#I love tawny so much and I've had a ton of fun with her recently
ettawritesnstudies · 3 years
Some dnd doodles and infodump! (Slightly nsfw which is why it’s under a cut, but nothing graphic, my character is wearing a bra and skirt because I was designing her tattoos)
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this is tawny! she’s the first character I ever played in a long-running campaign, and we’re going to be ending it on Wednesday which is crazy to think about, since we’ve been playing since pre-covid. She’s not completely gone though! I used her for what I expected to be a one-shot when I was hanging out with my high school friends over the summer, but haaaah that campaign’s been going on 6 months now.
She’s a circle of the stars boggard druid, but when I was first playing her, I wasn’t familiar with a lot of the mechanics, so I didn’t know I could do wild shape or divination stuff, and missed out on a lot of cool things, but my dms have been great at teaching me how to take full advantage of such a really cool character. Her race is a homebrew swamp-elf basically, and they communicate using a cantrip that lets them summon little fireflies that dance in patterns to convey ideas. And she’s an astronomer, so a lot of her spells are radiant/light themed! I used guiding bolt basically like eldritch blast lmao.
I was trying to develop ideas for her magical tattoo designs here, because that’s something our dm let me control, and the neat trick is that the tattoo is actually her staff! It’s called “Continuity’s End” (because our dm heard me joking about how Laoche stands for “LAnd Of Continuity HEll” and thought that was funny), but it has the power to transform at will. It also has a really interesting backstory!
see, Tawny is the navigator of “Better Be Bouyant”, the dysfunctional pirate crew (?) (we haven’t actually done much piracy) that accidentally killed something which wasn’t actually her god and ended the world that one time. But shortly before that whole debacle, she had a dream where her veritable god spoke to her, and called itself “Consequence.” She woke up the next morning with this mysterious tattoo that stretched across her back, over her shoulder, and curled around her collarbone. The DM let me choose the design from that description, and in a later fight, I was able to transform the tattoo to its staff-form, and use it to harness the life-force of the beast, which let me turn into it with my wildshape! so I’m not limited to the normal rules of that trait :D
The tattoo design is based on Praxis (the southern mariner’s compass), the Argo Navis (Theseus’s ship), and a wave! yaaaayyy for ~symbolism~
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