#I made these gifs for just regular use I'm too lazy to make an actual graphic for this
ollieinoue · 2 months
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Ollie Inoue as Patriarchy Ken
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thereigning-lorelai · 8 months
Please oh please share with us how you did the effect in your latest Nancy drew set, it is truly so gorgeous I cannot stop looking at it!
hi nonny, sorry this took a while. so you're looking for the effect from this post:
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i made it fairly easy on myself for this one because i am lazy and impatient as hell, so hopefully this is a rather short tutorial.
there's a neater and tidier way to do this that would require frames instead of timeline but for the effect i was aiming for, the slightly sloppier and faster way actually worked fine.
preparation: you'll need a gif with the overlay effect that you like and want to use. i'm giving you the one i used for all the gifs in this set (just slightly altered for each individual gif):
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then, of course, you need two gifs — one that'll be your base gif (the coloured one in my example) and one that'll "bleed into" the other one (the black and white one here).
base gif: i just did my regular preparation and colouring, added some yellow and red brush strokes here and there to add some colour and that was it.
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i also added some text at this point and i positioned it on top of my base gif but underneath the overlay layers (because i wanted the text to vanish with the overlay):
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second gif: i did a quick and very basic black and white colouring for this one.
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for the overlay effect to work properly, i set the blending mode of this gif to multiply.
overlay: now the fun part. i added my overlay effect gif and changed its size and position to my liking and so that the important parts of my base gif were visible long enough (aka the kiss).
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i set this layer to screen and clipped the b/w gif and the adjustment layers to it.
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the thing is, as you can see, the overlay part is way too transparent to be efficient. you might get away with this if your base gif is dark enough but for the scene i wanted to use as a base it just didn't look right.
so i duplicated the overlay effect layer, dragged it underneath my original one, inverted it and set it to darken. et voilà, this worked wonders:
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before saving, have a look at your timeline and whether everything lines up. you can change the starting point of your overlay effect (having it come in later or earlier) or your other gifs. whatever looks right to you and also fits into the size limitation.
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and that's it. if something didn't make sense or you want to know anything else, just let me know. hope this helped, nonny. ♥️
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 3 months
Hello, it's me... A Twice stan hahaha
I wanted to ask for a reading for Sana's personality. If this is okay~~
I hope you're doing well. Wishing you well :)
Sana's personality according to tarots
Hi! I'm okay, how are you? Are you enjoying the comeback?
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Core aspect of her personality:
This card in the tarots is usually represented as a woman who pets a lion, so it doesn’t refer to brutal power, but to courage, determination, patience.
Sana might be a “strong” person, someone who is always positive even while facing hardships.
She might be someone that fights for what she wants, but also someone able to bring a positive influence to others, encourage them, even guide them.
She is good at relating with people, who look up to her and respect her a lot.
What does she think about herself?
rev magician , rev the world, 8 of swords
She might think she’s greedy or someone able to manipulate others. We know it’s easy for her to befriend others, so she might consider this as some sort of tool she can use when necessary?
She feels lacking. 
If it’s from a professional point of view, there might be a lot of things she wants to try or she isn’t satisfied with her current level of success/skills, so she wants “more”.
If it’s from a private point of view, she might feel something lacks in her relationships, either a real important union, or simply she feels she doesn’t have enough time to take care properly of her loved ones.
She might feel trapped in her current position, she would like to try new things maybe or she would like to express herself more freely.
Linking all these cards together, it feels as if she believes she should be happy and satisfied, but she isn’t and she considers this dissatisfaction as something negative, as “greed”.
What do they think about her?
ace of cups, rev ace of swords, rev lovers
Ace of cups is a very romantic card, so it can imply people might actually have romantic feelings for her or they generally have a soft spot for her or they might see her as a source of love and affection.
However, others consider her as someone who lacks ideas and originality, like “she’s always doing the same thing”, as if there’s no evolution or no clear plans about her future.
