#I love Ashton more than Ashrym and they deserve better
widogaspmauk · 1 month
E94 spoilers ahead
Very unpopular opinion, I’m sure, but Fearne doesn’t deserve Ashton.
When Ashton fucked up, her reaction was to hit him and try to break his things.
When she fucked up, they were concerned and supportive.
She owes him one hell of an apology to start. Callowmoore was my backup ship for ash if Ashrym didn’t pan out until the shard incident. Now??? Ashton deserves better.
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alliekitaguchi · 7 months
When it comes to Ashrym vs. Callowmoore, I totally agree that it could easily go either way (Or...ya know...Ashton has two hands), but that something seems special about Ashton's relationship with Orym.
With Fearne, Ashton is overtly flirty and playful at all times, but with Orym, there seems to be a gentleness and almost reverence between them. Orym conjuring flowers for them, constantly seeking permission before touching them, and just treating them with more care than they've probably ever been shown in their life by anyone. Besides Laudna, Orym is probably also the one Ashton has opened up to the most about how they feel, and how much the group means to them.
Whether their relationship ends up being overtly romantic or not (I sure hope it does), I just eat up every second they interact together, and it's very obvious they mean a lot to each other!
I used to lean a little more ashrym because the evidence was a lot more nuanced with them, though i thought callowmoore was more likely in the long run (mainly because orym isn't over will, and i don't think liam wants a romance this campaign, since he didn't want one in c2 either, but ended up being in love with jester and essek), but now i don't want either of them with ash, LMAO
ashton completely shattered fearne's trust in this week's episode and i truly don't see how they come back from this. it feels like their entire relationship has shifted. i'm sure fearne being driven by ashley (who seems incredibly kind and sweet) will forgive ashton over time, but it won't be soon, hopefully.
as for orym, i think he'll see ash differently too, especially since orym's primary connection is WITH fearne, you know? he loves her, he looks out for her, and in his eyes, ashton just did something borderline unforgiveable, and orym is too Good and loyal to turn around and be with ashton when he just manipulated and hurt fearne.
honestly, after ashton's behavior, he doesn't deserve either of them, in my opinion! his behavior is pretty toxic and self-destructive, and both fearne and orym deserve better than someone who would potentially risk destroying the world than letting someone else do something dangerous, especially after all the warnings they got.
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