x Diane Sherman
Summary: Audrey Tidall ends up conquering the role of the protagonist in the expected film that marks the great director and screenwriter Diane Sherman return to the film market, Run, that the blonde one desired really much. The filmmaker has only managed to return now since she left her job almost twenty years ago to take care of her daughter. She has no real plans other than finishing the film that will mark her return, but her nonpeaceful coexistence with Audrey during the filming, along with the loneliness that consumes her personal life ends up instigating an unexpected affection - and that grows every day - for Y/N, the costume designer for Run.
What Diane did not expect, when giving Y/N anonymously flowers during the recording months, is that the costume designer has been in a secret relationship for more than months with Audrey. However, the feeling of indifference and disdain that the director feels for the actress gradually dies after a heated argument between the two, leaving an unnamed tension in the air, while Y/N searches for her secret admirer with her girlfriend.
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[gif by @sapphiclesbian​ ]
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[gif by @cherry-jimin] 
A/N: I was extremely surprised when I posted You rush into my life, stay a little while (I know that we can have it all), and in less than a month I got +50likes (after all I barely know how to use tumblr and I discovered these days how and where to look at the followers that I have lol). And thanks to that, I will use (a very unprofessional) game changer as a social experiment, to see if you guys really like what I write, and if the answer is also positive, I will open requests to write things in my free time. And yes, my first language is not English so maybe something might sound strange.
I had this idea as soon as Run was released, thanks to Diane's passion for films... And since Audrey is an actress, I thought it would be good to combine these two...
I can say that this is a big AU because Diane is a lovely mother, and no one from Roanoke dies (because I don't have time to develop any of this shit).
Hope you all like it!
Synopsis of the story + Chapter 1 ,  Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 (final one)
Chapter 1
Chapter’s summary: Audrey and Y/N get to know each other thanks to Diane, and even though they are about to start recording Run, they decide that it is worthwhile to continue with their relationship. Even if secretly.
Warnings: In this chapter at least, none. Just implicit mentions of smut, it's not really something!  
Word Count: 1,2k
In theory, when someone wins an award as important as The Saturn, their career between movies becomes more likely to invitations to productions. Films, miniseries, or even theatrical productions. But that didn't happen with Audrey.
There was a voice in her head that said it was thanks to her age. But since none of the actors in Roanoke's cast, especially women, were so different in this aspect, Audrey continued to ignore that voice.
Everything was relatively ready for the British woman to participate in Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell, however after her breakup with Rory, the blonde one preferred to focus on something new. She quickly fell in love with him, but when the red-haired man asked about marriage, everything was clear to Audrey. Their paths and thoughts were so different, even with the significant feeling between them, that it was better to break their love relationship before their friendship was affected. And this was what she did.
It was audacious. Refuse a proposal for the same program that gave her fame and awards, to audition for a new film that she barely knew would happen. Some people would call her crazy, but the email she received from her agent was enough to give her courage.
Or rather, four words from that email. Directed by Diane Sherman was what caught her attention and prompted her to try to venture out to take the test.
She can still remember. Years ago, while she was still fighting for a minor role in any theatrical production in England, Diane Sherman was already acclaimed worldwide for the grandiose films with unexpected endings that she produced, even at a young age.
All the films of the woman with a reddish tone between her brunette hair strands became hits. But in the midst of it all, Diane decided to take a break from her career, and less than five months later, a pregnancy was announced.
After that, twenty years passed and no film was released, no interview, no magazine cover. Such a gloriously famous woman disappeared from everyone's view with her baby. But only up to now.
That test was probably the one that tired Audrey the most in her entire career. To portray in a few minutes the pain of the life of a woman who is obsessed with her daughter to the point of making her sick was difficult. But she did, and so, while her former co-stars were locking themselves up in a seemingly haunted mansion, she was getting a call from her agent saying that she got the lead role.
Everything worked well when the blonde received her script and started working with Diane on how they would like this character to be seen by the audience, but as the conversations flowed, Audrey understood why all of the woman's films were such a success. She was a perfectionist and her authority was clear.
Everything needed to be perfect. Including the costume.
And so Audrey met Y/N. A beautiful costume designer with so much talent to spare to the world.
The first time they saw each other, Diane was not present, after all, it was just a date to take Audrey's body measurements. As the story was about a housewife, movable and comfortable clothes had to be designed, which did not force Audrey to strip naked to have her measurements known by Y/N, even if an unprofessional part of her wanted to.
Quick encounters followed, some with Diane briefly present, just to define new color palettes or to approve and disapprove something. The director never stayed more than twenty minutes with the two women, but thanks to Y/N's perseverance, in producing everything exactly as Diane wished, and Audrey's free time, due to her mind being ease in memorizing lines and just a few friendships outside England, the two woman became relatively close.
When the costumes were all designed and in the final process of being made, Diane decided that she would like Audrey's hair to be longer. Some wig tests took place, but a joint decision was made.
The film would be postponed in five months from there, so that the blonde's hair would grow.
It was frustrating, to say the least, and maybe that was the trigger for Audrey's disapproval with Diane, but one thing was good. The time now acquired has started to be spent on Y/N.
Always at discreet lunches or afternoon teas in their homes...
Y/N thinks it might be extremely inappropriate and absolutely unprofessional to get personally involved with a co-worker, even outside the set, and even though their work on Diane's film was relatively distant. But, after many glasses of wine and random conversations, nothing made more sense to Y/N than Audrey's lips against hers.
A one-night stand. That was what they thought they were born to be. But the skin on Audrey's stomach was so smooth that Y/N didn't know if she wanted to kiss her until she moaned or laughed, confused as she tried to understand which one of the sounds was the actual responsible for her heart beating faster.
A one-night stand. Because Audrey didn't feel ready to start a relationship after such a recent breakup. But there was nothing more beautiful than Y/N's face full of pleasure while she was being touched, or her face concentrated on redoing a crooked seam, even if she was the only one that noticed the defect in the piece.
A one-night stand. That turned into two, three, ten, thirty... and when they noticed, Audrey's hair was long enough for the film to start recording and their mind was unconsciously bought each other's favorite foods at the supermarket.
And on one of those nights, when they were both lying on Y/N's bed and Audrey was drawing imaginary flowers on the bare skin of her right hip, a whisper escaped the actresses lips:
"I don't want this to end because we are going to work together... Does that make me unprofessional?", The moment the question escapes her lips, she raises her face towards Y/N and looks deeply into her eyes.
"Well ...", the costume designer starts and stops, distracted by the beauty of Audrey's brown eyes and a lock of her hair - now longer - that is hindering the Y/N view of the blonde's cheeks, but that soon puts the hair strands behind her ear and continues - "Count me in because I don't want this to end either..."
It is a smile so beautiful that it takes hold of Audrey's lips, that the courage to take possession of Y / N's body and one more phrase escapes her lips.
"I think I'm in love with you."
The word think sounds so low, it's like it's not even there. Because Y/N's mind knows that she is sure, even scared and that is why Y/N's eyes focus on the whole room, except the face in front of her. Until delicate fingers touch her chin and direct her to see brown eyes bathed in tears, amid the same glorious smile of seconds ago.
"And I don't know how you didn't notice that I fell in love with you too."
And so they come to an agreement. Nothing will be explicit while they are on set. At work, they will be just friends, close friends if the distance wraps their stomachs, but still, just friends.
For the sake of their reputations, their jobs, and the Diane Sherman film they will be just friends.
