#I know the text looks wonky but I’m too lazy to fix it
lavaflowe · 2 years
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One of my favorite chapters, makes me laugh everytime
Like imagine drinking from this random river gets you pregnant and then you have to drink this other water to get rid of it and THEN you have the worst bowel movement of your LIFE and you’re never the same
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astarionposting · 2 years
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A rough draft of my OC sheet! a lot of the text is small cause I was trying to fit a lot :,)
(also I know some parts are wonky, they’ll be fixed)
I’m going to clean up all the line work and colour it later (as well as fix proportions, I’m just waaay too tired rn)
Tbh I find it really difficult to make her look the same everytime I draw her, but hopefully I’ll get better at that overtime… also, I got really lazy around the full body sketch so it probably looks funky rn
Anyways! Iseia is a huntress from the Taronyutxon clan (“hunters of the night”—created for me by the wonderful @neteyuck!) they also gave me a lot of ideas for the Taronyutxon’s rituals, the way they craft their weaponry and all of that!
I also was given an amazing idea by @areislol to make their bioluminescent freckles adapt to different colours to help them blend in with the glowing flora around them at night (since they are primarily a nocturnal clan).
I’m very happy with all of this right now and I want to thank everyone who gave me inspiration and ideas to flesh out the clan I wanted Iseia to be a part of! Soon her character sheet will be completed !! :)
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krisseycrystal · 4 years
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rated: g
fandom: Steven Universe
prompt: “Protecting Someone You Love” + BisPearl (& Steven)
requested by: @moominquartz
i’ve been on an SU-love-fest i think alskdjflakjsdf trying to write as much as possible for this show that means so much to me now that it’s over i’m so sorry
HERE’S THE OTHER HALF OF THE REQUEST MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND @moominquartz GAVE ME !!! When he first said “write BisPearl” it was a tie between “Protecting Someone You Love” and “Competition” and I already did “Competition,” so now it’s time to finish the duet with “Protecting Someone You Love”
i got really sappy in this but shrug emoji what else is new. ENJOY
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Instrumental [Read on AO3]
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The broken stonework of the world bursts into dust and fragments around her. It settles on her tongue and sticks to her throat. Bismuth coughs and hacks to try to get it out, but time is passing strangely and she’s not in full control of her limbs. Reality has been cut and pasted into snippets that reel past too quickly. Consciousness slips in and out of her grasp. Everything seems as flimsy as clouds, which, for the record, is not proper for construction. She’s told the Morganites over and over again: you can’t build a castle on top of sand. Did they listen?
There are birds chirping, twittering, from far away. It tastes like morning. She has always liked the seasonal changes on Earth. Very fitting. 
Ivory keys dance along her shoulders and draw her into a slender chest. Someone is shouting.
Bismuth can’t make out the words. She thinks she wants to reach out to that voice. She thinks she ought to comfort them. She knows them.
“Just hang on!” 
A butterfly has latched onto her hand. It’s funny; she hadn’t even been aware she had a hand until it was held.
Wait. That’s kind of whack. Of course she has hands. How else does she—
“It’s cool,” she tells the butterfly. She lifts her hand to eye level.  “Hey, now. Y’don’t gotta panic. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
“Bismuth? W-what are you…?”
Light bursts into a towering column that swallows them whole. Bismuth’s vision is filled with an alarming clarity, accompanied by the soft popping chime of an activated warp pad, which seems pretty confusing at first, considering that means they’re leaving the place Bismuth thinks they should probably be at.
“Hey,” she tells the butterfly, “The fountain…” 
“Not now, Bismuth.” 
The butterfly lands on her shoulder again as their destination solidifies under their bodies. There’s a breath, another young voice she knows that shouts, “Pearl!” and a rustle of grass.
“Steven! Oh, thank goodness—”
“—It’s okay, Pearl! I got your text! I’m here. Is she—?”
“—yes, she’s a little…”
Bismuth can’t make out what the words that were supposed to follow are. She blinks slowly and the next time she looks, her perfect view of Earth’s blue, blue sky has been eclipsed by pink shoulders and black clouds. 
