#I like Chakotay! I wish the VOY writers had liked him too
bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
hi it's me coming back with my bi-monthly little guy bullshit. rewatched meld with the besties for the yaoi of it all and was sitting there like there's something really funny (negative to neutral connotation) about (some) of the other maquis members being interviewed about suder in the ep & b'elanna being like "yeah he was just some guy ig we all did what we had to do lol" and chakotay being like "he was a fucking freak animal. unsettling little thing" . MEAN TO HIM?
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I don't perceive Chakotay as being unfairly cruel in his talking about Suder? Chakotay isn't a violent person and though being in the Maquis required violence he didn't relish in it so he viewed Suder's (admitted) bloodlust to be disturbing. To Chakotay, fighting and killing was necessary but not something he wanted to do - very different from Suder who seems to not really care about the Maquis' mission (He only references the Maquis to call Tuvok a traitor and say he doesn't like Starfleet, giving me the impression that he joined just to be in an environment where violence could be used without it standing out rather than actually caring about the Maquis' mission). If anything Chakotay is demonstrating an interesting perceptiveness and willingness to extend olive branches to those he doesn't necessarily like/agree with in this moment. B'Elanna seems to have noticed (or been told of) Suder's penchant for violence, saying "He did what he had to do a little too well." but Chakotay has obviously had multiple personal moments with Suder where he encountered Suder's bloodlust firsthand. He states that these encounters (multiple) scared him and made him think of Suder as a potentially dangerous individual. Despite this, he still neglects to put this on Suder's record because he doesn't want to cause unnecessary hardship for Suder or any member of his crew which he already knows will likely be looked down on and distrusted by the Starfleet members of Voyager as "a bunch of criminals". It could be argued that his encounters with Suder constitute more than a "bad feeling" as it seems he saw evidence of the man being excessively violent and felt threatened himself but Chakotay still hesitates to label Suder as a bad or dangerous person in his crew evaluations. That's interesting! I don't feel that's something any other character on VOY would have done! It also feeds into something I wish was highlighted more about Chakotay which is his willingness to give people who he doesn't like or agree with second chances. He seems like he'd be the most able on the command team to sympathize with people who others dismiss as lost causes or 'bad' and I wonder if part of that comes from his father who never gave up on him even when Chakotay continually pushed him away. It reminds me of how he was willing to lay down his life for that Kazon kid even though he was rude and tried to kill him and Chakotay obviously didn't agree with his values - and that doesn't mean Chakotay is a pushover or naive, just willing to give people chances. Even his friendship with Janeway is something that's only possible because he's willing to listen to others and try to see things from their point of view. Janeway is able to do this to a Starfleet extent but you can bet that if she, say, ended up on a Maquis ship - she wouldn't be integrating herself into that crew's way of thinking. She'd be trying to get them onto her side because she's a person who thinks (sometimes implicitly) that she is Correct. She's much more 'aggressive' or black-and-white in her morality than Chakotay. Which again doesn't mean that Chakotay doesn't stand for anything or is wholly passive (he does and isn't, as we see in episodes like Maneuvers) but that he's just more open-minded and not as certain that he has all the answers. Anyway! I hope this was a good response. I'm sorry if you were making a joke and I responded too earnestly to it - that happens sometimes v_v
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coffeeblack75 · 4 years
20 Fic Questions for 2020
Thank you so much for these, curator-on-ao3​ – such a great idea!
1. Fandoms you wrote for this year
Star Trek Voyager, one for Picard.
2. Favorite fic you wrote this year
Your Shadow Falling (Caesar). It may not the best fic I’ve written technique-wise, or anything-wise, but it’s the one closest to my heart and of which I’m most proud. I loved writing about Chakotay in the place he is in that fic; I loved of the adult relationship of equals I wrote for C/R and hinted at with J/C – it represents the development of my understanding of Chakotay and Rios, and J/C. But, most importantly, I loved all the behind-the-scenes that brought me to the spot from which I could write it: it wouldn’t exist without @traccigaryn – all the discussion we had over the year on the characters and in developing this fic series, and her ideas in Wherever We’re Lost (Jupiter), which she graciously let me spring from in my story.
3. Favorite fic you read this year
You are kidding, right? ‘Fic’ is plural, right? 😂 I could not hope to pick just one! Here are some of the fic that I’ve loved and/or which have been influential to me in terms of my writing and/or my understanding of the characters this year:
Between Decks 4 and 5 by @traccigaryn (J/C, G-rated) – the adult J/C conversation the show owed us
if you came this way, by tree (J/C, E-rated) – this beloved fic does not need a gush, surely?
