#I love you guys.
animal-lover-forever · 7 months
To my moots.
This has been an amazing journey.
I've made lots of friends here on Tumblr. ... I've made family here on Tumblr.
I hope our journey can continue on.
But if it doesn't, just know, that I wish you luck on the rest of your journey. And that I love you guys.
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altarpup · 5 months
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callmeend · 13 days
This is ur daily reminder your loved! Your worth it. Your amazing. Your art is good. Your friends love you. Your a intresting person.... and.... YOUR A BLESSING!!!!
- kind word anon.
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newdejavuu · 1 year
did i cry about the little people in my phone who took a bitter, burnt out 25-year-old and reminded them how to feel inspired and laugh and love and feel loved in return?
yeah, yeah i did.
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yeastinfectionvale · 5 months
Polish DTblr has influenced me so much I bought a T-shirt with the outline of Krakow on it...
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jinx-blackout-84 · 1 year
Goodnight guys <3
I hope music rolls over your tongue and I hope it tastes of flames. I hope it is smoky against your lips. I hope it is the flashing red of an exit sign, calling out to you, grabbing you by the shoulder to tell you that you are real. That you aren't trapped. I hope it is bright enough to remind you that there is joy to be found somewhere here, that there is a place for you in this world. You are here. You are real. You matter and you are good. Even on days when you fuck up, you are good. The darkness inside of you is not all there is. There is an exit sign flashing at you in a dark hallway. The door is cracked and you see light. Join me, here, join me in a brighter future. One that nobody can decide for us. Not the voices. Not the people who hate anything different. Nobody can define your life. Open the door. Find a brighter future. Make sure to remember that where there is a door there is a future. There is a hope. You are not trapped in the dark. You are not trapped in the past. We'll go together, you and me, to a future that we build for ourselves. There is a place for you on this planet, a place for each person in the world. Find your place. You won't want to leave once you do.
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Screaming (gently) Into The Void Post:
Goodness, I really don't even know where to begin. This last 14 months has been a wild ride for me, as some of you who have followed me for a long time will already know. I never expected any of what has happened to happen, but I have to say that overall I'm really grateful for the opportunity for growth.
When I left home last September, I was more or less a shambling mess of a human being. I was apathetic, cold, and depressed. I've been bouncing from place to place for my work for the better part of three years now, and it caused my issues to intensify, to the point that in November of 2020 my wife had to drive me to a psychiatric hospital to avert a suicide attempt. It wasn't my most shining moment, but it's the truth. I was prideful at the time, foolishly thinking I could handle what I was going through on my own, and refused continued care. I made excuses of being too busy and yada yada yada, but the truth is I was too scared to face my past.
I left a few more times between then and September 2021, and I just completely shut down by the time I got to where I am now. After about a month of being here, I knew I couldn't handle it on my own anymore; this job has too many stressors, too many triggers, too much death and pain. I finally went after help. I started therapy and I was so good at it that one of my two therapists said I should go three times a week for a while! Jokes aside, I needed it. Things started to change in me. I started picking up old passions. I felt like I could start to breathe again.
I became tremendously better at communicating with my wife and our relationship for the first time in a couple of years, really felt like it was going well, despite the distance. But the weight of sin is heavy, and you will always reap what you sow in the end. She expressed to me she needed to explore options outside of our relationship, it hurt, but I understood and gave her the green light to do so; we separated. I'm thousands of miles away and she had no evidence that my changes would be lasting on my return. I can't blame her; she put everything into us for three years while I was so broken and ungiving. My life and traumas had simply finally caught up to me, and the timing was awful; my refusal to do anything about it was worse.
Things got pretty dark for me again, and my therapist suggested that I find an outlet to express my emotions, so for the first time since I was in high school I started writing poetry. I really didn't know what to do with it, to be honest, but I wanted someone to see it, to try and connect with people. Once again she came in clutch for me and suggested starting a anon blog, and here we are.
You have all shown me so much love and support as I've been going through this journey of healing and self-discovery, re(dis)covery. I finally feel like I'm me again, something I don't remember how long it's been since I could say. You've messaged me encouraging words; a couple of you have even become some of my closest friends. You've been there for me in lonely and dark moments to lift me up and I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you from the absolute rock bottom of my heart.
I start traveling in the next day or so, and I'll be back home in a couple of weeks. I mean, this truly, it's because of you wonderful people that I made it this far; it's because of you that I'm not scared to keep pushing forward. Despite the fact that I'm about to lose contact with my therapist and I'll have to start over with a new one. Despite that, at this point, my marriage is all but over. It's you lovely and beautiful souls that give me some hope, and let me know that
I am not alone.
and hey, neither are you.
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iamnotmereally · 2 years
So bye for now, take care
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Happy birthday twins....
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sa4phire · 1 year
if you listen to the song on any of my poems, let it be this one. look at the lyrics. before you read this.
it is not
what i see it as being.
i see
i see
the war
the carnage
the pain
the darkness.
i see it.
if we are not
one in the same
we are something
everyone has their demons
that come out
to dance in the moonlight
that we chase so relentlessly
as they swallow us whole.
or so it seems.
you must see
you are not
what you were.
you are not
who you see in the mirror.
people with mental illnesses
and pasts alike
see through a distorted lense.
you are not
the poison you indulge.
you are more
than the sun itself.
your existence
is a blessing
to all.
the trees smile in your presence.
they whisper
in guidance
you may heed.
the smoke
will linger in your lungs
should you burn them.
their roots
that ground you
can hold you as well.
what consequences lie
in the burning
of a creation
of the universe.
even so
the sun spies your imitation
of its light.
you are
the rivers’ steady breath
into the ocean
of this grand existence.
the universe sees you
is with you
we do not
look upon your darkness
and want distance.
the universe and i
we are agreed.
your soul is untainted.
you are not alone.
you are not
what they say.
you are
the closest thing
to god
that exists.
may you feel
the universe
seep through your veins.
feel the soft hug
of the wind tangling in your hair.
feel the mercy
in its give and take.
the universe forgives you
sweet soul.
carry on in confidence.
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7-ratsinatrenchcoat · 2 years
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new year's bitches!!!
good god i'm going to be 16 in a little more than a month
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astheroid · 2 years
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yiga-hellhole · 11 months
me when i have like 20 notifications in the span of five minutes and when i go check its just the same guy rapidfire liking and reblogging posts
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beepboopappreciation · 4 months
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Is this anything
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noelledeltarune · 1 year
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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iasip-enthusiast-2 · 17 days
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