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
Apologies for this, but I’ve never asked for a request before. I was hoping you could write some IkeVamp headcanons for Leo, Theo and Vincent. I wanted to know what you think their reactions would be if MC just bit them. Not hard enough to draw blood, but definitely enough to get their attention. (I may or may not be the type to want to bite vampires.)
Hey! Don't worry~ Also, I hope this is what okay with what you wanted even if it's not straight up nsfw?? I mean, it still is heavily implied but I hope you didn't mean it as biting them during smexy times as I can't write that type of stuff yet,,😗
MC biting them (Leonardo, Theo & Vincent)
The sun was on its way to meet the horizon, and the French countryside was painted in amazing shades of golden colors, a palette that would make every painter envious. You and Leonardo were walking back home after a tiring but satisfying day in the city, where the Renaissance man worked hard to solve every problem thrown his way, a job he had grown exceedingly fond of
Despite what had been one of his busiest days during the whole month yet, he still seemed to have the energy of a little kid, the energy to tease you, that is. You couldn't even remember where this banter of yours had picked from, but you were sure it wasn't even that important. What you cared about the most now was the way that annoyingly smug grin of his was getting bigger and bigger each time you struggled to find a proper comeback to his words
You were staring at his stupidly handsome face and were lowkey hoping for him to trip and fall on a horse dump, and of course he had to go and notice your glare. That's when he said it. His typical and most favorite teasing remark that always left you in a pissed silence
"Cara mia, why are you looking at me so? Are you asking for me to bite you? If you want it so bad you should just ask~"
You knew it was coming but this time you felt like the glare you were giving him wasn't enough. Stopping dead in your tracks, you caught his wrist and made him face you. Then, you got on your tiptoes and reached for his neck where you bit him, taking his flesh between your teeth
After stepping back to admire his stunned expression, what you didn't expect was to find his eyes dark with desire. Had he seriously got turned on by that? And now his smirk got wider too!
"Hey, cara mia"
"Mind it if we play a little game when we get back?"
His deep and sensual tone sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine as a blush spread over your cheeks. He, who was carefully watching your every move, slid his toned arm around your wrist, placing a kiss on your forehead
"Who knew my amore could bare her fangs like that-"
He was so, so infuriating, but you loved every moment of it. Then again, today you had learned a new way to have him wrapped around your little finger, though he was always going to make sure to have you back for it. But would you hold it against him? Absolutely not.
It wasn't his fault, really. You were at a ball held to celebrate the opening of a new art gallery and Theo had been talking business with guests ever since the moment you two stepped into the building. Not that you particularly minded, knowing it always ended up like this each time you attended a party with art-related attendees. All you did was stand by his side, proudly watching as he worked towards the achievement of his dream
Tonight though, he looked more tired and stressed than usual. Lately he had been working more in view of the grand opening, so much he barely ever had time to see or talk to you. You somehow wanted to cheer him up, despite knowing that giving him the puppy eyes and whining for attention would only make him feel guiltier and more stressed
As you were still thinking on how to approach the matter, the art dealer went to greet an old man that was standing near a corner of the grand hall. He was a regular supporter of Vincent's artworks, your lover informed you. You trailed behind Theo, prepared to silently support him from his side, but when the guest asked about you Theo said "This is my partner, Hondje"
The way your eyes looked like they were about to pop out of your heads went thankfully unnoticed by the man, who apparently didn't speak Dutch. You could feel the way Theo just wanted to throw himself off the nearest balcony, and after one of the most awkward silences you had ever witnessed in your whole life, the conversation resumed its normal pace until the two gentlemen bed farewell to each other
At that point you finally understood the way the Heavens had gifted you with the perfect opportunity, so you took a confused Theo by the hand and dragged him outside on the empty balcony. Before he could ask you explanations, you lowered the collar of his shirt and bit him, leaving a beautiful, red mark, like the ones he uses to cover you in
Seeing his surprised face, you decided to tease him a bit, the best shit eating grin you could muster planted on your lips. "My, my, if the master isn't careful with what slips out of his mouth...Hondje here might just snatch his position and become the one in command~"
He finally understood what you were trying to do, and just now did he notice how stiff he had been for the whole day. The way your hands were slowly tracing his sides was enough to chase away every inch of stress from his body, and already predicting which direction you wanted the night to go in, he decided to play along
"What a bad puppy you are, turning against your master like that." You looked at him with satisfaction, seeing how your tactic had worked impeccably. "Well, I can't have you going around and do things like that when anyone might see you. Once we get back, I'll have to punish you throughoutly, until then..." he didn't have to finish his sentence for you to know what he was thinking. The amusement and arousal were clear in his diamond eyes. That pair of eyes that were staring deep, deep down to your core. He could be a bit rough sometimes, that was undeniably, but God did he love seeing you try to snatch control from him
In the end, he fully realized how good a medicine you were for him, and the night ended with a win-win situation for both
One afternoon you went to hang around Vincent's room while he was painting. You were feeling kinda clingy but you didn't want to interrupt his work, so all you decided to do was sneaking up on him from behind and then wrapping your arms around his torso, gaining a small squeak from the blonde angel
Once he recognized the scent and the body pressed to his back, he turned around in your embrace to press a soft kiss on the crown of your head, just to newly return his attention on the painting seconds later. He probably didn't catch the meaning of your actions, but you weren't so keen on giving up so soon either
Pressing your chest further into his back, you moved your face until you were able to peek his colorful canvas from the crook of his neck. Eyeing his rosy cheeks and long eyelashes with mischievous eyes to check his reaction, you parted your lips and bit him where the neck meets the shoulder
"Ow!" You couldn't help but smirk. "MC...d-did you just bite me?"
You noticed right away the way his voice trembled ever so slightly and his face had taken the same color of the rosy paint on his brush. But despite looking very cute, he also suddenly appeared extremely "inspired"
It was clear you succeeded in your intent when he set down his tools to fully focus on you, warm breath tickling your ears in quick waves
"You can't do that...biting me out of nowhere..." He said pulling you closer until your noses where touching. "Is it okay...if I bite you too? It's my turn now."
The whole situation was escalating in a wonderful turn of events, and it amused you how quickly Vincent's expression turned from flustered to very needy. Not that you would complain, though
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quickspinner · 4 years
Side by Side
Written for the LBSC sprint fic challenge. If you’d like to join in follow @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers for more information! 
Challenge rules:
Pick a prompt and write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got!
Prompt: "As long as I'm next to you, I don't care"
More information on the challenge here!
“You don’t have to stay with me, you know,” she says, distracted, around the pins in her mouth. Her brow is wrinkled and her expression is one of concentration. “This has to be really boring for you.”
“It’s not.” 
Marinette huffs in a way that can’t be safe considering her mouthful of pins. “I’m totally ignoring you.” 
Luka smiles, and strums his guitar. “As long as I’m next to you, I don’t care. You don’t have to entertain me. I just like being with you.”
Marinette shoots him a look from under her bangs, one that is part reproach and part amusement, but as her eyes fall back to her work, he can see the corner of her smile shift the pins, and the touch of a blush on her cheek. He grins, and strums on. 
“You really don’t have to do this,” he tells her with a gusty sigh as he plops down beside her in the blanket nest they’ve made on the Liberty’s deck. A matching one made of pink and purple blankets waits a short ways off. “It’s Jules’ turn to pick. We could have gone somewhere else.”
