#I love how sassy she looks in the first movie outfit xD
vampireflowerarts · 5 months
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I love all the versions of Poppifer~
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
For- "Give me a character and I will answer."
1. Kane Yamashita
2. Tala Valkov
3. Julia Fernandez
For all! 🤪🤪
If you keep sending me so many asks, when will I have time to type.... alright leave it.
1. Kane Yamashita
Why I like him- I find him to be amazing, well-written, complex, tricky, cool, calm, intelligent, sexy, hot, and what not? He is kind, caring, has great leadership skills and overall he is an amazing character.
Why I don't like him- N/A
Favorite episode- Fine with all of his episodes in the V-Force arc, but I will tell that I specifically liked him in episodes 17, maybe 19, 20, 25, 27, 43.
Favorite season/movie- He comes only in V-Force.
Favorite line- "Okay Salima, let's show the freaky doctor were good as his new made monsters!"
Favorite outfit- As much as I like him, I expected him to have cooler outfits, but I pick his first one. The third one made him look like a naive boy.
OTP- W/Salima, OCs are fine as well.
BROTP- Tyson, Ray, Ozuma, Mariam, Jim, Goki, Mariah, Zeo, Julia, Tala, Brooklyn, Hilary, Queen, Max and Kai.
Headcanon- He has an older sister.
Unpopular opinion- He is well-written than most of the V-force characters, including even the bladebreakers (I can make an exception for Ozuma and a few characters, maybe).
A wish- Let him end up with Salima, please! And I want him to have a red-haired and blue-eyes daughter with her. Also, have a nice bit-beast.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Wearing the Psykicks' uniform again, please no.
5 words to best describe him- Smart, attractive, intelligent, independent, courageous.
My nickname for him- That handsome genius.
2. Tala Valkov
Why I like him- I think Tala is really cool and amazing.
Why I don't like him- N/A
Favorite episode- Episode 36 of G-Revolution
Favorite season/movie- G-Revolution
Favorite line- Sorry can't remember anything at the moment ^^'
Favorite outfit- G-Revolution outfit.
OTP- W/Queen and maybe Julia. OCs are fine as well.
BROTP- W/his teammates + Kai.
Headcanon- He is immune to cold weather.
Unpopular opinion: I think that he got stronger in season 3. I mean, G-Revolution Tala is stronger than part 1 Tala. I have heard many people telling that he was nerfed. I don't really think that he was nerfed. He just fought with strong opponents.
A wish: MARRY QUEEN. Idk how I ended up shipping them, I have come this far to ship them. Also I want him to meet his parents (Idk if both or either of them is deceased, I suppose his father is dead).
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Don't go to Boris again.
5 words to best describe him- Kuudere, cold, mysterious, power-packed, brave.
My nickname for him- Ice Prince.
3. Julia Fernandez
Why I like her- Julia is extremely badass, likeable, and I love her big-girl persona.
Why I don't like her- N/A
Favorite episode- Episode 26, and even episode 22.
Favorite season/movie- She appears only in G-Revolution.
Favorite line- "Do you know why I have so much of confidence in battles? Because you are always there to back me up! Without you here, I wouldn't be as glorious as I am!"
Favorite outfit- Of course her main one. I too liked her Egypt one but that was for a very short span of time xD
OTP- W/Kai Hiwatari and Tala Valkov (more of the former one)
BROTP- Queen, Mariah, Hilary, Kane, Emily, Mathilda, Michael, Mariam, Salima, Rick, etc.
Headcanon- She is so much into dark shaded lispticks, pedicure, facial and grooming. She is a trendy fashionista.
Unpopular opinion- I think that Julia is not sassy everytime. There would have been times when she could actually feel down. Those are the ones which could give room for courage.
A wish- I'd like her to date Kai because she would be the best type of girl who will suit Kai. She is ain't too disturbing in love, she is just natural in that regard. Kai would come to like powerful girls like her. I wouldn't mind even if it is Tala.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Don't need to feel sad about you being an orphan dearie, be happy!
5 words to best describe her- Brave, courageous, sassy, beautiful, flawless.
My nickname for her- Lightning Queen
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seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part twenty nine episodes 49 + 50
(aka: the greatest character development was her learning everyone’s names along the way)
deep breaths.
last two episodes.
let us begin.
episode 49:
a letter??? what letter did you get, evil little buddy
who sent threatening letter!!!
Xichen is SO MAD i’ve never seen him so mad before omg
i know he’s evil but the red wedding robes or whatever look so nice on guangyao
old clan leader jin was uhhh THE WORST
(also side note but dang. zzj. deserves. every. single. award.)
poor ning ;;;
also i just don’t like watching zixuan die ;n;
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like legit jin guangshan is the wooooooorst what a jerk
who is banging on the doors o.o
WEN NING?! what is going on why does wen ning have mingjue’s sword what what
the whistling is baaaack ( ´ ▽ ` ) 
wen ning is possessed by the blade spirit?!
wuxian leaping in to rescue jin ling, a good uncle ;; <3
oh my god guangyao’s ARM SLICED CLEAN OFF
huaisang scuttling over to hide behind xichen, a tiny cutie
wangji and xichen playing music together always good, good brothers
wen ning stepping on the severed arm makes me very squeamish, ew ew ew
oh my god going for jin ling i’m so NERVOUS that was SO CLOSE
wen ning oh my god my lil bean wen ning wen ning wen ning ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
god wuxian is hot
sizhui?? pulling out your butterfly? at a time like this?
