rathofthetarot · 1 year
Greetings, Star-Children!
[I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how people constantly post on media. I'm good for a week or two, a month was the max, and then I'm just forgetting to or never have the energy. Clearly something I gotta work on! Anyway, with there only being 2 weeks until Litha, I wanted to take some time to post about some things you can do/eat for it in preparation!!]
Litha, The Summer Equinox!
Time Frame:
Most commonly celebrated anywhere between June 19th -- June 23rd!
Light Blue
Oak Tree
St. John's Wort
Sun Tea
Honey Cakes
Orange or Green Calcite
Light Candles
Decorate a tree
Gather mistletoe
Jumping OVER fires
Sharing mead/wine
Summer Birds
Other Associations:
The Fae
Sun Spirals
Deity Associations:
Setting Up Your Altar
Choose an altar cloth of bright, vivid, summer colors! (Listed above)
Add appropriate flowers (listed above)
Adorn with honey, beeswax, or honeycomb pieces
Yellow or white candles!
Add a bottle of mead/wine and open during the Cake&Ale portion of the celebration!
Incense Scents:
Types of Spells/Magic:
Happiness magic
Nature magic
Prosperous magic
Cleansing magic
Hopefully this helps yall with what to do and the many different ways to celebrate Litha!!
If you do celebrate, let me know how you did and share with me if this list helped you at all!!
Blessed Be and Stay Wicked, Star-Children!
As always, I DO take commissions for Tarot Readings as well! They are $5 for ANY reading, except Love and/or Relationship readings! Message me or send me an inbox/ask!
Thank you!!
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This was my Ostara altar. I’d forgotten about this Tumblr 😂 But it looks like it’s full of Magickal interesting stuff. I wrote this for my ritual:
Spring has come
It’s Thy turn to shine
O beloved Brighid
Queen of the time.
Flowers are blooming
In their colours we thrive
And Thou, forever, in them are alive.
Thank be to Thee, O mighty Lady
For here I am, healthy, singing Thy song
And as these flowers I offer Thee
I am well and strong.
Welcome Spring! 🌸🌺🌾🌼🌻🌷🌹☀️
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quietest-witch · 4 years
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source • quir.benerify.com
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justsomewiccanstuff · 5 years
Witch’s Guide to Camomile
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I’ve been drinking tea almost everyday for the past year or two. Chamomile is one of my favorite teas as it helps me relax and sleep
Chamomile is a masculine plant, it’s associated with the sun, the zodiac sign Leo, the element water and sun gods such as Lugh, Ra and Cerunnos
Magical Properties:
- Healing
- Love
- Prosperity
- Tranquillity
- Purification
Magical Uses:
- Burn the flowers everyday to attract money
- Drink the chamomile tea before doing rituals or spells to help prepare your body
- Sprinkle the flowers in powder form around your house to undo any spell cast against you
- Wash your hands in Chamomile tea to increase your luck when you’re gambling
- Put the flowers in your hair to attract love
- Keep some in your pockets to attract general good luck
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Grimoire - Cleansing
So I’ve seen people write about cleansing, but I haven’t seen a dedicated cleansing set of pages yet so I thought I’d try it out and make some to share. Most of the information I’ve gained from tumblr, Instagram and online, but all resources from tumblr I’ve reblogged - I lost count of who’s was who’s. Enjoy 💛
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soraya-serene · 4 years
take a nature walk
no, actually.
the soft vibrations of trees and critters sooth your spirit
breathe in that invigorating fresh air, and breathe out negative energy
walking makes your blood (physical carrier of magick) flow, evenly distributing energy across your chakras.
i usually say that all of this is optional, but i think basic human activity is mandatory.
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myra-moonlight · 3 years
Witchy snapchat groupchat?! Comment if interested! 18+, must be accepting of ALL paths even if you don't agree with them! 🌼💗 I just want a place to share info, and make friends.
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-----Sleep Edition-----
Sugar cookie dough
Lavender (Sleep)
Chamomile (Sleep)
Rose petals (Psychic)
I eat 2 small ones before bed while I burn my sleep blend to help promote my psychic dreams. 😁
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elhoimleafar · 4 years
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I honor myself, and I honor you too in the process 🌿🌙💫✨ #urbanShaman #Magestribe #PaganGods
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rathofthetarot · 1 year
Greetings, Star-Children!!
Let's have a discussion on:
Love Magic
Love Magic is highly sought after from a majority of those outside the witch community and, sure, in essence, they seem harmless and fun! But they're not. Love Magic is, essentially, like a Genie; you'll get what you want but it's never the way you want it. I'll list just a couple examples (some may be worst case scenario or extreme) of how this magic can work:
"I want him to love me and only me."
He did. But obsessively. To the point that he became aggressive when he wasn't around the recipient.
"I want [] to get serious about us."
[] got serious and decided to end the relationship because [] hadn't been happy in a while and had been pretending ever since.