“That’s not really fair, though,” Marinette pointed out, snuggling into his side. “She sits through the movies that we pick. We can’t just ditch her when it’s her night to pick.”
Luka makes a face. “Yeah, but…I know how much you hate horror movies.” 
“Yeah,” Marinette sighs, making a face that matches his. “But as long as I’m next to you, I don’t care.” He grins and lifts his arm and she snuggles into his side. “Besides,” Marinette adds, resting her head on his shoulder as they get settled in the blanket nest. The smell of popcorn warns them that Juleka and Rose are on their way. “Nobody ever actually pays attention to the movie on movie night.” 
Luka grins and kisses her, and then picks up a piece of popcorn from the handful Juleka flings at them and pops it in his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” she gasps as they land on the balcony. Ignoring the blinding flash of pink and green light that follows, he throws his arms around her and crushes her to him. “That wasn’t how I wanted you to find out.” 
Luka says nothing, just curls closer around her, and buries his face in her shoulder. For once, he’s not careful, and Marinette sinks under his weight, and they end up kneeling on the floor of the balcony. Marinette presses close, turns her face to kiss his hair, but he doesn’t move. Finally, she has to push at him gently. “Luka, we can’t stay up here.” 
“Don’t make me let go,” he pleads. “Not yet.” 
“Okay,” Marinette says, but she breaks his hold, and takes his face in her hands, forcing him to lift his eyes to hers. “But not here.” His long fingers wrap tightly around her wrist, but he fists the other against his chest. She fumbles behind her one-handed for the latch, and somehow gets it open despite the awkward angle. Sass is at Luka’s shoulder, whispering, and Luka is nodding, but he won’t, or can’t, let go of his grip on Marinette. 
She pulls him down through the skylight, and then they’re in a heap on her bed, trying to arrange themselves. “I’m sorry,” she says distractedly as she finally manages to slot herself up against him and wrap her arms tight around him. “I know it’s a bit cramped.” 
“As long as I’m next to you, I don’t care,” he gasps, and then he’s sobbing into her hair. Marinette can only hold him and press close, so he can feel that she’s here and alive. She’s not sure what she saw, but Viperion’s stricken face when he looked at her after the battle—stared at her in disbelief and fear and maybe even denial—she knows it was bad, and she knows that whatever he might have suspected before, now he knows.  
She holds him until he falls asleep, and has a quiet conference with Tikki and Sass. When dawn comes, Luka shimmies down the outer wall of the bakery, the snake miraculous still glinting on his wrist.
“Are you really sure about this?” Luka asks with a sigh. “You know how demanding he is.” 
“I can handle it for a summer,” Marinette assures him. 
“I’m not even sure I can handle it for a summer,” Luka grumbles, looking at the huge, ostentatious tour bus with a sense of dread that he would die before admitting to Jagged or anyone else besides Marinette. “And all I have to do is stand where they tell me and play. There’s no telling what craziness he’s going to ask you to do.” 
“As long as I’m next to you, I don’t care,” Marinette says, reaching up to cup his cheek and make him look at her. “Hey. We’ve faced a lot worse than eccentric rockstar together. It’ll be fine, and this way I don’t have to be away from you for a whole summer. I know this is hard for you, with all the...drama, between him and your mom. I know you must have questions and I don’t want you to have to face this alone.” 
He bends down and kisses her, not even caring who’s watching, wrapping his arms round her waist and pulling her as close as he can get her. There’s whooping and catcalls from somewhere behind them but Luka doesn’t care, overwhelmed with love for her and touched by her concern for him. 
Marinette giggles when he finally pulls back. “Exhibitionist.” 
Luka shrugs and grins. “Gotta get used to the audience sometime.” 
“Are you really sure about this?” Marinette sighs, straightening Luka’s collar and fixing his tie. “I’m afraid you’re going to be miserable all night.” 
“It’s just a party, Marinette,” Luka shrugs. “I can handle a party.” 
Marinette wrinkles her nose. “It’s a stuffy, schmooze-the-rich-people party. You’re going to spend the whole night following me around bored out of your mind.”
Luka smiles at her. “As long as I’m next to you, I don’t care. Besides, this is your dream. I want to be there. For all of it, not just the glamorous parts. And you know I love watching you in your element, talking shop and kicking ass with that pretty little smirk on your face.” Marinette giggles and he dares a quick lean forward to kiss her forehead. “Maybe I can’t do much to help, but I can at least be with you.” 
“You always help,” Marinette tells him, smoothing his suit coat down before stepping back. Her gaze shifts from critical to appreciative and he suddenly feels warm. “You’re presentable. Let’s go.” She turns to grab her purse and Luka’s eyebrows soar. 
“Is it me, or did the back of that dress get a lot lower than the last time you showed it to me?” he asks, and Marinette smirks at him over her shoulder.
“I can’t give away all my secrets before the big night,” she says, coming back to take his arm. “I wouldn’t want you to get bored with me.” 
Luka has to laugh at that. “You could never be boring. But I appreciate the effort.” He drops his hand to her extremely bare lower back to guide her towards the door. “Very much.” 
“Come on,” Marinette says capturing his hand and arranging his arm back where it belongs, with her hand at the crook of his elbow. “We took down Hawkmoth. A bunch of stuffy old rich jerks are going to be a piece of cake.” 
The comparison gives away her nerves, so he just covers her hand with his own and presses as they go down the steps to the taxi waiting for them. 
“Luka,” Marinette complains, dropping a stack of magazines on the counter. “You’re not even listening.” 
Luka sighs and tries to smile. He’s not a morning person and while he’s glad Marinette’s excited, he’s having trouble waking his brain up enough to care about napkins and color palettes and frilly decorations. “I’m listening,” he says, leaning his cheek on one hand. “But I might hear more if you let me finish my coffee first.” 
Marinette pouts, and snatches his cup from him, taking it to the coffee pot to refill it. She sets it in front of him and sits down at the table, folding her arms and looking like she has every intention of watching him drink it so that she can hold him to his word.
He opens his mouth and Marinette points at him accusingly before he can say anything. “Don’t you dare say you don’t care,” she warns. “This is our wedding, Luka.” 
Luka picks up his coffee cup. “We’ve been engaged for a week, Marinette,” he points out before sipping it. “It’s not that I’m not excited—” He’s so excited, and the sight of the ring on her finger makes him nearly giddy. “But we do have time.”
“Luka,” Marinette groans, tipping her head back. “When do we ever have time?”
Luka pauses, the cup nearly at his lips, suddenly considering his schedule and hers and how hard it was to even remotely coordinate their work so that they could spend what free time they had together. “Okay, point,” he conceded, and sighed, drinking his coffee a little faster. “And I do care, but at the same time, I don’t.” He gave her a smile that he was sure looked utterly besotted—which was fine, since he was. “I just want to marry you.” 
She smiles back at him, softer this time, and he takes another sip of coffee before he adds, “And I want to wear a kilt.” 
Her expression goes from sweet to shocked so fast he nearly choked on his coffee trying not to laugh. “A kilt?” she demands, slamming her hands on the table. “You want to—but you never—now you decide to be Scottish??” 
Luka bites his lip to keep in his laughter and shrugs. “Tuxes are boring.” 
