#I liked Sean as Robin I liked Robin I liked Outlaw Queen
kyliafanfiction · 2 months
I wonder if Robin Hood would have been better recieved by the people who called him boring if Tom Ellis had still been handy to play him.
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stardreamer28 · 5 months
Ask Game Shipping: Captain Swan & Outlaw Queen?
-why do you ship?
Why do you like them?
-unpopular opinion about them?
CS: I ship them 'cause they were a surprise to me. I didn't expect it. I was so in & out of watching when it was on air that it slapped me in the face lol. I like them 'cause the redemption Hook had. and just that yea it was sort of good girl/bad boy but then you realize he had more layers underneath of why he was like that. & she wasn't the typical "hero" ya know? umm not really anything unpopular for them I don't think? I wasn't huge on Milah, that's about it. OQ: I really don't know how I started shipping them 'cause it was so long ago. Sean had been on my radar through my love of British tv and came up as one of the Robin Hoods (I love BBC's Robin). and then I went back when my watching of Tom Ellis started in Miranda. but I ship them ultimately because I just love how caring they are, how they are with their kids especially Roland, and though I was hesitant on OUAT at first as an oldschool Disney animation fan, I like ships that are a bit out of the box. like an AU of themselves if that makes sense lol. why I like them probably has alot to do with Lana & Sean's chemistry on & off screen and being besties. as the evil queen I didn't expect to like much of Regina's story but as it got into s3, 4 & especially 7 I really liked those arcs. and in s6 when it was Outlaw Queen but not the original version, I liked how Wish Robin understood caring about her but went with the more...unrefined version of the Evil Queen. that was another thing too, that I ended up liking both versions of their characters. unpopular opinion is probably as much as I ADORE Bex and the character of Little Robin, I didn't really like Zelena at all & her meddling in their ship lol. the only time was the back half of s7
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paulsonal · 7 years
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outlaw queen  +  kisses   ↳  requested by @regina-mills 
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reginadimulini · 3 years
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Love does not stand a chance...
This is a Dark Outlaw Queen/ Playful Lana Parrilla and Sean Maguire Oneshot. I really hope you enjoy...
What if Lana takes her costume with her in the hotel to surprise Sean Maguire a collegue of hers, to let the evil queen play with robin hood?
And what, if there are more feelings as just friends with benefits?
I really hope you like it and leave a few comments now and than...
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phoenixshine · 7 years
So... I made a thing! Because Robin and Regina are AWESOME and because @revolutionsoftheheart wrote a thing years ago that gave me insanely many feels!
Let me know what you think! And do not ask who’s the beauty and who the beast... When it comes to Robin and Regina... they were always both. And they loved each other as a whole, the good and the bad. And that’s why we all fell in love with them too. ♥
Outlaw Queen guys... Always.
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thesschesthair · 4 years
Robin was one of my favorite characters. What did you think of him? Any favorite moments?
I liked Robin!!
He was great when first introduced and I remember growing up and seeing Sean on TV so I was glad to see him on Once. 
I thought he had some great interactions with others and loved Outlaw Queen during S3.
Alas, I wasn’t fond of where it was taken, and Robin seemed to fall into a curse of his own of only ever standing around looking constipated and asking “What’s going on? What’s happening? What are we doing? Where are we going?” etc. 
I don’t think he should have been killed off. He had potential and had some good scenes.... though saying that, as much as I do love SM.... he’s not the strongest actor out there... but it doesn’t lessen my like of Robin. 
He was cool! 
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shyeehaw · 5 years
Van der Linde Gang in College
Choice of degrees HCs
Dutch: Politics degree. He has the charisma and is well spoken. I would vote for Dutch! He’s dynamic and would succeed in the versatile politic setting, also many times he used his voice to motivate others. Although we don’t know if he would follow his Robin Hood days or will weight more to the outlaw side. Let’s just hope this time his plans actually work, for the greater good.