Sparks, by Jaye_Voy (C/P, E-rated) – for its exploration of Chakotay’s (and Tom’s) backstory, among other things ...
Motif by Filenotch (C/P/T, E-rated) – a wonderful look at B’Elanna and Chakotay’s friendship, among other things ...
BlackVelvet’s Lucky (J/C, M-rated) – so much wisdom in this fic!
@curator-on-ao3’s Cutting it Close (J/C, G-rated) – beautiful in every way
Pessa’s Final Bell (J/C, G-rated) – an example of the kind of closure J/C could have had on the show
(Oh How I Need) Someone To Watch Over Me, by zjofierose (J/C, E-rated) – the first fic I read that paid Chakotay some of his due. I cried the first time I read it! (And the next few times!)
Soft Light by northernexposure (J/C, E-rated) – the first E-rated I ever read ... I’ve not been the same since! 😏
Feels So Good (G-rated) and Venice (E-rated) by @killermanatee – gorgeous, adult J/C
Good grief, I have to stop ... We are blessed in this fandom with so many incredibly talented writers!
4. Favorite opening line/scene you wrote this year
Ah! I normally hide from openings, lol. Perhaps the first few lines from Blue Sky:
She remembers the sky was so blue, like Earth’s. And the sun on their backs and the feel of his hand in hers and a monkey that always interrupted but was never unwelcome in the fullness of a life that stretched out before them.
5. Favorite ending line/scene you wrote this year
The last line to Slippery Slope:
She’s not a poet. But there is a song in her now.
6. A trope you wrote this year
Corn porn?! 😂 Does that count as a trope in the Voy fandom? In The Other Side. Or ... first-time sex – I wrote a few of those!
7. Pairings you wrote this year
J/C, Chakotay/Cristobal Rios, Janeway/Neelix (hahahhahhaha!)
8. A fic regret from this year
I don’t think I have any regrets. All of the fic I wrote are what they are and were the best I could do at the time I wrote them, so I’m just pleased I achieved what I did! They’re all stepping stones!
9. A song that helped you write
Again, just one!? Nope! I write all my fic to songs – I usually have a playlist for each fic! I’ll restrain myself and just hit you with three ...
Phoria’s Yourself Still (listened to when writing Slippery Slope mainly, but also Someplace You Know)
Heavy Metals by Noah Gundersen (various WIP fic – it’s my get-J/C-to-a-place-where-they-can-be-together song)
Beast by Wednesday’s Wolves (listened to when writing WIP fic as part of my Other Side series and ... my vamp!Chakotay WIP)
10. Total number of fics you posted
13 (one of which was written in 2019 [Space] but only posted this month)
11. Total number of words you posted
44,199 (not including Space) – I ... cannot believe I wrote that much! 😵
12. Most popular fic written this year
Someplace You Know – in terms of kudos and hits combined. Looking at hits:kudos, it would be Blue Sky. I have a feeling though that The Other Side was actually my most popular, but this is not really reflected in raw stats.
13. Least popular fic this year
By hits and kudos, probably Reflection, a little Janeway/Neelix drabble. I’ve no idea why that one hasn’t been more popular? 🤷😂
14. Longest completed fic you posted this year
Someplace You Know – 10,529 words.
15. Shortest completed fic you posted this year
Reflection and Made It, both drabbles at 100 words each.
16. Favorite character to write about this year
Chakotay. Of course. I expect this will be the same every year!
17. A fic you didn’t expect to write
Um ... all of them? They come from ... strange inspiration. Perhaps I’ll go with The Other Side. I was feeling especially crappy about my writing prior to writing that and the wonderful @caladeniablue gave me a prompt and a pep talk and ... corn. She gave me corn. And away I went!
18. Most memorable comment or review
Probably this one from @mia-cooper on This Day:
YES. This is a diamond with a crack right through it and it's so perfect. Love the despair, love how bleak this is. Love that there's not even a shred of a happy ending. Fucking yeah. #2020MOOD
19. Fics you wanted to write but didn’t
I think I started all the ones I wanted to write at this stage. I do wish I’d got further along with my vampire!Chakotay one though!
20. Something to write next year
Vampire!Chakotay, ofc. It’ll have him on the label, but it will (probably!) be a story about KJ growing and dealing with some of her issues, so she can best help him. And smut, naturally. And my fun ooc Indiana Jones J/C AU. I just want to keep learning and progressing as a writer, trying different genres, writerly techniques, learning to plot properly, etc.