“Who put that floof there?” she mumbles and reaches up.
A salamander laughs and pushes her hand away before she can move back the black clouds. “Y-yeah, I see what you mean,” the salamander rumbles. He sucks in a sharp breath. “Oh, Bismuth…okay, here we go.” Then, something wet and warm and strange sets itself upon her gem. 
And there’s pink.
And pink.
And pink—
Bismuth gasps upright hard. Her hair flings forward over her face; she shoves it back with a broad hand and winces before she realizes she can’t feel any pain. She’s fine. She feels fine. Her eyes snap to her whole, unblemished gem.
“Bismuth!” Pearl’s wobbly voice is her first warning before she’s encircled in thin, white arms. Pearl’s face presses into her shoulder. “Oh thank goodness you’re all right! I was so terrified after…”
“Pearl—” Bismuth’s laugh dries up the instant Pearl pulls back. 
That’s a scary look on her face Bismuth doesn’t think she’s ever seen before.
But Steven, on Bismuth’s other side—hey, she hasn’t seen him in a while; did he get his ears pierced?—winces as if he knows very well what that particular, specific turn of Pearl’s lips mean. “Oh boy,” he murmurs when Pearl opens her mouth.
“Don’t you dare do that again.”
Clarity is a sharp mirror in Bismuth’s head, replaying the events preceding the wonkiness of the world. Bismuth sets her own mouth in an unhappy slant. 
Steven frets. “Uh, do what again? Guys?”
“I can’t promise you that.”
“Yes! You can! I can take care of myself, Bismuth. I have for millennia.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“When you pull stunts like—like that, you certainly seem to suggest—“ 
“—I was just trying to protect you!”
“And look what it did!” Pearl throws out her hand. “That fusion, whatever she called herself, Charoite? Whatever; she got away! And even worse than that: Rose’s fountain is now in ruins! Gallons of her healing tears, lost! It’s going to take ages for Steven to be able to replenish that, if he even can!”
“Uh, guys?”
Bismuth scowls. “It’s fine, isn’t it? I’ll fix it! It’ll look just as good as it did before. At least that’s something I’m good to have around for, anyway.” 
Pearl’s voice pitches high to a degree Bismuth hasn’t heard in centuries.
Bismuth and Steven’s gazes snap to her. Pearl’s brows are pinched tight on her face, peaking just below her gem. Her pale blues shine under the sunlight peeking through the canopy of leaves high above. She looks hurt and wounded, which is the strangest thing considering that last Bismuth checked, she had done everything she could to ensure that wouldn’t happen.
“Bismuth,” Pearl says and Bismuth has never quite heard her name sound like that before, like someone needed to say it, “this is exactly the problem.”
The sensation of a hand against her cheek is new. Pearl’s touch is gentle. Warm.
Steven’s face softens from worry to something else: something starry-eyed and open-mouthed as he watches them.
“How could you possibly think you matter so little to me?”
“You honestly think I don’t want you around for more than fixing things? That you’re…”
Bismuth kind of feels like she wants to take back her words, now. Her face is burning, burning, burning. Her stomach has swooped. There’s embarrassment and something giddy rising in her chest all at once. She doesn’t know what to do with it. “Aw, geez, Pearl, nah. I didn’t mean to…”
“Don’t do that again.”
There’s something in the way Pearl’s voice shakes as she repeats her words. Something in the press of her fingers into the edge of Bismuth’s jaw.
Bismuth chuckles, low and quiet. She dips her head. “Pearl, you know I can’t promise you that.”
“No! I don’t know. Why not?”
Aw, stars. Is this the moment? Bismuth would be lying if she tried to say she hadn’t imagined over and over again how she’d confess the big, goopy mess inside her that’s feelings. She could have done big, grand, pre-planned gestures, or small, intimate ones. She always fancied making Pearl something, but could never decide what would be good enough. She never figured the opportune moment would be immediately post-almost making Pearl cry.