HUAISANG?! NO don’t hurt ducky!!!!! :(
the sword going straight into su she omg o.o
wangji always being right there to catch wuxian ;~; <3
huaisang is so animated and ridiculous i love him 
sizhui and his butterfly!!!!!!! i just!!!!!! every time i see i just scream!!!!!!!
huaisang?? what’chu up to buddy
and so...we’ve reached the last. episode 50: 
HUAISANG?! freaking what the crap are you here to tell me it was HUAISANG THE WHOLE TIME
guangyao standing up and slowly pushing the sword in deeper omg
guangyao pushing xichen away omg the looks on both of their faces ;;
xichen ;~~~~~~;
all of the curse marks are gone!!!!! woo!
squishes sizhui’s cute little face
why is zizhen so precious omg running to check up on wuxian and asking about his neck and if he’s okay i love zizhen
“You’re such a pain in the neck!!” JIN LING. SO SASSY.
Jin Ling just constantly calling out jiang cheng, i love this little monster
omg the flashback ;~~~~~~~; jiang cheng with the single tear and “take care” ;~~~~; i feel like i might explode ;~~~~~;
GOD i just want the brothers to be super Okay again ;;
“Damn it. Every time. Those two are fast.” AHAHAHAHA they are just good little beans, it’s not like they knew you were trying to have an important conversation or anything. also Sizhui and Wen Ning scurrying after them is ADORABLE
oh my god oh my god oh my god
“how could I teach a kid those things?!” “you DID, uncle wen can testify!!!!” wen ning looking like a deer in headlights fjewioafwea ADORABLE I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYTHING
“no matter how big you have become, i will still plant you into that pit.” SCREECHES
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BABIES squish squad off on their first excellent adventure ;;
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wangji became the Excellency? ohhhh fancy
them talking about their vow FLINGS MYSELF OFF A CLIFF
GOD if they don’t stop looking at each other like this my heart is gonna beat right out of my freaking chest pls stop you’re both so freaking pretty i can’t handle the pining
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they added MORE rules to Cloud Recesses, how many rules could they possibly NEED omg
i l o v e huaisang’s robes in this scene but also i’m still just. HUAISANG. HUAISANG BEHIND EVERYTHING OH MY GOD I... HUAISANG?!!! the little ridiculous ducky o m g
“Lan Zhan, I will get going.” no you absolutely will not, you stay right there, mister
noooooo ;; y’all both turn around RIGHT NOW ;n;
ahhh new clothes, time has passed. also side note i like both of these last two outfits of wuxian’s a lot and also deeply respect his adherence to his Aesthetic™ always
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oh. oh man. ohhhh my goodness.
(immediately goes to rewatch the A-Yuan Scene >.> )
this was good. this was good and wonderful and i want to soak it in forever i love them all and i’m so happy and WangjiBun and WuxianBun got squished an awful lot in these last two episodes XD
and there’s just so many LAYERS. so many things to find, I feel like you could watch a million times and still see new things, I can’t wait to rewatch ;;;; <3 and this CAST ugh i love this cast
(but also!!! now i’ve officially unlocked ALL CONTENT, i can watch interviews and search for things with NO FEAR OF SPOILERS! :D and The Untamed Boys show and the Wen Ning/Sizhui movie!!!!!! YAY)
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jczala · 5 years
let's play "Yugioh Vrains Ask meme": Playmaker: Link VRains, OP, ED, Boy, Girl, relationship, shh, character, voice (sorry, I went overboard x'D)
I seriously don’t have a problem with that. THANKS FOR ASKING! 
Playmaker- Do you like Yusaku as the main protagonist, or do you think he’s too stoic/different from the friendship loving predecessors?
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Hey, there’s not a single protagonist that I hate. Every protagonist is different and unique in a lot of ways, from their dueling tactics to their personalities. While the previous five put a lot of emphasis on bonds and friendships, Yusaku strayed away from that and pursued revenge. He was tied down to his past and couldn’t move on. It’s a refreshing take on a Yu-Gi-Oh! Protagonist IMO.
Link Vrains- If it was a real game would you play it even if you could get hurt from it?
I’ve watched too many movies and anime to know where this is going, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. I’m a casual gamer/duelist, and it would be nice to try something as awesome as Vrains. Everything in moderation though…\(≧▽≦)/But I might be crazy enough to join the Knights of Hanoi //gets shot
OP- Favorite Opening
There’s only two so far… And I wanna save my opinion until we get more or all openings XD
ED- Favorite Ending
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Writing Life (2nd ED) and Glory (4th ED)!!! Stunning visuals, awesome transitions, and everything meshes well with the rhythm of the music.