It’s been an amazing year in this fandom – my first full year! Thank you to all the wonderful people who’ve welcomed and helped me along the way with my writing – in discussion, in betaing, in reading. ❤️
And if you’re reading this and a fic writer, consider yourself tagged to answer these questions too! 🤗
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trek-tracks · 5 years
Thoughts on Picard S1
I’m glad to have been able to watch Picard. Stewart’s great. I’m happy the show exists. The Troi-Rikers, Hugh, and Seven were wonderful to see. As a caveat, a) my expectations were sky-high, and b) I wound up watching it online with people who liked to snark, and two or three of them were serious haters, so this perhaps coloured my watching experience.
I just...I wanted to care more.
I like the new characters enough, and Elnor in particular is very sweet, but I still don't know enough about them because the show had no room to breathe.  We needed more silly/serious, in-between episodes to develop the characters, when it's not just trying to serve an overarching giant plot. A lot of the character development (Jurati and Maddox, Rios and his captain) felt like it existed mainly because it could move the plot along, which leads to a tighter season, but a somewhat emptier one. We did get “filler,” but it was filler where characters repeated things we already knew to other characters, so the filler was mostly plot-based, not character-based.
The problem with doing that, especially when we have a small number of characters that are known quantities, is that we SO disproportionately care about the TNG/VOY characters that the others seem like...not filler, but distractions from those we really care about. I’ve talked about this before in my review of a TOS book, which had a one-off romance character attached to one of the Triumvirate. We tend not to care about those romances much, focusing on the friendships that have been built up over years. This isn’t because the new character is bad, but because of the Character Fondness Power Differential (a term I made up).
(serious spoilers below the cut)
That’s why the scene with Picard agreeing to shut Data off hits right in the gut, because we care about these characters equally, and we care about their pain equally.
It’s not that we don’t care about Raffi, Rios, Agnes…it’s that we care SO much about Picard, that when he dies (and we pretty much know that, with Picard Season 2 greenlit, we can’t fully give over to grief because something’s going to happen to cause him to be able to participate) we’re focusing on our own grief, not the grief of these characters who are still pretty new in our hearts. (Okay, Babey Elnor crying was pretty sad.) Why do they get to have the grief, we wonder, since we feel we’ve known him longer than they have? It’s like having the UberEats guy give your aunt’s eulogy because she ordered in a lot in her last month.
I did feel those big feelings I was looking for in the episode with the Troi-Rikers, and when Picard and "Data" were interacting (I really enjoyed Nepenthe, and Kestra, and I’ve made my peace with all that added semi-necessary angst). Seeing Riker in the Captain’s chair was awesome, though we really could have used a “Riker sit” of him getting into it. 
Despite the beauty of Picard and Data’s final conversation, though, I really don't think we needed to experience Data's death again, "but for real this time." It's like, it already hurts! He was already dead! It was emotional, and sweet, and fine, but ouch. I know Spiner doesn't want to play him anymore, which I absolutely get and appreciate, but it sort of felt like stomping on the fans so nobody would ask him to do it again. I still love Data forever. I kind of wish he’d gotten to talk to Hugh or Elnor. There was no scene of Elnor getting to meet Spot II. I wanted to riot.
I’m glad they didn’t fridge her, but it was less than impressive that nobody even mentions Bev, Picard's best friend and confidante on the Enterprise - not even Troi, Bev’s other best friend. Yes, that could have easily changed over decades, but I’d like to know why - I can’t tell if they’re saving her for next season, or if they just really don’t care about her, and I’m scared it’s the latter. I did, for a moment, think that if they really were going to kill Picard, technically in at least one future there’s a Captain Beverly Picard…so she could have taken over and the title would still work.
I do like what they did with Seven, and I’m thankful they gave her a complex role and are letting her be happy enough. Her grief over Icheb felt real; it hurt less for me, due to his actor’s phenomenal crappiness, but man, did it have to be so graphic? The brief second of a budding Seven and Raffi romance was cool - wlw Seven! To build up to that, they could really have showed them together grieving first, rather than splitting them up for those scenes. That way, they could have at least one more interaction that would support a flirtation. (It still makes more fucking sense than Seven and Chakotay.) It’s great that we got such a range of female characters, and (almost) none of them died to create manpain. (Sorry, Dahj. Alas.) 