But then Pearl looks at her with those big eyes and all that concern and with all that grace in her and Bismuth thinks maybe, well, maybe she’s been thinking too much.
She would just really awfully like to hold her.
“Pearl, I—”
“—aw, just kiss already!”
The tinny voice echoes across the forest clearing, followed by shocked and indignant, “Amethyst!”
Amethyst’s voice cackles loudly from Steven’s phone as he hurriedly jams his thumb over the face of his screen. Just before it clicks off, Amethyst shouts out, “Hah! Hurry, Steve-O! Warp to the temple! Pearl still can’t get into my room; you’ll be safe here!” and Steven’s face is red red red. He stuffs both hands in the pockets of his jacket and shoots to his feet. Quick as he can, he bolts for the warp, shouting, “Sorry!”
The only one perhaps most off-color than all of them is Pearl. She stands, aghast, but by the time she reaches out, the warp pad chimes and a familiar, melodious pillar of light stretches to the sky. 
“Steven! Get back here!”
“For the record: it was Amethyst who video-called m—!” Steven’s voice is cut off before he can finish.
Pearl stares at the place she last saw his red flip flops against the top of the warp pad’s surface.
Bismuth can’t help it. 
She laughs. She laughs and laughs and falls back against the grass, arms spread out in an open invitation to the sky.
Pearl slaps a hand over her face and lets it slowly fall. “Ugh. I’m sorry. Those two can be so insufferable together. They have no concept of personal boundaries whatsoever.”
“Oh, believe me. I know.” Bismuth sits back up once her chuckles have subsided. She props up an elbow on her knee and looks to Pearl with a lazy grin. “I mean, I was just thinkin’: y’know, it’s such a shame Steven probably had to leave his Dondai parked somewhere around here when he came to meet us at this warp pad…it’d be a tragedy if, y’know, somethin’ happened to it while he was hiding…”
Pearl blinks. Slowly, she smiles and presses a hand to her own cheek. “Why, Bismuth! I knew there was a reason I love you.”
And there it is.
And it’s so simple to hear. 
And it’s perhaps the first time Bismuth has ever actually heard the words, which is funny, because after all of her imagining and all of her notions about what this moment would be like: to know that she matters and is cared for reciprocally…she never expected for it to be so unsurprising.
Pearl smiles at her as if she, too, knew exactly what she was saying and wanted it said and had no trouble at all saying it.
It makes Bismuth think maybe, she’s been hearing those words all along, too. Maybe she’s been trying to say them back just as much: throwing herself into harm’s way, trying to protect her, but these are not the ways Pearl wants it said.
“Yeah,” she hums instead. “I love you, too, Pearl.”
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jusdisslotus · 6 years
Attack on Stainglass #1: Character intro
Alright, I’m gonna make this a new thing where I attack the issues I see with Stainglass. There’s an inconsistency between the types of mediums Commando uses so I’ll post the comics here but link y’all to her DA for the wordier things. This is the first page she linked me to so I’ll start here.
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So starting off, I’m already confused. The art is extremely flat and lazy, but this is an older piece of Commando’s so I’ll let it slide. However, the text boxes are still the same after all this time. It’s best to make speech bubbles instead of color-coded text because it could end up potential confusing the reader, plus, it just looks bad in general.
Is he supposed to be looking out the window? If so, you should’ve drawn a panel of him getting up and looking out the window.
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The cross from his chest has disappeared.
The way that Richard (that’s what I believe his name was of I remember correctly) talks about Thorn is very confusing. If Thorn in the third panel is like a flash back or something not related to what’s going on in the present, you need to show that it’s not related by changing the lining of the panels.
You’re also giving way too much backstory for things we didn’t even see yet. It feels like the first half is missing because the main character doesn’t seem to have amnesia or anything, he saw something that we didn’t and it makes me wonder what the context behind all of this is.
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Everything on Myrtle is anatomically incorrect but this is an older piece so I’ll ignore it for now.