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Boy- Favorite Male Character
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Tied between Ryoken and Yusaku. What can I say? I’m absolutely smitten by these two boys who are basically ruining my life rightnow.  ( ̄▽ ̄)
Apart from their visually appealing character designs, their rivalry, their past, their relationship, as well as their role in the story stole every bit of my attention. They live up to the HYPE.
Girl- Favorite Female Character
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I wish they had more female characters though… But I’ve always loved Ghost Girl/Ema Bessho. She’s witty, flirty, sassy, beautiful and smart! What’s not to like? And I love her DECK! It’s a BEAST in the TCG. I’ve been enchanted at how mysterious she first appeared, and the fact that she’s a Cyber Treasure Hunter just made her more interesting. (I miss her first outfit though… Love the mask)
Relationship- Favorite Relationship, platonic or romantic (specify)
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An interesting aspect of Vrains is Ryoken and Yusaku’s relationship. While they are clearly rivals, there are a lot of mixed feelings within them. Having been the voice of hope and strength, Ryoken holds a special place in Yusaku’s heart. When he was tied down to his past, Yusaku swore to take revenge. But that change the moment he discovered Revolver’s true identity, his special person. Yusaku expressed his thoughts and desire of not to fight, but circumstances forced him to. However, it didn’t stop him from reaching out to Ryoken and wanting to seize a new path with him. It becomes clear that Yusaku has genuine affection (not in a romantic sense) for Ryoken. This fact also becomes imperative to Ryoken, who is aware of Yusaku’s desire to save him, but the reality of their situation has both of them understanding that they can only be rivals at this point.  Even so, they have a certain level of trust on each other. It makes for some pretty powerful moments, which will certainly lead to them figuring out how to feel about each other over the course of the series.  
Shh- UnpopularOpinion you have
I already answered this with the previous ask.
Voice- Favorite Character’sVoice
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SHUNSUKE TAKEUCHI!!!! And I’m thankful to this guy for giving life to Revolver! His voice is deep, low, alluring. He can make it sound soft. He can make his characters sound so authoritative and charismatic. His voice can give me the chills. It’s like a drug, luring me into him. And I had the pleasure of seeing him personally during a convention in my country! He’s pretty good-looking too.
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redrackham87 · 6 years
5, 7, 16, 17
5. what’s yourdream marvel casting?
That’s tough, because pretty much everybody has been perfectin their roles! I will say tho: firstthat I know Jensen Ackles was a possibility to play Cap and/or Hawkeye at one point, but didn’tmostly because of Supernatural. I love Chrevans and Renner in those roles, but man it would’ve been amazing to see Jensen, and then more ofthe world could see how freaking amazing he is as an actor (and to that end, asmuch as my world would explode with glee to see him as Hawkeye, I’d pick himfor Cap solely because Cap has more screentime. XD) Maybe they can get him for somethingelse amazing down the road?!
Second: the drunk Asian guy in whatever episode of Iron Fistshould have been the real Iron Fist.
Third: I don’t know enough about the comics to pick somebodynew and dreamcast them. XD (But basically any fancast I’ve seen for Kate Bishop is A+.)
7. if you couldremove one film from the mcu canon, what would you eliminate?
That’s easy. Incredible Hulk because it p much doesn’t existin my brain anyways, nor does it really have any effect on the rest of the MCU. 
16. is there a characteryou liked originally that you grew to dislike?
Hmm…not that I can think of? I can think of the other way around (started out dislike but have turned around on them). Pretty much everybody in the MCU I am anywhere from neutral to like to love. I guess maybe Ultron himself, since the first time I watched I really liked how sassy he was, but I’ve since kind of realized I actually don’t like 95% of that movie as a whole, him included. (but the party scene is a gift I will enjoy till I die.) I still enjoy that he’s sassy, but it also doesn’t really make sense… and calling it “Age” of Ultron doesn’t actually make sense either when it was really all of twelve minutes. XD
17. favorite mcu style moment?
I mean, the firstthing that jumps to mind if Wanda, because she’s got the cool red coat andblack nails and rings and I’m lowkey obsessed with the way she moves her hands.I also want everything Peggy wears ever, esp in Agent Carter. And I’ve spent anabsurd amount of time studying Loki’s outfits from movie to movie, and Gamora’soutfits movie to movie (HER BOOTS IN GOTG 2 THO. I WANT THEM SO BAD?!). AlsoOkoye and her warrior outfit is just heart eyes for days. AND the moment at theend of Black Panther when her and T’challa and Nakia come strolling in lookingfine as heck. 
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 7 years
QUARTET NIGHT LIVE Evolution 2017 - 2017/02/12 - REPORT Part ②
*Do NOT Repost*
Read Part ① here
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I FORGOT TO MENTION! They had intro music for ONLY ONE and it was really kakkoi!