However, killing Hugh, the show’s ray of hope, was a really cheap shot for shock value; I spent at least two episodes hoping that he would be brought back, somehow. They seem to have developed something potentially meaningful between him and Elnor, both patron saints of lost causes, but it seems like 90% of those scenes hit the cutting room floor, so it was unclear what was going on in the finished product, and how and why they bonded. Hugh was the hope of rebuilding, and I feel like he was meaninglessly sacrificed for evil when he could have been used symbolically for good. Even if his story in relation to Picard ends in Season 1 - let him continue his work. Because that’s what Star Trek is all about, right? Continuing the Great Work. Seven, Hugh and Elnor could have been the most adorable family. Raffi could come too. 
The Romulans seemed to backslide into more cartoonish villains, when the show could have been used for development and depth. The Romulannister incest overtones were unpleasant. What the hell happened to Narek at the end of the last episode? The writers just seemed to forget about him. Is he still on Coppelius (I still can’t get over that symbolic name, and “A.I” Soong)? Did they let him go on a ship? Is he in jail? Did they let him wander off, because they forgot he existed? Did he start a new career as a Disco Spock impersonator? We also didn’t see Narissa’s body, so who knows if she’ll be back again. If she comes back instead of Hugh…sigh.
It will be interesting to see how they deal with Picard as a synth. I hope that they don’t just totally let it fade into the background, treating it as a “first season problem” solution, and actually give it practical or philosophical implications. (Someone in my chat, seeing Picard and Data in the “quantum simulation,” said that it looked like we were about to get a Trek version of The Good Place, and I was so into that idea I almost gasped.) 
In short, I had a bunch of issues with the season, I’m still feeling warm overall, and looking forward to boldly going into season two - but maybe at a slower pace. Warp 2 instead of Warp 9?
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fand0mfancies · 4 years
Came across this on Tumblr a few days ago, it amused me for a couple of hours or more, filling it in, while watching QI.
 Fandom Questions
 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Star Trek: Voyager, I suppose at least for reading. Started writing with Stargate SG-1.
 2. What is your latest fandom?
I dip in and out of lots of fandoms on and off, the most recent ‘pick up’ is Ballam from Eastenders, I don’t watch soaps, but Robron and Ballam both appear a good bit on my tumblr, so I eventually gave in to checking them out via fic and youtube – thank god for youtube, lol! I still don’t watch soaps, but I watch those storylines!
 3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Gosh, that’s... actually no that’s really easy. Primeval. For anyone not familiar, it’s a ‘silly little dinosaur show’ produced in the UK. It had 4 short seasons, with a somewhat revolving main cast – although they managed to keep 3 of them through all 4 seasons – but the fandom was/is amazing. I made life long friends through the fandom and even though I don’t write much any more I still read some and still talk with those people.
 4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I would say no. I can’t say every fandom has always been amazing – ship wars anyone! – but mostly fandom has been a very positive experience in my life.
 5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
How long have you got... in genuinely no particular order (basically as they came to me) Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voy, Ent & Reboot Movies), Marvel, Kingsman, Person of Interest, Due South, Quantum Leap, Firefly, Buffy/Angel verse, Harry Potter, The Sentinel, Torchwood(/Doctor Who), Hawaii Five-0, Shadowhunters, Sherlock, Primeval, Emmerdale (Robron), NCIS, CSI (Vegas, NY & Miami), White Collar, Empire Records, Bull, Diagnosis Murder, MacGyver (the original), 1-800-Missing, CHAOS, Without a Trace, M*A*S*H, Charmed, Queer as Folk (US), Will & Grace, Bring it On, Nash Bridges, Magnificent 7 (TV series), House, Babylon 5 – I think I got them all... a few of those were one time only deals, but a lot of them have more (anywhere from 2-52 (or more still!) ranging from 100 word drabbles, to thousands of words – hey I’ve been writing fic for 21 years... you tend to amass a lot of fandoms...
 6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh geez, here we go, lol! Okay...