Marinette splutters for a moment, and Luka drains the last of his coffee before reaching over to pull her into his lap. “Come on,” he coaxes, rubbing his nose against hers and dropping a couple of light kisses on her lips. “We’ll get it all figured out and it’ll be beautiful, and half a dozen things will go wrong—”
“And I won’t care as long as I’m next to you at the end of it,” Marinette reluctantly admits, looping her arms around his neck and leaning down to kiss him more thoroughly. “I’m still going to make you look at ten different place settings,” she warns, and Luka shrugs good-naturedly. 
“Can we cuddle while we look?” he asks, nuzzling her jaw. “We can look at every china pattern that ever existed. I don’t care as long as I’m next to you.” 
Marinette giggles and kisses his forehead. “Sap.”
“You sure you don’t want to just go down to city hall right now?” he sighs, laying his head on her shoulder.
“Oh no you don’t,” she scolds, pushing him back. “You’re not cheating me out of my dream wedding with your—Couffaineness. First of all do you have any idea the kind of hell that would descend on us from my Maman’s half of the family alone—”
Luka puts his head back down on her shoulder and lets her rant on, smiling to himself as he closes his eyes. As long as she’s next to him, he really doesn’t care about anything else.
Fiction Master Post
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amillioninprizes · 5 years
Some thoughts on Veronica Mars, fan service, and noir
I’ve been on winter break and at home with a nasty combo cold-ear infection-stomach virus the past couple of weeks, and as so often happens when I don’t have much going on, my thoughts have turned to ruminating over the steaming pile of excrement that was season 4 of Veronica Mars. Why yes, almost six months and one cancellation notice later and I’m still complaining about it--as I told someone on Twitter, it was so stupid that it’s going to take years to unpack.
This particular rant is brought to you by a common refrain seen in both professional critics’ and S4 supporters’ reviews of S4: the movie was schlocky fan service, while S4 is TRUE NOIR. I’m here to argue that neither of those things are true, and that in the grand scheme of things trying to definitively call Veronica Mars noir or not isn’t the best qualitative judgement of the series.
A note on “fanservice”
Something that’s been very strange to me in the critical discussion around S4 is that the fan-funded movie has been retconned as a fanservicey failure. This is weird because it did get a positive Rotten Tomatoes score, actually turned a profit despite the unorthodox distribution model, and was overall well-received by fans except for maybe the 5 Piz lovers out there (he absolutely did not deserve better you guys; he works at This American Life and lives in Brooklyn, he’ll be fine).
A lot of the things pointed to in the movie as fan service actually weren’t. In every interview about the movie and S4, RT and KB always talk about how they started with the image of Veronica punching Madison at the high school reunion and worked from there. The problem is that almost no one had been asking for that. If they had bothered to read any online discourse about the show (and we know RT definitely does), they would know that fans are actually somewhat sympathetic to Madison--after all, she was the intended recipient of the drugged drink Veronica received at Shelly Pomeroy’s party, plus growing up in a family that she wasn’t meant to be a member of must have negatively impacted her. When the preview scene of Veronica encountering Madison at the reunion welcome table was released, Veronica didn’t come off sympathetically. In a similar vein, as much as I liked Corny as a side character in the original series, I didn’t need him to come back for that random scene at the reunion. Nor was anyone asking for an out-of-nowhere James Franco cameo (which given what we know about him now is super gross in hindsight).
So why was the movie well-received by fans? Veronica was in character after an unevenly written and performed S3, and she was back in Neptune, doing what (and who; Ay-yo!) she was meant to do. So while the mystery was subpar (and what Rob Thomas mystery isn’t?), the character side of the story made sense and was satisfying. I wouldn’t call that fan service so much as good writing. Plus, what is even the point of wasting time, money, and effort on making a tv show or movie if it’s going to actively alienate the audience?
S4: more trauma porn than true noir
Admittedly, I’m not exactly the world’s foremost scholar on film noir (in my opinion, the height of cinema is teen romcoms c. 1995-2005), but I do feel I have enough pop cultural knowledge to have a working understanding of what film noir is, and as internet folk would say, S4 ain’t it chief. Sure, S4 was bleak subject matter wise, but that does not automatically equal noir. HappilyShanghaied, who does have a film studies background, wrote a pretty excellent post about why that is shortly after S4 dropped that I could not improve upon, so I will just leave it here. 
In addition to this analysis, I would also point out that S4 was lacking in a unique visual style common to noir films, especially compared to the original television series and the movie. The original series made use of green, blue, and yellow filters to fulfill a high school version of the noir aesthetic (quick shoutout to Cheshirecatstrut’s color theory posts for more on what we thought this meant before it turned out that Rob Thomas did not actually intend to imbue meaning into any of this), while the movie adopted a more mature muted blue-grey palette. S4, however, was more or less shot like a conventional drama and was brightly lit, perhaps signifying Rob Thomas’s apparent plans to turn the show into a conventional procedural.
The movie: more than fan service 
If anything, the movie was more noir than S4. Take Gia’s storyline for instance. While Veronica was off obtaining elite degrees, Gia spent 9 years in a virtual cage being forced into a sexual relationship without her total consent (because that’s the only storyline women can have on this show), and then set herself up to be murdered at the very moment she could potentially break free. That’s pretty fucking grim.
Then there is the whole police corruption storyline, which is a hallmark of noir fiction. The glimpses we get of the Neptune sheriff’s department point to a larger conspiracy at play than just crooked cops; Sachs lost his life trying to expose it and Keith was gravely injured. This was the story I was excited for future installments of Veronica Mars to address, especially given its relevance to today’s politics. Unfortunately, this thread was entirely dropped in S4, where the police department (because, as Rob Thomas revealed in interviews but not onscreen, Neptune has incorporated) is merely overwhelmed by the scope of the bombing case rather than outright corrupt. (Side note but Marcia Langdon was also a more complex and morally grey character when introduced in the second book than she was on screen in S4. Another wasted opportunity).
Noir is also marked by a sense of inevitability or doom as a result of greater forces at play. An example of this in the movie is Weevil’s storyline. After building a life and family for himself, he ultimately ends up rejoining the PCHer gang he left as a teenager due to a misunderstanding based on his race and appearance and the assumptions authority figures make about him because of those things. No matter what he does, he is still limited by an unjust and racist society. Contrast this with the final explosion in S4; it’s not inevitable, just based on Veronica’s incompetence. Rob Thomas claims that he tried to create a sense of doom to LoVe’s relationship between the OOC Leo storyline and the last minute barriers before the wedding, but those aspects just served to make the story unnecessarily convoluted.
What is noir anyway? Was Veronica Mars ever noir? Does it matter?
But this is all assuming there is a set template for noir anyway. This New Yorker essay points out that trying to definitively establish a set of rules for noir is difficult and that the classic noir films were more a product of midcentury artistic and political movements than a defined genre. The noir filmmakers working at the time would not have described their work as such. The kicker of this essay is the final sentence: “But the film noir is historically determined by particular circumstances; that’s why latter-day attempts at film noir, or so-called neo-noirs, almost all feel like exercises in nostalgia.” I found this particularly amusing because as Rob Thomas infamously proclaimed in his S4 era interviews, he wanted to completely dispense with nostalgia going forward. Rob Thomas and S4 supporters have said that Logan needed to die because noir protagonists can’t have stable relationships; but, if there isn’t a defined set of rules other than “an element of crime”, then was it strictly necessary? Hell, writing a hardboiled detective who does have a stable relationship and maybe even a family could have been an interesting subversion of genre expectations. Unfortunately, Rob Thomas isn’t that imaginative.