And also about Shoutan's hair! You can barely see in photos, but one side of his hair was partly braided, one braid had green infused in it!
So, I know I scared a few of you by saying how I noticed Shoutan was off with part ① of my report. I never seen anyone else mention about it at all, so I really wondered if it was only me who noticed? So I asked my Japanese Shoutan friend, who, if there was anyone, would notice for sure. And she said she did notice he was off too. She said it could also be the technical difficulties they had which may have bothered Shoutan. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed, I knew I wasn't imagining things!
Winter Blossom
There was a piano on stage and a silhouette next to it. IS THAT SHOUTAN?!?? ITS HIM!!
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He sat down, both me and Yukina screamed and were about to cry He started playing!! 😭😭😭😭 Shoutan!Hehatesplayinginstrumentslive!Thefirstthemheplayedhediditforthefanssecondtimeheplayedabitduringanisama2015!!!!Hesplayingagainnnnn!!!!😭😭😭😭 A bit before his line starts in the song, He stopped playing.
He picked up a mic that was sitting on top of the piano with his left hand. We all kinda laughed
He got up, walked forward and paused. Fans:??
Shoutan: Ne? (Hey?)
Waratte. (Smile)
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And he smiled beautifully Me and Yukina started to get emotional again (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
♪Boku wa kimi no naka … Ikitsuzuketeyuku…
Ai wo … Shoutan: Arigatou (
He spoke out arigatou) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
*At the end of the song* Shoutan: Mata ne~
Maeno had the cane. He walked to the left side and got on the platform, he got raised up.
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Then, HE PULLED OUT THE 3RD STAGE RING AND PUT IT ON!!!!! He got lowered down, walked to the middle of the stage, AND PULLED OUT THE 5TH STAGE RING AND ALSO PUT THAT ONE AND YOU GUESSED IT, HE PULLED OUT 4TH RING AFTER AND WORE THAT TOO (Yes, it was in that order)
He's so... Maeno. 😂
Starlight Memory
They sang and danced with mic stands and they were so kakkoi!! Shoutan stood on the right side. They made hearts with their hands If I remember correctly, Shoutan seemed fine from this song onwards.
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The Dice Are Cast instrumental ver was played in the background. Footages of QN during 5th Stage, 4th Stage Making of pamphlet shoot and op movie They caught Maeno practicing his dance steps XD Tatsun and Maeno posing with the cakes, celebrating God's S.T.A.R getting number 1 Shoutan and Morikubo with the cakes too.
The first song that starts was something I didn't recognise at all??? The doors opens up and we see something huge with the live logo on it. IT'S DJ MORIKUBO WITH A DJ SET OMFG LMAOO He changed clothes and his outfit looked fitting at a DJ with sunglasses, leather jacket He also had a inbuilt maracas mic!! 😂 He introduced each of the dancers as the DJ
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Hurray x2 Dreamer
Morikubo performed this song with a towel The fan chants to the song was amazing!
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Double Face
The first thing I noticed is that Maeno wore the bangle light!! XD There was 2 dancers who wore a masquerade mask, one was dressed in white, the other in black, they were on either side of Maeno This performance was amazing. Maeno performed while changing from butler Camus to Count Camus Everyone freaked out every time he changed to Count Camus
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NO. 1
During the end part of the second chorus: “aijou kanjou shinjou joushou koujou ZENBU nose de shirane KAIKAN kanjitē daro Baby?” they showed a video of Ranran saying the words to the song and the lyrics plastered on top of each other, one after another (it was graffiti-like) It looked so badass The venue and the cinema was really heated up with the fan chants.
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Mune No Koudou
Seeing how everyone changed to a more rock like outfit, I had a lot of expectations with Shoutan's outfit. As soon as he appeared I was so star strucked (*_____*)
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He looked so kakkoi and beautiful AND it's Mune No Koudou (my fav song along with Futari No Monogram) FINALLY I can hear him sing it!!!!!!! I never expected it at all, but he danced to the song!! The dance was kakkoi and sassy at the same time lol It suits Ai-chan! Throughout the whole performance I sat up watching him in awe He was definitely fine during this.
The choreography was just like 4th Stage, except you can see the huge difference from then and now. Tatsun was so much more confident this time round.
Shoutan: Ne let's walk together *pretends to hold someone's hand walking He looked extremely teretere!! (Shy) looking away and things Ahhh!! He puffed up his cheeks as well OTLOTLOTL
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Kiss Wa Wink De
Morikubo sang with maracas mic and held another maracas in his other hand. The dancers had maracas too, everyone shaked them along with the song. All the fans shook along with them using their light sticks.
Zettai Reido Emotion
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Something crystal/snowflake like came down and Maeno held it on the top of his palm and then it flew away The effects were so beautiful!! During the instrumental part, he pointed the cane towards us along with the beat, as if he was casting magic on us Confetti fell.