 Stargate SG-1: Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Star Trek: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir, Chakotay/Tom Paris, Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed, James Kirk/Spock – I don’t particularly have an ‘otp’ in TNG, the couple I’ve written were Picard/Data, I’ve also dabbled reading Data/Gordi)
Marvel: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Kingsman: Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin
Person of Interest: Harold Finch/John Reese
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray K
Quantum Leap: Sam/Al
Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds/Simon Tam
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Giles, Angel/Spike, Xander/Spike, Willow/Tara
Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Hermione/Draco
The Sentinel: Jim/Blair
Torchwood: Jack/Ianto
Hawaii Five-O: Steve/Danno
Shadowhunters: Magnus/Alec
Sherlock: Sherlock/John, Mycroft/Lestrade
Primeval: Nick Cutter/Stephen Hart, James Lester/Hilary Becker Emmerdale: Robert Sugden/Aaron Dingle
NCIS: Gibbs/DiNozzo CSI: Nick Stokes/David Hodges, Mac/Danny, Horatio/Speed White Collar: Neal/Peter/Elizabeth
Empire Records: Joe/Lucas
Bull: Benny/Jason
Diagnosis Murder: Steve/Jesse
 I’ve left a few out where I don’t have particular OTPs
 7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Here we go again... lol!
 Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam, I just... no. I’ve read a few where it’s a background or secondary pairing, but it always makes me wince a bit. I’ve read a few with Sam/Daniel as a secondary pairing that didn’t make me react that way and I’ve read Sam with other characters, but Jack/Sam just is a nope for me.
Stargate Atlantis: McKay/Keller – no, just no. that was horrible. She treated him like... awfully, trying to change him to suit her, just... no.
Marvel: Contentious, but Tony/Pepper, also Peter Parker/Tony Stark. Maybe because I saw the movies before I ever looked at the comics, but meh.
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray V – again, contentious, but honestly I think Ray V was kind of a shit friend to Fraser.
Firefly: Anything with Jayne. No really, I just can not stand the character. I spent most of the series wanting to punch him in the face and sometimes you get characters you love to hate, but I just hated him.
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Spike, Willow/Kennedy
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Harry, Harry/Ginny... basically, Ron and Ginny should just be loveless hermits who live by themselves. Ok, no, that isn’t fair... but as much as Ron was Harry’s first friend, he was selfish and bitter and Ginny/Harry just... never sat right with me. Ron literally says she spent ‘all summer talking about’ Harry, when she’d met him for all of three seconds. She didn’t know him. It always felt like she fell more in love with the *idea* of Harry Potter, than Harry Potter himself.
Sherlock: Sherlock/Molly, he’d eat her for breakfast. Serious, she’d never survive him.
Primeval: Oliver Leek and anyway. Arg. Creepy little dude is creepy and evil.
NCIS: Ziva/DiNozzo – ugh, just no.
 Again, I’ve left out ones where I don’t have particular NoTPs
 8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Tumblr, god damned bitches posting gifs of pretty boys falling in love, roped me in!
 9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I dabble in several fandoms at once... but if we go by ‘most recently picked up’ as ‘current’ we’re talking Ballum, which hey, it’s always fun to have an actual canon pairing be my OTP, that’s rare for me, lol.
 10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Well (so far) I haven’t written any Ballum. (I say so far, because I’m a realist, lol). I rarely read in fandoms and not end up writing in them at some point. Although I have probably dabbled in a few I’ve not written for, but if I read it with any sort of consistency, I mostly end up writing it. I am weak!
  Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
 11. Who is your current OTP?
Okay, so that list above, just basically go with that. While I do drop in and hour of fandoms and some I certainly read in more than others, I do tend to go back to fandoms... If we were talking about what I’m mostly focused on writing atm... Steve/Tony, Mycroft/Lestrade, Harry/Draco and Robron are ones I’m currently working on most.
 12. Who is your current OT3?
I’m not currently writing anything that’s OT3 with any real focus. I have a couple of Neal/Peter/Elizabeth WiPs that I will at some point finish, but they aren’t a big focus just now. I did recently read a fabulous Neal/Peter/Elizabeth fic that’s been on my tbr list for ages.
 13. Any NoTPs?
Just... see above, lol!
 14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Harry Hart/Merlin, those two are Bro’s until the end and I will fight you on this. Also, Eggsy/Roxy! OMG they are such a BroTP! And Tony/Pepper/Rhodey – I may no like Tony/Pepper as a pairing, but I love them as best friends and of course, our Rhodes, because again, I will fight you on this, they are awesome and Tony needs his best friends!
 15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I’m not sure there is. I suppose I’ve read a few fics for some random pairings over the years, but nothing that’s made me really ship-ship them. I like Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, after seeing it as a secondary pairing in a Steve/Tony fic, but I’ve seen that pop up a few times since, so maybe it won’t stay obscure for long!
 16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Jack/Sam, Tony/Pepper, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Buffy/Spike – they all seem to be het pairings, oops. But I am mostly a slash fic reader/writer, so I suppose that’s not too surprising.
