#I love this season of GX
overobsessedfanboy23 · 11 months
Time to rewatch best boy be evil on top of being depressed I guess.
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t4tieflings · 1 year
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Had a conversation with a friend about the levels of Co-dependency of each Yu-Gi-Oh Partner Duos and these are the rankings we landed on. 
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vanibear · 1 year
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siblingz ‼️
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krakenshaped · 7 months
You know what, I'm gonna come out and say it. I know it probably happens in the show eventually but I just wanna see Sho and Judai have a fight. Like a massive friend falling out. Like a screaming crying fisticuffs falling out. I'm so fascinated by the progression of their relationship from being genuinely best friends to a one-sided mess of a codependence. This show and all the messy friendships in this show are so good.
Honestly I wanna study Sho and Judai under a microscope at how catastrophically bad friends they both are to each other at different points in the show. Yes they are GOOD friends a lot of the time but there are some moments you just go aw man what the HELL (and that goes for JUDAI too because Judai and Sho mistreat each other EQUALLY)
Obsessed with GX's main friend circle being a fucking mess and how people move in and out of it like irl friend circles
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eleanorose123 · 10 days
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I'll be good, I'll be good And I'll love the world, like I should Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good For all of the times that I never could
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puzzlepining · 1 year
i wanna do another poll cause im rlly curious ab this one
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aberooski · 3 months
Jaden rejecting the Ra Yellow promotion because Syrus isn't there 😭😭😭😭
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femmeroi · 1 year
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I bet Asuka has the capability to be silly like Fubuki, unfortunately we only see her during the worst moments in her life
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syrus-sillies · 2 months
why did you choose not to finish gx so early into the show?
There's still time for me to watch it, I don't plan on dropping it entirely at all! I'm just somewhat intimidated by longer series. GX isn't the typical genre that I watch/like, so that could probably play a factor into it.
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blastthechaos · 1 year
Season 3 be like
Judai:We couldn't reconciliate the normal way couldn't we? We couldn't work our issues like a normal couple couldn't we? You had to go and make it everyone else problem
Yubel:Oh bite me!
Judai:I swear you're lucky I love you so much -_-
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
GX Finalized-Subs!103 (Error Fix WIP): An Ace in the Cup
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Settling in from my recent move and stuff, I've gotten to take care of the little animation consistency/card errors I thought I'd take a crack at fixing as I work to finalize my subs for episodes 102-104, the translations for which I'll be starting to look at this week (woot); as part of these touch-ups, we've got the two back-to-back shots here a bit after the eyecatch in 103, which I wanted to cover and break down here (to save space in my eventual release post, lol).
(tl;dr, Saiou no longer draws the card he then activates from his hand with Cup of Ace, and correctly adds the two cards he draws from it into his one-card hand, gifs below the cut show them in action)
So, Light Saiou activates Cup of Ace, predictably landing right-side-up and letting him draw two cards--which are then seen here in the first two screenshots (which I'll come back to later). Then, adding his drawn cards to his hand, he activates the Arcanatic Deathscythe (Doomscythe) he had in his hand (both actions shown in the last two screenshots)--which is already a consistency error: we just saw him draw Arcanatic Deathscythe, right? But the other error there is that the two cards he drew with his right hand and the one card he'd had initially in his left hand suddenly switched places.
I figured conceptually, the best way to fix this would be to use Photoshop to draw the second drawn card on top of the one in his right hand (as positioned in the shot as he draws them), removing the card by the tips of his left hand so that, over the course of the four movement frames it takes for him to add the cards to his left hand, he slides the top card out of his fingers and slips it into the middle while the card originally in his right hand fingers still ends up on the left as I pick up from the original footage once they're all in place. I started working on that Thursday and Friday nights, getting it all touched up and finished by Saturday night (maybe 12ish total hours), and first went about removing the leftmost card in his left hand by covering it up in each frame by drawing in more hair and his shoulder, which was easy enough.
For adding the second card to his right hand, I used a combination of splicing and resizing parts of the existing cards and touching up with re-coloring/re-shading/re-outlining to make things connect and blend better. Once I had the card made in the first frame, I copy/pasted it into the other three frames with appropriate tweaks to test out in the footage using Sony Vegas to see how smooth it'd look in the video, then I'd go back into Photoshop and tweak accordingly.