Hosea: he strikes me as a dedicated person to his studies. Calm and precise he would be a good architect. A visceral job like this would give Hosea a sense of fulfillment, his projects would actually impact in the life of many others.
Arthur: He would be one of those students that even when it’s midway through his course would doubt if that’s really what he wanted. I can see Arthur being torn between veterinary medicine or a design degree. At the same time he is excited to learn all about different species, he fears that his connection to animals might not be enough for him. Albert Mason would be his classmate in some classes, and so would Kieran. With a design degree he would feel more fulfilled as he would be able to create not only for him , but to the other’s benefits as well.
John: He lived a tough life and grew up on the streets, John knew exactly how the bad side was and he never wanted to get back at doing those things. When time came, he didn’t wanted to spend years of his life with his nose on a book, he found pointless to just memorize things that other people already knew. He wanted to actually do something meaningful. He got a spot at the police’s academy. Training for years in the hope of someday avoiding young kids fall in that kind of life he had before.
Abigail: She convinced John to live a decent life didn’t she? He woke up early every day to mend fences until his back was about to snap in two. Highly persuasive with her sweet words, she would do just fine with a marketing degree. Abigail has the right proactive attitude that this profession needs.
Bill: People never let him forget how bad he is with words. But he is actually pretty smart with numbers. What a waste would he be locked away in a room doing just that. Bill would prosper with a agriculture degree, with which he would be able both to work in the field using his strength, getting his hands dirty and using his natural aptitude for mathematics.
Javier: Fashion degree! Javier is very versatile and just like Arthur he second guessed his choice. He ended up picking a history degree in mexican culture, a way he founded to keep the love for his homeland always burning. He would be an active member of the political debates groups and be responsible for organizing collective acts to help improve life in Mexico countryside. He is a very engaged student. In his spare time, he will attend to music workshops.
Micah: In which field almost anything is valid? Where the competition is always ferocious? What’s the modern translation of a merciless lifestyle? Micah would have a degree in business and management. A title he got from his father, Micah was a prospect to inherit a big company built on blood and secrets. What could suit him better than being able to be rude to everyone “under” him without any consequences? He never cared for it before, and his not going to start now when his about to be CEO.
Lenny: This sweet boy wants a job that will allow him to help people but without having their lives at his hands. Lenny is hard-working and focused, so he would end up getting an English degree, in hopes to someday become a teacher. He is patient, kind and funny. The type of teacher he wish he had when going through college.
Charles: He is a deep and compassionate person, and I can see him choosing an physiotherapy degree. At first he thought about a psychology one, but being and introvert and sometimes finding being around new people too draining, he choose the next good thing to help others. He’s strength helps him lift his patients and aid them to do their exercises. It’s a long process that he finds so rewarding when it’s done. Being able to notice other’s improvement makes him genuinely happy.
Sean: All right, he will admit that he just needed to enter in a course, any course really. All his energy made a lot of degrees impossible, even game design, one of his options, required a level of attention he didn’t had. For some weeks, he even enrolled in a P.E course but the brodudes had their own little posse, and didn’t liked Sean, making fun of his jokes and skinny body. He found himself in the audiovisual communication course. Initially it was all a part of his plan to take over YouTube with his gaming videos, but slowly he started getting interested in experimental techniques, being able to go as crazy as he liked. People actually looked up to his carefree techniques.
Sadie: Sadie is not want to stay still and do boring stuff. With this in mind she kept seeking careers that would give her a sense of adventure and excitement. Archeology seemed good as any guess, she was lured by all the traveling she would get to do, but the job itself was too still. She then chose a crime scene investigation degree, solving those crimes and bringing closure to the victim’s family was something that kept Sadie going. Never a boring day at work, always something new to uncover.
Karen: A body positive queen, Karen pursued a esthetician’s degree. She is great at making people comfortable on their own skin, always looking forward to make young girls embrace their natural beauty. Her bubbly, talkative personality won over the hearts of celebrities even when she was still an intern in training. That brought her a status of beauty guru on Instagram.