There’s also the issue that noir and hardboiled detective fiction aren’t interchangeable genres. This article lays out that idea that they aren’t the same because noir is ultimately about doomed losers; in contrast, detective fiction, while dark, contains a moral center and has an ending where a sense of justice is achieved. An interview with author Megan Abbott makes a similar argument; she states that in hardboiled detective fiction, “At the end, everything is a mess, people have died, but the hero has done the right thing or close to it, and order has, to a certain extent, been restored.” Based on the descriptions laid out here, I would argue that in its original format Veronica Mars far better fit the detective fiction model; while she wasn’t always right, she was never a loser, and she solved the mystery. S1-3 all had relatively hopeful, if not totally happy, endings, but you never see anyone complaining that they weren’t noir enough; if anything, they were more emotionally complex than the ending of S4, where Logan’s death is essentially meaningless. One could make the argument that S4 did push Veronica towards a more noir characterization by the definition of these articles by making her more incompetent and meaner than she was in previous installments, but that is a fundamental change in character, which is not coherent writing.
And that is ultimately why S4 was so poorly received by longtime fans and why there will be no more installments of Veronica Mars anytime soon (at least on Hulu). Even if S4 had been noir (or at least shot like one), the serious issues with plotting, characterization, and lack of adherence to prior canon that this season exhibited would still exist. Defending the poor writing choices made in S4 with “it’s noir!” does not mask them or automatically heighten the quality of the product. Perhaps ironically, in ineptly trying to be noir in S4, Rob Thomas likely prematurely ended Veronica Mars by failing his creation and fans with lazy storytelling.
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Kingdom- Chapter Six
Gajeel has had the dream about dying for the blue haired girl for as long as he can remember. Which is weird, since he’s never met anyone with blue hair in his life.
Levy has always loved myths and legends. So much so, in fact, that she was currently getting her master’s in mythological studies.
What neither of them realized was that they were living a legend all their own.
AKA the one with a knight, a princess, and a curse that keeps bringing them together just to pull them apart.
Did you know when I started this chapter, I was worried the original plan for it wouldn't be long enough for an update and I spent actual DAYS trying to decide if I wanted to combine this chapter and the next to make it long enough? Turns out, that wasn't necessary lol
This update also has my fave line from Kingdom so far, any guesses as to what it is?
The familiar weight of the dream was settling into his chest when it happened. A loud gasp, the quick thud of footsteps retreating quickly, a feeling of suspension at his core before the world dropped out from under him.
Then his back hit the cool surface of his living room floor.
Air left his lungs with a soft whoosh as his eyes shot open with the contact, the light streaming in through his large windows blinding him momentarily as he fought to recapture the breath he’d just lost. What the hell was that? As Gajeel’s vision swam back into focus around the blaring sunlight, his mind raced as it tried to catch up with the world around it.
It took all of three minutes of dazed silence for the pieces to pull themselves together in a vivid picture of azure and amber.
When Levy had walked through the doors at Ironside, eyes wide as she took in the neo-gothic inspired decorations of the bar. Against the deep oxblood and onyx color palette, she’d been a burning sun. His gaze had been drawn to her without provocation, no sound or movement out of the ordinary to drag it from the cup he’d been polishing and yet he’d done so all the same. Lights had danced over, leaving momentary brush strokes of purples and pinks over her petal white skin. If he didn’t know better, he’d think he was staring at a fairy, beautiful and untouchable. As if she could hear his thoughts, she’d turned towards him and fixed him with her gold honey gaze and effectively stolen the oxygen from his lungs. Beneath the sunshine of her gaze, he felt himself smile at the warmth of it.
Though she’d only spoken with him for a short period of time, just long enough to order the drink that had been inspired by the shining tendrils of her cornflower hair, it’d been enough to capture his attention for the remainder of the night. She’d danced away with her drink and his heart as she’d joined a blonde woman in the crowd of swaying bodies. After disappearing amongst the mass of bar goers, he would catch glimpses of blue that would peak out amidst the crowd. Each time he’d be pulled away from the drink he was making or the conversation he’d been having, and each time he’d feel a questioning gaze on his back.
“What is it?” He’d finally asked, growling as he turned to Lily, who sat at the end of the bar, out of the way of the paying customers. Their deal had been that Lily supplied breakfast and coffee and Gajeel supplied the booze. Normally, he enjoyed the company of his adopted brother who would offer pleasant conversation to pass the time, especially on slow nights. He would also try his questionable drink experiments, which Gajeel might have only made in order to get revenge on some of the things Lily had tried on him. Tonight, however, his presence only raised a steady edge of tensity that ran along his spine. His scarred eyebrow arched like a cat as Gajeel spun to face him.
“What’s what?” Lily’s voice still boomed over the loud music though he didn’t seem to put much effort into making himself sound louder. In the shadow of the bar, tucked away from the lights, he looked older and otherworldly. For just a moment, Gajeel wondered if it was truly his brother that sat before him. Almost as soon as he’d thought it, Lily took a sip of his rum and Coke, the illusion slipping from his skin like oil slick.
“That look. I don’t even have to see it to know you’re giving me that look.” As if to emphasize his point, Gajeel gestured towards his face.
“She’s pretty,” is all he replied with a quick shrug of his shoulder. “Pretty blue hair too.” Lily’s voice was heavy with insinuation as his obsidian eyes bore into him.
Any luck finding the blue haired dream girl? The question from their last breakfast together echoed in his mind and something clicked into place in the back of his mind. Had Lily known her from the coffee shop? The harsh sound of a throat clearing cut off the question that balanced on the tip of his tongue, effectively ending their conversation and throwing Gajeel back into his work. By the time it had died down enough for him to speak with his brother again, he had disappeared from his seat in the shadows.
The night passed without Lily and without another flash of blue.
It wasn’t until the throng had cleared at the end of the night that he finally captured another glimpse of her. Her cheeks were flushed with color and her eyes were bright with fevered inebriation as she looked around the crowd in search of the blonde friend that no longer stood with her. Levy was a vision of a goldenrod sun against a cerulean sky as she danced back over to the bar.
“I lost my friend,” she said, words pliant as they melted around each other. Her voice was small as she looked around at the now nearly deserted bar. His heart squeezed as he saw the sad look in her eyes. I’d help anyone look for a friend, he told himself as he walked around the bar, ignoring the obvious lie that colored his thought.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said as he offered her his hand. “Take a seat, I’ll take a quick look around for her. What’s her name?” Levy climbed onto the stool at the bar, steadying herself with the edge of the bar and his hand as she did so. As soon as she was situated, she dropped her head onto her folded forearms that were braced against the slightly sticky surface of the counter.
“Lucy.” The name was muffled by her skin. He couldn’t have been gone more than 15 minutes before he returned Lucy-less to find Levy fast asleep where she sat. A stray wave of blue blowing with each breath as it lay across her face.
I’d help anyone out if they fell asleep at the bar, he told himself as he cradled the sleeping woman against his chest, waiting for the elevator doors to ding open at his floor. After many fruitless attempts to wake her after he’d completed his clean up, he’d been faced with the decision to either call the police to get her, or to take her home. The former was out of the question and the latter let loose a cage of raging butterflies in his chest. Though she’d shuffled a couple of times, rearranging herself in his arms as she pressed her face closer to the beating pulse at the crook of his neck, she’d remained asleep.