While Maeno was still on stage, the door opens just like in 4th Stage and the rest of the members came walking out They were SOOO kakkoi!! They all stood still, posing until it was their line to sing The did the hand circle thing again
God's S.T.A.R
Definitely the best song of the night, everyone was fired up from it!
They were all on the stairs and then walked down a little and they sat down in the same order as QN did in the car in the anime!!!!
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Morikubo pretended to drive They played the anime scenes throughout the whole song ❤️
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Tatsun’s talk Can I say something? I don't want this to end
Morikubo: We always talk about it this!
Tatsun: We've spent a whole week together rehearsing Even after we've finished rehearsals we didn't want to leave! Shoutan: Sou ne, we didn't want to leave! Yeah, after finishing rehearsals and checking we've done enough, we’d end up just staying and talking for another half an hour XD
Morikubo Really, thanks to everyone GOD's S.T.A.R got number 1 on Oricon chart and Gold Disk Award We're able to hold a live and it's thanks to you all and the staff.
Tatsun (This part is most likely really, really out of order, Tatsun's talk was really long Sorry!!) Really, last time in 5th Stage, I've caused such trouble, I wanted to do my best. I've let Ranmaru down, everyone, the staff, Utapri, production... Making everyone worry...
Tatsu: We've practiced and prepared so much just for today. I've started a lot new things because of Utapri, like dancing. I've never tried that before Utapri. Morikubo: you danced the full song! Tatsun: This was my revenge!  
Tatsun: If it wasn't for everyone, I wouldn't be standing here, talking big.
Well, I'm all fine now though! *Everyone laughs* But really, I'm sorry for having caused so much trouble and for making everyone worry. I'm really sorry.
I would be happy, if people would love Ranmaru more, and love Quartet Night and Utapri more
Tatsun’s talk made me and Yukina cry so much. He really loves and cares so much about Ranran!! To think that what happened during 5th Stage would affect him THIS much! ><
Shoutan I can't say anything as cool as Mori nii and Tatsu nii I don't know much phrases, it's always the same things. Really, as Mikaze Ai, as a member of Quartet Night, I'll continue to do my best
As Quartet Night, even this time, compared to everyone else I'm still the newbie after all
When reading the script, I'm always watching Ai's back, thinking, how can I catch up to him? I must catch up to him. I feel like, even just a little, I've finally caught up a bit with Quartet Night and Ai.
Thanks to the staff, production, thanks to the staff... Ahh, I said it twice... >< *face palms* Morikubo: Maa ne, there's a lot of them Shoutan: Thanks to everyone.. Ahhhh >< *Me: Ganbare!* Shoutan: I couldn't say it well at the end...
To be given the role as Ai, for Utapri to become so loved, and for Ai to become a character who is loved. I'm extremely grateful.
Thank you for Ai-chan’s existance and for giving Ai-chan a voice Shoutan 😭
Maeno Really, apart from being a Seiyuu I don't do anything else at all, so there was pressure on that part. At first I thought, is it really ok to be Camus?
I'm really glad to be a part of Quartet Night. Really, I believe it if wasn't for Starish we wouldn't be here, they were the ones who started everything *Everyone agrees
Morikubo To tatsun* I love your voice! This guy! He’s the most heated up out of all of us!
Shoutan is the most idol like! We were worrying thinking, how can we be more idol-like? We've relied on him many times with that, like how to dance etc *Everyone agreeing Shoutan shaking his head: no, no, no, no, no I'm not Morikubo: You've really helped us a lot!!
Maeno, you work the hardest out of all of us! You're always rehearsing and practicing your steps Even after we're all done you'd still be going over steps by yourself *Morikubo demonstrates pretending to practice steps XD
Tatsun: Morikubo-san... seems really, like he really likes us lol Morikubo: Minna daisuki I'm glad we're Quartet Night!
This isn't the end, we've got our next stage, with Starish and Heavens
Starish is actually here watching this! Fans: OMGGGGGG?!?? Maeno: Ehh, is it ok to mention it??
They said a line from the lyrics to Evolution eve. “Kotoba wa iranai, uta ga areba ii” (If we have our songs, we don’t need any words)
Evolution eve.
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After their emotional talks I started tearing up and crying from time to time listening to this song. Also, I always get emotional hearing this song because the episode aired during my very first trip to Japan and it always reminds me of Japan.
They made hearts and did hi5′s again but this time, Morikubu & Tatsun, Shoutan & Maeno. They added a break to the song and did the solo dances again!!!!!!
We started calling encore but changed to calling out "Quartet Night" pretty soon afterwards. Me and Yukina chanted too Not everyone in the theatre chanted which was understandable
Poison Kiss
They came out wearing, not the black tshirts but white vers?!
The structure of their performance was pretty much the same as previous ones. The dance!
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Tatsun: Thanks for the encore!
Morikubo: ...Ahh, I don't want to end this, lets just stay here! Morikubo begins to lie on the stairs XD
Shoutan: Why is it only one day anyway?