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If characters are talking, I suggest drawing them with their mouth open or at least smiling or gritting their teeth. Also, everything in a gift shop can’t be free, they have to make a profit some how. You need to explain why everything is free in the gift shop because that’s just not how real gift shops work.
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Why do the backgrounds keep changing color? There’s no indication that they moved anywhere, it’d be useful to put in some backgrounds, at least draw a hallway or movement lines to show that they’re going somewhere else, either that or name the location at the top.
Also, why did Richard break down? There was virtually nothing that indicates he was about to do so.
Also, if you haven’t already, you should really rethink Chrysanthemum’s design, she looks like a straight up female version of Roger from ‘Doug.’
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The Snowflakes are the only ones that look decent and believable when it comes to character design (at least the blue hipster does.)
I thought real Christians don’t judge? Shouldn’t Thorn be the one to try and change them? At least try to make them see what they see?
If what Ian says is true, you shouldn’t be pushing your religious beliefs on others. Brighton just seems to be acting like a whiny toddler who just learned how to swear. If they are keeping a fugitive with them, that’s also wrong.
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So I guess Thorn just ignores Ian and Lainey instead of trying to get through to them and appeal to their humanity? He sounds like a kind pastor. Why are Ian and Lainey’s behavior not tolerated here but Brighton only gets a slap on the wrist for acting the same as them on the opposite spectrum??
That’s about it for the first part, there’s a LOT of things that need to be fixed:
Much needed Backstory: The characters seem to know something that we don’t and it isn’t just a character keeping a secret, it’s a whole other story that went on without us seeing that contributes to the main “plot”
Art: Don’t use neons unless they have a purpose and you know how to use them. Thorn having one part of his hair died green is unrealistic, especially since he’s the pastor. Anatomy’s still wonky in your comics, even now.
Pacing: The story tends to speed up and slow down a lot, makes for a story that doesn’t flow well. Not to mention, you don’t transition well from scene to scene.
Background: Just do a more detailed background, without the details, we don’t even know where the hell the characters are.
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Here’s my little Fallout New Vegas modding guide
Modding new vegas is a bit more tricky than some other stuff because it recquires some very specific out of date stuff and manual handling sometimes. Remind yourself that sometimes if a mod isn’t 100% working it’s because the rar file came with a loose file you need to specifically put in the folders rather than just using a mod manager to load it.
Important things to install:
FOMM - I learned the hard way that NMM although more accessible is very weak, FOMM is strong and overwrites permissions, actually being able to install mods properly, sometimes NMM won’t even install textures because it didn’t get all of the permissions or something.
NVSE - It’s a way to extend the limited engine of New Vegas, it is an exe file and loader that opens New Vegas, if you have it extracted to your Data folder you’ll have FOMM have a “launch NVSE” in it. You’ll need this to practically run anything. 
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Mod Configuration Menu - Neccessary to configure many mods, sometimes other mods overlap with this by trying to insert their own version of MCM, just fix that by re-activating this mod in the end.
Anything else will probably be recommended by Nexus before you download something.
Mods I recommend:
Solid Project - Do you like Fallout 4′s little tweaks but like a sane person know it’s a badly designed and paced game? Well There’s something called “Solid Project” that does a lot more than that, it adds a few Fallout 4 mechanics but most importantly goes well with “enhanced camera” and gives you animations of going out to open doors, climb ladders and pick up things with your hands! 
It also has a super useful weapon wheel (that you activate with mouse3) that you equip each slot with R and a quick inventory you can leave with K, the little item menu reminds me of Tomb Raider for PS1. Oh and each special item you pick up spins around in 3D, there’s a lot more too like the dynamic quest markers from Fallout 4 but unlike Fallout 4 you cannot un-mark a quest so you’ll have to get a empty quest mod called “The Quest” in case you don’t want “300meters afar” always on your screen.