 17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Jack/Daniel from Stargate SG-1. I still love them. I still read them, although it has been a while since I’ve written them on their own (I have got some SG-1/SGA x-overs where they feature)
 18. What ship have you written the most about?
I’m genuinely not sure... without going and counting (and I’m not going any counting!) I’d guess Jack/Daniel, McKay/Sheppard, Jack/Ianto and Steve/Danno.
 19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
No, not that I can think off. I either like it or not. I do occasionally feel bad for not reading a fic if it’s an author I really like, but I don’t read that fandom or pairing, but nothing specific.
 20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Robron and Ballum, lol. I do not do soaps!
  Author Questions
 21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
 Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, a story called The Dare, The Disaster, The Almost Happy Ending, And The Very Happy Ending – it was awful. Don’t go looking, lol!
 22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Don’t we all? No, I wouldn’t specifically say so. There are certainly fics, especially older ones, I wish I could have written better, but nothing I’d go, ugh I should never have done that.
 23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Uh... honestly that’s really hard. I... um... yeah, I don’t know, really. I wrote a nice little flower one in POI that I felt worked rather beautifully. The Language of Flowers. An I wrote an SGA fic for NaNo a few years ago, called A Different Life, but it’s not online, because I didn’t finish it yet and I knew I wasn’t going to finish it any time soon, so I didn’t feel it was fair to leave it up unfinished (there is a reason I don’t read WiP fics and I don’t post them either, because I know how much I hate unfinished WiPs) Edit: After writing this I reminded myself of a POI fic I wrote called Hours of Separation – It’s a Harold/John break up story that I always intended to write a sequel too where I ‘fixed’ them, but I just couldn’t do it. I broke them a little too well. But I really love it actually.
 24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
The afore mentioned A Different Life needs to be edited and finished, lol! Also a Primeval fic with the working title Crypt Keeper (don’t ask) that I worked myself into a bit of a corner on and I figure out how to fix it, but I haven’t done it yet, so it’s still needs fixing and finishing, lol!
 25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
I haven’t the foggiest.
 26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Sometimes, really easily, a quote, a line from the fic, a song title... other times it’s like pulling teeth, hence working titles on things like ‘crypt keeper’ which is a reference to one scene near the very start and has no actual hint of the plot, lol!
 27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Oh the titles. Summaries you can just copy a few lines from the fic if you are desperate, if you had to post ‘untitled mcshep fic #67’ people would get cranky, lol, hell I’d get cranky!
 28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Oh... I... huh. I mean who wouldn’t love fanart for their stories? Any of them honestly! But if I had to choose just one... I guess something in my Animal Instinct verse, which is Primeval (although I always intended to write other fandoms in the verse) where some people transform into animals, based on their ‘spirit animal’ and some art of the characters with their spirit animal form would be awesome.
 29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Sometimes, look if you’ve read this far, you know I write in a lot of fandoms, lol. In some fandoms it’s easier than others to find beta readers. Also, sometimes if it’s just something short, I won’t bother. But I do try for my longer fics.
 30. What inspires you to write?
That old adage, if you want to read it, sometimes you just have to write it? Spite? Boredom? Honestly sometimes I just have ideas I have to get out of my brain and it’s write or go mad(der)
 31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
That it inspired them to write something.
 32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Sometimes, sometimes I find it distracting when writing because I end up singing along and forgetting what I’m writing, lol! I do sometimes get inspiration from songs, I guess mostly from the lyrics, but no particular band or genre – although I listen to a lot of country music!
 33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
Little from column a, little from column b... littler still from column c...
 34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
Around 60k, I think.
 35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have. Primeval had/has a week drabble challenge, mostly when I’ve written drabbles it’s been for a challenge, with a specific prompt.
 36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Uh... I mean, my fandoms really span the genres, but I guess sci-fi or crime are probably my favourites.
 37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third mostly, I have occasionally written in first person, if it felt like the fic needed it.
 38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
Little from column a, little from column b... it depends on the fandom and the story. Sometimes you just need more characters, mostly they are minor roles, I don’t tend to write much established character/oc fic
 39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Ability to convince myself people will want to read it, lol! No actually to be honest, I love to know people read and like my stuff, but I gave up a long time ago on trying to ‘please’ people with what I write. I write what I want to read.
 40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Focus. The problem with 21 years of fandom history, is well... 21 years of fandom history. A lot of fandoms, a lot of pairings and as I say, I never really ‘leave’ a fandom, I just drop in and out and sometimes that means I’ll write on something consistently for weeks or months and then end up getting distracted by another fandom again and not touch it for weeks or months again. Hence, I don’t post WiP fics, because I know I’m easily distracted and don’t want anyone to suffer my lack of focus but me.