Tilly: Ambitious and diligent with her studies, it was written in the stars that Tilly would have a bright future. Her dedication paid of by earning her a spot in a prestigious medical school. She has many traits suitable for this profession. Empathic and understanding, she is leaning towards the pediatric specialization, but not only that, Tilly is practical and good under pressure, which makes her stand out among her classmates.
Mary-Beth: A life among books was all that Mary-Beth could dream of. But she also knew how difficult the publishing industry is. So not only she now studies creative writing improving her already natural skills, and flirting with new genres, she decided to get a degree in library sciences. A way to secure her financial independence and be surrounded by the things she loves the most. The work as an intern at the library is lovely, she gets to meet new people who shares the same interest at her and contribute so everyone gets access to books.
Mrs. Grimshaw: Let’s go ahead and admit that Susan likes to be in charge. He was not born to hear others telling her what to do. When choosing a degree, she kept that in mind. The one that she showed more interest was in people’s management and Human Resources. Where she could delegate all she wanted. But not only that, Susan likes to analyze who is better suited for each task. Great at reading people, she will do great in her field.
Molly: Oh, elegant and classy, Molly! Her sense of aesthetic is on point and that lead her to a life of famous trendsetter on the internet. But she thinks that’s not a real job, so, looking to put her good taste in things at a use, she ends up getting a degree in Jewelry design. Uniting her passion of expensive, beautiful things with artistic talent. 
Kieran: All he ever wanted to do with his life is to be around horses. They brought such peace and joy to Kieran that he knew his life would have to follow this path. He started pursuing a Large-Animal vet, with a minor in equestrian studies. It was even better than he imagined, he was fascinated by every aspect from animal nutrition to the actual care of horses. Being a responsible, calm person made a lot of his teachers very pleased.
Trelawny: Captivating and a social butterfly, Josiah had no doubts about looking for a career in communication. His charming personality was very suitable for a journalism degree. He knows his way around words and the most terrible news don’t sound as awful coming from the charismatic (future) anchorman. I wouldn’t mind having his face on my TV every night.
Pearson: Truth is didn’t mattered if he loved cooking for people, as people didn’t loved his food. He didn’t knew if was the improvising or just the plain lack of formal knowledge, he was never taught, just jumped on it. Tired of people giving the food piece by piece for the dog, Pearson pursued a degree in Gastronomy. Finally being able to dive deep in the dishes he was trying to master for years. Pearson is a simple, rustic man and most of the students gave him a hard time for him not being sophisticated enough. He doesn’t mind, at least his foods fills more than the gap of teeth, like theirs.
Swanson: He was kicked out of his theology course, never showed up sober. That’s it. Currently studying philosophy instead and actually enjoying himself. Orville has many thoughts that can be deepened by getting this degree. He looks forward to a get a minor in counseling though, to help others there were in the same place he was a few years ago.
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mendokayalways · 6 years
OUAT 7x14: The Girl in the Tower Review....spoilers (duh)
What a gorgeous episode. Like literally all the fuckin’ feels and I can’t even. This is probably my favorite episode of the season so far. Disclaimer: like 50% of this post is gonna be about Robin and Alice and like all of it is in the pros section so like if you don’t like it, move on.
Tilly is such an important complex character and her being treated with such love and respect by the writers and giving her such a beautiful and hopeful story line truly means a lot to me in many many ways. 
Robin and Alice’s first meeting. Welcome to OUAT where its not true love until Person A traps/punches Person B during their first meeting. 
Robin wanting to honor her father’s legacy but changing her motivation from feeling good about herself to what actually was her father’s true motivation i.e. standing up for the little guy. 
Alice’s magic being so whimsical and beautiful as compared to all the other forms of magic we’ve seen on OUAT. I mean, we’ve seen dark curses and fire balls and TLKs and authors and ice magic, but this is like a league of its own. It’s filled with child-like hope and imagination and gives me Roald Dahl vibes. I love it.
“Goodbye Tower Girl” 
“Let’s go home”
Margo with her glasses and Alice in Wonderland book. And Tilly picking Robin Hood from Henry’s collection. Like even without their memories they’re so perfect.