Overall, after some trial and error, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out! (Gif should load nicely)
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Going back to the first shot of the two cards he drew: as mentioned, he already has Arcanatic Deathscythe in his hand, so it's a consistency error seeing it drawn alongside The Material Road and it should've been a different card. But what could it have been, and why did I go with Reversal of Fate? Well, taking 103 and 104 into consideration as the duel goes on, this was my thought process following the cards he plays:
At the start of this turn, he already has just Arcanatic Deathscythe in hand, with nothing face-down. *draws Cup of Ace and activates it, drawing Material Road (Lord) and ???* He now has three cards in hand. *activates Arcanatic Deathscythe* He now has two cards in hand (MR and ???). *Judai uses his turn to summon Sparkman and destroy The Emperor* He draws for his turn and has three cards in hand (MR, ???, and ??? 2), which he ends 103 with; 104 starts and he has the same three cards in hand. *draws and plays The Magician* He has the same three cards in hand. *sets MR and one of the ???s* He now has a ??? in hand. *Judai has his HERO Flash turn ending with Neos attacking him directly before the Light of Destruction rages* He draws and plays Magician's Scales. *uses Magician's Scales to add The Heaven's Road (Sky Lord) to his hand* He now has two cards in hand (a ??? and Heaven's Road). *plays Material, Spiritual, and Heaven's Roads to summon The Light Ruler* He now only has a ??? in hand. *uses Light Ruler's effect to add the Light Barrier in his Cemetery to his hand* He now has two cards in hand (a ??? and Light Barrier). *sets a card* He now only has Light Barrier in hand. *activates Reversal of Fate* He must have drawn Reversal of Fate from Cup of Ace.
Now, I think it could be equally likely that he drew Spiritual Road from Cup of Ace, but I think it was more fitting to have Reversal of Fate be the long-game plan, since Saiou activates it in response to Gran Neos's Nebulous Hole effect--which tries to remove The Light Ruler from play--so that he can negate it (fate and all). As bolded, Spiritual Road was also set face-down for activation after playing The Magician on his turn before Judai's HERO Flashing.
So, with that consideration, I made a proxy for Reversal of Fate that I then used AfterEffects to just slip into place in the footage, moving it along as the cards are moved into view in the shot; I originally planned to just mask in the original Material Road on top along with Saiou's thumb, but I kept getting some residue from Deathscythe's green color bleeding along its left border--instead, I also placed a Material Road proxy in its place, with Saiou's thumb only just masked on top. Started working on that Saturday night and finished it Sunday night, so both shots are looking pretty good!
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So, with all that said, as mentioned up top, I've gotten all of the fixes/touch-ups I'd picked out for 102-104 done--altogether 28, not counting two translation edits for Manjoume in 102, but including some fixes that were repeated due to the 103 and 104 recaps, and some that are quick little quality-of-watching touchups like with split-screens--so I'll be getting started on finalizing their scripts this week. Edits like these are fun to work on, picking up more Photoshopping/Vegas/AE know-how in the process, though it's always a shame that consistency things like these (or Ryou's Duel Disk thing in episode 8) didn't get corrected by the animators for GX's DVD releases (outside of stat/LP-counter errors, I don't think they would be until 5D's). Looking over my translations might not take too long as I think I was more or less a fan of my last pass-through with these, but we'll see; stay tuned!
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 11 months
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olivethetreebitch · 2 years
Do I want this au to exist in fic form? Yes, do I have ANY motivation to do it? Absolutely the fuck not! So! Here is the GX section of my currant running Yugioh!au
I’ll probably post about the general au later but for now here:
1. Time travel fic, takes place after Bonds Beyond Time, so Judai knows Yugi (not Atem, they really didn’t do anything in the movie so ehhh I think they really didn’t interact), and Yusei, they exist. Well that’s not the main point, the point is that Yubel and him are soul linked/merged/whatever the hell happened. The story would start with Judai getting sent back in time (wether it be Crimson Dragon or another beings bullshit) to his younger body. But his soul is still merged and he has all his memories.
So before Judai and Yubel were separated and Judai went through the shock therapy, he ran away with the help of Yubel. Age like…5? 6? I don’t remember the canon age. Sue me.