  Fanfiction Questions
 41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I don’t read WiP fics, so yeah... but 5 I’ve recently read in different fandoms that I’ve really enjoyed
 Turns Out, I Have a Rose Garden by betheflame (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Lucky by china_shop (Neal Caffery/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke)
Colors by Quesarasara (Sherlock/John)
Betrayal by Blackghost7 (Gibbs/DiNozzo)
Matchmaker (Part 1 of the Marmalade Series) by HastaLux, Mottlemoth (Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade)
 42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
See now this is hard, because... ahh so many...
 FredBassett – Primeval author, her Stephen/Ryan series is epic and brilliant and endless
 Keira Marcos – I know other people will have said her, I don’t care. I love all her stuff, across all the fandoms she writes in
 theapplepielifestyle – her Steve/Tony is amazing. Hands down some of the best I’ve ever read. I will fight you on this.
 JillyJames – her Tony DiNozzo is a real life grown up... exactly as he should be considered given he’s a goddamn federal agent!
 missbecky – I’ve read pretty much all her Steve/Tony and Harry/Eggsy and it’s awesome.
 Honestly, I could have listed so many more, but, I’m being good!
 43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Everyone. The thing is, fandom at it’s best is like crack, the more you get, the more you want. The writing, the gifs, the art... it feeds you and makes you want to make more of it, because more of it needs to exist and if that means you need to do it yourself, so be it!
 44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
 45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Oh hell no, not even, I can not. It took me an hour to narrow down 5 authors, I can not narrow down one fanfic!
 46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I mean, it depends on what they like... probably the Hour of Separation I mentioned above, if they like the fandom/pairing, or my Animal Instinct stuff.
 47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
Archive of our Own. I haven’t touched ff.net in *years* since they started getting super restrictive about what you could post. I do occasionally post stuff to tumblr, but mostly I now post to AO3. I did have my own site and I’ve yet to upload a lot of stuff to AO3 – one of these... months... that will be a project – but it’s amazing. Seriously, having been in fandom 20+ years, going from having to search all over a million different places and now it’s all in one place, where we’re honestly, spoiled and protected. The kids now have no idea how crazy impossible that once seemed.
 48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Yes, but not as often as I should. I love AO3s kudos button, so I can sort of say ‘hey I enjoyed this’ without having to comment, because I sort of hate leaving comments just going ‘hey I enjoyed this’ because I always feel like I should say more, like, oh I enjoyed this specific thing, which yes is an unnecessary hang-up, but there ya go.
 49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Of course it’s nice to get comments, kudos, reblogs etc. I’m not as attached to them now as I was when I was younger, because I learned along the way that it was more important that I like what I’m writing than that other people do, but it’s still nice to know that something I’ve created is enjoyed.
 50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I went looking for Star Trek Voyager stuff online, pics etc, waaaaaaay back when! And I came across fanfiction entirely by accident... and I read some – het stuff mostly, then I started watching Stargate SG-1, went looking for fanfiction for that, but was not on board with Jack/Sam, found Jack/Daniel went ‘huh really? That’s weird’ read it... and yeah... 21 years later... lol!
 51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Ship Wars. No seriously, just don’t. Like, who the actual fuck cares. I like my ship, you like your ship. I don’t care if it’s canon or not. I don’t care if it’s popular or not. I don’t read my NoTPs, but I’d never dream of telling someone else not too. Yes I think they are terrible, bad, no good pairings, but that’s *my* opinion. Don’t try to change my mind and I won’t try to change yours. I avoid them like the actual plague. If someone starts that shit around me, I will shut it right down. You are a dick. Go to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200.
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cristobalrios · 4 years
okay lets start easy.... 001 for star trek, 002 for syrios, 003 for cris and also for steward
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Specified VOY on Discord so
Favorite character: Doc. Seven is a veeery close second if not tied. Depends on my mood.
Least Favorite character: UMMMM Does Seska count??
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Okay so Tom/B’Elenna obv, umm I love Doc/Seven but like his unrequited love for her honestly. That one episode where Doc fell in love with a patient he made a holographic body for while he was treating her. Neelix/Kes had a lot of issues especially later on but they had their moments?? There really weren’t a lot of canon pairings were there so I’m going to go non-canon because it says both. Janeway/Chakotay had their moments of tension but nothing ever came of that.