Wicked Archer reunion. Mad Archer reunion. Wicked Queen honest conversations. Knight Rook moments. This episode had no shortage of perfect meetings and reunions. 
Lucy and Regina having their own operation just warms my heart on the like the next level. 
Henry being an amazing friend to literally everyone.
Ivy getting an actual, genuine redemption arc that is so beautiful and I really do hope that she is forgiven and accepted by her family. Knowing Henry, he probably will. Also, this is OUAT so redemption, hope, and happy endings is kind of the package deal. 
I’m glad that even though Regina has a thing for Facilier, she’s not blind. She still doesn’t trust him and him being honest about what he wants isn’t giving me any good vibes. 
Regina calling Rumple her oldest friend. I love seeing how far they’ve come.
Cons (there’s not a lot, this was a wonderful episode and I genuinely cried during certain scenes)
The yellow bug coming in to save Robin and Alice was nice but it felt too much like fan service and I honestly felt super disappointed when it wasn’t Emma even though I knew that wasn’t possible. 
Regina and Facilier
We still don’t know why Robin and Alice are so close to Rumple and why he wants to protect both Alice and Tilly. I mean, the Guardian story line seems even more plausible with Alice having magic but considering Weaver was asking Anastasia to audition for the guardian role makes me feel very confused.
Facilier pulling out the ‘Lovers’ card for Regina’s future and the news that a lot of the old cast is coming back for the finale makes me think that we may have a chance for Outlaw Queen to make a comeback even though that would take a lot of explaining. (I don’t know if Sean is coming back but I would really like that, I just know that Ginny, Josh, Jen, and Jared are coming back.)
I am getting a really bad feeling that Ivy might die (especially with the death card that Lucy saw) to save Henry and to make amends with Ana and Jacinda. It just feels very Ingrid-y. Like she hurt one sister (Jacinda by poisoning her husband), was betrayed by another (Ana because she was her mother’s favorite), but then went on to be evil only to sacrifice herself to save everyone else.
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roslinfanatic · 6 years
Wow once again I see fans being ridiculous over nothing. Serious pull your heads out of your asses, take a deep breath, and think before you post. A small group is now pissed at Lana for posting about outlaw queen. Some say she is being homophobic and others say she is doing it to stir stuff up.
First of all Lana is not gunna be online looking to see who she upset.... I can guarantee she doesn't care of it hurts your feelings... because a post like that shouldn't cause anyone distress. If your upset about it then you need to reevaluate your life.
Second it's not homophobic at all. She has never said anything that's homophobic. She is a huge supporter of the lgbtq community. She does support swanqueen more than anyone else on the show. She also likes the other ships her character has and that's ok too.... guess what she doesn't have to just pick one.
Third, I'm sick of people attacking the actors. Just like you they are entitled to their opinion. Yes Lana posts more about outlaw queen than swanqueen.... maybe it's because that was cannon, maybe it's because she's friends with Sean and misses him, maybe it's because that was something she saw when she got online... who knows and who cares it's her account and her opinion... if you have a problem with it then don't follow her.
Lastly, if your going to bitch about her then stop following her, don't watch the shows she's in, and don't post on her tag. Your obviously not a fan if you get pissed off at her so much. Your the one looking to stir stuff up.
Lana is amazing and sweet and she doesn't deserve to be trashed. She didn't do anything wrong and if you think she did then like I said pull your head out of your entitled ass, take a big deep breath of fresh air, and realize that that world does not revolve around you and your beliefs and your opinions are not the only ones.
Btw I'm a swanqueen fan I hate robin and sean.... yet I'm not butt hurt about Lana posting.