2. Was transported to an interdimentional (donno if I spelled that right I’m tired) bubble thing that Atem exists in (Thank Kiba, the bastard wouldn’t let Atem sleep so he(Atem) made a pocket bubble so he didn’t have to deal with a time loop every day, basically splitting themself from the outside world. He just wants some peace damnit), basically gets adopted by Atem. (Not Yugi, during this Yugi is living his best life and won’t become a full prominent figure until after the Bonds Beyond Time arc. (Yes he does leave the bubble a few years before Duel Academy, they need some socialization)
3. Judai and Yubel learn how to coexist and have a sibling relationship (SUE ME ITS CUTE. I JUST WANT THEM TO BE GAY AND HAPPY.) With communication and planing for the bullshit that is Duel Academy, because they’re getting in because the universe wouldn’t let them off the hook. Also they both get therapy, it helps, Judai i would characterize as sort of back to his S1/2 self, fun, happy, outgoing, but is still mature and realistic when need be also terrifyingly good at reading people. Yubel takes a fucking chill pill (Thank Ra) we love them but they were a lot in the beginning. I would say Yubel has this sort of Older sibling relationship with Judai, which he needed. They learn why friendships are so important to Judai and they learn to coexist in a healthy way.
4. Basically a GX rewrite (Goodbye Chumly you were a good stand in character but Blare makes for better writing, you will be a side character later probably) but with Judai+Yubel team up, they manipulate the outcome to certain events like they leave Manjoume to go to the other school because he’ll meat the Ojama’s and have character development. But will stomp the Society of light into smitherines before it even gets to the island. Judai also bonds with his Hero deck again in a fresh way (he did not have the deck on him when he time traveled)
5. Judai goes under an alias, I know that people might not like me for this but I think both Judai and Yubel would agree to use the name Judai for other purposes (names have power, people could track him by the name, eta eta) so when he enters the human realm from Atem’s soul bubble thing they go under the name Jaden Yuki instead of his actual name Judai Muto (Atem adopted him and basically has the Muto last name so [shrugs] makes Yugi’s life easier later anyways)
6. Will Jaden tell any of his friends about him? Absolutely not! Does he tell the professors? Nope! Does Pharaoh love him on sight? Of course!
I think most people would be unnerved by how well they immediately they got along. 
And the way Jaden already knows the island like the back of their hand (he makes a big show of looking around the island but it’s ingrained into them to just exist there)
Does he become a Cryptid? …..slightly. Maybe. Yes? I don’t think he ment to but
✨What can ya do✨
I want this fic to exist, like it spans season 1, because idk how to deal with Johan, and idk if Judai’s ready for that yet (we’re they together in the og timeline? Yes. It didn’t go well. [stares at Yubel], but they made it work.)
Extra notes:
Judai/Yubel Powers:
Shapeshifting into human, Demon (normal Yubel), and Dragon forms (only ever done once and needs all currant Yugioh protags to unlock, not really a plot point)
Going invisible Duel spirit style
Basically being a Duel spirit
Judai can leave his body as a spirit and go do shit (I don’t think anybody wants the laying there (probably dead) body to inhabit Judai has rabies and/or some kind of lock on his body. It’s so connected to their spirit that it wouldn’t fit anything else.)
Can see through magic, can find its source, eta.
Sonic speed, strength, reflexes, mans doesn’t subscribe by the laws of physics. Also they a bendy mother fucker, folds like origami.
Glowing multicolored eyes.
Can make illusions, not crazy like cover the school, but enough to get them out of sticky situations.
Basically if the plot permits it, chaos can be made, and who am I to say if it cannot happen?
Pronouns for the peeps:
Judai: He/They
Yubel: They/Them
Atem: He/They
Yugi: He/Him
Seto: He/Him
Everyone else has their normal pronouns but feel free to change them, I have not made concrete decisions on them, working on the protags first on that one.
Atem and Yugi are originally from Season 0, but they also time traveled and experienced Duel Monsters. Hence the Season 0 tag
If someone makes this fic/Art/just interacts my day would be made holy shit. I can’t be the only one with GX brain rot.
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vanibear · 1 year
if anything happens to jesse johan anderson i will kill everyone in this room (blog) and then myself.
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cauterisen · 3 months
kimiko: gee i sure would like to ask out my friend judai out on a date sometime!
yubel: christ you are extremely fucking selfish. die.
kimiko: i am 19 years old
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tranny-man · 10 months
What really makes Hibiki the most relatable protagonist to me is the fact she has a scummy deadbeat dad. Like he's not evil, he's not good, hes not dead, he's just a bad dad and that's so real. Me too Hibiki
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