Morikubo: The stage is so big yet, why is everyone so close to me, what's up??? *everyone gets even closer to him 😂 Morikubo: Close, close, close, close, close!! Maeno: We all get along~ Morikubo: Ahhh! We really don't want to end! One more song Tatsun: honestly, I really like this song Morikubo: I like this song too, everyone please sing with us by all means! Live Viewing, please also sing with us!
You're my life
They extended the last part and got us all to sing the Lalalala part a few times
Last greeting
Tatsun was so emotional Shoutan too
They thanked us all without using mics and bowed to us, Shoutan was the first to lift his head
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Nooo, don't end! Don't go! >< You can tell they felt the same. They looked at each other with a *we need to go now* look
They walked to the door and turned back facing us From left to right: Maeno, Shoutan, Morikubo and Tatsun They all cried at the end Shoutan was trying so hard, he was all teary eyed, but once he turned to Maeno tears started to fall and wouldn’t stop. Maeno also teared up, Tatsun too
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End video
Ai-chan: It was really a fun live, it's thanks to everyone, we'll surely meet again. Camus: You've done well following us up till now, this is certainly not the end. Reiji: it's just like Camus said, it's not the end, thanks to everyone we had this live, Ranran: Because of everyone, this live became possible. Let's meet again at the next live.
I can't remember what song it was anymore, but the camera caught a wink from Shoutan EXTREMELY briefly!!!!!
They mentioned us live viewers A LOT which made us all feel so included! But since they never knew which camera was on them, they always looked and pointed at the wrong direction 😂 It was really cute though
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Although this is posted really late, I realised it's actually pretty good timing after posting the translation to Shoutan's 6th Stage blog. He talked about the love they felt at this live, and really, the love was unreal, I've never felt it this much at an event before. You can really feels the fans' love and the Seiyuus' love, they were equally as strong! Obviously I am a huge QN fan, so I am biased, but I felt it more here than in 5th and 6th Stage Because it was purely QN and their own fans. Even though I was in a cinema and not at the actual venue with them, I can say for sure the feeling was all equal. I can still remember the pure satisfaction and happiness I felt after watching this Live. Words can’t really explain it, but it was amazing!
And this was the thing that made this live more amazing than others, of course they were restricted to what they can do because of the venue (I.e. No flying, no driving on the stage lol etc) but even without all the fancy performances, this live was better.
Of course, if QN isn't your number one group then you most likely won't feel what I felt when you come to watch the DVD.
Wait! Maybe I'm not biased! QN Live was better than Shoutan's Prism Live ButnothingwilleverbeatShoutan’sBudokanLive!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me say this one more time.
I LOVE QUARTET NIGHT!!!!!!!!! 💚❤️💜💙
Here are pics of the goods I bought since I’ve never posted them before
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I finally wore my cardigan for the first time at 6th Stage!
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I want to thank everyone and specific people for the response to this post
I’ve actually already written about 90% of this report shortly after the live, but only just wrote the remaining 10% prior to posting this.
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Thank you so much! I’ve honestly never thought about it that way before! I always thought, “people have read other’s reports, they know what happens, so they probably won’t care to read mines anymore...” Your comment gave me a real motivation boost!
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@shiritsuskorone​ Thank you! I’m really glad that’s how you see me and that my posts are useful! Thanks for always reading and reacting to my posts! ✨
I also want to say that I used to read everyone’s comments and tags (every single one of them), but I haven’t had much of a chance to do that recently due to life. I didn’t even look any other posts or anything, I only came onto Tumblr to post whatever I needed to and just go. I started to read responses just recently again though.
Anyway, I hope people will wait and look forward to my 6th Stage report!
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originaljediinjeans · 5 years
MCU Rewatch: “Thor:Ragnarok” (2017)
The background Asgardians. The womens’ hairstyles. The outfits. I can’t get enough of it. I need a photo album of ALL their costumes. *drool*
Seriously, though, if the ancient Norse/Vikings had had unlimited wealth and technology, what would they have worn?
Sutur: “You have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard, the--” Thor interrupts him as he turns around on his chain--DUDE NO HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY SOMETHING WHAT WAS IT???
One of my friends commented recently that this movie needed to be more serious. At first I agreed with him. But as I was watching Ragnarok tonight I was like, “How could this get any more serious than Hela killing everybody?”
Thor’s...personality difference from the previous 4 films is unsettling. Clearly he’s been through a lot of crap since he left Earth 2 (Earth) years ago. Is he coping with it by being as sassy as possible? 
Also, you’d think Thor would know better than to touch Doctor Strange’s stuff!
Do Asgardians have that poor taste in theater?
Sir Anthony Hopkins as Loki pretending to be Odin is perfection. Clearly Loki has let his guard down, in that scene he isn’t even trying to pretend he’s someone else.
I also love the part where Odin is talking to his sons before he turns into glitter. Seriously, props to Sir Anthony. Thank you for being in the MCU
This is the first time Thor has realized that Loki is alive since he last left Asgard. It’s been like 5 years since TDW--he’s been back but he clearly wasn’t hanging around long enough to figure out something was up with Odin. There’s bigger stuff happening in the cosmos, Thor has been dealing with that.