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stardreamer28 · 9 months
story time:
I was on the fence with OUAT for awhile when it was on air, much like I was with Arrow. I'm a huge oldschool animated disney fan so I didn't like how they were twisting the fairytales. and quite frankly Rumple scared me at first lol. while now I love Snowing's story in season 1, it took awhile for the show to grab me. it wasn't til Outlaw Queen started (I'm a fan of BBC's Robin Hood) that I'm like ok, I like the romance, he's good looking lol. then came the Captain Swan romance & I loved that. I put it down for awhile for other shows (Originals, Nikita etc), & then I saw the musical and I fell head first into it lol. I hadn't liked a tv musical like that since Buffy lol so I was excited. I saw season 7 was new stories and was interested how they'd tie that in. needless to say I looooved season 7! especially Alice and Rogers. then little Robin & Henry/Ella and I was hooked. in the back of my head I wanted to vid OQ but never had enough footage so I put it down again. Note: this entire time through the years I knew David played Whale & that he had been Sark on Alias who had always intrigued me but never had much time to edit as I'd been so busy. same with Eion on Covert Affairs. but I had watched clips of CS & OQ enough to know the gist. well last year I lost my mom suddenly & I was in such a fog I couldn't honestly tell you how I found the show again - probably Sean being on SWAT - but I dove into a rewatch in November and fell for Frankenwolf & haven't come up for air since lol. also note, throughout the years I'd seen Sean & Bobby in various UK stuff, & watched Josh on Manifest, and Michael's guest spot on Lethal Weapon. long story short OUAT has become a comfort go-to
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Today, I Learned a Lot
When I started shipping Outlaw Queen I felt like I had found a fandom of people who were nice, who seemed to be anti bullshit, who said nice things to me when I gave them compliments. Who told me they liked that I was bold and stood up for people who didn’t have a voice.
They made me feel like I was part of something, and I’ve never been much of a joiner, but I joined the OQ fandom, willingly. I reblogged posts, fan art, fan fiction, sent nice little asks…and then I slowly realized that I was pushing myself into a place where I didn’t belong. Still I brushed it off as insecurities, told myself “Chill out, they like you Dee-see they Reblog your posts, they respond to your nice words. You’re just tripping, these people like you. Don’t make such a big deal out of it”.
Today, I witnessed a very ugly side of fandom. There were people whom I have had lots of chats with, people whose fanfics I read and love, people who I felt respected me.
Today, those very people either bitched about my OQ post as if I couldn’t see it, unfollowed me on social media, or took slick shots about my OQ post on Twitter but didn’t have the guts to @ me.
They banded together…against me. Isn’t that funny? They downright ostracized me today. It’s like, the more people reblogged my Tumblr post the more people kept making post about how it was okay to not be over Robin being dead and how nobody has the right to make you feel otherwise.
Today, people that I respected very much, folks whom I thought would read my post and do what they always do-bring the peace, respect everyone’s opinion and keep it moving, didn’t do shit.
Today, those people in the Outlaw Queen fandom that I thought would help me, who I looked to, were silent.
I honestly expected more from OQ shippers. Today I was left to drown in a pool of my own blood.
The reaction I received today makes me feel even more confident in my post about OQ fans. It confirmed a LOT of what I said. They would rather defend themselves and how they feel then to actually listen to what I, a WOC have to say and how I feel.
I got whitesplained, Whitesplained about my own damn feelings 😂😂😂 the laughing emojis are to keep me from throwing my fucking phone because of how mad and disappointed I am.
At first, I felt bad for what I said; I even told my mom “I didn’t mean to start a war”. I was made to feel guilty for having a voice…no, no, no I was guilty for having an opinion that didn’t make people feel good about themselves or their ship.
As a result, I found myself in an apologetic mood even though all I did was spoke my mind. My anxiety was through the roof all damn day. I had shit to do today but I was so fucking distracted-on edge about who would say what and what other person would be condescendingly patronizing that I was unproductive as fuck. I literally laughed (and cried) as I imagined how many people wouldn’t bother to read, process, and then respond. Because I wrote that post last night at least 8 times or more. Because I didn’t wanna offend anybody. But then I was like “fuck it, you’ve been watching this shit go on for nearly 2 years; there’s no nice way for it to be said”
Granted what I said wasn’t in a nice manner, but I had been sitting on my issues/ feelings for a long time, a very long time. I was a ticking time bomb that blew up.
