#I love Calcite yall
ivrket · 8 months
Academy stuff!
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I just enrolled in my master's degree this fall and these are some of the assignments I had so far!
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rathofthetarot · 1 year
Greetings, Star-Children!
[I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how people constantly post on media. I'm good for a week or two, a month was the max, and then I'm just forgetting to or never have the energy. Clearly something I gotta work on! Anyway, with there only being 2 weeks until Litha, I wanted to take some time to post about some things you can do/eat for it in preparation!!]
Litha, The Summer Equinox!
Time Frame:
Most commonly celebrated anywhere between June 19th -- June 23rd!
Light Blue
Oak Tree
St. John's Wort
Sun Tea
Honey Cakes
Orange or Green Calcite
Light Candles
Decorate a tree
Gather mistletoe
Jumping OVER fires
Sharing mead/wine
Summer Birds
Other Associations:
The Fae
Sun Spirals
Deity Associations:
Setting Up Your Altar
Choose an altar cloth of bright, vivid, summer colors! (Listed above)
Add appropriate flowers (listed above)
Adorn with honey, beeswax, or honeycomb pieces
Yellow or white candles!
Add a bottle of mead/wine and open during the Cake&Ale portion of the celebration!
Incense Scents:
Types of Spells/Magic:
Happiness magic
Nature magic
Prosperous magic
Cleansing magic
Hopefully this helps yall with what to do and the many different ways to celebrate Litha!!
If you do celebrate, let me know how you did and share with me if this list helped you at all!!
Blessed Be and Stay Wicked, Star-Children!
As always, I DO take commissions for Tarot Readings as well! They are $5 for ANY reading, except Love and/or Relationship readings! Message me or send me an inbox/ask!
Thank you!!
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coveredinsun · 3 years
ok yall i caved and made an empiresona. this one’s for u empiresblr. my beloved is under the cut
of course most of this is in line with my crystal cliffs worldbuilding headcanons, with a couple borrowed from the additions of some lovely people– namely, the headcanon of kids being named after stones/crystals, because that is Genius and i love it. without further ado, here is my beloved
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her name is calcite and she’s the ambassador for the crystal cliffs!!
the ambassador is a very busy job; it involves nearly constant traveling and negotiation with other empires. it also requires her to stay constantly calm and collected (even if she deals with people she dislikes on a daily basis), to the point where it’s hard for her to get out of that closed-off mindset. she’s only 19, and has already gained something of a reputation for being “worryingly work-oriented.” she traveled across the continent to attend the university of pixandria, something that’s practically unheard of in the cliffs.
much like most citizens of the cliffs, she is overly cautious and will never make a big decision unless she is absolutely certain the outcome will be beneficial to her empire. as a result, she is unfairly judgmental towards those who are spontaneous; she views them as unreliable and even foolish. she’s also blunt (and very often rude) about her opinions. these are her greatest character flaws.
she is professional at nearly all times; she moves with a practiced precision, and she is never seen out of her formal attire. this includes the amethyst pin given to her by her father, a family heirloom which she promised to “take around the world.” she’s often seen wearing light green, both as a symbol of admiration towards the current wizard but also because it compliments her hair lol.
of course, she is capable of relaxing, but she only does so around her family (three sisters and two brothers, a very large family for cliffs standards) and close friends. most of her friends are old childhood buddies from her hometown, but she has a close-knit group she met at university. one from the overgrown, one from mythland, and two from the cod empire. once or twice, she has brought them to her home, during festivals.
being at home generally helps with loosening up, but every year she makes a promise to not mention work during the various aforementioned festivals the cliffs hold with allying empires each years. in these rare occasions when she especially enjoys herself, she loves folktales and legends. she knows most by heart, and a great deal of history about many of the empires– when she gets older, she wants to settle down in her hometown and become a historian that runs the library. the local kids love hearing her storytelling.
and like most citizens of the cliffs, she is very superstitious. she carries her amethyst pin (shown above) everywhere because it is good luck. when she cannot return home for crystal cliffs holidays, she wears an anklet given to her by her childhood best friend and ties a hand-woven purple ribbon from her sister (embellished with intricate designs) around her wrist in their honor. it is believed neglecting to do so would resort in bad luck, at the least.
her native dialect is wither-common but she’s fluent in grimmish because it’s so similar. she’s mediocre at the dialects of pixandria (because of her time at university there) and she’s trying her hardest to learn the dialects of the the cod & ocean empire. to no avail. but she’s definitely trying.
her favorite places to visit are rivendell and the overgrown. rivendell’s snowy climate reminds her of home, and she simply enjoys the overgrown’s architecture. (she also likes hanging out with the sheep in the great grass field when no one is looking. sue her.) she certainly enjoyed her semesters at the university of pixandria, but the desert was such a far cry from her homeland that she was often homesick.
uhhhhh yeah that’s all i have for now. here’s the link to the picrew i made her with <3
(@empiresonas @roeddishberry @stupidperfectcharminglukas here take this <3)
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godofsunlight · 4 years
Newbie Devotee Challenge, 4
Day 4: What symbols/animals/plants/etc. are associated with your deity? Start out by listing the ones that you know. Then, do a little research to see if you can find more. In a separate list on the same post, list those ones, too. Make note of which ones you think fit and don’t fit your deity.
Bow and Arrow - I mean, he’s the god of archery so yeah!
Laurel Wreath - This one’s a well-known one, but not one I often think of.
Lyre - God of music, duh!
Python -  This one I also don’t think of often.
Cattle - I sometimes forget his cattle associations until I think about Hermes lmao.
Crow/Ravens - This is one of the first signs he sent to me! I’m particularly fond of crows.
Dolphins - Not a symbol I think a lot about. (But I just realized my favorite animal as a kid was dolphins *mind blown*).
Mouse - This comes from his Smintheus epithet which may or may not have been about mice. The mice/plague connection is actually retrospective.
Python - This makes sense since he’s the slayer of Python. I also connect him to snakes a lot because of his healing aspects.
Wolves - This one I see more for Artemis tbh.
Anise - I know Star Anise has divination properties, but I’m unsure.
Bay leaves/Laurel - Absolutely fits.
Orange - I always associate oranges with both Apollo and Aphrodite.
Sunflower - Bright and beautiful, just like him!
Carnelian - This one I personally associate.
Citrine - He really loves the citrine I gave him.
Lapis Lazuli (Sapphire) - I hadn’t realized until this post that this crystal is so important!
Orange Calcite - I just love how orange and soothing orange calcite is, so this is a personal association.
Red Jasper - Another personal association.
Sunshine Aura Quartz - Personal, but I mean. Healing associations. SUNSHINE like c’mon.
Sunstone - Absolutely.
If I think of more, or yall have suggestions, I’ll add them later.
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lunarlauren11-blog · 7 years
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Here's a lil mini for ya! This piece features a Florida Calcite that we dug at Rucks Pit in Okeechobee, Florida last year. It is polished by @danielrclay and him and I collaborated on wrapping it. It is set it oxidized copper. We are selling this collaboration piece for $50 + shipping, DM or comment if you're interested!!! Thanks so much for all yalls love and support! You are what fuels our fire 🔥🔥🔥 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ #lunarlauren #silicatesouls #artofdrc #floridacalcite #collaboration #tahoejeweler #jewelryoftheday #handmadewithlove (at Lover's Leap)
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