 All it’s missing is the quick menu from Fallout 4 which is found seperate but is a must-have to anyone wanting some more fast gameplay: Fallout 4 Quicklook
Roleplayers Alternative Start - Start in a shed where you can customize your character a little more quicker and even give them some backstory that can give some extra stats. It might be a bit weird because the pacing of New Vegas is specifically done in such a way that makes you start in Doc Mitchell for your own good, it might put you somewhere where you are underleveled but if that bugs you, you can practically start in the same place rather than randomly.
FOOK - The only overhaul mod I seem to use fully, it changes the little things in games such as making items change their stats, it’s not too unfair, the changes are fairly little and it’s usually stuff like “why does this item not do this” and this game does it, it also fixes a lot of bugs, adds a few items and changes the texture for the stimpack.
As far as overhaul mods go, this one’s fairly simple and runs well with all of the other mods I ran, unlike other overhaul mods where you can only run them alone for a seperate playthrough. It’s important to note that this overhaul mod comes in 2 files, you need the esm file and the data file, run both or else you’ll have missing textures and a lot of issues.
Project NEVADA - The most recommended overhaul one, keep in mind that after installing you have to manually activate the esm files. In terms of immersion it gives you that cool visor vision that might annoying for many, and it does kind of make the HUD stuff stuck in place which nullifies aHub a little bit (talk about later), but it does improve stuff like FPS mechanics like a grenade button (G). 
I dissagree with the re-balance esm file though so I recommend disabling it since I’m too used to everything New Vegas. If you add this mod and realistic headshots, the slowmo function where you press C to slow down time gets REALLY fun and challenging, changes the whole game into a more strategic FPS game rather than a RPG one.
NVEC Complete - Considering how finnicky New Vegas is sometimes when it comes to adding a lot of mods without them clashing and overloading the engine, NVEC Complete is a easy way to just bundle everything toghether. It’s a exe file that installs a compilation of some of the best user-made mods that you can turn off in the mod configuration menu. There is a lot to cover here but it includes most famous quest mods.
Blind - Wanna make New Vegas look like more of an RPG? How about numbers popping out showcasing how much damage you make? If some specific numbers coming out of specific places annoy you, you can just disable them in the MCM. I don’t like the “heal” effects, I just want the damage numbers on enemies, I never knew my fists only did 1 HP of damage towards radscorpions before this.
Textures and other aesthetics:
NMCs_Texture_Pack - Honestly this has probably been used by about everyone, it is THE texture pack everyone uses, comes in 3 big 1gb files, takes a while to load them in FOMM but they do make everything look nice.
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Based on an actual study of the flora of Vegas, and considering New Vegas is nuclear missile hit free, it’s realistic that New Vegas would actually look like this. Also the textures are very nice and I really like the plants.
A Familiar Friend - Pip-Boy 2500 - This really makes the pip boy more interesting and it makes me feel more connected to the classic Fallouts, in fact a lot of the replacements or additions I have in textures is making the game feel like more of a original Fallout and that Fallout 3 never happened, stuff like:  Classic Adobe Buildings is great because it’s more true to the lore.
Fallout Classic Fonts  To spice up your new experience you may want a new font because Fallout’s New Vegas font is kind of ugly after a while, I use “Fallout Classic fonts”, keep in mind that you do have to follow extra instructions on how to set a new font, you need to go to Fallout.ini in your “my games” folder and edit the [Fonts]. Usually there’s a text file to help this process, also I’m pretty sure most font mods can only be loaded through FMM. 
aHud is a must (Or it’s upgraded counterpart if you want more:  One HUD - oHUD that includes more features), you can organize your hud that way, you can get some custom huds, the one I use is cellHUD which is a bit finnicky because one of the versions of that HUD is the main file needed for the second version (install the non-icon version then icon if you want the icon version).
Also I’m pretty sure (or at least mine) custom HUDS do not erase text such as “HP” or “AP”,  you'll need to edit  \Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\Textures\Interface\interfaceshared0.dds ...A dds file is something you can edit like an image. Nevermind you will never get the HP text out of your hud apparently? 