Others might think there’s an imbalance in her life, like her emotions might be a bit all over the place or they consider her as someone who lacks organization.
Positive traits:
rev 2 of swords, 8 of swords, 10 of swords
She’s cautious, even in the most stressful situations, you can trust her to not lose her mind.
She is someone who keeps looking for answers, solutions etc. She doesn’t give up.
You could say she’s a positive person, not just in a “yay I’m happy!” way, but above all in a “I believe it can go well”, an attitude that might be a good influence for the people around her.
Resilience is the right word to describe it. No matter what people say or think, no matter how bad the situation is, she has the type of mindset that doesn’t give up.
I think she also makes for a good friend that gives good advice. If a friend sees no ways out, she might probably be able to either find a solution or to give them hope.
Negative traits:
rev king of swords, rev page of pentacles, rev the sun
She might have a hard time to follow a routine and keep a regular schedule.
She might be the type who loses her sh1t when she’s angry, she might get very emotional.
She can be immature and childish, lazy, she might lack a real goal or miss opportunities.
She might have mood swings like feeling very enthusiastic about something or very negative about something else, or in general she might have very strong opinions and it's hard to make her change her mind. If you gave her a negative impression, it's hard for her to see you in a different light.
In general, I’d say she has a certain chaotic energy because she’s an emotional person.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
HC idea: how do the l&o ladies take their coffee?
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Olivia: used to add in mixers, but now takes it black on most days. it's a habit thing, or it's a lazy thing, she ran out of sugar/creamer one day and just never bought more and became adjusted to it. being used to shitty precinct coffee for so long, she'll basically drink anything you hand her, and isn't going to make any judgements if it tastes horrible, even if you made it.
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Alex: doesn't drink coffee. canologically drinks tea. she usually opts for green tea, it's got lots of benefits, and the best caffeine rate and is easily accessible. she swaps to peppermint or a fun flavour in the evenings, probably has that "sleepy time" tea thanks to the anxiety and insomnia. Will drink a fancy flavoured latte as long as it doesn't actually taste like coffee. definitely has a plethora of teas in her pantry, and she truly can't function without it. will accept coffees when she's deep into a case and needs to stay awake late though.
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Casey: used to add a fuck ton of sugar and milk into it when she first started drinking it, but now has more of an advanced palate for the stuff and just adds a bit of sugar. She prefers lattes over brewed coffee, plus they're so easily accessible all around the city, but she'll also settle for nearly whatever she can get. she definitely drinks too much of it, and drinks it too late in the day that she sometimes has trouble sleeping, but just harnesses that energy into working late or a late night workout. is a whore for starbucks, but also has a soft spot for bodega/cart coffee.
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Rita: takes it with just milk. specifically milk, not cream. (this is canon....). and just a little bit, she still likes it pretty dark. will fuck around with an americano or espresso, but stays so fucking far away from that "sugary flavoured bullshit you call coffee" lattes as humanly possible. will absolutely judge you for your coffee preferences. has not only a brew coffee pot at home, but a espresso and milk steamer combo, a french press and probably also a keurig back when they first came out. she swaps between all of them on a regular basis depending on her mood/how much time she has/does she want to wait/is it just gonna be one cup? is there someone else there? kinda thing
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Liz: one cream, one sugar. no other options. (canonolgically i think she takes just sugar, but now i'm gonna need to go back and rewatch that episode...) similar to Rita will absolutely judge you for your coffee choices. she despises starbucks. likely has a french press at home and it's the same one she's had since she was in college so she'll kill you if you fuck it up.
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Amanda: isn't *crazy* into coffee. likely only has one mug in the morning while getting ready, maybe two if the kids are taking longer to get ready/annoying her. once she's at work/through the day it's either decaf/half caf, tea or other drinks. she likes carbonated things more. if they hit up a coffee cart, she'll grab one, but if they're at starbucks, she's gonna get a refresher/green tea lemonade or something. because she doesn't really care for coffee she'll usually get flavoured shit or two creams, three to four sugars.