As I sit and look at the carnage of my own self destruction I sadly see that hardly anyone from my own ship stopped to help me, save a few people. I even had two of the biggest voices of OQ step in and say “respect Dee’s opinion and voice” and STILL people are over on twitter passively aggressively bitching about my post, or acting like it was a blip on their radar.
I got more support and understanding from people who detest Robin/OQ/Sean Maguire than the people who claim to love him and Regina and OQ so much. That’s ironic; they hate Robin but came to my defense.
I’ve got a mix of emotions running through me right now-numbness, shock, anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration, bewilderment.
I honestly held OQ shippers in such high regard but today…I don’t even know if I’ll be able to even read another OQ fic, write another OQ fic because the disappointment hurts you guys, it hurts forreal.
It’s like finding out Santa Clause isn’t real (though I never believed in him but I can imagine this strange feeling is how little kids must feel).
What’s sad is that these people, these same people are still following me (well, some of them are) and they’re going about their day, still protecting their shipper status, still claiming to be allies and so progressive, but a Black girl from Alabama makes a post that challenges that position and everybody either loses their shit, becomes passive Aggressive or pretends not to notice what’s happening.
Today OQ fans, a ship mate jumped ship and y'all let her drown.
Y'all let ME drown; in fact y'all mothefuckers saw me jump off the ship and didn’t bother to stop me.
This was a valuable lesson, a sad but valuable lesson for me.
You OQ shippers have real deal left me without words…y'all can have Robin and Regina, I don’t want either of them at this point.
They’re not worth it and neither are y'all…
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jacnaylor · 7 years
replied to your
maereed replied to your post : ...
Oh, same about Farscape. There were things that made me suffer while they were happening but exactly, they were important for the plot as well and were also justifiable, it’s one of the best angsts ever done for me. You suffer and wanna die and kill someone while it’s happening but it doesn’t destroy the character’s or even the evolution of the relationship. Nowadays writers seem to have such a hard time doing decent angst WTF, OQ ANYONE? (I’m still very bitter)
their angst was the best angst i agree. like. its so gutting. and i love that it isn’t just, it happens one ep then is never mentioned again (except for crichton’s rape in s4, that could have been explored more but i think they ran out of time? thats the one thing i would just get rid of. maybe if they had had a season five they could have talked about it more idk)
outlaw queen...im gonna fuckin die on that hill. like. this show is trash enough without betraying legions of fans for the sake of drama. oh also again a male rape that isn’t ever mentioned again. like why even include it. also why create a show based around redemption and getting a happy ending and have only one character get everything and another one get nothing because she’s a ‘’villain’’ or used to be.......sean didn’t even want to leave as far as i’m aware. they just hate regina. also, their conversation about how she wants robin and not needs him to be happy is good and all but i feel like they were just trying to justify their later decisions. “she can still have her happy ending she’s independent!” oh ok. so, it’s fine for emma to include hook in her happy ending. but the woc villain coded character gets to be ‘’independent’’
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I'm not going to lie, I did squeal and almost faint out of happiness when they focused on the ring on the arrow. It was beautiful and perfect and I had tears in my eyes. Somewhere out there in an alternate universe and a different life Outlaw Queen was endgame. Regina and Robin were happy and engaged. ...But it also pisses me off that it wasn't the real Regina and Robin who got to spend the rest of their life together. It pisses me off that Sean and Lana thought they were going to be forever also. That recent responses to questions at cons show that they both hoped that Robin and Regina's happy ending would have been together. Why did Adam and Eddie show us what could have been and not just have given us the real thing? I literally sobbed when Wish Robin came out of the tree and hugged Regina. The OQ tag exploded with the same comments of happiness. Sean didn't have to be in the rest of the episodes. He just had to turn into the real Robin again. But it didn't happen. I'm conflicted because I absolutely love EQ and Robin of Locksley together. However, it kills me that Regina and real Robin (the people who deserved it more than anyone) didn't get their happy ending. It's like a good drink with a bad after taste. Dark Outlaw Queen makes me happy for a while, but then I get sad because Outlaw Queen didn’t happen.