Get Enhanced Camera, seriously, it’s very cute to always look down and see your body, it sometimes clashes with other animations but just keep your head up if you are doing common FPS things like the pick up animation from Solid Project.
I use Weapon Animation Replacers - Enhanced Camera compatibility pack, it makes me feel as if I’m in the game or something.  (The Mod kind of is broken combined with other mods that use animations) It’s not everyone’s cup of tea in FPS games because the weapon is realistically low and cannot be seen all the time unless you are aiming down it’s scopes. Be sure to copy  NVSE_EhancedCamera.ini in the rare towards the NVSE plugins folder in New Vegas’s data and you won’t have a wonky body with no arms. If anything follow the good instructions on their page.
If you got a PC that can run Nier Automata in it’s lowest settings chances are you have a PC that can run a pretty neatly modded beautiful New Vegas that adds modarn things like better shadowing, a fancy depth of field. I recommend installing an ENB for last because some say that it might cause issues while you are configuring mods and cause them all to crash? 
So your ENB only starts working when you see in the corner your graphic card information at the start, to be able to do this you gotta follow instructions very clearly (usually each ENB you get has it’s own easy to follow install instructions), and be sure to get d3d9.dll from the latest version: enbseries_falloutnv_v0322, or else your ENB won’t work.
Add to enblocal: in my case it is “VideoMemorySizeMb=8192″ (the ENBlocal should be the ENB pack you installed from Nexus or something, unless it won’t have this option), you can put your graphic card ram in there or just put 0 if you want to skip this entirely?
Important: Go into the New Vegas Launcher and turn off anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering, HDR needs to be checked, go into Advanced and turn off Depth of Field, Water Displacement off, you need to do this because the ENB reprograms this things, now when you use the new vegas launcher your fallout.ini file becomes read only again, so do the fallout.ini stuff (like the fonts). 
You’ll know you’ve hit your limit when certain mods just do not respond anymore. The most obvious sign would be lack of custom HUD if you are using one. Considering New Vegas loads fairly fast, it shouldn’t be that painful to test each mod individually. 
Anyways I got kind of lazy with this post so I’m just going to show a list of my mods since the rest is fairly obvious:
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Some Stuff I had in NMM which might be the reason why they’re not 100% working unlike the ones I put in FOMM. 
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Were you jealous? - Chris Evans
keepcalm-and-beyou said:Can I get a Chris evans being jealous of another celebrity that always flirts with the reader. Please and thank you
You weren’t a famous celebrity like your boyfriend, Chris. He was Captain America for heaven’s sake. Yes, years ago you did do a little acting to earn some money since you had studied it at school. You were a simple children’s author that enjoyed writing and enjoyed making people smile. In fact, that’s how you met Chris.
After your book series had been a massive hit around the world, you were invited to do the San Diego comic-con. That’s where you met Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth, their children were fans of your books (as were they) and so they came to meet you and introduced you to Chris (who you thought was cute) and the others.
“You look beautiful, babe.” Chris whispered in your ear from behind as you adjusted your hair in the mirror.
You let a smile take to your lips as you focused on what you were doing and not his hands on your bare waist thanks to your dress. You wore a fitted backless gown, simple black heels, your hair scooped back in a bun and neutral make-up. “Thank you, sweetheart.” you sighed happy with your hair before turning round to face your man. “You look handsome, with your little bow-tie.” you smirked at him as you straightened it.
Chris smacked your hands away with a small pout. “Don’t say little, you make me sound wike a child.” you bit your lip trying not to laugh at his immaturity and how much he sounded like his nephew. “So, you ready?” he asked smiling sweetly. You nodded making your way over to your purse to double check you had everything. As you did, you noticed you had an unread message from your friend Aaron.
Aaron: Can’t wait to see you baby xxx
Me: Me neither!xxx
Aaron: If you’re wearing that dress you were talking about, I’ll be seeing a whole lotta ya’ ;Pxxx
You grinned to yourself as you placed your phone away. You met Aaron Johnson on the set of ‘Nowhere boy’ back in 2008/09 when you were ‘acting’. Since then you’ve stayed in touch, even hung out with him a few times when he’s worked with Chris on the Avengers set as Quicksilver.
