#I know you want the context to go buy the manga rn
honey-doc · 1 year
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
So about the 'love in the time of cholera' post. I did read it in English back in 2017 and i started ' thousand years of solitude ' around that time too and somehow lost the book and never bothered to buy another. And then i read something else by Marquez ( of love and other demons) and i have tried to study Spanish ( which hasn't been great because all i could manage was a tourist level knowledge). what i wanted to ask is how can i study spanish so that I'll be able to read spanish literature???
ok so... first, you're read about as much Hispanic literature as I have and I was raised in México. I feel a bit ashamed bahaha. I grew up south of the border with the US so my parents forced me to learn English by only buying media in English. It paid off because I've never been popular but whenever there was an English test, everyone wanted to sit behind me.
Second, that's a loaded question. mmmmm so... you're probably in the same situation as me with Japanese.
For context, I studied Japanese in a formal setting in college for about 2 years, and then took private group lessons more recently sometime around 2018 for about a year.
So part of my recommendation involves hiring private lessons. It's really one of the best ways to get personalized feedback. I wish there was something like that where I live rn but, alas, such is life.
Anyways, I'll elaborate under the cut...
Get your brain used to the language
Watch anime without subtitles or listen to podcasts
What I've done with Japanese is that I sometimes turn subtitles off when watching anime. This mostly works if I've seen the show or movie enough times to where I know what the dialogue is about. So like, I literally watch You Name (which I've only seen about three hundred million times), in Japanese without English subtitles and I can ALMOST understand the movie in its entirety. You'll be surprised by how much you do understand.
That said, you can actually watch jjk in Spanish! I think that to prepare for season 2 I'm going to watch season 1 in Spanish just because why not 🤣. Spanish dubs are always fun and I've always much preferred them over English dubs.
The dub Crunchyroll uses seems to have Mexican actors so the accent and should be pretty neutral. They most likely also avoid highly Mexicanized slang. So no need to worry, Megumi won't be saying "wey, no mames" every 5 words like I do.
Another thing I started doing but haven't done lately is that I found a podcast, spoken entirely in beginner-friendly Japanese, for Japanese learners. I am sure there's something similar in Spanish. Again, the point is to get your brain used to the language.
Pick up a children's book in Spanish and start reading
Why children's book? Because the vocabulary and grammar will be much simpler and accessible. You can gradually move up to more complex works as you see fit.
I have a Japanese manga magazine that I translate as I read.
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Another benefit of this is that it gets you used to how language is used in its native form.
For example, if you read a children's book, you'd be learning Spanish as a child would, as opposed to learning text-book Spanish.
Follow accounts on social media by Spanish-speaking content creators or language instructors
I follow a couple of Japanese private tutors on Instagram like this one and a couple of accounts that use content to promo their work. That way, as I'm doing the endless mindless social media scroll, I can at least do something productive.
Use language learning apps
This one is a simple one. It's pretty basic but they are helpful. The point is to practice. This is a good way to get the basic grammar rules and vocabulary going.
Hire a tutor or enroll in private lessons
Ok I simply can't emphasize this enough. I really would take private group Japanese lessons in person again if there was such a thing where I currently live.
But there's also online tutors. What I like about having a proper teacher is that they can help correct grammatical or vocabulary errors. You should be able to find someone by doing a google search for private language tutors.
Another thing that hiring someone does is that it creates structure, accountability for you to actually sit down and study AND it creates a habit of it.
Which brings me to my next point...
I've literally shared what I do to study Japanese, but like I actually don't do it consistently enough for anything to stick for longer than 5 minutes.
Looooooool epic fail.
You want to be as consistent as possible which is defo not one of my strengths. So don't be lazy like me.
This is a long-term project so you are defo in it for the long run if you decide to go through with it. I feel like Márquez uses big words but Laura Esquivel's use of language is very simple and you might be able to understand her if you take the time to just sit down and translate at least a paragraph at a time.
Keep me updated / mantenme al tanto!
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trashpita · 3 years
Tags to go through so far [bulleted means checked, * means no non-source or old take posts, @ means for a new media % means eliminated]
buzzfeed unsolved
taz balance
* avengers
% brooklyn 99
% b99
% video
% artemis fowl
% keanu reeves
% fanart
% klaus
% mama mia
% oceans 8
% splatoon
% tatbilb
who the FUCK is coochie
I need to watch it
% carmen sandiego
% sword and shield
% pokemon
% final space
high guardian spice
% america
% trumps america
% marie kondo
* 2020
% covid 19
% vriska serket
% fuck it I’m just tagging it
% spoilers without context
% no context spoilers
the raw power
@ su [referring to su future]
* kim possible
STOPPED AT TAG 100 (trumps america)
page 109/109 [everything is tagged as a fandom, l8r, or wrong blog] [if it’s for a fandom you’re caught up on add #[fandom name] and #l8r]
Multiples (more tags = listed first)
none rn
Tags to Keep (other than fandoms)
- if there is only a fandom, it is for not-yet-consumed media. NO 'to watch' 'to read' etc. on these. (Maybe add tag of “new”?)
l8r (add type? ie video, quiz, audio, text, photo)
to read [these are manga, book series, webcomics, even fics or whatever else to come back to. INCLUDE fandom tags. also include TYPE: books, manga, webcomics, fanfic] (remove plural?)
to watch [anime, movie, whatever series. ADD to fandom tags]
to listen [bands, podcasts pilots, playlists]
to make [art stuff on reblog]
research [things I may want to buy/download/install/make i.e. pirate stores, wifi ad blockers, etc]
reference [things like tutorials, knowledge sources, I'm not sure if I want this tag]
blogs to explore
tags to explore [consume the entirety of them chronologically please. Include the tag op uses and if it pertains to a fandom, the fandom tag]
lists to explore [wikis to read when bored, playlist generators, any post with a large collection of links]
source [for posts where op is dead/deleted the post, if I reblog straight from here. KEEP or REMOVE fandom tags? current vote is REMOVE.]
old ass take not going on my main [if the post is not at all what I think now]
old post is broken [video missing, broken link, etc. you can try to fix it if you know what the original was]
??? [Idk]
you suck at excel
insomnia catalog - things to read when bored
iswm alien text chart
learn something new
art book pdf
movie/tv/book server
writers' guide to alcohol
orb compendium
usps operation santa
save your laptop's life
old website search engine
mutual aid/tenants union
color palette tool
fun google maps locations
spotify and youtube mods
upcycling clothing
Games [tag could be to play or to research or both ig]
Heaven Will Be Mine
Coral Island
Posts I want to add to
Bad Guys genderbend
homestuck browser update
break/fix windows 10
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