After disembarking from the elevator and momentarily cradling her weight with one arm as he fiddled with the lock of his door, Gajeel had carefully walked to his room and had gently set her amongst the mountain of pillows and the plush black comforter. The motion had him leaning close to her and his senses filled with the scent of lavender, stalling him for just a moment as he breathed her in. A small hum vibrated in her throat before she sighed and her eyes fluttered open.
“Gajeel,” Levy sighed again before she closed the small distance between them and brushed her petal soft lips against his own. It was a quick and fleeting touch, gone almost as soon as it happened as she closed her eyes and smiled before she curled around herself and pressed further into the pillow under her head. Stunned silence had fallen around him as he stood fully and touched his bottom lip with his index finger. Fire had erupted under his skin as he yearned for the touch again. Something deep within him started to rage against the inside of his skin as it tugged at a forgotten memory.
If only he could have remembered.
The flush of the toilet broke the spell of the night before as Gajeel came crashing back down to the present and his living room floor. Worry crept into his veins as he eyed his own bedroom entrance. He was all to familiar with what transpired between a night of drinking and the toilet flush the next morning.
As he pushed himself off the ground to follow her into the room in which she’d retreated,  lungs still greedily snatching at air, he couldn’t help but note that it was the third time in just as many meetings that she’d left him struggling to breathe.
“Levy?” He called, bare feet soundless against the hardwood. The black comforter lay in a giant heap in the middle of the bed, a stray lock of blue standing like a stretch of sky against its darkness. A small groan, half pain and half indignation, answered from deep within the blanketed cocoon's depths. His eyes flickered over the mass, its peak barely moving with its occupant’s breathing. With a quick shake of his head, he retraced his steps and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing a clean glass from the drying rack and a bottle of Tylenol that permanently lived on his counter after a great many of his own drunken nights.
After filling the clear glass with filtered water from his fridge, he returned to the room and the lump that had once been Levy, baring his gifts as he set them on the nightstand next to the bed. The springs of his mattress protested as he gently sat on the corner, trying his best not to jostle it. The feeble moan from the comforter told him he’d failed.
“You alright?” Gajeel’s voice was melted chocolate as it filled the room. His eyes watched for movement as he waited for an answer. A moment passed, and then another, and then another. He started to count them as he waited, unsure if Levy had fallen back asleep. He’d made it to 15 before she responded.
“Why am I here?” The words were stuffed with cotton and he’d barely caught them all through the fabric of Levy’s makeshift shelter. He hummed deep in his throat as if he hadn’t deciphered her meaning in hopes he’d catch a glimpse of her. Another count of 15 passed before an opening appeared, revealing her eyes that housed two endless golden seas. Her eyebrows were knit together in consternation as she fixed them on him. Gajeel bit back the smile that threatened to carve itself across his face.
“Why am I here?” She repeated, her voice filled with the same dismay that churned in her gaze.
“Ya mean, you don’t remember offering yourself to me?” His face was a mask teasing mirth as he pulled a studded eyebrow upwards towards the heavens. Levy shot up out of the comforter as if she’d been shocked, eyes opened impossibly wide and a squeak against her lips. She glowed in the sunlight from the window behind her. She was spring kissed Persephone amongst Hades’ robes. The flabbergasted expression quickly melted into one of unamused displeasure as Gajeel’s booming laugh filled the space around them.
“That’s not funny.” A peony pink lip jutted out in a pout. He pretended not to notice the jolt in his chest at the sight of it.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was still full of laughter. Truth be told, he wasn’t sorry at all. She watched him warily as his levity tapered off. Reaching for the water and painkillers, he handed them to her. It wasn’t until she’d taken them that he began to speak.
“You’d had a bit much to drink, and you seemed to lose your friend at some point,” Gajeel said with a shrug, attempting not to watch the way she threw her head back as she tossed two of the Tylenol into her mouth. After a gulp of water, she handed the pill bottle back to him, her fingers brushing lightly over his palm and sending a droplet of heated magma into his veins. As the drop traveled, drawing a line of fire along with it, he relied what had happened the night prior, only leaving out the featherlight brush of her mouth against his that was still a phantom sting against his mouth. While he spoke, he drank her in, intoxicated by the way her own stare had wavered across his skin. It was only when he finished telling her what had happened that a flame ignited around his heart as the drop found its mark deep within his chest.
The apples of her cheeks pinked as his words tapered off.
“Thank you,” she nearly whispered as she cast her eyes down towards her hands. Her lithe fingers twisted in the dark fabric of the comforter as she fidgeted soundlessly.
“Nothing to thank, Shorty.” The nickname slipped from him before he had the chance to snatch it back. A beat passed. Then another. Then she chuckled. Levy’s eyes gleamed as she looked up through the blue bangs that had fallen over her forehead.
“I’m not short, you’re just a giant.”
Gajeel dramatically through a hand over his heart, pushing back the small bubbling of delight as her gaze fluttered over his still bare chest.
“You’ve cut me deep!” He cried with faux hurt. “Just put on my gravestone ‘Here lies Gajeel. Killed by a shrimp.’”
Levy’s snort was the only warning he had before he caught a well aimed pillow to the face. With her eyes screwed shut, mouth wide with laughter as her head tipped back in exaltation, Gajeel wondered how he wasn’t blinded by how brightly she shined. Chuckling lowly, he returned the feather stuffed cushion that cut off her laughter.
The room descended into chaos as it was filled with their laughter as it twisted together with the floating feathers that strayed from the confines of their pillows. At some point, they abandoned the pillows as Gajeel’s fingers started to dance across her skin, making her squirm as he tickled her ruthlessly. It wasn’t until her cheeks were flushed, her breath was heavy and she’d looked up at him from the cage his body had created around her that the attack subsided. His own dark hair created a veil that fell around them as the last of their laughter melted away back into silence.  
Heat filled the space between them as Gajeel stared down at her, her face framed by the glowing halo of her hair. Small gasps parted her lips as she held his gaze. They were a tantalizing shade of pink and he hungered to feel them against his own once more. Hungered to explore their plush plains and the woman they belonged to. He felt himself pulling towards her as if she was a magnet and he was a helpless piece of metal.
The fluttering touch of her fingers dragging over the slightly darker skin of the birthmark over his heart sent an electric spark through him that flayed his thoughts. As the moment shattered around him, he pulled back and sat back on his haunches. She followed suit, sitting up against the mahogany headboard behind her.
“What happened?” Her curiosity rang with each word as she stared, almost memorized by the mark. The gold of her gaze was touched by sorrow as she reached out to brush her fingers over it again. As if summoned by the butterfly wing contact, the vision of the light pouring from the metallic scar on his doppleganger’s armor flickered across his sight.
“Nothing,” he said a little breathlessly as he shook the image away. “At least, not that I know of.” Gajeel tried to smile as he shrugged. “I’ve had it as long as I can remember. Always just figured it was a birthmark to be honest.”
With that, he looked down at the mark as if it would finally reveal its mystery. When he returned his crimson gaze to Levy, she was chewing on the corner of her lip as if she was trying to stop herself from saying something.
“Why?” Her eyes widened at the simple question. Eyebrows knitting together, and confusion dulling the gold of her irises, she thought. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was frustrated as she searched for an answer, the internal struggle pulling her expression through several emotions before landing on a look of defeat.
“Just looked like a weird scar, I guess.” Levy’s voice was flat as her shoulders sagged. A sea of words swam behind her eyes, fighting against the cage of her mind as she left them unsaid. As a pregnant quiet settled over them, Gajeel searched for something else to say. Anything that would lift the weight that was settling against both their shoulders.