Asgardians literally get “twinkled” lol
Why didn’t Thor call for his hammer while he was in Sutur’s cage?
Valkyrie is a really resourceful scavenger. She’s been doing this for a while. Where else in the cosmos has she been? How did she end up on Sakkar? Has she tried to escape? Did she end up there and decide to stay because she hit bottom (like more depressed from her grief than she was at the time of the battle)? Does she know who Thor is? 
You would think Asgard would have bigger weapons, like tanks and catapults or even rockets or cannons. Maybe Loki decided on disarmament.
I’m surprised that there is so much garbage on Sakkar. Couldn’t they find a way to recycle it? like use the materials to make buildings and cities? Give people real jobs? Maybe there isn’t much incentive because Sakkar is surrounded by wormholes and they can’t get out without difficulty.
I get why they cut out Jane, Darcy, Selvig, Sif and the Warriors Three and decided to take the story a new direction and raise the personal stakes for Thor but still it feels disconnected--like, there are fans who care about those characters, why you gotta ignore them?
Thor is really lucky that his haircut didn’t turn out worse than it did. 
That being said, Thor with long hair > Thor w/ short hair...although I’m not sure the long hair would go as well with the eyepatch.
The people on Sakkar are really poor, really hungry, and really desperate. I’m not sure the scavengers who found the Grandmaster in the post-credit scene even knew who he was or what had happened. Having Hulk as their gladiator hero might be the one thing going for them. No, really. 
Thor reciting the last rites for Odin in the gladiator prison and then Loki coming in and quoting with him--that scene resonates with me
Thor is, like, REALLY BITTER about everything, especially Loki. He blames Loki for their father dying (whereas Odin died a perfectly natural death). Before now, I’ve come away from watching this movie feeling like this is the best their relationship has ever been since Loki fell into the void/New York. But today, you can see that the conflict and mistrust is still there, and for good reason. The gulf between them is huge.
*the whispered conversation between Thor and Loki in the Grandmaster’s party room tee hee*
The battle with Hulk: After the first few minutes of the fight, Loki isn’t just scared for himself, he’s scared for Thor getting himself killed
Did Hela raise Fenris from a puppy? Was Fenris her pet that she cared about a lot and not just her battle steed/murder buddy? A part of me wants to think she was soft about something rather than just all evil. 
Is Heimdall’s hair magic? Do Asgardians have magic hair? Is that an ability they have to unlock themselves?
Thor had a working relationship with the Hulk when he was with the Avengers, not just Natasha. I think Thor could also do the “sun’s going down” thing on Hulk and it would work. Hulk respects Thor enough to do him a favor
But notice when Thor tries it during the Hulk fight: it seems to work, but then Hulk just loses it and smashes him, like he knew what Thor was trying to do
Thor’s scenes with Bruce Banner also show how much he cared about the other members of the O6. They weren’t the best of friends but they were bonded.
Hulk tells Thor that he’s “always angry.” Hulk has been in Hulk mode for two straight years because he’s been dealing with disappointment--that was how hurt he was by the events of AoU that he just can’t let go of it--maybe Hulk trying to “protect” Banner from having to deal with the emotional baggage. The line “Earth hates Hulk” is also very telling
After all the criticism and debate about Age of Ultron it’s very validating that Taika Watiti didn’t erase what happened
Hulk calls Valkyrie “Angry Girl.” He relates to her.
Is Hulk’s bed a monster he killed?
I can totally imagine how it went down when Hulk was found on Sakkar: Grandmaster: What do they call you? Hulk: I AM HULK!
“D--n you, Stark.” XD
Seriously, though, when Thor looks out Hulk’s window and sees the QuinJet, it pains him because that QuinJet used to be home to him and the Avengers. And that pains ME too. And then Hulk goes and breaks everything--did Thor hit that particular button on purpose?
Valkyrie claims she wants to forget everything that happened to her--and yet she held on to her sword, and Thor found her armor lying around. Huh. Well, I think it’s for the same reason she decides to join up with Thor and Bruce in the end--deep down, she’s still a Valkyrie, she still takes her oath and her calling seriously.
I think she wanted to forget her real name. She just lets the Grandmaster call her 142 and she never is addressed as anything else. It makes sense calling her ‘Valkyrie’ in that case. Whoever she was when her sisters were massacred, that part of her died with them.
From that line that Korg dropped, there have been other Asgardians on Sakkar. 
The flashback to the Valkyries’ massacre is the saddest part of the movie hands down.
Loki wanted to stay on Sakkar and forget, too.
Bruce Banner does look kinda like Tony with those glasses on
*Thor and Loki casually blowing the security guards to bits while having a discussion about their dysfunctional relationship* 
I wonder if Thor taught “get help” to the other Avengers. 
Thor tapping the end of the spear on the ground: it is a summons to the royal court. It is Asgardian tradition. He knew it, and so did Hela. 