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mrs-emma-swan-jones · 7 years
Do you think outlaw queen could carry the show? If they have Sean back as wish world robin with the EQ on season 7, plus Colin, bex, and the new guy and girl... maybe it'd work out?
Nah.  OQ never had the same fire power CS has.  Honestly, I think they sorta tested the waters a bit by bringing Robin back for a couple episodes, and it was anything but revolutionary.  People didn’t dig that version of Robin, which is the version they’d be bringing back, so no, I don’t think they’d be able to carry the show, at least not like CS does.  They’re best bet is to bring CS back, but I guess if they were desperate and Jen wasn’t coming back they could try??  I don’t think it would work out though.
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I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry but.... do all of the fandom-related questions, please.
A: Your current OTP.
I’ve got a thing going for Emberly and Grunt from Firebringer right now. I just love “Just a Taste”
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Robin and Regina from Once Upon a Time. Lana and Sean changed my mind.C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
Ruby and Victor (Once Upon a Time). A lot of fanfic authors write them, but I prefer Mulan/Ruby or Dorothy/Ruby.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
A Percy/Annabeth one-shot entitled “Simply Complex” for the Percy Jackson fandomE: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
I have written something cracky, but never posted it. Again, Percy Jackson.F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I’ve been reading Percy Jackson since I was nine and I’m 20 now so… I think that’s the longest. What constitutes being in a fandom?G: What was your first fandom?
Percy Jackson… Or maybe Harry Potter. Not completely sure.H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
Live. I could never get really into cartoons.I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
No, I’ve just stopped liking fandoms on my own.J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Once Upon a Time. All I could tell was that it was kinda Disney-ish in modern settings, and it sounded SO COOL. So I started watching.K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
So far, everyone seems pretty cool. And they make gifts of everything so that’s like AMAZING.L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
I really want a cute Coffeeshop AU with Snow and Charming from Once Upon a Time. Like, thank you fandom for all the wonderful Captain Swan AUs, but I’d love love LOVE to see some Snowing AUs.M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
My aunt bought me my first Harry Potter book when I was 12. I haven’t stopped reading them.N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Def the Team Starkid fandom, because I feel like we all know our situation is strange, obsessing over a group of actors who mainly do parodies on YouTube, but we don’t care. We just band together and cheer them on.O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
”You Give Love a Bad Name” makes me think of Swarkles (Barney and Robin, HIMYM)P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
AU for season 9 finale HIMYM… Robin and Barney stay together and the writers don’t kill off the mother so Ted can be with Robin.Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Not that this was really an OTP, but I kinda liked them together, but Lily/Snape. As I got older, I thought, “Wow. That doesn’t seem healthy”R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Schwoopsie and Tiblyn, FirebringerS: What’s a headcanon you have?
Harry’s scar was a lot cooler than depicted in the movies.T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Zazzalil/Jemila (Starkid), Tony/Steve (MCU), Kurt/Blaine (Glee)U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
Captain Swan, Snowing, Outlaw Queen (or is it the other way around?), Percabeth, Swarkles, Lily/Marshall (did they have a ship name??), and that’s all I can think of tonightV: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
I don’t have any.W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Annabeth Chase (PJO), the Lobster (Starkid), Emma Swan (OUAT), Peter Parker/Spiderman (MCU), Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Emma/Killian (OUAT), Tootsie/MegaGirl (Starkid), Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter)Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Does Shakespeare count? I have no ships, really because I can’t understand who’s supposed to be with who half the time.Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
I don’t think I have one… Guess I’ll find out when I post
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winonasforever · 7 years
i can’t believe i’m going to wake up tomorrow to a new once upon a time episode starring sean maguire as robin hood featuring new outlaw queen scenes i’m dead and alive all at once kinda like robin
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