“What’s got you all smiley?” Chris asked holding your hand as you walked out to the waiting limo.
“Just Aaron being silly.” You giggled.
Chris rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “Why? What’s he saying now?” he sighed as he stepped aside and let you in the car first.
“He’s just making a silly comment. You know him.” you smiled as you pulled your phone out, laughing quietly as you read his messages.
Aaron: I’m curious, will you be wearing any panties? It’s a very clingy dress xxx
Aaron: Don’t want no knicker lines showing!xxx
Me: You’ll have to wait and see xxx
Chris glanced down at your phone seeing the messages. He knew it was wrong to read them, they were your private things but, he couldn’t help it. He hated the idea of some other man wanting to know about your underwear. Friend or not. Every now and then your phone went off and you’d giggle to yourself. Chris balled his fists up on his thighs as he took a glance down at your phone, wishing he hadn’t.
As soon as Chris stepped onto the red carpet the crowd was loving him. His fans loved him and he truly adored them, he always says ‘Without them, I would be who I am today’ and he really meant it. He enjoyed interacting with his fans, they always put that happy and proud smile on his gorgeous face but, if he could get away with not leaving your side every couple of minutes to do interviews or sign autographs he would.
Chris whined a little letting his head fall back. “I don’t want to.” he pouted down at you as he pulled his arm tighter around your waist.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic behaviour. “Kinda why you’re here, baby.” you smirked as you place your hand on his cheek, stroking it gently. “Go on, I’ll be right here, waiting.” you smiled as you leaned up and pecked his lips.
“But-” you creased your brow a little making him stop his pouting. “Fine.” he rolled his eyes, giving you another quick kiss before he turned round and headed over to the reporter.
*SLAP* You yelped at the sudden smack to your ass, causing Chris to glance over his shoulder with a frown. The loud chuckle from behind you made you wise to who the culprit was. “No panties!” Aaron grinned as he whispered into your ear.
You rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you laughing. “Totally no need, pal.”
He chuckled wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. “You said I had to find out.” he chuckled before placing a kiss on your cheek. “You look, hot!”
You rolled your eyes again at him. Your eyes landed on his bow-tie that was also wonky like Chris’ so you lifting your hand to straighten it. “Why, can’t you boys, dress yourselves?” you asked him.
“Well-” Aaron began as he placed his hands on your waist, lifting his chin so you could fix his bow-tie. “I’m much more better at, undressing.” he winked cheekily.
“Oh, my God.” you laughed once again pushing him away from him. Aaron laughed with you as he picked your hand up, kissing the back of it.
“I’m joking.” he smiled. “I better go, see you later, love.” he winked as he left you grinning.
“I’m done.” Chris cleared his throat. You looked up to him smiling as you slipped your arms around his waist. “What did he, want?” he frowned a little.
You furrowed your brow as you answered. “To say hi.” you smiled.
“He said hi, in his texts.” he muttered more to himself as he held you close to his side, safely where you should be.
For the rest of the night Chris kept you by his side with arm securely around you, almost like a lion guarding his lioness. And it didn’t go unnoticed by you or Aaron which only spurred Aaron’s flirting on. It wasn’t serious flirting because you guys were friends, you didn’t see him as anything else.
You knew Chris had anxiety and sometimes it get the better of him, but you’d never seen him like this.
“Phew! Boy, am I glad to be back home. Well, our hotel-” the moment the hotel room door was shut and locked Chris had you. “Fuck!” he grabbed you by your arm and pushed you against the wall, pinning your arms above your head.
“You know you’re mine, right?” he growled against you lips.
You nodded pressing a kiss to his lips that Chris deepened by pushing his tongue into your mouth fiercely. Pushing his hips forwards, making you feel his semi-hard cock.