“I should probably go,” she finally said with a small smile as she started to extract herself from her perch at the head of his bed. He watched as she found her shoes by the bedroom door, struggling still to find the words he didn’t want to leave left unsaid. They never came as they exchanged numbers and she thanked him again.
A bright smile, a quick waggle of her flower stem fingers and a promise to let him know when she made it home safe were left hanging in the air as the door clicked behind her. As she left, she took the strange electric weight with her.
Groaning loudly into the apartment that now seemed too large and too empty, he fell back onto his couch, letting his head lull back to stare up at his ceiling. He wasn’t sure how much time passed as he attempted to pull the answers he sought from the popcorn texture before the loud chirping of Lily’s ringtone broke his concentration. After much consideration on whether he’d actually wanted to speak to him, the curiosity of where he’d disappeared to the night prior won out, and he snatched the phone off the coffee table.
“Hey, Lil,” Gajeel answered, returning to his pose. He traced a quick cat into the raised bumps of the ceiling as he waited for his reply.
“Gajeel,” Lily’s voice was oddly curt. Do you have time to meet today? We need to talk.”
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tliv3writes · 8 years
Vampire In The Snow - Caleb
Note: This is a personal work, please do not copy, or distribute without authors permission. This work contains scenes containing light sexual content.
Part 1 - Caleb
October in Alaska was a tedious affair. Caleb closed his vibrant green eyes as he sat in his cabin with his head pressed against the protected wall. Why the hell, does it get so hot here? Why 24 hours of sun?! Why am I here? Those three thoughts bounced around every few minutes as he struggled not to go insane in this barren wasteland. He’d been sent to protect the humans from the wrath of his kind, why he had to protect them he didn’t know he couldn’t stand them either, but apparently his father felt he had enough human in him to protect a creature his kind should be allowed to feed on. 
A sweet smell assaulted his senses, “what is that?” The smell blew across the snowy terrain, “Lavender, light fresh, lavender.” Caleb turned his head toward his front door where the sun had finally begun to set, signaling his favorite time of year. Thirty full days of precious night. 
He waited a moment letting the sun drift below the horizon before stepping out of the front door of his isolated cabin. The peculiar scent grew stronger as he began to walk through the twilight. His boots crunching into the fresh snowfall and his eyes closing every few moments as he savored the lavender in the air. 
Turning towards town he noticed her, her soft brown hair flowed in the wind, her glowing blue eyes lit up as if the sun had risen yet again. Her physique making his mouth water for just one bite, she was truly exquisite. Perhaps she is a vampire not unlike myself. The thought vanishing as quickly as it had come. He was the only vampire in this wretched tundra.
As he stood there watching her he noticed the moving van parked at the town office in front of the bucking bronco statue in the central square. His feet began to move on their own leading him towards her. No, what are you doing, stop. It’s forbidden for you to have contact with the humans, you know that. His mental anguish causing him to lose his footing and land face first in the snow. Smooth. Glancing around to make sure no one had seen his blunder he stood and began to walk back toward his cabin, trying to push the quaint beauty from his mind. 
Three Months Later
Damn this thing, if it wasn’t such a pleasurable device I’d cut it off and feed it to the wolves.  Staring down at his groin and the obvious erection he wandered through the woods searching for his prey, his hunger making him more irritable. He stopped and inhaled, turning his head slowly. Ahh, there it is, that beautiful scent….lavender. He shook his head attempting to regain focus on the task at hand, not the smell of the young beauty currently working 100 yards away from him. He ha yet to learn her name, but she had come and taken over the construction site that was setting up oil pipelines in the surrounding area. Palming himself through his jeans he turned and headed in the opposite direction. I need food, not some mortal who will satisfy me only once. 
Caleb picked up on the scent of a bear nearby, his trek through the forest finally panning out. He tensed creeping low to the ground before moving into attack mode. His hands wrapped around the bear and with very little effort spent he brought the animal down quickly. He made quick work of his meal, skinned and finally buried the carcass, hoping to leave a soft pelt in town for the store to sell. Turning toward home he caught her scent again. His mind instantly seized on the many thing he’d do to her in these very woods. 
His hand rose to caress her soft cheek, her eyes rose to meet his, a hint of fear flashing in her gaze as he leaned down to nuzzle her neck. His lips pressed a soft kiss behind her ear, he felt her pulse pick up and his fingertips moved from her cheek to her soft supple…Caleb shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. His erection once again ran wild. I must clear these thoughts from….her head fell back as he trailed his tongue from the sweetest spot behind her ear to the hollow of her throat, his hands roamed her curves, before they came to rest on her ass, he gave it a light squeeze before he pulled her tight against his groin…Caleb’s head connected solidly with a tree. So much for those ‘heightened’ senses. 
Caleb made his way into his cabin and made a small palette on the floor. He laid with his head on  a pile of coats. He closed his eyes and drifted off to the thoughts of his beauty once again. 
He stepped up behind her, wrapped his arms around her trim waist. “Beauty, what I wouldn’t give to taste you.” Her light laugh drifted across his senses, made his body respond. He turned her to face him and played with a soft curl that bounced just there near the edge of her breasts. The backs of his fingers brushed against her softly. He leaned down to place a soft kiss to her slightly parted lips, she wrapped her arms around his back and met his advances. Their mouths moved together and his hands roamed her body, pressed her back against the wall of his cabin. “You are, divine.” He nibbled at her full lower lip, his hands rested at her waist and toyed with the hem of her shirt before he finally slid it up her torso and over her head.
He stepped back to study her momentarily, her shy smile let him know she didn’t do this very often. He stepped back into her space and trailed a finger over her exposed breasts and stomach. He smiled gently at her, “you are so incredibly beautiful.” She smiled at that reaching to thread her fingers through his hair and pulled him down for another sweet kiss. His tongue twined with her, his hands explored her upper body, his mouth moved from hers and trailed soft kisses down her neck, between her breasts and back up again. Her breath came in soft pants, Caleb smiled as his gaze met hers before he dropped his head to nuzzle one of her nipples. His hand moved to cup her other breast as he licked her peak and suckled her gently into his mouth. 
Caleb bolted upright, fully roused from his dream. Whatever that was, should prepare to die…
Caleb exited his cabin into the pitch black woods that surrounded his home. His keen eyesight allowed him to see his shed where he kept his SnowCat, had caved in. The roof sat at a peculiar angle like something had landed on it. Before he could locate the source of the cave in, a twig snapped to his right and a blurred figure rushed him, landed square on his back and drove him to his knees. 
Arms came around his neck and squeezed, suffocating him slowly as the intruder attempted to snap his neck. Not necessarily fatal, but a pain to regenerate from. He caught a whiff of the intruder, “Off of my spine Sebastian!” Caleb rolled forward and deposited the offending male onto the wooded floor before him.
“You don’t fight like you used to!” Sebastian chortled from where he lay unkempt, a lazy smile plastered to his ethereal features, “you spend too much time with mortals.”
“Runtling, I spend no time with mortals.” Caleb paced over to his friend and pressed his booted foot into Sebastian’s neck. “You know the laws, we protect them from the feeders.”
“So you’ve seen her then?” Sebastian’s question threw Caleb off, his train of thought all over the place, ADD in an immortal was a dangerous thing.