Did Skurge really fight with the Beserkers and kill his fellow Asgardians as they were trying to escape? Or did he just stand in the middle of the zombies and watch?
The people in the spaceship were watching. They saw what Skurge did. They saw him die for them. 
I am just so proud of the fact that “Des” and “Troy” were from “Tex-as”
When Bruce falls out of the Grandmaster’s ship onto the Bifrost and faceplants and he just KNOWS he failed to Hulk out
Hela is just FABULOUS and I love her
Is Hela that overpowered because she IS the “firstborn”?
Thor already KNOWS how to do the magic skype with Heimdall. That can’t have been the first time he’s done it. 
Heimdall worked overtime in this movie and he has my respect.
Can Bruce have panic attacks without turning green?
Tony’s pants still fit when Bruce went Hulk on Asgard? Do they share clothes? Or was that an Avengers’ contingency measure?
Loki’s battle with Valkyrie is SO COOL. And then he triggers the flashback and boy she is TICKED, yeah I’d chain him up too
I think Hela seriously believed that she could take on Sutur and win. Wow, that’s some hubris you’ve got there, sis.
It can look like Thor doesn’t plan things very well, and maybe that’s true sometimes. The truth is, though, on Sakkar he was more or less planning his escape the entire time. Scouting out where he was being held prisoner. Making friends with other prisoners. Getting people on his side. Figuring out what his resources were. (Maybe he learned some tips from Cap? But that doesn’t seem fair, Thor has centuries of experience as a warrior to Steve’s ten.) As soon as Loki revealed that he had stolen the access codes and he was willing to share them, everything was in place. And he had a plan for dealing with that little twit when he betrayed him. Thor deserves more credit for his leadership and people skills than we give him. 
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Allllllllllllllllllll the questionsss
you are a weenie hut jr 
1: Do they drink coffee?yeah and then get wild coffee shits XD
2: Are they left or right handed?rightt, just like they right for meee
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)they have a massive beard you could put it in a bun, jk she has cutie hair and sometimes makes some nice firm buns or hermiones it
4: What’s their favorite animal?alpacaa
5: What is their relationship status?mine
6: What is their favorite band/singer?uh you can even make her decide that so why should I XD 
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?fluffy babies 
8: What does their laugh sound like?like pure magic 
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?shes p good at french ;) 
10: How old are they? How old are you?20, 19
11: One word that describes them.wonderful afff
12: Do they have any pets?a pupper and two kittiesss
13: What is their favorite TV show?probs man in the high castle 
14: What is their favorite movie?one she watches with meee 
15: What car do they drive?sexy
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they? One pasty ass motherfucker lemme tell youuu she so white she make bread look dark. 
17: Where did you meet them?at a sportsball game
18: What was your first meeting like?love at first booty touch
19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?Aquarius, i dont need the stars to tell me that were compatible. i said we were (i just googled it though and it said we were compatible af)
20: What month is their birthday?feb
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?uhhh, i really like this black dress she has, orrr when she wears my clothes orrr her onesie, orrr nothing, orrr she just looks cute in everything, everything is my fav outfit on her 
22: Are they good texters?they chill
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.uh everything duhh
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.sense of humor and how comfy they make things
25: Do they make you laugh?defnitely af bruh
26: Do you make them laugh?i tryyy
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?the besttt
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?their freckles that only i have seenn
29: Are they nice to strangers?depends on if they look at her the wrong way XD
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?youre toasty like a toaster, please dont toast methe flash buttfucking and breaking assholes those lamps look like nipples
32: Weirdest?oh shitokay the funniest were probably also the weirdest XD
33: Cutest?youre not making me sleepy or waking me up, youre just turning me onsleepy bae is cutee
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?mhmm, cutie future stuff that i cant wait for 
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?shes liller and im lil
36: Do they have a booty?they have THE bootyyy
37: What are their hobbies?petting fluffy babies
38: What are their talents?everything, theyre talented at making things better and happier and they make things more beautiful and the world a better place and theyre talented at writing and music and everythingg
39: What would your dream date be with them?uh exploring new places together sounds fun 
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?its super secret. shh
41: What do you guys have in common?were both gay
42: Do they go to the gym?sometimes. theyre my lil bodybuilder
43: Do they go by their given name?nahh
44: What is their favorite color?the rainbow bc they gay afi think purple though
45: How far apart do you live from them?too far
46: What song reminds you of them?big balls 
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?yeahhh
48: What do they smell like?like home
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?the hero that makes everything better but is gentle and quiet and sassy af 
50: How often do you see them?as often as i can
51: The last text/ message they sent you?“i love you toooo”
52: The last thing they said to you in person?i love you and ill see you soon and probably i dont wanna 
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?vomiteverywhere
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?their ears
55: What color are their eyes?brown
56: What is their clothing style?cute, grandpa, gay
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?they make me feel comfy af and make things better
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?idk man
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?like three years
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?i think when we hung out for the first time and she did the skatey heart thing and i held her hand and idk she was cute af 
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