#I like Vace after he changes even though I know everyone else hates him and I like trans rep just let me have this
kitthenameless · 8 months
Trans!Vace & Other Exocolonist Thoughts
Random "I Was A Teenage Exocolonist" post because I still have a few thoughts floating around that have no where else to go since I wasn't going to put them in my review. (It's an incredible game, btw. Throwing that out there for anyone who hasn't played.)
The genetic augmentations. What exactly was going on with those on Helios? Because on Stratos, it seemed everyone got their augments as babies or kids. And Nomi-Nomi not knowing theirs implies it was done when they were too young to remember. But Rex is just part dog. Which is a wild augment, because why? To me, that implies he chose it himself. Because why would any parent choose that? (Does he at least have dog senses? That would make more sense, but I don't remember if that was mentioned.)
And then the real confusing one is Vace, whose augment is a bigger dick. I would guess that maybe it was a secondary augment, sort of like how Tang's is that she needs less sleep, but she also changed her body as part of transitioning. Except Vace's listed augment in his profile is "well-endowed." I know they didn't do that to a baby. He definitely got that when he was older. So what is going on?
Also, sort of weird that he'd admit that so proudly? I feel like he's the type of man who would rather pretend his dick is just naturally that big. I even thought at first that he was trans, because of the way he said it, like, "Thanks to Daddy Genetech, no one doubts I'm the man anymore," or whatever. As though people used to not see him as a man. Which, yes, would be a problematic thing to say because you can be a man without having a dick, but it's already problematic anyway, and Vace being problematic is just par for the course. But then his profile just listed that as his augment. If he were trans, I'd think he'd have some other augment. Except him being trans would make more sense with how excited he is to talk about it. Maybe on Helios they only get one chance to alter their body? Unlike Stratos where everyone gets an augment and can also transition? Or maybe he has another augment that he just never mentioned, and so Sol just thinks that's his augment, so that's all we know about because the game is from Sol's POV?
Probably none of the above, because trans Vace is not confirmed or even hinted at in any other way, but I like it as a headcanon anyway.
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