“Seen who runt?” Caleb stepped back and leaned against a tree watching the smaller man stand and start to build a snowman.
Sebastian’s crooked grin only grew, “the dark haired one with the sea colored eyes, the one with the scent of lavender. Your favorite.”
Caleb started. Of course the runt would know of the girl. Of course they’d be spying on him, knew he would be spying on her. And yet, “I have no idea what or who you’re talking about.” Caleb was casual, he leaned against the nearest tree, his back practically conformed to the bark. 
“The girl with the dark hair, the quiet one that works on the oil rig,” Sebastian smirked waggling his eyebrows at Caleb, “don’t worry I won’t tell The Council, but have you….you know?”
“You know the rules Sebastian, we don’t sleep with humans, we don’t even spend time with humans!” Caleb’s fist launched into the nearest tree.
“You might not,” the Runtling smiled coyly, taunting the older vampire before he stood to make his way into Caleb’s cabin. “What if I meet her for you and her to you…”
Caleb stormed forward and gripped the back of Sebastian’s shirt. He used his strength to haul him out of his home and flung him 40 feet into the woods. He watched as Sebastian’s head collided with a tree. 
“We do not go near the humans!” Caleb’s voice exploded in a rage, the clouds gathered tightly overhead. “you do not go near the humans! We are to protect only Sebastian!” 
Sebastian flew across the ground and slammed Caleb into the side of his Cabin, “YOU DON’T!” His fist flew and collided with Caleb’s jaw, “The feeders are not a prevalent force here, you are protecting them from nothing!”
“It doesn’t matter if The Feeders are here or not, Vampires and humans are never to mix.”
“You don’t understand, The Council doesn’t monitor us anymore…”
Caleb’s voice rose above the storm, “Runtling! Leave this place, the humans are under my protection, you will not come near this town again!” His eyes began to glow a deep ominous amber.
Sebastian stood tall, wrapped his hands around Caleb’s throat and squeezed tightly, “listen brother, you know better than all of us the way of The Council but The Council is a dying breed. We ill be the new heads soon, making the rules, keeping our own kind strong!”
Caleb’s fist launched out and snapped Sebastian’s arm. He thrust into his neck and snapped it cleanly before he pushed his lifeless body out of the way. He calmed, the storm dissipated, the heavens quieted. He entered into his cabin and dragged Sebastian to his pallet on the floor before he dumped his unceremoniously. He would regenerate within the next 12 hours. 
Caleb stared at the ceiling, “Aleksander, can you hear me?” He could feel his connection to The Council grow. 
“Caleb?” Aleksander’s voice echoed through Caleb’s head, “is there trouble with The Feeders?”
“Aleksander, Sebastian is here, what the status of The Council?”
“The Council? Caleb, The Council is as strong as ever, The Feeders are being eradicated by hunters like you, we are able to move about freely and protect our humans easier, we are growing stronger by the day.”
“Then why is Sebastian telling me The Council is failing?” Caleb looked over to see if the Runtling was still unconscious, the absence of his mouth moving the only proof he needed that Sebastian was still out of it. “Have you been in contact with….Kristjan?”
“Your father has been absent in The Council since you were, sent, to Alaska.”
“You mean banished?” The sky began to darken outside of the cabin, thunder and lightning echoing across the vast expanse of the Alaskan tundra.
“No, I need to know why Sebastian is here,” the storm quickened outside hail pelting the roof of the cabin, “Sebastian speaks of interacting with humans, of sleeping with them.”
“The humans don’t know of our existence, he must be discreet,” Aleksander went silent momentarily, “maybe times are changing..”
Lightning exploded a rear window in Caleb’s cabin sending shards of glass plummeting through the small space and raining down on Caleb and Sebastian’s prone body. Hail and snow flew wildly through the broken window as Caleb’s rage grew stronger, “I was banished for protecting that woman! That child!” Caleb began to rise up slowly from the ground his power beginning to get the best of him, “they banished me from my home, took me away from everything I knew…I lost EVERYTHING!”
His connection with Aleksander broke as Caleb tried to control himself. His rage was so powerful, he knew better than to allow that to happen. He could kill someone, he could destroy everything around him.
A figure appeared in the darkest corner of the cabin, silent and steady as he watched Caleb rage. Caleb’s body tensed and a deafening roar barrelled through his chest and out of him, shattering the remaining windows of the cabin and sending shattered glass across the occupants of the room.
“Your tantrums have gotten worse have they not Dog?” Cristian stepped forward finally announcing his presence to the vampire before him.
Caleb’s eyes narrowed and small bursts of lightning began to pool in his palms, wrapping around his fingers and shooting from his fingertips. “Get out of my home,” Caleb began to pulse with the amount of power coursing through him. In the background of his mind he thought he could hear the sound of sirens signaling a superstorm.
“You’re willing to kill an entire town of people in your rage?” Cristian’s smug attitude only served to anger Caleb further.
Releasing another bellow of rage Caleb barreled toward the older vampire lifting him by his throat and slamming him into the ground, “you took me from my family…you stole me from my home…threw me away as if I were the waste beneath your feet.”
Cristian grinned sardonically pressing his palm flat against Caleb’s chest and jolting him with power, sending Caleb flying backwards and into the opposite wall. He rose snarling and flew forward his fist connecting solidly with Cristian’s chest. The sickening crack of his sternum echoed through the room “LEAVE. MY. HOME.”
Cristian stumbled backward, his head connecting with the solid wood of the cabin. Shaking off the pain he stood searching Caleb’s eyes. “Your eyes burn as your mothers did when she was angry, you have her soul.” Caleb faltered slightly his feet finally coming to rest on the ground, the storm continuing to rage outside. “You were the pride of The Hunters Dog, you were everything The Council needed to be and more, yet you allowed that simple mortal to turn you into a sniveling….runt.”
Caleb slowly sank to his knees, memories overloading his mind as Cristian assailed him with images from his past.
“Caleb, you’ve done so much for us, you cannot leave.” Korina reached up to stroke Caleb’s cheek. “Please….”
Caleb reached down and pulled her palm away from his face, “the laws are clear polyagapiménos, I must leave.” He stepped back placing her hand gently by her side.
Soft tears began to track down her cheeks, her hands coming to cover her face. “Korina please….”
“Get out of my head Cristian!” silent tears streamed down Caleb’s face, his heart rending in two.
“The woman knows too much, she cannot be allowed to survive.” Sotirios peered down at Korina, invisible to the woman before him.
“She isn’t a threat to us,” Caleb snarled the wind picking up around them, “she has a child, a child that will not survive without her mother!”
“Then you should have thought about that before revealing what you are.”
“Please, this doesn’t need to be! PLEASE!” Caleb’s pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears as Sotirios stepped forward, revealing himself to Korina. Her gasp was cut short by the hand tightening around her throat. “You’ve signed her death warrant Dog, the least you could do is watch what you have wrought.”
Sotirios used his power to force Caleb to watch as he snapped the mortals neck, dropping her lifeless body to the ground in an unceremonious heap. Turning he made his way to the small second room in the back of the yurt. A soft cry followed by silence would haunt Caleb for the rest of his unnatural life. The lightning destroying the village echoing his pain, the rain unspilled tears for the two he thought he had saved.
The storm outside of the cabin dissipated, Cristian knelt before Caleb wrapping his arms around the young vampire. “I’m sorry frate, but I had to stop you.”
Caleb said nothing as he wept silently, snow flurries falling outside.  
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