Character I find most attractive: Tom tbh
Character I would marry: Tom is with B’Elanna so... Doc? Harry?
Character I would be best friends with: Doc
An unpopular opinion: Okay so for the whole Tuvix debate idk which side is actually more popular than the other but at least Controversial Opinion: Janeway murdered Tuvix and it was not the moral decision (that doesn’t mean it was the incorrect decision)
My Canon OTP: Tom/B’Elanna Seven/Raffi oops that’s Picard
My Non-canon OTP: Hmmm I have no idea how this is gonna go down but Icheb/Q2 were kind of cute tbh
Most Badass Character: Janeway is queen. Seven is also queen
Most Epic Villain: Idk species 8472?
Pairing I am not a fan of: ... idk I feel like the Seven/Chakotay stuff was not done well
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Neelix when it comes to his relationship with Kes towards the end the whole jealousy stuff was not cool
Favourite Friendship: Tom & Harry, Doc & Seven
Character I most identify with: Seven and Doc
Character I wish I could be: Seven
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: Syrios
When I started shipping them: It kind of just happened so like right away
My thoughts: They are adorable disasters a terrible mess who deserve each other
What makes me happy about them: Everything. They care about each other so much they really need each other. Clueless married gays in space (well gay & pan)
What makes me sad about them: Neither of them care about themselves. Sylar ends up hurt, Rios panics, Sylar is more concerned about Rios’s panic than his own condition that’s just how it goes they’re a mess
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Nothing the only fics written about them are written by De. Okay but actually that one person who left a rude and stupid comment on one of the fics that’s it that’s the thing
Things I look for in fanfic: Clueless married gays in space
My wishlist: My entire #Headcanons (Sylar) tag - Just fyi Rios is the first human/non-Vulcan to solve this like puzzle to get into the super secretive society of T’Paal it takes him like a year when it took the slowest citizens of T’Paal several months but he WOULDN’T GIVE UP he needed to prove himself to Sylar’s people - Syrios doing their own version of Tal’oth for their honeymoon because what else would they do other than some messed up ancient Vulcan survival ritual
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I mean the only other person Sylar has been interested in is Sarek and that’s.. not going to happen so
My happily ever after for them: Honestly this is hard like?? Okay so get this: I doubt Rios is ever going to return to Starfleet BUT he’s like in his late 70s (so Sylar doesn’t have to watch him grow really old) and captaining a Starfleet Starship with Sylar and they go on basically a suicide mission just the two of them and they succeed in whatever the mission was technically for and they’re killed in the process, together, in a blaze of fire after a long life of being happily married idiots because otherwise one of them will have to watch the other die and that’s not okay because they won’t die of old age together
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Rios
How I feel about this character: ksjdhfkhsd he’s my sad caring baby he cares too much and I care too much about him because of it
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Syrios @plaktow-ed, Agnebal @agnespjurati, Cris/Anna @manenimittliv, Cris/Kira @kiranerysmajor, Cris/Ellie @bakcr, Cris/Enoch unrequited sadly @ncthingstars Enoch deserves better Enoch deserves Emil
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Cris & Enoch (see above), Cris & Raffi, Cris & Seven, honestly?? Cris & Lore have had some great moments yo @soongtypefrankenstein
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s mine
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Okay sooooo.. I still like the ECH theory honestly?? Like I’m not saying I’m disappointed with how it turned out but it would’ve been a nice twist + the whole Ibn Majid figuring into the Main Plot was a bit too much of a coincidence idk
Favorite friendship for this character: Cris & Raffi/Seven literally the three of them as bffs (with Seven/Raffi as a couple)
My crossover ship: Star Trek crossover? Cris/Kira
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Steward
How I feel about this character: HE DESERVES BETTER He tries so hard
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: ???? Idk man @ncthingstars was super into enemies to lovers and mentioned Steward/Emmet once and I’m not saying yes but I haven’t stopped thinking about it
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Steward & Sylar and Steward & Enoch and Steward & Anyone who will actually give him attention pls love my broken hospitality hologram also Steward & Emmet rivalry always. I want him to meet Neelix AND I want him to meet Vic Fontaine
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE DESERVES BETTER
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: MORE more holo squad in general but someone just give this man a hug or ask if he’s alright or show any sign of caring about what he wants because it’s literally his job to take care of everyone but who is going to take care of him
Favorite friendship for this character: Steward & Enoch, Steward & Sylar
My crossover ship: Steward/Rimmer from Red Dwarf?? idk man
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