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Pippa: strikes me as a coffee on the lighter but not super sweet side. similar to alex, probably also has a plethora of tea at home and that's her preferred caffeine fix. will accept whatever's given to her though. lives for starbucks, but doesn't have a regular drink and mixes it up basically every time she's there.
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Kat drinks coffee to feel like she's fitting in. she doesn't really like it, could take or leave it. doesn't have a specific way of taking it, just dumps in sugar and cream and goes "yeah...that's fine." she will however, fuck around with a redbull or other energy drink like no tomorrow. like, unhealthy obsession. on a caffeine high like, 90% of the time.
i know i'm missing people....but i cannot think of who so i'm gonna call it there lol. hope you enjoyed!
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jayjaydawn · 4 years
love is in the hair
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Summary: Where you love playing with Jeonghan’s long hair until he cuts it.
Pairing: Jeonghan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1271
A/N: I don’t know what went through my mind when I wrote this xD (Sorry for the title, I just had to 😂)
"Life is too short to have boring hair" 
It was a sunny day, the perfect weather to go outside. But you were lying down on your bed, your laptop on your chest, watching stupid videos on YouTube. The chips you were munching on was everywhere, some even sneaking down your t-shirt. But that's okay, you could just pull it out of your bra and eat it. 
You were so comfortable but so bored. You sighed as you paused the video playing and started looking for something else to watch; 'Different hairstyles for medium length hair' 
Oh my god, you really wanted to learn how to do these hairstyles. 
Before you knew it, it was already getting dark outside, your position hadn't changed at all. It was high time you got out of your lazy position and took a bath. So you did exactly that. 
The bell rang and you rushed to go open it. 
"Hello handsome" you said jokingly as soon as you opened the door. Before he could say anything, you pulled him towards the living room, forcing him to sit on the couch. 
"Where did all this energy come from suddenly?" 
"Today was so boring, I wanted to be productive but at the same time I didn't want to do anything. Ughhh the pain" you said in an exaggerated manner. 
Jeonghan chuckled as he got up to go to the kitchen. 
"Are you hungry? There's some food in the fridge if you want." 
"Okay, I'll just get fresh and come back down" he said as he came out of the kitchen. He looked at you and found you smiling at him creepily. Your white teeth on display. It was all very suspicious. He slowly walked towards the room while also looking at you from the corner of his eyes. 
"You know I really love you right?" you said before he could enter the room. 
"Hmmmm" he made a noise as he went in, he knew you were planning something and he didn't know how to feel about it.
When he came to the living, he found you still sitting on the couch, but this time you were fiddling with something. 
"Why are you fidgeting so much ___?" 
You suddenly sat up straight and looked at him with slightly wide eyes. "Nothing."
He looked at you for 20 seconds and went to the kitchen. He came back out with the noodles and sat next to you. 
He was focused on the TV when he felt you staring at him. Without turning around he said, "Just tell me what you want." 
You were surprised that he noticed you were trying to ask him something, "uhmm, can I braid your hair? I want to try something." 
"Okay." He replied nonchalantly and sat down on the floor in front of you. 
And so it began. You grabbed his hair and you went crazy with it. Poor guy. 
"Stop moving so much!" 
"What do you mean? You're pulling out all my hair. I'll go bald at this rate."
You made a regular braid and then a french braid. And then pigtails. And space buns. And a fish plait. You experimented to your heart's content and it was so much fun. Let's not forget all the pictures and selfies you took.
You threw your hands over his shoulders and hugged him from the back. Kissing his cheek multiple times you said, "Thank you for letting me do this." 
He swiftly turned around and pushed you on the couch, climbing on top of you. He kissed you everywhere on the face and you couldn't stop laughing, especially him doing this with pigtails on each side of his head. It was just so funny. 