"I want my ex to come crawling back to me, begging for me to take him back!"
Yeah, well, he did but because he ended up having a surgery on his foot that went terribly wrong and he lost a few toes.
Love Magic isn't a game and it isn't something to use lightly. This goes for love advice tarot readings or Relationship readings as well. That's why when I offer Tarot Readings ($5/reading, any reading except Love/relationship) I never offer to do Love/relationship readings because I know the dangers and I personally don't want to bother.
Now keep in mind that this is a preference. All Witches have the choice to make on if they want to participate in love magic. Also keep in mind that love magic does NOT necessarily have to include sex magic (which has it own dangers and warnings but that can be a different post if yall want). Personally, I've seen Love Magic backfire way too often and it usually is the result of lack if protection and lack of research. The worst one I've seen happen was the product of a baby witch who sought advice from my Coven and me about Love Magic and decided to not listen to us but listen to a TikTok she found on the subject.
At the end of the day, all witches are free to make their own call about any type of magic they wish to craft. But always be properly informed AND PROTECTED! Protection Magic is ALWAYS necessary! Magic is unpredictable and you never know the outcome of anything! So please make sure you do your research and stay safe!!
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Today I got The Star Spinner Tarot delivered from Amazon. I’m beyond excited. Look at the beauty of the art! And it’s queer! 😍
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cosmiccandyangel · 4 years
⭐️🔮Tarot/Lenormand/Astrology Goodies🔮⭐️
I’ve decided to do special card readings plus other goodies for a price!!💰
Here’s what I’m offering as follows:
daily horoscope ****$4.44****
Monthly star reading ****$10.00****
Customized natal chart self care tidbits and rituals/meditations designed specifically for you ****$22.22****
Custom natal sign care box(stickers, incense, crystals, herbs, other goodies!!) ****$33.33****
In-depth natal chart report including a thorough breakdown of every planet you have in each sign and how that manifests within you. Basically a deep guide on who you are based on the stars. What it means to have each sign you have. ****$44.44****
1 card spread for 1 general question and my interpretation/analysis/positive feedback :) ****$5.55****
❤️❤️LOVE SPREAD: an open card spread based on whatever question you may have on a romantic relationship or interest ****$12.22****
3 card spread-past revelations, present obstacles, future outcomes ****$15.00****
Who You Are reading: card spread of your life purpose, discovering your truth, what makes you unique, the steps you should consider to take, etc. ****$25.00****
💵 💵 💵I accept: CashApp, Venmo, GooglePay or Zelle💵💵💵
⭐️⭐️DM me first for inquiries⭐️⭐️
**Please include first name, the service you’d like, which method of payment you’ll be using.
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quietest-witch · 4 years
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justsomewiccanstuff · 5 years
Witch’s guide to Clove
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I don’t really use cloves much in my own practice but only because I didn’t know much about them. So I decided to research it and share what I learned with you guys
Clove are masculine and associated with planet Jupiter and the element fire
Magical properties:
- Friendship
- Increases good fortune
- Attracts wealth
- Protection
- Cleansing
Magical Uses:
- when burned it can ward the area of negative energy
- Add to mono bags for good luck
- Burn to prevent people from spreading rumors about you
- When burned with charcoal it attracts money
- Place 7 cloves each in 2 separate cloth bags and make each bag into a necklace. If two people wear these until they break it will make a friendship that will last a lifetime
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urban-witch-tales · 5 years
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Starting my path has taught me so much, but this, this is really what its taught me. Its to go through things, its okay to change for the better, its okay to start over and new as long as it makes you whole again! And no matter what as long as you keep rising everyday thats all that matters! 
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hawthorncoven · 4 years
New to Tumblr!
Since things are about to start ramping up, I wanted to introduce myself and PSA to the Tumblr community. My name is Kathy, and I’m going to be operating the social media for Flagler College’s Pagan Student Association this semester!  We’re a student organization at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, focusing on topics pertinent to paganism and witchcraft. 
We’ll be making our own posts once a week (at the very least!), and of course, sharing resources from other blogs. We’d like to start following some more people, ideally those who post on the same sort of topics that we’re planning to:
Well-researched information on folklore, mythology, and cultural history
Modern pagan religion and practices
Crystal magic (or even rock collecting!)
Botany and herbalism
Examples of altars, ritual set-ups, sigils, etc.
Dorm/apartment-friendly magic
College or study advice
Astrology, esp. for beginners
Pagan traditions or types of witchcraft 
Blogs that focus on a specific tradition (like Hellenism, Wicca, Kitchen Witchcraft, Traditional Witchcraft, etc.) 
Guides or how-to’s of any sort
Spells, rituals, witchy DIY’s... vaguely witchy DIY’s
Vulture culture
Just interact with this post in some way (like, reblog, reply, etc) so we can check you out! 
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