“Yes!” You moaned pulling your mouth away from his. “What-what’s all this about?” you asked turning your face so he could kiss you again.
It didn’t matter because he took to kissing your neck instead. “Tell me…” he pulled his head back, looking into your eyes. “Tell me you’re mine… no one else’s.” he said dropping your arms so he could hold you by your waist.
“Yes… Yours… I’m yours, Chris.” you grabbed a hold of his face pulling him in for a kiss.
Chris slid his hands up your body, his fingertips gliding over your skin until they came to your shoulders where he pulled the straps of your dress off. He let the material fall down your body, gathering in a pool at your still heeled feet. Chris’ hands travelled down the length of his body as he dipped his down taking your left breast into his mouth as he lifted you up with your thighs.
Chris turned round and marched forwards until he came to a stop, throwing you onto the bed. You landed with a thud. Chris glared at you from bottom of the bed like a predator stalking his prey. He licked his lips as he slowly began smirking. “Did you wear no underwear for the dress… or for me?”
Chris grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you to the end of the bed. “Good girl.” he slowly pulled your heels off, kicking them to the side. “I’m gonna undress, and you’re gonna touch yourself. Understood?” you nodded biting your lip. “Words!”
“Yes!” your chest heaved.
Chris began smirking as he slid his jacket off, raising his eyebrow. “Touch!” he commanded and you did. One hand went straight to your aching pushing, rubbing lazy circles on your bud and the other went to your breasts, pinching your nipple softly. “Do you enjoy flirting with other men?” he asked as he unfastened his buttons slowly.
You stopped, your brow creasing as you took in what he said. This is why he’d been clingy all night. “You’re jealous?” you frowned, trying to understand it.
“TOUCH!” you jumped at his sudden alpha like tone. His eyes darkened with hunger and lust. “Don’t stop, until I say so.” he glared at you. You nodded biting your lip. You began repeating your earlier actions, watching Chris as you did. “Did you enjoy, flirting with Aaron?” he asked dropping his shirt to the floorYou shook your head. “No, Chris… he’s a friend.” you answered.
“You seemed to enjoy it. Every, fucking, time.” he asked as he unbuckled his belt and his pants, dropping them to the floor so he was just in his boxers. His cock was now fully hard, straining against them whilst you moaned, rolling your sensitive bug between your fingers.
You shook your head closing your eyes. “No. He’s a friend… He’s not you, fuck… he’s not you.” you gasped. “Just, please-” you let your head fall back as you spread your juices over your lips.
“So… you’re, mine?” he chuckled.
“YES! JUST FUCK ME!” you pleaded as you pushed two fingers into your pussy.
Chris laid on top of you, crashing his lips onto yours. “Stop!”
You felt the tip of his cock brush against your dripping cunt a few times before he pushed in all the way. The pair of you moaned loudly. He didn’t give you chance to relax around him, he began slamming into you right away. Chris had never been like this with you and fuck did you love it. Slam after slam he hit that spot that had you screaming his name. Repeating you were his and no one else’s. Chris’ teeth clamped onto the flesh of your neck, marking you almost. The pain it caused made you cum, loving the way it felt. A few more hard and deep thrusts and Chris was cumming too, deep inside you, cursing and whispering how much he loved you.
“Were you jealous?” you asked as you lazily drew patterns in his chest hair. You were tangle of limbs and covers.
Chris laid with one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around you. “Yes.” he sighed.
“Why?” you whispered looking up to him.
“I- I hate seeing him, and others… flirt, with you. You’re mine. I worry, that, you’ll stop loving me.” he sighed pulling me closer to him.
I nodded lifting my head. “I know. Aaron and I are just friends, baby. I don’t see him as anything else… nor anyone else, for that matter.” you kissed his cheek. “Some people just flirt, Chris. Look at Sebastian.” you chuckled making Chris smile. “All you have to remember is, I love you. And no one, comes close to you.” you smile leaning over and pressing your lips to his.
Chris wrapped his arms around you pulling you on top of him, moaning into your mouth. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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