"I love that your hair is so much prettier than mine. I would like it to remain long forevveeerrr" 
"Oh! Is that so? So you can try all sorts of things with my hair huh? Maybe I'll cut it tomorrow" he smiled down at you. 
"No you won't" you pouted at him. 
"Okay I won't. Don't look at me like that." He laughed at you and picked you up to take you to your room. 
This became a very normal thing you both did. When he used to do his own thing and you were bored, you'd sit behind him and start playing with his hair, watching YouTube tutorials and trying new hairstyles. 
Till that one faithful day. 
Jeonghan and you were supposed to meet at a cafe that you frequently visited. You were getting ready when you received a call from him. He told you he might be a little late and to leave the house accordingly. You were suddenly worried because you could hear the nervousness in his voice but you couldn't think of any reason for him to be nervous to meet you.
You arrived at the cafe and sat near the window, at the far end. This was where you both sat whenever you visited the cafe. Taking out your phone you dialed Jeonghan's number. 
"Hey, I've reached. Are you going to take some more time?"
"Uhmm- No no, I'm 5 minutes away. You can place the order for us." 
"Okayy, see you soon." You hung up and called for the waiter. Placing your regular order, you played games on your phone till Jeonghan reached. 
"____! I'm so so sorry for keeping you waiting!" You heard Jeonghan frantically say as he pulled out the chair for himself. 
"Its ok--" you looked up at him before you could complete your sentence. 
It felt like you froze for a moment. You were absolutely gobsmacked. You reached your hand forward and touched his hair. 
"Shhhh, we're at a public place ____" jeonghan laughed. 
"Oh my god! I can't believe this! Why didn't you tell me you were going to cut your hair?" 
"The company informed me today. I'm supposed to have short hair for the next comeback. Honestly, I feel quite free. Do you not like it?"
"Huh? Of course I like it. I love whatever you wear and however you choose to keep your hair. But I just feel sad."
"Why? You know it can grow back right?" 
"I'll really miss your long hair." You said frowning. 
"Hey! Turn that frown upside down will you?" Jeonghan said pointing finger guns at you. 
You gave him a questionable look, "Yuck, where did that come from?" "Can you please appreciate my corniness sometimes?" Jeonghan laughed at you as he pulled your nose gently. "Nope" you shook your head. Just then the waiter came with your food. 
You both continued eating while still throwing comments about his hair here and there. 
Jeonghan and you held hands, as you walked along the sidewalk, with masks over your faces. 
You turned towards him while walking and put your hand out to touch his hair again. 
"I don't know how I feel about this."
"I have an idea actually." "What is it?"
"Why don't we find a new hobby? Maybe you can do my nails instead of my hair." He said while looking ahead. 
You suddenly stopped walking, he turned and looked at you. 
"Really? You'd let me do your nails?" You looked at him with the most innocent expression ever. 
"Whatever makes you happy baby." He said. You burst out laughing and jumped on his back. He instinctively caught your legs, pushing you up to give you a piggy back ride. 
"You're the cutest ever. I love you so much you know that?" You said and you both made your way home. 
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zorume-star · 2 years
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I posted 529 times in 2021
13 posts created (2%)
516 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 39.7 posts.
I added 61 tags in 2021
#one piece - 9 posts
#hopepunk - 8 posts
#ace - 7 posts
#fanzine - 6 posts
#ace pride - 6 posts
#punk - 6 posts
#roronoa zoro - 5 posts
#asexuality - 5 posts
#ace week - 5 posts
#perona - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so in many classes i didn't do the homework at home but in the first minutes fo class and just didn't do it at all depending on the teacher
My Top Posts in 2021
Thanks hopepunk community for all the beautiful posts on Tumblr.
I'm pretty sure I'm in depression, and that I've actually been in depression for 3 years now, just wouldn't see it, and a few weeks ago I discovered hopepunk. Reading all the posts warmed my heart, got me to tears sometimes, made me smile, and the best thing ? I crafted and wrote and did things I stopped to do for months or years.
After all those hopeless years, I finally have something to soothe my mind and remind me that hope keeps us alive and makes us do great things. All I need is hope for the future to finally see that I can choose from many paths. That I can still do good around me and that it'll be worth it. That kindness and hope and community are everything that capitalism and patriarchy and all those fucking bad systems fear.
Let's fight the damn depression off and start doing good around me.
So yeah, thank you hopepunk community. Your posts are appreciated.
6 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 12:26:55 GMT
If you're a filthy little queer anar punk like me (or honestly, just a regular human that works too), you may like those tips and ideas and links :
Quit big social medias, they're made to be addictive so you stay on the app and it give them money. Also they rely on things that make you angry and hurt to make you stay on the app.
Instead join free open-source community-driven social medias and platforms instead (suggesting Fediverse). With a real moderation and instance made by people just like you. Double-check your instance before joining though !
Rediscover the web outside what you can get from the GAFAM with those linkrolls and search websites : • • • • •
Read this article about "laziness" and why the researcher think it actually doesn't exist. Good vibes and positivity at the end of the read guaranteed.
Do something you used to do as a kid. Play with toys, craft, climb to trees, sing out loud in your room, cook pastries, read your fav books again. For me it was crafting and I just customized the cover of my little sketchbook and it felt sooo good !
Check out this list of leftist zines !
Remember to take some time to go out. In the morning it helps a lot to start your day. And to open your windows to change the air inside.
Your friends for researches : Sci-Hub and 12ftLadder.
In you need to know that anarchy works, read this.
Learn something new with those explorable explanations. It's awesome !
Just go through the "hopepunk" hashtag here on Tumblr if you feel hopeless, hate yourself, are depressed, feel sad today... Honestly it just feel so good and I cried and smiled a lot scrolling through this and I feel so much better since I know this.
Remember to breathe slowly and unclench your body sweethearts !
Please if you have linkrolls or other awesome articles, websites etc... to share... well, share it in the comments and I'll add them ! Or reblog with your links, as you wish.
A lot of love for you all here. You're great and deserve some love and hugs !
30 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 14:46:40 GMT
What would you do if you had a basic income that could cover housing and food and basically living ?
I know a lot of us are afraid of the future. Because we live in a world where we need money just to survive, but we also know those jobs aren't the thing the world need right now.
So tell me, what kind of business/job/activity would you do if you didn't have to worry about money to survive ? Tell us everything. Go wild.
89 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 13:45:23 GMT
I feel SO much better since I've discovered "solarpunk" and then "hopepunk", a few weeks ago. I've also stopped Twitter a week ago. I got back to creative things. I wrote for the first time in months. I tried myself on a mini-fanzine. I tried to fix my old ideas notebook. I created a terrarium, took care of plants.
I feel better. So much better. I'm in depression, I'm pretty sure of that, and I got a psychiatrist appointment in a month.
But thanks solarpunk and hopepunk. And thanks me for getting outta Twitter and limiting myself to Mastodon, Artfol and Tumblr. I have much more hope and positivie vibes in my life now, and it feels so good.
I have hope for the future now. I don't know where I go. I still don't know what kind of job I could do. But at least I got hope and music and craft to keep me alive now.
129 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 12:00:38 GMT
Write for yourself. Draw for yourself. Craft for yourself. Sing for yourself. Dance for yourself. Do anything creative for yourself, if it makes you happy.
I know it's hard sometimes because we want to share our stories and crafts with the world, and we end up having expectations and want to please the world, and eventually loose the happiness of creating.
Take that back. Create for yourself. Show it to the world if you want to. Some people may love it and follow you. And that's awesome ! But the only expectation you need to have is please yourself first. Do what makes you happy.
324 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 08:05:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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